Monday, January 20, 1913, LAND LEASE NOTICES, ena Land District*-Disetrict Of Coast, Skeena Land District Range TV hod District of Cosst, ske notice that I, Michael MePadden Pike notice ar’ et porcher Island, B, C., occupation farmer, Prince | 5 |, Willlam Watson, of nd to apply for permission to lease the | j,; hinten a cupation contrac owing deseribed lands purchase N » for permission to mmencing at @ post planted on the Commencit ihe described lands i shore of Bonitla Island and about southwest e 4! & post planted at the in an easterly direction from the!), 1), Lek oy Lot 4135, Range 6, yest point on the isiand, thence west cheins more Kiver, thence north 76 chains more or less to the west shore thence weet + * to Lot 6243, Range 5; of the island, thence in 4@ southerly thes 71 Hains to Lot 2656, Range tion follow the shore line to the eteter South to the Lakelse River, thence in end of island, thence in a potnt of wing the Lakelse River to iwerly direction following the shore > nmencement, containing 160 to point of commencement and con ~~ & ‘ ning 640 acres more or less. . WILLIAM WATSON ocated November 4th, 1912, Dated December grd, 19149 MICHAEL M'PADDEN Pub. | 1919—Feb. ¢ ; » 24, 1913 aig November i4th, 1012. Pub. Nov, 18, 1012-—Jan. 13, 1912 en skeena Land District District of Coast, ' hNange V ena Land District — of Coast, in ' : " at i, Hilda King, of Men hange pevion spinster, intend to apply ake notice that Henry D. Foote, of|''" © 'Mission to purchase the following cher Island, B. C., oeeupation farmer, bed land nds to apply for permission to lease nee Ng at @ post planted sbout following described land as ae nha rthernm direction from ommencing at @ post planted on the|' 1th Wwe rher of Lot 6149, themee n shore of Bonilla Island and about % n 40 chains more or less to the © wih distent in an easterly direction from |! 'dary Lot 148, thence west 40 highest point on a ae, thence er thence south 40 chains, thence east so chains more or less to the west; * mins i r less back to point of e line of the island, thence in a) mame ncemekt, nlaining 160 eetes more wherly direction following the shore|! /es to the north end of the isiand, thence HILDA KING. a southerly direction following the! Donald McVicar, Ageut ye line to point of commencement and} Dated November 26th, 1042. taining 640 acres, more or less ub, Dev, 23, 1912-—Peb. 47, 1043 ocated Nov@mber 4th, 1912. Said ’ HENKY D. FOOTE, Locator | ze — Michael McFadden, Agent skeet I ' ‘ buted November 14th, 1912 — ae {District of Coast, ub. Nov, 18, 1019-—Jan. 13, 1912. Take notice that William J, Mogridge onal sities [ Vancouver, B. C., o¢ cupation broker, in- | ads to apply for permission to purchase s Land District—District of Coast,| ® Tollowing described lands: te Range V. | ronciimweucing 4t & post planted on the , , of | (UPeshore, about 2 miles distant in 4 ake notice that ft, teat Niven, Of} vortuwesterly direction from Kumeoion hee Rupert, a a "i tales te lulet, and about $00 feet south of & oon ci ineer, c s agen or ve os Com bay, thence east $0 chains, thence north ise Harbor Land Company, Limited, chains, thence wess $0 ¢heins mor ; ictoria, B. C., intend to apply for per s to foreshore, thene ore 9 o to lease the following described ; sore, thence southerly follow ne ‘ig ile foreshore to poimt of commence . et containir 2 wimmencing at @ post planted on the | é ' ‘WILLIAM a ucnIDOs. t northerly point of Lot 501, Range &,/ bated Uctober 8th, 1048 ' t District, on Porpoise Harbor, thence! Pub. Oct. 29 1912. ‘ hb to Low Water Mark, northerly following Low Water point due west of the southwest cor Stanley Niven, Agent following @escribed lands thence easterly Mark | of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District,| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ce east to High Water Mark, thence! Range V bherly following High Water Mark bo} lake notice that Ll, Alexander Noble, of int due east of the most northerly] url Essington, B. C., cecupation cannery t of Stapleton Island, part of Lot 642,| “40, intend to apply for permission ww ce west to this point, thence follow. | ¥Urchase the following described lands; High Water Mark on west side of tinencing @t @ post planted at the jeston Island to the most southerly) */U'iWest corner of Lot 27, thence north 1 of Stapleton Island, thence east t hails, thence West 20 chains more or High Water Mark of Lot 642, thence] '"** ‘ Lot 1746, thence south 30 chains erly following the High Water Mark| “v'e oF less to the beach, thence follow- point due east of the most southerly| '"* a ‘ = te our t of Lot 601, thenee south to Louw = P r . is r Mark, thence