Friday, January 8, iyi. Pun DAILY NEWS SS— — —= ——~ aa — = a | eee , LITTLE PROGRESS IN {ROUSING MEETING OF | PEACE NEGOTIATIONS) PATTULLO SUPPORTERS “The News” ns Classified Ads. Turks Are Unwilling to Concede Continued from Pare | to Demands of Allies for Adri- | —————__---____ anople and Aegean Islands, election to the schoo! board ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== 27 cc ooo tearm May 1/913 Bring You Happiness and Prosperity gress is being made in the peace He, too, was giad that party ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES HERE— , . ' 4 dele. Jsities were removed from thy 5 conference The Balkan " a 5 & gates stated today that unless]|tion The present mayor ! The Pioneer Druggist The REXALL Stores ||" —__—§ |® Turkey is willing to give up{had proven himself absolut . LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. | Adrianople and the Aegean |useless, had gone in against For Rent GOING SOUTH FOR | Islands negotiations will be} protest and if Mr. Newto | broken off The Turks do not}to go in again it would be aga . . - oe ee a spe: = te R RENT—6 t Sth AV WINTER VACATION seem disposed to concede these his protest . 0 \ 6-room rottage, Sth e., 8 . : Take notice that i, Mike Vidak, of| near school; water ‘in house Crown demands, but practically concede Mr. George D. Tite tho a a bb ee ee eee a omey “suing Li R {all other demands would be insane for an¥ bi » ple ply oO ss 0 t } ian STOCK = TAKING = SPE purchase the following described lands Large Passenger st on Rupe s men or for any mechanic | Commencing at @ post planted about 2 | Southbound This Morning— : 2S eee —— —— SS miles south from Graveyard Point tele-| F Ss l } li the chance of eleeting the siendl graph office and being ob ihe south side| or Sale Many Taking Holiday. mayor again. He wae not : ) ’ “ek we olfer you some exeeptiona' of the Skeena River, thence sout 80 | tae i agi i é During this week we will offer yx tata . "This chains, thence east 80 ‘chains, thence north to take such a chance f ee ls See See ce 6© Het wick to eagle wer. a of pF “Conteiming #40" serea| FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse _ stationary | Leaving this morning for the Mr Stanley Lucas was among M; A. M. Manson eon ; eee . oo : 8 : Mrs, Sts i i ) ong * is a candid statement, but everyone knows that at this more oF fees. gasoline engine, twelve b.p., high speed,| uth at 9 o'clock, schedule time, the uthbound passengers this], M Pattull F time of year there are lines that have to be cleared out MIKE VIDAK. first class shape. Apply P. O. Box 1609, | ic te sprin roods are ue to arrive r F. Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. ‘ 1 > . « ‘ : e i. oe. coos — os | : . - . ¢ ‘FOR SALE—Handsome hardwood buffet, | passe nger list, amongst which on a visit to Victoria and Van- the eouneil to stand back of h ¢ Stock taking, and this will be your cpportunity to pro- | $35, cost double; hadwood davenport;| wore qg number of well known couver Tt nt > r » > Pr’ a p 5 er. » resen year is one ! = cure these seasonable and staple goods at money saving Skeena Lana District—District of Coact,| Sh, cet ef dishes; ar baal tons bed Go” local people going upon a short i “t ; ts c ' e Range V, ie, ¢ , ; aoe ' utmost importance — te yrices, which will last for Just one week. . ‘ : , plete; chest of drawers, chairs, side > vans ‘ r cot ’ | » : b j . - “ week aateibinne tedaten tee oe oa | board with small disappearing bed. | winter vac ation to the lower coast Frank Clapp and family left Rupert and there is an im: q katies Stammela Combination Underwear Bie $3.75, coca! tee oon for pesmianion %0 perendes the follow us Pgh pg SG oo pose of) cities, rhe following were today upon a two months’ visit amount of work to be don: \ $ we Pe vile bie ue . “S = les bed lands . . Sa Sonam | @ y . re le « : se ror - . f Ladies’ natu Wool Vests and Drawers, re special $1.10 = Qodineactne at © post planted et th Henderson, corner 5th avenue and Ore n| among the first ¢ las passengers: )ig San Diego, California Mr. l good strong council is of the Ladies’ fine ribbed ail wool Vests, reg. $1.50 800 southwest corner of Lot 5144, thence _ G. 8. Swanson, T. J. Beake, D.