Tuesday, Janua: ' rhkh DALLS NEWS — aes — ~ —_--—-— — —————$$<$— a Eset = City Assessor's Re- | TIGHTNESS OF MONEY port Shows Total SHOWN IN REPORTS “The News” Classified — of $347,000.00 any sore of Uns sn etsnaantonat Continued from Page 1. Deposits matlcuttn aimed . May 1913 Bring You Happiness and Prosperity ! ~ =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== {} 2 ~ sm 2) wumgrm 1 Iwas one case of infectious dis-|from national ban) : : C. H. ORME “THERE ARB NO “DEAD ONES” HERE \eeage newer Pocmanyyinrtiree! ow fh 1 ease ies ? r : ae = | were sent to the hospital and one ree the eall of ‘| The Pioneer Druggist The REXALL Stores t lio Vancouver. The general health} 26th oe oa tigt ae. saeco as spe } ‘1 ty was excellent money a 1a inne ; LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. a rked growth of ba farsorol For Rent YESTERDAY'S BIG SHOT 10 ita tet Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | A GRAND SPECTACLE Petr ge rn has been asked by olietain | Range V Take notice that |, Madge Koll, of Mon [ru runs “tee a 00 per month ‘ yg — he propriet f the Majesti Many sections of treal, occupation spinster, intend to apply : e . ‘ ‘ . . ais in . las for permission to purchase the following pon sittin eames th snt (Continued from Page 1 ltheatre to erect a marquee in| reporte d decreas: Jescribed lands on ta . . ae . sits as I ared a mmmencing at a post planted at the cone = sua, . house aeeet - — I front f the theatre extending to deposi > Compare southwest corner of Lot 5144, thence | — = hone 4% ' several months The first step ; rhe ditions September 41} : south 15 chains more or jess to the north | Ate edwe he sidewalk ie of the previous ¢al f boundary of Lot 4130, thence west 40/ was the blasting and removal teand —— = i" chains more or less to the east boundary | F. l 1 it a { produ t i The aggregate Jour of Lot 4477, thence north 15 chains mwre} or Sa e rock to make a cut at the back of} - , or jess to the south boundary of Lot 994,| lagreemenl be had drawn up I} deposits of all the nat 3 : it . , oe i eliaitoseten Ss : oe vr | the ridge to serve as a receptacte aed the matter and sub.10n November 26th wer Low Prices This Week on acres more or less FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse stationary / for jhe main ridge when broken 1 it to the Council Alder Loans, &5,058,982.0 : MADGE KOHL | gasoline engine, twelve b.p., high speed, os ‘ BRASS BEDS, METAL BEDS, IRON BEDS, SPRINGS, MAT- Donald MeVicar, Agent | first Class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1608, up. Following this came the |man err de urred and thought|over September 4, 191 eiR Dated November 25th, 1912. | Prince Rupert. soit } ar . i be established} 140,758, and over De TRESSES, BEDDING, WINDOW SHADES, KITCHEN FUR- Pub. Dec. 23, 1912—Feb. 17, 1913 boring of the five large coyote ns I vould be { v heeee 5 ansdate s i ae alee | — _ ae of » ridge and the city he knew of a : OF BOI, Gi ec NITURE AND LINOLEUMS Wanted ee ee aa wed th extend over the| Cash, $859,008,737 skeena Land District—District of Coast, /| an the numerous vertica ples and] lower if BEST PRICES ON ROCKERS Range V | finally the loading with dynainite | sidewalk Alderman Maitland} since September 4th . p Take notice that Martha Ann Kruts, of na é 7 | tb ae die Pane, ‘Ciaiiaianemmaneaticienis Seattle, Washington, occupation spinster, : and black powder. disagt vith his worthy cor aye Magen oe Mag’ utends to apply for permission to pur-| WANTED—Capable woman to do hand ft this point The rest}of $3,695,450 thas the follwing dsceribed lends | washing. Permanent position. Good Notwithstanding the disagree-|frere ) ! De its, 85.944.564 The H urniture ‘incundiry of Lot’ shot haage | XoS" pike End Gt MAG, M2 | able weather of yesterday after-|o retgpitent oot ‘September 41: : v , o) J ) 3 | ‘ ’ > oO } nal over Beptember 4th 1 # x Coast District, mot yet gazetied (Kath oon and e slushy condition of)}mitting the erection of the tma 465 Cor. 3rd A & 7th St. feen Agnew's application to purchase) , | WANTED A general servant Apply Mrs - n and th wn om ; wning 1 motion being | 062, and over Decembe: ‘ Phone : ve. this post being about 5 chains west of | L. W. Patmore. soar [the streets, there was an im = ( i ng, & > winetee fae ihe northeast ocrner of this lot, thence iil . , - . me tol passe n favor of the applica.jo 108,578,7 orth 20 chains, thence west to east bank mense g@athering of citizens | pa | pI piste Di oaees ieee, = svutherly conow- witness the unusual spectacie.