TT ee ances OROULATION _ worry AND une Hann & WEXT Kes : Librery x ts —— tive BRITISH COLUMBIA , fin Comm , Princess May Saturday, 8 p. ~ Pfincess Beatrice... Sunday, 8 pm. BALKAN ALLIES PRESENT ULTMATUR TO TURKS ———————————SS G.T. OTP. CONSTRUCTION CAMPS EAST OF FORT T GEORGE SHORT OF PROVISIONS: MEN LEAVING TWO VESSELS IN DANGER: SMASt WINDOWS AND rT RSH STEAMER ATUJES DELIVER UTIMATUM FLYING DISTRESS SIGNALS en a Ue ee T0 OTTOMAN DELEGATES a i Section of Chicago—Four good wages and a_ steady on the Atlantic Coast—Reve- sAD WEATHER ON ATLANTIC COAST RENDERS NAVIGATION | Bandits Rob Jewelry job. nue Cutter Standing By. MUST RENOUNCE CRETE, THE JEGEAN ISLANDS AND ADRIAN- DANGEROUS—UNKNOWN SCHOONER NEAR LIFE SAV- Store — : —. OPLE—GIVEN UNTIL MONDAY TO COMPLY — FUR- ING STATION CANNOT BE REACHED. —— This agreeing to resign Special to Tvaily News.) THER NEGOTIATIONS USELESS. et ial to Daily News.) when discovered to be in- Beaufort, N.C.. Jan. 3—The ; ee Special to Daily News. | Chicago, Jan. 3.—-Four ban-}% competent is a worn out Britich steamer Aleasar has peen (Special to Daily News.) European Turkey which would \delphia, Jan. 3—An un-| ~ vor Reid Honored ldits in a high-powered automo-|$ piuff by a political fakir, g)4"iven ashore near Cape Look-| fondon, Jan. 3. — Delegates| include Adrianople in territory of ute ‘mastadiaetcdnessts 1.207 York Jan. 3—The Brit jbile today smashed the window{$ Newton resigned once before $}°Ut in one of the fiercest #aleS | representing the Balkan allies at|the allies. If this ultimatum is ait Cell diterenaicl fou cruiser Natal bearing the|Of one of the large jewelry stores but unfortunately for Ru- oe the season. Although the ves-Jing peace conference being held|not complied with it was an- ‘ &-|body of the late Whitelaw Reid,|in the down town distriet and pert he did not stay re- sel fs in an extremely dangerous] pape today delivered their ulti-|/ nounced that further negotiations iv Little Ege life saving|United States Ambassado to |escaped with a tray of valuable signed. position it is hoped that she can) iatum to the Ottoman, After | for peace would be useless Owing to the high wind|}England. who died on Dec. 15th,|diamonds, after a running re- be taken off safely. An American the Turkish delegates bed sub.| less. gh sea the life ss gl reached eke ights lvolve » police reve » cutter is ste ' ad whe oe we re . bh Nantu : t light a : a “ ” the police in Mayor Newton excuses his ee ee ees mitted a proposal which the allies Telegraph Rates Reduced. — ae ’ - ea ay erday Pte It _ met | a. a ngage oa —_ exchan- failure to finance the city as ; ; ; , ‘ lconsidered unacceptable, the Information has been received ale s lo miby a squadron o nited States | #e¢ ne 0 1e yandits was nai reenact ey aaa leader of the Montenegr lei f ; i , due to the money market. It eader 0 1e Montenegrin dele-|from Superintendent Dowling of g the coast from the south-| warships acting as guard ot ae but all were success- js just possible, however gil tae ae a ; gation, who presided at today’s}the Dominion government tele- alan | al » ip escane . ’ , aris, Jan. ecordin ol. . . . wilanide iy? saddle ale io vee that the financiers were $/omcial telegrams received "bo conference, told Rechad Pasha,|graph that a further reduction SS ; tec ‘Ss ane ole are ork i a s » » rel. : : , : \ York, Jam 3 The Dik 0 Tonigh hard on the c os ike daar a afraid of his face, metaphor- Emperor Franz Joseph of Aus chief Ottoman delegate, that|has been made in the charge for — vt J. | ance Tonight. ‘we 1 the case in the hope of ically speaking of course. ad k * diy j ‘ : Turkey must find a way not later|deferred telegrams from the Do- Shoal ee is all Don't miss the dance in MeIn-|rounding up the desperadoes tria is sinking rapidly and death|i}4) Monday to renounce to the|minion of Canada to Great Britain ding out “S onile a N -todie othe a = + is momentarily expected. : : a “a ra es ! i fats ne ie me ; 7 ena The exposure of that Cili- ‘ : se oe allies all rights over Crete and|and Ireland. The previous charge we as on var y i “e “4 2 ladies free sane ‘GRIFFITH STOCK co zen No. 1 and 2 bet bluff the Aegean Islands and present|of 25% cents per word has been welve ing at 9:30 305 DISASTROUS FIRE a a cee of the frontier of| reduced to = cents. shows the chez kind of .