an er ' " ga'** alive meting S ~— ROULATION EXT MAILS ;araeeT oO} | Fer Legislative Library ™ q Venture. ; PRescay, 2 pm. | British COLUMBIA Yoorere or, i tender’ te. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL, IN, NO. 22. PRINCE RUPERT , B. C., MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS —— BRITISH CABINET WILL DROP THE FRANCHISE B —— TS UNITED BALKAN FORCES WILL ATTACK ~ ADRIANOPLE—TURKEY UNDER MILITARY RULE WILL INVESTIGATE BALKAN FORCES EXPECTED = TO ATTACK ADRIANOPLE. COMBINED FORCES EXPECTED TO CONCENTRATE ON ADRI- ANOPLE AND BRING WAR TO A SPEEDY Government nounce Investigation Into Al- leged Coast Coai Combine. Special to The Daily News. CLOSE. Victoria, Jan. 27 It is con- special to The Daily News “a Y ———$—_————-] sidered probable that the gov- , = is ‘ih aul Agricultural Society Meeting ernment will announce this week Ji 24 j e eve | Om ar What will constitute the first{the appointment of a commission he resumption of hostilities z ral meeting of the Northern] to investigate the alleged coal Turkey and the Balkan} ©. Agricultural and Industrial} combine in the coast cities. sates it is stated on good author-| Association will be held at the - —_—— - hat the allies will combine | ty hall tomorrow evening at 8 SOLOMON DERBY forces and attack Adrian. | ~~ The chief pusiness 10 | be transacted will be the elect- AT NOME, ALASKA pie. It is considered that map | x of directors and the submit- would be successful and}|,;; o > j « for e ‘sa- Sa a [ting of the bylaws for endors@-|iqeai Conditions Prevailed for the the war to an early close.|tion and final passing. It is hop- Annual Dog Races Held in the ed there will be a large gathering North—Record Time Made. 1 A. Maedonald, of the Omin-| if citizens, and that a live in- jterest will be taken from now on ; a Miner, is in the oily gor 8). one forming of plans for mak- Nome, Alaska, Jan. 25.—The s. Speaking of the condi-/in. the forthcoming fair to be}Solomon derby, the event of the it Hazelton, Mr. Maed N= | hy d next September something|year in the north, was won by s firmly convineed that|that Prince Rupert may be proud] john Johnson's team of Siberian d town will always holdjof, whilst aiding materially to wolves in six hours. Blaehford ne 8S See. eeerererns Sunes ome ony. with his team of Missouri bird iat district The merchants} s have too much money| Mr. Gower, public school in- hounds was second, Holmson pull up stakes and|spector, of Vancouver, arrived] with malamutes antl Mackenzie either of the new towns.|in the city last night from the in-] River huskies third and Allen ily. ali the trails, helterior. He will spend a few days}fourth. The finish was close and at old Hazelton nspecting the city schools exciting. Ideal weather condi- tions prevailed, the temperature being 30 below... Johnson's time UROPEAN POWERS DESPATCH for the return trip was five min- utes under three hours Mr. Solomon, who has donated a WARSHIPS TO CONSTANTINOPLE valuable trophy for this annual event, is a well known and wealthy mining man of the north, TY IS PRACTICALLY IN STATE OF SIEGE—YOUNG TURKS ARRESTING ADVERSARIES RIGHT AND LEFT—EX- CESSES MAY BE EXPECTED. TURKEY IS UNDER MILITARY RULE Jan. 25.—Constanti.|ted States ambassador at Con- practically in a state of stantinople, Mr. William We Young Turks Form Military Tri- according to despatches Rockhill, during the negotiations bunal with Zeeki Bey in for the conclusion of peace be- Charge. day by the peace dele- tween Italy and Turkey, described he allies. The Young) pjavid Bey, now head of the com- Special to The Daily News. earing that the reins Of|mitte of Union and Progress, as Constantinople, Jan. 25.—-The may again escape from) 4n irreconcilable. Djavid Bey/young Vurks today formed a "a a aishhn declared that Turkey would fight] military tribunal with Zeeki Bey hands, are said to be arrest- ; lin Tripoli as long as she posessed) in charge, practically placing bell political adversaries : oa , ja single soldier. Turkey under military director- bt and lef, searching houses| Italians in Danger. ship. i ¢iubs and contiscating docu-} i aiainiaiiaai scneeeniaeiesitiiaaii The position of the 500 Italian of now as so They hope in this way to| > 2 Turkey re- -~ The} carded precarious that express the opinion that) traly has despatched to Constan- ines any | tinople two of her best ithe San Marco and Pisa, and the \ith this prospeet in view, the| gunboat Archimede which is pre- residents is MILLION DOLLARS FOR TUBERCULOSIS CURE German Specialist Accepts Offer Made by Prominent New in Up opposition, circumstances ess nay be expected, cruisers, ropean powers are sending| pared to land 500 bluejackets. York Barker rships to reinforce the ordi- Ai the same time the admiralty ag guardships ‘stationed at|has ordered the entire Italian Special to The Daily News. istantinople, isquadron, now stationed in the New York, Jan. 27.