LARGEST OIROULATION voL, IV, NO, 12. BOY SERIOUSLY INJURED IN COASTING ACCIDENT EIGHT YEAR OLD SON OF H. DARLING HAD SKULL FRACTURED AND IS IN PRECARIOUS CONDITION. afternoon sh HAVE ABANDONED STAND LEADERSHIP OF THE UNIONISTS—FOOD TAXATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE COLONIAL CONFERENCE. I Jan. 14 Bonar Law /speech in which he ainta I d Lansdowne today «e that food taxes if pa etain the leadershi I f his platforn I this he was nists and t il d severe ritieize by both th d heretofore take I idol Pisne th I of food taxat n|Ma R 1 8] 1 a vith the scheme f Ashtor de Lyne lhe states preferences rh hat be ling ! h ! eply to the met al ad ix g st the matter would bi ed to ther \b t tw submitted | a eolonial confer ago Bonar Law made a) ence TO THE ELECTORS fice, but for the satisfaetion of OF WARD ONE believing that I have given you - good service in the past, and Prince Rupert, B. C.| which, I hope, you may anticipate Jan. 15th, 1913 lin the future. I feel that | am lo the Citizens of Prince Rupert.| 45 amply qualified to fill the po- Ladies and Gentlemen 4g/sition of alderman in the best in- ‘ur representative for Ward 1 terests of Ward 1 as any candi- r the past two years, I have en date now offering deavored to give you a fair and I have much pleasure to re- impartial service I have known! main, 10 creed, no interests or special | Yours very respectfully, pleadings, 1 have acted strictly) DANIEL W. MORRISSEY n accordance with good citizen- ship Daughters of the Empire Dance. The next in the series of dances given by the Daughters of the |Empire will be held in MeIntyre Hall on Friday evening, Jan, 17th It is not of my own wish I pre. | Single tickets may be obtained at sent myself for but|Orme's Second Ave drug at the urgent desire of many of} 11-18 my supporters, I am in the fleld| ee and as a fighter I want re-elec- Pantorium Pioneer tion, not-for the emolument of) Phone 4, Iam now a candidate seek- ing re-election for Ward 1 I seek no favor; I ask friendship. I ask your support on the of my years’ ho record past two service, store. re-election, vont Cleaners ee (a SSeS SSS Sn — 2 TOMORROW’ SV OTE The real issue tomorrow is not a question of planks, sentiment, but rather the electing of a civie will give the most to the welfare of the city. Prince Ku- pert wants service efticienet and effective. It is for the electors to select men who will perform the funetions of their offices to the best advantage of all, This is a critical period when every elector should of Prince Rupert personality or body which before the electors TE FOR SANE ATTULLO FOR MAYOR MEANS PROGRESS lay nber guard, the un rk, Harry Darling, the! f ttle lad being hurled son of H Dar K vdway on to the frozen in the G, T. P. shops eath, a distance of | h a terrible accident f velve or fifteen feet In isting down MeBride|tl ill his skull was badly frac d Kighth avenues The ind both his arms broker norning is st ib Me Ne who was immediate condition and the scene, ordered the s are entertained for taken to the hospital, a mo y Dashing down Mi being procured in a few ch at that point ‘ tes As a result of the ac ep, instead of ma g ent, orders have been issued cessfully to the ght iby the police forbidding coasting h avenue the eigh n the streets ON TAXATION OF FOODS. BONAR LAW AND LORD LANSDOWNE DECIDE TO RETAIN THE) ); Bary. fee] it a duty to set aside personalities and prejudices for the benefit of their city and the common good. In the choice of the mayoralty there can be little hesitation im making a decision, The present Mayor has publicly stat. ed he would be unable to accomplish anything of import or suceeed in financing the affairs of the city during the coming year. He has declared himself incompetent, yet at the eleventh hour changes his mind and contests the office without explanation, He ean hardly expect the con- } fidenee of the electorate In selecting the aldermanic body it is the part of wisdom to pick men with an interest in the city who have | ability and progressive ideas, and who can wor k The is safe in the hands of that kind matter may No business to advocate a policy which would be to the of the city and jeopardize the Prince Rupert has nothing to men, Let us have a busingss coune il, hold. the confidence of the execulive in harmony of men, man is going disadvantage im common fear from an administration property owners. eily no what issue arise his own interests with rest business which can eee | THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE | | RUPERT, , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1913 AND ‘DEVELOPMENT F OR, PRINCE RUPERT WAR IN THE BALKANS TO BE RESUMED WITHIN A WEEK einditelinhinhaidie | |PEACE NEGOTIATIONS ARE UNAVAILING AND FINAL ULTI- MATUM WILL BE PRESENTED TO TURKEY—IF TERMS NOT ACCEPTED WAR WILL BE RESUMED AT ONCE. London, Jan. 14.—Unless un-/to " Gbebate all diplomatic cour- | foreseen events oceur to change jte sies, the Balkans have given the the current of affairs in connec - | powers reasonable time to agree tion with the their note regarding Adrian- ‘in Rurope, war in the east will be|ople and to present it to Turkey. restoration of peac e| to resumed within a wéek. ThelIf the latter fails to agree, the allies are convinced that the|Balkan allies will call another Turks are drifting about with-|meeting of the peace conference out any fixed policy and are de-|and will announce definitely their termined to end the seemingly|decision to break off negotiations. fruitless debates and the wire|The Turkish headquarters here pulling by resuming military op-|will then notify the Turks and erations where they were left off| hostilities will be resumed within la month ago. Wishing, however,|ninety-six hours. SS ONLY TWO LETTERS PASSED BETWEEN BORDEN AND MONK |THE LATTER INSISTED ON THE NAVAL POLICY BEING SUB- MITTED TO THE PEOPLE—HIS RESIGNATION PRO- MPTLY ACCEPTED Special to Daily News.) to the matter censisted of only Ottawa, Jan. 14.