ale ;aeneet fren arian Legislative Library x BRITISH COLUMBIA IV, NO. 24 VoL THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B. C,, WEDNESDAY, JAN NEXT MAILS For Seuth .. Friday, 9 a.m. ay Saturday, 8 p.m. From Seuth Princess Beatrice.... .Priday, noon Prince Ruy Princess UARY 29, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS BALKAN DELEGATES CONSIDER MISS) ON ENDED TURKEY’S REPLY TO NOTE OF POWERS EXPECTED “TODAY_STRIKE RIOTS AT |_PITT SBURG SUFFRAGETTES AGAIN ADOPT WINDOW SMASHING TACTICS, THOUSANDS OF POLICE AND DRENCHING RAIN DAMPEN THEIR ARDOR—OVER A SCORE WERE ARRESTED. of hrough Whitehall and Cockspur Special to The Daily News ther bands paraded igainst women 28.-—As a protest of the government ndon, Jan the bill ets smashing plate glass win- of the Pwenty-one withdrawal offices inchise by the dows shipping women were arrested the Parliament A drenching rain, with thousands of police, the of militant suffragettes resumed While itation was trying to force tactics tonight. ns ee the vicinity of buildings to- v 18 | pother through into Parliament of 4) mitigated against violence don police six men deep, | tt demonstration. iv PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING RECEIPTS FOR YEAR AMOUNTED TO OVER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS—PROSPECTS FOR A NEW CHURCH ARE ENCOURAGING befor the allhough reports the hope board would scheme \ the it was of the decision and made the building m start to finish business e end year alked, policies formulated ho was was expressed that irefully prepared launch a ed at the annual meeting at no distant date eport elders vresbyterian congrega on behalf Cc, V. Ben- and de of atl tackle the It main- policy of presented Mr united the to eity night ia the church) of by the enthusiast held kvery excellent oxNce pli is probably most} ne a call to ftermined effort on eh and an part ge evel by the irch members evils in the that the legalization of vice al ui organiza tained present |! mene lof preserane Poems | loafing drunkenness or profanity I} adopting this passed form, and mn legal was a than aT lots on the reported grea- before vaiuabie whole ess evel ace to our conception urged more of cigarettes and order the part regard to supplied to minors eregati has a law on police very edge of the have b cers in d always a downtown church this The lanes evening congre theatre is felt to be work of which any people be proud. Above all, (hat the maintehance of theit supporting status of difficulties giving an fibre worthy of the traditions of Presbyterian- The reports show total eet ot over five thousand dol- as follows: from 1912....8 contributions. colleetions eeveee isiness section ; Ininors aud the will as can} around pool rooms, city, growing on n the i streets the tion congregation the Sunday a defiance of the sentiment of the city and request- ing the curfew bylaw to be foreed a signal bell rung The president of the board k Dawson, and the retir- managers were re-elected, s calling pool religious |) il Was mn in face en- eal was and lependent Is ist Mr jink ‘HOSPITAL BOARD ANNUAL the a 58.11) 1,360.50 1,198.90 1,010.00 100,00 831.82 348.70 100.00 MEETING ince Ol . hall annual meeting Board will take place for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the reading of the reports for that just passed. The chair twill be taken by the ssident of the board, Mr. D, G At the meeting of the held Monday, the annual report was This evening in city at & o'clock the of the Hospital eClal assessment. . bath hany school Girls tans 73.00 103.00 Pr mM mission envelopes Stewart board, Otel oop aes ce $5,124.03 resolu- | report |* HUNDRED MILLIONS BY INCOME TAX Congress to Adopt New Methods to Increase Revenue—Will Be Discussed at Early Session The Washington, | | j | Special to Daily News. 28 the which One tariff will extra of Congress be the raising of hundred million dollars from income tax, will a tax on incorporations. TEN MILLION DOLLARS LOST IN STORMS | writsen insurance Men Have Been Heavily Hit Since Christmas— Thirty Vessels Wrecked. Jan prominent feature of revision program up at the will come session one an which also include Special to The Daily News. London, Jan. Insurance underwriters estimate that they approximately on aceount of the storms which have swept over the North Atlantic around the coast of the British Isles sinee Christ- mas. This sum must be paid out by the companies within the next Except for $5,000,000 night in the wreck of the since stated be the heaviest February, 1899, when fourteen bound from America to England foundered in about a week, involving a loss of $1,500,- 000 In the present period, one