ol Em=EEEeEeeaOSTT = — = === eee A ~~ Wes e- - “ .- agiurday January 4, 1043, THE DAILY NEWS Semi-Annual CLEARANCE Our Immense Stock of all new Spring Goods will shortly arrive and we are compelled to clean up our present stock of Men’s Clothing, Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Blankets, Hats, Caps, etc., as much as possible to make room. left to do but sacrifice our present entire stock regardless of cost, quality or quantity. for business and inspection on Saturday, January 4th, at 8 A. M. We invite you to inspect our stock and prices. The goods have been purchased and we have no place to put them except in this store, so there is nothing Our store will be open Come early and save money. single breasted MOW.cccecsessee® 5.50 Men's ‘I'weed Suits, regular price $12.50 8 50 to $15.00, MOW....--sereeereeereerrs e Men's fine Worsted Suits, regular price 13 75 $17.50 to $20.00, NOW... eeerererre e Men's fine Woolen Suits, regular price 17 50 $22.50 to $25.00, MOW...++++eeerres ° extra fine Suits, reguiar price 19 75 $30.00, NOW...---eeeees e Tweed Suits, 89.00, Men's regular price Men's $27.50 and now .«-. Men's fine Woolen Pants, regular nS 50 $4.50 and $5.00, NOW..-+++rreererrre e Men's All Wool Pants, regular price 4 25 and $6.00, MOW..--+rsrrrrrersrrrree® e Heavy Mackinaw Pants, regular price 3 50 $4.00 and $4.50, MOW..-+rererrerrres e Extra heavy Corduroy Pants, regular 5 $3.50 and $4.00, NOW. .....- 6 eee ee eeee e Heavy Mackinaw Coats, regular price 5 $4.50 and $5.00, noW.....-.e-eeeeees e Heavy Sheep Skin Coats, regular $5.50 4 50 and $6.00, NMOW......++-eeeeeeeeeeees e Extra heavy All Wool Underwear, reg. $1.25 and $1.50 per garment, NOW.....-.+++. e Ribbed Woo! Underwear, regular $2.00 5 per SUit, MOW.... eee errr rrerrerrrers 1.2 Wool Fleece Underwear, 45 ne ceca thtaeaee sek eee e Heavy Sweaters, regular $1.25, 75 ar On AS see re ee es e Heavy Wool Sweaters, regular $2.00 1 45 MS cc bc abes eee baceres hawees Can e Extra fine Wool Swetaers, regular $3.50 2 75 and $4.00, MOW.....eeeeerrerrecrenre e Heavy Flannel Shirts, Big Horn Union, 1 75 regular $2.50, MOW.....+.eeeeerrereee e Medium weight Flannel Shirts, regular ] 25 $1.50 and B4.75......-0e ears ceee eens e Medium weight Flannel Shirts, regular 65 PE eG err ° $1.25, now Loggers’ Boots, reg. price $6.50, NOW cocccreseccernseeeeseeeesseeree .00 Fine High Top Boots, regular $7.50, WOU Riek s Keio cet ee ue bhe #0. mee oe eee al High Top Boots, fine heavy quality, regular $6.00, now 4, Workingman’s Boots, regular price $5.50, oe enn. cece ee caches 4.00 Goodyear Welt Dress Shoes, reg. price $5.00 and $5.50, MOW........seeeerees 3.95 Goodyear Welt Dress Shoes, reg. price 946.00. 08 GABO. ciaacikdbvidccescebiscie 3.25 Fine Shoes, regular price $3.50 ; i eye ee ee 2.45 Workingmen’s Rubbers, reg. price $4.50, 3 25 Std. sys hbo eh Gabba ae oes e now High Top Rubbers, reg. price O95 a NR RETR, 8 SE 3.50 High Top Shoe Packs, reg. price $7.00, Sei ee arth Vectnasaieoal 6.00 Shoe Packs, medium height, reg. $6.00, MOW wc cceeeseeeraeeeeeeseseeeessessse 5.00 Extra fine quality Rain and Oil Coats, reg. $4.50 nd $5.00, NOW. ...... cece eeeeee 3.75 25 doz. latest style Hats, reg. price $2.00, now e Very good quality Hats, reg, price $3.00 B3.00 0nd GOB. 0... cons ocecepeeninn v6 2.45 German Sox, regular price $1.00 and BADE, ROW... cvacccdsesedsrsaveate eeenes 675 Cashmere Sox, reg. price 35c, NOW ndcacercascsdeddee +64 essen emenee 25 Heavy Wool Sox, regular 30c, : Sn tea st tenant ears, 20 Extra heavy Wool Sox, regular, 40c, Sa nara eR Id .30 Extra heacy Wool Sox, regular price BOC, MOW «onc dec rec ececerrvenenrercesre .40 All Blankets and Quilts at cost price. All Gloves at cost price. Suit Cases at greatly reduced prices. All goods marked in plain figures. or your money back. Come early to ‘Any article purchased in our store can either be exchanged The Grossman Clothing House Second Avenue, Stork Block, near 6th Street The Home of Quality tee =. | —— EAGLE EEE