Friday, January 4, 19) ftith DAILY NEWS = ee ’ ’ Qu . THE DAILY News _ BORDEN " THOUGHT HIN WHITE TOA SS. PRINCE RUPERT WG THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA NK —_ : Published Daily ana Weekly by WORTHY OF OUR NAT IONHOOD BLL leaves for Vancouver, Victoria WAL THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. || Expensive New Year Celebration and Seattle System ieee — : for Fred Erickson—Ed. Al- FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. ith SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datvy, soe) THAT IS THE OPINION OF A PROMINENT CONSERVATIVE— seg Mey? : “PRINCE JOHN” ; per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All MUST ADOPT THE LAURIER POLICY TO AVOID SERI- a : vor Peet’ eulpect, rahe Sep, Sbeban Rais, 1).h Wi Mab: Om, re00. 5. Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly! OUS SPLIT IN CONSERVATIVE POLICY. : ended ‘its 5th, 10th, March 6th ,10th . Fred Erickson pleadet ae Por Masset and Naden Merbor, 48 p m., Ba 10th, 24th, Feb. 7th . . . he police court yesterdays arch 7th, . . The Canadian Courier, et whose facord in office is|™ ! I . . a , orn efore ag ate arss ror Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Charlotte Island ports, 10 p. r TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates) by Mr. John A. Cooper. a prom.|one of extreme loyalty to the Iin- morning befor ne : . “ hes. jan. 12th, 26th, Feb. Oth, 99rd, March Oth, gra ' en application i verial crown, Alj over the Em.|'e the charge of supplying tiqu @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE nent Conservative, discusses! an Indian. He was cheerfu ; ~ |pire there are men representing|'® 4 in@al ‘ : No. ® leaves Prince Rupert 10 4. m. Wednesday and Sayurday HEAD OFFICE | the ee Oe eee ja certain coterie in London, who|*bout the matter, however, say Grand Trunk Railway System Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98 |Borden and Sir Wilfrid Laurier}... trying to steer all the Dom-|!D& he thought the Indian was (The Double Track Route) | n this week's issue and in part inion governments into ultra- pretty white and a deeent fe M Nine month excursion rates in effect, Choice of routes to Chicago to connect BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES says | rmy erialism and into centraliza- |'mto the barwat: He wave hit 1 with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk Railway Syston . = i i > ‘ 3 ‘ity » . j * (drink out of bottle, But A for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: al! infermation apply to New Yoa« —National Newspaper Bareag, 219 East 23rd St., New York City : Mr. Borden and his associa-|tion of authority These men ee Stas 4 Polisher gency for i) iat teen ne *..., SeaTTie—Puget Sound News Co. jtes are turning over one of ourjare, no doubt, honest, but if so, . sense was the unfortunate pat al funetions, that of sea/they are honest blunderers Lonpon, En@Lanp—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Buiidfhg, Trafalgar | . : Em.|Of the matter, as Mr. Ericks Square. defence, to the = authorities of rhe glory of the British aa { i ‘ siete eat at a . social Ia Downing Street his is un-/pire has been the freedom of its found out, when he had to pa , ? eo * Sh “ ie I asant al ro a man that}component part Take away that fine of $100 or serve two months |] B.C, COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE i rE ON Friday, Jan. 3, 1913.) °"" a hai : meee Se ee ; sonme as somewhat A ‘ PALLY EDITt aoe 72h ; believes that Canadians are as|freedom, and the glory is gone, |! ™Prisonment at we ah ‘ ee ee ee ee " = | well fitted to govern themselves! Take from South Africa the pri- ere sive New Year's sa FAMOUS SAFETY k jas any other people in the world,/vilege of developing along auto- ] ‘ ‘ lthat is galling. If Canada is not) nomy lines, and South Africa tabwendie: yr omaadien PRINCESS CANADIAN SPEED lates > siae a ‘ ' : anada is o = So f ik aiden xD tiene i s : « ; | prepared to undertake her own|will either lose all the springs of seemed such a good fel - “ PACIFIC RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFOR’ » S15 t 9 enorsts for " e ° ° e j}sea defence, as we have done in| progress or it will cease’ to be fined $15.00 and 82 « . : LINE betel SERVICE orl otes ] S the case of land defence, then we| British. Tell Canada that its|!"# drunk and disorderly. He had are unworthy of our nationhood.| people have neither the ability a cece bay eepatiad 7 4 S. S. PRINCESS MAY J Heretofore we have relied upon/to' build and control two fleet Dehn, Ail Be -teahd to vial Southbound Sat., Jan. 4th, 8 p. m. #| Great Bi itain in this respect units nor the patriotism to de- Retaheod's. Guin S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE PRING All FRT INN A MATTER OF mayoralty contest on the ques-| Temporarily we must still rely |cide that these should be used in rh Tait a Him Cummina || Southbound—Sunday, Jan. Sth,8 pm. |i} | HONESTY. tion of the telepnone francoise.