losses at Lloyd's amounted Thirty have been hopeless- while reported missing 27. have already lost #10,000,000 few weeks one ithe losses Christmas writers to liost in ritanic, are by under- since vessels day's about $2,500,000. ves- already ly wrecked, to sels seven more are Many of them arrived in a most deplorable con- dition THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 30.207; maximum temperature, temperature, 31; 27 inch. om? minimukna precipitation, 10; Amateur Dramatic Society. The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Amateur Dramatic Society was held in the offices of Mr. Frank A. Ellis last evening. There was not a very large, at- tendance of members. Mr. Bul- lock-Webster, the retiring presi- dent, in a few words, gave a re- sume ofthe doing of the society for the last year. He regretted that they had not been able through various reasons to ac- somplish a great deal. He him- self feared, through the numer- fhe dominant note throughout ‘ieeting was the prospect of real year in 1913. Member ! expressed the be- city would experi- forward movement interests he had had to at- tend to that he had not been able to be very active in advancing the affairs of the society. The fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Frank A, Ellis; vice president, J. W. Chapple; secretary-treasurer, Miss Johnston; executive, G. 8. Fitzmaurice and H, W,. Birch. A vdial vote of thanks was ex- tended to Miss Johnston, who is entering her third term as seec- retary, for the keen interost she has taken and the amount of time she has devoted to furthering the work of the society. It is grati- fying to state that the finances of the are in an extremely healthy condition, there being a substantial balanee to its eredit in the Bank of Commeree, submitted and approved. A full attendance of subscribers is de- sired. ous thember that our great Cleaners Pantorium Phone 4 Pioneer a EMPRESS "THEATRE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Tonight : and : Tomorrow : Night mi Presentation of the Photoplay Dumas’ Masterpiece for the Alexander “The Count of Monte Cristo” In Three Parts WORKK IS FROM THE of Napoleon and escape his finding Cristo, the great ballroom Count of Monte Gristo brought enemies of his youth and the Nagnificentty Wi Wy Have Arranged Production of society Pils GREAT rhe SELIG STUDIOS Elba, the from the Isle of Dantes as with al subsequent of the Dante his fheeling of Dante Db If, Loyal Order of Moose. rhe lodge will meet in the if P. Hall Thursday evening, iOth inst., at 8 o’eloek, lattendance of members irrest K the A large is re- 24.25 Becy Chateau Mo the the treasure on the where to “— acele face face with ib famous duel scene are que sted brought hone —_——— bk. ©, Stephenson, contractor, ) KLE hope of our will miss this oppo! D. MEIKLE, this really ereat set of pictures Prices 0 Ots, ¢ 5 Ct “ ! ts, and 15 Cts f Hazelion, was among the ar. PRINCE RUPERT THEATRE ©O., LTD. lrivals on the Prinee Rupert this patrons Of seeing PEACE CONFERENCE Returning Home—Rouman- ja Likely to Present Ultimatum to Turkey Daily 28 News With The Jan. Special to London, presentation of their note to the Turkish the date for has not been fixed, of the Balkan delegates that their mission to London will be ended. The Greek Premier announces that he will leave for home at the end of this week and others within the next few days. military delegation, which yet some consider the for officers attached to Bulgarian delegation. start i Diplomats not yet given up hopes of secur- ing peace and it is evident that the reluctance of the Balkan al- lies to resort to a resumption of hostilities partiy due to fail- ure to adjust difficulties with Roumania. A rumor is circulated] in Sofia that Roumania about to present ultimatum to Bul- garia. home rINorrow, is an Constantinople, Jan, 28—Offi- cials of the foreign office gaged drafting the text of Turkey's’ reply to joint of the expected that it will be morrow. are French the It is ready t today in note powers MEAT FAMINE THREATENS Burns’ Fire at Calgary Has Cur- tailed Supply Seriously. Calgary, Jan. 27. Western Canada, and particularly It now transpires that the amount of beef in cold storage in the Burns plant, by fire recently, was greater at first thought. Mr. timates that $700,000 worth of dressed beef was consumed, with fully as much more pork and mutton. Much of the mutton was shipped from Australia and cannot be replaced for some time. The result has been a sharp rise in prices. Beef on the hoof has risen from 5 to 7% cents, and is searce even at these figures. Re- tailers are boosting prices portionately. than Burns es- BATTLE BETWEEN BUTCHERS Frizzell’s Quintette Defeated P. Burns’ Gang at Bowling by 280 Pins. There was a match game pulled off at the Empress bowling alleys last night between the city meat merchants. G. Frizzell’s quin- tette defeated P. Burns’ by 280 pins. Smith, of the Burns team, had both high and high average, 193 and 163, respective. ly. The seores were as follows: Frizzells— ist @nd 3ra TU. G. Prizzell 116——~ 316 RK. Leighton 113-— 381 A. Astoria 145 433 J. Ward 153 436 K. Rood 183-—— 486 score 710-—2052 Tt 187) 285 ata 306 Grand total . Burns McDonald Cameron Wilda Sherman IS NEAR AN END Delegates Anuoenee Intention of Many Were the | Financial advisers and| have | en-| ».