Monday 2 : THE DAILY NEWS $$$. — manatee! | sir nite wel miderable ; See ee THE DAILY NEWS PREMIER M’BRIDE FAVORS he eco POEM SS. PRINCE RUPERT THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA rhe "ean : ! sid G NV Ls GRAND Published Daily and Weekly by : A C FLEET FOR CANADA .. aad ai mL leaves for Sanpouver, Victoria BLL THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | ee Toe \ and Seattle ine | ome cs oe sale oe FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and abit: en leon RICHARD McBRIDE PLEADS THAT GORDEN GE GIVEN pushed through to the b jar “PRINCE JON” per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All TIME TO WORK OUT HiS NAVAL POLICY—DE- in a few years. He had it on th et Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Nas Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly FENDS PROVINCIAL CIVIL SERVICE authority of a most | Sth, 19th, March 51 in advance. officia the Grea North : wod Naden Harbor tt 2 A. vm Victoria, Jan. 24—For more | tine Bie things like this could],,.., i A he < a ell 10 gene TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 0 cents per inch. Contract rates | a two hours yeste Fer after- be on e it dns a n ight | . Z oo ’ : I Par —" oT : ‘en, 2 in Feb. s in ty i Ma ve application. | noon Sir Riehard McBride de-' His arguments were identica le G st Ras ; . ' G. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER GER Vice HEAD OFFICE |fended himself and his govern-|with those advanced by the Lib-|).. 4 909 mer ' ne No. @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. m. Wednesday « Daily News Bailding, Third Ave., Prinee Rupert, B. C. Telephone 9. ee against the charges madej/era!l party at Ottawa, except that seat He. Worl, the . ' Grand Trunk Railway System Monday afternoon by Parker) he had the utmost confideftce that anit t - . i (The Double Track Route) BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Williams in his speech on the|Mr. Borden would solve the prob pleted witt . aw . th excursion rates in effect. Choice of r New Youx—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City address from the throne. Os-/\em if left in powe Feen the Canadian Northern had the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk SmatTLe—Puget Sound News Co. tensibly Sir Richard covered the; The planning of a Canadian! jrished 85 per cent. of RE ee Fa eek a on ms tom, con® whole ground. He missed not vy would take considerable ; . ‘ tminet und : ” ret - Clougher icate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar |“ betwee New Wes ste ind a ae ayes ae © ne subject, and what he had to}t e, but with the advice and as- Kai ne ind by nex ; say was plausible, but to judge |sistance of mechanical experts it] pono should be a train service Susscuisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of |)... the scant applause of his/could be built. One thing he in-|.... the poad from Vancouver | VICE nen-délivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. followers and the silence of the/sisted on was that the building), point within a hundred miles B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVIC! ——jalleries, it was not convincing.|of the ships was the least part Of] >...) gam oops voy Ho f DAILY EDITION pp Monday, Jan. 27, 1913.) After an elaborate introduc-|the diffieulty. When the ships|), addition to this there was th = tion he jiaunched out on thelwere- ready they would need ' ' ' the , nd AMOUS SAFETY ——— Oe es t ' i : ' expansion pi of the C. P. R. and Cor. Fraser and Sth question © the civil service,|crews, and the country should], ' » ins CONSERV. 10" OF who think these payments are| 7" ithe plan of the B. C. E. R. tor we etn SPEED ar babidhede it ieee. a. sar which is one of the burning ques-|}make ample provision for this in} s train line over the Pitt River PRINCESS PACIFIC | RUPERT S PALACE of ouned MOTHERHOOD : . tions of British Columbia politics | time } , - rena wre naidway ICE ~ " : the community to take from | I egard to the latter sche LINE SERV A bonus of 87.50 with free today. The service, Sir Richard] Sir Richard blamed the Laurier | ' ‘ \ Ie those who have more than they {Sir Richard said a sum would b IROQL Ol eGiical attemdance ‘for thé »,| Claimed, was as good and pure|government for the inability of n t stimates this ) { “medica 2 can use and give to those who | cluded in the ¢ nate h mother of every child born in have less than they need m| 2S @my in the world. He did not jthe province to keep out Orien-| oar to build a bridge over the Ss. §. PRINCESS BEATRICE POOL f F “ny appoint-'tals s gove ont e said | Britain to parents insured un- may not be the best way to deny that in making appoin tal ii governmer h * | river. Southbound—Sat., Jan. 25th, 8 pm. || d b t illustrates th correet the evils of unjust|'™e"'s the government had