16, 1943 rHRK DAILY NEWS : January — eT : - ES SS : moe LAND LEASE NOTICES. PORT EDWARD NEW awaited by those who know of| ‘ . tence the possibilities of the new FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE | Skeeng Land District—Diserict of Coast, INDUSTRIAL CENTRE northern townsite, will begin | Range IV. . » | (sp GENTLEMEN _ Take notice that 1, Michael Meradden, very shortly Messrs. Harrison, | r of Porcher Isiand, B, C,, occupation farmer Gamble & © ar ‘e oT intend to apply for permission to lease the lendid Location of Townsite . . o., Prince Rupert, pp whed b i following deseribed lands B. C., and Mesars. Hall & Flover ! friends Commencing at @ post planted on the Which Will Form Commercial ID aaa , : \ , is Interest east shore of Bonilla Isiand and about OUs as ane jew streets, Vice~)i myself mile in am easterly direction from the Annex to Prince Rupert, B. ©. toria, B. €., are joint directing he Sch ! i ented | highest point on the isiand, thence west —@. T. P. Pacific Terminus. ’ ea Wo 80 chains more or less to the west shore . sales agents sctidiininisiiiaiaiiataaaie sit alii Millia i rully M nfluenee - of the island, thence in °. are a —— ; = ——S == erso direction following the shore line . . Vv 1 » » e REET nal inter ational ad rh cad "et tee tana, ene we, ee? day brings us nearer (he) Woovey Has LEFT PRISON ; isla arate) ' nail} ny direction following | the , Spore completion of the Grand Trunk To the Elect of the Pr ' sik we : to point of commenceme bol - ors . une h P » to the taining 640 acres more UF Lees. Pacific Railway. This is empha-|Spent 9 Months in W wood rae aaah aes sah isadnind i i ' Located November 4th, 1912. ’ ' n orm , : ble waste MICHAEL, M'FADDEN. sized by the facet that passengers corubs Dated November 14th, 1012, 7 , I ¥e Pub. Nov. 18, 1012—Jan, 13, 1012. ean now leave Edmonton at 10 : A ‘ eo solicit your vote and in —- sullman sleeping cars vondon, Jan. 15 Ernest Ter- uence for a , sa c hy D. M WWNALD - a p. m. in Pu ean ne, common sense . arrive } ote Hooley the ancie : Saat skeena Lend pisteier—pistetet of Coast) 20d arrive al Fitzhugh, Alberta,jah Hooley, w financier, has and progressive administration of city - Kange IV, . in the heart of the Rockies, at} heen released from Wormwood : Take notice that Hemry D, Foote, Of), 4» , i and at Tetels affairs. Porcher Island, B. G., oecupation farmer,|9:20 a, m next day and at Tele/Serubs prison. He was met by a — tne following described Nemes. wo lease) jaune Cache, B. €., on the Fraser] friend in a motor car, and the re- T. D. PATTULLO, __ edst Ghure of be ii ota Se aes - River, at 2 p. m. the same day,}lease was effected so quietly that ss fas shure © obille istab au ; . : = Fluule disieot in an easterly direction from thus making the journey, which| nothing was known of it till the Candidate for Mayor To the Electors of Prince Rupert ies gest out ‘on "tie stand, Mens! formerly occupied 37 days of|mext day. tf upe shore iine of the isiand, thence im @) continuous travel by pack train, Hooley was sentenced to 12 ' «= uuriwerly direction following the shore ’ : 1) GENTLEMEN ume Ww ihe north end of the island, thence} 1M 16 hours. months’ imprisonment in the se- ; i @ southerly direction following bine , . sar ¢ POAC ain , , a ar : chore fine w my a With the near approach of the|eond division on February 10th " 1 candidate at heoming elec- eunrninnae S60 este Mure ue jess. completion of the line which|jast for fraud, and secured the ACH LEE vovemmber 4th, 1 . ; ‘ i Prustes I ha that capacity HEAKY D. FUUTE, Locator, {the officials promise before the} ysual three months’ remission : — ——— - — i i f continue to Dated Seecttar tain, tk Agent. end of 1913—the eyes of thelof his sentence for good con- v Tie A that has | f d by me on the Pub. Nov, 18, 1912—Jan. 13, 1912. world are turned more than ever| duet, Hooley’s health was not = : = SA i past gd a" encourage the aan to the wonderful northern city,|good in prison, and a great part be us , and shall use h} | Skeens Land District—District of Coast, )~Prince Rupert, the terminus oflof his time was spent in the hos- ih j . “ Kange V iscontinental line, é i ae i ; ‘ s for the educa- See woes ter, seen Soe this great transeco Ve pital This did not mean nec- erman for wo , ; ire th ‘ he reach of the brine Kupert, British Columpla, oecups-;and destined to play a strong essarily confinement to bed, but ie . tiom clivi engiveer, acing a agent ivr ae > oy f « sree 2 y vote and e on my behalf are vurpuise Harbor Land Company, Liuaived, part in the history of commerce it relieved