Tne eee ey ee THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Darry, per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly im advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—® cents per inch. Contract rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. Cc. Telephone *. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New Youn —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SuaTrLe—Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, EnGLanp—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Susscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Nias DAILY EDITION BRITAIN NEEDS No CONTRIBUTION. in Wilfrid Laurier, huge national saving shown by Great Britain, Mr. Borden pro- tide the Empire 25, Saturday, Jan. 1913. | And im face of Uus merease Canada’s gross debt and the Sir discuss- img the navy bill, said that i ie poses to was nol Canadas money Great an emergency by pouring Britain needed, bul Lhal what $35,000,000 into a treasury the situation called for Was which admits of allowances iv- the reduction of the debi of the ships to be manned and main- tained by Canada, forming a United Kingdom. And this e is oO ep adde« Oo Can- Canadian tieet as part of the money is ww De added t an ada’s debt, borrowed in Eng- imperial navy. This is ampiy borne Out by the position of British finances as shown in the statements vi the government regarding the national debt. These show that while ail the other nations of Europe have for years been land and the interest to be paid to British capitalists. FAVOR ABOLITION OF DECORATIONS piling up debt upon debt in the Movement in Worway Which mad race of armaments, Great Has Made Rapid Head- Britain has been reducing her way. public debt at a rate never paralleled since nations be- Christiania, Norway, Jan. 24.— came sulliciently civilized to have public debts In fact,|4 movement has been started in since 1904—a period during Norway in favor of the abolition almost the whole of which|of decorations. Liberal governments have been in power in England—the gross British national debit has been reduced by the stupendous sum of approximately $500,000,000. in the year 1903-04 the Brit- ish “deadweight debt was £770,778,762. From that time ouward the debt has been steadily reduced—with the ex- M. Thorne, a cabinet minister and a former speaker of the Siorthing, has set an example by declining the Grand Cross of Saint Olaf, the highest distinc- tion ia Norway, which the King receplly conferred him in recognition of his services, es- pecially at the time Norway de- clared her independence and the ception of one year—until 4|/ dissolution of the Swedish-Nor- statement just issued for|wegian union took place. 1912-13 shows the debt to be In returning the £674,744,567. That is, in Can-|M. Thorne thanked His adian money, the debt has de- ereased from $3,853,8903,810 to $3,373,722,835, or an abso- jute reduction in the national debt of $480,170,975. The “Weary Titian” does not seem badly in need of money for purposes of emergency. This was reasonable, Great Britain havme reached the years of maturity when except for sudden exigencies such as war she should properly expect to reduce her debt. But dur- ing the same period Canada, as upon that he was doing his duty as a Norwegian citizen in refusing it. Coming from a strong Conserva- tive, this action shows how wide- spread is the objection to decor- ations in the country. In the Storthing there are 82 members who control a majority against decorations. They have already submitted an amendment to the constitution in this respect, which is certain to be passed, Did you ever know a man who a young nation, forging her|was stubborn as a mule to be way ahead, increased her gross’ credited with horse sense? national debt from 8364,962,- oo 512 in 1904 to $508,338,591 in Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women’s Ailments, Or. Martel’s Female Pills, at your druggist. 1912—a total increase of $143,- 376,079, practically all of which is invested in the National Transcontinental Railway. SEE — = ——_— —_—_——— —IN THE— Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley FARM easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000.00 rHE DAILY NEWS Salurda ~~ QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Ss Soe THIRTY YEARS AGO 0°00 3 soe CHARLES HARRISON TELLS OF ‘TRANSPORTATION DIFFI- CULTIES IN THE EARLY DAYS — MAIL SERVICE is NOT KEEPING PACE WITH GROWTH : The Vane ished uver Sun in a recent issue pub an interesting ew wii Charles Harris« Masset, wh recently south with @ delegation of Y ha e Islanders for the pu pos f securing, if possibile, be ial, passenger and freigh vice Mr. Harrison set Queen Charlotte ILsiands irs @@0 @8 &@ thissionary 4 « the Indians. Referring early experiences of Mi and Mrs. Harrison the Sun says They crossed Hecate Sirail lividing the mainiand f Lhe islands, in an Indian wa Ave paddied by six stalwart Indians, landed upon @ strange sh and among strange Indians, who had seen few white men bel Theu escape from death in a heavy storm as they ssed was mir- aculous and their hardships may be imagined when it is consimer- ed that ii was necessary to throw erboard almost ail the baggage so that the long canoe would not sink with the added weight of the water in which they sat waist jeep, unable to bail fast enough Mr. and Mrs. the me Harrison are well ved in all rth country by Indians as well as white for both had much to do with not only the education of the Indians but in the upbuilding of the group of Islands popula- | tion the five years} has increased from a score lo persons whose within last probably 2,000. | Every Six Months decoration, | Majesty! for the honor, but said he thought | Nechaco Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on In the days when the Harri- sons first went to the Queer Charlotte Islands, Indian canoes were the only means of crossing from the mainiand, but now there are fairsized steamers, but | these at times find it unsafe to jventure through the treacherous strait where the Harrisons, 31 | years ago, made a safe passage iin a canoe. Mail in those days ae at long intervals and the daily papers the Harrisons used ito open up and begin reading one | ja day until they had caught uy; with the news of the world. And they were glad enough in those days to get any mail once in six months. | Among