Tuesday, Janay 14, 4 i THE DALLY NEWS eeeeemmmmmeninestnatat ae - ? ne pe AERIS es v3 we! ——JANUARY—___ CLEARANCE SALE This will be, without a doubt, the greatest Sacrifice Sale of Footwear Sale Starts ever held in the City of Prince Rupert. We have bought heavily for Sale Starts . spring and are determined to clean out all we possibly can of the stock Wednesday on hand, and to do so, are offering shoes at prices that are bound to Wednesday appeal to you. There is one feature of this sale we particularly want Morning to draw your attention to, viz: Morning January 15 We Have No Shop Worn Goods Jamary 15) | ' s se s s i Everything is clean and in first class shape. i] ‘ io ) The following i ial list of f the li hich ffering them: ollowing is a partial list of some of the lines, and the prices at which we are offering them: co H ' x i Men's heavy winter Calf Shoes. Ladies’ tan or black High Cut Goodyear welt, double sole to Bluchers, with buckle top; reg- \ heel and leather lined; reg. ular prices $6.50, $7.00 and | $5.00 value; sale $7.50; sale 5 50 PRIRNG ; oct haw eh v0 0.604 2. 95 OPIS ss seers th aeps e ‘ . Ladies’ patent leather Bluchers, Men's fine Gunmetal and Velour with dull mat. top; reg. pric Calf Blutchers; regular price $4.00; sale $5.50; saie price. ae 50 PINOG 00% chun’ > 6% 3.75 ‘ Ladies’ Gun Metal Calf lace and Just Wright Shoe for men, in all button Shoes; ‘4 00 leathers; reg. prees $6.50 and _— sale | $7.00; sale SNOT 1. so cde “9. 50 SRR iat es 66 e ees 4.90 JTBeu Ladies’ Doctor's Special, in heavy Men's Pullman Slippers; sale tan or black winter calf, but- Pts prices from, ton or lace; reg. prices $5.50 Ladies’ 17 button tan and black per pair. ede 25- 2 .00 and $6.00; sale fine high ecut Shoe; regular ESTE OE RES 4.25 $5.50 and 86.00; COED DEIOR, 6 cto cke's'oe 3. 95 ) Men's heavy tan and black grain Ki Working Shoes; ree 95 \\ price $3.50; sale price Boys’ heavy grain leather School \\ \ Men’s Doctor's Specials in ail — es; reg. $2.25 value; ; 40 leathers; regular prices $7.00 COIS PPOs os beer teers \ and $7.50; sale 5 50 | i OURAN i's ku uke mie ° Boys' heavy high cut Shoes, i Leckie make, in tan and black, i at Greatly REDUCED PRICES S | : Ladies’ fine patent and vici kid, i Men . a eenine henner ya one and two strap, House Slip- | in black and tan leather tops, vers at greatly Reduced Prices } or the all rubber kind in buckle ' . \ or lace; all at...CO8ST PRICES Felt Sli . solors} regu- \\ v : eit Slippers in all colors; regu Men's heavy high top Working lar 841.50 and 84.75; h} Shoes, ™ tan and black; oe Misses’, Children’s and Infants’ sale price, per pair... Be =. toom 9.450 to 86.50; Shoes and Slippers, in all the JgTBeuw ere 2 90 different leathers and styles, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S FELT Mas ade ¢ hbk o's 6.40 Oe e at prices that will astonish you. SLIPPERS ALL AT COST PRICES | Space will not permit us to go into further details. All we ask you to do is to call in and look over our lines at the sale prices. Common sense will do the rest. RENWORTH & JEFF ERSON BEST IN FOOTWEAR | BEST IN FOOTWEAR | 3 7 ——— BFS SSS TS rare R =! — — ~ rn — SS OSES