asinine THE BALLY NEWS iatepeinin _ ant aeons Wednesday THE DAILY HARRO aan te i sl sisatieg taal NEWS | HARROWING EXPERIENCE | APER IN NORTHERN BRIT! Published SH COLUMBIA | OF U. THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING tau’ oe S. FOREST RANGER CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPER ers § it 4 SUBSCR ee ng 7 T, B.C. Was Trailed for Two. Days by RT D ii IPTION R re ——) ee a iF ae per month, ATES~—To Canada, United States and Mexico— gar—it Wanted to Make leaves for Vancouver, Vi | ) y) or $6.00 per year, in advance. W 5 ane Daly, 50¢ Friends with Him ‘ and Seattle. ictoria f . Other Countries — Daily, $8.00 SURLY, per year. All Bellinghe as INTERESTING , : : 7] ' per year; Weeki : | ellingham, Wash, J ‘ STORY OF WH : ; et in adv: y, $2.50 oe , dan. 44, ALES BE FRIDA q : nt ae i" per year, weer railed by a big cougar while DOGS TO HERD THE SANG OULLS ALSO ere 6 ee i? i OFFICE fifty miles from civili — kEND “PRINCE JOHN” mF i 4 Daily News Buildi lest flanger zation, Fors | THEIR ASSISTANCE. my Oranby Bay, Stewart ; | | ing, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C tanger Joseph Ridley walked bY v Ness, ti an Fi ' , B. C. Telephone 9x. for two days ce : | The following senate bth, 19th, March Sth ,10t 5 BRAN : ys until he reached the! iw despatch from | Messrs. E. M 1 Naden Harbor, 12 p. nm ; Lie ew ¥ CH OFFICES AND AGENCIES lforestry reserve telephone = sta. | Victoria, which appeared in ar es Mot ortimer, MeDona ld 2 Oo oem ‘Oth, sax 7] Hl oak —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New Y: tion. above Marblemdunt ana {cent issue dythe'® : a re ‘ ; em ay anid to ha xa vate ond Bay and other Suse Charints tate { y } SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co ork City j|sent the news of his har ies ew York Sun, st observed the effort , 4) th b. Oth, 23rd, March Oth, H | b ¢ harrowing/is of interest to Princ leviathans to G. T. P. RAILWAY PA Fi lexperienece tt a » Prince Rupert. corner the he SSENGER 6E | —— -The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk : | B ‘ aia to Forest Ranger i tirely to the city cost prices ministration. 1 ad-|watching the forester with ap ae thing new the voune il Agent English and American | i ey The Mayor has also a tricky eee cee ina The ground was Cah eidetaite damage was done a 1 proudly: Agent f Steamst lwelve Tables sce a { ( a 8 Rites te red wit sno and ¢ Were acs : name is Jackas ; " 4 i little way of handling the year’s Phe electors will probably | tanger didn’t ¥ now and as the| /uesday night to stock, fixtures, Home Souda i men — ji deficit. He admits he started recommend a little fresh air|cougar a pe to have the big|@!so the cash register in Mar : apeareumes SZ ; i with a sar S for those s i] ‘ | f as a et companion fo { = artin} i = SS surplus of 820,0 splitting headaches. | the z . or] O'Reilly's clot r store 9 ; ~ charging the highest tax vad sci tae es. Ciena oe on his way to- Soonii acer . tore on 2nd UNION $5. COMPANY Of 8 5 Ltd | I) Empress Bowlin Alleys | t : | ea allows and coming out Those speeches of Newton New Year ZA figs Allling from ‘é vg pe Sena 'Geor etown i .AND POOL ROOM . ri ' ; -with a deficit of $11,00 cost a : 5 : ay e beast fol- é ich had been ))) @ ALLE + ! 000. st vou 86.40 ¢ 4 oS | lowe le allowec a ean all ») vs 2 \ "i 3 because the Council ¢ oy working . 40 a day for every wed Ridley until within about], : I to men BU night in the @ {i} Best Fitted and Most ‘ee ‘TABLES a a ‘ hed 4 Jouneil of 1912 g day last year. Did twenty miles of ‘the statiot ipper floor of the building. 1 nf wm ll C The Twin Screw Steamer )») —« s oo } oy 3 , ¢ ton ay ea : Vv >> - Sle i on = - ) : | of ne = $26,000 worth you get value for your money | There he dropped and was lost n opening the store in the morn 1 Oo. Ltd. 6 9 H. E. ROSS, Prop. ard Ave i 1914 on linery ordered by the enone a | from view. ing a minature flood was f i| | Rm ee i Jouncil he wants t nae i “M ko: have thee as Touns en SS SSS iy tag silat ial iat? 0 make What do the anti-franchise | @ y ‘ben is still standing on ive taken place, it taking Lumbe e” i pe‘out the surplus} electors think of tt jend,” Ridley told Conrad some time to set matter r a ’ he started with and reduce the waned 1e Mayor who] telephone wy irad over the | der and ele: : entog Cc E ie | Og 1912 deficit by $6,000 Why| B ited to make terms with the | Jow While the big fel-|for th aad up the place ready and Arrives trem: Vancouver, Gvery LINDSAY vitae e ; ’ ’ . ay . ©. Telephone Co.? ow seemed tame, I did 1e day's business ST 1 not go farther and I e U0.) i , did not feel . MONDAY NIGHT ORAGE i - é ck rere at ease i] i #¥ all the work ee oe a os with him at my heels. ee Mouldings G. T. P. mn A oe rk 4n the light, water, wince oR iThe ranger declared the coug He Knew " . T. P. Transfer Agents a ele a cad 8 aie sae re e cougar | q noe and public works Ay oboe = " cannot afford | ad in all probability never seen ls was ike opesing alls for Port Simpson, Naas River Points eatin eet Wied © Oetece reas i r partments started by the the oa political cripples on|® human being before, and : ter session and g of the win- A large stock of dry finish- and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m edict th tities Gees aie : Ter cers In that way he ial —— ticket. She| Undoubtedly lonesome ,é was | aking a : { oe teacher was eeteeen on hand Boat none } ould sh ii : ’ 2eds a business : ' ahd : 4 ~ ) er list of - specialty Del caght ee 1 surplus. Bat one nike man in every | In speaking of’ the matter dast “Well, my boy. ae pi made at short notice. ivery Sails for Vancouver : ; ne metho ionrad= state one yo ; ? , SDAYS, 2 P. , : in rae 4 — Wh hod ae . tated there has uth, “What is your he Our price 1 oe ” 7 € rs ry not , sete ver been a case on record wi “Tom, ma’ ’ — 6 are as low as any : 8 Poe . > aes: ae 0 ere » Maam, saic . . : oa a = the price of the new When two practical working fa cougar attacked a man iets i promptly rid =stthe boy Call on us before ordering R N w 7 shool, . : ‘. . d me rane : 5 ae) ? pees : ° . j a wn or whieh the 1912 nen repeatedly declare that a will track you hour after hour,” That does not ogers Steamship. Agenc ow ellington Ceal. Best on th | oe Jouncil are taking credit, also yard of retaining wall cannot he said: “but generally | Fit a nade sound well y Coast , : ‘“ . sie ‘ c ; sere , keep some ald, ou sho ‘ ine ond ee alarm system and e| %¢ built for 60 cents it ie | 8 stance behind peomel ee ah dull aes h 9 always OFFICE: Phone 116 Phone 116 Rogers & Bla w other items that have not pretty good evider | Ridley’s e he y wane ou should % é ’ ance ¢ | a cougar as ~~ lave St te tied yet been paid for? That would Deena “did! bina * ve the | apout eleven aan wa probably sid "Thomas." And what is ee THEATRE BLDG. a ; be leaving a real buxom deficit juseled }his description a ee aa wi ite emma : , — + , : jougars range Meets every . for the new Council to shake Last week N from nine to thirteen f ane iy i 19 3 : paueees hands with whén the Newton said he| length i eet in PPALAS~* | i } ord Ave A N rians 4 ° office ley enter could not handle the mayor n the mountains, ?| i ire welcome “ | : job*and now says | ad ~~ “ PRI COTE! Cette, says he wants it. Agricul FROM HOM Apparently he do ultural Society Meeti E TO HOME.’ 3 3 es Axper n . WHAT CAN You people to a een There will be a meeting axial ‘Valhalla’”’ of S.H. & EF BELIEVE? heiliiine Gilitine tout 1 when|new agricultural soeiety in the AND Ae De Newton i tk ae city hall on Tuesday, J : TEL ELYSI iat anen eben ee urged the electors silos ‘ : sday, January Meets every 2nd 1 Tuesday at? to pass a money arte hor tes The e cae 28th, at 8 o'clock, for the pur- UM ANN igi dieg he hail at 319 Srd Ave ' telephone sy sith *" ngineers report says ;pose of considering and ps Sid. Sykes, Manager 4 e system on the ground the retaining walls cost the bylaws that hi esenee The Finest, Newest and My ae the money had already cents per sible wack / 60 | by ‘ ret Ai lave been drafted Bucelient Gans Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver D. C. STUART . ee ¢ ) ‘i a i eer spent and would be taken} Practical men cornered 0 | William Man yy Ablow Moderate Prices | f out of the general funds if the Gounecil in a public i a sane: eit tien — M. P. P. Diree- 1142 Pender Street West j Accountant ' i) bylaw was not passed. Now one of them tried to 1 necting be elected 7 epee Wi: Sipe e Vancouver, B.C. G penne Tae: Cyan Dy ‘tn Ph ns oe ae -” Phone 280 i he says they didn’t spend the that they did not 1 nake out fosmaiiai . 