PH DAILY SE ee May 1913 Bring You Happiness and a C. H. ORME The REXALL Stores “The Pioneer Druggist - (enmel wie Nbwe ~—THERE ARP NO | “The News” Classified Ads. ==One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== “DEAD ONES" HERE— we For Rent Peerless Studio’ KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Oils oe HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Suppliee Plumbers’ supplies Paints ‘* Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block FURNISHED cabins, 85.00 per month En Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St quire 533 8th Ave 4-9 Special Styles at Reduced Prices|FOR RKENT—6-room cottage, 8th Ave.,| W . near school; water in house. CGrown| All ork Guaranteed Agency Co. Phone 43 goat FURNISHED ROOMS & CABING. For Sale Furnished Cabins at $4 a month Prince Rupert APPLY — 208 NINTH AVENUE FOR * git MSM Wt Shee « Bargains ! In Order to Make Room for New Special CARPETS BRASS Wwe pint. ye Stock We Are All Lines of Furniture. AXMINSTER RUGS LINOLEUMS AND METAL BEDS PILLOWS AND BEDDING MATTRESSES FRAME PICTURES The Hendricksen Smith Furniture Co. Phone 465 Cor. 3rd Ave. & 7th St. Making Prices on a a il MEMORANDUM OSCEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK baie Bibiecdeaed $1,100,000.00 $350,000.00 Authorized Capital Money Loaned at 5 per cent. per annum simple whole lean or any part interest. Ten years / © without extra cost or six months to repay bonus. THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CONTRACT LOANING COMPANY IN CANADA Business written to date in exeess of $12,500,000.00 Officer's and Directors A. McKECHNIE, ist Vice Pres. and Gen. Mer. F. A. BRODIE, Secretary’ Lt.-Col. J. DUFF STUART, 2nd Vice Pres Hon, KR. BE. MckEC 8rd Vice Pres. 4d, 4. BANFIELD The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Head Office, 2nd Floor, Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C. Local Office, Federai Bidg., Prince Rupert B. C. Offices, Victoria, New Westminster, Nelson, Kamloops or repayment can be made any month of / 4. KR. SEYMOUR, Pres. NIz, Other WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Farewell Performance of the Griffith Stock Company FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Little Julia Fehr and the Entire Company Little Lord Fauntleroy 35e and 50c. in Prices: Evenings—25ce, Matinee—15e and 25c NEXT WEEK—NEW MOTION PICTURES THE AFTERMATH : os Usually the day following Christmas brings with it # unpleasant recollections of friends who have been inad- vertentiy overlooked in the matter of Christmas gifts. ¥ Isn't it fortunate that New Year's Day follows so closely and gives us an opportunity to make amends for our oversights during the Christmas rush. While the past & week's shopping made very heavy inroads into our stock, the assortments in each line are practically unbroken, We have a large range of beautiful things’for New Year's @& gifts. CONSULT OUR CATALOGUE, } a =e SS oJ Le / i Birks & ali Limited = JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managiny Director VANCOUVER, B.C & r t t 89 89: S89 S80 enn. z y A abr EH. 8th Furnished rooms and beds rent 91.50 per week for single beds, os. 00 for dou- a Complete with bath ‘POR SALE—Pairbanks-Morse stationary ' gasoline engine, twelve b.p., high speed, first class shape. Apply P. O. Box 1509, SALE—Handsome hardwood buffet, tapestry carpet, chairs, disappearing bed, kitchen utensils, a few choice pieces of $35, cost double; hadwood | Axminster carpet, $20; $5; set of dishes, or half set; | plete; chest of drawers, PA ERHANGIN | board with small | soir davenport; bed com side both ways for price list. on $10.00 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND china and = pictures, All half cost | Henderson, corner Sth avenue and Green INTERIOR DECORATIONS street. 303 of All Kinds Estimates Free t Wanted R. E. BALL P. O. Box 274 Phone 174 WANTED—Capable woman to do hand washing Permanent position. Good wages. Also girl for laundry work Apply Pioneer Laundry. 