x 4 in CITY AND NORTHERN m9 c Rrincess toate uray, 8 p.m. AY BRITION COLUMBIA pod, Lone cual ats a ‘ - Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL. IV, NO. 24 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS —— = ™ = = an NNN UFFRAGETTES INSIST THAT : —e Sa wag > “!PE }} One of the Most Successful Bang Banquets Ever Held in Prince Rupert WOMAN FRANCHISE BE GOVERNMENT MEASURE. . eo lm: Was Given by the St. Andrew’s Society Last Night---Glowing (ison, jan. ihe toolime if a : ra . . S S is quite general in the House of LAUNCH WAS WRECKED; — hme val ton ee of ae mg) oe on Tributes Paid to otland and Her Noble ns Commons that the government SIX WERE DROWNED ri ader o' e Turkish peace delega’ n London . , aw , J ae ee se oa ‘ Iwas a bra’ Scotch nicht” at,touch the human heart and touchyCanada the sons of Sevtiand.| will decide to withdraw the fran- P te Oe ein ace fe ee - : 1 tt tt f any|There was nothing inconsistent|chise bill in view of the ruling i ree Turk 1 lthe Central Hote! last night, the]it deeper than the verses of an} ae ee ee “ — ae aan vs urkey to surrender Adrianople the Centra ‘ t igh dint: Ohh. ‘Tdi ciands ce Gales teen Scotland For-|of the speaker that the charac-|Big Storm Sweeping Over Prince has borne inev e fruit. vecasion being the fourth anni prototype of that which is bright-|ever,”’ or “The Maple Leaf For-|ter of the measure has been so William Sound Causes a versary banquet held by the St sie ” , es | ae » Becta changed by amendments as to Fatalities. b Constantinapie, dan. S8—Mueh diMeuity te being experi- lrew's Society of Prince Ku we on ‘cube arth s ““ avs s avail b sca Gs ia become practically a new bill Ne A snare BU ee we “S=) speaker, without further remarks,|leave Scotianc e se : ’ , . ‘ ‘ ! = " vials “cane on on eee f Nazim Pasha pert in commemoration of the) a ced the gathering to drink the}not like his porridge, but be.| Woman suffragettes all over the Vaidez, Alaska, Jan. 24.—BSix ae it te oMelally stated a = ~n te i me oo te birth of Robert Burns, the poet}; io. in silence. cause he liked Canada's maple|/Country are very much disap-|lives were lost in a storm sweep- i was not premeditated. The s' ae ro precipita - > dear to the heart of every son Of} apne toast to “Bonnie Scotland syrup to put on it. If “bonnie” is}pointed and will call upon Grey|ing Prince William Sound today. "4 ona ee oa om Outs ous tan Ged hed the land of heather and thistle.) va. proposed by A. M. Manson|appropriate to Scotland, mag-|and Lloyd-George to resign un-|The launch Helen was wrecked i eal can y an aide the pete ite Shortly aller Y o clock Beolsmen) in one of the brightest speeches|nificent is a suitable description|!ess woman suffrage is made ajand all the occupants were ay boon Ce = a aii . and admirers of the inmorlal’ he has ever made in Prince Ru-|for Canada. He elaborated at|#0vernment measure. drowned. fl — =e SSN i a | ’ SSS — ~ bard to the number of pearly a pert Opening with the remark|some length on the advantages|/« - —_————_——_—_—_—_——_——— ] hundred and twenty-live marched that it was a truly bonnie task/that Canada has to offer to men i : jinto the spacious; dining ro0nl,|ipat had been assigned him, Mr.|is all walks of life. He also re- THREE LOCAL MEN HAVE i RELY AN IMITATION OF jied by Piper Sturgeon, who, with Manson said that although not/ferred to the immense flood of a | hi s thrilling Seotch airs, oat n in Scotland, he was of Scotch| migration thal is pouring into vi A FORMER RUPERT COUNCIL in a few moments in pul- jparentage and had from his|V@nada not only from Britain, UNPLEASANT jling every guest into the right j é to »-|but from Central Kurope. Upon le arliest days been taught re-| spirit to properly appreciate the l vere the name of Scotland The|us rests a great responsibility in haggis, sookin grumphy Wi lword “bonnie” meant so much| making the latter into good Cans |TMEIR LAUNCH WAS WRECKED ON STEVENS ISLAND AND q YOMING LEGISLATORS ENGAGE iN PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS aipple sauce, roastit houghs ©'l that it was almost impossible to|adian citizens, THEY HAD TO SUBSIST FOR TEN DAYS ON a OVER RIGHTS TO SPEAKERSHIP—RIOTING IN soo wi currant Jjeelie, “DUDDIY| gofne it One meaning was} Athol Fraser, one of the early BEANS AND RICE. LEGISLATURE. jock wi’ mauchline sauce, = beautiful” and certainly the/pioneers of British