| Gjanp. who is one of the pioneer ; Py : Ladies’ Cashmere Hose, reg. 60c, special . 40c pair south 15 chains more or less to the north | 1 tapP, most necessity arty yp Ladies’ white Fiannelette Night Gowns, reg. $2.75 — zs on b undary of Lot 4130, thence west 40 | M. Annand, B. W. Peck, J. O. Me busness men of ths city, was the! pe said. are a curse to at Legies wise aomeees Neat Sowa, rea + Special $1.25 each kan ere ~ sese to eee boundary Wanted Leod, Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Bingay,| founder of the soda Water factors nicipality : 1 ‘ t jowns, ‘ of Lot 4477, thence north 15 chains be | . ; : Ladies’ colored Fiannelette Night Gowns, reg. $1.25, special 90¢ each oF less to the south boundary ‘of Lot 994, Mrs. Henning, Mrs. Besner, J. A.Jang pottling works, one of out al Bi i 4 thence east 40 chains more or less tu the Vertelhanner, J. Ostrom, 8. Plat-|,... dane a lannp A few Sweater Coats to clear at '2 regular price point of commencement, containing 60) wantep Capable woman to do hand! > 7 ; . earliest industri Mr Clap] Won First Prize 4 Umbrella Special; reguiar $1.50, for $1.00. acres more or less, wiede aome washing. Permanent position. Good) tn, T. Platton, Anna Morgan,|pag many important interests Mrs. R. Duce, 622 Sixth A ih aiiadalleiabonion Dovald lacVican Taek 7 ‘ s ° ‘ , ‘ eee , Fy 338 Third Ave (Opposite P.0.) Box 606 We beg to announce to the public of Prince Rupert that ee a ee o Oe ae eee ee [oremey, Mrs. W. J. Molean, 3. O.lnas boon @ visitor to the elty Over auge ‘ ie) ais 4 A erere ces Z-< " , « s we have purchased the Take notice that 1, Napoleon Roy, of ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk Kelly, A. M. Phillips, Miss B./the holidays, left this morning fot Wallace, idaho, occupation mill man, LD- | - - Burke, J. M. Milligan, Mr. Mahon » . W. HART’S BIG send to apply Tor permission to purchase = 1 oe aie , ‘| Vancouver upon a short visit be- ENTIRE FURNITURE STOCK OF F. W the following described lands: WATER NOTICE. r. A. MeShane. fore the close of a vacation. Mr RE Colupencing @1 & pust piante ou ———e FURNITU STORE mile south from the mouth of the Sidiues| For » License to Take and Use Water. Tatchell before his promotion to : - tuver, and about beilf @ mile south [rom . NOTICE : and are continuing the business in the Hyde Block. Watch ihe south bauk of the Skeena iver, thence! Notice is hereby given that The Port the managership of the Hazelton t & * “1 : Essington Water Co., Ltd., of Vancouver : this space for other announcements ease Beste EG Ghoman, taate wlan nhl will tooly for @ Webbie to ‘cabs ann’ cn — branch was on the local staff of & space or other annou e 8. wence porth 80 chains, thence west su appl) wv @ license to take and use 4 seting of . rt , chains to post of Commencement, contain-|!00 miner's inches of water out of Cun meeting Of property owners|ihe pank here He was one of mg 640 ares more or jess. hingham Lake Creek, The water will be of 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be held at the 5 ‘ H e k S ° h C ‘ NAPOLEON ROY. | diverted at Cunningham Lake and will be > . ’ hagrtoae the first bank boys to come to " Dated August 26th, 1912. ised for canning, domestic and industrial resbDyterian church ha on 4th Ip 2 : . . ae +r “ en IC sen- mit 0: Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. purposes om the land described as the} a oie at @ re AE Prince Rupert and. i xtremely * Town of Port ‘Essington. enue a p.m.,.on Monday, OLN) nonular with all who know him ‘“s i Phone 465 Cor. 3rd Ave. & 7th St. This notice was posted on the groundjinst. By request of many pro 7 skeena Land District—District of Coast,| 0" the 26th day of December, 1912. The erty ownel 9_4 Geor. e Leek 5 Hauge V application will, be filed in the office of |I 1ers --4 H. D. Robinson, managing di Take notice that Martha Ann krutz, ol en oon - hyo ee B 1a o , fu R tM I seatue, Washington, occupation spinster, ) ons ) lec