a LARGEST ONROULATION in CITY AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA I Wislatiy, Lin ees z * ee, The Prince Rupert Optimist L. IV, NO. 4! PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1913 NEXT MAILS From Geuth Rupert Wednesday, 9 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS T TO DYNAMITE HOME OF PREMIER M’BRIDE GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR LIKELY IF an DOES NOT ACCEDE TO DEMANDS OF A ALLIES a re ee POOR PROSPECTS FOR PEACE; DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHT PLOT TO ASSASSINATE PASSENGERS WERE SAVED RUMOR ABSOLUTELY ' BOTH SIDES AR IS STEADILY IMPROVING UNFOUNDED PREMIER M’BRIDE E OBSTINATE Recovering from Attack of Peri- A rumor Was eulated $| Plan Was to @o to to Victoria in a) WHEN VESSEL STRANDED tonitis Which Necessitated about the city this morning Launch and Dynamite Home— | POWERS URGE TUKKS TO COME TO TERMS—RESPONSIBILITY Removal to Hospital. undoubtedly originated by Police Working on Case. (OVER EIGHT HUNDRED PASSENGERS GERS SAFELY REMOVED FROM OF PRESERVING EUROPEAN PEACE—MAY BE ONE some of the followers of “ STEAMER URANIUM, STRANDED NEAR MORE MEETING OF CONFERENCE. Special to Daily News. Mayor Newton, to the effect Special to Daily News. HALIFAX. | Montreal, Jan, 13.—The Duch-|§ that T. D. Pattullo had bee Vancouver, Jan, 13.—A rt | dutta ; von aan prairies behind the mountams)paitullo pointed out that thello and Mr .Naden were members|business during the coming year; (Special to Daily News.) Snow Storms Prevail. riumpa a I and the older settled portions Of). uneil is leaving behind it obli-|done for Ward 2? Blown out a}that I will give city affairs the Vancouver, Jan. 13.—Mrs. G. a service Canada in the east. The meeting] ations of over $60,000, with ar-!cut at the foot of Eighth Ave.)same close attention that T have] ferris, a well known South Van- Special to Daily News.) te was called in the interests of Mt ears in taxes amountng to only They were just as likely to ne-|given my own business, in the|couver woman, committed sui- London, Jan. 13 The whole Worthy of Support. T. D. Pattullo, mayoralty candi- | gog 000, glect Ward 2 in 1913, and were hope that by the combined ef-|ecide last night by jumping from Great Britain was swept by Among the candidates for|date, and the alderman candi- raking up the question of fi-|more likely to spend the city’s|forts of an energetic council we|the bridge across the north arm heavy gales during Saturday and|school trustee there are two that |dates supporting him in Ward 2.] ,ances and securities, it was on-|}money in Section Two than in|may evolve a system of business|of the Fraser River. No reason Sunday Heavy snow storms also particularly met t the support of The meeting was called to or- y natural that Mr. Claney, of the Ward Two. The 4910 council, he administration, encourage com-|has been assigned for the rash prevailed 4 large number of|the electors Mr. O. H. Nefson,|}der by Mr. F. H. Mobley, whol pank of Montreal, should tell said, had to improve too large a mercial activity, complete our|deed. small craft were wrecked and|who has been a most efficient | briefly explained that owing to Mayor Newton that he personal-|area The 19410 council had}local improvements and place the much damage was done to eoast|chairman for the past two years | the. large number of aldermani¢e |), gid not star n the way of se-|}shown more incompetency in one city on sound footing financially. May Double Track Line. shipping. and has sacrificed a large share candidates in the field it W@S]oupring money for the city. The|month than the 1912 council! That is what I would work for, Toronto, Jan. 11.—-The recent climdabianaiaen baitlina of his time for the ‘advancement | necessary to limit the speeches} eeent utterances of that great had show in a year. The presen and to accomplish it I am willing|trip of a grain train from the Loyal Order of Moose. of the educational interests of]to fifteen minutes After invit-|q@naneier, J. Pierpont Morgan be- council had saved the city untold|to devote my time this year to}Canadian West has caused a The lodge will meet. in the the city, should have the vote of |ing Mayor Newton and other can-| fore the Money Trust Committee }sums in settling lawsuits thrown |the city service. proposition to be made to double K. of P. Hall Thursday, the i6th|every elector. Anothe! candidate |didates in Ward 2 to take seals] indicated rather conclusively}on them by previous coun- It is not my purpose to can-| track the T. & N, O. Railway from inst., at 8 o'clock, when the new worthy of support ts Mr. 8. D.]on the platform, he called on Mr.Jinat the character of the men cils. If they had done noth-|vas you personally; nevertheless, | North Bay to Cochrane, 253 miles, officers for the present year will Macdonald, a young man of en-|Pattullo to address the meeting.