following Low Water) yiica octoper peReANDER NOBLE to @ point due south of the tis ated Uctober 16th, ia 3 heriy point of Lot 501, thence north ‘ov. 11th, £012-—Jan. 6, 101 his point, thence northerly and east | —_——_——_—__—_—_—— ee lowing High Water Mark + the | ‘ of commencement. ;Skecna Land = oe of Coast, f oO . oO \anuge LIMITED ee Soe ene | lake notice that 1, Alfred E. Wright, of Prinee Kupert, occupation engineer, intend nocing 6t & post planted om the ted December 10th, 1912 apply tor permission to purchase Ue b. Dec. 93, 19019 Feb ‘7 1913 luliowing described iands ’ } Commencing @| @ post planted at the " qucneenneiagEEneeeeS | Southeast corner of Lot 421, thence nor 20 chains more or less to the bortheasi ps Land Distrie}—District of Coast) cvrver of Lot 421, therfve east 26 chails tv. more or less to the west boundary of Lot e uotice that William J. Mogridge,|)i42, thence south 10 chains more or B : eccupation broker,| ess to the shore of Lakelse Lake, thence rusission to leeee| Westerly and southerly along the séiu LAND pun HASE NOTICES, to the point of commencement, con acres more store aining 35 or less hore im Kumeolom iIniet, om Lot No ALFRED E. WRIGHT thence east 20 chains, thence souts Donaid McVicar, Agent aius, thence west #0 chains more or Dated November 26th, 1912 wo riwr Denk, thence wortherly fol Pub, Dec, 23, 1912—Feb. 17, 1913. he river bank aad foreshore to potmt commencement, contaming 60 acres eT ee or less skeens Land District—District of Coast, WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE Kange V ted November 16, 1612 Take notice that i, Duncan K. Falconer, ib. Nov. 96, 1019—-Jam. 20, 1913 f Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation mason, | ‘fateud to apply for pertiission to purchase j Mae fulloWwimg described lands WATER LICENSE. | commenting at @ post planted at the | corner of Lot 14, thence borth to Take and Use Water. jfollowing the westerly boundary of Lot . } i4 20 chains, Wence West 25 chains more ' woe ~~ >. 4 r less to the easterly boundary of Lot 15, to and use ten (10) inches of | thence south following the easterly boun ‘ an unnamed creek which|44'y Of Lot 15 25 chains more or less ip erly direction through Lot| the raiuway right-of-way, thence east and empties into Goose Bay near south|/vilowing the raiuway right-of-way 26 of said lot The water will be di hains more or less tw point of com d at @ point abowt 500 feet from | ‘#cncement, and containing fifty acres th and will be used for domestic pur-j| ‘wre oF less s on the land described as Granby Bay nsite. DUNCAN hk, FALCONER, Locator. his notice was posted on the ground Dated December 16th, 1912. the 15th day of October, 1912 The Pub, Dec, 23, 1012—Peb. 17, 1013. ication will be filed in tye office of the ter Recorder at Prince = : , Pbjections ye filed with the saic her Re conte? “ee wah the Comptrolier|S*eena Land Se. of Coast Ade Rights, Parliament Buildings, Take notice that 1, Michel Kordas, of » > . Victoria, B. C., occupation laborer, intend G. Rh. T. SAWLE apply for permission t purchase the ub. Oct. 21, 1042. described lands: na Land District—District of Cassier ake notice that G. RK. T. Sawie, of nee Rupert, intends to apply for @ lease the foreshore commencing at the north t corner post of Lot 766, Goose Bay, f running in a southwesterly direction put 50 chains to the southwest corner t of said lot, being all the foreshore in nt of Granby Bay Townsite, as regis- ed in Prince Rupert Registry Office der plan 1007. G. RK. T. SAWLE, Applicant Dated October 15th, 1012. Pub. Oct, 2%, 1012 NOTICE. Owners of lots situated In Prince Ru t, B. C., who desire to sell same rea able for cash direct to purchaser oF ties who purehased lots on contract d who desire to transfer and assign said tract direct to purchaser in considera m of the return of the payments paid, ether with a reasonable profit added reto, will please let me know what they 6 to offer Give price, lot number, ck and section, Address P. O. Box 43, t Liverpool, Ohio, U, 8. A. WATER NOTICE. ‘or a License to Take and Use Water. Yotice is hereby given that The Port ington Water Co., Ltd,, of Vancouver, l apply for a license to take and use > miner’s inches of water out of Cun ham Lake Creek The water will be ited at Cunfiingbam Lake and will be d for canning, domestic and industrial oses on the land described as the nm of Port Essington his notice was posted on the 26th day of December, 1912. The plication will be filed in the office of Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Objections may be filed with the sald ler Recorder or with the Comptroller Water Rights, Parliament Buildings toria, B! ¢ THE PORT ESSINGTON WATER ©O LTb the ground By E. A. Taylor, Agent Notice is hereby given that thirty days ter date we intend to apply to the Gov nor-in-Couneil for a quit claim deed for ie following deseribed foreshore Commencing at the northwest corner of ot O41, Range V. Coast District, British ylumbia, thence west seven hundred 700) feet, thence south seven nd forty-five minutes west (8. 