Saturday Ne . THE DAILY NEWS ————— Senger ——————— wt "| a Seen AT THE THEATRES. Busy Bee Cafe , - = ’ ’ — < When You Want a Plumber in a Hurry ONE 340 “The News” Classified Ad cuneie “o-Daie I WasTenn PLumeina a SUPPLY 00 e INews ass S. cpt ates loereme oc oe, : d as regards Open Da ts | re business Rarer |} ==(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertio THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— adit 3 8 evening at CIGARS TOBA ~ Furniture Bargains | , / Weneed R oe 0 : post " 2nd Ave. Below non an rm vonderful still are as also the | Magazines :; Period . ee 0 eae Little’s NEWS Ageng L a ae, en 20-25 = i The H ] F i e Co |- ee WANTED—Male stenographer. Apr : ee ee Brady ity is s ieee mice ee sett Sila AeeIC pal sipaigu, il a India ; 7 onan a, S.A, rticuls nw ; and balance in one year. j to new directors for the en- | For ND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS. mating that he would be in the|™ gether with the wm -. Located : . eet aie 1007 Robson Street, Vancouver, i . erfé ed horses, are paasee mayest | li ie ALSO jsuing year. | Express paid one way on $5 rders,| field agai He was gving south " " KEEFE & DORREL The two best lots in Block 28, facing on Sherbrooke street By order of the Board poms ways om Sit eders. Write h i ‘ ceeded — enle great wa . for rice list 25atr i as i le anid V Aid d aii ' for $1,100.00; haif cash and balance arranged. This W. M. WRIGHT , , ; ; e, a - be seen | ‘ r o—. a tie Doas : ‘ ‘ fey , ‘ i ; . 7 will make an ideal reesidental site very soon Enquir 10.28 . ; ; ~@ ‘et ing h iid for Prin ye appre ited, as words cannot PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 ~23 anaging Secretary rt j ‘ , ' , and you will find that lots in same locality are sell- ee oe For Sale {| Kupert. He was proud of the | udequat bescribe Phers , A , ing for $600.00 each. { cal press and had received many|W48 @ crowded house last night = ~ many Dealers i ; To secure above bargains quick action is required, so favors at its hands which w doubtless be repeated | a eall or hone nce » exe a IMMANUEL STREET—Lev« lane corner, iga this eve am, the ast op 4 phone at once the exclusive agent - Church S r ces- Sox100 ft; @ snap: 4900; 9400 cash|| WJ. Raymond and D. B. Tas ie ills *- HAY, GRAIN FEED AND vi au tier Co ird avenue 6-2¢ - 5 » oe 5 Th ' . v briefly responded, UO. H. Ne eee FOR SALE—-Pairbanks- Morse stationary ; . ad spect i feature fiin . omas McClymont aera capes” | RSS ET ME eon, Meine unevenly abe , SEEDS 523 3rd Ave. Phones 45 and Green 395 RES ret class shape. Apply P. O. Box 1609.) when the toast was propos Majestic. Services every Sunday im the Prince Rupert g0itr 4 is pros ed | Chureh Hail at 11 am. and ‘ . Empress Theatre at 730 p.m ow gh sacrifice pair beautiful view Interspersed with the speed hes| Phi Majesti« may be Sunday School at 2.30 p. m iots, Block 40, Section 8, Eleventh ave o : a ‘ o oaing . —_— _ - - REV. P. W. KERR MA. en Only $800 pair This is way be.|Were a number of excellent] iu ; ‘= Agents for the International Stock Fas their real value Law-Butier Co.,/| x; ch songs which . pee . sister moving pieture in a€ 24-30 & > THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH One improved N Standara| heartily applauded Those wh itres Prince Rupert t it Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the | 2°00. 22°02) lis". or eee B cunaeed)neorely sopleuded. s right (hese Ginn Sotase ts] AK GMNENS PRSerTLY arrmen 1 Services every Sunday at 11 2,5 feet capacity, in first class condi es % = Cyvensng & Cl 4 C.H.1.C. in Less Than Twenty Months || = 2.05.2 So tion, together wiiK full equipment, aiso| Jo¥ment were James Black, A.