Thursday, J ’ THE DAILY NEWS = —-—— —- — — -——— = —s —_—— —— =_ —— - i ) “ it caught there FACTORY : -~ . re bs . pret : ‘ he was apt te capta aaeien 68 | . , his name had ral ; ; jor the muy Magazir Periodic. REMINGTON $35 Empire $25 Underwoon $65 és ntl ne tea wun And numerous other bercaine Send for complete list of used Ss anG CIGARS TORA machines rebuilt in our own factory and made as good as new. ‘© save e@ ly Captain Barney Ww Captain FRitw | 2nd Ave. Below Kaic, Istang 6) | ub you $15 to $75 on any machine. Satisfaction guaranteed. | Byt bu | was a pleasure Ww Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, Suite 305, 319 Pender W., Vancouver, B.C. Pree ot os ts at ee a =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== |: Peerless Stu rs who added their tribute ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’ HERE— ster sud regret were Aider- Roome 19 When You Want a Plumber in a Hurry $ a Jiven Neden, Sutherland and Mes] Cor. 3rd A Special Styles at PHONE 340 so | ——_—— lcaifery, H. 8. Wallace, M. Albert, All W 1 WESTERN PLUMBING & SUPPLY CO. ~ Wanted Banquet to Capt. Captain Horvik, Captain Groves, ' ) s a6 Ave. Meet Me at Davidson, D. G, Stewart, HYDE'S CIGAR STORE WANTED—Work by the day or hour by Barney Johuson ) : lochest \. J. Burroughs | PAPERHANGING ra n experiences person Mrs yak pened Deuvery. Oe eee ith Fr. McRa Dr. Tretmayne Magazines . Periodicals Y ' . . , x WANTED—Employment by capable omce| (Continued from Page 1 M. Christie of the Bank of INTERIOR DECORATIONS Newspapers man Box 10, News office 18-19 aS ae . ' rroberated thé fA : j i ‘ e both corroborate ; City Messengers WANTED—Male stenographer. apply C.| Mayor Pattullo » Mesnen'n tienen al Rat Parcel Delivery P. R. office 1att . { Barney easiken i} arc eliver alias . Mayor Patiullo said be WASline sound. | R. ©. BALL Phone 607 3rd Ave. WA pouile furnished rooms for light) .)., : ~ ia eat F 362 housekeeping, Address box 583, city. | glad to add his tribute of regret) Captain Johnson's Reply. P. O. Box 274 Phone 1% 100f j at the departure of Captain Bar- sane ssneeseaesestuinsteensacetasaintetiibcaninas __. | WAN TED—-A general servant. Apply Mrs j ne) y from Prince Rupert. He bad} Jus efore bringing the ban- eo ————— — — SSS NOTICE L. W. Patmore 30a jalways been a loyal friend of the} que : se, Captain Johnson EMPIRE BATHS T k ; oe _@| city and would continue to be s0,|) was z pportunity of Tre-| iq ro ee bon * shave dp 0 make room for new stock, we are giving bargains on gee we | ae 7 ‘ ‘ | ; i ola on | te a AVE. Thy Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital | { Lost dF . {| even hough his future resid-|, g i ‘ vial manner bh il ook = genera es have been i DRESSERS, BED ROOM FURNITURE, DINING ROOM FuR- Association. an ounc ence would be in Vancouve ait d hie sianderous tatlement jsoem a* appeal to par nee ane _— | Prince ye = i e t} } ha vere seas 0 the} Centrally “Locat ed NITURE, SIDEBOARDS, GUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETs, §— # # # #£=—— ~ — vical I i Rupert os il 3 el ha had | ask ; : Opposite Mejest The annual general meeting of |LOST—-A buneh of keys between 6th 8t f giving splendid send-offs to|s ! veve yelore nat ae KEEFE & DORREL KITCHEN CABINETS, KITCHEN TABLES, ETc. members will be held in the city -—_ hospital — please return t/ those who left, but speaking for|heard s any nice things said) yaily ews office 19 ~ e at 8 p. m.. Wednesday, Jan- himself he could say that they] about h He was sorry to leave | hall at I in LOST—Last week-end, two rings and two! ; s ‘1 ’ ; a uary 29th, 1913, to receive the Masonic charms. Keward on returning} 4/50 give a warm welcome when| Prit . SS °F RINCE RUPERT FEED (0) . | direstors and other reports and to News office 160f former citizens return. have 6 \ s learn the ele . e a sandal ati UN ‘ ; 1 tere ‘ . a * o . ————EEEEE The: Hendricksen-Smith Furniture Co to elect new directors for the en-|FOUND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEAXENS,| — otigg Magistrate Garse |! ‘manship on Prince} — ” suing year. Express paid one way on $5.00 orders.