| | WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE = : Last Week of the Griffith Stock ¢ t Tonight—Third and Last Performance of the Great * English Play “CASTE” FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE “LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY” Prices: Matinee—15« Evening s— 25 and 50 and 25 NEXT WEEK—NEW MOTION PICTURES 5 Seee ~ MISSING! Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send a tape measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, ALL FREE. You have only to read our book of testimonials and you will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Address for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Ciougher Syndicate, ), 449 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Please mention this Advertis Cet. w wmieit pene The Best 3 Absolutely pure §000 WATCHE 5000 GRAMOP ONES 5000 AUTO-HARPS @ Ter aemé Coed Liver Of not only stops a cough but cures it. Its tome and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bottle. Soild everywhere. 3. & MATHIEU CO. Pep, SHERBROOKE. MATHIEUS SYRUP OF TAR @ COD LIVER OIL THE DAILY NEWS — - ! — ota es aa PURCHASE NOTICES. LAND | Skeena Land District——District of Coast, } Range V Take notice that i, Mike Vidak, of , Occupation resteurant for permission to described lands Prince Rupert, B. ¢ man, intend to apply purchase the following Commencing at & post planted about miles south from Graveyard Point tele graph office and being op the south side of the Skeepa River, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, commencement, or less. thence west 80 chains tw post containing 640 acres MIKE VIDAK. 24th, 1912. iei2 Pub. Sept. 28, District--—District of vast, Range V notice that 1, Madge Kohl, occupation spilster, intend to purchase the Skeena Lana of Mon to apply Tollow ug Take treai, r permission described lands Commencing at 4 southwest corner of Lot 5144, thence south i5 chains more or less to the north boundary of Lot 4130, thence west 40 chains more or less to the east boundary of Lot 4477, thence north 15 chains bwre or less to the south boundary of Lot 094, thence east 40 chains more or less io the point of commencement, containing 6v acres more or less. post planted at the MADGE KOHL. Donald McVicar, \geut. Dated November 251, 1912. Pub. Dec, 23, 1912—Feb 17, 1013 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that |, Thomas A. Roy, of Prince Rupert, B. U., occupation pros- pector, intend to apply for permission tw purchase the following described lands: Comupenciag at & post pianied on the south bank of the Skeena Hiver and about 2 miles southeast of the mouth of 5h = z gr ~ ? wv i ecnttaanse « The News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== =8 “DEAD ONES" j | For Rent 1PFOR RENT 6-room cottage Sth Ave | near school; water in house crown Agency Co Phone 43 soar For Sale FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse stationary gasoline engine, twelve h.p., first class shape Apply P. O Prince Rupert. high speed, Box 1509, soit ‘R SALE—Handsome hardwood buffet, | #35, cost double; ‘Yadwood davenport; Axminster carpet, $20; tapestry carpet, $5; set of dishes, or half set; bed com plete; chest of drawers, chairs, side board with small disappearing bed, kitchen utensils, a few choice pieces of china and pictures All half cost Henderson, corner 5th avenue and Green street, 303 Wanted | WANTED—Capable woman to do hand washing Permanent position Good wages Also girl for laundry work Apply Pioneer Laundry 308-313 WANTED—Woman to do house cleaning | and washing by the day Apply News Ome 1-4 WANTED—A general servant Apply Mrs | L. W. Patmore s04atr | INVOICE clerk; must be able to operate typewriter; young man preferred Ap ply J. Piercy, Morris & Co, 302 iver, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, hence pborth 8” Chains, Whence east 80 chains to post of commencement, containing 640 acres more or jess. THOMAS A. ROY. Dated August 26th, 1912. Pub. Sept. 28, 1012. Skeena Land Digtrict—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that Il, Napoleon Koy, of Wallace, idaho, occupation mill man, in- tend to apply for permission Ww purchase ihe following described iands: Commencing @t & post