January 23, 1915 THE DAILY NEWS ecay — - _ _—— $$ ———- poy ee “ASK NOTICES. LAND p mI i ete er \ND LEASH Les ane Db PURCHASE NOTICES, ‘MAMMOTH PLAN T0 HELP MeCarty. save thal the rest in| WILLARD IN BAD WITH ; a lthe mountains Wt iol be for BOXING COMMISSION pistrict—Disertet of Coast, Skeena , ‘ist ; 4 strict of Coast LABOR IN GREAT BRITAIN more than ten days, and afte Chicag jan. 22—Jess Will that I Michael McFadden lak at i w il Ww that MeCarty would be sent be ard | with the N If your pipes are freezing, we carry the largest stock occupet : sien iam atson, of ' ’ _ v= bt wee : © ew eee leone th ! ; ; eennaten mutee.| shill tied’ the’ tetas nie. tanec Bont belie ectiaunieaa re of frost proof pipe covering in Northern B. C. described lands purchass wine decent tor el "stad Ramee Forces and Organ-| . ’ : . crit @ post planted on the ~ escribec ands iz eoks jeame ab | through his not ap ' ¢ 6 + ae te—Over Five | rn mbDing —_ veee ee wt sou thwe . 7 . fa ates “by gt yt ty in Sanath He showed contracts, unsigned| pearing in Buffaloes to keep his Ph es e u fu e wn «easterly ¢ Pi by the | ' ? ad n . 340 on the isiand, thence west) chains more Aiver, thence north 70 a by the seore and asserted that |agreement th the Bison City oe Second Ave. ro vor fess to the west shore | tienes to Lot 6243, Range 6; a = sland, thence in @ southerly then Hains to Lot 2656, Range London Jar 2 \ serious he eould sign up MeCarty for) promoters to box ne Round | = HSS wing the shore lime to the) jiciriy + _ lo the Lakelse River, thence , \ we care 21.500 a week in several places.| Davis the island, aoe in @ int enon the Lakelse River toland determined movement is on M . hi . ple ' ' i ection following the shore nt ement, containing 160 ‘Carty probahl will ' his Charley Harve secrete j ef 0 eat ane con. |* mor foot in Great Britain to form one i ; 0 open 4 is f i ecretary of ore or less PAT yeatrica engagement if Losithe commission y dc v4 0 acres, = nx Ry a WiLanes WATSON of the greatest industrial com- . ' zg . ! o on = . r vired Charles € ve . : , ora, imeles, 1 ne ro re vt e lar nane , i MICHAEL M'PFADDEN ul y12-—Feb, 24, 1013 binations ever organized by the anne t jumping m here to itler illare« nanager, that; vernber 14th, 1012, San Franciseo and then east, Willard would have to present} ‘ 18, 1019——Jan, 13, 1012 ——eee |WOrking classes of any nation | | ; ‘ —_ ’ sclilisieitaiiitdiiitenennaiiaiade Hhimeself before halt body on Jan | Skeena 1 t ‘ It is proposed to eombine the co- re Dist District of Coust, I J on 5 Willard is there } " snd District—District of Coast, 2 Hang ies . operative forees of the country, fhe dramatie critic of the ‘ vere 5S Srd A ak hat | oO oO , a0) as ‘ ‘ { er cats D. Foote, of|'°* pa inster ‘areal i. conn representing 2,750,000 people,| Louisville Courier-Journal is ob. | Person, as he had inateh at " ve, and 2nd St. Phones 126 and 436 ‘ " € oote, oO } u 0 “9 s . : ‘ oO : e t - eee ee and, B.. ¢ occupation farmer, ' ~ h hase the followingjand organized labor. numbering sessed with mathematical accur-|" ort Wayne n January 22, and A 7 vee v . iy for permission to leas : , : 1 woul ol bres "e - © g describe 4 land : - & at a post planted about} 2,250,000, in a working fusion,| aes He says of an actress who|” vie he we © 1S ween ne * ha ve '¢ a yy 0 , ‘ al . post plane 4. the . tie + . ” an - a Should this scheme come to frui-|recently appeared that city ee bi POTATOES Apples, Baidwins.... . $1.76 jonilla Isle 0 sy uh » shom ie trouble started when Jess { sn easterly direction from F : tore or leas to the s uthition, millions of poun sterling Miss Mills was extremely at-| : i pd i ‘ m the island, thence : ‘a ! 148, thence west 40 a as ac ' }passed up his match with Davis Chilliwacks, per sack, $1.50 SORGOFD «s+ 5 sy oso ine nore or less to the west | CHAINS, theace south 40 chains, thence east invested by trade unions and|tractive in three-and-a- half) " y 1) ' ' | Roman Beauty ...... .$1.96 5 » . I ess < < c . | } New ars ay rving 3S j ; won wien the ohne re | comm neem tar ng 160 * & a other affiliated organizations will| handsome toilets tia fe oe Yakimas, per sack... .