| police Magistrate Carss said| @"* harl Nothing but aj oY , i both ways on $10.00 orders. Write gy : a 7 mus vette ppointment could ' Phone 465 By order of the Board | oe ne j i ne : much be ippointa Cor. 3rd Ave. & 7th St. wu WRIGnT | for price list essu jhe was glad to see so on “Ihave induced him to leave. Hel |'HAY, GRAIN FEED AND : . ~~ emcommeomeomeg | Sent to do honor to Capt. John , 18-23 Managing Secretary. | : : ,| Was going keep his resident ¢| For le n He had the reputation of here and hoped that at some time SEEDS Sa being a first class mariner and : the speaker sien felt { he might occupy it In his egrly speanre aiways el saie days he had learned from a su- -Church Se Ser IMMANUEL STREET—Level lane corner, when the gallant skipper was in perio flicer eat every pas- Agents for the Internationa! Stock Fax vices - 50x100 ft.; a snap Law-Butler Co.,/ charge i 6-26 a guest in his Third avenue 6-26 senger ast would . Ex-Mayor Stork ra eo Pais the bad tees FOR SALE—Fairbanks-Vorse stationary own none 18 he had tried to " PIRST AST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | gasoline engine, twelve h.p., high speed,| Fred Stork, first mayor of do and he had been materially| #4! ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED + aoa Seat erere seme ¢ eae | first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509, ! Prince Rupert, said he was glad co ' Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m Prince Rupert 301tf tu helped by the good fellowship of Sunday School at 730 p. m. ;ot the occasion to express to] 4, 5 , : ; FOR SALE—Lot 6, Block 29, Sec. 1, Park the travellers who went to and REV. F. W. KERR, MA. Pastor avenue. Very cheap. Apply ai once t0| Barney face to face his own g00d| from Prince Rupert —THE aiipeeneett Joseph Hammerschmidt, Talbot House,| feelings e ‘ 10 elieve THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Prince Rupert ta. pity He did not believe in With the singing of Auld MCINTYRE HALL, 88D AVE., NEAR OTH ST ; Wailing until a nan was dead to Lang Syne” and cheers for Bar- T . every Sunday at 1) |} shower bouquets upon him ; the Services am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday banquet was brought to —LIMITED School 28 p.m. _ Barecs For Rent W. E. Williams 1 close shortly before midnight REV.W.H.McLEODB.AB.D. Pastor [| W. E. Williams hoped that th The following citizens were | srophecy concerning Laptain| present: } . Soho S tp Seton tan. danas « .| Lumber and Mouldings } Johnson's ret ince Rup- Mayor D. Pattullo, Judge Services every Sunday at li lert wouk soon ¢ e ‘ : oO yr H : . . am and 7.3) pm Sunday r would - wu He} McB. Young, F. H. Mobley, president | All Kinds of Building Supplies j School at 2.30 p.m. — |}Was a whole souled fellow who] of the Boara of Trade; A. J Mor- MEY. G. R. SHER AD eee ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ;tOOK a@ great dea f pride in any-| Tris, D. A. McKinnon, G 4 Me — THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH iToO ) RE NT—Furnished house, 5th Ave. W_; rooms and bath; all modern improve Inents Apply P. 0. box 909 Phone SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE ._ oe 18tf sieniaihenritintientaiesel anita ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH thing he had to do. He also con-| Nicholl, superintendent of the Grand First Avenue Phone 1s | e “@ ue Cor. Fourth Ave. W. and Dunsmuir firmed the genial skipper's pop- Trunk Pacific: Ex-Mayor Pred Vi r and holy comm nd Ave. for the Acme Second Sunday After be received up to 5 5 7 Stork, Dr. Neil McNeill, H. B. Roch i Sunday §& 4 1 specifications may be od 2:30 p. m. Evening pra at er 0 ( t n ‘ i eae 9 : ; ‘3. s . : ; Plans and | ification yb n| Dr. Clayton ester, W. E. Williams D. R. Taylor t fice of J. W. Potter, architect ' of the News I Macklin, rheo ies Har | De. Cieyon sand that Captain] tion Mews, 1 ncaa, then (Yong Dou REV. EB. C, BURCH, RECTOR lj Forbes, W. H. Kirkali, H. G. Hel bristmas. Morning pray jJan the erection of a store b fularity a gz the ladies onhnsol would have hace a ‘ ‘ * : ecords Uinesinateaieningsdiitilaiel : 4 gerson, W. H. Wright, Geo. W The money you invest in Phonograph R Twe SALVATION ARMY CITADEL NOTICE. success in almost any calling he] sweet, J. ¥. Rochester, Geo. A. Fris.