———— ot THE D AILY NEWS JURY FOREMAN ALDERMAN BAXTER ELECTED AS MAYOR OF VANCOUVER oo. cox ean acca oS! wi rane pe INBAD RAILWAY WRECK CANDIDATES TRUSTEES ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION — CONTESTS FOR ALDERMEN. ecial to Daily News JURY FOREMAN GETS — OFFENDERS ARE GIVEN Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ————- mn — = == —— — SS = — ———————— EEE PRINCE RUPERT, B. © FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1913 EES = a ___ = ———— = ? MARTY WON IN THE TIPS ON CIVIC POLITICS. VICEROY OF INDIA IN EIGHT KILLED, FIFTEEN INJURED. A CRITICAL CONDITION Princess Beatrice . seers For South Princess May Saturday, 8 p.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY CASES IS THREATENED WITH HIS “UFE Angeles Was Practically interests You bet he is, and the Necessary for Lord Chas. Har- ineuitiaiatia TO QUALIFY — SCHOOL a Knockout. packed meeting, representing dinge, Wounded by Bomb. (FREIGHT TRAIN CRASHES THROUGH BRIDGE ON CHESA- — every trade, business and interesi PEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY UPON WHICH WORK- Special to Daily News n Prince Rupert, which gather d Special to Daily News. MEN WERE MAKING REPAIRS ’ Los Angeles, Ja i Practic. |to his support last night proves it Delhi, Jan. 2 Phe condition | Oe ris every seat in the great arena —" of Lord Charles Hardinge, vice- Special to Daily News.) jto the fact that workmen were was ecupied today to witness Vhat $575 has not yet been|roy of India, who was wounded] Wuntingdon, W. Va., Jan. 1—|engaged in making repairs to the one f the st exciting pug paid back to the city It mav be|by a bomb about a week ago 'S!Kight men were killed and fif- bridge when the accident oc- istic contes pulled off here.|another case of the banks refus- | C@using much alarm He is mage oh tad Sal a jeurred. | Met arty seemed to have the bei neg give the Mayor the money |feverish and restless and it is | n bac y — oday be eT a) a oe fey of his pponent fror the caitlin | feared another operator will be | reight train ones a “ " ; , 7 istart and won the decision in the Now be honest about it! What necessary oo oo os ae se — ; w: wage Co. for wall I ghtieenth nd in wWat Wellin, cas Connell be ta doenive | tembinies i aia (Ohio Railway, near rere 1e|paper. Low prices to make room a : mel Soe " aes. large number of injured was due Sl new spring stock. 285-tf | practicalls : knockout Both |v, condemnaton ? Mavor { acil failed? We we'tt be | MeCarty ul Palzer vere nN} Newton's paper anc ame : eee — ad the goa Wha he answer’? [splendid form at the outset, } “Nothing! Get it Dost be vege "GT. P. MAIL SERVICE ‘NOBEL PEACE PRIZE THREATENING LETTER A CHANCE TO REFORM Foreman of ‘Jury in Dynamite Judge Young Disposed of besten. Conspiracy Cases Given Three Cases Leniently This Morning Months to Live. —Man Charged with As- sault. Pays Fees. Special to Daily News |) tle. Ind.. Jar fra I Judge \ ngs court this f New Lisbon forema fi ne Tor Mike charged i! Court rv at i \ h issa caus g serious which rece hart was let go nh sus en bor leaders he pended sentences he having tol pe ” ee sOGa? pas he doctor's fees of #10 for} g hi wth |} ling the i he struck ove! h months he head He has also to report | : sell the police nee every) FIRST WHEAT TRAIN OVER eek for the next three months.! THE TRANSCONTINENTAL The three youths, Herbert Val- - ‘ Pi Storring and George} Colborne, On la ‘ Pre ayne connected with the ait a f whea 4 . ea £ episode were ais d Trunk Pacific { the | dealt with leniently by His Honor ved today. « signe Ihe were read a severe lecture I e Leaf Milling | [ ind = =give - ‘ udicious and | ! in left Wir nper ni? ‘ 10V ICE Let go on sus is Day pended sentence it rests with — h selves whether or not they Premier Returns to Capital. vish to try and live straight and iwa, Jan. 2 Premier B espe able ves or, getting int ned to the cay . ble with the authorties agai spending the Chris « | ee sent down with a severe se! | in the Southe States, | tl ‘ Phere is quite a long st t xccompanied by Mrs i equirements that they w have to comply with for the next] inaliesions few months if they desire to live] Bullock-Webster a s ‘eedidete, he city and retain their free-| an Bullock-Websiter st | dor ned this morning that he} kd Shannon charged with | t necessary qualificat «jstealing a sum of money from and for re-eleeiion he |Albert Allison, eleeted for speedy He has decided | beltrial and eomes up oon Monday] field and will rut Wa before His Honor | a ‘. Lass | F. 8, Long has zg 1| Big reductions in’ wall paper.|’ California for a few weeks.