$2.00 | Winesap $2.26 lireclion olly ep sho iin 50 acres re as «& se o represe wt Reha oT CRB, 5 i ‘orth end of the island, thence |" 's be added to the 8185,000,000 \ilaiaheednaiitllniaiennniaincenititis we “ie 7 - epresent Wil- ae ai ; erly direction following tx HILDA KING. s ilard and made the match against io point of commencement and Donald MeVicar, Agent share capital of the co-operators, Now is the merry season when|ine advic t Je The Best House in Town for First Class Provisions 40 acres, more or less Dated November 26th, 1942 and $90,000,000 loan and reserve, t 4 , . ae oT th f ly | t ‘overmber 4th, 1912 Pub, Dec, 23, 1912-—Peb, 17, 1049 1e family has to retrench be-| when Smith notified Willard HENRY D. FOOTE, Locator sit ej backed by the ever inereasing|cause the head thereof picked | Michael McFadden, Agent - profits on the turnover if alllthe | , ithat he had made the match Jess mber 14th, 1012 Skeena Land District—Dist . =. © , ve ‘ 1e loser twice | ns i istric strict c , lagree z —— ——— 18, 1912——Jan, 13, 1912. Range Tyeerict Of Coast ihe present and suggested plans eT a 3 ie reed to ‘a seca thd aie it, - — Take notice t . wever, When Davis an¢ earns — —| of Vancouver, B = couthes tee, are success, the aims and ideals Fort tn | OWRvO + Ruffal } a wo ~District—District of Coast tends to apply for permission to purchase of two great wings of the labor ory yeare use, twenty | boxed and - ee we Range V the following described lands ears standard, prescribed and nounced that the winner was to that I, Stanley Niven, of WimeLciug 46 & post planted on the} Movement will be co-ordinated . Hritish Columbia, occupa-|freshore, about 2 miles distant i &land united ' will be. take recommended by physicians. For iieet the Chieago boy it made the} ; vineer, acting a8 agent for| Urtiwesterly direction” from Kumeolon | ; COuen: Wilh eae Women’s Ailments, Dr. Martel’s bic fellow sore to think that the ' rpor Land Company, Lumited,| ‘#/et &nd about 500 feet south of 8 small industrially, socially and in legis- : r ° b,c. intend to apply for per-| YY, then ast 30 chains, thence north], : Female Pills, at your druggist. («lul) was using him as an ad ; sse the following described | * hains, thence west 30 chains more or|/@tive matters us ness men j; tess to reshore, thence southerly follow The les » ‘ ; post planted on th ae Se reshore to point of commence 1e leading bodies in this vast : al a pUS i ( 0 + a Lt Lot 863, Rene | nent taining 90 acres more or less scheme are the Trades Union are now wearin ye Porpoise Marbor, thence WILLIAM J. MUOGRIDGE . CO TPS’, cee abate Dated October sth, 10142 Congress, the gtneral federation “ ” . » Water ark, ie asterl) Pub. Oct. 20, 1042. f ‘ le jiowing Low Water Mark of trade unions, the Labor party oO Cc 8) es ‘4 he Const pistrict a and the co-operative societies of 4 . *| S& 1 Land District—District of Coast ‘ oo anamahe, . or at Ee lek nee Renge ¥ the United Kingdom In many G The fact is significant ; it means that sat sof tee ent sorseetr| vot sttte, "En ge seem aaa |Feepects the work of these bodies 200,000 men recognize that" Rego” J : 7 t ssington, B. C., oc ry “anne 1 7 wpieton island, part of Lot 642.) ian, invend. to appiy for’ permission | to overlap style is what they-want, and that “Rego” Mark on west side of eating tt a it pe Money which is spent for edu- quality and value are the right standard. 1 : tt » = - ° “ ” . : . ae ne A — a “7 west corner of Lot 27, thence north} catfonal and social works is often Rego Clothiers are London's leading ah n island, thence eas ‘ hains, ence west 20 chains more or i 1 i “mpi Vater Mark of Lot 64%, thence] jess to Lot 1746, thence south #0 cbains|Wasted. It is recognized that this Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire wing the High Water Mark | more or less w ihe beach, thence folloW-liramendous venture on the part Metropolis), and they offer you high-class ea f the most southerly) we the shore to point of commencement, . - ad 7 ps ilori i i, thence sou eS Ww suing 40 acres more or less. of united labor will take years : tailoring le practically ready- ence following Low Water ALEXANDER NOBLE HY —_ polat due south of the mtivs Dated October 16th, 1012 to organize before any definite Pie ee ats etalets tat aoe nti Hidden. 