| Granville Court ——aee might have followed. If he were . . . ; ¥ . sell, J. Arthur Smith, Captain P goes farthest when you buy Sunday, services | st 11 et Mek tor iii tle elen bey tee tele Gee, Cee f day ‘School, {:30 p. m merly existing between Albert Matzen and | at . 4, Groves, Thos. C. Chalmers, J. F Week night services lee [ Seness B could = re ee aes in charge of the G.T.P. he a] Brandt, Dr. Herbert Tremayne, J day , s yOUT iss . y eemel 1) ee . day ond Saterday 8 accounts due the frm are now payable t& vice. M. MecMullin, government agent; R m Tro ecoras CAPT. AND MRS_ TUTTE Sibert Matzen, who will pay all bills ow G. A. MoNicholl. M. Cameron, James M. Christie, TIE Comumending 0Mcers ng by the firm W-jan. 20-feb. 3 t ALBERT MATZEN G,. A. MeNicholl, G. T. P. supers manager of the Canadian Bank of = 4 . . “ ss — BiESULD intendent, said that out of 76 ap- Commerce; 8S. P. McMordie J. M a ~ - rince Ruper 5 . . J - Farthest from a musical Farthest from an investment — wer oat — oe eee Wy yep plicants for the position which] Clancy, manager of the Bank of SEC ] JO \ SLX : . DELKATLAH, T OR hai _ Ibert, © pst " —e standpoint, because Blue | standpoint, because BlueAm- OF THE NORTH | eonen apt. Johnson had secured 75] Montreal; M. Albert, of the We Amberols ha fi berolswill i gave their address as Vancou-|S0!lme amber Company; H. 8. Wal-| 2909 cash and the bala: mbero ve a finer s neverwearor -_—— a hile Cant Sohmen ' lace, W. E. Davidson, of Smith, eee a 00 PER QUARTER For a License to Take and Use Water, |*°', WH Uap! Johnson had years at 6 per tone than any other reproduce less perfectly ee c P reby given that Jock Bonnar,|Z!iven Prince Rupert. He consid- “ae + Grommet igre acme o — 1 Lake, will apply for a li sred the appointment a honé: 3. Babington, Ur. W Barratt} phonograph records thanwhen new, and will The population has imereased 400 per|cense to take and use for irrigation pur- | Senet ae ee a oe eee e te cent. during the past year. It already |! \ ‘ss las Creek, wate to the Grand Trunk. Barney was J : Sa | i . & ( . * ifows in easterly irectio ror wor 7 vmatrick 1 and reproduce in a mever become injured [aumbers.48 thougt 00 advertising nas|"v"> iB # westerly direction throug Lots} iow everywhere and when a ns A Sarge k, Ald. M.) Samuel Marrison ompat) ifeli i been done and all lots sold have been to|/kalum Lake pear 5. W. corner Lot 1432.| reside f ansouver geihd McCaffery, D. G. Stewart, J. J . ! more lifelike way. by careless handling. pemm Gane ond ot lee pee Late oes 8. ee fee tes 808 | resident Vaneous UE re ee ant ae aoe Brokers and Financial Ag: nts STOREKEEPER WANTED—Owner will from the mouth of said ereek and wili|tell the people there that there]. 4. 5’ Burroughs of the Ocean | >ecoad Ave. Prince Ruper! build to suit. The pre-emption Reserve | be used for irrigation purposes on the land) j. 16, pain in Prince Rupert, mer a ae seagirtitata. satay egomarc gs The Blue Amberol is a Record for which has been described as Y largest 2 bes a es peer oe * oo : aa Sales _— mer-1 walls Lumber Company, Ald. G. R : in BA ‘is al sis ice as sted oF q row e guid s : > . piece of agricultural land it : Naden, Captain P. Roevik of the tributary to DELKATLAH When the the th day of January, 1913 The oe in S coming bridge is built and the wharf now | 4pplication will be file® in the office of A. E. McMaster Standard Fish Company, J. G. scott under construction across the little bay | ‘he Water Recorder at Prince Rupert —. # MeMaster eneral dias ; y; . ’ profits will be ma Every settlement Objections may be fled with the said