308-313 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO WANTED—A general servant Apply Mrs e L. W. Patmore, S04tt Dealers in e HAY,GRAIN FEED AND i Lost and Found SEEDS - Speen LOST—A packet of statements, held by rubber band. Return to Pacifie Trans a fer Co. 4-6 * FPOUND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS, Agents for the International Stock Feoc 1007 Robson Street, Vancouver, B. C. omen Express paid one way on $5.00 aun, orders, Write 268-0 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber Jan. 6th, 1913 eral office routine and be Salary #75 per month. menee Tuesday, 7th inst. monials and references ERNEST A. WOODS, STENOGRAPHER WANTED Applications for position of stenographer in the city clerk’s department will be ceived by the undersigned up to Applicants must be experienced in gen rapi@ typists Dutie Submit testi City Clerk re Pp. m., 5 Ss to com 2-3 EMPIRE BATHS Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. in at the E most up-to- ' a THE WEATHER. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. The weather report at Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. precipitation, .05 inch, “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West Phone 86500, Moderate Prices For an easy and comfortable shave drop ire Baths om Third Ave. The te furnishings have been in- stalled and the general surroundings are such as ae - a to peopie. Located engale Majestic Theatre KEEFE & DORREL 5 o'clock Barometer, temperature, this morning read: OFFICE: | 30. 523 maximum EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. § (33; minimum temperature, The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel! in Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C. 99- DONT PAY RENT or High Rates of Interest. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT. PER YEAR WE GUARANTEE the time when your indebtedness will be paid off, OMece open evenings. Write, phone or call. INTERNATIONAL HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Biock.. Phone 455. M. E. Ritohey, Supt. PRINCE RUPERT BOWLERS |—— Saturday, January 4, iyi a * TWO KILLED AND MANY /INIURED CRASHED THROUGH TRESTLE | FAST PASSENGER TRAIN ON NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE - on). | CAGO RUN MEETS WITH A BAD ACCIDENT — Two KILLED AND MANY INJURED Mobile, Ala., Jan wo per the New Orleans Mobitk Oh eago fast passenger trai: th leone were killed and a score or bound, crashed through a red when part of/tle at Leaf, Miss WAY ‘BE REPRESENTED NEW WING OF HOSPITAL A movement is on foot amongst} the bowlers of the city in fut therance of the idea of sending} a team to represent Prince Ru pert at the annual Bowling Congress that is going to take place this year in Van couver. | TO BE OPENED IN MARCH Western |HON, DR, YOUNG, PROVINCIAL SECRETARY, WILL BE INVITED TO OFFICIATE AT OPENING CEREMONIES—MR. J. G. SCOTT WINS P. R. CLUB DEBENTURE. There are several Arst| The cx tullo are tion of Mr. meet in th for the ear Third aven COMMITTEE ROOMS OPEN ymmittee rooms in the interests of T. D. Pat pen every evening All interested in the eles Pattullo as mayor for 1913 are requested to e rooms for the purpose of furthering plans npaign The rooms are in the Hart Bloek, of ue, next door to th e Bank of Montreal FOR ALDERMA N ‘Progressiveness M. P. McCaffery High Wages Efficiency LADIES I beg date for th port, | am out and ac and leathers. it will be wel i try a pair on just tosatisfy yourself how stylish and comfortable Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes are— To the Electors of Ward Two AND GENTLEMEN to announce that ne above ward al the hope that you will honor serving you on the Thanking you inh anticip sincerely yours, a candi- election in privilege of I have decided to be the forthcoming me with the incoming couneil, ation for your hearty sup- he. In the We have your size in a variety of shapes At least come in and the | worth your while Cushio® ma Shoe the solt fibre cushion compresses under your heel, the ball of your foot and your toes—giving ample support to your arch—-and