piauied about 1 mile south from the mouth of the slames iver, and about hell a mile south [rom ime south bauk of the Skeepa Hiver, thence svuth 80 chains, thence east 80 Chails, ihence morth 80 Chains, thence west 8 chains to post of Comuiuencement, Contain ing 640 &ire> more or jess. NAPULEUN RUY Dated August 26th, 1012. Pub. Sepi. 28, 1012. Skeena Land District—District of hHange V potice that Mariha Anp krutz, o/ Seatue, Washingtom occupation spinster, «sends to apply for permission to pur cbas the foliowimg described iands: Commencing al & pust piatied op the sou «Boundary of Lot 6161, Kange 2, Coast District, not yet guzetied (kath jeen Agnew's application Ww purchase), us post being about 5 chains west oI tue northeast ocrner of this jot, thence uorth 20 chains, thence west to east bank of Hoosall Kiver, thence southerly foliow mg east bank of Hocsall HKiver to te uorthwest corner of Lot 5151, tuence fol sowing Dorth boundary of Unis lol to point Luest, Take vl Colmmencempent, conlaiming 40 acres more or Jess. MARTHA ANN KRUTZ. Dated October 2nd, 1912. Pub. Oct, 21, 1942. skeene Land Soe rawies of Coast, Take wpotice tha: i, denry Smith, of Prince Rupert, B. C., vecdpation tiail- roader, imiend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands, Commencing @| @ post planied about 70 chains distant and ip # suutlerly direction from Graveyard Point telegraph office and being on the south side of the Skecha Kiver, thence s0uUtb 50 Chains, thence West 80 chains, thence porth 60 chains, thence eust SU clains Ww post of commencement, cubtaining 640 acres more or iess. MIKE VUKSTICH. Dated August 24th, iviz. rub, Sept. 28, 1912. Skeena Land District-——District of Coast, Vv Kange V. Take notice that |, Peter Stacey, of Primce Rupert, occupation carpenter, iD- tend to apply for pertgission lo purchase the following described iands: Commencing @t & post pianted about 2 miles south from Graveyard Poimt tele | erapn Station ,and being ob the south side | of the Saeens Kiver, thence south 80 Chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 6&0 chains, thence east 80 chaims to post pf commencement, Coplalning 640 acres more or jess PETER STACEY. bated August 24th, 1912. Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. Skeena Land Disirict—Disirict of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Thomas Partington, of Selkirk, Man., occupation clerk, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: ce at @ post planied on an island one mile easterly from indian re- serve at mouth of Quinamas Hiver, thence south 40 chains to river bank thence west 40 chains following river bank, nce north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to the post of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less THOMAS PAKTINGTON, Locator, G. Pallowheid, Agent. Dated September 2nd, 1012. Pub. Sept. 27, 1042. Skeena Land District—District Hange IV Take potice that William J. Mogridge, of Vancouver, B. C,, oceupation broker, in tends to apply for poemiSeicn to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the foreshore, about 2 miles distant in &@ |} northwesterly direction from Kumeolon inlet, and about 500 feet south of a small bay, thence east 30 chains, thence north 3U chains, thence west 30 chains more or less to foreshore, thence southerly follow- ine the foreshore to point of commence | ment, containing 90 acres more or less, WILLIAM J, MOGRIDGE Dated Cetober 8th, 1012 Pub, Vet, 20, 1012 of Coast, | Skeena Land Digurter District of Goast, | ange V | Take notice that John Merritt, of Prince | Rupert, oceupation constable, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol lowing deseribed lands Commencing €1 @ post planted on the north bank of the Quinamas River, about 20 chains east of Indian shack, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, |thenee south 40° chains, thence west 46 chains to post of commencement, contain ine 160 acres nore or less JOHN MEKRITT, Fallowtield, Agent. A. G Dated September Qnd, 1912 1012 } Locator Pub. Sept. 27, ‘SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Lost and Found FOUND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS, 1007 Robson Street, Vancouver, B. C. Express paid one way