Dit x : i rary Me | GieULATION IN CITY AND NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMBIA VOL, IV, NO. 16 THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B ©., MONDAY, JANU ARY 20, 1913 Er. canY LEGISLA ve ge iS %, PRICE FIVE CENTS $$ $$_____—_—- NG OF THE UTE INDIANS IS THREATENED BALKAN ALLIES PRESENT ULTIMATUM TO TURKEY—FOURTEEN DAYS TO ANSWER DEMANDS BALKAN ALLIES GIVE TURKS FOURTE SKATING AT SHAWATLANS selves Yesterday — Ice in 4 | EN DAYS T0 REPLY Splendid Condition About thirty-five or forty MUST MAKE FAVORABLE REPLY TO DEMANDS OR HOB-| prince Rupertites who took a TILITIES WILL BE RESUMED. chance yesterday on the = light snowfall the night before last, Special to Daily News I power to resume hostilities|not entirely spoiling the skating I don, Jan 0 Bulgaria Purkey was telegraphed|at Skawatlans Lake, were amply i and Montenegro today pre Dr. 8. Daneff, leader of rewarded for their optimism. ted an ultimatum to Turkey. ! Bulgarian delegation The magnificent sheet of ice was g the Ottoman government jin perfect shape, the little skiff teen days in which to make | s money for vou at De. | of snow making very little per- able reply to their demands dress and bargain sale ceptible difference to what it was all last week, one vast atretch of fabsolutely smooth glare of ice inearly three mifes in extent A ° NSIBLE portion was soon cleared off for a hockey rink many devoting IS REV, MR. ? | themselves to the delights of that glorious winter sport whilst j others made trips up and down the lake from end to end, several TOOK NO PART IN THE ELECTIONS, EITHER DIRECTLY OR oo, mt the vabin ot m DIRECTL Y—COUNCIL MADE TIRADE ON THE and a company of marines hospitable trapper and hunter at MINISTERS. ie extreme head of the lake and ipress Theatre & day ide by himself and other lheat of @ Thien alae g, Rev. F. W. Ker eq Preachers of the city to the| to the attack i ipo! oie 2 rer ees yal George D. Tite left yesterday ex-Mayor Newt through | oh ai : Rev a. Kerr seid|‘” raat and Victoria on a nh Saturda Mr. that he would have been ashamed | 4 ee cick eeensnseittioetemnanee d that the atta was § have taken a decided stand unjustifiable hat that matter Al the first AMERICANS IN MEXICO entirel gn ad, nt weting following those 1 one wil ha - ms the Council hind shan a REPORTED IN DANGER ed from the f gular tirade on the ministers sae rane rate thy he While he took part in the|U. S. Cruiser Despatched to Mexi- sh a ed { Mr. Kerr said he did not can Port to Protect Lives and nd ge a stated nsider that his position as a Property of Americans. had taken abs it I " ster made it obligatory on a he eontest f the « his part to keep aloof from such Special to Daily News. it may th direc atters Al any time there was Washington, Jan i8 rhe lirectly, and there ‘ i moral issue in the election he|cruiser Denver has been ordered lered the stateme spt vould use his influence in the from San Diego, California, to " ig&t direction “Acapulco, Mexico, where a des- are perate.situation is reported, with > Americans in danger. She will MAJOR SHARPE S REMARKS jsail tomorrow and should arrive at the Mexican port in about four : days Commander Washington ELICIT A SHARP ANSWER has about 270 bluejackets aboard ACTING SECRETARY OF U. §S. ABSURD Special to Daily News. Washington, Jan 20 he statement made by Major Sam Sharpe, Conservative member in the Canadian House for North Ontario, that the United States navy of good socially or morally” is compe desperate men who are no received | a sharp answer from Beckman} Winthrop, acting secretary of the navy. “Statistics completely contradict Sharpe,” he said. ‘His assertion is absurd and is that of an ignorant man,” Successful Shot This Morning. About 10 o'clock this morning a very shot fired in connection with the done at cut McDougall, the contrac- clearing the site for the P. freight terminals One hole eight feel was of powder smoke hung was work that No by successful is being 4 Archie tor, in . FB, coyote about 900 cans of for used and Huge the minutes after the long clouds eut several shot over was fired AND THAT OF AN IGNORANT MAN. | sed largely} NAVY SAYS HIS ASSERTION iS WELSH MINERS ARE OUT ON STRIKE Objected to Being Kept Waiting for Pay in Drizzling Rain POPULAR ACTRESS ROBBED Relieved of Jewelry to Amount of | $70,000 While Travelling of Commons} on Train. London, Jan, 15—-The reason Special to Daily News, for striking put forward by two | New York, Jan 20.