a the sais rector o le Nuper arine [rot 618 3rd Ave Prince Rupert a : Water Recorder or with the Comptroller : . we F avhds t rh jul i ur 5 . bas ihe following described lands; ’ of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, THE WEATHER Works, went south this mor ning Commencing at @ post pianied on the | Victoria, B) C puesta on a short business trip, expect wen Aghews applicaion to purchase), ‘ua wouudary Of Lot 6161, Range 94, THE PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., The wes or re 5 o'cloe) : eg ie : m Coast District, not yet gasetied (hath. LTD Phe weather report at 5 o'clock | ing to be back in about ten days Wi hi Y 4/l By E. A. Taylor, Agent this morning read: Barometer eee AY ing ou eee iis post being about 5 chains west ol esteshesticonemecnsenneiee ve i i > OOn.- ‘ an WES HO ME OPERA HOUSE me hortheast vcrner of this iot, thence 30.224; maximum temperature J. M. Claney, local manager of 7 | L ourth 20 chains, thence west to east bank NOTICE. 35; minimum temperature, 26 , “5 NY — — ee 4 Hyesall Kiver, thence southerly foliow- —_ : fy the Bank of Montreal, has gone A HA? . mg east bank of Hucsall Kiver Ww Un Owners of lots situated Prince R precipitation, .32 inch. . ; P, bs > uorthwest corner of Lot 5151, thence fol-| nor BC, who desite te call Hi a for his annual vacation and will . . . . , ° pert, ase 0 psir Oo se 3 e rea- - Farewell Performance of the Griffith Stock Company iwwing orth boundary of this tot to pom |P° ae ae ' rote a aha Sas Sie 4 . 1 commencement, containing 40 acres partion one ‘purchased’ een ‘Teton GREEKS GET EXCITED; z cn — — ‘ieaaartecs J FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE more OF MARTHA ANN KRUTZ. neo om to eee and assign said PAY SMALL FINE smning of next month . Dated October wud, 1912. Contract direct to purchaser in considera- a a i * ‘ . > 4 ; tion of the return of the payments paid, ono Little Julia Fehr and the Entire Company in Pub, Oct. 21, 1912. together With & Sonia eaat eine i wed & ebke of Geesk. mec J. O. McLeod, general superin thereto, will please let me know what they —— ee _ re tendent for the west of the Do have to offer. Give price, lot number,|Greek in the poliee court this okeena Land Oiperien —penries Of Coast, | riock and section. Address P.O. Box 43, East Liverpool, Ohio, U. 8. A. morning. Jim Postulla and M a Agates, two well known members minion government mail service, Take notice that i, denry Smith, of returned to Vancouver this morn- ale oe ost “tana? por ‘permess a tc Ri eae, ing Mr. Mel it I t reader, intend to secribed laude: |. Notice ts hereby given that thirty days|}of the Greek colony it : . mr. MoLeod has been here shase th : ands: J : » 1 the city, our ie Deswwing Gesormed lends: after date I intend to apply to the Gov . in connection with the mail ser | | Little Lord Fauntleroy Prices: Evenings—25e, 35¢ and 50c. Matine@é—15e and 25c cutis aatant tnd ta a scutneriy Gero ernor in Council for a quit claim deed for} @Ppeared before Magistrate Carss (rum Graveyard Point telegraph office and the eeeneis Co a ee oi on a charge of fighting lt Hl * i p 8 ’ > ) srior » acco i . . a « being on the souls side of the Skeena Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, Britishi/turned out to pe only a matter terior. e accompanied the first \. , ice by the railroad into the in a orn Su alsin, thence north 60 chains, theses thence, West save nee tee water line:lof a slight difference of opinion |'@S¥lar mail car that ever left —_—_ an vmahe : icmmreen ante east 80 chains to post of commmencement,| tence West seven hundred (700) feet, » ,|the city, which made its initial fl NEXT WEEK—NEW MOTION PICTURES copteiniog 640 acres more or less. thence north twenty-two degrees andjover a trivial subject, discussed = 7 pangs. Megepintsrs GE ORGE LE EK fi MIKE VUKSTICH. |forty-five minutes west (N. 22:45 W. a ijttle too excitedly. The pp | Urip a few days ago Phis same Dated August 24th, 1912. twenty-eight hundred (2800) feet; thence | 4 !jtlle aiy. ley were] sin 6 ieee i. i i i ‘ Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. lh 1709 W;) leach fined $1 and $2 costs Sentieman Bas the honor also of 618 Third Avenue orty-four hundred and seventy (4470 having taken the first mail ear 4 feet; thence east seven hundred (700) _ ye , § skeena Land District—Districs of Coast,|fect, to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway . i i c enn fOver the C. P. R. out of Van. Range V. right-of-way; thence south seventeen de J. Jephson, assistant collector . , ; Take notice that 1, Peter Stacey, Of) grees and forty-one minutes east (8. 