|the qua the entertainment y rom ee tn + ™ Baraca camp equipment, stored in Vancouver. | , ADI e M WA y jaf led No expense is spared THE “ Apply r Thomsen, Secretary Grahan ee S55e) an 7 REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor Island Fuels Syndicate, 449 Homer|Brown, James Kelly and James| g the ry best films nn Street, Vancouver P14 -9¢ 5 "ae Stee ha ey can tair V Witt All Loans Made Bear Per Cent. Interest THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH [| | Steen ec a Westholme Lumber (p, SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE | ; : , he poy 1 and energetic pro-| at the Rate of Per Cent. Per Annum Services every Sunday. at an aia WG. Benen ta weeps ctl On ee ol tlio a.m. 3 p.m. u y ecitations fairly enthused thel' School at 2.30 p.m. | } ertair goes the right way to First Loan made April 22nd, 1911 $500.00 REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor jlarge gathering Lb. M. Ba re Sie Cinihines Graph . ——--—- - cited “The Charge f the Light|~ , a . Loans made during month of ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ie ae 4, + ea le : ““lfilms whieh are shown weekly Lumber and Mouldin § ee eS errr $4,000.00 Cor. Ft a Ave bet and — : man hn — eae" _ e a great attraction, partic § Seconc nday Afte | . A g the eve : . ° ‘ . Loans made during month of Christmas. Morning pray Ide &- ee eee ee ee oe a : € A. G. Gray larly to the large number of Old All Kinds of Building Suppl : er and holy communion at eakfast; modern house; terms reason-| ofliciated t th pi aving ? ES OGD Stree se ve rh Ch cpeece $17,000.00 11 Sunday school at | a Phone Black 408, 521 Fifth Ave.| ~ ; — _— ntry people resident in Prince 2:30 p. m. Evening pray we near Catholic Hall 20-2 coteh and other airs with grea : nietine the 2:30 p. = € pra) ‘ ( de et is hey do so} Loans made during month of er at 7:30 rO RENT—Furnished house, Sth Ave. W_;| enthusias ind effect : 7 ON tet $22,000.00 REV. E. C. BURCH, RECTO! | 5 rooms and bath; all modern imprové any scenes places familiar | Firet Avenue Phone 10 ’ om onectionyininisilgii os } ments Apply P. 0. box 909 Phone Phe offic s and embers w ‘ hie the I ade dur t f Gree 8 ; n 1 great p f the audi wee nade 7 uring month o $34 THE "SALVATION ARMY CITADEL ]| eee ~ : lala las bine ah ,| Had charge of the arrangements ‘ rhe entire bill last even / al g 00 00 3 0 } el \ she ouses, close ; ho - oveinber, 1912 wc cceteeee 3 ° Sunday services at 11 yee ld water; baths; pian first class} are ¢t be most heartily congratu ne was @exce ent and is sure of , J am,3andsp.m. Sun | uiture and ranges; 5 rooms eact ba a . End of November, 1912, Loans day “School, P30 Pp. m i Pattullp & Radf a " 7 ? ited upon the omplete success|drawing a big crowd when it is ne Ou e pending (being put through).. $65,000.00 a oe sere f the evening. Mine Host Peter| produced again this evening | ¢ day and Saturday. Black provided a sumptuous Loans made and other Loans in CAPT. AND. MAS TUTTE NOTICE. spread in splendid style vo d Empress. . 3 read in splene s » and dis. ; process thereof during the a pas Omipers Take notice that the partnership for ved 1 4 ‘ ‘ (2000 pictures, excellent musi . 942 merly existing between Albert Matzen and} !**)®@ fiuch laste 1 the cosy heerf j : rowd * month of November, 1912.... 9 e | re ee ae ate Ernest Biesold in the Eagle restaurant bas| decorations. ind a cheerful and merry crowé : vs been dissolved by mutual agreement All , are ilways to be found at the a . - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. accounts due the firm are now payable to Itogwether he Burns banquet ‘ } December 15th, 1912. Loans ce Albert Matzen, who will pay all bills ow-| ¢ 444 oe. FONG Empress Theatre. Last evening | rr N rT made and in process to date.. 9 e ng by the firm W-jan. 20-feb. 3}"’ vid will be recorded as the}, particularly attractive pro- t A i Tenders will be received up to 5 p. m sieear Bere most successful ever pulled off], imme was presented nelud. | . NES SOLD. ti - ere we peOee ‘UG. See Our Representative. Jan. 27th for the erection of a store build Prince Rupert, B. C,, January 15, 1913.)'" Prince Rupert. ng a number of excellent films , Cry ing on Second Ave. for the Acme Clothing| - —_— aocinenean oon esaias ! i } I | S : e i * Co. Plans and specifications may be seen WATER NOTICE. f both a amusing and serious The Canadian Home Investment Co., Limited)»: 0: 2° se: wsine —— we ret. Senetae siete! ” oven For a License to Take and Use Water, On Thursday evening last at|ways means a bumper eosin ee ensh ond me _— "7 Head Office: 2nd Fioor Pacific Block, Vancouver, B. C. ee Notice is hereby given that Jock Bonnar, MeIntyre Hall the Loyal Order of}when this same bill will be put years at © per c Local Office: Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert, B. C. of Kitsumkalum Lake, will apply for s li] Moose held their first dance since|on again for the last time before | poses water out of Douglas Creek, which|the inauguration of a branch of|'he films are packed away in their —— . , }fows in @ westerly direction through Lots 6 » . order j . ~Oxes once ‘ Prince Rupert Fire Alarm System 1432 and 1521 and empties into kitsum this wetl known order in the City . - more and shipped] ‘Samuel Harrison & Company al kalum Lake near 8. W. corner Lot 1432.)0f Prince Rupert. There was a]south, to proceed on their jour-| | The water will be diverted at @ point 1,500] ). 