y 17, 1949 ier SOE Pik DAILY NEWS : ae 7 eaten ae : _ : ——— > le j LAND LEASE NOTICES. LAND PUI \SE NOTICES i cinnasiieaeineatinsiaatinageataimenen , LIFE IN THE FAR NORTH i ; H , Land District District of Coast, Skeena Land ; : ’ hhange IV ast : ty notice that 1, Michael MePadden ral a Prince Rupert Fire Alarm System If your pipes are freezing, we carry the largest stock \ . ot Islam er pattatesion WW harhertd ae tae \ ‘ oF treet proof pipe covering in Northern B. ©. : 4 described lauds head CIRCUIT NO, 1. . ' ee planted on, ms W Plumbing & Supply Co . a on Bonilla isiand aud about = bo and 3rd Ave estern um ing upp y , 4 i) Casterly direction from the i jon th St. and 3rd Ave point on bie istaid, thence West) ¢ jy es 06. btm 0. ond. 6 Ae Phone 340 Second Ave. “un yore or tess ty the west shore i ia — — EE EET i ibe island, thence in @ suUuther Karis Box 16): nh of ist, @nd and SS SSS SSS n following tine shore line ww thie ast rd At ' end of ,the island, Uence in a Box 16--tet Ave between 8th and — — direction fullowing tie shore oth & i . j t of commencement aod con h 1 kn Hotel j } : eau acres more ur less, , @o« 17-—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen ~ a ih jo cated Nowuber 4th, vie - tral Hote | og ; MIGHARL MPFASDEN ’ i, 104 Od sted November t4ath, 1012 CIRCUIT NO, 2. | ; ple Nov, 18, 19ie—dan, 13, 1018 — ae wa on ‘ Post Omer ‘hy > Box 23 rad Ave ' icBride St : » Land District——District of Coast th i @oxn 24-—15t Ave ind McBride St hauwe LV i ‘pi TT wotiee svat Henry D. Foot ‘ Box 26-—2nd Ave. and 2nd St isd, BL, veoupaliun Larne: Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th St apply for a w iva ‘ pila i @oxr 27——G. T. P i siug described lane I 3 ux at @ post planted on | ’ CIRCUIT NO. 3 ti i Boutlla isiand and abou ; ut tb au easterly direction [rou ‘ Box 31 th Ave, and Pult St ' i pout u tie island, Hint tbeu ea Box 32 Rorden and Ta r Sts - ia awe SS ant ; \ Box 34-~-7th Ave. and Fulton St M we of We isiatd, tence im a ‘ Cres 5 directiun following Lie Bi Box 369th Ave. and Comox Ave porta ebd of bie isla, belive i iA KING Box 37 8th Ave. and Dodge PI bys . werly dures Hun touowing i McViear, At Box 384th Ave. and Thompson st DON’ : mg O40 eres, Mere UF leae Feb. 17, 1094 CIRCUIT NO. 4. t Nuvesbe uu, 112 ‘ » Herat Bag Lueator Box 41. 4th Ave and Emmerson Vichwel McFadden, Ageut beeen ks Pl or High Rates of Interest. District of Coast \ area Py nee iy 1019 ‘ iv Box 42-——5th Ave, and McBride St “a wel 4, W918 | a a Box 49-—51h Ave, and Green st WE WILL LOAN ty pauvion broker, iw Box 446th Ave and Basil St t bed ee Box 457th Ave. and 11th st Bu Bu , : sud) =District District i i ! alids 7 ve. anc 1 Ss T ea iiauge ¥ 4 pust pianied Of bie Box 144-——7th Ave. and Young 8t ° von Lo HOUSES es ath, wuauley dies distant Im a TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES } js ' - : : et i of & Sinai SSS ih esses ra . mitts, thence turth woe 8 =. “eon | To IMPROVE REAL ESTATE ‘ 4B ' euce soutmeriy tulluw 5 ; ant ‘ pb Wad i puis | bathed AT P 3 aur lh Sama ER CENT. PER YEAR i ng 0h, Beal planted, ous at sate? Radel PAPERHANGING et ‘ y put vi Lut oui, Nhuuge o ‘ sil, 1042 | he | Siar mary Wine eaovery |_OO "SUN po WE GUARANTEE , Wailer Maim, LEME bass ) Luu Wiis kUW Weaver Mae INTERIOR DECORATIONS | | e West us Ue sUULUWeES! Cui zs | i - 7 ’ Shiai te ties ws0t keena Land District—District of Coast,} of All Kinds the time when your indebtedness will be paid off. : ‘ ‘ gas wir Mark, 6 Hauge ¥ whe Miiad Ome “ i Ae : ott aan Water Mare bat L Alexthder Noble, ot | Estimates Fre | )Mice open evenings. Write, phone or call, ile arte a n= salt INTERNATIONAL HOM spr i juli, pas Lut az ’ ruses } re ee ce i fulwwing —descrived halide P. O. Box 274 Phone 174) E ig Waier Merk UU Weak Bide i Ss 8 3. piauted Bb bin Most marve s mot pictures ever made will be seen at the RACT id ‘ aren . 