Columbia, s a Rraggciorse , ple shive y ‘ ile ale Lhe or a sense ae 108 I ,, M. :, , j is Wy Jar J hair again The men grasped aie creme Phgpecagy ciehiaia oe “ee proposed the toast to “Our Pro- Vian launch ae Sak bee on00..008 ne . ee — | ee as ee a wee drap vo the auid Kirk, vince ae. belated a evi man, and his two as*istants, PER AGO. TERS ers of an hour|/S0P ane omers on Me platiorm | which made up ® menu that would esung experieuces of the early = ; " ded two separate} . Lape Oe ae ;| have innate immortal bard days and emphasized that much sg be.vo 4 a eee 0 Special to The Daily News.) : eu Speaker Mal ve aa Oars oe ae ad himself. of te work of culonisatign Ragieees sense . Ottawa, Jan. 24.—Hon. Martin i Speaker pro t i» ae " 7 F —oe — - kuthusiasm reigned supreme | been done by Seotch employees of|the last few days owing to noth- Burrell, minister of agriculture, hrew the Lowel! 2 ; a SOUEe, 20 WON 8 C8 when, according to the time hon- jthe Hudson Bay Co. The native ing having been heard of them Leday introduced 8 bill to provide ‘ Wyoming Legisia-|. Shor ae red custom, the haggis was in- lndians had been trained and edu- since last Tuesday week, when! ro, te llion dollars to be ex- ' ae }! wed in ten minutes after the! duced to the strains of the cated by these Scotch employees ae sb ms 38 _ a ‘ ne ee | first violence between speaker and pipes by James Sturgeon. Borne and lad proved themselves most they left on a Geecline launc pended within the next ten eee Sear jspeaker pro tem when with os So by Neil McDonald, followed loyal citizens of the province.|With a scow in tow for vreau in aid of agriculture. ; be ens a was nis ra! oackers = ones side, ; we by several waitresses, this dish, His description of the Indian|Island, returned safely to the cily THE WEATHER. Thi agreement among asked, and Pret ane ne ‘hich Seotsmen alone know how haggis was most vivid and every! last night on board the Canada 4 ihe floor when co 4 Bet as OR er ae 7" a . to prepare, Was paraded about the Rebate © guest was filled with a desire to/ Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s trawler : adere af tithes fection! pete we — aeeoteael sen banquet hall and finally brought bbie Burns. ilaste it at the first opportunity.}the Zebassa. Meeting a severe Che weather report at 5 o'clock mn ethemmiians to a oe wane be ” ~ oa before the presiding oflicer, where | George W. Kerr in responding|storm on the night of the day of, this morning read: Barometer, and ines as they were] oe oe ' a ve . = it was fittingly addressed by W. aptiy applied to scotland, prob- | to this toast told of his first heir departure, they were driven 29.935; maximum vemperature, , wats ie tana ie who has heretofore — G. Dennis. ably no country in the world be-|coming to the province, not in aljon to the rocky shores of Stevens|48; minimum temperature, 36; ne nh the a jcloser in counsel to Pratt than Mr. 8. D, Macdonald, the pop-/ing more famous for the beauty} pyjiman or a side door Puliman,|Isiand, the launeh being com-|precipitation, 1.70 inches. ae a ogee, any other Democrat, was soundly ular president of St. Andrew’s|of its scenery. The hills of Scot-|pyi on foot over the Crow's Nest pletely wrecked and the bottom Wood SInin Gc tie tien. a . ace aiiniae — Society, acted as toastmaster,/land had bred a spirit of inde- | route. With him was a Scotch-|knocked out of the scow. One of | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ' uu and Pratt wielding the] oe hen full , ean of performing the duties of the po-|pendence that had made many|man who, he believed, was the|the men was washed overboard | { | f il by | en mpessen, Su) Say mee Si » {sition in a most pleasing man-|famous heroes He hoped this/ first man who ever carried oat-|and received a severe buffeting y ee ren jthe House members were stand- ner. On his right sat Rev. F. W./ spirit of independence would! mea) ove: that route. He giadly|before regaining land. RKecover- Presbyterian Services. equal either way Phe} ing close around the speaker's Kerr, who opened the banquet] never forsake the sons of the old welcomed Scotsmen to Prince|ing a small portion of their On Sunday eveniin Bex. 8 h 7 Se ” the! desk Again Pratt declared the with the Seotch biessin “some | jand Bonnie also meant strong Rupert. | scanty stock of provisions, they Kerr with + eal in the Empress ‘enh E 2 “i pean Gepnerned, ane stated Pe/ha’e meat and canna’ eat, and and undoubtedly strength had In the absence of the city sol-|SUbsisted on these meagre ra-j pp otre = “The Meaning of the Repial cm or Coston aoe . a ‘a : some ie dae aoey Saas M, Set en $ enn —, Seot- | icitor, F. Peters, the toast long aay densa a Marriage Ceremony.” Everyone ‘n appeal had been ; : Weod 1 ntnimadt ehh aed ha’e meat and we can eat, ane tish people This strong 1 ae Our City” was proposed by the ight meal once a day o “lis cordially welcome. Morning ui the speaker's ruling a aa aa a "aaa obey.) 22° ‘he Lase be apkit ayes been shown in es walk of wn chairman, Mayor Pattullo, ow-|"tely _ and Seem . [service is held in the Presby- \ 4 t Pattullo occupied a position atiby sons of Scotland who had | ing to the lateness of the hour. Considerable anxiety had been terian Hall, Fourth avenue, at 44 7" ca Pen, Seienis rane ng instructions, had r¢ — = the chairman's left. made their names immortal Phe | pesponded briefly but mone the|eXpressed as to their safety, but o'clock. The postponed annual a had ‘submitted, "ond in| ne tron Son oa ‘part. in i an ae — ae — oe i einen lees effectively. The Seotoh, be|' = = antl oe. — meeting of the congregation will i : : : ..|done to the excellent menu, the} appropriate anc vel ¥-|said, were the greatest people on|the United States fishing vess be held Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. i he himselt held the bal-|;pe violence around the speaker's toastmaster proposed the usual/thing that was good about Scot- earth excepting the people who|Zpora reported by wireless that bower upon the Wo I~! ‘able, but whose motion had been toast to the King, which was] land. did not think so _ ne a launch and scow had been ‘nt committees on rules and! ihe occasion of it, conferred with heartily drunk and honored by J. H. Kelly said he had re- the suseeation of @ previous sighted by them opposite Rachel English Shoes on American Lasts. ' — F : Representative Sullival “ the singing the national anthem.|/sponded to this toast last year speaker for frequent meetings |!s/and. The Provincial police Shoes of British manufacture unter took the chair and) Republicans, and on behalf of Rey, F. W. Kerr was then called/and before assuming the pleasant} ¢ ihe citizens for the purpose|Were unmediately notified with 4] made on American lasts are the mw) Went to Hunter's seat 4) both factions an agreement was upon Lo propose the toast to “The/duty this year had been asked), bringing out ideas and sug-|VieW Of getting assistance, but] jajost development in footwear. — finally made to adjourn with ally ii otal Memory of Bobbie|*not to put it on so thick.” He] postions for the development of| before they were able to turn out] pop years the manufacturers be Metz, Democrat, rose avd] motions pending as they were AU Burns” It was 6 toast, he Said,/was sure he could not put it OM/ihe city. Kvery movement for the|Mr. Davis’ son secured the serv-| havo endeavored to produce shoes ee that the speaker evuld) that time until 2 o'clock that bad been for a long time his}as thick as Mr. Manson had al-|\eifare of the city would have|'ces of the trawler Zebassa from) which combine the quality and “ighate any other thaw the : eee desire to honor, nevertheless, he}ready done. Secotsmen, he said,}pig post hearty co-operation, |‘he Canada Fish & Cold Storage} qurability of British leathers asker pro tem to take the chair Baptist Services. fell unequal to the occasion./do not blow their horns all the} aigerpman McCatfery also it Co., which hurried away, setting| ith the comfort and style of Pa | ‘ied upon Representative Man's Central Source of There were so many phases to/time, just once a year at this sponded briefly to the same/® Straight course for the scene American models. Scott, Froud ), Wood of Grook Lountly,| Power will be the subject of the lige of de leamnaneil baw that particular time. Giohsenail® cite noe ) of. the euach, sscteinn te 6 ts b Gn bad eet toes é a pl Lem and a Demoerat, Rev. Warren H. MeLeod’s sermon a preferred to overlook the patriotic” to the home, to their vr ; ial aia , : over a couple of hours. They ment of these chess and ib led ve. This Wood proceeded | tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock shortcomings and think only of|native land and to the Empire. 