|qgoing the borrowing carried |ing else this was ample service.|I would appreciate your support|so as to give direct double track be installed, A grand smoker) erey and good sound seuse. Mr T. D. Pattullo. much weight. When financial|In previous years the work had|and consider it an intimation|connection with the National will also be given and a good rally | Ma donald is connected with sev- Mr. Pattullo, after being #iveM| oopporations find out that this been given to a few contractors|that you favor a prosperous] Transcontinental at the latter of members should be in attend- | eral societies in the city, in which|a most enthusiastic reception, place is in a state of internal|who brought in a transient pop-| Prince Rupert, built up on busi-| place. The cost would be be- ance. 40-13 his aggressiveness is wel! — briefly compared the work done];upmoil they will promptly say, ulation and the permanent lab-| "ess principles. 11-12 tween one and two million dol- J. D. MEIKLE, Secy. ‘These two candidates ould| for Ward 2 by the present COUD-) “nothing doing’ on the money|orers went around sucking their I am, yours very truly, lars. in head the poll. cil with the work done for that question. thumbs. He and the council did M. P. MeCAFFERY. re Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners aR section by the council of 1910, After a few complimentary re-|not deserve all the criticism that ————_—_—_—_—— A communieation from Alder- Phone 4. Subscribe for the “Daily News. |showing that the former had) ,arxs coneerning the candidates had been thrown at them. Men’s and women’s Hockey|man Dybhavn on the “Juggling done nothing more than to carry|;, ward Two supporting him, In response to a question Boots. A shipment will arrive|of Figures,” handed in at a late ” out certain extensions of what) yoccrs, Naden, Sutherland, Ni-|from ex-Ald. Hilditch as to whe- by tomorrow morning's boat, hour, is unavoidably held over 1) See been started by previous} oKepson, Allison and Sibbald, Mrither the present council had in- Renworth & Jefferson. if until tomorrow, N jcouneils, Pattullo concluded his address|itiated any work Outside Of CMe | eee " a ————e Mayor ewlon on Mr. Pattullo said that he was!) peferring to Mayor Newton’s|improvement of Market Place, Set n the unfortunate position of] \ciilation as a candidate, which| Mayor Newton said he had gone Municipal Ownership iot knowing whether oF not he had been characteristic of his|to Vietoria where Mr Sweeny had jhad an Oppenent in the fleld. He],.ijons throughout and which told bim that Prince Rupert Newton, the man who wants to be mayo! but who npared — oe = was largely responsible for the would have to learn to creep be- figures on running as the watehdog i Ward 2, did a lot brave man, Goliath of the Phi failure of his administration fore it walked, tines, who had been smitten down ofl.T of boasting over how be was respol ible for the mune) at the first blow aoe hand tiie delenit pal ownership of the tele phone, The pots oe heen somewhat resuscitated and Ex-Alderman G. R. Naden | from the editorial columns of his paper, published a 16 dic ot kha her he woul Ex.Alderman G, R. Naden who —ON— time when the franchise was i jeopardy, shows the true n ian ware a — LIBERAL ROTRSINTIN, followed Mayor Newton made attitude of this political fakir: 4s an example of the insincer- T ; [ one of the most telling speeches WEDNESDAY. EV’G. JAN 15 ity of Mayor Newton, Mr. Pat ne «annual meeting © he has ever delivered before a nae —- : SOME PEOPLE SUGGEST A MUNICIPAL tullo drew attention to the for- the Prince Rupert Liberal $/prince Rupert audience. He be- PONG TRY ‘ TELEPHONE SYSTEM BUT W HILE MUCH CAN mers misrepresentation In & al. Association, for the purpose gan by showing how, by endea- at 8 o'clock, BE SAID IN FAVOR OF MI NICIPAL own . ing that he (the speaker) had of electing officers, will be voring to appeal to their prejud- Final Grand Rally in the Interests of T. D. Pattullo SHIP, IT IS DOUBTEUI WHETHER BUCH A said to the electors: “Just as I held on the evening of ices and by harping upon what “will Be Held 1 POLICY WOULD BI WISE Al rHE VERY OUT am without one plea,” you must Thursday, Jan. 2°%rd, 1943, he is pleased to consider the int- wee ° SET OF THE CITY'S CAREER take me Mayor Newton and in the K. of P. Hall, Helger- quitous actions of the past coun- This ie from the man who wante to dake eredit for every in the entionty oP the son - ssliaieealae a oot ay haped 4 apt one W estholme Opera House one institution belonging to the city which has made good wy Bae we ye pe bt y ’ : “ name oar Dou ° ere _ 7 — in spite of an incompetent eouneil. oe be now ue, ” ; er. ah Reply M4 . Seals Reserved for Ladies. . Everybody Welcome. © Pattullo, \ (Continued on Page 3.) 5 ‘ nen tighten san -—ipere venliiemnin ra