2 tenes an . . we “ ‘ iene We si 2 } caine miure ut Westholme Opera House tonight and tomorrow n ght F He a A a PURCHASING CONT co., LTD. * Lice Wa werk vs Lui 66d, wen Lb 1166, NS, SURE SY oe EMPIRE BATHS Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. . , wing bil u Waser wave] eto Bult af summmanousaens, | For an easy and comfortable shave drop M. E. Ritchey, Supt. i \ bob vi pi suulliersy sate wn cee a v— jin at the Empire Baths on Third Ave. The MET, i, tee suull Wo Low ALLAANDEK NUBLE most up-to-date furnishings have been in- | i ‘rs “ ivuuWihng LOW Ware i i ber tou, viz stalled and the general surroundings are ay e puis due suum vi tue LL suv. Lith, 1912—dan, 6, 1013 such as appeal to particular people. ¥ ; i Lut bul, uence Centrally Located fi \ luetece BUrtery sud ee Opposite Majestic Theatre i ‘ wries a aes 8 kona Land | strict District f Coast, KEEFE & DORREL i. } ish HANBUM LAND COMPANY } Take t ice oot ke Alfred E. Wright, ol ; Stanley Niven, Agent : oa a ee ua ‘vi r permussivn Wo purchase th i ed ‘ i = ; Wig described iauds GERMANY SEEMS ANXIOUS FOR A TRIAL OF STRENGTH— Littl ? NEWS | aden oll emenuein Ob 6, Buel pleas te CLAIMS EQUAL RIGHT WITH ENGLAND TO MAR- es ency 2) chaiis Mure OF Jess Ww’ the northeas: KETS OF THE WORLD. : el é p La Distriet—District of Coast { Lot 421, then ’ east 8: “or | Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers nauge iV. ; eos Wo the West Suunees ' mt iii t e et Wiliam J, Mogridge ba Lenee 5 a5 — cae pe | Londor Jan. 45 There have|share which England would con- CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS &». &. VeCUpelion bivaLi . es ; Laas Loe, we ’ ’ apply Cor peruussivn tu lease ud suutheriy song te sei been fresh at d higbly interesting |sent to give. Consequently Ger-|@nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club A lig ueseribed lauds ww the pulls of CulMeuceMelt, Cul: | Iman d se yace ; ig at @ pust panied on the) mMiuing acres Mure OF ies ladditions during the past week to)” any had set @ pace in. navy pa - ae i U auuevivd imiel, on Lut Nu.! a KRD WhiGht ed ; ' building too fast for England to aol Cliaius bleh suuls Duuaid dcVicar, Agel ithe alii gz series iP elial ane euce West % Seis Mure ated November zou, 1¥ie sedges ’ . Aollow, in order that she might e sank, Ene Gawmery oul vu, f 2s, 1Vig—Feb. 17, 191 er nating articles which the|qefy the buily with impunity and P ] Studio eae anh Eanes. « . aoe inglish and German newspapers|seek commerce where she would eer ess 7 a oo we” are consta exchanging If| Now the Lokal-Anzeiger declares | Rooms 19-20-24 Alder Block | WILLIAM J, MUGHIDUL Kauge | Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St ember be, ivi Tak “ih un kK. Fa he press of lwo countries in any the end has been achieved and| or. 3rd Ave. ¢ St. uy e au i i > : t ludoul : wees : a ¢ » . ices J ‘ wae tigen Pl upon periussun w purcuasc| degree represents the real feel-|Germany is free Special a a duced eet EE ————— -k Guare ” —— a sg : - © f h people ind it must Simultaneously the Manchester Al or ruarantees | ‘ pianted | WATER LICENSE. j i ia, tues wort) be ack viedwed that at teast|Courier published an article p —_——— - _- —— — : fa License to Take and Use Water. et erly buuudary it | : } ‘ a2 4 © West 2 ‘ins more} Hine Englishmen out of ten seem)porting to tell why Germany | is tereby given Wai U. KH 1 : anhaaee or 4 ; ; dail ; a iid diaeineaiiees Poa eae i ; S . : © mupers, Wid appay — ,t feel tha wa wilh a now able to declare her freed } | s baa aun ve i les : 4s 46 8 ness usr eas}is probable any clear afternoon] According