on §5.00 orders, both ways on $10.00 orders. Write for price list. 968-f WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice hereby given that The Port Essington Water Co., Ltd., of Vancouver, will apply for a license to take and use 100 miner's inches of water out of Cun ningham Lake Greek The water will be diveited at Cunningham Lake and will be used for canning, domestic and industria! purposes on the land described as the Town of Port Essington. This notice was posted on on the 26th day of December, 1912. The application will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, Bi C, THE PORT ESSINGTON WATER ({ LTD the ground By E NOTICE. A Agent Taylor, Owners of lots situated in Prince Ru- pert, B. C., who desire to sell same rea- sonable for cash direct to purchaser or parties who purchased lots on contract and who desire to transfer and assign said contract direct to purchaser in considera tion of the return of the payments paid, together with @ reasonable profit added thereto, will please let me know what they have to offer. Give price, lot number, biock and section. Address P. O. Box 43, East Liverpool, Ohio, U. 8. A. Notice is hereby given that thirty days after date I intend to apply to the Gov ernor in Council for @ quit claim deed for the following described foreshore: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 446, Range Coast District, British Columbia, which is on the high water line; thence west seven hundred (700) feet, thence north twenty-two degrees and forty-five minutes west (N. 22:45 W. twenty-eight bundred (2800) feet; thence north ten degrees west (N. 10:00 W forty-four hundred and seventy (4470 feet; thence east seven hundred (700 fect, to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway right-of-way; thence south seventeen de grees and forty-one minutes east (8S. 17:41 E.) to high water mark, following the west boundary of the Grand Trunk Pacific Kall way right-of-way, eleven bundred (1100 feet thence southerly ,following higt water mark, sixty-two hundred and fifty (6250 feet, more or less to point of commencement; excepting that portion included within the above boundaries covered by the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way right-of-way. $03-3382 E. J. MATHEWS Agnew & Co., Surveyors and En sinners, Agents. Dated Prince Rupert, B. 6., 2urd, 1912. Ritehie, December LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Skeena Land Take notice Prince Rupert, District—District of Coast, Range V that I, William Watson, of B. occupation contrac tor, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 4135, Range 6 by the Lakelse River, thence north 70 chains more or less to Lot 5243, Range 5; thence west 21 chains to Lot 2656, Range 5;thence south to the Lakelse River, thence easterly following the Lakelige Hiver to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less, WILLIAM WATSON Dated December 8rd, 1912, Pub. Dee, 30, 10412-—-Feb, 24, 1013 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Kange V. Take notice that I, Alfred E. Wright, of Prince Rupert, occupation engineer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: - Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 421, thence north 20 chains more or less to the northeast corner of Lot 421, thence east 26 chains more or less to the west boundary of Lot 5142, thence south 10 ebains more or less to the shore of Lakelse Lake, thence westerly and southerly along the said shore to the point of commencement, con taining 35 acres more or less ALPRED EB. WRIGHT Donald MeViecar, Agent Dated November 26th, 1012 Pub. Dec, 23, 1912-—Peb, 17, 10913 Skeena Land District-—Disirict of Coast, Range V Take notice that I, Hilda King, of Mon treal, cocupation spinster, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following des) tbed lands Lommencing at @ ost planted 2.00 chains in a porthern direction the southwest corner of Lot 6149, norte 40 ehains more or les to the « hcundary of Lot 61448, thence west chains, thence south 40 chains, thence 40 chains more or less back to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or lees HILDA KING Donal¢ McVicar, agent Dated November te ieae. Pub. Dec. 83, 1012 -—Pebn 17, 1949 thence nth 40 