| upon her Ultimately we must/Brittanie defenee, and vou put ina rer fined five atid leat “aed 4. @. MUNAB, General Agent i | AND Honesty is not confined to] 4e has charged Mr. Paituiiojundertake the burden, and no/this country baeK @o the condi- , ; on | | with attempiung to prevent giving of ships will be a satis-|tion in which “Gerd Durham|*°Y®™ and-two respectively for | the dollar and cent aspect, | : ee P ae eh ; ‘ | : " being drunk and disorderly a } cily taking over the pliant anu|factory assumption of that bur- found it. . ! X says ihe Mayor in an oli re-| j ane oun a : ' franchise from the local com-|den. rhe spirit of every hero, ite } se - Nmcgom Sa pany dhe fact that T. D Tt t l whether Britisher or otherwise fom and Jerry at the Savoy ete ; i e fac ai ‘ » greates ‘-harge f ¥ . r B ‘ > ro _ », iesmk this was the cry of a ) € la . D. Pat The greatest charge that can se a aati iulio Moved the motion in albe made against Sir Wilfrid has been, “Give me freedom, o1 es > conscience siricken svui, Dul : : . th ian heow the tate al Dusiiess meeting of the com-j|Laurier’s policy is that it is late|#!ive me death. And if J know . e The Twin Screw Steamer use ; » mie ; ’ ; ta Sd yt om th a an" ea |} pany urging the Council tojin coming. It is a fair criticism|™y Canadian he will not allow Owned and operated by the p jiea 0 one} } ; > j ailies dt nn te . co It 3 take it over unmediately, anu| Nevertheless | must confess that|@%y Man or any set of men to ersi es ros. 66 99 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on i D v su i Ss. s i i ; ne Wee ines @ aesiatihiie 5 intone’ then as an aiderman. ahalit seems to typify Canada better |Darter away his freedom for a en e oo ae = ae » Stems os s 8 ; ) ) I chairman of the Finance com-|than Mr. Borden's. It indicates |few petty titles or for lemporary| The up-to-date House Decora- renarrated emcees wits is not necessarily one who} mittee placed $25,000 tt hat Gamadis oat i" to| political expediency steam heat, electric light, and al! breaks in and steals, and, for- S20,00 in ie 1a lanadians = are willing to et fe ) ee tors of Prince Rupert Arrives from Vancouver Every modern conveniences, being abso- |} ity estimates for the purpose,|serve as well as to give. It of- lave misjudged Mr. Bor- : sooth, no one neeas to be re-| , ‘ Seay “poe ly = ° al MONDAY NIGHT lutely first-class in every respect. nded of it more than Mayor! dves hot appeal to a sense oi}fords proof that Canadians feel} ! rongly interpretet _ oo ign W riting.. snosipainpiniiiing oo U f tt sis aad honesty which is absent. How-|competent to build, man and dir-| Policy, then T shall make amends : The appointments and service } | me 0 hg test bet ever, T. D. Pattullo is quitelect a fleet. It implies that there|@8 soon as the facts are made Paper-Hanging Sails for Port Simpson, Naas River Points| are equal to any hotel on the nine a y ak » | ; ee capable of defending himseif.jis no phase of national oblga-|Plain. If he has not deliberately and Granby Gay Tucedays, 8 a. m. |g coast. the truth. “Thou shalt not : . , , . , Our Specialties — i eae ft i ‘ t thy! But one feature of this tele. |ton which Canada is unwilling to|¢™! himself off from the idea of | ee Se See vi hone discussion whic! he | assume Its adoption would|@ Canadian navy sooner or later, ow t iad | anaes amiga Le ee. P = 2 oO » % abe one se sio 2 . ° k moignpor” ts one of tee attrib.) =P re so agent hte prove that we are a Dominion,|then he should hake this plain- > See: Conver ie Geeee | ere oy oe | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day utes of the Mosaic law, but one Mayor has overlooked, and in and not a Crown colony. jer than he has done. 2nd Street Phone 156 Green 7 | : which Mayor Newton has tg which the public are now in- “Not so long ago, the Cana-| “If Mr. Borden desires to stop ‘ lie Ee asd § gotten or set aside as nol be- terested, is where the Mayor ; | . i : abros ; : } : lian militia advocated the ap-|Such ideas getting abroad he ms 2 ing meant for him. Evidently stood during the time when the ; . re pe te t ake | ‘ ud learer ogers ea Ip gency i ; his be kind of } ; alice pointment of a Canadian to the|™ust make his attitude clearer G. A. Sweet, Manager , this is not the kind o aonesty | city franchise was really in supreme command of the Cana-|!f he is being misrepresented let Phone 116 “or ’ ; : mawet Newton is anced danger. Was he with the B.C.) 45.) army in place of a British|him get up in the House and say, ' that he possesses. Telephone Co., who sent a officer, as had been eustomary,}! am in fayor ultimately of a { ’ SONS OF NORWAY It is pot a pleasant duty to| representative up here to look Phere was to thought of separa-| ! anadiar fleet. manned by Cana- 4 hold up a man’s sins for public the field over and get in right tion im. thet The men who ad_|4ians, maintained by Canada and — = Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m.,| . inspection, but when that man! with the local press? Certain- vocated it etek loval Rélticherd. eontrolled by the Canadian Gov- | 3 at 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians THE IROQUOIS is endangering the common; ly he advised making terms ong Be gyn ge a: Ml ernment,’ See dase tak toe wilt! Lot 34. Block 4, Bection bdie walooiids. P OL good by soliciting a position of| with them and at the same time & ike nature. For eiahkts years | avoid a serious split in the Con- S. This is a corner lot o1 O public trust by deceitful and! discouraged municipal owner- Cameda hte “been ecitiehinn to.| servative party.’ 4th Ave. and has an unob “Valh ll ae f S.H & E.F English and American Billiards dishonest means it is a public} ship of the telephone sytsem. wards greater autonomy. greater | —— - ne structible view 3 wavs On ae o — _—" Twelve Tables SECOND AVE duty to expose him. What was the motive? self. reliance. an mare éoesbiehs wade and desis: (SCAN DINANIAN SOCIETY Mayor Newton has matlici- The Mayor owes the electors|_.,......... rm rn eee WILL EXPERIMENT grade and desirable in every Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at8|~ __—S—sSs—<“—~S7;73 PCé : aps eo atio on | » rs, Eto. ‘ he would meet Papke, Carpentier|by his owner in 1890, so that he for a defence army than to nmain-lthe Skeena. This work will un- Box 285 Eee 7 and’ Klaus in Paris beginning|had nearly reached his twenty- lain our present regular force of| qoybted|y prove of catttaad’ Helgerson Biock Prince Rupert, B. CG. = Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable : 5 . > . . ; To make room for our | next March. McGoorty has sev-|third year. At Liverpool Grudon| 7)” °C" .8900 men much |benefit to the district and the : | OFFICE BB. Rochester. Centre St. Phone eral milis scheduled in liitle old] defeated bhetien ni oan cheaper. Would the Postmaster | North Coast will be held in high- | large stock of next sea- P. 0. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT | } New York before that time, oneljengths. starting ; a _| General favor the hiring of Brit-|op esteem than ev xr for its b- son's goods we are offer- m with Jock MeCarren and another ver MY OEEE: BOE SS a ish troops fer service in Canada?| jie ———— Phone 116 Rogers & Black don won many other steeple. herself and of the Empire must]. | Gilts, from 10c. up per roll be done in the best way, regard- Scottish League Games chases, including the Champion less of Cost, If a Canadian navs SMITH & MALLETT |]: - HAYNER BROS. Glasgow, Dee . 31-——Scottish moaplon nee Liverpool ND) costs five times as much as a THIRD AVE. | SEE OUR HIGH GRADE UNDERTAKERS and EMBALMERS —THE - league results on Saturday were: 1897, ridden by Mr. M. B. Bletsoe. contribution to the British flee: |{ Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and || BURLAPS Funeral Directors Hibernians 2; Airdronians 2. Be sired a number “ WInHerS, 41 would still be in favor of it for Sheet Metal Work } , eo ee i? Westholme Lumber Co Rangers 3; Aberdeen 1. ao oo ee Il, pins wensosie. Pian O08 Ave. eee } Tex-ta Dor-na double dy- . St. Mirren 4; Celtic 3. Hes irudon an¢ imeat, who Viieihidh someection 6 more ed, soft burlap, per yd.,20c _ iad 2 —LIMITED— Clyde 3; Motherwell 2. have been successful under Na- likely-to be killed in the domin.|=™ —— Imperial and Colonial fill- Dundee 1; Partick Thistle 0, |“0a! Hunt rules. ions by the reimposition of Im- Little’ NEW. : ed, dyed, per yard... .30¢ Falkirk 2; Third Lanark 0, PI perial contro! than by the build- $ S Agency E. L. FISHER Lumber and Mouldings Hamilton Academicals 4; Raith J.J. Sloan, of the real cetateling of Dominion navies. Out in ; ; BENS } Funeral Director and Embaimer Rovers 0. and insurances firm of Bainter &]South Africa the advocates of Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspaper | The A.W.Edge Co. CHARGES REASONABLE All Kinds of Building Supplies ’ Kilmarnock 2; Hearts 2. Sloan, has returned from a visit|Imperial centralization have for-|CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS 2nd Avenue ” yo Pe oom — HT Queen's Park 3; Morton 0. to the lower coats cities. ced the resignation of Premier 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club $+. Firet Avenue Phone 186 Geographically Speaking, Scoop Was About Correct SXooP-3UsT How MUSTAPHA PASHA VISA Nows oe AZAR MITROV Much To THE Bad were ) = KIRK KILISSEH LULEe _— oveneen - WH a sees eaten BURGAS TCHORLU Us«us sT1B — \ ! ALESSIO MoNasTIR! —Drawn for The Dally News by “Hop” CrP ~ yeep, VE 7 AW-GO THERE YOURSELF -\ You ASKED Me How MUCH THE TURKS WERE IN BAD, AND L GAVE You THE NAMES OF THE Towns THEY LosT'! S™ RVIDGE KA TERING VERA SAALONIK SAN GIOVANN } DE MEDVA — = (2 1918 > irk oxne