~ Legiatari, eli “LAR. brary z IN CITY ANO NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEW Formerly The.Prince Rupert Optimist VOL. [V, NO. 23 PRINCE R UPERT, B. 6., TUBSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1913, ——— - NEXT MAILS For South . Wednesday, 2 p.m. Frem South Prince Rupert Wednesday, 9 a.m. Venture PRICE FIVE CENTS RNMENT HAS WITHDRAWN FRANCHISE B SUFFRAGETTES UP IN ARMS—“WAR TO DEATH” THEIR SLOGAN—CRIME AT VICTORIA TWO THOUSAND POLICE RESTRAIN SUFFRAGETTES DISAPPOINTED OVER FRANCHISE BILL, THEIR SLOGAN “WAR TO DEATH” —NEITHER PERSONS NOR PROPERTY WILL BE RESPECTED. Special to The Daily News. th vicinil of the Parliament London, Jan 27 War to | buildings jeath’ is the slogan of the Eng — h suffragettes Mrs Pank London, Jan, 27.-The govern- burs in an impassioned speech,|/inent appears to have dropped ved that women had been|the question of franchise reform ricked by the government when|for the present session The he franchise bill was withdrawn.|whole question will likely come falls for volunteers are being) up again next March, when the ve to lead an msiaught| friends of woman suffrage will ist the government in which) be invited by the government to ther heads nor property are|frame a bill in such a manner as be respected, Over 2,000 po-| will secure the support of all are patrolling the streets in| sections PUMP FOR SHAWATLANS ESTIMATED COST Is $8,000—MONEY BYLAW FOR CURRENT EXPENDITURE PASSED FINAL STAGE. Although the City Council wasiwas to be purchased? ‘Could only a little over 30/not the Morse Creek pump be evening, a consider ade to do service without pur- of business wasichasing another one? The The money bylaw) Mayor replied that at the present « the raising of the time it was not deemed advisable 73,630 for current “ to remove the Morse Creek pump, He COMME Year Pasee| moreover, it might be found the eading and became op best course to allow it to remain ' at its present location, in the eport « e Bos of Works pees {the Boare e event of the water from Morse nding the purchasing of Creek being needed if something p to be installed at Shawat- should happen to go wrong tem- ms for use until suck time porarily with the Shawatlans nnection is made with ‘Lake source of supply oodworth Lake, when gravita mn will be the means naturally | re sy wvided for conducting the water Hockey at Hazelton the city, was adopted A mo Old Hazelton won the third yn to this effect was passed, the] game in the Duncan Ross cup ip being estimated to cost!series from New Hazelton, at the 000. Alderman Bullock-Web-j|latter place on Saturday, 18th wanted a littl more light on, inst The score was 5-0 and the « subject. In the first place,/home team displayed = superior is the pump at Morse Greek | play all the way through the be removed to Shawatlans|game. NewHazelton has an ex- »? “Was il, in the event of |ceptionally good man in the nets being removed, to be used as|but the rest of the team is bad- 1uXiliary to the new one that|ly in need of practice. VANCOUVER BROKER | IS ARRESTED Daily News | OVINCIAL LEGISLATURE MAKES LITTLE PROGRESS Special to The [EDMONTON FIRE | VICTIM IDENTIFIED | Body of Real “Estate Man Found in Ruins of Recent Fire—Par- tially Burned Book the Clue. The Daily News. Edmonton, Jan, 27.-A parti- ally burned book which has been discovered in the ruins of the re. cent fire bears the name of Sydney and leads the of one of the vie- was a real estate Special to here Davies to identification tims agent here SHOCKING CRIME AT CAPITAL CITY Victoria Man Murders Wife and Attempts to Cut Own Throat —May Recover. Davies Special to The Daily News.) Victoria, of the the to- Jan. 27.—One shocking of the when Ernest most crimes history city occurred days Atkinson, a night watchman, murdered his wife by cutting her throat with a razor and afterward attempted to take his own life in the same manner There are slight chances that Atkinson may re- cover Pantorium Pioneer Creaiueis. Vlaertie 4 SUNDAY POOL ROOMS UP BEFORE COUNCIL Ald. Dybhavn Introduced Bylaw for Better Regulation and Sunday Closing. It came somewhat in the na- ture of a surprise both to the public and most of the members of the Council last evening when Dybhavn introduced a the better of the billiard and pool rooms of Alderman Bullock-Web- ster at once arose and said that he was completely in the dark in the matter