| Saloon passengers Alberta, | is threatened with a meat famine.) which was destroyed | J pro- ONE MAN IS KILLED IN STRIKE RIOT Injured in Battle Between Striking Steel Workers and Officers of Law Special to The Daily News Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 28—In a clash between officers of the law headed by the Deputy Sheriff, ; and striking steel workers here | today, man was killed and 12 injured, several fatally. The bat- tle lasted over an hour. Many shots were fired and the was filled with missiles PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES ON TIME |- Delayed by Fog Near Vancouver | and in Grenville Channel, but Latter Part of Journey Was Favorable. one air i aptain | jrived the of passengers and It heavy cargo of general freight. |The Rupert was delayed several! hours of fog in the vicinity Vancouver and some but the last was favor- make up the is a Vist of the steamer Prince Rupert, Duncan MacKenzie, ar- on time this morning with usual list on account of in Grenville of her voyage allowing her to Below Channel, | part | able, lost time. Rev. Father Bunoz json, C, A. Howard, Rev. |B Erickson, R. Owen, J Mrs. Kugler, Bessie |F. A. Brown, E, C. Stephenson, J. 1c. Patmore, Mrs. Patmore, F. F. | Foster, G. H. Kohl, Miss Orme, 1A. C, Aldous, Mrs. Aldous, Mrs. Finnigan, Mrs. Kelley James Bruce, Mrs. Harlott, Mc- }Donald, J. W. Hart, 8. |Adams, Mrs. Sherborn, D W. Andrew, W. J Alder S. Smith, B. H. Bearss, Mr ford, Miss M. Ww Booth, J. Mrs. Weber, Mrs. H. Dow, Dow, Colon Dow, Matthew Frank Horne, F. D. Sweeney, J. Sweeney, Mrs. Miss Levenhagen, William G Alexander, A. P. Lenihan, G. T Carpenter, John Bakke, William Alliford, J. W. Pierey, D. G. Me- Kay. 8. G. Robin- Schiester, ay Kugler, Tarkinson, James Mrs Cohen, Alex. Clif- Weber Agnes Dow, R. Levenhagen, MINING COMPANY iS PAYING DIVIDENDS Of interest to of Prince Rupert, the Boundary district, is the half yearly report of the British Columbia Copper Co., Ltd., whose properties are near Greenwood, B.C, At the close of their busi- ness year on January 2nd, they residents formerly of many Fierce | jon the deck yesterday afternoon ‘WILL FIGHT IF NECESSARY BUT NEVER YIELD ADRIANOPLE YOUNG TURKS REFUSE TO ABANDON ABANDON ADRIANOPLE AND ALSO WANT AEGEAN ISLES. The the has released prisoners ar- | rested during the recent troubles in the city in connection with the change of government. | government Special to The Daily News. Constantinople, Jan. 28.—So} far the government of Turkey jhas failed to comply with the note of the powers. ‘We will) | fight if necessary, but never aban-| don Adrianople, according to| Enver Bey, one of the leaders of| the Young Turks. The council of the Party Progress demands the retention| Prince Rupert can scarcely keep of the Aegean Isles also. pace with such a record. all political January ist Vancouver of has had four feet of snowfall. since FIRST GRIMBSY TRAWLER FOR COLD STORAGE ARRIVES MADE VOYAGE AROUND THE HORN IN FOUR MONTHS—TWO MORE OF SIMILAR TYPE ON THE WAY—BIG COLD STOR- AGE COMPANY GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS. The George E, Foster, he first;grin broadly and think Canada of several deep sea trawlers for | must be all right anyhow. the Canada Fish and Cold Stor- | The Andrew Kelly, sister ship Company, tied up at their|/to the George E. Foster, is on wharf at 4:30 yesterday after-|her way from Vancouver at the noon, coming direct from Grims-|present time. A third boat of by, England. With ber sister|this type, the James Carruthers, ship, the Andrew Kelly, she ar-|will probably arrive here in a few rived in Vancouver couple of|weeks to join her sister vessels weeks ago, at which place they|in the fishing business. both underwent a thorough over- The arrival of these large hauling. trawlers, the very best that have The George E. Foster, under|¥P to the present time been de- the command of Captain Dillan,|¥'sed for operating in deep sea with Captain Gilmore as pilot,|W@ters as well as the early com- left