lis-jhad always been and was st All this railway development sos Eugiioh end Amer r the new act illustrates the > ore ws te the « 2 rie in | f¢ eping ; 7) fs ts e ad cat adele Ghiretion, but % promiass tened to the advice of friends in/favor of keeping British “|Sir Richard intimated, was th 4. @ W’NAB, Genera! Agent Pwelve Tables ROOND Avg co cote Dente io "| for the moment material re_|*"@¢ P@tty. but that was the cus-/bia for white men. Recently their) work of the government and had — i It és estimated that about a sults. ‘ft must tend’to give the tom everywhere and he saw no/views had been placed before the/poon inaugurated to help the | ’ os ‘ |Borden < stratior d he} oe million births a year will come| gebititated and submerged fault in it. Borden administration, an | pr ce first and the farmer within the provisions of the strength to devise and demand It might have happened that| Was encouraged to say that 1 the seme place } a 6. Empress Bowling Alen | law. This is part of an ur- : an official of the government had|relief from Asiatic immigration! pop, rring to the immense land te AN POO i I eode f eee ere eneeee are acted as chairme when he was|Would be granted by the Dom n-| es oa : wn @ Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and D L ROOM f gently n d effort to avert absentee idier spending an un-|* t a lairman ren h a jand timber sal which hav i Sheet Metal Work 4 ALLEYS 12 TABLED : , nak at a 2e : elion authorities ' ver vy -egime . r st | r i : bumen deterioration under the earned British income abroad] *Pe4king at a meeting during the}! e = . + - aii oti" ken place during his regime, he] Srd Ave Workshop || Best Fitted « Most | turious @ = conditions which develop from burdens the whole community|'@#te election, but he was not 2 Sen not understan jadmitted that the government} e174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and &th Sts il io het competition among landless} more than any possible systém|#¥4re Of the man’s position. He British Columbia eRaEsS not belied been blamed, but his defence| . RECs, Prep. ord Am i woskers. .The effort has not Sf -cubstdies er -gensiete could not be expected to know al! | able to manage ils affairs it this was-that the money from this] EMPIRE BATHS % come to soon, for some are home. Absenteeism draws up- these people, but he could say|respect as well as Australia ¢ 1nd | soure e had been used to pen cap tm cemn tak een tae arop il j already preaching despair and on the country as a whole, that whenever the opportunity other parts of the Empire, where | roads and develop the country.|in at the Empire Baths on Third Ave. rhe CARTAGE wa 1 concluding that decadence is while local indemnities andj°™¢Te’ the government had there were exclusion laws His} At any rate the people at the last sia oat o feneral surroundings = LINDSAY STORA ii far too eévanced to be check- persona! subventions make dis- warned the civil servants to take no tne of his land can kal lection had supported that p ch as oo to yee _— GE ed. A nation or race is doomed no part in the elections subtle, but unsatisfactory for the/iiny and the government were Opposite Majestic Theatre G. T. P. Transf te / if physical degeneracy contin- able. Shae aan insite. A proof of the integrity of the|f@™mers and settlers. It wi wild | cing to continue it KEEFE & DORREL | ‘ — i . . é . . ; ; be criminal, he declared, to bring | Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonatis H ues beyond the possibility of} tional decay Anas already been| service was that during his ten ' i wae eaten yin dangurctely delayed If suc} years’ term of office there had thousands of people into the} wien Tey’ trapere ae H. B. Rochester. Centre st. Phoel it In many British industrial cessful it will Sblieve the Em-|not been more than half a dozen ee _ a oe oa os London, Jan. 27 shes Wolf PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. | Fees q if districts men and women are] pire’s truest and wisest friends|4ismissals, and having due re-|?)8°°° Geers Cave wer ne Wane a ' ial Denials ean pted| A L 1 constantly employed. The eart. - of a growing anxiety.