| CLOSE ENGAGEMENT commas tells the Geeer AT ABBOTSFORD B of bea — exper! ia Fas: ns SOP facet | — PROVISIONS GETTING SHORT: The Big Issue of the Tonight — “Little Lord — The Mayor possibly thinks $| Rew of Buildings on Main Street Fauntleroy” is the that if he repeats those Wiped Out with Over Bill thirty odd editorial squibs $30,000 Damage. e e him five passengers and remained) toms broker, is building up a above the ground one hour six eo and prosperous bus- problem of them all t M od: l C, : —— every day for three weeks ) unicipa ampaign With tonight's performance that some easy marks will Abbotsford, B. C., Jan. 3.— arene eer the Griffith Stock Company Gon- believe them., He often con- Nearly a block of buildings, in- GRADE CONTRACTORS WORKING TOWARD FORT GEORGE clude their present engagement vinces himself that way cluding the Maple Leaf Hall, the REDUCING FORCES—CANNOT GET PROVISIONS BE- he real issue before the electors of Prince Rupert in in the city, Their final produc- Pia Bell Telephone exchange and CAUSE FRASER RIVER HAS NOT FROZEN UP. present campaign is whether or not we will elect a tion, the unique and fascinating Those school boy desks Alanson’s hardware store, were ' . re q yor whe can carry on a progressive policy of city de- comedy, “Little Lord Fauntle- which went into the city hall wiped out by a fire which broke (Special to Daily News.) ithe river has not frozen oxer and H pent Such a man must -have fet only mitiative roy,” featuring the wonderful yesterday were not for the out Saturday morning at about 3 End Steel, B. C., Jan. 4.—G. 7T,|consequently freighting down the } and legislative ability and a creditable business reputation little star, Julia Fehr, is sure to use of the City Council, as o'clock through the fusing of an|P. grade men are returning here |'®® has been impossible. Last i he must have the confidence of the peopte With prove a big drawing cagd with many might have suspected. electric wire. The damage/from points down the Fraser year the frees) up came 6 monty \ ese quafities and the supp if a representative and the amusement loving public of It seems the School Board amounted to more than $30,000 tints eulian tithe eanthiin ten the holidays, but trappers i eritorious Council Prince HKupert's Mayor would be Prince Rupert For the last two has appropriated a portion and was covered by only a small : : Z |who have been in the country for { juipped to start the cily on a hew era of prosperity. months the Griffith Stock Com- of the city building for a amount of insurance. arr ene in the construction|many years say there will be no 4 Prince Rupert needs many things, bul that whieh will pany have played no small part high school class As a result of the fire, Abbots- Cone a of = apetnng freeze up this winter. If this is ntribute’ most to her prosperity and advancement at this in the entertainment of Prince ford and district are without a yelled te oduts tae saminda true, contractors on the grade iod of her history are public works and local improve- Rupertites. They have produced telephone system, although steps P a6 0 ret uce their forces. The | work coming west will have their ents. The reason is evident to anyone who gives it a la number of strong and interest- | -———""—— are being taken to provide a tem- shortage is due to the faet that/operations considerably curtailed. 1 oment’s thought We have here a large floating popu- | ing plays, working most assid- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS porary one. ——— ation of laborers without any permanent ececupation fuously in order to give them the The fire was discovered at the j There are few established industries Works of construc- | best presentation possible. rear of the building housing Me- AVIATOR BREAKS RECORD; m are practically i » labor market, and to these Doubtless the concluding per- The Princess Beatrice arrived|Callum’s real estate office and he laborers have | wh for employment The prosper- formance will receive the un-|from the south last evening at]restaurant, and an alarm sent in. ‘ y of the town depends largely upon the pay roll of these doubted patronage the company about 6:30, carrying a small pas-| The fire, however, had progressed ANOTHER MEETS DISASTER 4 works Prince Rupert needs these public works, not only deserve. senger list. so far that it was impossible to give her population employment, but to prepare the —— do anything except try to save the ity for the rapid growth which ts due in the immediate THREE FEET OF SNOW The Men’s Own, of the Metho-|adjoining buildings. It quickly GERMAN AVIATOR CARRIES FIVE PA’ PASSENGERS FOR OVER AN future. IN THIRTY-SIX HOURS| ‘ist Church, have decided to re-|spread to the telephone office, the HOUR—HYDRO-AEROPLANE COLLAPSED AND ME- Public works require careful