him of hard tasks. He y Mt Victoria, B. C., iuend ty apply for per-|} and industry on Canada’s Pacific} was chief alto in the’ chapel G wmissivuOd wo lease ihe following described Coast choir EORGE R NADEN ss sauids s0ast. ‘hor. ‘ ' 0 ELSON Lulamencing at @ post planted on the sethtate . on si , e a! inceh hortaary poles of kes 001, MEMES DL iticism has in the past been} Hooley was indicted for ob- et SSS —————— Lust wisiricl, vi vorpulse Harbur, wence| directed at Prince Rupert, to the] taining from George Leech : - uorth to Low Water Mark, Uience easveri . ac icie T a and purtierly folowing Low Water evar {effect that she lacks sufficient|Tweedle, a young mechanical en-| i w & pull due West of ihe soulliwest cor -harf accommodation. This is sep , oP . " uf So aka, Gad &, Gueet SRO wharf accommodat! ‘|gineer, who had _ inheritated a [lS —— uence east. to High Water Mark, tnence}to a great extent, true, the fact} fortune of £45,000—six cheques| ——— — ain yu follows i Vater M ? . a ; : es El 4 punt due east of ‘tne wees, aereaneip being that wharf space there I8/for the payment of £2,000, with a = ectors o oe oe we ae See fanart pretty well utilized now. But}intent to defraud. '? ese dat 5 0 is vill, Ue rilu : AND GENTLEMEN ug High Water Mark on west side of Prince Rupert loses nothing by i 4; sipieton isiand to the Most soutueriy t » . t she T h El f WwW d T 7 ne miweelt ae date foe Wand Obs at sapiotn ined tothe, secet router that, owing to tBe fect ties she NATIONAL COMMISSION o the Electors o ard iwo ‘hye , , ‘ue High Water Mark of Lot 642, thence|is now to have an industrial an- ita ‘ la ne the position in the julbeniy Tonowing tne High Water Mars , ; nex eight miles to the south (but : i be city in the capacity » © puinh Gus east of wo Gust Suntiinnay , cay i a eee o ean Annual Meeting of Baseball! Gov- Requested by a large number of citizens, | have con- , vi A sh, ce 80 owl reg » or, 8 speak, aer Mark, thence fulowing Low Watei ce ; ‘all of erning Body Set for This sented to offer myself as an Independent Candidate for : dark to @ poll due south of the mus.) OWINB to an impenetrable wall o Week. : i leavor if « , to advance the interests suuinerly punt of Lot out, thence north) rock which provides ample Alderman for the coming election. ay R ‘ aa “ w tis pulll, ence bor seriy ai east —_oo pert in ¢ iy | ible cry foliowmg High Water Mark to tue| wharf space and which also pro- Cincianeti, O., Jen. 16—T Your vote and influence are respectfully solicited 7 ‘ n P viet of cu ’ sine ° op . o.— ihe 7 y uin a pation of your vote and in- ee RPUIsh HAKBUA LAND COMPANY vides one of the finest sites for Netional Baseball © Y \* ia PETER McLACHLAN. LIMITED. ae . an industrial centre on the entire]. . hs id 1. - , reeane hep ours very truly, ) Stanley Niven, Agent. or wi 10 its annual meeting in hha Dated December 10th, 1912. coast This new townsite, Port Ctieces Batnery tan tee ai JOHN DYBHAVN. ‘4 Pub. Dec, 23, 19ta—Feb. 17, 1919. | Pdward, has been laid out with E : 7 . ; i : - . to an announceinent by President = : scrupulous care by the most ex- Thomas J. Lynch of the National ty ymas ° men oO e Nation i ~ skeena Land District—District-of Coast} pert engineers and surveyors Leagu whe tote: S bj sa t e wauge iV. as a « . ‘ e e. e date is subjec 0 ‘ , Take novice that William J, Mogriage,| &Va!lable, and on completion It) change, however, in accordance % T th El t r f ard 2 Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker,| wil] be a model industrial and ° ’ ‘ oO e ectors O W utends to apply for peruussion to lease with the length of President Ban ‘we following described lands: shipping centre. B. Johnson's illness e 8s ess. Commencuag at & post planted on the) port Edward, industrial annex To the Electors of Ward One i 4 e that during the past twelve months I foreshore im Kumeolon Iniet, on Lot No. | At this meeting officers will the best of my ability, I ask for 87, thence east ‘20 chaius, thence south) of Prince Rupert, possesses an ’ : y, hence West 20 chaius more vi be elected, annual reports read, ' Having been requested by a large number of the sy Chaius, berineriy fol-| almost land locked harbor where hore to pull and, it is said, a decision will be i ( { support which you gave me { | eas ww river bank, hence | {jwwing river Deus and fvreshore to pom or arves t > f . ; | or commencement, contamug 60 acres] modern wharves may be built at atiinnd & attiie electors of Ward One to stand as their representative in # ) , Pu angle of 45 degrees from the announced on two matters iIm- oi : a p] wore oF