—-Accepting laly is especially alarmed over|Grecian Archipelago, to hold it- the offer of a million dollars from banker, to elurh to power of the Young|self in readiness The remainder Charles E, Findlay, , rks, who were inexorable dur-|of the Italian fleet is at Taranto, successfully demonstrate his oe the war in Africa. The Uni-| within easy call. berculosis cure in America, Dr. F. F. Friedman, Berlin scientist, is scheduled to sail for New York at onee, according to an an- CONFERENCE A nouneement made here today. Darrow Trial Resumed. | Los Angeles, Jan. 27.—The : second trial of Clarence 8, Dar- row was resumed today with good LKAN PLENIPOTENTIARIES HOPE TO END WAR BY WELL) ine a jury. CONSIDERED PRESSURE UPON TURKISH DELEGATES. rhe second annual meeting of . a ee ae ihe Prince Rupert Amateur Dra- “"pecial to The Daily News. — matic Society will be held on rick Jan, 27 The Balkan FATAL FIRE AT PORTLAND Puesday evening, January 28th, lipotentiaries, who have re- Two Men Burned to Death When) *! © P Mm. in =. Frank Ellis’ of- ! powers from their re Their House Caught Fire. fices on 2nd Btreet. f ® governments, appointed —_——_ Mrs. Ethel Holland, who has itlee today to draft a Special to The Daily News been on a visit to this eity for * to the ‘Turkish plenipeten Portiand, Jan. 27.--Two meD}ihe last ten days = the guest explaining why the peace| were burned to death here this}/of Mr, and Mrs, Philpotts, re- ference must now be consid.| morning when the house in which} {jurned t Vancouver on Saturday 1 broken off It is boped the they were sleeping caught fireleyening on the Princess Beatrice 1t will be peady for approval and was completely destroyed.| Mrs. Holland, who will be remem. full delegation tonight,| The names of the victims were] hered so favorably as taking such ‘ction of the allies is part}|Jobn McIntyre and Lewis Frists,|a prominent part in the charm. ries of well considered| proprietors of a fuel company ing amateur musical show given f pressure with @bieh i a aes " by the loeal plerriots in aid of delegates hope to obtain Dramatic Society lihe Rowing Club, has been de- beet without resuming The meeting of the Prince Ku ehting Vaneouverites with her lpert Amateur Dramatic So iety |}singing lately, having appeared | called for Tuesday evening at 8|b th on the coneert platform and r 6e8s May arrived from) o'clock at the office of 1 \ at several social gatherings th this morning at 14:30] Ellis will not start until nine| Mrs. Holland hopes to return to ‘ith about twenty pas-|o'elock owing to another meeting | Prince ty oh on an extended Ke for Prince Rupert the same evening at 8 22.23 | visit later in the year COAST COAL COMBINE Expected to An- PRESIDENT TAFT Upholds Action of U. S. Govern- ment in Regard to Panama Canal Tolls. Baltimore, Jan. 27 President Taft at a banquet tendered him by the Merchants’ Association of this city on Saturday night up- {held the action of the govern- ment in regard to the Panama Canal toll exemptions and de- eclared himself in favor of arbi- tration before an impartial tri- bunal. Philadelphia, Jan. 27. Pro- fessor Johnson, special commis- sioner appointed by the United States government to investigate the question of Panama Canal traffic and the matter of tolls, in an address Saturday night, de- clared that free tolls should not be granted to coastwise shipping, will derive the greatest from the canal. which benefit A SISTER TOWN TO PRINCE RUPERT “Prince George” to be the Name of the G.T.P. Townsite on the Indian Reserve at Fort George Herald request for Fort Following a treorge ade finite information to lay before a public meeting regarding the name of “Prince George,” which it was generally believed would be the name applied to the Grand Trunk Pacific townsite on the old Indian the following message was received here: J. B. Daniell, South Fort George, B.C. message of PRINCE GEO- name of our reserve, Regarding your 30th December, RGR” townsite. is official BE. J. CHAMBERLIN This settles all doubt as to the authenticity of the report which has been current regarding this matter, and which is given pub- licity for the first time in this issue of The Herald. Prince Geo- rge will be properly regarded as a sort of sister town to Prince Rupert, as the same extensive preparations for a beautiful townsite of ance are being made here by the railway company as those which preceded the marketing of the Rupert site. HAZELTON SHIPMENT TO