|See A. W. Edge Co, 2nd Avenue. | Permanent committee rooms in the interests of the candidature T. D. Pattullo for mayor of the city for 1913 have been opened j nounced the Hart Block, recently erected, next to the Bank of Montreal | the ap gore riends and supporters are requested to call at the rooms at any ne and confer with those in charge relative to the progress of the | Joseph h Scott was elected to take ‘mpaign. The general campaign committee elected at a rousing rally last eht is composed as follows F. T. Dawson Ss. P. MeMordie N. Schienman William Angle H. F. MeRae Rod McLeod George Tite M. J. MeNeil 1, Director Thos. Trotier john H. Hilditeb George R,. Naden ©. H. Nelson Joseph Rowat V. Basso-Bert Max Hellbroner 8. Cammozzi Dave McKinnon Kenneth Smith Walter Harper G. R. T. Sawle Rod Gillis F. H. Mobley A. G. Forster J. A. Kirkpatrick J. Charles Halsey A. H. Allison James Jabour David H. Hays Lee Baker it ae Martin O'Reilly D. W. Morrissey confide William Watson Dr. W. B. Clayton J. J. Bloan R. W. Cameron Fred Stork J. F. Brandt William Martin wunean McRae J. G. Beott Louls Barbeau William P. Lynch Gillis Couleur Thomas Watts S. Mussallem A. W. Edge BE. H. Shockley D. H. Morrison Sam Johnson H. B. Campbell J.D Allan John Currie Wiliam Sibbald Alex Manson 8. D. MacDonald G. H,. Monro woe _ VERY MUCH IMPROVED | First Regular Mail “Mail Car Left City on Wednesday—Now Get Mail from Up River Quicker. turned out to | which escaped It } prophesied an enthusiastic Wednesday's train on the G. T It was in charge of EB. A This marks another stage in our progress and ought to be much congratula- jtion both to the citizens of Prince |Rupert as well as to the ROUSING MEETING OF PATTULLO SUPPORTERS HELD LAST NIGHT Many Were Unable to Gein ‘Admission at the Meeting Last Night Held for the Organization of a Campaign for Securing a Sane, Business Administration of Civic Affairs--Business Men, Professional Men, Mechanics and Workmen All En- thusiatic in Supporting Pattullo---Swing of Victory Was Obvious one of those who could hot stand/epn and up to date. comencgren the train was Mr. | tendent ot the ment mail service. Dominion govern- Owing to the one the up and down | about two hours late. | Leod was greatly pleased | wit oh ‘the jtrip over the new line and is au- jeverything in connection with the |advantage of having a mail clerk , who sorts and fixes {offer himself for the council be -|up the mail en route, was appar- cause he felt it his duty as a Cili-| ont vesterday zen to do so Douglas Sutherland briefly , when citizens were > electors 8aW | enabled to obtain their |the bags were to perform the « Snow at Vancouver. would please here this afternoon. » so much brains as a little temperature risen and rain MAYOR NEWTON! Railways Fighting Storm. jwas no le enthusiasm every | | person pres¢ workinginan COMMITTEE ROOMS OPENED. oa - actor; } continental battling with one of the heaviest Fred Stork referred to the previous speaker, adding that it certainly didn’t re- quire a great deal! of brains to be Pattullo man oul is falling heavily business and > riving many hours late. all others are > Burns Beaten in Seventeenth. San Francisco, Jan. 2. Tommy Murphy defeated Frankie ; that without you ’ was appointed to » would starve disadvantages Notwithstanding M. P. MoCaffery a Candidate. appointment of MeCaffery announces that he a candidate for the Council in the , Was called upon to ad- dress the meeting lieves in paying good wages, surplus of over and forty-five cents an hour Left for San Francisco. his first opportunity, Clayton announced is not a candidate for Cl emed petition had honored him limportant every applicant gets an equal they expect to make I tion administration in common with qvas giad that polities organization » pointed questigns been so well known workingmen themselves News patented io th } é Terre 0 e been | greatly firsticirele of friends of the latter that his own vote » was glad to see a number of young, capable busi | tant date now entering the | plans and take up their remide nee comparatively Mr. ©. H. Nelson said he ooolSine has always been very prom- but had decided to stand for re.\¢ new eandidates for Continued on Page 4.) FOR FRANZ JOSEPH Suggestion That Aged Austrian Emperor Receive the Honor. Vienna, Jan. 2. — Emperor Franz Joseph has been proposed for the Nobel peace prize next year in recognition of his efforts to preserve the peace of Europe during the recent crisis pro- voked by the war in the Balkans. This announcement is made in # ORD CHARLES HARDINGE IN CRITICAL CONDITION — ty a EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEPH perfect seriousness, though it has its sardonic side. The peace prize might be given to the Em- peror for preventing the Arch- duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir presumptive, from thowing the dual monarchy into war. The suggestion was made to the Nobel committee by Franz Kemerry, the famous Hungarian promoter of international peace. No one was found worthy this year to re- ceive the peace prize. The Emperor has suffered from a slight catarrh for the last few weeks, but several specialists who examined him made satis- factory reports. Mr. F. F. Fischer and party, of Seattle, consisting of his daugh- ter, Miss Marie Fischer, Miss Perine and Mr. F. C. Brett, jr., returned south on _ the Prince Rupert this morning, after spending a couple of days visit- ing in the city. Mr. Fischer ex- pressed himself as exceedingly well pleased with the progress that had been made in building up a city in such a short time. Like most others who visit Prince Rupert he is of the opin- ion that it has a great future. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, LIGERAL ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association, for the purpose of electing officers, will be held on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 23rd, 1913, in the K. of P. Hall, Helger- son Block. 307tf P. W. ANDERSON, Sec..Treas. eA ed Bist SOE er ungsttigt Sts lai irereeeetiiamaiaiaanite Oe Te i