planning, econorils iecililiiaien store their gymnasium to its for-|Maple Leaf Hall and the hard- CHANIC IS DROWNED. management and an executive head But a still more un- Railroads in Washington are Al- | ter place, Plans are being pre-|ware store, which, being of frame, : sinstiiniaailiieninibia eine portant necessity is money, and a lot of it, most Completely Tied Up pared with a view to having the|made good material for the (Special to Daily News.) sag Pw,” \ Getting the mone) is a point in municipal legislation —Worst Storm in work done along the best possible|flames. The Commercial Hotel, Mulhausen, Germany, Jan. 4,—| BUSINESS PROSPERING WITH 20) ‘Gaede much consideration by the public fo Many Years lines. also adjoining, was in danger Arthur Faller, aviator, today ex- DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND the average man who believes in the credit of his own city thangs —- most of the time and was only ccodes the world’s _Sesend for - s eT : : \ looks easy, but as a matter of fact. it is the biggest Special to Daily News.) Miss Milligan returned last|/saved by the efforts of the fire- duration of fight in a biplane by ; ee pes indica- { ; In order to raise money a city Seattle, Jan. 3—Snow is fal-]night on the Princess Beatrice|men. The brigade were handi- five seconds. He carried with|tion Douglas Sut 1erland, cus- ling heavily ‘throughout ‘thefafter a pleasant holiday at Van-|capped because of a searcity of Cascade mountains, more than)couver. water. . three feet having fallen within _ The telephone equipment was |'™!nules and five seconds. iness in his line. His new offices the last 36 hours. As a result KR. Boyd Young, the well known | valued at $4,000 and the building serrenrry jon Third Avenue, next to Chris- railroad transportation is. ser-|general merchant of Port Simp-|itself was estimated to be worth Excamp, France, Jan, 4.—|tiansen & Brandt's real estate iousiy handicapped. It will be at|som, was a visitor lo the city] $2,000, The Maple Leaf Hall was |J®dues Levasseur, the famous|office, have been much admired least three days before the Great yesterday, returning to his home]puilt only a few years ago, and aviator, met with a serious mis-|during the past few days. They Northern line will be operating| again this morning. was considered one of the best in hap yesterday while making an are undoubtedly ‘a, credit to the regularly. The storm is one of — its line on the Fraser Valley line.| OVe'se4 flight in a hydro-aero-|city and Mr, Sutherland is to be plane. The machine collapsed|congratulated upon his aggeres- council must first get the sanction of the property own- ) ) } | ers through their ballot, House holders and license hold- ers may demand these public works, but after all it 1s { ) only the property owners Who can pass the bylaw to raise : there the money. If the prope!ty holders say way then are ho public works Having received the assent of the property holders the Cit) Council then offers its deben- tures to the financial corporations who have the mote) Before a man or a company jlends a hundred thousand or a million dollars they naturally look up the record of the the worst that has been exper- Mr. J. J. Lane of Vanepuver, onal D a , not too heavily in debt; if it ienced in Washington state in a|travelling auditor for the C. P. RK.) FINISHED BUILDING TRAIL |and the mechanic accompanying |siveness In securing such a de- es If the or vote testa’ tas ie if it nuniber of years. came up on the Beatrice last Levasseur was drowned. sirable location. looks prosperous; if it 1 lM P , ; ; ; q Good Now able from — | has an pa et feeling of confidence and harmony, the Presbyteri =— ao er es - tam = — an . NOTICE Alderman Doug! Candidate | money will bably be forthcoming at current rates, but ‘an Services will return to Prince Rupert to-| Big Bay to Point Across Har- n glas a will probably be At the morning service in the}day. bor Near Rifle Butts. . Alderman Douglas announces Hall on Ath avenue, the Lord's eniabiatenene dileeaal A meeting of property owners|that he will run as an independ- Supper will be dispensed. The} Miss Mercer returned last} J, MeLeod’s party, who have of 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be held at the|ent aldermanie candidate’ in evening service will be entirely|uight on the Princess Beatrice,| been engaged for several weeks Presbyterian chureh hall on 4th) Ward Two. devoted to a special observance after spending the Christmas|in building a trail from Big Bay Avenue at 8 p.m,, on Monday, 6th ——— - ene ee aan = si *