TRAIL SMELTER First Shipment Went South on Princess Beatrice Saturday Night. The first shipment of ore from the Hazelton mining district reached the city last week on the G. T. P. train and went south to the Trail smelter Saturday evening on the C, P. R. steamer Princess Beatrice. This initia! shipment came from the Harris Bros.’ mine at the interior centre and consists of an entire carload and is the first step in what bids fair to be a flourishing business that will increase in volume with permanent import- the next few years. Angus Stewart, the well known railroad contractor and mining man, who is heavily interested in the Silver Standard mine, has just returned from Hazelton and is authority for the statement that that peoperly is getting ready a large shipment for the south Arrangements have not vet been completed with a sme! ter for the treatment of the same At the present time sacked ore is |being hauled on sleighs with four teams in five loads | Excellent progress is being made iwith the work on account of the jsplendid weather eonditions pre. ivailing just now. jhorse ton FAVORS ARBITRATION ‘WAS NOT WRECKED | Been Wrecked in King William | Sound Proves Untrue. Special to The Daily News. Valdez, Alaska, Jan. ~The launch Helen with six occupants, 27. which was reported wrecked in King William Sound, sheller and all hands are FIRST VISIT OF NEW SCHOOL INSPECTO G. H. Gower, Public Sschool In- spector, Paying First Visit to Prince Rupert Schools. sought safe. G. H. Gower, the recently ap- pointed public inspector, succeeding J. T. Pollock, who has transferred to the New Westminster district, arrived in the city last night on his first visit of inspection to the schools f Prince Rupert. Mr. Gower a graduate of Acadia University, school been is Wolfville, N. S., and is a man of the highest educational attain- ments. Prior to accepting his present position he was principal of the Model School at Vancouver. Mr of weeks Gower will spend a couple Prince Rupert in- throughout the has expressed ased with the teaching in specting schools district. & he as well ple of the far himself efficiency cal staff. DISASTROUS FIRE AT EAST ST. LOUIS Three Firemen Burned in Con- flagration Which Devastates Business Section. Special to The Daily News East St. Louis, Jan. 26.—Three firemen were burned to death in a disastrous conflagration which destroyed blocks in the business last night. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION CAUSES DESTRUCTION Terrific Explosion in Paris Shook Houses for a Mile—Electric Surface Lines Destroyed. several section Special to The Daily News. Paris, Jan. 27.—A terrific ex- plosion of dynamite early today shook houses for a mile or more around the Chureh of St. Sulpice, in the southern part of Paris. A great fissure was opened in Rue Des Serves and electric surface lines were destroyed, Many were injured, but none fatally so far as has been learned. BRITISH CABINET DROPS THE FRANCHISE BILL o7 mee London, Jan. The British cabinet decided today to drop the franchise bill. The decision was in deference to the speaker's rul- ing that the form and substance of the measure would be so ma- terially changed by the amend- ment granting voles to women that it ought to be presented in the shape of a new bill. Roche's Pool Room I have 500 square feet of good advertising in my whieh can be used by Prinee Rupert Space allottments 2 x 6 First first space pool free of ner. room charge chants feet choice, © °o7 22.27 come Presbyterian Annual Meeting. The postponed annual meeting of the Presbyterian Chureh for at 8 o'clock in the on Fourth avenue. ehureh hall, PASSENGERS ARE SAFE Report That Launch Helen Had WOULD TREAT BACHELORS THE SAME AS DRONES THAT IS THE RECOMMENDATION OF REV. F. W. KERR, PRES- BYTERIAN PASTOR—MANY ASPECTS OF MAR- RIAGE TREATED LAST NIGHT. Speaking before a large con- gregation the Empress The- | atre last night on the “Meaning jof the Marriage Ceremony,” Rev.) | F. W. Kerr, Presbyterian minis- ter, made an unusually strong appeal to young men and women jto enter upon the sea of matri- |monial bliss. Marriage, he said, the supreme transaction in a man's life, and, he added, it means eveh more to a woman than to a man. Marriage is a theme that receives considera- lion everywhere aud particularly in the theatre and the modern novel. The pulpit, he thought, did not give the subject the at- tention it should. The tendency of modern times was for a new standard of morals for domestic life and the pulpit should use every effort to overcome this. Marriage was the great primal mecessity of nature. The pastor treated it in its threefold aspect —physical, mental and