a seneral agent) Alfred Carss, police magistrate; . thou 30 miles away its compelled to Water Recorder or with the Comptroller i ; wi no. * . - . ; * png Delkatiah Bay to make steamboat|of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings (the Td gave three rea-| Cyril H. Orme, '1. F. McRae, D. A Hear it at your Edison dealer’s today connection with the Mainland Victoria, B. ¢ jsons for his regret at Captain} Morrison, R. A Stalker, Ald. Doug-|-The up-to-date Mouse Decors CHAS. M. WILSON, owner, leaves for JOCK BONNAR, Applicant Sot le ‘ H : tas Suthertané. Jal H. The | Delkatlah on the Prince John tonight. Ad Jan. 23 & 30—Feb. 6 & 13, 1043 Johnson s departure 1e was a] 'S6 SU i, een, tors of Prince Rupert Themes A. Edison, lnc. 100 Lakeside Ave.. Ovenge, N. J..U. S. A. dress Delkatilah, Q.C.1, ond 0. Box 2 . genial man to work with, ie was|J. C. McLennan H. F. MacLeod, A | > c S obert Entwistle > A of be f det Ronee ees = e hotel a booster for the city. especially 8S. B. Lucas, M. J. Hobin, manager | . *,* complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will FRANK A. ELLIS. Agent SHERIFF'S SALE. the harbor, and his departure of the Continental Trust Company . ign riting.. HAYNER BROS., - - 3rd Ave. andg6th St . o : ~ meant harder work on his own|- @- Forster, H. J. Wilson, man-| . 2nd Street - Prince Rupert |iy pug couNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLD i wn angin EN AT PRIN E RUPERT a part to keep up the traffic which] 9% of the Royal Bank of aeins aper g g ’ , NCE > q °s ™ : a = —— +r . ) ; y |JAMES D. PEEBLES and Owers, Pisintias;|Barney’s popularity had so jar-| 4%: 0- Crew, H. Ward, Robt. J. B Our Speciaities | QUBEN CHARLOTTE FISHING CO., LTD.,| gely inereased Warton, F. 8. Long, manager of | Defendant, the Bank of British North America; By virtwe of a warrant of execution, F. Ss. n 8. - amen an gaatwean issued im this action, and to me directed, : ‘ Long P. J. Rossa, of the Canada Fish &| We always deliver the goods.” | BES oo , I have seized of the goods of the Defend- y. S&S. Long, manage of thelc . n ! ant, the following a ot Ue he Cold Storage Company; A E. Me-| 2nd Street Phone 156 Gree 2 schooner rigged fishing boats; ank oO \.A., a8 4 member of] Master, general agent Grand Trunk TE: 1 sawmill; the executive of the Rowing : “ifie = = i small stock of merchandise; Ss ' ve . , towing and | Pacific / i bunk and cook house; Yacht club, expressed regret at dengeeteimeene . . j : Se Ges tnocinat batdines the loss of s0 valuable a mem. Pointed Paragraphs. | Call and see the excellent bargains we are giving in Shoes of all classes during our A lot of tools and other articles. ber. ig se *rice st 2 nes . . . ‘ » to CE > , All of which I shall offer for sale by ie : big sale. Prices to suit the keenest bargain hunter. If you are unable to call on us to- public auction for cash on Thursday, the Geo. Frizzeli The old fashioned woman will day, try and do so within the next three or four days Every pair of shoes a rea! bar- second day of January, 1913, at 3 o'clock George Fr : : : alas : a» icine seorge Frizzell said he thad|Rave none of the vaccum clean-| gain. The following are a few samples: im the afternoon, at my office, Prince Ru S em " : _ pert. known Barney when he was called|ers that obviate the necessity of | Dated at pane ar ee” 1912 the “boy captain of the Capilano.’ house cleaning. What would life | OH? : : Ladies’ Patent Blucher Boot; dull calf Men's Gun Metal Blucher Boot; short | The abov 4 * Sie concede He had often crossed ’the sound|mean to her if her semiannual | ° . - ’ 4 a“ cr . oni me ove sale is hereby us en - ; . » - . . é . > ouse - me + tops, medium toe, military heel, new vamp, low heel, Reg. $4.50; January ut Wedmeedae tne ir ye ot vebeusry,| With him when the waves were|debauch of housecleaning were | Directions to (Operate 1% long vamp; reg. price $4.00; January Clearance Sale ...............