—-W hile} thousand Welsh miners who quit jtravelling between here and Al-| wopk yesterday is that they were |bany today, Gaby Deslys, the well kept waiting for their pay half jknown actress, was robbed Of] 1) nour Saturday in a drizzling $70,000 worth of jewelry. Detee- rain witheut shelter, while the tives are working on the C4@8@,) 0. cnier finished his luncheon. but so far no arrests have been|o,. ‘nen were so incensed they made, gave the colliery oflicials twenty- four hours to dismiss the cashier and because the officials did not it, the men struck, against advice of their leaders. WOLFE’'S copy oF GRAY’S ELEGY FOUND do the London, Jan. 18,—The Vicar of WEST HOLME Opera House.... EXTRA SPECIAL Scenes of the Balkans After the ‘Declaration of W ar and Other 10c. & 15e. Features Westerham, Wolfe's birthplace, WIRELESS TO YUKON has received a communication ee from Paris stating that a copy or ~ - nsoanyed os of Sta ssed wa. of Gray's Elegy has long been in one Disou a a the possession of W. N., Colling | Special to Daily News.) bearing an inseriplion showing Otten Jan. A aaaiieal that it originally belonged to}, ostaliich, a. Gills Gi Ulabiees General Wolfe. va a l stations @nks Adieheoss Sand. is important as tending to con-| ie . a , ni : ling up the Mackenzie River to firm the truth of General Wolfe iHehsehel Island, and from there reciting the Elegy while drifting |, Rupart House, in the Yukon, j}down the St. Lawrence was Giese ah 6 tne which was held today between | Rankin Will Not Turn “Pro,” Dr. Thompson, M. P. for the Yu- Toronto, Jan, 18.—Frank Ran-|kon, Bishop Stringer of the Yu- bo has decided finally that he|kon, and Dr, King, director of the | will not leave the amateur ranks |Astronomical Department ito join the Toronto professional | EATERS jhockey team, He stated that he} Argentine Aviator Killed. positively would not join the To-| Buenos Ayres, Jan, 19, rontoes and that at the end of|Branzden, an aviator, fell. from | the season he would hang up his|his machine here today at a great stick for good. They were will jheight and was killed, ing to offer him just about any —_—— thing he cared to ask, running Al. Prescott, the popular vio. well over $2,000 llingst of the Westholme Theatre i a lorchestra, lA Large Number Enjoyed Them- | returned on Saturday | are ‘PRISONER COMMITS His Suspenders in the Lock-Up Special to Daily News GOVERNMENT WILL HELP IRRIGATIO Premier and Minister of Lands—tLegislation to be Introduced Special to Daily News. Victoria, Jan, 18—TIrrigation development in British Columbia took another step forward yes- terday British sociation waited upon the ind the Minister of presented the the Kelowna Conven- ratified the meeting The ex mittee were rdia received by Sir Richard McBride and Ho WV R, Re left assured that the legislation which would be the present Irrigation Prem- Columbia 1eT and 1dopted by by tion and in this city last week ym cf ‘ nm ss and Intro- of le duced the mnprove al session far which legislature, would ) conditions unde! is being carried o1 rrigation ths province ve ticket at once Andrew's Burns’ An- banquet to be held at Central Hotel on Friday next will the best. ever. it Procure for the niversary the It ur st be “THE POLAR BEAR” Interesting Description of Boat Seen in Moving Pictures at the Westhoime on Saturday. In connection with the recent wonderful motion. pieture films shown at the Westholme Opera House of the Siberia-Alaska Arctic expedition, headed by Louis L. Lane and Captain Klein- schmidt, a short description of the intrepid little schooner, the Polar Bear, which appeared so prominently in the last film chas- ing the old Polar bear