6, 1913 | practical results can be effected a “REGO” NEw YORK a ihe saatinilnn atin v « High Water Mark to the rhe step is to be taken in the DON PAY REN ae mnencement Skecena Land District ict of © | | aL ty . : k HARBOR LAND COMPANY, , a es “east course of a few days, when the I f in @ American Model Lounge Suit. .The aay Savain, teins Take notice that 1, Alfred E. Wright, off co-operative unions will meet to] or High Rat © tatiiies i He cut and fashion of this superb model Stan iven, en Prince Kupert, occupation engineer, intend or es 0 nteres | re iad been endorsed ] ember 10th, 1912 to apply for permission to purchase the;COonsider the question, prior to Ea have ‘ by experts as the 23, 1912—Feb. 17, 191 lowing described lands calling a joint gathering of all| Te best American style of the year.” It is eo Commencing 4@| @ post planted at th ’ : | A OU MONEY ae the 1 ould wearing The southeast corner of Lot 421, thence north} other important organizations | PRLS “New Peck” : = of the . ; 20 chains mor less to the northeast], . an . ihe ew Is one and ss — of CO&St| corner of Lot 421, thence east 25 chains concerned rhe points W hich TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES many smart styles illustrated and fully ange more or less to the west boundary of Lot} wil] come under consideration y . ‘ . ce that William J. Mogridge,| 5142, thence south 10 chains inore | of ' ead a tt TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES described in our tailoring magazine ver, { occupation broker, iess to the shore of Lakeise Lake, thence |‘ mbrace a study o 1OW le Or- apply for permission to lease | westerly and southerly aiong the said ranizations rf pact ret ws To IMPROVE REAL ESTATE | “FASHIONS FOR MEN” ig described lands shore to the point of commencement, con Sanles . ‘ each section can | ng at . a ge gt = ining acres more or less be co-ordinated for education, | j published) a Free Kumeolon Inlet, on Lot No ALFRED EB. WRIGHT FREE i 1 east 20 chains, thence soutb Donald McVicar, Agent industrial and parliamentary pur AT PER CENT. PER YEAR of which, with full ce West 20 chains more vated N ib 25th, 1912 . ‘ 4 * ‘ and i self yoo wens BO Cains Se S Dated Ne aber 936 i, ses ite stan poses, with what practical steps range of 1912 patterns - - bank and foreshore to point should be taken to secure contro! WE GU R measurement form, we will se: you on nent, containing 60 acres ee AN EE y Skee Land District—District of Coast of industry, commerce, enabling A I application. e WILLIAM J, MOGRIDGE oe “te ree a ; Hange ¥ the working people to solve the : e » . »~btedne » pe se - ber 18, 4048 eaten enten an TC beaten & beeen : the time when your indebtedness will be paid off e oO 0 ers. 1912—J 20, 1913 i ce i 3. 'C., occup ue | problem of labor unrest for them- Office open eve Write , "4 , 12-—Jan. 2O, Prince Rupert, E , occupation mason, lice pen evenings Vrite, phone or call j intend to apply for permission to purchase/ selves Made to Ld. ihe following described lands ‘ | % WATER LICENSE ommenciag at @ post planied at the Co-operative association exec- | IN I E RNA I It IN A L H¢ IME Measure Dept. O P.O. Boz Montreal , thwest corner of Lot 14, thence north : ‘ . | , utives are enthusiastic in their | or f { fudlowil th est bound = Lot For a License 2 Take ro ee : ; . Reg a a - = aS a. devotion to @ successful tesue of PURCHASING CONTRACT co., LTD. | eby given mat OU A. T./ to the easterly boundary of Lot 16, : ; e Hupert, will apply for @) iuence south following te ‘easterly boun.|*he movement, because they be- Offices: Suite ~~ Smith Biock.. Phone 455. Oe == ike and use te *s Of dary of [ot 15 26 chains more or less/lieve fields umtouched by co- mM. E. Ritche , an unnamed creek WhICD/\, (ne praiiway right-of-way, thence east - . 7 y, Supt. asterly d rection through Lott liowing the railway right-of-way 25)0perative enterprise Wo ild be é ; I 2. adn he | ms more or less tw point of com-|, pened and: they could enter in- | . mencement, and containing fifty acres : , | , Yio i oot a = more less dustries which at the present mo- ; we oe eee yoated the 11th day of Dece 3 poses os land described as Granby Bay : Dt NCAN k. FALCOREA, Locator. ment are solely under private . . Dated December 16th, 1912 yntrol was posted on the ground . - contro lay of October, 1012 The | Pub. Dec, 23, 1912-——Feb. 17, 1043 - “ be fled in the office of the! oun 7 : : ; ‘ay be" fied with | M’CARTY AWAITING may be filed with the said] i Kecorder or with the Comptrolier Wate Rights, Parliament Buildings, t a, B. € G. Kh. T. SAWLE cl. 21, 1012 FORESHORE LEASE. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar ik notice that G. RK. T Sawie, of | Kupert, intends to apply for a lease the reshore commencing @t the north 4 corner post of Lot 766, Goose Bay, ‘id running ib @ southwesterly direction chains to the southwest corner f said lot, being all the foreshore in of Granby Bay Townsite, as regis ed in Prince Rupert Registry Office jer plan 1007, G. KR. T. SAWLE, Applicant bated October 15th, 1042. b. Oct. 26, 1012. NOTICE. whers of lots situated in Prince Ru who desire to sell same rea for cash direct to purchaser or who purchased lots on contract who desire to transfer and assign said direct to purchaser in considera the return of the payments paid, with & reasonable prot added Will please let me know what they to offer Give price, lot number, K and section Address P. 0, Box 43, 4 Liverpool, Ohio, U. 8. A, WATER NOTICE. For @ License to Take and Use Water. hereby given that The Port Water Co., Lid., of Vancouver, for @ license to take and use S inches of water out of Cun Lake Creek ihe water will be ‘| Cunningham Lake and will be anning, domestic and industrral o the land described a5 the vt Essington, lice Was posted on i day of December, 1912. The will be filed in the office of HKecorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. os may be fled with the said Necorcer Or with the Comptroller ~" Niehts, Parliament Buildings, | ne POR the ground ESSINGTON WATER ©0.,, Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast Kange V. Take notice that I, Michel Kordas, of Victoria, B, occupation laborer, intend apply for permission tw purchase the alc Wing described lapds Commencing @t @ post planted at the southwest corner of Timber License No. $2770, in Lakelse Valley, about % of 4 mk southwesterly from the Williams reek bridge, thence south 30 chains, nhence east 60 chains, thence north 30 hains, thence west 50 chains to point of ommencement, containing 160 acres more w less MICHEL KORDAS. Fred &. Cowell, Agent. Dated October 2nd, 19128 Pub, Nov, 11th, 19129--Jam. 6, 1013 skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that |, Sam Bnonyu, of Kayex, British Columbia, occupation lum- berman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at & post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 182, HKange V, Coast District ead on the north bank of the Kayex Hiver, thence west 15 chains, thence north 15 chains, thence east 15 hains to the boundary of Lot 182 afore- said, thence south along ihe said boundary iS chains to point of commencement, ontaining 23 acres more or less. SAM ENNYU, i912 Jan. 6, Dated October 10th, Pub, Nov, tith, 1912 — $$ Skeena Land District——District of Coat, ange V Yake notice that I, Madge Bobi, of Mon treal, occupation spinster intend to apply for permission to purchase the fotlow ug described lands Commencing southwest corner of south 15 chains more or less to the bor th} boundary of Lot 4130, thence west 40) chains more or less to the east boundary of Lot 4477, thence north 15 chains bwre | or less to the south boundary of Lot 9¥4, thence east 40 chains more or less to the poimt of commencement, containing ©” acres more or 15s, at a post planted at the Lot 5144, thence | MADGE KOHL Donald MecVicar, \gont Dated November 25th, 1012 Pub. Dec, 23, 1912 Feb, 17, 1913 Skeena Land District--District of Coast, Range V By EB. A. Taylor, Agent hereby given that thirty days we intend to apply to the Gov cll for @ quit elaim deed for wih deseribed foreshore * 4t the northwest corner of ‘ Ka V. Coast District, British ‘ thence west seven hundred |, thenee south seven degrees } five minutes west (8. 