Monday Jar luary 99 THE DAILY NEWS ; a SS i | ailons tetenia’ sieihetiis eid ad MT ere | When You Want a Plumber in q Hurry | i Will Be Shown at the Westhoime/ Railway Employees Demand tn- Theatre Tonight. crease of Thirty Per Cent. 6 99 d Ads : in Wagee e ews assi ie ° ; Particularly interesting at the _ af present time will be the pictures Lima, Peru, Jan, 18—The la- a“. shown this evening at the West-|bor situation here is regarded as sie =m | holine Opera House, including as|serious. The employees of the _ e nt ord or Sse 10n= they will scenes taken in the Bal-|Gentral Railway, of theGuade- kan Peninsula. Many of thel/loupe Iron Foundry and of the THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— places mentioned so prominently|Mines Flour Mill, have gone oa x . 8 of late in connection with the war|strike. The railway men demand ee ae Asante eee will be shown, together with num-fa 30 per cent. increase in wages} ~ : | reer | l erous incidents to do with thefand an 8-hour day. SE SS | Wanted os) ns 4 DO | NO = | For Sale ® PHONE 340 WESTERN PLUMBING & SUPPLy co Second Ave. to = ate aca “ A ‘ transporting of troops and sup- It is thought that the Peruv- | en plies to the front. Other filims}ian corporation will agree to a})}) Prince Rupert Fire Alarm System })| | of an especially amusing char-|len per cent. ineresse but not to WANTED ae Waitress at the Vienne | ie Zi acler ar ; é y de : MMANUEL STREET-—Level lane net ‘ acter will go toward furnishing}/an 8-hour day. CIRCUIT NO. 14. wanvtiniiiian ‘adi ate jt ian US m. Sta” Lae-bater | We are making special prices th : a@ most attractive evening’s en- ne Box 12—-5th St. and srd Ave > hk om male stenogrepner Pply © Third avenue 6-2 a ‘ertainment, CASTRO MUST STAY OUT Son. 400th Bt. cad ara Ave oo a r sotioners MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, Towe,s i wit Box 14--8th St. and 3rd Ave WANTED |FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Morse stationary . F ed E i d Box 15 Junction ot ‘et ind and house pouping. py bor 68% eye | eet oe 5 shape ioe ’ r 4 tos “500 DRAPERIES AND cu AINS ' . , | rst class shape ply P 0 ( PT ee Srd_Aves | sone prince Rupert joni PICTURE FRAMING States Until Board Renders Box 16—181 Ave., between sth and | wayrep—a general servant, Apply Mrs loins Ne : nae . 7 f 3.) , 0 , on 29, Sec é } Matter Will Likely Be Discussed Decision. Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) | L. W. Patmore, 304tf | avenue. Very cheap. Apply at once to | Joseph Hammerschmidt, Talbot House Box 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen 16-21 | by City Council Tonight. i ST ‘ i web tenia | Prince Rupert . a . eal It today diamiseed the writ ¢ ———— || The Hendricksen-Smith Furniture Co, There will probably come upj|lolt today dismissed the writ of a Lost and Found NOTICE ; . ‘ rd 8t . 1e fir , , .Jhabeas corpus obtained by Cip- @ox 22—3rd Ave. and before the first meeting of th ve Meet (Post Ofice ) eter areca | Phone 465 Cor. 3rd Ave. & . riano Castro, the former presi- Take notice that the partnership for ’ ve Tth hew City Council this evening the 4 Box 23--3rd Ave. and McBride St he | dent of Venezuela, who is being Box 24—ist Ave. and McBride St LOST—Last week-end, two rings and two/ merly existing begveen Albert Matzen and matter of the bursting of some . : . Masonic charms, Reward on returning! prnest Biesold in the Eagle restaurant has . ‘ . 