—The matter] two letters. The first was a let- of the resignation of Hon. F.. B.|“? from Mr. Monk to Premier Monk, former minister. of: public | Borden, in which the former ten- works, Was taken tp-tr the Mowe dered his resignation in case the said " i al kh tate naval policy was not submitted oday. came out ia € to the people. The only other correspondence between Premier) jetter was frony Premier Borden ‘Borden and Mr. Monk in regard|accepting the resignation. = — —$—<—< | To the Electors of the City of | Prince Rupert LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: POPULAR BANK MANAGER IS MOVED TO CALGARY Mr. F. 8. Long, who has held the position of manager of the Prince Rupert branch of the Bank of British North America since September, 1910, has just been advised by the head ollice of the bank of his appointment as man- ager of the branch at Calgary, Alta. While this is a decided promotion for Mr, Long, his re- moval from Prince Rupert will be a matter of regret to the humer- ous clients of the bank as well as to a host of friends. Previous to coming to Prince Rupert, Mr. Long was located for-a time at Dawson and before that at Cal- Mr. Long expects that the transfer will take place about the end of.this month. He will be succeeded here by Mr. P. Mar- getts, who has a thorough know!l- edge of western conditions and is well qualified to take charge of the business here. Mr. Mar- getts was located at Dawson in isyy. Newton's Death Knell. rhe question on lips this afternoon: at the city fire Newton's death “Yes! everybody's knell?” Echo answers: According to posters cir culated today, “music, sing- ing and moving pictures” will be Mayor Newton's meeting lo- night. This is undoubtedly in keeping with Mayor New methods of ad- ministration during the the main features of ton 8 civic past year The whole thing has been a farce from beginning to end “Is the bell} hall tolling Mayor | TIPS ON CIVIC POLITICS. The will hit the will thud with which Sam earth tomorrow make the shade of old Isaac Newton think the law of gravity has been growing some Don’t chase the laborer and the business men out of the city with your ballot. The Mayor will probably say the run was only one of his little jokes. Pattullo can be depended on to give a square deal with no favors, not only te the working man, but to the ratepayer as well. confidence of holders New- Lacking the the property ton as Mayor is an enemy to Prince Rupert labor and business. The time to get an efficient administration is on. elec- tion day According to one alderman the efficiency of this year's /$ council has prevented the | city’s pick and shovel from being stolen, WILL BE CANDIDATE Presidency of French Re- publio—Elected President of Chamber of Deputies (Special to Daily News.) Paris, Jan i4-—M. Paul De. chance was today re-elected pre- jsident of the Chamber of Depu- ties and declared himself tonight a candidate for the presidency of the French Republic. For MANY NAVAL RECRUITS ON INCREASED PAY Enormous Number of Sailors Of- fer Themselves for British Navy Since Increased Pay Went into Effect We are at last informed that Mayor Newton is stand- ing for re-election. Having satisfied himself that his de- feat for mayor was certain he -withdrew from the tield, giving as his reason that he could not successfully carry out the administration of aifairs as mayor. Nevertheless, he determined to try to keep control of the Council and olfered himself as candidate for alderman. Doubtiess convinced that his chances for alderman were slim, he again olfers himself as candidate for mayor. 1 give the electors of Prince Rupert credit for a measure of intelligence.and { am perfectly satisfied that London, Jan. put- they will not permit this city to be used as a tool in the ting into effect the order of the hands of an unscrupulous demagogue to further his per- Admiralty for increased pay for sonal ends and satisfy his vindictive animosities. sailors in the navy the number In a word, the issue is clear. Do you want this city ef naval reeruits offering them- has been en- selves for ormous, service BILL TO ABOLISH TITLES IN CANADA Member for that Canada is a Democra- tic Country—Wants no Class Distinction Ottawa, Jan, of Commons today, J. H. ham, M.P. for Peterboro, of honor in Canada. that Canada is a country and that knighthood contrary to the spirit of cratic institutions, He tinctions in Canada, —— INTRODUCED Peterboro Claims 14—In the House Burn- gave notice of a bill to abolish titles He declares democratic demo- claims that there should be no class dis- absolutely tied up financially, with the outside world pass- ing us up because we are in a state of turmoil with men in charge’ who have no idea of finance or sense of re- sponsibility, or do” you want the affairs of this city to be conducted by men who will use their every endeavor to bring about stability of conditions, inspire the outside world with confidence in us, and by putting our finances upon a sound basis establish a permanent pay roll of sev- eral hundred men? This is the issue. Upon you, the electors, is a grave responsibility, and I urge upon each and every one of you to give me your hearty support in this campaign and also to elect with me the men who are supporting me and who are pledged to give you absolutely fair, sane, common sense, unpreju- diced and non-partizan administration of city affairs. I beg to remain faithfully yours, T. D, PATTULLO, 1s PUBLIC MEETING citizen who is a of T. D. Pattullo and the aldermen advocat- ing a business council should constitute himself a committee of one to get out and work for the Every man has an influence and it is his duty to exercise it in the interests of the city One hundred workers will assembled at the Pattullo headquarters [tomorrow You are requested to join in the work every supporter cause, —ON— | WEDNESDAY, EV’G., JAN. 15 LC at 8 o'clock. Final Grand Rally in the Will Interests of T. D, Pattullo Be Held In Westholme Opera House Seats Reserved for Ladies. Everybody Welcome. SR ee Re ey roots pes