and her cub may prove of interest The facts are gleaned from a very in- teresting article appearing in the current number of Pacifie Motor Boat magazine. It was built ae- cording to Captain Lane's own a vessel should be floes of the She is of 20 Sea- ideas of what for service in the Arctie and Behring seas. 87 feet long, with beam feet and depth of 9 feet, soned Douglas fir was used in her construction throughout, From above her water line to well below ‘she is sheathed in Australian iron bark, this flint like wood taking all the chafing and jar of the ice floe, with scarcely mar or serateh; over this her for fifteen feet encased in half ineh iron plates, making an ideal for the of service called to perform the Bear eve! an iceberg such as was struck by the Titanic, it is more than an even money bet that after a few jabs at her prow Mr, Iceberg would haul off with a damaged and skinned nose amd very humbly apologize for obstruct. ing the path of this littl bulldog of the while the boat would sail serenely away it worthy of note remarkable little boat fitted with a horsepower Frisco Standard engine, many of which in in these walters, the a bow is vessel she is Should encounter class upon Polar eye sea, that this Is 1s 75 use Every garment at tenadaa? sale|from a week's vacation and will | Rupert Marine tron Works being has a style that is individual, cor-|resume his place this evening at rect and attractive. 16.17 the sole agents for the same in |the theatre. Northern British Golumbéa, Ended His Life by Hanging With. Large Delegation Waited on the pall bearers were when a committee of the|a disposition that As-|tracted friends | though Lands | for resolutions | subject | Pay Salary of Secretary of Congress—Will Hoid Tournament in June. Special to Daily News. Vancouver, 20.—In_ lieu of the Western Bowling Congress, which has been taken away from account of failure to pay the salary of the secretary of the the Vancouver Tournament Associa- tion has decided to hold a tourn- is deepest Jan Vancouver to on agree congress, ament in June, in which they will have the support of Calgary, Ed- monton, Victoria, Seaftie and Portland. INSURANCE BROKER ACCUSED OF ARSON Charged With Being Concerned in Numerous Fires in New York in which $6500,- 000 Was Collected Special to Daily News.) New York, Jan, 20.—George Grutz, an insurance broker, and said also to be insuranee broker, . whose name was withheld, have been indicted on charges of arson by the grand jury that has been investigating the so-called “Arson Trust,” al- leged to be responsible for more than 300 fires in the past two years in which about $500,000 was fraudulently a second man, an Ihsurance lected, Grutz has been in the tombs in default of bail sinee the con- fession last week of Samuel Gold col. late UTE INDIANS UP IN ARMS; GENERAL UPRISING FEARED HOLD PASS IN THE MOUNTAINS OF SOUTHERN UTAH AND ARE PREPARED TO FIGHT TO A FINISH. Special to Daily News. which | settlements i threatened. section, is remote from and railroads, is Washington, Jan, 20. Fifty | Ute Indians are today reported to The trouble grew be holding a pass in the moun-|°Ut of an attempt of officers to tains of Southern Utah prepared |#"rest an Indian outlaw. to fight to the death and a gen- : eral uprising of Indians in that Subseribe for the Daily News. SUPPLIED LIQUOR TO INDIAN FINED HUNDRED DOLLARS THREE SWEDES CHARGED WITH THEFT REMANDED—CEL- ESTIAL FINED FIVE DOLLARS FOR Lervine HIS WATER TAPS RUN Mm the police court this morn-| Three Swedes named Swanson, ing before His Worship Magis-| Anderson and Matson, charged trate Carss the adjourned hear-|by Rosie Simons, a dweller of the ing of the case against Ed. restricted district, with theft of $160, a gold watch and a clock, were remanded until tomorrow morning. Shan- charged with supplying to Indians was proceeded The accused, through his changed his plea of “not guilty” to “guilty" and claimed the clemency of the court. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs, or. serve two months imprisonment. The fur- ther charge of stealing the sum of $45 from an Indian of the name of John Davidson was dis- inissed, as was also thai against Arthur King, who appeared with Shannon in connection with the stealing case. non, li- quor with. counsel, There was one ordinary case of d. and d., the customary fine of tive and two being imposed. A Celestial of the name of Chun Lung seems to have been the “fall guy" amongst the army of petty offenders in the matter of au infraction of the city water bylaw. He let his tap run con- tinually through the late frosty weather and was ordered to come through with 85 and costs. C.P.R.LINER MOUNT TEMPLE — HAS ROUGH TRIP ON ATLANTIC 6IG SHIP MANAGES TO WEATHER STORM AFTER MUCH BUF- FETING—TWENTY-ONE DAYS FROM ANTWERP TO ST. JOHN. Special to Daily News.) CEMENT PLANT PLANNED St. John, N. B., Jan, 18.—The FOR PORT ALBERNI Canadian Pacific Railway diner Mount Temple docked at the West New Westminster, Jan. 20.~-A Side last night after a terrible) .jient plant for Port Alberni,« run of twenty-one days from on Vancouver Island, is being Antwerp. The steamer brought planned by the B. C. Transport three saloon passengers and 142 steerage and 5,000 tons of freight. All through the voyage the ship was swept by lerrific seas and the course was made through un- ceasing gales of hurricane fero- city. This trip was exceedingly rough, and the steamer encoun- tered continuous violent storms. Although the Mount Temple on her trips has often encountered mountainous seas and fierce winds, there has usually been a spell of calm, During the recent voyage, how- ever, the ship was buffeted, and ,Company, Limited, of New West- minster. This company is made up of English manufacturers and it is understood that if the final tests of the raw material dis- covered near Alberni are satis- factory the deposits will be de- veloped at once and a freight ship will be sent to the coast from England for the purpose of transporting the cement manu- factured to New. Westminster, Victoria and Vancouver. The company already own 600 feet of wharfage at New Westminster, who is said to have revealed the| at times the violence of the storm|sravel pits at Pitt Lake and a workings of the “Arson Trust,”"|W4@s 80 great that anything on|ileet of boats and barges. to the distriet attorney. The po.|deck not held by extra fasten- lice charge Grutz with haying|ines was carried away by the THE WEATHER. been adjuster for numerous fires|Sreal seas whieh crashed meehe : set by members of the trust. the big steamer. the weather report at 5 o'clock iii I She weathered, the storm in|his morning read: Barometer, Darrow Trial Today. good shape and suffered the loss|29-552; maximum temperature, Los Angeles, Jan. 20, Thej|of only four ventilators. When 37; minimum temperature, 22; trial of Clarenee F. Darrow, vet-|four hundred miles east of Cape precipitation, 12 inh, eran labor attorney, opened here| ace the Mount Temple was im | ce a today, Judge Conley presiding,|communication with the burning Darrow is charged with bribingJAllan liner Carthagenian, and Robert F, Bain, a juror in OT said that another steamer LIBERAL ASSOCIATION, MeNamara case, It is expected| 4s standing by. Later she re- Gp that he will take a prominent part|¢eived worth that the fire had The annual meeting of in his own defence. Darrow was| been extinguished, the Prince Rupert Liberal acquitted recently on a charge of "i ene Association, for the purpose bribing George N. Lockwood, a| Fire Alarm Numbers of electing officers, will be venireman in the MeNamara case. | Citizens who desire to know held on the evening of lehiaitees jthe location of a fire when an| Thursday, Jan. 28rd, 4943, Jan, 21st, sales of Dresses and} lalarm is given can have the in.| in the K. of P. Hall, Helger- all kinds of bargains at Demers’,|formation in a convenient pock- son Block, 307tf 46.47 et form by calling at Frizzell’s P. W. ANDERSON 1A TRE Se VO Meat Market, where they can get Bed. Treas. Pantorium Pleneer Cleaners,|free of charge, a very neat card Phone 4 giving the location of each box.