7:45 V x hundred and forty (640 feet St seven hundred (700) feet to high ater mark; thence northerly following igh water mark to the point of com hencement, excepting that portion (in luded within the above boundaries oversd by the Grand Trunk Pacife right f-way KAIEN INVESTEMENT rince Rupert, B. C., December W.-Peb, 10 LTD 1o12 COMPANY 30th NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that | found an teow, Owner can have same by pay f erpenses for taki care of same t H. HELIN, degrees NV | Located the tith day of December, 1912 4 post planted at the Luolummepcing at of Timber License No. | Ou Wine > corber oulliwest | oan in Lakeise Valley, about % of «@ mile southwesterly from the Williams |}Creek bridge, tence south 30 chains, }.uence east 50 chains, thence north 80 | chains, thence west 50 chains to point of columencement, Comtaining 150 acres more jor less, MICHEL KORDAS. Fred &. Cowell, Agent. Dated October 2nd, 1912. Pub, Nov, 11th, 1919—Jan, 6, 1043 >keena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that I, Sam Ennyu, of Kayes, British Columbia, occupation jum- berman, intend to apply for permission to purehase the following described lands; Commencing at & post planted @t the southwest corner of Lot 183, Kange V Goast District and on the porth bank of the hayex Hiver, thence west 15 Chains, thence north 15 chains, thence east 15 chains to the boundary of Lot 182 afore- said, thence south along the said boundary i> chains to point of commencement, containing 23 acres more or less. SAM ENNYU. Uctober 10th, 1012. Nov. 11th, 1912—Jan, 6, 1013 Dated Pub, Skeena Land District——District of Coast, Range V Take notice that |, Madge Kobi, of Mon- treal, cocupation spinster, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at & post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 5144, thence south 15 chains more or less to the north boundary of Lot 41430, thence west 40 chains more or less to the east boundary of Lot 4477, thence north 15 chains more or less to the south boundary of Lot 994, thence east 40 chains more or less to the point of commencement, containing 00 acres more or less, MADGE KOHL, Donald MeVicar, \@ent | pated November 25th, 1042. Pub. Dec, 23, 1912—Feb, 17, 1013. | Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Range V. | Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation transfer /man, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing @t @ post planted at the jnortheast corner of Lot Stat aenge 5, | Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence north 40 chains thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 4° ichains to place of commencement, hh. W. ROGERS | Dated Nov, ist, 1042. Pub. Nov, 18, 1019—dan, 18, 1013. District-District of Coast, Range IV. Take notice that Richard J. Grant, of Vancouver, B, C., oecupation bookkeeper, is to apply for permission to pur- the tollowing described lands encing at & post planted on the foreshore in @ Small bay about one-half mile north of entrance to Kumeolon Inlet, | Skeena Land thenee, north 40 chains, thence east 60 chainf? thenee south 60 chains, thence west to foreshore, thence following the foreshore westerly to point of commence- ment, containing 840 acres more or less, RICHARD J, GRANT William J, Ngeriden Awan ces. | PAPERHANGING AND INTERIOR DECORATIONS of All Kinds Estimates Free R. E. BALL P. O. Box 274 EMPIRE BATHS For an easy and comfortable shave in at the Empire Baths oo Third Aye. most up-to Stalled and the general such 48 appeal to particular trally Opposite Majestie Theatre KEEFE & DORREL CIGARS TOBACCOS :: Rooms 19.20.2¢@ Alder Block Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Special Styles at Reduced Prices All Work Guaranteed PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Dealers in HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agents for the International Stock Food MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO —THE - Westholme Lumber Co. —LIMITED— Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies Phone 186 Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora- ters of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Speciaities “We always deliver the goods.” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green One Double Corner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and the balance over ten years at 6 per cent. Samuel Harrison & Company Second Ave, Prince Rapert 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 British North America 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 Letters of Credit For our customers’ conve- nience we issue Letters of Credit payable in Pounds Sterling for use in Great Britain and all parts of the world, and payable in dollars for use in Canada, United States, Mexico, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba and the West Indies, We buy and sell Drafts on France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, New Zea- land, India, China, Japan and the West Indies, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH F. S. LONG, Manager, ~ Advertise in Dated October 7th, 19 Pub, Get, 20, 10428, Phone 174 ate furnishings heve bees te- surroundings are Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien tstand Club Peerless Studio The Daily News CuK DAILY NEWS THIRTY MURDERS LAST YEAR - REPORT OF MOUNTED POLICE AN UNDUE PROPORTION OF ORIME IN WESTERN PROVINCES 18 COMMITTED BY ALIEN POPULATION — INCREASED POLICE FORCE IS WANTED. Ottawa, Jan, 18.—The report of | cases and an increase of 360 eon- the Royal Northwest Mounted victions Police for the year 1912 was The, cases include thirty mur- ders, seventeen in Alberta, twelve tabled in the House by Premier . , able : in Saskatchewan and one in the Borden yesterday afternoon, Wukon; twenty-one cases of at- The report shows that on Sep-|/tempted murder, eight in Sas- strength of the fiftv-four offi. tember 30th the force consisted of and katchewan and thirteen in Alber- ta, and eight manslaughter cases, hundred cers six non-com-]fiwo in Saskatchewan and six in missioned officers and constables,|/Alberta. In twenty-one of these an increase of four oflicers and|cases convictions were secured twenty men, compared with theland seventeen remained to be force for the year ending Sep-|tried. tember 30, 1911. In 1905 there were twenty- Eleven divisional posts and 185/three cases of these kinds and detachments have been main-/eight convictions, but the report tained. Alberta with five posts|sets forth that “in proportion to and eighty-two detachments has 252 of the members of the force; Saskatchewan, with four division- al posts and eighty-seven detach- population there is little increase, and the same result will be ob. tained if compared with statistics the twelve years.” ments, 335; the new portion of Another interesting comment Manitoba, with one post and six|}made by the report is that detachments, 22; the Yukon Ter-|‘‘names of the accused indicate ritory, with one post and eight|/an undue proportion of our alien detachments, 40 of the force, and these the Northwest Territories, with|crimes of violence, and the west two detachments, 5 of the foree.|is paying the penalty for drawing During the year, 13,391 cases|a large immigration from Cen- were entered by the police. Of|tral Europe.” these 11,435 resulted in convie- Commissioner Perry advises tions; 1,307 were dismissed or|that substantial increases be withdrawn, and 249 await-|made to the force, which has in- ing trial on September 30th.|creased duties to perform owing Compared with 1914, these fig-|to of population and show an increase of 3,973|/the opening up of new territory. ‘OVER ONE DOLLAR PER CAPITA SPENT FOR DEFENCE LAST YEAR PREPAREDNESS FOR WAR HAS BEEN THE OBJECT OF THE YEAR’S WORK—CANADIANS ENCOURAGING A RUDE AWAKENING. population responsible for were Increase ures Ottawa, Jan. 20.—The people|awakening and irreparable loss of the Dominion spent $7,558,284 | some day.” “The main obstacles to our for military purposes yast year, according to the annual report of|eficiency,” writes General Otter, the Militia and Defence Depart-|"“present themselves in two ment, laid upon the table in the|forms—lack of money on the one House of Commons by Colonel; hand ad a profusion of it in the the Honorable Sam Hughes. jform of successful enterprises This is slightly over one dol. |on the other, the former militat- ar for every woman and/ing against the provision of ar- child in the country. It is an in-|Mories and eqpipment of rifle in expenditure of $791,-|ranges and training grounds, and over last year. Thirty-eight | the placing of obstacles in the thousand nine hundred and ninety | Prosecution of effective training man, crease 947 men received efficiency pay ag-|in its full significance, the latter gregating $174,053. preventing individuals from Apart from a number of ap- | Sparing the time necessary to fit pointments