|tion along the lines of the eity . . sath Uitles ssueenees ing east bank of Hocsaill River to the . | aa — ean eT itehen and dining + northwest corner of Lot 6151, thence fol Lost and Found The shot was scheduled for 2)/solicitor’s suggested agreement all call ile iowing north boundary of this lot to point . . Patty . mene | nished, other oom ~ commencement, containing 40 acres o'clock, but for some reason a Department Reports. tes hes bes Wellec. more oF less. : i was not fired until about 2:30.) ; : MARTHA ANN KRUTZ. LOST—A packet of statements, held by _ The annual reports of the] Wallace Dated October 2nd, 1912. rubber band. Return to Pacific Trans- To those who had never witnessed B ‘of Works, the busidine in , . > “ ar ‘ orks ‘ rulle z Fam Oop. 08, Svs. ter Co, ‘6 Jan event of the kind the suspense | ¥°@" ' — ne | ‘ spector, the ‘hasing agen ee i ge CGLEANERS,/ was rather nerve racking. The pect . ae purchasing 2 WARD Two . - ~, 007 Robson Street, ancouver, ¥ al t eitys engineet! were Skeena Land ——s Of Coast,| xpress paid one way on $5.00 orders,| scene itself was one never to be } and ’ m 4 ; » te tetehe ange V. der: rite on ought in an d upo e table Take notice that i, Henry Smite, of} Poth ways on $10.00 orders. | Write! forgotten. There was practically brough wad 16 it H. DOUGLAS Prince Rupert, B. C., ovcdpation tail- | for price list ssew | eli bias Ci initia’ gis luntil the next meeting roader, intend to apply for permission vad FOUND—Small coral earring opposite the no loud report. 1@ Whole mass ye Eb yy 83 | skating rink. Owner can have gomme by | lifted and seemed to crumble in Bonus'to Mr. Parker. Independent Aldermanic Candi- oan f dvertisement Apply, Daily chains distant and ia’ adutueriy Girecuon| RWI gic, Aaverusement. APP PY ihe air. AL the same instant! j, gonnection with the put date for Ward Two potas a the ae a Sieene ——_—______ —___________ |there was a hissing at the base chasing agent's report, Alderman} —— ver, ence sou c ,» thence wes like that of a flery serpent 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence| Knights of Pythias installation. : Morrissey fe { encumbent upon TO THE i 3 . D : s . z y red with flame : To the Electors of the City of Prince Rupert: EK, apes commencement, After dispensing with the reg- moke slightly tinged b Mamet inncslf to make @ few remarks MIKE VUKSTICH poured forth and with it went The : wntirely of @ flatterine a th . ular routine business the follow- ey were entire of a fh K ] solicit our vot and i Sy sept se —_— ft f tk tons upon tons of broken rock and eulogistic nature however ec ors 0 ar I espectfull y hot » 28, . ing leers for » ensuing year i , ~ f 0 y y — = oe n oe &_yee shooting horizontally across the He thought a special vole of thanks should be tendered to the were installed by the Knights o } od _— . ae S : tracks toward the waterfront skeena Land District—District of Coast,/Pyithias last night: ©. C., 8. Mas-|,. f ( fluence for a lean, sane, corhmon sense i i Kange IV. vr , » °° dete Phe main part the ridge set- ne ; : several departments | Yo Vote and Influence Res) and progressive administration of city Take notice thet Wiliam J. Mogridge,|Se¥; V. C., Frank L. Landes; pre-| i) vere it had been before, bur [aeaas Of the several departments |Your Vote Influen ’ affairs. . of Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, in-|jajo S B. Gox: M. W.. J. H. Nut- ' . for the careful and minute re- : tends to apply for permission to purchase |'“**’ , ee oe in a broken mass, while