THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN THE DAILY NEWS | Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES~— To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dat.y, Sc per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly im advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. HEAD Contract rates OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, ENGLAND —The Clougher Synd Square. Supscripers wil! greatly oblige by icate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DAILY EDITION a -. Friday, Jan. 31, 1913 Editorial Notes and Clippings LENGTHY TOAST Lists In view of the popularity of) banquets in Prince Rupert, | either for entertainment or | for the purpose of honoring citizens who may for various reasons merit some token of esteem, the following remarks, evidently from a victim of an over abundance of oratory at such an event, are apropos: ‘Some potent personage should take in hand the long toast lists at banquets It threatens to become more and more a menace to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. An indignant friend has hand- ed me the latest atrocity.| There were ten toasts, that to the guest of the evening being a mere incident. Before he spoke sixteen other orators had had their innings and nine Ciceros followed him. There were songs also. Finally the company brought its labors to an end by singing ‘O Canada,’ ‘Auld Lang Syne, and ‘God Save the King.’ It seems a pity to have left out Psalm CXTIX, which, with its 176 verses, would have kept the diners quietly employed until the fol- lowing Sunday. To cure the evil of the long toast list I suggest an appeal to the pro- vinecial board of health. The duty of this body is to extir- pate al! malignant disorders which undermine the health of the people. Banquet commit- tees were unfortunately for. gotten when the criminal! code was drafted, the best plan would be to treat them = as germs. I leave the remedy to those who make a study of how to rid us of pests.” sO ‘TO SCALE M’KINLEY FOR COOK'S RECORDS Seattie Mountaineer Ascent of Alaskan Peak Next July With B.C. Men Pians the. Vancouver, Jan. 30—Dr. Fred- erick J. Cook's records, which he says he left at the top of Mount McKinley, will be the object of search of Mr. C. R. Halil, a Seat- climber, next July, there. Mr. Hal! just now trying to scale the him next tle mountain if he ever gets is in Vancouver to organize a party Alaskan peak with summer. After talking with Dr. Cook, Mr. Hal! says he believes the for- mer accomplished more than the public thipks. The polar ex- plorer assured him that proof of his cleomb lies in a tube buried on the northeast corner of the sum- mit. If possible, Mr. Hall is go- ing to find this tube. He will be accompanied by his two brothers Messrs. J. D. Hall and ~Virgi Hall, and two British Columbia mountaineers, as well as an ex- | pert on the topography of the country will go with them The trip is to be taken next July via Cook's Inlet and the Susitna River. Mount MeKinley is rated at 20,360 feet, but the base is 11- 000 feet above If he ascent of Mt will try to have reach the summit. They sea level. succeeds in making McKinley, Mr his whole the Hall party will THE DAILY NEWS TOW HILL WANTS INSURANCE ACT i? ha phys ans W ehtly eomeid sickness st » BETTER MAIL SERVICE HAS DRAWBACKS «r« %-» » eo cede. Residents Mave to Pay 50 Cents Too Much Red Tape Causes Fata! tam : ee ae , a a Each Per Month to Get Delay in Relief of Needy an arly jucis the Mail from Masset —Doctors Not Zeal- lnealth of the nat aly and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. “PRINCE JOHN” i I t Simpson, Granby Bay Stewart, Naa Narn ht 10th, March 50? 10th Ma t and Naden Harbor 2 YF m Jar ‘t March 7th, @ist Por Skide@ate, Allford Bay and other Queen Chariott bes Jan. 12th, 26th, Peb. 0th, 23rd, Marct G. T. FP. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVice N ® leaves Prince Rupert 10 Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Nine month excursion rates in effect with the excursions and fast trains o Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines A. E. MoMASTER, SS. PRINCE RUPERT yet leaves for Vancouver, Victoria ate a. m Wednesday a Track Route) hoiece of routes t f the Grand Trunk Fo atl infermat On apply enera aan Ager o itree B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE ee belt | a1 18 Cad & 8 PRINCESS MAY Southbound—Saturday, Feb. 1, 8 p. m S&S. &. PRINCESS BEATRICE Southbound—Sunday, Feb. 2, 8 p. m J. @ MONAB, General Agent te ous in Treating - To the Editor of the Daily News Sick ! ste, —4 eek yell eh cen tm sienna WOUNDED IN FIGHT bish thie wail from Graham} London, Jan, 90—tWe besin-| WITH TACOMA ROBBER sland about the need of a pos . working he Na 1! service being establiched be-} Ins e Act has attended er twee row Hill and Masset. I “ sad Cons « whieh | Unmasked Bandit and Poo! Room some nsiderable time the « { ree, have } : i - Owner Exchange Shots— s of Tow i have been p pposition papers as a basis Both Men Wounded = the authorities t ! attack he 2 —s a this service established a he er much the s« : 7 Ta a, Ja —- Exel ging government called f xage ! t st with i asked ast summer Some ‘ sit ilines and tl i t p J M below the £10 mark i t sta es afford a ON k vas W led h head rying the mail betwe« Mas { warning f the dangers|/a s tha his shots set and Tow H a distance i I h gover ent and f i ark I the w ! i8 miles, but none were acce] ethods of laxi which a s sh er i } ‘ ed Our inspect f Post Of ke f t ' he \ . th es writes asking one f the per-| bureaucratic mstiti ns s e, at a dis ! . sons who tendered his rh migh ~ ' ha { f Par «sw « price in two, and yet Na | is eXamples i t dange s Harbor people have a s¢ ce es-| working charity Me ha b W he the bb« ippea tablished at #10 per trip. Na h \ stary i wi ind ordered the po hal! ma Harbor is the same distance] th WSeS al g prop hrow up his hands, Parke from Masset as T ’ Nade irded and } ha ! stepped behind a cou r and Harbor at this time f the year | societies grabb his « The fusila has only fifteen peoy I i With less th .w h wed a it th ust sh ' has abo 100 set 8 hn i ' ‘ he Ins i d ped his @« witt all times ‘ he . : = hre« e I f pa ind disappear jthere is something wr e, Mr ed wh iking Z Editor, when 100 people have t f Liovd George's b . = pay 50 cents each per month The troul * o ha parcels extra have their mall lypeg, due ' . rought to Tow Hill, while th: ard toning , car Naden Harbor people get theirs | jaccness It may be th whe ‘ | free Several of the settiers | England is proper! ndexed the here receive only a_ few letters | q - aaa } The up-to-date House Oecora- . . . ” death ite W . | iduring the course of a year, pt to be hoped tha ' a tors of Prince Rupert bably ab 50 cents worth and| i‘ ae lwet they have to pay £6.00 nj Sign Wr iting e ee order to receive then | . There is something wrong Mr: Paper-Hanging ; or, somet g hic must . . — Bong — Ce Prince Rupert Fire Alarm System Our Specialties ye recliliec What's the matter with our eulterr a0. ¢ —_— srals? don't y get ; “Ww tw. deliver the goods.” Libera Why don : they ge Sin Wein Oe eee 208 be ie always goo busy on the islands Box 13-—6th St. and 3rd Ave 2nd Street Phone 156 Greer [ am, sir Box 14—8th St. and 3rd Ave 4 SETTLER Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and Tow Hill, Graham Island, Jan bra Aves : ‘ Box 16-——ist Ave., between 8th and | 1ith, 1913. x 16—isi Ave. berwoen sin and {| 9836 THE BANK OF 1912 Re Nene eneatnenneeeeia Box 17——1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen British N rth Am ri New Police Chief. tral Hotel 0: e ca Nelson, B. C., Jan. 27.—Johi CIRCUIT NO. 2. 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Simpson, provincial constable a Sox 22—3rd Ave. and 3rd St CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 Kaslo, who is well known in Leth a os Oomee i —_—— Ox da and McBride § ee ee See |e 2e i se an acta: ! The Advantages of moted chief of Boundary police Box 26-—-2nd Ave. and 2nd St } district with headquarters at Box 26-—-2nd Ave. and 6th St ) Bank Money Orders Greenwood, succeeding late Chief a for transmitting small sums I. A. Dinsmore N CIRCUIT NO. 3 i of money are four. They —_ Box 315th Ave. and Fulton St are easy to procure -asy to T ‘ ‘ “ack runni { Box 32——Borden and Taylor Sts ° e : The railway track running tl a cae cash