no important changes; themselves for the military duties respecting mobilizations were they have assumed.” made during the year. General Otter concludes’ by “Preparedness of war,” says/asking if it is not imperative that Canada should possess a military force “adequate to bear the first the report, “has been the object of the year’s work; the power to mobilize at short notice a foree|brunt of conflict, or at any event of adequate strength, well trained|cause the invader to stop and and fully equipped.” think on the threshold” and by Inspector General Otter takes/expressing the belief that the occasion to utter a warning to Canadians of their unprepared- ness for war and tell them that they are “encouraging a rude plaudits of church or ceremonial parades have lulled Canadians into the belief that we are fit and capable for any invasion. jaw which almost knocked him RIVERS OUTPOINTS CROSS —_— down. Cross staggered to the Mexican Lightweight Has Better ropes. The final bel! found the of Ten Round Bout with men in a fast mixup, of which Rivers had the better. The weighed a fraction more 132 9:45. They to 133 ringside, Dentist. men than were New York, Jan. 18—Joe Riv- ers, the Mexican lightweight, out- pointed Leach Cross of this city in a ten round bout a few nights pounds at weigh in at That it member not to enquire too deeply into things is aptly illustrated by the story which Clifton Craw- ford, of “My Best Girl” company, is now telling: “Old Aunt Sally, the highly es- teemed cook in a southern family, was frequently praised for her culinary skill, and on one occa- sion when a number of guests had been to dine with the family a remark was made touching the beautiful appearance of Sally's pie, which showed a very pretty scallop on its edge. ago. Cross the better of the first two rounds. While the New Yorker was showering rights and lefts to the head in the first the Mexican slipped to one knee at the ropes, but was up in an in- stant. He blocked cleverly, and proved Cross’ superior in infight- ing. In the seeond round Cross scored the only real knoekdown of the bout with a left hook to the jaw. From that time on | Rivers fought cleverly and was fast that missed fre- | quently, becoming decidedly wild lat some stages. Rivers’ showing is just as well to re- had | 80 Cross lin the last eight rounds earned “Inquiry was made as to how | him a victory by a comfortable| the old lady managed to get such majority, jan even design. Sally was sum- Rivers became steadier as the} moned to the dining room and fighting progressed, while Cross/the question was duly put to her. grew wild and became worried “The emotion of the guests under Rivers’ constant shower of|}may be imagined when the old left and right uppereuts, Cross! lady replied: backed away from the assault at} “ ‘Oh, dat’s easy; IT jest uses my times. In the eighth the Mexican false teeth,” Youth's Com. fell again, tripping over Cross’| panion, foot in breaking from a elinch, an Rivers then landed four rights “IT say,” sald a passenger on a and lefts to face and head with-j/trolley ear, “don't you ever go followed shifts to up any faster than this?” the} “If yer don't like it yer can git| off an’ walk,” snapped the con. two rounds Rivers | ductor return and hard right out a with body In the last HAYNER BROS., - 'f your pipes are freezing, we carry the largest stock of frost proof pipe covering in Northern B. ©. Western Plumbing & Supply Co. Phone 340 Second Ave. DON’T PAY RENT or High Rate’ of Interest. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT. PER YEAR WE GUARANTEE the time when your indebtedness will be paid eff, Office open evenings. Write, phone or call. INTERNATIONAL HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phene 488. M. E. Ritchey, Supt. , & “Om eo J The money you invest in Phonograph Records goes farthest when you buy Blue Amberol Records Farthest from a musical | Farthest from an investment standpoint, because Blue | standpoint, because Blue Am- Amberols have a finer berolswill neverwearor reproduce less perfectly thanwhen new, and will and reproduce in a never become injured more lifelike way. by careless handling. The Blue Amberol is a Record for The Edison Phonograph Hear it at your Edison dealer’s today Thomas A. Edison, inc.. 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at 3rdjAve. and 6th St. tone than any other phonograph records ~ _§000 WATCHES 5000 GRAMOP:ONES netrumenta, Bolt Toys, uto- all the fighting. “Oh, my no,’ rocked the local/ger, “I'm not the | that,” said the passen- in such a hurry as Harper's Magazine. did practically iIn the tenth he man's head with a hook to eo 7 ne Ss Sem