LARGEST CIRCULATION | IN CITY AND NORTHERN THE DAILY NEWS | BRITION COLUMBIA * . Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist “yy = = ee — voL. IV, Nur 49 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1913 OVER 350 PILGRIMS TO MECCA DROWN IN FLOOD __ PRICE FIVE CENTS F REIGHT CLERK ON CHESLAKEE CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER—WAR NEAR AN END SS END OF BALKAN WAR ) SEEMS CLOSE AT HAND GENERAL COUNCIL OF TURKISH EMPIRE ACCEPTS REC- OMMENDATIONS OF THE POWERS. Constantinople, Jan, 22.—The General Council of the Turkish Empire today agreed to accept the recommendations of the European powers as a means of securing peace in the Balkans. The Porte is expected to ratify the Council’s action at once and thus bring to an end the Turko-Balkan war. London, Jan. 22.—-The Balkan peace delegates are pleased over the decision of Turkey to accept the advice of the pow- ers. There is a general belief, however, judging from the prompt action of Turkey that she has cards up her sleeve and will further play the game. The war indemnity will likely be two hundred millions, ) } ) q RISES OVER THREE HUNDRED DROWNED | OVERWHELMED PILGRIMS WEAE DROWNED. FLOOD The Daily News : aa i e M oe DROWNING ACCIDENT s fron India, i, the holy tora) DY a lned thie Medina ' e Hed Sea ALIBUT TRAWLER ARRIVED YESTERDAY iwhich en} city, } 00d) Fishing Boat entire} and Port cued in the Nick o Time. What might have wily averted last evening and 9 o'clock. three Japanese he Zebassa, First of Six for the Canada Fish & Cold Storage, |!" Made Trip from Vancouver ito the in Fifty-two Hours. lat the 4 ghting two ton of nails ywoint at Cow Bay, ir aptain Babington’s float used to I t ed up yesterday morn Fish «& Seal Cove, | lie It was partially stove Cold} | proceeded to take j the wind | Fortunate farther om shore Canada in water drove the out to sea. and farther gradually ige wharves, neal a fleet of the the te ng, the Kitkatla Indians. I lou shortly by al} lantern. r of other crafts of a sim- | who were character, | situation and two lhe Zebassa is 85 feet long and| pushed to their reseue in as a schooner, enabling | skiff they the e operated with sails in| Another man hurried over weather, aclicable raging halibut men lot use im com rhis is after a ting service qb and i named nts { the be followed occupa and frantically Fortunately realized dest waved some passing geed found on ible auxiliary power is| the shape of 125) Imperial engine, run with distillate, form of fuel than The run from Prinee Rupert was 52 hours, an ex considering the onditions, al being built in addition to the ‘in trawlers that are in f the es for the company and power boat men of the Several ef the latter ately hastened to the scene. their services were necessary, as the three found struggling in the had been picked up in the of time by the skiff, conscious eondition rhey taken to Captain house, where able in powel ih Will be ever, leapel EL gasoline, ver to shed in one record onee trawlers, boat ihem them er, are in tO WSSist three of from was done shortly all quite recovered mersion Constable quickly at the Vane Altogether there|}dent, found the three \ of the smaller boats}men, who could not speak Vancouver, the next tolof some time this will carry, then, twelve a crew construction in Cargill, scene of d to be in operation tlers in the not very sitting und Cs siiiine English, aplain blandly The part harbor x due ensconced aro big smoking ek they stove eighteen cigarettes eh and six of lr, W. R. Lord "pany s Canneries, » up from 4000 i spent a good scouring the lost boat boats superintendent | night made}search of the Vancouver and will make f the onj;out success a tour|ging operations were being surrounding waters ess in with few boat recovering vards from Davis the hope of eraft its freight connection 'pany during the next the and a ***°+ ee oone. ~= TONIGHT GOLD PRIZE DRAWING AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE ow #008 Ce. WHILE ON PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA, - ENTIRE CARAVAN AND MOHAMMEDAN NARROWLY AVERTED, Struck Rock and Sank—Three Brown Men Res- easily proved] ja sad drowning fatality was nar- be- A boat in were over dry dock struck a rock just where in and whilst un- Get- away sink- shouted their men | the of them at once a frail beach. to the When this is| Government wharf to apprise the accident immedi- How- | un- men water nick in an un- were Davis’ everything Very were their im who was the aeci little brown a word comfortably } Davis | and power of the but with This morning drag ear ried on about a couple of hundred | his boat Little eos | Fellow.” SENATORS DEFEND PANAMA EXEMPTION rhe Washington, Special to Daily News Jan. 22.