safe inexpensive . ‘ x 7th Ave. anc ulton 5 o ~ the foot of Gentre Street has Sen Gh 00 dee. ent Comex ave We issue them at the follow- been practically cleared of the Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge P! ing rates. huge mass of ee a oe Box 38— 6th Ave. and Thompson St $5. or j 3c. $10 to $30—10c. enveloped it sine e re firme o CIRCUIT NO. 4. $5 to $10—6c. $30 to $50—15¢, the big blast a few weeks ago, Box 41—-ith Ave. and Emmerson , itil : These Money Orders are when the rockpile adjacent to Pl | ~ , aS ; : es Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride St payable at par at any Branch the track at that spot was rent : _ : aoe i. & Sheet epectacula Box 43—5th Ave. and Green St of any Chartered Bank in SeUnges ’ i ’ Box 446th Ave and Basil St Canada (Yukon Territory fashion. Box 45—11th Ave. and Eberts. excepted), in the principal eee Box 141.7th Ave. and Young St cities if the United States Find it through a Daily News } and in London, Eng. follow the same route as the Parker-Brown expedition, which reached a point within about 300 feet of the summit last July. Find it through a Daily News “Want Ad.” “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excelient Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West Phone Moderate Prices - Vancouver, B.C. 8500. “Want Ad.” | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH THE AFTERMATH Usually the day following Christmas brings with it unpleasant recollections of friends who have been inad- vertently overlooked in the matter of Christmas gifts. Isn't it fortunate that New Year's Day follows so closely and gives us an opportunity to make amends for our oversights during the Christmas rush. While the past week's shopping made very heavy inroads into our stock, the assortments in each line are practically unbroken. We have a large range of beautiful things for New Year's gifts. CONSULT OUR CATALOGUE, Siieas Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND. SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C F. S. LONG, Manager, Georgetown Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- | ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. | EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. : Silversides Bros. won ss. conpuy oF 8c, ui The Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT Salle for Port Simpson, Naas River Points and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. Salle for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P.M Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and al! modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. ing, Steamfitting and Metal Work Plumbing, H Shee : Srd Ave. Worksh 1% 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and stb Ste Coes CHARGES REASONABLE | ane @., cor. ana von By Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. TRY A NEWS WANT AD OPEN DAY A! nn ee Cor. Praser and ith hoice Wines and on ‘ RUPERT'S PALACE OF compop, THE IROQUOIS POO English and Ame rican Billiards Twelve Tables ECOND Ave ——— = SSE Empress Bowling Alleys | AND POOL ROOM | 4 ALLEYS 12 TABLE |) Best Fitted and Most | [a the Coast 4. E. ROSE, Prop LINDSAY'S “’stoRact G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled Pr OFFICE CF) Omer e le H. B. Rochester. Centre st Phaee COAL New Wellington Ceal Coast Phone 116 Best on the Rogers & Blad SONS OF NORWAY Meets every Th at 319 3rd Ave A giats are weicome ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & EF SCAN DIN ANIAN in Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday #! p.m. in the hal! at 319 Src Ave D. C. STUART Accountan! 308 2nd Ave = Prone m Auditor for the City of Prince hur PRINCE RUPERT, B © Alex. M. Maneon, B. A W. E. Williams, 6 A, bE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ev Box 286 Prince Rupert, &F Heigerson Biock P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPEE JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, Haq. 4.44™ ion, # HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Punera! Direetors Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No # E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Emoain SHOT SOUNDED Lik (TWAS THE Hoy |