a large s tee fully Solicited for T D TTUL the following described jands tall; M. A., B. MelIntosh; K. R. & ° : ports that had been turned in of . ° PA LO, Commencing at & post planted on the a X M : Sak part toppled into the cut that had the year's work fer in advatice foreshore, about 2 miles distant in a/S., W. H. Mellior; M. of F., A been made for that purpose. The ; northwesterly direction from kumeoion Finney: M. of E.. R. W. Cameron he said, of those tendered to any Candidate for Mayor injet, and about 500 feet south of a small | . ee ae ‘lonly disappointment was in the]. | aia He aa as bay, thence east 30 chains, thence north | lL. G., F. McLeod: O. G., W. Rob- : ak the ; | previous cou len e made spe- 22 ee, Se Ses 20 ae See Si steeu. The new officers were amount of Fro that was blown cial reference to the excellent and less to foreshore, thence southerly fullow- | ¢ across the railway tracks and| As Aiderman for the Year 1913 indefatiguable service rendered ing the foreshore to point of commence-|incgtalled by Past Chancellor R against the pile of steel -rails}). sg. op 2 i 0 acr re or less. ment, containing ¥0 acres mo ) 3: Parker, draftsman and WILLIAM J. MUGRIDGE. |W. Cameron Past Chancellor Dated October 8th, 1012. ie OW Hast - m , stat between the tracks and the water-| issistant to the city engineer. He > . ar j } appropriate a ‘ : i j Pen OR ae, Se. La a front. This mass will take prob-| d that the ¢ ne I Stand for a Sound and Sane | manner presented past chancel- proposed that the ouncil make , : ably a week or ten days to clear Mr. Parke seis i . if | Skeena Land District—pistrict of Coast,|/)or jewels to C. A. Vaughan, R ode ae Denies | dame I arker a specia onus Offpenditure of Municipa ~y gr N W. Cameron, J. W. Potter and H . v , “'h=18100 as a mark of their appre Take notice that i, Alexander Nobile, of will be brought to the passenger ciation of his seal and faithfu' ort E ton, B. C., occupation canner, I laggze © Vaughe Wwe ; eam 4 a ane ery” |M. Daggett A aughan was landing by means of a siding man, intend to apply for permission tw ' ness in the discharge of his e purchase the following described ijands; | Unanimously elected as grand »sterday' ) , . t ? pianted at the Yesterday ° shot will be re- duties Whilst none of the Coun- eer ess u 10 G one t ost atime . ao y coutenes anener of vor at thence north representative fou the ensuing corded as one of the interesting ‘ ; 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or|term. After all business had been , ~ {ell were unaware of the excellent Rooms 19-20-21 Alder Block Having been requested by a large number of the ess to Lot 1746, thence south 20 chains events in connection with Archie! jamwice rendered by Mr. Parker : ‘ ; hoelers of Ward Gne to otandeé thelr rene : more or Jess to the beach, thence foliow-|transacted the members assem- Maéuenii’s contract foe the ox : Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th 5 erect0rs 0 ard Une to stand as their representative in ig the shore to point of commencement, |)},ieq in the banquet hall, where]. wall “land the Engineering department the Council of 1913, I am offering myself as a candidate uluining 40 acres nore or less. ’ To the Electors of Ward One Special Styles at Reduced Prices generally, several did not think il : : All Work Guaranteed ALEXANDER NUBLE | lal te! it t cavation for the G. T. P. passen . ! aS jan elaborately reparec unch- for election. Standing on my record of two years in the oe ' aon » Dated October 16th, 1912. ger terminals. To Mr. MeDou- Council, during which I have always been an advocate of ; Lens as serve i. é. a good precedent to establish uw, Nov, 11th, 1912—Jan, 6, 1913 | e0M Was serve d, intermingled with gall the success of the shot means municipal ownership, I solicit your vote and support. Finally, upon a vote being taken |—— i. amongst the aldermen it was | FURNISHED ROOMS & CABINS found to be a tie, the Mayor giv- Take notice that |, Duncan k. Falconer, | Approximately 50.000 eubie : os ; ; Furnished rooms and beds to reat “1” ince r € ‘ iSwne” ¢ ; Save , p . me his casting vole in favor of |per week for single beds, $2.0¢ fer dov of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation mason,|Syne" and “God Save the King ard f lid rock we sster le bed. Complete with bath and hot imitend to apply for permission to purchase yards Of solid roc was yesler- making the bonus The city en- anes the following we oo gees: : aor gas " day prepared for the steam wtenes aie tees Commencing at & pos janted @ ne ? ! bl Mé m, southwest corner of Lot id, thence north} ee in oon tyre: shovel. It will take over 4,000 of emphatically that he did not want Furnished Cabine at $4 a month following the westerly boundary of Lot ears standa presc bed an + — nin ea oF 3 aan i4 20 chains, thence West 25 chains more y ded b aieetet F the large size dump cars to re any shiggestion made of a bonus|APPLY — 208 NINTH AVENUE or less to the easterly boundary of Lot 15, | "ecommen y physicians. For! nove it. Roughly speaking, the thence South following the easterly boub- | YWWomen’ Aiilmen Dr. Martel’s|.,..,... 3 : ; dary of [Lot 15 25 chains more or less jon's ts, a actual cost of the shot was jsongs, recitations, speeches and {the saving of thousands of dol- . Skeens Land District—District of Coast,|}toasts, closing in the wee sma lars Yours truly, Range V hours by all singing “auld Lang stated most in. gegard to timeelf, and the}... iienletadediemeantiaen tmnatler was dropped FOR ALDERM 4N a ae = vy. oe east |Pomale Pills, at your druggist. [45 000, this including wages in LOT FOR SALE UOMO ie Vv vo + chains more or ie¢ss to point of com-| _ “uum |Horing the coyote and vertical ON COMMISSION WARD - ONE ge Ce acres | NOTICE. holes and the cost of powder, ten School Board Candidates. Lot 7, Blk. 4, Sec. 1; well graded dow! ; , ae aa Om , . : ee eae 1612,500; $3,000 cash, interest 7% ve ROO OUNCAN kh. FALCONH, Locator. | Notice is hereby given that 1 found an |bOMs of which were used. Candidates for election @8/annum, balance 5 years. Any agen! Dated December 16th, 1912. jold scow. Owner can have “an by pay The big blast of yesterday will|schoo! trustees are requested to ee will be allowed 5% commis : . ‘ y/ n 4 i vf f in care Of san Pub. Dec. 23, 1912—Feb. 17, 1913 war nace i one Port Essington, |probably go down in history as|attend the public meeting tomor ™. OSCAR LEDUC 3° one of the most successful ever|row night held in the interests of 362 Lagauchetiere 6t., Montrea! > ( a e Skeena Land District—District of Coast) Notice is hereby given that thirty days| pulled off on Kaien Island and in]T. D. Pattullo, mayoralty candi ° Kange V. after date we intend to apply to the Gov t sis of Prinse A t i —_—— spemeeeteanieeniipstiemmearemnmaecent Take notice that 1, Michel Kordas, of | ernor-in-Council for a quit claim deed for|the city o rince Rupert. date. ee - Victoria, Bb. C., occupation ijaborer, intend | the following deseribed foreshore: to apply for permission to purchase the Commencing at the northwest corner of : » 2 toulcwing described lands: Lot 448, Range V, Coast District, British High W ages ‘Progressiveness Efficiency Commepeing at 4 post planted at the Columbia, thence west “seven hundred southwest corner of Timber License No.| (700) feet, thence “sovth seven degrees pia $2770, in Lakelse Valley, about % of a/and forty-five minutes west (8. 7:45 W.), SS SS mile southwesterly from the Williams/six hundred and forty (640) feet; thence Creek bridge, thence south 30 chains, east seven hundred (700) feet to high ane eh ae a —, I water mark; thence northerly following 4% ; e 8 tO point of | : he int of ¢com- g commencement, Containing 150 acres more | bish weer mes pe aa | orner rere le mencement, excepting that portion § (in- SSS SSS = ——— or cane. MICHE npas cluded within the above boundaries) i Pee L KORDAS. covered by the Grand Trunk Pacific right- ad E£. Cowell, Agent. of-way — T iy Peted Octoher Sam, 3013 KAIEN INVESTEMENT COMPANY, LTD. The committee rooms in the