2 ‘ gnd st held at Ellis Island pending the Box 26 dep Ave. and 2nd Se hed oaks (Out | been dissolved by mutual agreement. All Box 26-—-2nd Ave. and 6th St accounts due the firm are now payable t —— all bills ow ten lengths of the 18 inch pipes| decision of the board of enquiry Box 27--U. T. P FOUND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS,| Albert Matzen, who will pay W-jan. 20-feb from the Acropolis Hill end.]as to a Aad he a. m4 allowed einovurr ‘no. 6 1007 Robson Street, Vancouver, B. C./ ing by the firm ALBERT MATZEN ° » United States. fae Express paid one way on $5.00 orders, | AT h tn wape ‘on “910-00. ‘ier Bets | ~~ Find It Through a News Want Ad + These pipes are said to havejto enter the 4 burst recently during the cold] In dismissing the writ, Judge = oa nilieds cai tenes os ier out ea VIOEU. HOU. ee | prends Mepett, 8. C. Pameeee 18, 1018 snap through being filled with}Holt ruled that Castro should not is 06.008 Abe. cad Sateen 6 — water that was turned in for test-|be allowed to enter the country Box 36- 9th Ave. and Comox Ave bond pending the decision Box 378th Ave. and Dodge PI. the valve that allows the intake|of the board. He therefore will Box 88--6th Ave. and Thompson St of the water was opened by some|remain on Ellis Island. CIRCUIT NO. 4. one other than those connected This sustains the contention —" ‘th. Ave, and. Emmerson Two Stores For 15 Days Only Beginning January 18 Two Stores ing purposes. It is rumored that} under ih with the city engineering staff{of the government, as argued in tien 46-—tth Ave. end MeBride 61 ; and that strict orders had been|court yesterday by United States Box 43—5th Ave. and Green st given to have the pipes drained] District Attorney Wise, that the Box 44--6th Ave and Basil St of water used in the testing|Federal courts should not inter- Box 46—11th Ave. and Eberte. operations. . fere in the case until the board Te Oe eee oF | 9 , cenininicegepaiaanisiessanitsrait of enquiry shall have passed on eet | 7 SPLENDID ORCHESTRA Castro's right to enter this coun-|~ ae ra = try. Notice is hereby given that thirty days The Empress Theatre Now Boasts ——- after date 1 intend to apply to the Gov- a of an Orchestra Th Mr. Pounds, the retired grocer,| ernor in Council for a quit claim deed for ae Saas te rare oud of bis mew Countian, | ihe following described foreshore: 2ND AVE. AND 3RD AVE i to Beat. was proud o is new country Commencing at the southwest corner of r 2 | estate. He spared no expense in| Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, British Columbia, which is on the high water line; There never seems a time dur-jdoing things well. Judge, then,| thene st seven hundred (700) feet,| “i i ] ames, nora ewenty tw agrees and Not Because We Like to But Because We've Got to 2 ,? a s 3 2 ing the evening's show at the|f his delight when a pair of] (rie ihinutes west iN. ghas. Wo) ’ _ = annie i rooks began building a nest in] twenty-eight hundred (2800) feet; thence Empress Theatre that the house his park north ten degrees west (N. 10:00 W.) Just to Get the Mone Quick ‘i - . . forty-four hundred and seventy (4470 is not packed to the doors. Sat- But the farmer who owned the| feet; thence east seven hundred (700) y feet, to the Grand Tronk Pacific Railway urday night last was certainly| yext land was not so pleased. In| right-of-way; thence south sevgnteen de no exception to the rule. Shakes- sali . ree 1 forty-o »s east (S. 17:41 chase aiiende sone Cais ge pe etonaed reeks. ed E.) to high water mark, following the west f : ; ; ; : : Well That Ends Well,” starring| shoot the off om a a ad pm A Ry Ry Be A. | For the first time we are going to place our entire stock (in both stores) on sale at prices that will sell it £ , snoo e olfending birds, vet ;thence souther! follo higt i ‘ : Miss Rose Coghlan, the famous} Along came Mr. Pounds, en.| water mark, sixty-two hundred and itty | quick. This means $35,000 worth of new and seasonable merchandise to be sacrificed. Every article in this itmane . vh : (6250) feet, more or less to point of . Pee ed the feature bill and raged, commencement; excepting that portion stock to be knifed during this Record-Breaking Sale. No half way business roes with us. was greatly enjoyed by all those} “gee here, my man,” he said secred ld ae Seam Grau Pamae hak 7 7 nn , ¢ ° *| covere ) 12 Gran ru -acific a ¢ $ . = e . “ : ; . 