the especial business | lof Mr. Harrison here now is to} make a complaint on behalf of} the northern settlers, about the) poor mail serviec by the Grand the | hundreds of} Trunk steamships. Despite fact that there are settlers now, the mail service is nothing like it should be to ac- commodate the rapidly growing district. Mails come twice a month, and just before Mr. Har- rison left there had been no mai! ve three weeks and then a stea- mer arrived with the ment there was no mail sthough there should have A large petition to the govern- ment, boards of trade and officials was at onee prepared and a commit. | announce- aboard been. FARM LANDS VANCOUVER, B.C. the worth’ of the country after| CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Effort is Being Made to Substi- the post office department, | jt the se bills Want Ad Masset t back up the aint Substcntial Increase who rsons have not tention especially turned Georgetown catty ome’! Sawmill Co. Ltd. cena’ 'ot tne, Des the 1 cil Mouldings A large stock of dry finish ‘ scarcely | eve the is changes which are g place the Why. three arcely 50} Graham Is j nd There must be ire ago there were s white persons 2000 now} f there is one And there has ing lumber on hand. Boat ' and boon mining lumber a specialty Delivery ot . made at short notice. a ract atte sii Our prices are as low as any thorough investigation Call on us before ordering. 4 the settlers are looking great mprovements this] ar for the ec: viry is be m-| OFFICE: g widely know Our prine pal whack now is p anspor EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. tatior and mail service We Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. ght have ail service at east o1 a week in winter and summer 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 British North America 76 YEARS iN BUSINESS IN WASHINGTON CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 The Advantages of Bank Money Orders for transmitting small sums tute Life Imprisonment— Bill Before State Leg- istature of money are four. They j are easy to procure—easy to Olympia, Jan. 22—Seeking aid cash — safe — inexpensive. n his fight to abolish capital We issue them at the follow- punishment in Washington, Re- ing rates. presentative Frank Goss today, $5. or under—3e, $10 to $30—10c. sent an invitation to Governor $5 to $10—6c $30 to $50—15¢, Oswald West of Oregon to ad These Money Orders are dress the Legislature -here in payable at par at any Branch support of the former's bills ab- of any Chartered Bank in shing the death penalty Canada (Yukon Territory The Goss bills which were in- excepted), in the principal troduced-before the House today cities if the United States provide for life imprisonment and in London, Eng. nstead of death as (he punish. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ment for first degree murder and F. S. LONG, Manager, sane for Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 A.M. “PRINCE JOHN” jranby Bay, Stewart, Naas, ti « Sth, 10th, Mareh Sth snd Naden Harbor, 12 p. m Jan. 1000 ‘ March 7th, @ist *. gat aliford Bay and other Queen Char Ja ith, 26th, Feb. Oth, 23rd, Ma G@. T. P. RANLWAY PASSENGER stRvice ? leaves Prince Rupert 10 4. m Wednes simpson Grand Trank Railway System (The Double Track Route) m rates in effect, Choice of r ccoursioms and fast trains of the Grand Agency for all Atlantic Gteamehip Lines. Fo: all infermat'« A. E& MCMASTER, Jeneral sev Savoy Hot Cor. Fraser and Sth | Seranr's PALACE oF ex rs apply te B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE | AS —_—_ UE PRINCESS PACIFIC LINE Pit * #6 Open COMFORT “THE IROQUOIS POOL 5. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE Southbound—Sat., Jan. 25th, 8 pm. — English and America ards 4. @ MNAB, Generel Agent | Twelve Tables ND AM SSS — Empress Bowling Alley AND POOL ROOM UNION S.S. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd 4 ALLeys +2 TABLES Best Pitted ~ a. rious @ The Twin Screw Steamer H. E. ROSS, Prop. aré Ave 6 99 mamas Venture — Arrives from Vancouver Every LINDSA STORAGE ” MONDAY NIGHT G. T. P. Tramsfer Agents nes reasonatie, Orders promptly filled = Pr Sails for Port Simpson, Naas River Points 's promptly OF FICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre = Phone ® and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m “ COAL New Wellington Ceal. Coast Phone 116 Sails for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. Best on Rogers Steamship Agency Rogers & Bad ogers Phone 116 SONS OF wana Meets every Thursda p PPALOS™ “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8600, Vancouver, B.C. Eas THE AFTERMATH Usually the day following Christmas brings with it unpleasant recollections of friends who have been inad- vertently overlooked in the matter of Christmas gifts. Isn't it fortunate that New Year's Day follows so closely and gives us an opportunity to make amends for our oversights during the Christmas rush. While the past stock, unbroken. New Year's week's shopping made very heavy inroads into our the assortments in each line are practically We have a large range of beautiful things for gifts. CONSULT OUR CATALOGUE, Stick Birks S Sina, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C THERE “ou FILTHY BAND WAGON FOR. GERMS —10U WALKING PEST HOUSE — STAYIN THERE AND PURIFY! at 319 3rd Ave All Norwegiaa are welcome. PRINCE RUPERT INN AND *Valhalia’’ of S.H. ath (SCAN DINANIAN SocIr Meets every 2nd and 4t! p.m. in the hal] at 319 Sra Ave ANNEX ;— D. C. STUART jesday a! Accountant 308 2nd Ave. Phone Auditer for the City of Prince Rum PRINCE RUPERT, 8. © ; Alex. ™. Maneon, B. A. W. E Williams, 6. A, ULE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Box 786 Prince Rupert, && Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service. §) are equal to any hotel on the coast. PRINCE RUPEE JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING on, Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. — 3 a eg meq. 4k” G. A. Sweet, Manager. | SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd A’ Phone 174 UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Puneral Directors e Na ® 8rd Ave. near 6th St i E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embdaine CHARGES REASONASLE 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND Nioh! ve. Works: 2nd Ave. bet. ith and Sb BO “TRY A NEWS WANT AD 1