HERE— = about) from | east) Peerless Studio Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St |Special Styles at Reduced Prices All Work Guaranteed i | FURNISHED ROOMS & CABING |Purnished rooms and beds to remt $1.60 eer week for single beds, 68.00 far 2: |bie bed. Complete with Beth and water. Furnished Cabins at $4 a month APPLY 208 NINTH AVENUE EMPIRE GATHS For an easy and comfortable shave in at the Empire Baths op Third Ave. most up-to-date furnishings have bees Stalled and the general surroundia such as appeal to ticular people. y Located Opposite Majestic Theatre KEEFE & DORREL Proprietors PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Dealers in HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agents for the laternational Stock Food are MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO LAND PURCHASE NOTICE skeepa Land Cites plowries of Coast, Take notice that George KR. Naden, of Prince Rupert, occupation broker, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol towing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted about four distant in a southerly direction from Moore’s Cove, thbemce east 80 chains, thence svuth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to shore line, thence porth 80 chains tv point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or jess. GEORGE KR. NADEN. Per Danie! Lyons, Agent. Dated September 10th, 1012. Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ange V. Take motice that 1, Alexander Noble, of Port Essington, B. C., occupation cannery- man, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described iands: Commencing at & post piapied at the souluwest corner of Lot 27, thence north 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or ess to Lot 1746, thence south 20 Chains more oF less to the beach, thence follow- img the shore to point of commencement, uiauung 40 acres more or jess. ALEXANDER NOBLE Dated October 16th, 1912. a», NOV. 11th, 1018—Jan. 6, 1913 okeema Land = man of Coast, take notice that 1, Horace Roy, of Prince fupert, B. C., occupetion in- tend to apply for permission to purchase following described jands: Commencing at & post planted about 2 miles southwest from Graveyard Poimt telegraeph office and sbout 1% miles south of south bank of Skeena River, anu adjoiming Peter Stacey's er w purchase, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to post of commence- ment, Containing 640 acres more or less. HORACE ROY. 24th, 1912. 1942. ait bated August Pub, Sept. 28, Land District-—District of Range V Take notice that 1, Duncan K. Falconer, wf Prince Rupert, B. C., cecupation mason, intend to apply for permission to purchase the foliowing described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 14, thence north following the westerly boundary of Lot i4 20 chains, thence west 25 chains more or less to the easterly boundary of Lot 15, themce south following the easterly boun dary of ot 15 25 chains more or less to the rallway right-of-way, thence east following the railway right-of-way 25 chains more less to point of com mencement, containing fifty acres more or 1ess. Located the 11th day of December, 1912. DUNCAN K. FALCONER, Locator Dated December 16th, 1912, Pub. Dec. 23, 1912-——Feb. 17, 1913. WATER LICENSE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice ip hereby given that G. tT. skeens Coast, or and Thursday, January 2, ivis = ——E== MANY WINDOWS BROKEN; ONE MAN WAS INJURED PRINCE RUPERT USHERED IN THE NEW YEAR WITH ONE oF THE MOST TERRIFIC WIND STORMS EVER Ex- PERIENCED HERE. Considerable damage was occa-|Chimneys naturally came in fo; sioned to the plate glass of theja share of the damage done. 4 city by the storm yesterday good deal of annoyance and in ’ ; conveniece being occasioned Vv morning, In this respects Prince pane a hee died. of he Rupert was not the only City OD), nue, near Eleventh street. a the coast that suffered Van-|ehack was blown completely over ecouver with its big solid build-|no one being hurt, howev: ings got a number of big plate | Several people got banged aro giass fronts smashed also Here| pretty roughly early in the mort in Prinee Rupert Will J. Hughes ling when the storm was at its ladies’ dry goods was the worst | height One man on Third ave sufferer The entire front of|was thrown down so violent both h store and that part oc-|that his arm was broken It was fcupied by Miss Kuster’s millinery|certainly a New Year's morning department were completely shat-| that will be remembered by a tered At George Tite's furniture! who happened to be out of doors store, the Empress barber shop,| Toward evening the storm abat« Orme’s drue store and several|and the city took on its norma other places minor disasters to) appearance again, it finally tur plate glass fronts were recorded.