17:41} of Inland Revenue, was a pas- COuves eor: e wn i] Prince HKupert, occupation carpenter, im-|- ) to high water mark, following the west a § tend jo apply for permission to purchase |ioundary of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-|S@0ger south this morning on . the following described lands: way right-of-way, eleven hundred (1100) ]ihe Prince Rupert J. H. Collins, manager of the ° Commencing at & post planted about/fect thence southerly following higt : id Storage plant, who has bee ; 2 miles south {from oreveyerd, Foipt tele-| water mark, sixty-two hundred and fifty ——$—_ —___ ee p » wae BAS Deen e ot the Skeena iuver, thence south 8¥ chains, Sommencomene; Gibaainn that eee Mrs. Henning and Mrs, 0. Bes-|%°Uth for the past few weeks, chai . ; has returned to the city i a. ‘amen’ ean i cnaee "te moe or been Hy — So pemmneaien ner were passengers on the Ru- L be v , covere > e Ora *acific P oe qutpmencement, containing 640 acres more}. right, ef-way, 303-332 pert this morning. [It is their ee um r less. ' - E. J. MATHEWS. » sit severs . Dr. Ewing, well known here adaat piieees bie i= STACEY. |nitcnie, Agnew & Co., Surveyors and En-| tention to visit several of the “ 0 ere in and Pub sept 28, 1912 ; * ginners, Agents. lower coast cities, and also to|the early days of ¢onstruction, ” * e , Pp . e ont hie Kupert, B. C., December spend a few weeks at Harrison|424 who is connected in a pro- Mouldings ? a Hot Springs. fessional way with Foley, Welch cone Lead Range V. . ) PURCHASE NOTIC — = | ik Stewart, contractors, is at pre- te Les gf — eer [ent in tho city A large stock of dy fab ie Cs p » 3 : apply for permission to purchase the fol-|Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | St d oe ing lumber on hand. . soni or peiisaio " sret Peerless Studio aoe cendent| mbar suede Duley Commencing at & post planted on 80] ‘Take notice that I, William Watson, of a “7. ”, BMephard, superintendent made at short notice. DON’ | PAY island one ‘mile easterly from indian re-/ prince Rupert, B, C., occupation contrac Rooms 19-20-24 Alder Block for Foley, Welch & Stewart. who , serve at mouth of Quinamas Hiver, thence} ior intend to apply fer permission to Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St : i south 40 chains to river bank thence WeSt] Hurchase the following described lands ors , . has been spending the holidays Our prices are as low as aay. ) 0 chains following river bank, thence |?" oT _ ™ i ‘ 4 . Commencing at @ post planted at the] Special Styles at Reduced ses|With friends at Spok« as r Call i h or High Rates of Interest. borth 40 chains, thence east 40 chains Wy oo tiweat corner of Lot 4135, Range 5,| P0014! Styles a educed Prices ee S at Spokane, has re- on us before ordering. = oe < es containing 160 by the Lakelse River, thence north 76 All Work Guaranteed turned to the eity, looking as THOMAS PARTINGTON, Locator, chains more or less to Lot 5243, Range 5; smiling and pro en ; @ meee hence west 21 chains to Lot 2656, Range . I Sperous as ever A. G. Fallowfield, Agent. |! p Dated September 2nd, 1912. sisterly. Tollowing the Lakelse ‘River | FURNISHED ROOMS & CABINS enrren OFFICE: easterly following the Lakelse River to ae TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES Pub. Sept. 27, 1912. point of commencement, containing 160 Amongst the arrivals from the 70 Bay ese 4 acres more or less Furnished rooms and beds to rent $1.50 EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. : fILLIAM WATSON : rT? - week wae mr. D, / MORTGAGES