to this paper, Gel 1 vi ou Uumeed cree Wu \. I | pay oY \ a wantent wh Wrvugl b ey ee ee rr j oes not seem possible that|/many has deceive » WO re ; me sued cunngpeain tebe ease dee 1 of uuu wing ime reuway tenbotswey ® t ". es not em | Die alyt has de¢ was the world 1 Dealers in Xx? a tek” kis ter Wels WO Us ‘ ' ! to puiltt ol u-lthe two countries can be long|garding the size and number of Rang leh aud otaming Ufty acres aR, 5 at a pull avout lee iruim | kept apart. oe : the new ships she is building. MAY, GRAIN FEED AND | ‘ue dati described # Urauby ba) Te Pt val : ers 13 The latest thing is the state- More is said to have been devel- NN — TT a | vated receiver ) | Ber- SEEDS The opera, the concert and the vaude- ‘ © Was pusted on We groune mel by the semi-otiicial }oped regarding the German naval hime Lokal-Anzeiger that Ger-j|tacties. The whote is taken as a ey A | aded wilkin tind for farther Wntaaes oe the Ne ville of the city come to the small towns ’ ) died Will EHO 544) Skoena Land District istrict of Coasi/ihe last twelve months in ree-| necessity of an increases an : ~ n hecvrder oF Wit bit bay i die heuge V ‘ i i A ts fe the Int St k Fi : P | vere oe more vividly than ever before on the ‘ jot Gay oF Uetober, livid bie | silk Wii we Lied tb tae Ullive i tin cas jmany has only succeeded within Waiter Migila, Parliament Busine fake potice that ji, Michel Kordas, ol « herself from the chains ,of| more rapid expanion of the Brit- hulie, » ‘ ’ . | ria, B. LU. upaliod laborer, Mibelu ar , — u. Ke T. SAWLE sppay lor permission to purchase bc England and France, and that ““ajish navy. ee j senna, Gpoatiined, ORE: emsen 0s she | COeigive tries... of strength has} This comes at a time when the | matt ORDERS PROMPILY ATTENDED TO e iuicpeg at & post planted ue , ey eae ee esuer of ‘Lunber License Nu.| hitherto been spared us, but it}forecast of the new budget has | oeid i se Valley, you v on ‘ is . leith FORESHORE LEASE. ee ee ery. irc the Williams | Will not fail.to come. Therefore, just been published with a total ; reek bridge, tence suuth 30 chails,) we ppust rightly employ the re-!estimate by opposition news- THE ‘ | ena Land District—Disirict of Cassiar vast 88 chams, Mience purty a ake twtice tat U. Kf puwie, i! -yains, tience West bY Chaiis to pull ol spite still pe rmitted us papers of an early expenditure of Pie Kupert, iMieends ty apply bur @ sedos Hauencement, Coulaming 160 acres Mure) me . : se (uteetaee aammaoie a ume mur lve less, ° | A previous article in the Lokal-|$1,000,000,000, Government sup- e e | t commer pus vi Lub 100, Youre ba). | MICHEL KOKRDAS. |Anzeiger is an illuminating com-| porters say this estimate is a base UMM 1 & BUULWErleliy User tive Fred & Cowell, Agent. | i : / cues bo tue suuiuwest curuEi Dated Uctober gud, 1912 mentary upon this statement jcanard [They declare that the —LIMITED— i paid ivt, b ali ie ivreolure be) u N ‘ i dan, 6, 1913 1} “aaakens Sea” ; sisson amped vtodhanchve : Ihe earlier article developed the | judget will not reach more than | ‘tol Urauby Bay Luwieile, ae Fesir ii rime Kupert hegielty ee | | j theory, which is seems strange/the paltry sum of 8950,000,000 seena Land Oiperiet _— of Coast) as waited so long for publica-|and point to the re! arkable sta- Lumber and Mouldings because Edison has just created a new record—the Blue Amberol a —which is sweeter and finer in tone and reproduces in a more viah luvs, u. KH. T. SAWLE, Applicant sued Uchuber lel, ivid iv UO Zh, LES. rake notice Wat |, Sam Ennyu, Ofliiogn that Germany's desire was|tisties of foreign trade for 1912. sayea, British Columbia, vooupativti lum s ad ‘ ee to Pre y tor perusissbot winot for conquest, but for liberty Commenting on these