2 . . . present. The eugmented fivelfercely, “I wish those lads of| Sar tumotwe cific Ra Sweeping reductions on this entire stock embracing Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers, Furnishings, :e shestr ; " a a : : ; 2 E. J. MATHEWS ke al ‘ 3 : piece orchestra proved & great) yours would let my birds alone.| pitenie, Agnew & Co., Surveyors and En Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Suit Cases, Bags, Ete., at prices that will cause a sensation for underpricing attraction, being alone worth the/[’m trying to make a rookery| #inners, Agents. — : : , price of admission. Mr. Hector|and—" on tet rey, Oe Ree Every garment in both stores will be sold regardless of cost or value at prices representing a saving of fron De Cowe, th 2 re . cmp » » 1 : ‘ > Pm She: capers trop: Crum That be all right, sir,’ replied 30 per cent. to 50 per cent. to the purchaser. mer, is the last word in original|the sturdy son of the soil. ‘But as 2 ee music.)] wish your rooks would let my —Meet me at | . a, illiams, the latest crops alone. I be trying to make HYDE'S CIGAR STORE THIRD AVENUE STORE violin virtuoso to arrive in Ru-|q living.’"—London Answers. | pert, is a source of delight to all ” feces true lovers of music, whilst Mr.| PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE CO., LTD. Magazines Periodicals ‘eee | RR at seo ee Renworth on the flute, Mr. ai a FURNISHINGS : fc eR tice to Contractors. Ritchie, an expert cornet player,| seaiea Mie GuPRe"tettas ny o|g CITY MESSENGERS =f | THESE PRICES TALK = — UNDERWEAR an r. Frank Stevens _| undersigned at their office, McBride street, Cc elivery ’ . | ular mana nm rae ‘on up to Tuesday, Jan. 2ist, at noon, for the Paree! Delivery | Men’s all wool flannel Shirts, | : . ge of te theatre, who construction of : ; Phone 362 607 3rd Ave. with two separate collars; | Shepherds’ all wool Underwea has been its pianoforte accom 1 wharf, 20 feet by 100 feet; | i ” . i ‘ ' sd ~ i epuscech, 14 feet by 195 feet; regular price $3.00; this shirts and drawers, light : 8 2 2 200 lineal Pp y ? | . r » of ; 5 : oro oe ine oornens day, 89) root plsas "walks; ee en Pe aid OO i esS hawicceuteens $2.00 | Buy one of our $30.00 Suits at dark gray, $2.50 suit now $2.00 0 make up a musical combina- _ 1 passenger trestle, six feet wide, over Men's flannel Shirts, with collars | $20.00 and you'll save just 10.00 | 4 : tion that would be hard to beat|® .?: P- railway. DELKATLAH, THE VICTORIA ; os Purnbull’s- Cee-tee nmon-shrink Plans, specifications and form of tender attached; regular price $3.50; ! for their numbers anywhere in|can be seen at the above office, OF THE NORTH. SAVE 7.50 able Underwear; regular $4 ies ucotines 11-46 RITCHIE. AGNEW & CO. a | OO a ea cha pane el $2.50 o = $3.50 . Jan. 14th, 1913, Civil © ‘ess Shirts Frene , & SUN, NOW: ...-+-+4-- . vil Engineers $75.00 To $250.00 $20.00 PER QUARTER oe Dre a hirts, ee ate Buy one of our $25.00 Suits in Purnbull ; culls; reg * price $1.50; ‘ ; ~o nl 8 , rashine hnnapianmee pa 8; regular price ) os aa fancy tweed or worsted for $17.50 i juli Ss White wool cash . The population has increased 400 per | SAIC we reser ener ereeret . ‘ , a ou fine Underwear; regular pri : cent, during the past year. It already | . sa ilies Shirts: $2.00 | and you'll save just $7.50 66 : ] ‘ numbers 48 though no advertising has Cotton Dress Shirts; $2.00 qual- eee oe $4.50 Prince Ry ert Fi h 8 C id St C Li it d been done and all lots sold have been to| ih MO i as Nach s 4s $1.50 SAVE $12 50 ae f , , residents of the Islands . Shepherds silk and wool Gon p IS 0 orage 0,, mite STOREKEEPER WANTED—Owner will SWEATERS. ‘ binat & ; ~eaular ‘ 3rd A d 2nd 8 build to suit, The pre-emption Reserve One lot Sweater Coats, with and Buy one of our $30.00 Over. | ination Suits; regular pi . ve. an n wl 436 which has been described as the largest rs nend ‘ e475 4 ave ees WON on chick s ee ee Phones 126 ane piece of agricultural land in B.C. is all without collars; all colors; coats at $17.50 and you'll save ‘ ow “* $5 ae ————————————— == — tributary to DELKATLAH. When the i ‘ . just $12.50. Age Selling coming bridge is built and the wharf now price $5.00; now........ $3.50 ' NECKWEAR. . PO Srorit ee Seross the little bay Heavy Shaker knit Sweaters, in Men's $1.00 Ties 75c : : profits wi ye made. Every settlement : 7 SAVE $10.00 7 en eee \ TATOES | Apples, Baidwins..... $1.75 though 30 miles away is compelled. to gray and blue; regular $7.50 . Men's 780 Ties 50c i come to Delkatlah Bay to make steamboat . ~. Sees meee ek io is ss $12.50 Ce ‘ ° now Cane wan $3.50 Lots 23-24, Blk, 13, See, 7, 83,500; $41,500 cash, bal. 6-12 REV, W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor |) Men's O'e : gular “io ros. Ree. Gee WOOT BOON Fe te Lt eee eee ss , months, | " "dai ia coats; cogner 918.00 regular price $6.00; now, $4.00 All odd lines in men's fine Shoes | fl : be > - ar se ge , B20, >. MO op oh e864 b 6 o . , Lot 8, Blk, 23, Sec. 7, $1,000; 1-3 cash, bal, 6-12-18 months. S38 ine woven - ipa. . Men’s heavy working Shirts; reg- at prices you can't resist Lots 3-4, Blk. 32, Sec, 7, $1,500; 8500 cash, bal. 6-12 months, Services every Sunday at 1 Men's Pants; regular price $7.00; ular price $2.00; now. ,, $1,860 $6.00 Shoes for......... $4.00 Lot 6, Blk, 34, Bec. 7, 885 a ie ooak eee am. and 7.40 p.m. Sunday } cae ak OU bb e $5.00 : , \ a> 5 ~2 cash, bal. 6.12 months. Sehoo! at 2.40 p.m, \ ak Ped : i . : Stanfleld’s extra heavy gray wool If you find your size in this lot Lots 23-24, Blk, 34, Sec. 7, $1,700 cash. REV. C. R. SING, B.D Pawson || Men's Pants; regular price $5.00; Underwear; was $2.50: you save dollars Lots 18-19, Bik, 37, See. 7, $4,000; 1-3 cash, bal, 6-12-18 ‘ST. ANDARW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH M aa Cee ee ag 0.06 BOW scaediotedveeres ee Leckie Chrome leather, | aH months. Cor, Fourth Ave. W, and Dunsmuir [| en's Pants; regular price $3.50; nt i ia toiled ee : cima, | ' ; Lots 19.20, Blk. 38, Sec. 7, $3,000 cash, —... "Worden ware ga eae pelts de Wag $8.00 ew + “Eas eo tain Teer rene Semen nee. | Lot 4, Blk, 39, Sec, 7, $1,000; 41-3 cash, bal, 6-12 months er and holy COmmMURION at Men's Mackinaw Coats; rgeular regular price 82.00; now, $1,60 WOW verter ererewvevene $6.00 ; Lot 32, Bik 3, See. 8, $800; 1-3 cash, bal, 6-12 months, 2 40 at brea pres” price $8.00; now.,...... $5.00 Men's Chrome leather Shoes, Leckie California oiled tan Shoes ; Lot 5, Bik, 7, See, 8, $450; 1-2 cash, bal. 6-12 months any n” 30 Men's heavy working Gloves; leather lined; regular price i4-in. top; regular 89.00 oe Lots 8-9-10, Blk. 10, See, 8, $1,200; 1.2 cash, bal. 6-12 mos. wee SONG, BROOD were 50¢; now..........,@60 B1.00; NOW wrreeeeen, $2.00 NOW creer eer eeneennens 97.60 | Lots 23-24, Bik. 14, Sec. 8, 8700 cash: 8200 cash, bal. 6-12 THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL iicteatienechieonnines J - - —_—— ——_—_—_-—— — shonthe ’ ' . Granville Court | et 40, Bik, 24 { Sunday services § at ii 0 ), 34, Sec. 8, 8500; 8200 cash bal. arean & ©, 8 ands’p. m Sun £ i , bal. arranged ry School | Lots 52-53, Blk, 38, Sec. 8, $900; 1.2 cash, bal. 6-42 months. 41 Week ili services” wot ‘ These Prices are Made to Raise Money Quick. Everything During This Sale for Cash and Cash Only . } day, Les T ; Call and get our list We have a large selection of prop. day’ pnd Satur dy oT erty, and perhaps just what you are looking for Commanding Omeors Two Stores MAR | IN O’REILLY bebe ot gr oa PATTULLO & RADFORD \—— os | 2nd Ave. 3 ae