—Sena- New York speaking Root's and or OGormor of Senator Newlands, to- day on Senator proposed amendment, took a strong stand in defence of the Panama Canal toll exemption, Find it through a Want Ad.” Daily News if ever before, in the comparatively short history of the City of Prince Rupert has j there been such a representative | gather ito one ho hed = Ww ing of citizens to do honor identified that which ‘mier Hotel last of express- has been resident, as as- }sembled at the Pre for the purpose heir feelings for ¢ the kindly Lap- jtam Barney Johnson, the their the city to Vane the among mar- the Van- Tomorrow ine popular steamer Prince skipper of jh ipert, and regret at his lake es from up his where residence in yuve! he has received much appotntment eoveted as member of pilot hoard. at 9 o'clock Captain leave Prince Rupert as master of the iners couver morning Johnson will for the 1G. T.P j name | i last time steamer bearing the city’s} Realizing the the genial captain, of citizens felt they the opportunity without in unusual | popularity of a committee eould not let Inanner pass conveying to him the high esteem in which he been held and their good wishes for his future success. It was for this purpose jthat last night's splendid ban- quet was arranged. Promptly at 9:15 o'clock near- ly seventy-five of Prince Rupert's best citizens took their around the banquet tables, which looked exceedingly tempting and inviting. As the genial Barney accompanied by the toastmaster, Mr, A, J. Morris, he given a magnificent recep- the hearty and genuine ap- lasting for several min- has places entered, ;was tion, plause ules. After all had enjoyed the ex- cellent food and tasty delicacies provided and the King had been honored with the customary toast, Mr. Morris, who performed his }duties as toastmaster most agree- {ably, made a few pleasing refer- ences to the guest of the ing. Drawing a vivid picture of the tremendous shipping that is llikely to pass in and out of Prince Rupert harbor in the course of a few years, he expressed the hope that at no distant date a position would be open for Captain John- son in the eity of which he has jbeen a most enthusiastic booster, similar to that whieh he is about to take at Vaneouver, One rea- son, he said, for Captain John- mimense popularity was attention he always passengers travelling on and in this connection ian expressed regret absence of the ladies He vas that many of them jwould like to be present, for “they | Barney.’ Mr. Morris lthen called on Mr, F, H, Mobley to propose the toast to the guest f the evening, Everybody joined heartily in drinking to the captain's health, and in singing “He's a Jolly Good When the cheers had evenl- sons the |wave to careful the ehairn at the sure all lowe SIXTY-FIVE BELOW AT LEWISTON, IDAHO. Longest and Severest Cold Snap| for Many Years Has Grip on the State. Special to The Daily News. Lewiston, Idaho, Jan, 22.—-The entire state is in the grip of the longest and severest cold wave experienced in many years. The day went as here t low as 65 degrees below. temperature CAPTAIN BARNEY JOHNSON TENDERED SPLENDID BANQUET LAST NIGHT -|Representative Gathering of Citizens Did Honor to a Prince of Good Fellows and One of Prince Rupert’s Most Loyal Boosters--Presentation of Silver Tea Service | subsided Mr Mobley told an amusing story of Pat and Mike, who,: during their lives, had a serious difference between them which had never been settled. When Pat was on his deathbed) Mike, after much persuasion, was| induced to express forgiveness, but as he was leaving the room| he turned back and said: Now, | Pat, remember that if you don’t die, begworra, this stuff don't go his story was illustrate by contrast the real sineerity of the many complimentary remarks | that would be made during the | evening If Captain Johnson should ever come back to Prince