statistics All Kinds of Building Supplies lifelike way than any other phon ph rd OO pul Clare bhie following jesciibed Malis wasede ‘ol a les ‘ . o " . en the PineiD | . NOTICE. vuunencing a| & post piduied Ob bie to pursu her wh gitimate jth Ds ly Citize he pPineipa 2 made. And once the best music and so’ of the 5 Hange ¥ . ee ln eel ee tie ern pang of |@mMbitions iM the affairs of the | organ of the Labor party, says best artists have come to you on Blue Am! IR: ners of tats sinuated im Prince Ru-| be haben kivet, umuce ucri {8 casi |world. The line taken was (hat| | “What about te, whe dedl Phone 186 ors it will a/ways be yours as vividly as at first, for : essa afure-|the contest of the present day | thousand people in 1912 who died the Blue Amberol never wears out. ‘uw for Cas Givect Ww purcumer vi} ouains Ww the Dyundary vl > Who purtiuscd luis vl Culberaus| aid, tlelice suUubh dius Lic Sale bound) | was for supremacy; that Ger-|in this country fr starvation? , : ° Hear it at your Edison dealer’s today. } su Ageaii lu Wwelisler bd doris aaiu » chases Ww poll ol ColMuenoulmMent, r weak ees to purvilases ua sere Mids BI Acres MUTE OF leer jmany had an equal right with} What about its urban slums, its - . SAM FE . A ul elurh vi ie AIMED pain, | ol . oa te » TF cneaania ‘ 9 f “ bs cluer wilt « reasuuane pruut euuea| Dated Uctober tuth, 1¥i2 7 |England to the markets of the|rural hovels? What about dis Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave. Orange, N. J.. U. 8. A. 6, Wik pitare Wek ie Bly Ww Wik be) Vub. Nov, tith, 1vid-—dan, 6, 104 lworld, and that Germany did not|eases due to poverty by which it _ : ; , . wa ggg ee | | Phonographs ee be purpose to, be bullied’ or over-|is ravaged? What about multi- A complete line of Edison and Records will be found ef a au. uiene a ?, . 3 > s strict of Oust, 5 . »} ‘ . ( Liverpoul, Uw, &. >. A. keena Lana ——— i - *“4) awed by the huge English navy | tudes of overworked and under-| The up-to-date House Decora- HAYNER BROS., - - 3rd Ave. and 6th St. a rake notice that 1, Madge Kobi, of Mon-| until it withdrew from the world’s|paid? What about the mighty tors of Prince Rupert WATER NOTICE. real, occupation spinster, litend to 4PP9 |) Fommeree and accepted only the | standing army of paupers?” a the 2olb day of December, 1¥12 Lin Donald MeVicar, \eout — Diication wil be filed in the vllice 04 Dated November 25th, 1912 lege i T ad etait ‘ ¢ 0 os ’ n leg er ) yLIVIOL ) ren. ) £ » Waled Roonsiae ar beinne Wupert, B. ' Dered Novemser vip—wen. 07, 1940, | Deen he egated to oblivion by gen London, Jan, 15.—To attend] _ as ihe: as for permission Ww purchase lhe follows 2 Mi described lauds ~ « tieenen tp Sane —S _—. ; Commencing at @ post planted at the - — ign Writing.. olice is hereby given til we POF’) Couinwest corner Of Lot i144, thence PERRO . Sg ¥ jugion Water Lo, Lid, of Vancouver.) ouin 15 chains more or less to the bor | JACK JOHNSON SAYS manager of the place requé sted P " 0 a HES apply tor @ liwense lo take 4nd ee) undgary of Lot 4130, thence west 4 him to Sane heeause ad vinerous aper- tuners inches of water oul of Gun hains more or less to the east bounds : : vt. Hanging ou Ww Te phan Lake Creek, ‘ihe water Will De) or Log 4477, thence north 15 chains Wn THAT HE IS BROKE protests from other boxers, Gon Gientaitten 500 GRAMOP ited WE Cunningham Lake and will be ir less to the south boundary of Lot 994, ' Pi lie Pm for canning, domestic and industria! rence east 40 chains more or less ty Un “” ONES poses oa tee bas deserved 43 UN! joint of commencement, containing ©” Chicame: Sen: 4he—Jaek dobn- ANNA GOULD comine “We always deliver the g is.” HARPS 5 fe Cn FOR HELEN'S WEDDING | 2.44 street Phone 156 Green iv