7:45 ed and forty 640 feet; thence n hundred 700 feet to high hark thence northerly following ile mark to the point of com a : excepting that portion in a Within the above boundaries I the Grand Trunk Pacific right “4 INVESTEMENT COMPANY, LTD - vert, B. C., December 30th, 1912 er | NOTICE. is vt * caren given thai | tues an can have » ? mpenses for taking care Foe 7 HM. HELIN, Port Essington Yake notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation transfer man, intends to apply for permission l& purchase the following described lands Commencing @t @ post planted et th lnortheast corner of Lot 6141 Range 5, | Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence lnorth 40 chains thence west 40 chains, lthence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to place of commencement RK. W. ROGERS | Dated, Nov, ist, 1012, : | Pub. Nov, 18, 1019—Jan, 48, 1018 | Skeena Land District-——District of Coast, | Range IV ; Take notice that Richard J. Grant of bookkeeper | ouve C., occupation Vancouver, B t pur lintends to apply for permission to | chase the rullowing described lands Commencing @t &@ post planted op the foreshore in & small Day about one-half mile north of entrance to Kumeolon inlet, lthence north 40 chains, thence east 060 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west to foreshore, thence following the foreshore westerly to point of commence ment, containing 940 scres more or less RICHARD J. GRANT } William J, Mogridge Agent. | Dated October 7th, 1919 | Pub, Oct, 90, 1019 PUBLIC’S DEMANDS Fighter Draws Color Line with ink That Can Be Easily Erased —Wiil Fight Johnson If Public Demands It. Los Angeles, Jan. 2i.—-Luther McCarty has drawn the color line with ink a long way from being indelible. In other words, he is getting ready for a scrap with Johnson when “the public de- mands: it.” Asked if there was any possi- bility of his ever fighting Jack Johnson, MeCarty had this to say: “When I accepted the heavy- weight championship _ bell I agreed to an, unwritten clause that I should never fight a negro The idea of this series of scraps was to pick out a white champion and keep the title in the white race, Well, 'm going to live up to my contract. “T have no doubt that I can beat Jack Johnson, Sam Langford | or any other fighter in the world I knew T can win from any of them all of them, But I shall never try—-excepting on one condition, and that is when the public demads the match, If my right to the champion- hip is still under a cloud and if the publie demands that I fight a negro, then I must do it As long as Tam in the fight game I must do as the public demands one rhey pay the money that makes fliehting profitable They ought to wet what they want | have just ninety-one offers of theatrical engagements, but have vet si@ned any contracts, nor even deeided which one I will sign In any event, T shall take a trip} mountains and enjoy a After that [ll probably put on a rope throwing act in vaude wills Bevond that T have not de ded As having shift thing Billy to the my to for the story about left a wife and child for themselves, 1! to say MeCarney, manager of pave) Two Stores Second - Avenue - and - Third - Avenue Two Stores MARTIN O’REILLY Positively and Absolute Made by Hirsch Wie $26.00 $30.00 Suits Worsteds Tweeds and $20.00 Fancy | $25.00 Suits Faney Worsted and $17.50 Right now is the best time. find what you want in Men’s High Class Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Bags, ete., and save big money by buying during this Sale. If you want to stretch the purchasing powers of your dollars, get yours now. $30.00 Overcoats $17.50 $25.00 Overcoats $15.00 | $35.00 Suits Everybody’s Doing It! Doing What? Attending the RECORD BREAKING CLEARANCE SALE at Martin O’Reilly’s Two Stores ly the Biggest Values for Your Money Ever Offered. Are You Getting Yours? Right here is the best place. Assortments are still large and you surely can This sale offers positively the greatest values in town. $3.00 King Hats Soft and Hard $2.00 Borsalino and Stetson Hats Always $5.00. This Sale $3.50 ‘ $1.50 Caps, $1.00 — Look what we are doing to prices on all goods : Sweaters and Sweater Coats at Slaughtered Z Tr ae Underwear All Kinds at Bargain Prices kwire Co. awe Shirts with two detachable $3.00; now ee Heavy and fine Wool Shirts, with collar at- tached; regular price $3.00 and $3.50; Flanne! were Dress Shirts; regular price $2.00; now $1,860 $4.50 Drees Shirts, now ....... +00: . $1.00 Tweeds Dress Shirts, now ' REMEMBER THIS SALE | 2nd Ave. HAS ONLY 12 MORE DAYS TO GO MARTIN O’REILLY 3rd Ave.