7 _ object of the |d@uemmacnn Phone 8500, ap Trunk Pacitie Railway on or oe Le of Prince Rupert Hy money. He sure keeps yar ; nean cube o 1e society is for e American and Europe WPERT, 8. " ? EDs the yards, hi 8 ‘ 2 » . orl¢ ‘+ cel} pean plan. | | Hf credulity of hie ae a ee ate omething between — oe of arranging for the a oe Excellently furnished, with ’ i dizzy whirl. *! Oh, you ae a square yard. | volding of an annual agricultural steam heat, electric light, and all §|“** ™ Sancon, © A. : 4 X Z » you juggler! bon ogra exhibition in the cits x nae conveniences, being abso W. E. Williams, 8. A, LL 8 i 1 tie empresa lil » first to take ace s ely first-class ir yw nes i aioe, truth is stronger bi Leal 0 a nares a > in Septem- THE 3 (i in every respect WILLIAMS & MANSON ‘ nid i pp ” . 2e sar 1e app i > 5 ' an fic tion in the utterances stretching | nan Dybhayn istmatters have ad year. After AF / ERMA TT 3s la eo tments and service Barristers, Solicitors, Etc 1 of Mayor Newton. : s his aldermanic|more it advanced a little ——— qual to any hotel on’ the Box 285 / , a Sia lai —, the way he stretche a a felt confident that the #E const | Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, & © lew ; “asureme + ag iial governme ieus : ' iia ili, dees aldiine’ Gi ¢ measuresment’ of Phiedivide a :« overnment will pro- Usually the day following Christme 3 t) adian city suffered on aa avenue, he is/iable to find it| ward : substantial subsidy to. unpleasant recollections of eae stmas brings with it § P. O. BOX 28 F be ad ! hard to make the grade. cites ere out of this ex- vertently overlooked in the cada who have been inad- Rates: $1 to $3.50 — A eae ihaineeshintemmani ae, Isn't it fortunate that New Year st ae te gifts 90 per day. JOHN E. DAVEY i PRAIA OUR Me and @ives us an opportunity to make ” lows 80 closely TEACHER OF SINGIN oversights during tt ’ make amends for our PUPIL weal & the Christmas rush. While mes OF WM. FOXON, BAG. ARAM, 100.° " —IN THE— k's shopping made very heavy inros He the: past G. A. Sw M pranmoney f FARM Skeena Valley Nech. ine enaniis in eal tine as nroads into our stock, » A. eet, anager’. i ; Bulkl echaco Valley We have a large range of are practically unbroken i u ey alley Fort G ifts oe rs ange of beautiful things for N i —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES corge District ARM gifts, CONSULT OUR CATALOGUE argo Youre HAYNER BROS. NDS Carefully selected AND UPWARDS— aha " UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALME! | lec Lands at Reason a Sn Li funeral Directors , } ae easy terms. a NDS er eve Saas rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone N iB N Henry Birk 5B SR oy ae cance t i - ‘ cK. t, Sec. 1; well , . i ORTH COAST LAND , ons, , Limited eukds MA oa eet PAID UP ANY, Li ine thi ul .? io Any agent sell H CAPITAL. $1,500,000,00 mite JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS OR ca cdainieeee | E . OSCAR LEDUC c VANCOUVER, B.C. Ge». E. Trorey, Managing Director 935% Lagauchetiere St., Montreal f L. FISHER VANCOUVER, B.C so uneral Director and Embaime » & a CHARGES REASONABLI wi TRY A NEWS WANT re Sint ont aN NOT AD OPEN DAY AND NIGH * By tail i—————— aking A Anything for Granted ie . ave merle ioe, ante SE CORKER OF A ¥ — 3 ras ew oe WhERt ary YOU SEE IVS LIKE Drawn for The Dally News by “Hop” i. Out wae DID You a Hid- A YS mn PF wr Koace ee Ger ir?) | 5) SUITOR oon Mand rotary pan ese coy he plea lint 4 aL - in % OLKS z Si 4 a MS GUSSIE PRATTLE | \T WAS THE CANDY - aor ot fiom (T NoURSELP ae si eer HER THIS boy) Gave \r 10 Me TO Have IT] (TH cN WRITE 7 OF CANIN - “SHE re | TESTED- Mow LLL WRITE THE © STORN | g i. $s STORY AS S00N AS T SEE t 3 How THE CANDY AFFECTS You . 2 a ie 4 " ys] ~ (ei we SS \ PINT tT Ota 5 ; WUE CHL Hil ‘ ‘ meee LJ * « @e? o - > ©) Us ~ ATL - Sat p thot ae - ie a