IF ts FREE LA ()\\1|SEND NO MONEY. er ecurder “or "with the. Compiroliet consent of the boxing pro-|the wedding of Miss Helen Gould mL ler Kecorder or Wilh the Comptrolier . a ‘ g | g 4 h } \ \) is notice 1 . ound ik . us holice Was pusied on the groul MADGE KOHL son, negro prizefighter, who has Water hights, Parliament Buudings, | moters of this country, admitted} and Finley J, Shepherd, the Prince tora, Bb | shee i str district of Coast, : HE POR ESSINGTON WATER CO.,| ueena Land aig vt . ae 8 eo other day that he has not ajand Princess Helie de Sagan } ] Lip | pake notice that Reuben W. Rogers, Of) .,.,1; lohusen’s “Cafe de Cham-|sailed today from here for the ne ou eC Dp i | i By E. A. Taylor, Agent lprince Rupert, B, C., occupation traasfer ane man. eaenae to apply for permission to! was recently closed by the| United States, rhe princess is a rehase the following described lands 4 ‘ ‘a ax aoa l a om : ren ase ting ab & post planted at the | police ind a judgment for $5,624 | sister of Miss Gould, This is the ye ; 3 reby given that thirty 44YS| ,ortneast corner of Lot St4t Range 9.) 24, ed against him by a brew first visit to the United States of oven ; ite We intend to apply to the Gov vast District, near Lakelsé Lake, thenes : 3 ; deed fut 40 chains, ing company His automobile, ajthe princess since her divorces eedeoes. waies nstrumenta, er Skates, es, Toys, por tn G unel! for @ quit sun iorth 40 chains thence west ing described foreshore on *hains ce east , . ‘ ' ComUROncIne Bt the worinwest Cornel alan ‘te wee es of" exmmonst nee fast 4") Sate and the saloon fixtures were} {rom Count Boni de Castellane pematographs, Genuine 1 641, Hange V, Coast District, British Kh, W. ROGERS seized by the sheriff to satisfy}and subsequent marriage to} 2S; > we jours biumibia thence West even hundred Dated Nov, 1st, 1012 j — feet, thence south seven degree pub. Nov, 18, 1912-——Jdan, 18, 1013 this cla When the deputies} Prince Helie l A J ., an wha) eae can of Wwe conte eae | we | forty-five tm le est ; Ww : { e min w : took charge of the big touring TD : + =. Ut ven oom come. a I tired and torty : feet th ' ven hundred (71 feet to ih Kocna Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast,’ « Johnson pleaded with them] Prominent Attorney Indicted. a hark hence horther wil Kane iV ‘ are e ac ‘ i Col nt e 4) Jan 15 W FE N S/ ' at mark ! the * im . com vake notive that Richard ' Grant, ) os ; th . ¥ — ‘ | , - bu ie : bas os ad ] y Pens escepiing ‘ M . Va uver u i ecupation wookwkees if ear welonges oO suciile atin Airpy © oreado mm) ' ‘ \ hin te shove b ndare “ jis » t mu ‘ by Un jane ft nk Pa ; sit : J ye : i ih a and : no said. referring to his white|mer Ohio railroad Commissionel $2000 cash and the balance over ter mua + INVESTEMEN® ‘PANY : ’ . as : noone 5 welt wife She bought it two wee ind a { inent attorney, who years at 6 per cent, ACTE & GO., Ld. (Dept. 97) 85 Fleet St. Londes, ‘ \ COMI ‘ rp 1 pie Ay , on | : 7 December th, 101 t « ince to Kumeoton Inlet, pefore were married Please|was secretly indieted by the Wey F ; ne” in 60 "Saale . lon’t take it away iFranklin County grand jury for . = — foreshore ens " , ee Johnson intimated § that hejalleged influencing of legisla | Hl ° &C NOTICE ‘ona. containing 940 eres mn ee les ht seon get back into the ring} tio appeared at the court house Samue arrison ompany e bs is ' HICHARD an ; a . hd 2 ae oo have Ba by pay: | “ um J. Mogridge Agent to earn money He has been/|here late today and submitted to} Brokers and Financial Agents or e WS « expenses for taking care of same Dated Getober Tth, 1012 training at a local elub, but the|arrest, Second Princ it H. HELIN, Port Essington j Pub, Oct. 20, 1912 } & | o Ave. e Rupert |