| ing out a bright and clear night LOT FOR SALE ON COMMISSION Lot 7, Bik. 1, Sec. 1; well graded down $12,500; $3,000 cash, interest 7% per aunum, balance 5 years. Any agent sel) ing this will be allowed 6% commission LUCKY NUMBERS IN CASH PRIZE CONTEST Considerable Excitement in Cash onacmaie @. OSCAR LEDUC Prize Contests at Renworth & 352 Lagauchetiere 6t., Montresi Jefferson’s and WMughes’. oe FOR SALE Lots 14 and 15, Block 16, Section ¢& $900.00 pair; 1-3 cash, 6 and 1% months %. BDOUeLAS 388 Third Ave (Oppecite F.C.) Bex ene The two cash drawings held New Year's the of Renworth & Jefferson and Will J deal of interest, especially the The take place was at the well known shoe store, the winning numbers ng 761, 920, 3145, 1071 and 1744 the 875 being apportioned re- spectively amongst the winners, first, $25; second, #20; third, #15; fourth, $10; fifth, 85. four of the numbers claimed, Mrs. A. J. Smith winning the second prize, A. J. Prud- homme the third, William Hyde the fourth R. J, Johnston, manager of the Inverness can- nery, the fifth. The prize winning numbers at on Eve at stores Hughes created a great amongst first to ladies one be- Up to date have been and 618 8rd Ave. Prince Rupert Will J. Hughes’ dry goods store drawing were First, 508; sec- ‘ . ond, 902; third, 683; fourth 641; Wb ishing You All... fifth, 876, none of which have so ——. far been claimed The cash values are the same as at Ren- A HAPR, worth & Jefferson's Messrs. Heilbroner and McCaf- fery had charge of the drawing at Renworth & Jefferson's and Mr. Heilbroner and Miss Comar officiated at Will J. Hughes’ Amongst the many pleasant New Year functions held yester- TT day was an “At Home” given by Wi Rt. Rev. Bishop Du Vernet, at — Ms" their beautiful home on Fifth Avenue A large number of the) GEORGE LEEK members of the Anglican church were present Felicitations and 618 Third Avenue good wishes for the coming year were exchanged, and an _ alto- gether delightful afternoon was Georgetown spent Refreshments were serv- ed in the dining room, the tea e tables being presided over by Sawmill Co. Lid. Mrs. Horace Du Vernet and Mrs F. R. C. Brown ’ Lumber Mouldings i A large stock of finisb- ing lumbe oa Boat lumber a ality. Deliv ae ame ery One Double Corner Our prices are as low as any. sawie, of Prince Rupert, will apply for 4 license to take apd use ten (10) inches of water out of ab unnamed creek which ows ib an easterly direction through Lot 766 and empties into Goose Bay near south end of said lot. The water will be di verted at @ point about 500 feet from mouth and will be used for domestic pur poses on the land Geseribed as Granby Bay townsite. suis notice was posted on the ground on the 16th gay of October, 1912 The application will be fied in the oMce of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections may be fled with the said Samuel Harrison & Company Water Kecorder or with the Comptroller) Call on us before ordering. | 7th AVENUE | SECTION SIX OFFICE: | $2000 cash and the balance over ten EMPRESS TRE | years at 6 per cont. tox Gee hae a . ve. PAPERHANGING Fast Parliament Bulidings, Brokers aad Financial As te G. A. T. SAWLE i : Pub, Oct. 91, 1018 \Second Ave. Prince Ruper INTERIOR DECORATIONS == -” a { CASH PRIZE DRAWING of All Kinds Estimates Free R. E. BALL P. O. Box 274 Phone 174 Second Prize, No. 920 Third Prize, No. 3145 Fourth Prize, No. 1071 Fifth Prize, No, 1744 First Prize, No. 761 | | | WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Wirs. J. Arthur Smith Mr, A. J. Prudhomme Mr. Wm, Hyae Robt. Johnston Srd Ave. and Gth St. Renworth & Jeff ———————_ GR. Naden Co., Lid. Box 1616 Prince Rupert Best in Footwear