interests of T. D. Pat. J To the Electo of Ward T 1 ub, Nov. 11th, 1019—Jan. 6, 1918 | prince Rupert, B, C., December 30th, 1919. tullo are open every evening. All interested in the elec. 7th A VENL E vs wo a i P i ‘ —EEEE See i ties teins a tion of Mr, Pattullo as mayor for 1843 are requested to Sal at \ 3 pa-9 rict 0} | meet in the rooms for the purpose of furthering plans SE( ‘TION SIX Take notice that |, Sam Ennyu, of . T r r ’ . . kayex, british Columbia, — uae EMPIRE BATHS ad me —" a tage Hart Block, on a . rman, intend to apply for permission to| For an eas: comfortable shave 1ird avenue, next door to the Ban ; e , I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. purchase "the following destribed tends: |tn at the Emupine hatee on Third Ave. 4 oF Ponarem, $2000 cash and the balance over te! : oumencing at @ post planted @t the most up-to-date furnishings have been im- years at 6 per cent southwest corner of Lot 182, Range V,| stalled and the general irroundings. are ; Yours for unity and progress. Coast District and on the north bank of such a8 appeal to cular ~ hayex vee anes _ 15 eins, Gen henee pork chains, nee east 0 Majes Thea’ _ ARTHUR H. ALLISON chatos to the boundary of Lot 182 afore- Eats = - ° HJ said." wence south along the’ said boundary KEEFE & DORREL ll Fitting Shoes Ca Foot Dj Samuel Harrison & Company 1S chains to poimt of commencement, use 00 mf. ontaining 23 acres more or less. Proprictere itting t ISCO ort Brokers and Financial Agents SAM ENNYU, Dated October 10th, 1012, Pub. Nov, 11th, 1912—Jan, 6, 1013 PAPERHANGING The average shoe is not built for comfort—many Second Ave. Prince Ruper of them do not fit properly or shape themselves to ; Gheens Land Disirict—District of Const; —AND— the foot—so when night comes your feet are tired _ Aaa T th El t f W d T : Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of INTERIOR DECORATIONS out and ache. In the | ‘rinee Ruper , Occupation tr t / 0 e ec ors oO ar wo man, meeken to apply fF boeenee te of All Kinds . purchase the following Sescrined lands: Estimates Free Dr.A. Mk I iENT ‘ eN: Ommencing at 4 us it at the ADIES AND GENTLEMEN porsheass Bo aed of hon #44 Rat e . R. €. BALL d 088 strict, near ake, thenee I beg to announce that I have decided to be a candi- north 40 chains thence west 40’ chains, |@- @. Box 274 Phone 174 Ree Sho WISHING YOU ALL A VERY thence south 40 chains, thence east 4( Bene Ss daie for the above ward at the forthcoming eleetion in the hope that you will honor me with the privilege of chains Ww place of commencement - KK. W. ROGERS, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS the solt R cushion compresses under your Dated Nov, ist, 1912 serving you on the incoming council, Pub. Nov, 48, 1019-—Jan. 18, 1918 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO Gael.the ball of your foot and your tees-—giving NEW YEAR Thanking you m anticipation for your hearty SUp- . mon " ” amprte support : your arch—and your foot port, | am sincerely yours, Skeena Land / bisarice {District of wens rests in a natural position in perfect comtoit G. W. NICKERSON. vatake Botice shat Rickard J. Grant, of Dealers in We have your size in a variety of shapes Vancouver, moly’ 1ebeabaticn, boakhesper, | HAY, GR F _AND and leathers, At least come in and chase the rollowing described lands i AIN EED try a pair on just tosatisfy yourself 1on, OMnencine at @ ” Abe ES UNpe togeshore ne einai "bay iabout one wait | SEEDS De — and comfortable the A. o ee oh OF FELT AND —_—— — — ~ tual north of entrance to kumeolon ini i, | aan eed i _ @ snion we ’ . . : thence north 40 chains, thence “east 6 * 0| A Cushion Shoes «1 : ii LS a ape tears Siw, caene, ‘neuse cat 66 : i it will be well worth your while west to foreshore, thence following the | . iwentconbaining "446 A in Aes tor the ntermational Stock Food For Sale Only by Naden Ltd. Subscribe For The Daily News| ....2-2 "2s." Renworth & Jeffercn. | (ne Pub. Oct 2%, 1018 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO | Prince Rupert