Monday January 9 PHE DAILY NEWS —a j ee aaa ee Er | PUKE OF CONNAUGHT = THE Dany News __| PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE wg uno ececmen | EIR SS. PRINCE RUPERT Term of Office as . of His leaves for Vancouver, Victoria ee WILL HAVE SHORT SESSION © *"inz-2sc" rei THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | faeinins id FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dai.y, 50c| ABOLITION OF POLL TAX AND REPORT OF MUNICIPAL COM- London, Jan, 20—The im “PRINCE JOMN” per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WrEKLY, $2.00 per year. All MISSION WILL BE CONSIDERED—FIVE WEEKS pression is growing here that the ror Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, 11 a. m., Jan. sin. ‘@ Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly SHOULD COMPLE SE PROGRAMME. Duke of Connaught in view of Sth, 19th, March Sth ,1oth ’ Pet i in advance. _—_ the precarious health of the ror Masset and Naden ee re oa” ja 10th, 24th, Fe 1 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. Contract rates Victoria, Jan, 20—The first|to. A new highway act empow-|puchess will not seek an exten- por Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Que. n ‘ harlotte Island ports 4 : 4 iti th, 26th, Feb. 9th, 23rd, March Oth, vara D. © ; on application. session of British Columbia’s|ering the minister of public} __ aoe . Jan, 12th, { i EBAD OFFICE Fourteenth Parliament, which|Works to regulate and restrict 2 nates fale Saas WG Gomme Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. spened 64 hina ’ ; lexceptionally heavy traffic at No eaves ay and Saturday BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES , weet 8 ROL CX | certain seasons of the year will Grand Trunk Railway System a New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City pected to last longer than five also be presented early in the (The Double — Route) Wi] »ecursio » Choice o outes to ¢ mo t SeaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co. weeks, the legislative programme| session, and it is understood te ae ee ae en of a y prem = in tt > . f “at with the excursio ci e 6 ri 1 va oh { Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar |!!"# less extensive than in sey-|that the Lands Act, Water Act, | one for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. For all infermation apply w_ | . e eral previous years and being|Public Schools Act, Motor Veh- A. E. MOMASTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre sing : Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of generally non-contentious in its|i¢les and Trafic Act and Liquor 1 non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. character, Railway legislation,| License Act, are likely to be pre-| } ' Ae eee - ——SSs— which has been the feature of|/Sented for such amendment as = i DAILY EDITION oii Monday, Jan. 20, 1913./the government's progressive their working in practice has de- AROUND THE WORLD — = en agenda during late years, prom- monstrated to be in the public FOR $639.10 V0 | MORE “TRUCK States. Mr. William Silee, one|jises to be distinetly limited in | verest. rhe ~e-eagetncagg — ahi ON NEW — we | AND TRADE.” of the best authorities in the|volume and chiefly in connection doubltedly provide for an ageres- So ae salad malts | aA an at itn dulldein trade, says the removal of|with necessary and satisfactory |*‘¥° publie works programme, as Em ‘3 ein, itt | Coe r ond te Cretan Wines et Gis “iT d rw thesé hampering restrictions/expansion of construction pol- succinetly outlined oy wee une _ / 7 ne 18th eo |RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT duties that restrict tra : 0. on both sides of the border will|icies already decided and sealed|™ie? at New Year, and for the iain ee ver toi trea, and | tween Canada and the United! jean an increase of a million} with the approval of the provin.|C@?Tying forward of ar oe potrrerpool. From t verpool to Ven States seems to be a popular a year in paper manufacture in|{cial electorate. It is thus quite ments in connection with uni- couver, via Gibralta pointe } THE IROQL OlS policy when it serves the big] the province. a that parliamentary sane- ng establishment. cot tele 1 Nameeaki, mene ft) interests The interests are Here, then, is a case where/0n mmy be sought and granted ‘ aod oT [ ag aaieal - Meng 4 ee oe oF POOL - on ian _jto cover the expansion of the|¥!"' ‘ne'uge several municipa Swe FAMOUS * “EMPRESS LINE” | . ' always patriotic. Their allegi- or Soares OW, OF Spot reyee charter rights of the Canadian|!"