Vancouver at midnight on|Pletion of the fleet of six hali- Saturday, making a call at Union|»Ut boats which are being con- Bay for coal. This boat, which |Structed in Vancouver, one of is one of the two purchased re-|Which, the Zebassa, has arrived cently in the Old Country especi-|#!"eady, coinciding with the start- ally for service on this coast, ing up of the huge cold storage 136 feet over all and built of a|Plamt at Seal Cove in full swing, strength and size to withstand|°ertainly go to show that an era any seas that she may expect to]/°f prosperity for Prince Rupert is right at hand far greater than encounter, The voyage to this port around|'#e most sanguine of us have so far ventured to hope for. the Horn under her own steam was accomplished in a little over four months, without any diffi- culties or remarkable adventures. There were two women and a little child aboard, who, from (heir appearance as they stood age a Is CHARGE AGAINST VAUX Preliminary Wearing of Man- slaughter Charge for Next Thureday. ; Vancouver, Jan. 29.—-The pre- liminary hearing of the charge of manslaughter against Freight Clerk Gilbert John Vaux of the steamer Cheslakee has been fixed to take place tomorrow before Magistrate Alexander. Vaux is out on $10,000 bail. upon the boat making a landing, were nome the worse for their long trip over the bounding waves, The members of the crew upon seeing the plenteous piles of herring that were in evidence on all sides at the cold storage plant yesterday, and not having been regaled upon such delect- able fare for some time probably, asked Mr, Collins, the genial Roche’s Pool Room I have 500 square feet of good manager, who was. watching the arrival of the boat, if they could take some on board for supper. The reply of the former, “Why, certainly; take a scow load,” caused the Old Country lads to declared their sixth dividend of 15 cents per share. The number of shares so far issued is 591,- 709 of a par value of 85. The amount of dividends paid up to October 15, 1912, was $526,643. With the development that is taking place in Hazelton min- ing district, it witl not be long before some of the rich mining properties in the immediate in- terior and tributary to Prinee Rupert will be in the dividend paying class. Smith 490 Grand total i772 Overseas The Overseas Club their annual general the Court House on evening, January 30th, at 8 p.m.) Election of oMecers. All interest. ed are heartily invited to attend, 24.25 will hold meeting in Thursday} Increase in Passenger Rate. Although not offieially firmed, it is rumored that the passenger rate to Beattle from)! Prince Rupert and other northern points, which lately has been the same as to Vancouver, con is to be TOSS SSS ELSE LE LDL LPRGLELABGRDOLLLDEDELE SS | morning. increased by 82. (Ww | Mrs, Wedded at b the Manse. A quiet wedding was celebrated alt the Presbyterian manse terday afternoon by the Rev Kerr, when Miss Janie Ewan, lately arrived from land, became the bride of Thomas Young, an employee of the B. C Fisheries at Skidegate. The ceremony was performed before few intimate friends of the happy young couple, Mr. and Young will leave immedi ately for Skidegate, they jwill make their yes. FP, Mc. } Scot. Considering the difficulty of getting the publie to attend meet. ings hore concerning propositions or there was excellent attendance of eiti- }zens last evening at the eity hall when the Northern British Co. lumbia Agricultural and Indus. trial Association was brought existence Govern. Agent J. H. MeMullin nib AE. 5 i chair and the organization The Rev Paiher Bunoz was Was completed in the matter of améngst those returning on the \@leeting officers and passing the Prince Rupert this morning from |¢onstitution, \a visit to the south, ' ‘The question of the most fitting less remote where into eonerete future nent in the home was advertising space in my pool room which can be used free of charge by Prince Rupert mer- chants. Space allottments 2 x 6 feet. First come first choice. 22-27 EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION OFF TO A GOOD START OFFICERS WERE ELECTED AND CONSTITUTION ADOPTED — J. MH. MoMULLIN IS PRESIDENT AND L. BULLOCK- WEBSTER IS SECRETARY. name for the association was the subject of some little discussion, but it was finally decided that the one was the most suitable that suggested. There was a proposal to define the lim- its of the area that would be in. cluded in the distriet as extend- ing to the northern boundary of British Columbia, east to the {27th meridian line and south to the 52nd meridian, including the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. above could be (Continued on Page 4.)