Rupert to live, all that was said stood just the same, Before taking his seat, Mr. | Mobley read the address which | follows, and Mr. A, E, MeMaster, on behalf of the citizens, pres sented a beautiful solid silver tea service to Captain and Mrs, Johnson, Friends and Citizens of Prince Rupert, B. C. fo Bernard L. Mariner. From Johnson, Master Dear Captain We learn with profound regret that you have decided to leave the service of the Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Company to enter that of a more remunerative in the City of Vancouver. position As friends, we advancement, pliment and take rejoice at your and wish to your promotion, this opportunity of con- com. you on veying to you our appreciation of the many services that you have rendered our city and our- selves, These are too numerous to detail. We can only refleet on memories of days gone by, when we had the pleasure of travelling on ships under your command, and found you ready to do your duty as an able commander an admirable companion, winning the respect and admira- tion of all with whom you came in contact, Having the interest of our and citizens at heart, express gratitude, the advantages ac eruing to our city, from your efforts, In this we hearf is ever with us. personally, we know ever and eity words can scarcely our or estimate ull tiring fee! that Speaking, your LIBERAL ASSOCIATION, The the Association, annual meeting of Liberfal for the purpese Prince Rupert of electing officers, will be held on the evening of Thursday, Jan, 23rd, 1943, in the K. of P. Hall, Heiger- son Block, 307Ttf P., W. ANDERSON, Sec.-Treas. | HOUSE OF COMMONS HAD SHORT SESSION Special to The Daily News. Ottawa, Jan. 22.--The session of the House of Commons today and was the short discussion of was exceptionally devoted to a railway employees’ application for a board of conciliation A number of minor bills were in- trodueed, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Phone 4. Big Rally Tonight Every Liberal in Prince Rupert should make it a point to turn out tonight for the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association. All over the Province of British Columbia there is marked activity in the Liberal camps, due to the growing dissatisfaction with the autocratic methods of the present government. Prince Rupert should join hands with the rest of the province in the movement for respons- ible government. in numbers there is force. important business in addition to the annual election of officers will come before the meeting, which will be held in K. of P. Hall, Heigerson Biock, at 8 o’clock sharp. | loss is Vancouver's gain, | *that departure | that out but feeling your ‘CHESLAKEE FREIGHT CL CLERK CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER is of a temporary nature we shall —_—_——_—_—_—— look forward to your early return| (INVESTIGATION INTO THE FOUNDERING OF UNION STEAM- HOME; knowing that your skill, | SHIP CO. BOAT LEADS TO ARREST OF GILBERT ability and ambition will, in the] JOHN VAUX. near future, place within your} — grasp the best that Northern / Special to The Daily News. British un } _ Prinee Ru Vancouver, Jan. 22.—-The jury BAD MAN pert in particular has to offer. |condueting the investigation into | AT PREMIER HOTEL \s a mark of appreciation 2 the death of seven passengers | the many kind services rendere¢ , ‘ — aboard the ill fated Cheslakee, to friends and citizens, we re- * hf pane Ve 4 Threatened to Clean Up House, quest that you accept this small|#!©h foundered near Yananda) py, Constable Adams Landed oken of our esteem, and trust about ten days ago, after an all Him in Short Order. that Mrs. Johnson and your good/night deliberation found that in Yesterday afternoon a phone live long, and enjoy the many privileges and happy hours allotted to self may that we feel should be you both. their clerk, Captain Cockle and called all the message was received at the po- lice station from the Premier Hotel that a bad man had just blown in and was threatening to opinion had the freight Gilbert John Vaux, obeyed In acknowledging the presen- passengers to the siarkoard sidsicican up the house. ‘He demand- tation Capt. Johnson said that|@! the ship there would have been ed more liquor ,of which he had words failed him to properly ex-|!4 