and that he would like to have all the previous bylaws and amendments read for his elucidation, As the matter stood he would most strenuously op- pose every clause in the present bylaw proposed by his good friend Alderman Dybhavn. Alderman Dybhavn came out flat-footed and stated that the substance of the bylaw in question was that the billiard and pool rooms should be closed on Sundays. Alderman Naden said that although he was not the introducer of the bylaw he did not wish it thought that there was any intention of rush- ing it through without giving all interested a chance to be heard on the subjeet. He suggested that the committee report pro- gress, and that the matter be laid over for a week, The Mayor and Alderman Dybhavn were fully in accord with Alderman Naden's recommendation and a motion to that effect was carried, SEATTLE COUNCIL REJECTS PROPOSAL Turn Down miiehieneen for Two Million Bond Issue for Tele- Alderman bylaw for regulation the city. Victoria, Jan 27.—Although G. M. Gibbs, Former Bank Man- Legislature sat until a late ager at Dawson, Placed Under ur little progress was made. Arrest on Money Charges. ur bills were introduced by | ithe nh. W. J. Bowser, beitig amend- Special to The Daily News. nts to existing aets wk rg Vancouver, Jan. 27.—G. M. ed by provineial developme: ‘| Gibbs, a well known loeal broker " ee ee land formerly manager of the Dramatic Society | Rank of Commerce at Dawson, The meeting of the Prince Ru-|being located there about 1906, ' Amateur Dramatic Society »was placed under arrest today on led for Tuesday evening at 8 certain charges involving money lock at the office of F. A.! transactions. is Will not start until nine | - me ock owing to another meeting | Shrove Tuesday Dance same evening at 8, 22.23 The last of the series of five " idanees given by the Daughters of | resbyterian Annual Meeting. jthe Empire will be held in the he postponed annual meeting| Metntyre Hall, on Shrove Tues the Presbyterian Church for|day, Feb, 4th, Dancing will be- election of officers and the|gin at nine o'clock 23 & 29 Nsaction of general business er ! be held on Tuesday evening} Don't wear shabby shoes when 8 o’vlock in the chureh hall,{new ones are so cheap at Ren Fourth avenue. }worth & Jefferson's it SSF EEE ee an FIRST G. T. P. TRAIN FOR WEST Toronto, Jan, 27,—The first Grand Trunk Pacific train © leave Eastern Canada for the west passed through the city today, It left Oshawa at 9 a. m. and was viewed by officials of the railway here. & special photograph of the train was aan The entire train will go through to Edmonton via Win- peg. Want Ad,” phone System. tentenia Special to The Daily News, Seattle, Jan 27.—-The City Council today rejected a propo. sition to submit for approval at the eleetions in March a_ two million dollar bond issue for the purpose Of building a municipal} lephone system, EI Find it through a Daily News _——_— COUNCIL APPOINTED NEW CITY ASSESSOR J. M. Carmichael Was the Unan- imous Choice >of the Coun- cil—City J -easurer’s Salary Increased recommendation of the finance committee, J. M. Carmichael, assistant in the city hal! since been appointed in the place of J. ©: Me ennan resign- ed. Mr. Carmici ¢! is an able and efficient offie | and the mo- Upon the assessor 1910, has ossessor tion to adopt th report of the finance committe was carrie unanimously and the appoint- ment made. In reward to the salary if was decided that it should be $170 a month. This was rather more than the specified sum in the salary by-law as the starting salary for the assesor, but on account of the length of Mr. Car michael’s servicé it was not deemed fair to have him start at the lowest salary. Ald. Bullock-Webster favor of the salary remaining in strict accordance with that laid down in the by-law, and made a motion to that effect. There being no seeonder the motion that the salary be fixed the advanced sum was put and car- ried, Ald. Bullock-Webster ing the only dissentient. ii was further @wreed that the salary of the city accountant agd was mn at treasurer should be raised to $170 per month. Aeceording to the schedule of last year in a few nonths time Mr. Vanee’s safary for that position would be raised to that amount anyhow. The re- port to fix the salary at $170 a month In future the salaries of two officials fill- ing these will remain the same. BAPTISTS DECIDE FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE interesting Debate Held by Bap- tist Brotherhood Last Night— Refreshments Served. carried the positions Last evening that popular ganization, the Baptist Brother- hood, spent a very enjoyable time or- in their club rooms in the Me- Intyre Block. Business was first transacted, closely followed by refreshinents which one and all did ample justice to, then fol- lowed the first of the season's debates, entitled “Would Woman Suffrage Be Beneficial to the World at Large?” Several ex- cellent arguments were advanced both for and against. This in- teresting topic was at last de- cided upon by the judges in favor of the aflirmative by one point. Several interesting events are under way and will be announced later. The Brotherhood will in future meet on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock instead of Monday even. ing, this being unanimously de- cided upon last night. WILL GET EXPERT ON WATER SYSTEM Council Decide to Engage an Ex- pert in Conenction with Laying of Mains Across Shawat- lans Passage. It has been finally decided that the best course to pursue with preaere to the completion of the work of laying the pipe tine across Shawatians is to procure the serviecs of the best expert lengineer possible before making janother attempt, which might jprove as unsuccessful as the two previous ones No eriticism whatsoever was made of anyone in connection with the way the work had been carried on so far YEARLY ALLOWANCE FOR MRS. OGILVIE Delegation Asks Premier Borden for Allowance for Widow of Yukon Commissioner. Special to The Daily News. Ottawa, Jan. 27. A delegation headed by Dr. Thompson, M. P. for the Yukon, Hon. Frank Oliver waited upon Premier Bor- today asking for a yearly allowance to Mrs. William Ogil- widow of the Yukon commis- sioner, who died a poor and den Vie, nan WAR IS LIKELY TO BE RESUMED Balkan Envoys Drai Draft Brief Note to Turks—Not Likely That Demands Will Be Granted. Special to The London, Jan. 27.—A_ special committee appointed by the Bal- kan envoys drafted a note today notifying the Turks of their posal to break off peace negotia- Daily News. pro- tions at once if their demands are not complied with. The note is very brief and reminds the Turks that the sittings of the conference have been suspended since January (6th The recent events in Gonstantinople are the best indication of what Turkey's answer “to the demands cof the allies will be BABY DELIVERED BY PARCELS POST Rural Carrier Found Interesting Package in His Mail lives about a mile from its home. The postage was 145 cents and the parcel was insured for $50. FOUR MEN KILLED AT STEWART BROS.’ Two Others Seriously injured and One Slightly—Worst Accident For Over Two Years The Omineea Herald just to hand reports one of the worst ac cidents that has occurred on the line of the G.T.P. in British Co- lumbia for over two years. On Tuesday morning, 21st inst. two station men and one day laborer were instantly killed and two more laborers were seriously in- jured and slightly injured, The men were employed at Stew. art Bros.’ Burns Lake It is the accident was due to dynamite ex ploding prematurely In the very weather there is much more danger with mite, All along the line the sincere regret fell for one camp at presumed frozen severe dyna | most the | is contractors and the and! especially there have a0 few accidents on the fend of the construetion work Find it Daily bien been so as western | through a Nows | Want Ad.” we zreat spectively below, With weather normal frost with daily vails. NATIONALIST PAPER ESTIMATES COST OF BRITISH LOYALTY BORDEN’S NAVAL CONTRIBUTION WILL COST QUEBEC FARM- ERS FIVE DOLLARS PER HEAD—PRICE TOO HIGH FOR BEING BRITISH SUBJECT. Special to The Daily News. Le Jan. 27. Na- Bourassa organ, tells the Borden naval eontribution will cost them Montreal, the farmers that tional, Quebee live dollars per head. Jt claims the price is too dear for the honor of being British subjects. Bargains in all classes of foot- ar at Renworth & Jefferson's clearance sale. it work RESUMED ON THE BULKLEY BRIDGE Work on the high level bridge across the Bulkley River at Haz- been resumed under the direetion of engineer W. R. Hunter. It is expected that the steel, which has been shipped from England, will arrive about the end of February. ellon has Subscribe for the Daily News. COLD