0, attendance f at Fie | Brokers and Financial Agents CIRCUIT NO. 1. feet from the mouth of said creek and wui|‘@?ée attendance of members and|"ey arther afield to furnish Se A Pri Rupert Box 5th St. and 3rd Ave > uae re ae And coma 1 mh ry their friends and a most enjoy-|!aughter and entertainment to| cond Ave. rance . . 4 , Gescribe 45 soulher u on 0 VW v3 a oa 9 mo a “ This notice was posted on the ground) 4ble lime was spent. If this sue-|(housands of others in the town s| _ in as io a ota RLS Pe ek cessful affair is a criterion of}|and cities of the Pacific Coast | (te ® ee ae 3rd Aves the JZ ater oe tT eee ‘i how the Moose intend to enter- vers es 105. Ubjections may ee e with ne Sal P Box 16-—ist Ave., between 8th and Water Recorder or with the Comptroller lain Upon an occasion of this| THE FIRE BRIGADE | Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) j}orf Water Rights, Parliament Buildings,| kind it is amply evident they 6 ‘ | Vietoria, B. C . ’ ‘ MADE A QUICK RUN) ‘orae Bes tF-—-ist Ave. endy7th St. (Cen JOCK BONNAR, Applicant. | ean to be in no way behind the ae The up-to-date House Dec tral Hotel. g ‘ . ‘ j Jan, 23 & 30—Feb. 6 & 13, 1913 numerous other fraternal. so- Rina chek malel o. meds tors of Prince Rupert CIRCUIT NO. 2. r, | PS ataaaes eu quanwe's ons. cieties in the city in the matter ss th id . | co ie s . 5 e ole si Z roes o = 2 oll ee oe of entertaining, although they = oor before Sign Writing. Se IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLD e the on , you could say Jack Robinson,” | aa @ox 23--3rd Ave. and McBride ait ae PUNCR REPEAT are the youngest and latest addi- Box 24 ist Ave. and McBride Nf Nc : . om . the big city fire engine turned out | P H i JAMES D. PEESLES and Others, Plainums;| 40" to the ranks. ( ire engine turned out aper- anging cola een Mathieu’s Syrup Ave. and 2nd St, . ; 1s IC - : Ve -— ,-o j at Box 26-—2nd QUEEN CHARLOTTE FISHING CO., LTD., vile ientusilcadia last evening at 6:20 in answer to| ar and Cad Lever 6S Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6m 8t Defendant. TY ‘ k of th : il th j j Our Speciaities —O, T. P. By virtue of a warrant of execution, le main track o le railroad|@ ca in 1@ Viceinily of Lighth |} not only # cough but cures = issued in this action, and to me directed,| a+ iho f Sag ae or, — CIRCUIT NO. 3. i have seized of the goods of the Defend at the foot of Centre street, which | and raser streets. There was oods.” it, Its tome and restorative Box 31—5th Ave. and Fulton st ant, the following: was completely buried a couple|@ little blaze owing to an explo-| ‘We always deliver the g ; sagen 2 schooner rigged fishing boats; . = Green properties enable the system to Box 32——Borden and Taylor Sts. 1 sawmill; of weeks ago through the blow-|sion of gasoline, a mattress |&nd Street Phone 156 G Box 34--71h Ave. and Fulton &t. i small stock of merchandise; ing u the huge roc : at |catet » fire s permanently throw off a cold. Box 36-—-9th Ave. and Comox Ave 1 bunk and cook house; & up of the huge rock pile that|catehing fire in the I. W. W.|— ) ee 1 office and store room; was in close proximity to the|building. It was instantly extin. | Box 378th Ave. and Dodge Pi. 1 saltery and fertilizer building; ylatform is nearly cles | ruished, and 35¢ for large bottle. Box 38--61h Ave. and Thompson 8t. A lot of tools and other articles. Ame early Cleared of the|#®utshed, and no damage of any * a quneuty Ne. 4. walle oo wales 5 onal oe by debris, the train probably being |a@ceount was done The br igade | Prince Rupert Fire Box 41—-ith Ave. and Emmerson second day of January, 191%, at 3 o'clock able to come right through tojare certainly to be congratulated | Pi. ae afternoon, at my oMice, Prince RU-lihe terminus in a few days’ time,|upon the smartness of their | | * P - ° Box 42--ith Ave. and McBride &t Dated at Prince Rupert, Nov. 9, 1912. LR work, which was commented on i 4. MATHIEU CO. Pop. SHERBROOKE Alarm System Directions to Operate Box 43-—5th Ave. and Green 8t JOHN SHIRLEY Find it through : j . : I LEY, gh a Daily News|most favorably ; the stree , Box 44--61h Ave and Basil St Sheriff of the County of Atlin. | \\ant Ad ’ ad : on the treets | Box 45-—11th Ave. and Eberts. The above sale is hereby postponed un ast night | Box 141--7th Ave, and Young St th Wednesday, the 4th day of February, | , . 