Hives lost. It was alsv (heir)already partaken somewhat free- press his appreciation of such|@Pimion that Chief Steward/ly. This being refused him, he an unexpected token of esteem|Booth, who came on deck, did not became decidedly obstreperous. and good feeling. At the very| fully realize the extreme danger|Upon the arrival of Constable fieet when:-he was considering | the ship was in, although it was|Adams, who in his official capac- his new appointment regret at| jhalf sinking. Had he done so, itj/ily requested the man in ques- leaving Prince Rupert was one | appeared that there was ample|tion to behave himself and leave great obstacle. His regret was |time to save all the passengers if{the house, the officer by way of now greater than ever. He hear- they had been called. a reply received a prompt left to tily thanked the citizens for the As a result gf the finding, Cor- the jaw. Although for the mo~ honor they were doing him. |oner Jeffs this afternoon issued a/'"@"t somewhat —diseoncerted, 5 Constable Adams _ grabbed his Judge Young ;}warrant for the arrest of Vaux man and landed him straight In an address bristling with|°? @ charge of manslaughter./away in the city lockup. This wit and humor His Honor Judge | Muc h sympathy is felt for Vaux, | morning the accused, whose name Young entertained the guests for a short periéd and. made pleasing references to the ster-| some who is enly 20 years of age. |SUFFRAGISTS ARE WORKING is James Crossett, appeared be- for Magistrate McMullin and was very mild and subdued. He was fined $10 and costs for obstruct- HARD ON FRANCHISE BILL ling worth of Capt. Johnson. | hd ing on offear in the pentermenes en ee oe * sega London, Jan, 22.—-The lobbies|of his duty. the Bathering, due, no doubt, to and precincts of the House of the sorrow at losing such a good Cemene .26 well as political : Magazines and Novels. ditisen but, be bade, we are here clubs and drawing rooms, are A shipment of the very latest “not to bury Caesar but to praise seething with intrigue, Suffrag-|magazines and popular novels bins.” Wnaant kan ese Ienak ists everywhere are seeking for by some of the best authors at and others who had left Prince|?*2*#8® of Eir Edward Grey’s}10, 15 and 25 cents just received Rupert would come back. It was amendment to the franchise bill, which was voted on Friday, by a at Hyde's Cigar Store. 19 ee "hel oe Cee S eeier large majority, the word “male”| It was rumored about town this eahiensé. cltitiem. . Ghak tien. being eliminated from the first|afternon that the British Colum- hail Huntdiben-eoul Mel Marine. clause. The amendments in the|bia, a vessel laden with coal for ulead: te bee bins’ Medi sleiie franchise bill giving votes to the|Rogers & Black, Prince Rupert, ihe frost was out of seme of |S'e@! army of women made an/had gone ashore near Union Bay, (helt piles. Catt. Sehueee bd 4 issue which likely decided a score|The report could not be con- mastée Gases tek oe eae of votes } sither way. firmed at the wireless station. sound judgment and persever- ance and he was stamped Lioyd’s as A-1. He was one of the four best mariners on the na RESS HEA TRE British Columbia coast. The — SS three other names were Capt Saunders of the marine depot, LEPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Capt, Robertson and Capt. Me- Leod of the Princess ae There TO- NIGHT was only one blot in the career a of Capt. Johnson and that was The Great Kalem Feature Release when he was sea sick crossing ' Queen Charlotte Sound. This he “The Siege of Petersburg” had on the evidence of Dr, Tre- : mayne and J. M. Christie. The This is a magnificent military picture. The burning splendid gathering was the big- gest bouquet he could throw at the Captain, If he. (the speaker) were managing the G.T.P. steam ship service Capt, Johnson would continue to retain his position on the Rupert, (Continued on Page 4.) of military bridge across the Appamattox River, The mine explosion beneath the battlefield, Charge upon charge by both the northern and southern cavalry. Batteries of ar- tillery in full action, Marebing and countermarehing of regiment after regiment of the infantry of both sides. All go to make up the most perfect war picture yet produced. Prices: 10 Cis. and 15 Cts, PRINCE RUPERT THEATRE CO., LTD. EEE t . i rr