SNAP ON THEFRASER A BENEFIT TO CONTRACTORS this month. The temperature live nights running were re- 34 below, 48 below, 47 52 below, and 42 below. Monday of last week the moderated and now the winter Climate, snappy sunshine, pre- Throughout the cold snap the weather was very still. RIVER IS FROZEN OVER AND FREIGHTING HAS BEGUN--TEM PERATURE RANGED AS LOW AS FIFTY-TWO BE- LOW ZERO Fort George, Jan 27—The| just this side of the Grand Can- same cold snap that passed up| Y00, al Mile 132, B.C., stating the Pacific coast from California| ‘4! freighting operations have onkins k veil, Wai been started by this firm, Ram- to Alaska last week vVisilec ort dy ie al the ond of stecl, Mile George from the 8th to the 12th!53 B.C. superintending the work. Provisions, hay and oats and powder will be shipped down the river in large quantities. Owing to the late freezing of the river, the operations of the contractors . have been badly crippled sinee winter set in. Pro- visions have been very searce at all the camps and some of these have had to shut down complet- Little Interust Is Being Created —Lords Will Reject. Special to Tae Daily News. London, Jan, —The debate on the econd reading of the home rule bill has lasted four days. In view of the fact that the House 27. BORDEN’S NAVAL POLICY REMARKABLE DIVERGENCE OF E OF OPINION AMONG PROMI- NENT CONSERVATIVES. in the House of @onmmnens ten days ago Mr. reiterated the conviction of Mr. and other fellow Conservatives that the Borden policy is an inauguration of permanent contributions. “Without knowledge of what is to come in this respect, we know there will be a Canadian policy, the seas what is the use of a Canadian navy? (North Perth) navy can look after us.” Such expressions of opinion from prominent Conserva- tives must arouse splendid sentiments of patriotism and im- perialism in the hearts of true Canadians. tives throughout Canada are far from being united on the naval question is evident when these convictions are consid- ered with the following assertion of the Premier of British Columbia: “No policy will be satisfactory to the people of British Co- lumbia which does not include a substantial and prompt con- tribution and THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FLEET UNIT ON THE PACIFIC COAST.” Batavia, Ohio., Jan. 27—Ver- Important results have follow-|ely as a result. non C, Little, mail carrier On Aled the annual dip of the mer- The frigidity at this point rural route out of this place, is}eury, Most important of all is|during the five cold days may be the first man to accept and de-|the faet that the Fraser river in|jmagined from the fact that the liver, under parcel pos ndi- |!ts upper reaches is now solidly) skating rink was forced to close tions, a live baby. The baby, a seoned over, sa giready the one its doors for a day or so, The ore . tractors have begun to freight) rink was so cold that the skaters boy, weighing ten and (hree- supplies over the ice from the nee their feet while on the ice. quarter pounds, just within the/end of steel to the various camps|A scheduled hockey mateh in the {1-pound limit, is the child of along the Fraser above’ this|Central Interior League was also Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Beagie, of} point. postponed owing to the cold. near Glen Hste. A wire was received the other No accidents of consequence “The package” was well wrap-|day from Ramsay, . of Smith &/ have been reported as a result of ped and ready for “mailing”|Ramsay, who have a contract|the cold wave. when the carrier got it today. Its measurements reached 71 inches ae: os ae 5 ee ee also just within the law, which SECOND READING FOR of f Lords are almost certain to ss mnbiei@h-imcline Lectin ject the bill little interest is Mr. Little delivered the “par- THE HOME RULE BILL taken, The peers, however, are cel” safely to the address on the oe out in force. card attached, that of its grand-|pepate Lasts Four Days, but mother, Mrs. Louis Beagle, who ; Roche’s Pool Room I have 500 square feet of good advertising space in my pool room which can be used free of charge by Prince Rupert mer- chants. Space allottments 2 x 6 feet. First come first choice. 22-27 Morphy Cockshutt Later he said: and if Britain rules The British That Conserva- ie {i = i I 4 a ai ? t ae én A a a ag ald 7 , ra!” a E ‘ ca i? ri mt " . ‘ a ei) é re i f ' 7 ad i ,