2 oe ery, Pe discovered the three men in an{wit) convince you they are the ind Hunter yielded the) Rey, MeLeod will also deliver 4/1 |. Vonderful genius. The sweet- Independence was a character- nr 7: a Was 're-loxceedingly exhausted and worn- best value on the market today aim lhereupon Pratt/ten minute address on “The ness of his songs had captured|istic of Seotsmen, but in Prince ere oo oor > out condition, Upon being taken 20-24 , esume the chair bim-| Prayers of Robert Burns.” Morn- he human heart the world over.|/ Rupert they could not be inde- - aaa _ - b = 4 on board everytibng possible was . : Wood sat staunehly in his ing worship at 11 Bible school H ve for plain, ordinary people| pendent because they had to ace ae meer 08 a * done to make them comfortable, , } Pratt, grasping him|2:30 p.m. Strangers and visitors was one of his most remarkable|hang on to party heelers. ro os aaa pe ew — - a the trawler returning with the Dance Tonight. pt ‘iders with both hands,|eordially invited All services) |) a racteristics, The speaker D, G, Stuart also responded to Hs me ‘bee a ob pe rit rescued men to Davis’ float about Don't miss the dance in MeIn- ew h Violently off the plat-|held in MeIntyre Hall, Third ay likened him te St. Franeis, the|**Bonnie Seotland in @ most]. , ‘nae i 9 hatin 10 o'clock last evening. Thejtyre Hall tonight. Gentlemen's ! Wood struek on both}enue, near Sixth street sweet singer of Assisi. He had|pleasing style. He referred to -> oy oo Oe ae ev men, although having experienced] (ickets $41.00, ladies free. Danc- ‘id his face, but promptly _— " " a heart familiar with nature, liv-|the beauty of Seotland, the fer- some of the Scottish scenery it|® decidedly tough time, will be ing at 9:30, 305 ' rushed back to the Subseribe for the Daily News ine o itural, spontaneous life.|tility of its valleys and the mag- nid bene Rae eseune to oo oy | none the worse for their adven- a Every @ he met was a goddess|nificence of its cities. He ree- ae Smale’ aa, referring cane ture and are feeling mighty glad The G. T. P. steamer Prince and no queen ever had sweeter}ommended al! of his audience ticularly to his visit to Ayr, the to be back onee more amongst John left last night on her reg- ENTY | songs sung to her than this im-| when they had made their for- birthplace of Scotland's bard. the haunts of men, ular trip to Masset, « mortal bard sang to his com-|tune in Prinee Rupert to take a The scenery was such that « man This morning the Westholme ti rades here was a buoyancy trip to Bonnie Scotland, of Burns’ spirit could not fail to Lumber Co, sent the tugboat Me. For the best value in Bootes ON L ONSTRUCTION nd 20 OO ee mam Saaes So Sonate wee: PEO h write poetry. Culloch over to Stevens Island to and Shoes of every description (hat wes never seourged with;posed by Mr. H. F. MeRae. He : Pal : : 4 salve the seow and if possible Scott, Froud & Co., 3rd A bitterness Even in his later|made an appeal for the holding Our Kindred Societies" pro- bring it back to the city. Onee}*’’ "°° *Pou a SS om. Se ears, When cramped with dis-|of frequent gatherings of citi. |PO8¢4 by the chairman was re- again the effleacy of wireless 30-94 NNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL & SAULT STE. MARIE RAILWAY WILL | crushed with pauperism/zens for the purpose of getting sponded to by A. H. Silversides, telegraph d t i WILL BUILD SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES IN ae optimistie and cone for- better Teouninted with one an.| {0 the Sons of England, and J, re ars lh the eed of lite Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. WESTERN CANADA. vard to the time “when man tolother. Such gatherings would G, Brady for the Irish, at sea is brought prominently be. Phone 4, Jan, 24 Phe eae Peal etion of new lines in the west in will brithers be.” Optimism,|undoubtedly boost the city. bovune ane oii spepeees fore the public as coins tii “t. Paul & Sault Ste Altomether 750 miles of new track |said the speaker, is what has Responding to this toast, W. ee splen- : - Peter's Church, Cove. ' hie Railway will onal oan et a te nennast with wo] meds Beotland the great nation| Williams said that as a or —r Find it through a Daily News Evening service every Sunday / this year in the ae cP. R. in Alberta jit is today Phe verses of Burnsidian he was glad to welcome to (Continued on Page 4.) Want Ad, : al 7:30 o'clock, | .