¢orporation measures, a few ” Same f or 8 = . see a sega a ance is not likely to be under- on both sides of the border is|y) pthepn Pacific and the Pacific |™imor railway charters, and two agent for All Atiantic Bteamebip. Lines | Twelve Tables SECOND Ave mined by having “truck or| a benefit all round. The Que-|Great Eastern, so as to permit|¢™@bling bills specifically relat. | i 2 trade” with the Yankees. The bee papermakers get morejall the extension of the lines of|i™& to Vietoria city. Se east and west haul is not es- business and better’ prices,|these companies to the northern ree | > , Vac . g Pn ‘ \ ster vas very fond | Emp sention to Canada’s prosperity The United States users of}@™4 of Vacouver Island, from the ‘ ae {oe w es ve . stale “UNION ss COMPANY OF 8. C Ltd | ress Bowling Alleys | so long as it will add to their saper get supplies more cheap- vicinity of Alberni, and from|e! ™ eG DeCR COMPIaiiing 0. b ’y AND POOL ROOM | rofiis to have their product sty an 7 Fort George eastward into and|for some time of the poor quality 4 ALLEYS 42 TABLES = ; 4 oo age * v 3 nat ly. Both share in the advan- through the Peace River district} had been receiving. At last | Best Fitted one Most Lururiow @ | Shale : ket rs : th tage from the removal of the/respectiVely. he determined to interview the The Twin Screw Steamer a « wm oa. ene es market, is only the : : is ; ? s / a b . 6. lia whose loyalty ie” in duties. But the moment this Charter Amendments milkman, oe oo word with the H.R. AH. DUKE OF CONNAUGHT 66 9 . or of charter ¢ aid to that effect agg : : : . i lied to the ex. A number of charter amend. |!"4! eget | doubt. For him there is only Gayemem ts appied to ments are to be sought by the The next morning the minis-|sion of his term of office as Gov. | en re safety in having no “truck or port of cattle or grain or dairy a nae : ter ¢ “coached the ms ay ‘ : General of the Dominion trade” with the Yankee i city of Vancouver. The most im.|'@? approachec le man, saying: jernor-General o ve om CARTAGE and sige : 7 raed products by the Canadian or s tl ° ‘ “T am mrueh displeased with Prince Arthur last week ob- | Take th ot aual portant i iat providing that Arrives from Vancouver Every STORAGE / ‘ : a. mee aes farmer up go the danger sig-|the Park Board may maintain|'he quality of milk you have been|tained special leave from his re- eonnay wane ; ment in the bec , , ‘ , " ‘ i ce 2 . ag i; vs Set nals. The east and west haul|boulevards and grass plots on a|/@4ving me. giment to proceed immediately G. T. P. Transfer Agents 1 ae ee emerges from well earned re-/|frontage tax. Another proposed “Tam sorry to hear that, sir,’}to Canada if unfavorable news| gees aoe eget creer O80 See ee amendment provides that the|"¢Plied the man. was received. The Duchess’ il|- | Salle for Port Simpson, Naas River Points gg er oe an i ducing concerns of that prov- posed, the flag in unfurled, cily may prohibit licence and “T just wanted to say that Tuse|ness has eaused considerable | and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. SECTS. S. Rectaate, Contre. Feng i} inee—in one Of which, by the} Imperial interests are invoked, ’ ~~ 5 , ' ant ‘ge et ; | clad siscidaaigtililiiiniaes . : ae ; sal jy {regulate the erection of tents in the milk for drinking purposes|anxiety here, and bulletins are arene ee ee eee ee on * ae o Slinka’ 4 the corporation limits. Another |°X¢!usively, not for christening.” | eagerly awaited. Salle for Vancouver | | i illiam Van lorne, is a lead- told that i vanada wants to aaiialliines él decks WEDNESDAYS, 8 P. & a“ ing figure—are jubilating over| preserve her nationality she : rent desired deals with — : : - . | the removal of restrictions on will have “no truck or trade a of the building inspector, Forty years in use, twenty the export of pulpwood by the] with the Yankee.” What rub- making " possible for him to|years standard, prescribed and SMITH & MALLETT R St hi New Wellington Coal. Best on th Quebec government. This ac-| bish! How long will the farm-]®'V® Certain permits for con- peDerNnEnaES by physicians. Por! THIRD AVR. ogers Steamship Agency Coast ‘a tion will enable them to export| er be humbugged by it!