your foot rests in a natural position in perfect comfort. as il Fitting Shoes i Foot Discomfort The average shoe is not built for comfort—many of them do not fit properly or shape themselves to the foot—so when night comes your feet are tired 138 CUSHION NESSES UNDER 3 wes AL “OF FRET AND 2 CUSMION SUPFC ats anor 4 cusilion Pd> buses For Sale Only by Renworth & Jefferson class men at this game amongst There were present yesterday |}completion of his contract our citizens who ought to be cap-jafternoon al the gular monthiy|was granted by the board va able of making a strong showing,}/ meeting of the Hospital Board,| decided that the formal op: even amongst the big array of|besides the president, Mr. D, G.) should take place some tim talent that is bound to assemble} Stewart, Mes O. H. Nelson, J.) March, Provincial Secretar; at a gathering of bowlers from|H. Thompson, ©. V. Bennett, J. A.|Dr. Young is to be invites all over the continent Van- | Kirkpatri Mayor Newton and|visit Prince Rupert for the couver has been trying for twoj|Alderman Douglas rhe first/sion and perform the cerem or three years to get this event} business transacted was the Before adjourning a resolu and has at last been sueccessful.|drawine for the Prince Rupert|was passed thanking Mes It ought to be a splendid adver-|Club debenture tlued at $100,;Williams & McMeekin, Stalk tisement for Prince Rupert tojowned by the association and| Wells, George Frizzell and M have a representative team at the| which they had raffled as a means (Roberson for their generous « congress amongst the two hun f raising funds most urgently |/nation of good things for the fi dred or so teams that wil! be on| needed It vder that every./tive season the ground thing might be strictly en regh auatiniin wsitipialiasbicatnneatisibiidestiin genial Bills Vickers, chief Will Be a Candidate. Empress Bowling Alleys. police, was asked to attend and Alderman Dybhavn, chairma Last night at the Empress|assist at the momentous cere-jof the Board of Works, will b: bowling alleys the Prince Rupert} mony After the stubs bearins|candidate for the new cour Stars, who are going to journey|the duplicate numbers to the|}running in Ward Two. His plat to Vancouver for the Western|tickets purchased had been thor-|form will be announced late Bowling Congress, defeated by|oughly shaken up in one of the - - fifty pins a picked team, who were|city ballot boxes, the presiden Mrs. Dorothy Dana ret spotted 350 pins on the total, called upon Mayor Newton to | to the city last evening afte Stars ist 2nd ira ru.jdraw one out of the box, the/| spending the Christmas vaca H. Lockuart 175 168 190 3 J. Scott 149 177 154 477, ucky number to be declared the] in Vancouver B Rorvik 88 He 193 808l winner. Tt chanced to be num H. Ross 201 201 163 iber 268, the fortunate winner be Forty years in use, twenty Grena toeal...068 601. 007 ling J. G. Seott of the Kaien Hard. | years standard, prescribed and Picked Team— ist 2nd 3rd Tt} ware Ce Amidst much lauehter | recommended by physicians. For é ca, 7 ‘ae oo. too | and congratulations to Mr. Seott,|Weomen's Ailments, Dr. Martel's > oo. 09 134 170— 507 / the Board took their seats and Female Pilis, at your druggist. M. Martinson 149 221 118 sas; proceeded with the regular bus Grand total 819 713—9950/ 9" Of the meeting WARD Two Handicap 350} As the new wing is not vet a600|/COmpleted—as a matter of fae H. DOUGLAS — Contractor Hicks requires a Subecrine for the Dally News j month ~ extension of time for the |gndependent Aldermanic Candi- date for Ward Two ro TH Electors of Ward Your Vote and Influence Respe« fully Solicited for Douglas Sutherland As Aiderman for the Year 1913 | Stand for a Sound and Sane Ex- of Menisipal Funds penditure George Leek 618 Srd Ave. Prince Rupert One Double Corner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and the balance over ten years at 6 per cent. Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Ruper WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR G. R. Naden Co, Ltd. Box 1616 Prinee Rupert