1913, Prince Rupert, Dec. 18, 1912 JOHN SHIRLEY, 17-29 Sheriff, c On ee Sy _ oer ie ; Best in Footwear Best in Footwear = 1 tie i see ed's} JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE For a License to Take and Use Water. the following described foreshore 1, BREAK GLASS. 2. TURN KEY TO RIGHT AND OPEN DOOR — —— —_ — Commencing at the southwest corner of W 4 j Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, British e have greatly reduced prices on dependable fc olWear € KNOB Notice is hereby given that o. R. T.| Columbia, which is on the high water line; such as are only equalled once in a long while. Come aah 3. PULL WHIT ’ Sawie, of Prince Rupert, will apply for a|thence west seven hundred (700) feet al 6 pf Go. conse to take and use ten (10) inches of|thence worth twenty-two degrees and look over our special values for yourself. We will be pleased DOWN AND LET water out of an unnamed creek which/furty-fve minutes west (N. 22:45 W. to show you vewe _ an conterty Grecia through Lot) twenty-eight hundred (2800) feet; thence ; ye 4 PERSON SE noi nG »6 and empties into Goose Bay near south) north ten degrees west (N, 10:00 W ° he ia one ole polut ab weter wil be di-lrorty-four bundred and seventy (4470 | Migh cut Gun Metal Blucher || yjon’s Just Wright ' ALARM SHOULD . Thousands readers are missi our oO ° mnt about 500 feet fromifeet; thence east seven hundred (700 ‘ low heel; reg. 63.50; sale ; Shoes on AL of mathe of OUR FAMOU ffer to send ma our large | mouth and will be used for domestic pur-| feet’ to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway $2.76 Gloon us”: and “Goinsum MAIN UNTIL ARRIV sange Of patterns US S SUITS or OVERCOATS eee the land described as Granby Bay! right-of-way; thence south seventeen de Hoots, same as above, but fasts, in Diack and tan, lace of OF FIRE BRIGADE TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued t ‘ grees and forty-one minutes east (8. 17:41 reg. $3.50; sale price 62.78 A ake | ti : $20). 7 i value »y Our This notice was posted on the ground ck.) © high water mark, following the weat dark tan high cut Boot . lressy shoes; reg peo © ogether with patterns we will also send a tay pe ‘ea mee moe f he} Loundary of the Grand Trunk Pacific Kall low heel; reg. $3.50; sale 90.00 and § ule price $4.00 A signal of two be Pi « he office o . Spee, Schon plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, | Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. - ony Cantos Wag, Seren Ganeree Site sds phic $280 || Men's Gun Metal Blucher Boot Fire Hall signifies a E. Objections wu z ee ) thence southerly following ue BOtes a or mm calf high lee . 2 ~ Sa in have rd to read our book of testimonials and you wea rd ne water mark, sixty-two hundred and fifty | Blueher Boot, military heel, Good Wing last, medium heel; 4 splen is extinguished w convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for |of Water Rights, Pariiament Bulidings,| (°?°° feet, more " less 2. point of} ren welt; reg. $7.50; sale id Hitter ree ’ sale p ' tal fie *) comp nt, exce orton a) ries ersons ‘ ' value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Victoria, B. © aoa age las a lg AE vt es oso || $3.86 6. KR. T. BAWLE false alarm are Ade for . eovered by the Grand Trumk Pacific Rail sommes ws OUREON win, Clogher Syndionce, ee ee _ | ent oar as ate RENWORTH & JEFFERSON ~- chie, Agne Co,, Surveyors an ‘ | . “ venue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS sinners, Agents Bost in Footwear Bost in Footwear Please meniion this Advertiscment Dated Prince Rupert, B. C., December ard, 1042. penalty according BY ORDER D, Mel Fire |