spiritual. The man who enters into mar- riage thoughtlessly is verging on social insanity. Kev. Mr. Kerr dealt with the shadows of married life as well as the roseate side. Modern so- ciety looks upon marriage as a contract between two persons, but Jesus looked upon it as the basis of the sanctity of the home. No man should remain unmar- ried unless on account of physi- cal defect or for the purpose of carrying out some great work in life in which he might be ham- pered by such relations. Bach- elors who give no thought to preparation for the married state should be treated like the drones. Marriage, said the preacher, is God's own instrument for per- fecting the human race. A large list of wedding notices may be looked for in the near future. ‘ BRITISH FRANCHISE BILL MAY CAUSE CABINET CRISIS GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION !S ALARMING—GREY’S THREAT IF CARRIED OUT WOULD CAUSE SERIOUS Crisis. al is Sd London, Jan, 23.—The woman ably involve the government ul- suffrage agitation has developed timately in the greatest embar- rassment of all. If Sir Edward Grey carries out his threat and votes against the third reading of the franchise bill, a cabinet crisis of the great- est gravity, reaching beyond his own resignation can hardly be avoided. In such a case the po- an exceedingly grave aspect. The following statement was made on high authority last night: “If the suffrage amendment is defeated and Sir Edward Grey that the decision has, not been arrived at on the merits of feels the case, without consideration : of, any possible danger to the| S!tion of the other cabinet min- government, he will feel com-|/*ters who vote for his amend- ment, David Lioyd-George, John Burns, Augustine Birrell and Sir Kufus Isaacs, to mention only the more prominent, would be ex- tremely delicate, and it is more than probable that his resigna- tion would be accompanied by that of one or more of his sul- fragist colleagues. Meanwhile the campaign is growing daily more fast and more furious. Paid canvassers in the outer lobby of the House are now supplementing the efforts of the members within the House to se- eure a victory in Friday's fran- chise fight. In Parliament Square the placard propaganda of the rival sandwich women adds to the ridiculousness of the game. Even the House of Commons post office is feeling the burden of the crusade, members receiv- pelled to vole against the fran- chise bill, ‘It was on the understanding that no consideration exeept that of suffrage should be allowed to enter into the division that Sir Edward Grey agreed to the course adopted by the cabinet in this in- stance, and Mr. Asquith will prob- ably make it plain this week that that is the attitude adopted by the cabinet,” With regard to the general question of suffrage, the House of Commons may be _ divided roughly into four great parties, namely: fi Those suffrage. (2) Those supporting woman suffrage. 3), Those supporting woman suffrage in a limited degree. opposing woman (4) Those who support Pre-|ing more literature for and mier Asquith before anything} against the enfranchisement of else. women than has ever been the case before in connection with a parliamentary proposal, developments, In the first place, deviopments. In the first place, Sir Edward Grey's amendment to omit the word “male" from the franchise bill may be defeated. In the second place, it may be passed, and then all the definite woman suffrage amendments may be defeated, In the third place, one or the other of the woman THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 29.881; maximum temperature, 45; minimum temperature, 40; precipitation, .74 inch. suffrage amendments may be F. M. MeCreedy, mining engi- passed in committee, neer, returned to the city last On the three alternatives, the}might after spending the past six defeat of Sir Edward Grey's|ayeeks in the interior, where he amendment would cause the gov-|has been in charge of develop- ernment the least embarrass. ment work on a mining proposi- ment, Its acceptance, followed{tion in which a number of Van- by the defeat of all the definite eouver people are interested, sulfrage amendments would cause the government the most trouble | jand serious embarrassment since A meeting of the Ladies’ Hos. pital Auxiliary will be held at the the election of officers and the/the) course taken by the House}@atholic Hall tomorrow after- transaction of general business|/would then have been most il-[noon at 3:30 o'clock. will be held on Tuesday evening|logieal. The aeeeptance, on the other hand, of one of three suf- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, frage amendments would prob. om .- “—*