—Toronto gard to the government he hoped egg : s inn the I nglioh Channel Dealers in ia ings of husband and wife are Giobe to establish a civil service which The government would not do | ee ; » egee ey ' . - : : : savs he w attempt to swim the i necessary to their susten- would be permanent and second|Such a thing. At the same time |** : : | New Wellington Ceal. Best o COC : rara whirlpool in Septembe RA i ance. The mother cannot af- to none in the world. For some|the immigration to British Co- paiagers whirl mms. HAY, G IN FEED AND) Coast iF ford the rest necessary to her Chance for Rupert Sports. time the government had been|!umbia last year was greater than an SEEDS | Phone 116 Rogers & : own health and the health of|Professor Morris is looking for|considering a civil service pen-|'0 4%y other province except to) Forty years in use, twenty ; her newly-born child. The|a 140 ib. man to enter the ring}sion scheme Ontario and Quebec. The aim of years standard, prescribed ond! ilies discouraging infantile mort-|against George Alien, the boxer] ‘They were waiting for Ottawa|!!s*!! and his colleagues was recommended by physicians. For) fo Ge beter ateael Stock Food sates ot 1 ality rate is due largely to the|}who won a decision over Jacklio act first on these lines. but he|t® Provide reads within a reason-|Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s Agents for emma oc Meets every Thursday at 7p exacting employment of the|Cronin in the Fort George Thea-|assured his hearers that if the|*2!@ “ime. In the same connec-| Female Pills, at your druggist. - aan _— 2 ; mothers and the mecessity tre recently. Aspiring bexers im| pominion authorities did not take am, capens sacubeLs aesumeeD zo | *?e welcome which causes subsequent ne-|Allen’s class should communi-|action during the coming surm- glect. The conservation 6f{\cate with the professor immedi-| per his government would im- ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & Ef. hurmanity threatened with de-jately. —Fort George Herald. mediately after and would evolve —THE - > ee struction is the most urgent a scheme which would provide for beats —e = : . need of to-day in Britain. W. R. W. MeIntosh, buyer for|superannuated officials without E oe ny Bt & 5 Ob tents Lioyd George is too keen|Kelly, Douglas & Co., is expected cutting into the revenues of the minded to be deceived by cries|in the city for a few days this province. of ruinous taxation from those| week on business. —LIMITED— D. C. STUART Lumber and Mouldings —— 5 308 2nd Ave. - All Kinds of Building Supplies Auditor for the City of Prince hum PRINCE RUPERT, 8 © Coming to the labor question, he declared that he had talked to thousands of working men throughout British Columbia and if your pipes are freezing, we carry the largest stock {i}/had only met a few who wished of frost proof pipe covering in Northern B. C. Kito be paid twice a month and )iwanted their hours reduced. Mr. Firet Avenue Ph 186 | A!ex. M. Maneon, B. A. Western Plumbing & Supply Co. |) itn i iusi"s0r"tn'|||| DON'T PAY RENT en Second Ave. He had never stopped to think or High Rates of Interest. Barristers, Solicitors, Ei what labor would do without ne ou e Box 286 capital. It would be wise to have 1 Heigereon Biock Prince Rupert, & labor represented on the labor WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ool commission, but capital must be TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES name PRINCE RUPIS represented as well. The govern- ment was neither a labor nor a at roe Cee Cor 7 er JOHN E DAVEY FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | ie or as 5 }icapital administration, but sim- “—* US GEM, SevETS TEACHER OF SINGING ——== Egtablished 1908 ply and solely bent on doing the : aan. 1 best for the province, regardiess| |]> AT PER CENT. PER YEAR fa AVENUE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery ot-reace, creed or class. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle i aatesieraaey ghevtu’ aecese WE AGUARANTEE SECTION SIX HAYNER BROS. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns but he maintained that British the time when your indebtedness will be paid off, UNDERTAKERS awn EMUALMEE Rope Ciieoe apiiaaintttns, ‘@\ Columbia should have full pro- Office open evenings, Write, phone or call. $2000 cash and the balance over ten Funeral J : tection against Oriental invasion. years at 6 per cent. ard Ave. near 6th St , Pumps Hose Paint At the same time he intimated INTERNATIONAL HOME —_—_—_— that the Borden government had ines 7 Stowe Ranges Rehberels Resing 'Cerpagetes Sen a further scheme for the estab- PURCHASING CONTRACT cO., LTD. Samuel H i & lishment of a Canadian navy, or, Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. ‘Phone 455. arson Company FISHER iF “ i : ” at any rate, a scheme which would M. E. Ritchey, Supt. Brokers and Financial Agents E. L. J We Sell Nothing But the Best insure the safety of both the| ~ Second Ave. Prince Rupert Funeral Bienen one One Pacific and Atlantic coasts of | ss :750—O 2na ao 2nd Ave. Phone the Dominion. All they asked Ga was that Mr. Borden should get tr bd TRY A NEWS WANT AD OPEN DAY AND NIOHT | e e s se | The City Editor is Wise to Scoop ! —Brawn fer The Dally News by onal ‘ GEE Boss, MY THROAT 1S $0 ——— > / SORE \T FEELS LIKE LT HAD THE Boss \o 4° i A SAND BUR STUCK IN MY FUNNY 45 4 eum] ESOPHAGUS — IT WOULD I TOLD WIM TO TAKE; BE. Four FOR ME TO \ ole | to T EVERY Five THAT CASTOR | hi MINUTES : AND sr (TU BEHIND THE (LOK ] SX t WK + t SS SS | \ & IG13 — irvrk = SY MD