—To-|Stuction not specifically dealt}Women’s Ailments, Dr. Martel’s Sictihiem Merten @ Atti 4 Phone 116 Rogers & Blad a : with in the existing bylaws. Female Pitts, at your druggist. |[ © UPS, Heating, Steamfitting an Phone 116 paper duty free to the United ronto Globe. : : Sheet Metal Work . . = ( An amendmenut which will do -— ne |] omce: Sra Awe Workshop AY ; . ne “SB RUCH to beautify the city if ob- Subscribe for the Daily News Phone 174 “@nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts J} | SONS or NORW : : SSS TS j= jtained is that to the effect that in | Meets every Thursday at 7 p. & : oe Oy We Ge OAs Sele jat 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegian | | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE J):(° 0 x: es brush and debris, charging the PRINCE RUPERT INN = Established 1908 Hy {cost to the owner or owners. The “FROM HOME TO HOME.” | |) “Valhalla’’ of S.H. & EF, ' city of Vancouver also seeks a ‘ : Lon charter amendment giving _ it | AND Geapemaman Socert ; Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery power to establish a firemen’s HOTEL ELYSIUM meee rE Les on wie Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle benefit fund. ANNEX pes . Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns | . Farewell to Poll Tax Sid. Sykes, Manager — , The outstanding feature of m . D. C. STUART Rope Valves Ammunition The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. SRP ARSE Salih public legislation may be looked . , Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices Accountant Pumps Hose Paint };for in a bill to amend the Rey- otk aot de een > . i ‘ n ve. oie n : Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron jenue Act, abolishing the so-eall- 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. Owned and operated by the Auditor for the City of Prince Rupe ed “poll tax,” and generally to Phone 8500 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on PRINCE RUPERT, 8. © A provide for a more just and 7 the American and European plan. : eu sitet silos — Me )) | equitable distribution of the bur- Excellently furnished, with Ales. &. & 8. at i “We Sell Nothing But the Best”’ iden of taxation, in accordance steam heat, electric light, and all W. & Williams, 8. A, Le ad with the recommendations of the modern conveniences, being abso- + i WILLIAMS & MANSON ab | Taxation Commission, based up- mary Seepciae eenep Haeeee, Barri Solicitors, Etc it on first hand investigation of The appointments and service ae oe . ‘| cing gta he vo = THE AFTERMATH = | suo | ince conducted by that tribunal Pe — , 1 a year or 80 ago. ‘The enquiries SS e H spor . inal C P.O, BOX 28 PRINCE. RUPERT ond _ port = the Municipal Com Usually the day following Christmas brings with it a ras ‘ oan 7 se probably be unpleasant recollections of friends who have been inad- Rate: $1 $1 to » $3.50 per day. JOHN E, DAVEY mn ae in legislation giving vertently overlooked in the matter of Christmas gifts. a TEACHER OF SINGING 4 pasar ae sears dg pe Isn't it fortunate that New Year's Day follows so closely cum, on wah, betel, Gab. 100. 08 et : rhe ce ’ a age vy this and gives us an opportunity to make amends for our a re : ao a ot a Public Health oversights during the Christmas rush. While the past & G. A. Sweet, Manager. , ne a a all likelihood be week’s shopping made very heavy inroads into our stock, i open for new matter originating the assortments in each line are practically unbroken. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS ifs eee : in the report of the Milk Com- We have a large range of beautiful things for New Year's | mission and for general minor|@® gifts. CONSULT OUR CATALOGUE. ——— j Sj alterations and amendments LOT FOR SALE Ord Ave. near sth St. Ghose He © proven necessary and expedient <= —- a = ON COMMISSION : @ in the everyday working of this |%&&@ Lot 7, Blk, 1, Sec. 1; well graded down; | —-— piece of legislation. $12,500; $3,000 cash, interest 7% per re enry ir 'S ns, imite annum, Lietes 5 years. "ing eoeet obit. The creation of an independ- in , * this will be allowed 5% commission, $625.00. : E. L. FISHER Th B i ent audit office and a board of i : M. OSCAR LEDUC i e es . censors for moving picture films JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS 952 Lagauchetiere Gt., Montreal Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE and posters are necessarily fea- . e Procurable. Absolutely pure|'sres 3! vrosvectve government 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 TRY A NEWS WANT AD OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Goo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Scoop Was Evidently Not so Handsome as He Thought Himself et i ” i | — Drawn for The Dally News by “Hop - =. —) "eal ee casein aa TUL Just Sweet Your. WELL STRANGER. x © WERE E- | | Aways Being PRETTY PROFILE TD SHow You a a Ve Cay ‘You LOOKING AT IT NAMES Do You WANT ME A JOB DRAW ING- VP SIDE-Down! TRY HANDY WITH @ PENCIL How Goop T AM @rT IT- I wHouGer MENBE = \RREGULAR FEATURES Yo REALLY YELL STANDING ON YOUR HEAD ; COULD GET @ JOB AS LiKE NOURS THOUGH Is ane Seer waiters AND LOOK AT IT rH DRAWER ON THIS PAPER |! RIGHT sive uP! ¥ at r 7 DD 1408 ~ rev even