- $3.25 1048, . ae Bede ae rolling so high that every few|denied her? adenine” ote : “ rince rt, Dec. 18, 1042 EE Clearance Sale .............-- G24 Men's Oil Chrome Boot; seven inch top, upe ae, eae minutes they would look to the —_— : A : : . ole Reg. > " sumit of th 5S me if . There's only one tt : 2 ; Ladies’ Gun Metal Blucher cut Boot; pigskin varnps, double sole s 9-88 Shoriat _— se masts to see if there ’ > ane, nn 1 A Lass iF short vamp style, blunt toe, medium $5.50; January Clearance Sale.. $3.75 —_—- ——-—__—___— — |— - EEEROCRES | than having to shove! coal, and . BREAK G r T Fi heel. A splendid fitter Reg. rice Men's’ Velour Calf Blucher Boot; neat Notice is hereby given that thirty GayS| re-ror-ecosoooooooooooooooooooe that is not having any coal to} 2. TURN KEY TO RIGH Ee 21.00; January Clearance Sale. . .§2.80 short vamp, dull tops, military heel after date | intend tw apply to the Gov shovel when the mercury hits AND OPEN DOOR ‘ , Goodyear wel, Reg. price #5.50; Jan- ernor in Council for @ quit claum deed for the. sor eile } Ladies’ Black Gun Metal Button Boot; vary Clearance Sale.......... $3.95 | the following described foreshore o me ‘93. PuLL wire KNo8 F 5 short vamp style, reund toe, military Man’s Velour Calf Bilucher Boot; short Commencing at the southwest corner of a . Go \j Beet A leader. Reg. price $4.00; vamp inca hee! Hi Jack Res Lot 446, Range 6, Coast District, British Why did none of the candi DOWN AND LET H January Clearance Sale .. $2.60 $5.50; January Clearance Sale. .$8.00 coleahte ee le . o uae water tans dates think of working the end. | 4 PERSON SEND! nG . we lice wes seven u re 70u eel, Ladies’ Common Sense Balmoral; short Men's Pullman Slippers of Dongola Kid, ene north twenty-two degrees and less chain system to get votes? ALARM SHOULD RE- / vamp, plain toe, low heel, sewn sole elastic sides, low heel, broad toe forty-five minutes west (N. 29:45 W | —— i AL The “Comfort, Reg. price $2.50; Comfy Reg. price $1.75; January | ' The man who can always tell! MAIN UNTIL ARRIV ‘ ’ an ¢ t = eiti twenty-eight hundred (2800) feel; thence OF FIRE BRIGADE January Clearance Sale $1.80 Clearance Sale . si $1.26 es is north ten degrees west (N. 10:00 W you what is going to happen can Ladies’ Tan Calf Button Boot: medium Men's Doctor's Special Shoe 0 heavy forty-four hundred and seventy 4470 teas. ‘ } ' % 4 round toe, military heel, sewn, short | | gun metal calf, welt all around sole t feet; thence east seven hundre¢ (700 “ ' uo afterward why it \ signal of two ‘ varip A splendid bargain Reg. {| | heel, double sole, low broad heel, vis feet, to the Grand Trunk Pacific ‘allway | didn't Fire Hall signifies it price $4.60; January Clearance Po = —~ oe Phe | nen ¢ fort = oueae east (8 9s88 } ogee? io extinguished b » . . - ) a m= > re ri frees ae Vv one & 4 Bale $2.85 poem .. ee —— tt a : oes et a ee Soe Burns Banquet Perhaps ne reason why the Persons estab : . boundary of the Grand Trunk Pacific Kail fool killer is out of a job is be false alarm aré ij Men's Box Kip Blucher Boot; broad last Men's “Doctor's Special” Shoe, same as | way right-of-way, eleven hundred (1100 Under the auspices of the low heel, double sole. Keg. price $4.50 ‘ » és . roraa he 7 feet ;thence southerly following higt : a? > : above, in tan; selle regularly al $7.50 water mark, Sixty-two hundred and fifty St. Andrew's Society January Cle nee Sale eae ; i learance ale $2.95 | during sale .. $5.50 6950) feet, more or leas to point of | ES TE ~ — —— — . . - comene noement excepung that portion | tr, ot ’ an. 24th He who has not dome that cause he soldiers on it penalty apeording | BY ORDER D neluded within the above boundaries iwhieh h rhit covered by the Grand Trunk Pacific Kail-| 9 p.m. sharp ‘ ight not to have done way right-of-way 803-332 | has missed a lot of RENWORTH & JEFFERSON ee Dao oe ee in Kitchie, Agnew & Cu, Surveyors and En Tickets may be obtained from the — ee ginneré, Agents | Dated Prince hupert, B. €., December 23rd, 1042 members of the society spotted 2 One Saper hes hs TRY A NEWS WANT AD