Ne WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE. Po I . be cede 1 bott portant to all minor league clubs. the Council of 1913, I am offering myself as a candidate (| pated November 16, 1912 jshore, there being @ g00e DO om At a meeting of the commission for election. Standing on my record of two years in the . ulloCcK- e ster bi] Pub. Rov. 86, s885—-oe™ 20, 1013. lat a depth not too great to pre-| dad Council, during which I have always been an advocate of t } - lclude the driving of piles to a recently, at which Chairman : aa | hi lici ’ Ca date 4 Ward 2 —- eT es = “| Augus rrms , » proxy municipal ownership, I solicit your vote and support. a : ; WATER LICENSE. considerable distance out Ex- ” oe ‘ ee held es we Yours. trul ee —=JS Goo For a License to Take and Use Water. | cellent progress has been made é om . soanson, & + aa y ( 7 \ sechae te herene given tas. @. &.t-lwith the work of clearing the a in : 1e requests “ t as a. GEO. W. KERR. oF sawie, of Prince Mupert, Wilt apply for a iona Association oO Minor uy jceuse WO take @ud use ten (10) imches of townsite I ee for uniforn i et! "i re . we Ss or a rr c » ' FF ee oe Se rn reuse Le What Port Edward will mean mo } , - ; ‘mal . { ‘ed cupurs uve Gouse Bay wear south] {o Prince Rupert cannot be ac- contract was taken. Likewise, 0 : ud vi seid ivi. The water will be di 3 the evidence on individual salary ‘ verted @t @ pulnt about 500 feet fruis curately gauged now, but in many ; ; : L uu aud Wil be Used for duties tic bur. ways it will assist the coming limit of minor leagues was heard pues on ie jana Gescribed @s Urauby a) my , ind taken under consideration cownests lereat northern port to a position} © , . < 3 ius uvlice was pan & toe worse f importance it could not have Chairman Herrman announced it f — 7 n Une 161m day of Uctober, 1¥ e) 0 m , er j T f WwW T ‘ppacalion Will be Hied 1b the vllice of Wel reached without Port Edward the evidence would be submitted Oo the Eljectors oO ard wo ; » if srest f T. D. Pat- aur Mecorder at Prince Kupert. . 7 . > a ile » 4 ! ‘ ae eerees ‘iyecuous may be lied with the said) Prince Rupert and Port Edward, | *° President Johnson, and that it 1 ‘ x All interested in the elec Water Kecurder or Wilh the Comptroiier : ; ; | was almost a certainty the com- a = , ( Water Mights, Pariament Buidings taken together, contain every Mr. Pa : yor for £913 are requested to viewed, Be "lnatural advantage found in the mission would decide both ques- the purpose of furthering plans G. R. T. SAWLE. eee eer ne ; Yhies reting ici i | ne the Hart BI ok on Pub, Oct. 21, 1042. best equipped harbor cities of the tions at the Chicago meeting, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. } et s are in e é 0 . : ae «to the Bank of Montreal —jworld and in addition offers fa- Yours for unity and progress. wi ae FORESHORE LEASE. cilities for the development of UNIONISTS ABANDON i For llarge and prosperous industries PART OF PLATFORM ARTHUR H. ALLISON Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar offered by mat G. HK. T. or} beyond the facilities iake lvlice Dawie, vrince Kupert, imiends wo apply fur @ lease) - \ op city on the entire Pa- “ Si 1 ihe foreshore commencing a) the Burth- | a othe i 7° é London, Jan. 13. Hon. J. | vast coruer post of Lot 706, Goose Bay,) CINC toast. . an j — wd rung i & soulbWwesterly directiul | Geographically Port Edward Austen Chamberlain tonight ex , , presses regret at the decision of woul ov Chains to the suuliwest corner) t of said jut, Dem all the foreshore / is located on the coast of British 3 i he largest stock y if your pipes are freezing, we carry the rg rout of Granby Bay ToWusile, @ regis-| the Unionists to abandon the of frost proof pipe covering in Northern B. C. rout So Puce Hupert Kegistry Ulice}Columbia, fronting on Porpoise ‘ P under pla 1007. SAWLE, Applicant. | Harbor, eight miles south of|plank in their platform regard- Dased October 15th, 1912 Prince Rupert and approximately ing the imposition of taxes on ‘ .stern Plumbing & Supply Co. ! . | = enter g PRY Bue Pub, UCt, Bh, 1012, five hundred and forty miles food entering Britain. He states 0 t e ectors 0 ar wo a oe north of the City of Vancouver, positively that he will adhere to Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited for SS LLL LL DDLDLLDLLDLDDLDLDLDDDRPDDADAA movies. and fifty miles south of the}it himself. : a i Owners of lots situated in Prince Ru- Alaskan boundary ' : Dou Ss Sutherland ; r pert, b. C., Who desire to sell sane rea There are two entrances to the Find it through a Daily News : , oe 4 if sbaoer r “ , ” — o ee. to, PureMeoniract| Splendid natural harbor of Port} Want Ad. AS ALDERMAN FOR THE YEAR 1913 and who desire lw Wwausier aud assigh said Edward one on a straight line ' contract direct to purciiaser ib omnes eran G n Top Island to the eS .:.:.:2:.0 : on of the return of the payments paid, rom mreen Oo ‘ ‘ together with @ reasonable prout added) 06m of the harbor, thence di WARD TWO I stand for a Sound and Sane Expenditure of ; Wwereto, Will please let me Know what they mou é ’ re Munisinad’ Pands ; bave 10 Offer, Give price, fot — rectly into the inside harbor, this p ‘ ’ sion. > U. Bud 43, 4 Pry gay ng gt me range having a minimum depth i. DOUGLAS of 3 and three-fourths fathoms WATER NOTICE. 22 feet) at low water. The sec- Independent Aldermanic Candi- snd entranee has two turns and For a License to Take and Use Water. | t , date for Ward Two if i a minimum depth of seven fath- oms, or 42 feet, sufficient to ac- commodate the draught of any type of vessel! afloat. At the head Notice is hereby given that The Port Essington Water Co, Lid, of Vancouver, wilt apply for @ license to take and use i100 mumer’s inches of water out of Cun ningham Lake Creek, The water will be) diverted at Cunningham To the Electors of Ward Two =. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; used for canning, domestic and industrial purposes on the land described a5 the DON’T PAY RENT of Interest or High Rates WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE PER CENT. PER YEAR AT WE GUARANTEE indebtedness will be paid off, Write, phone or call. 1 youl evenings INTERNATIONAL HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. Offices mM. E. Ritchey, Supt. frown of Port Essington. rhis notice Was posted on the ground on the 26th day of December, 1912. jappiication Will be filed in the office ot line Water Recorder at Prince Kupert, B. ©. Objections may be fied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroiter Victoria, Bj C. THE PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO.,, L . By BE. A, Taylor, Agent. Notice 18 hereby given that thirty days after date we intend to apply to the Gov ernor-in- Coupell for @ quit claim deed for the following desertbed foreshore: Commencing @t the northwest corner of Lot 641, Range V, Coast District, British columbia, Uenece West seven hundred (700 feet, thence south seven degrees and forty-fve minutes west (5. 7:45 W.), six hundred and forty (640) feet; thence east seven hundred (700) feet to high water mark; thence northerly following high water mark to the point of com mencement, excepting that portion (in cluded within the above boundaries covered by the Grand Trunk Pacific right f-way KAIEN INVESTEMENT COMPANY, LTD prince Rupert, B. C., December 30th, 1012 w.-PFeb. 10 | NOTICE. | Notice is hereby given that I found an ola seow. Owner can have same by pay ing expenses for sakiog care of same | wat KH. HELIN, Port Lake and will | | The! jrent in vy Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, knots per hour _lonly harbor on the Pacifie Coast of the harbor there is a turning basin 1,800 to 2,000 feet wide, in whieh the largest vessel afloat might turn with ease and safety. \In no place does the tidal cur- this harbor exceed two | When the pro- }posed lock is put in at Zanardi |Rapids, Port Edward will be the with practically no tidal eurrent | whatsoever. The Grand Trunk Paeifie trains through Port Edward, tra- its waterfront, By rea- lson of its geographic location this port permits the shipment of cargoes west with a saving of many miles over shipments sent lfrom ports farther south. tt offers unusual facilities for ship- east to the Atlantie Coast railway built on easier iron iversing ment over a grades and with fewer summits transcontinental railway system on the continent, The sale of lots in Port Edward than any other Westholme Lumber Co. Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds ef Building Supplies Firet Avenue Phone 186 Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora-| tore of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Speoiaitice “We always deliver the goods.” townsite, which has been eagerly Bnd Street Phone 156 Green I beg to announce that I have decided to be a candi- date for the above ward at the forthcoming election in the hope that you will honor me with the privilege of serving you on the incoming council. Thanking you in anticipation for your hearty sup- port, I am sincerely yours, G. W. NICKERSON. FOR ALDERMAN ae Ee M. P. McCaffery High Wages Progressiveness Efficiency >_>: