; 4 / an ES, —e——————ea——aeOeOeGeaeaeaeaeee—aaaaa a January 3, 1918 THE DAILY NEWS Our Immense Stock of all new Spring Goods will shortly arrive and we are compelled to clean up our present stock of Men’s Clothing, Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Blankets, Hats, Caps, etc., as much as possible to make room. The goods have been purchased and we have no place to put them except in this store, so there is nothing left to do but sacrifice our present entire stock regardless of cost, quality or quantity. Our store will be open for business and inspection on Saturday, January 4th, at 8 A. M. We invite you to inspect our stock and prices. Come early and save money. ite Weced Suite. single beendiad Extra heavy Corduroy Pants, regular Medium weight Flanne! Shirts, regular 65 High Top Shoe Packs, reg. price $7.00, regular price $9.00, now per Qa 5.50 $3.50 and $4.00, now . ; 2.75 OO te We ks oe et ee ot dul diaa b bm ie e NOW wccceseccecseesecesesssewmeseece 6. Shoe Packs, medium height, reg. $6.00, 5 00 Men's Tweed Suits, regular price $12.50 Heavy Mackinaw Coats regula? price Loggers’ Boots, reg. price $6.50, now veseneee sen 8. $4.50 and $5.00, now.. + 00n0de ke baeeee r 4 asec eeee .40 and $6.00, MOW......--eeeeeeteee ++ Re regular $2.50, now.............--s0+: 1.75 BOGFka bi cd ecececetooe ch ceabedegec 64 e wight ted Gethese ve ston All Blankets and Quilts at cost price. Heavy Mackinaw Pants, regular price 3 50 Medium weight Flannel Shirts, regular 1 25 ad ow b FORD 3 50 All Gloves at cost price. $4.00 and 64.50, nOW........ss00+++5 e ee Se} ar ee ° OE. Fo +9 ab pos 0690 8s soe teee 5 ieee ° Suit Cases at greatly reduced prices. All goods marked in plain figures. | Any article purchased in our store can either be exchanged or your money back. Come early to The Grossman Clothing House The Home of Quality Second Avenue, Stork Block, near 6th Street 2 ee > o> > oo 2-2