cil ee telat tained oe WILLIAM WAT 5 bed Committe chee wie? ez Ge outh this week Mr. D. A Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. cena istrict—District of Coast! poi04 pecemper ae aay le bed. Complete with’ bath and bot!) ). ; a TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE Kange 1V. Pub, Dec. 30, 1912 Feb, 24, 1913. | Water. SOM. the qwoll RROD Pal ORM pececerigenimeeseieecnieciiien or Wee pa By Furnished Cabins at $4 contractor He is registered at » » B. Gy cc ‘ " [Ske stric y AT P. Y R tends to apply for ae to purchase aapems. Gane ~~ pe - om @ month the Premier hotel PAPERHANGING PER CENT. ER YEA the follow'ag described lands: Take notice that I, Alfred E. Wright, of | APPLY —- 208 NINTH AVENUE|—_—_ ss ———S es AND— . em a ae a s poss Planted Of the | prince Rupert, occupation engineer, intend} sheaiatianintiatliiains ag oresaore, u miles distant i0 Sito apply for permission to purchase the er INTERIOR DECORATIONS | 30 chains, thence west 30 chains more or : For an easy and comfortable shave drop iz ates Fr the time when your indebtedness will be paid off less to foreshore, thence southerly follow. [2° Chails more or less to the northeast) in at the bw ry Baths on Third Ave, The Estimates Free Ome : i ing the foreshore to point of commence- |°°PMC? Of Lot 421, thence east 25 chains | most up-to-date furnishings have been in- R. E. BALL ce open evenings. Write, phone or eall. ment, containing 90 acres more or less. hore or less to the West boundary of Lot} stalled and the general surroundings are vas WILLIAM J. MUGRIDGE. 142, thence south 10 chains more or|such as appeal to _partioular people. P. O. Box 274 Phone 174 Contrally I Dated October 8th, 1912. less to the shore of Lakelse Lake, thence Loceted OME Pub, Oct. 29, 1912. westerly and southerly along the said Opposite Majestic Theatre —— shore to the point of commencement, con OF J 1er PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. mining OF Nero reese ORT wane © Sonam. northwesterly direction from Kumeolon followin | ‘ @ described lands WE GUARANTEE ae a i a a a i eas ng] EMPIRE BATHE ofall Kinds iL y, aS chains, thence north southeast corner of Lot 421, thence north ne Ou e Skeens Land District—District of Coast Proprietors ; a | Range V . Donald McVicar, Agent ieeiaiiiaeesia ete IR I a SN Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. Cai coticn taet Taka’ lnereist, of prince| Deted November Shun, s008 WISHING YOU ALL A VERY M. E. Ritchey, Supt. sopiy tor pertussion to purchase the tg, ee *e 1% 4% | PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO E eeike 1 Pera te fe pure the Tol} skeons Land District—District of Coast, ° 7th A VENU HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS Commencing & & post pl hange V a) SS = north bank of the Quinands River, about Take notice that I Hilda King, of Mon NEW YEAR ‘ 20 chains east of ‘Indian shack, thence |'4!, Cecupation spinster, intend to apply Dealers in x - north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains.|{0F ber" penae, to Gureniee the flowing SI 7 thence south 40 chains, thence tess Ded lands soit 9 caalan, i Mt 4 pott phous spo HAY, GRAIN FEED AND “unbencing chains to post of commencement, conteip ing 160 acres more or less 20.90 chains in a vertherr direction from $2000 cash and the b . | -_ . _ : , 7 otieaiaiiin — 40HN MERRITT, Locator ihe southwest corner of Lot 6149, thence SEEDS ‘ a — alance over ten | i. A. G. Fallowfield, Agent nerio 40 chains more or less 40 the © wth yeare at 6 per cent. Dated September @nd, 1912 hcundary Of Lot 6448, thence west 40 | | a Pub. Sept. 27, 1912. chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east | ~- | R ea d Th D ail N I RO Agents forthe lnleraaiona Stock Food | Samuel Harrison & Com ¢ R Naden Co Ltd ™ or less ae e 1 " l . Z e y ews SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Dated rovemngengit, MeVicer! Au i ce Brokers and Financial — Box 15146 ; Pub, Dec, #5, 191%—-¥eb. 17, 1949. | MALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To | Second Ave. Prince Ruper Prince Rupert