THE DAILY NEWS NcweACANADIAN NAYY IS_|S. A. CAPTAIN GOES TURKS PLACE BAN ON F || rue ueapinc NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA BEST FOR DEFENCE TO LETHBRIDGE © NEW WOMAN'S DRESS | (@yLWWA S.5. PRINCE RUPER' a: Published Daily and Weekly by a leaves for Vancouver, Victoria THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. As a Unit Co-operating with Capt. Tutte of Salvation Army, Wearers Forbidden to Appear on yFIC and Seattle of ipeiennaitin nice —— Other Imperial Pacific Has Just Been Advised of Street in Latest Cut of PAC FRIDAYS, 9 A.M F . nsf i rments. ~ - Mi. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canadg, United States and Mexico—Datty, 60 ae Se caer “PRINCE JOMN™ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Werkty, $2.00 per year. All ite puree , ; . r Dail — a Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.60 per year, strictly london, Jan. 30.—The Sydne Captain Tutte, of the Salva London, Jan. 30 ae Por Port SEP te, 1k, Ware be tou in advance. Morning Herald, says the I lt Army, has just received ad-| Chronicle's Constantinople corr For Masset and Neden Harbor, 12 p. m., Jan. 100m, 941 . I . ; : tne) ; ' from headquarters announ- spondent sends this despatch March 7th. 94et fRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates “”' ee w his tranefe from Prince rm , Por Skidegate, Aliford Bay end other Queen Charlotte isa on application. gards th Vancouver nferet ir . : Lethbridge ts ne military commandan i Jan th, 26th, Fe 23rd, Marc ’ st probebte ; — : vaca chie age, wy **| Constantinople has just issued a G. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER service HEAD OFFICE ss eee spread Netagaebe apet Os ag * ae (0 | significant order forbidding Turk No. ? leaves Prince Rupert 10 4. m. Wednesday « . ett from Adm fing H ed. Capt d Mrs utte ; Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 93. ‘A e fe . : _ oe ; > ih . nae tebd of ish women to appea n the Grand Trunk Railway System st ng ve ustraliar racif ee , pete ome ae neota it ey ia” ex rary BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES v4 op ap, {tebor about ‘the 18th inet. Aoa/ tr? @ Stite waten a ae Tienes ara P ' has the full « pt } , ; Saw . ; ad to the re gz is law and te the Wir month excursion rates In effect h ofr te t New Yor«—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City I rial authorities i vel ey will hold a conce nittondl euston Deft dress with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk : bar it ilove det nstration . tee rticle adds e hav making has convertec e old for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: at! inf lon . eewnen-aget Seuns Hows Se. a ; r at a ~ a he ime evening OF we Sam cusinene o * ack ae pene meee a onan A. ©. McMASTER, paneer ‘ion oo LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar vis ; . _ ervene i he Capt. Tutte has been in charge | f#hione i + 5 A we . “ are. ca controversies of he sis f the ” enn rout nine n = . i ra ve costu ate dominions, but feel that Canada s ' +’ nee w I t " t * which accentuates rather thar Susscaiwers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of satisfactory mann: cae ee wen ne a. {hides the natural lines of a good non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Santas ‘tie Mile (Mabie ‘Wefence ie proved himself not only a faith cans This order does not|| BC. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE — eae ful worker in the army, but a : ; oe — - a SSS | the establishment of a local navy]... wh hes = Bh you el represent a hope that the Turk voy Hote SAFETY As eee DAILY EDITION we Saturday, Feb. 1, 1913.|/as a unit co-operating with the t the tlk (Ree ish women will go back to shape - at ‘ : i i epdorerduetocam less clothes. It is interpreted FAMOUS tother Imperial Pacific f ‘The question of contr . a caution against arousing fan SPEED Cor. Fraser and 6th = most important conting oot | HOT FIGHT OVER THE aticism in these eritieal times, PRINCESS SERVICE RUPERT'S PALACE oF COMPORT is not difficult of solution, sit which might be harmful to the LINE 7 ! . sneral dispositior is to IMMIGRATION BILL more advanced members of the e e e e their general i i ‘ jaceept the tritish Admiralty’s| lurkish fairer sex ‘ ; Editorial Notes and Clippings Avice nthe uliirine of avail-|United States May tmpose Liter. nsec nere.|| THE IROQUOIS CANADIAN Male CL del lable ships to the best advantag ary Test on Prospective To be sure of dry feet get the &. &. PRINCESS BEATRICE land with the least delay in times| Citizens Penetang Pack Al styles in Southbound—Sunday, Feb. 2, 8 p. m POOL : . lof stress — stoe Scott, Froud & Co 26.27 MR. YOUNG'S of Canada for more than sixty! ss lagi | Washington. Jan 34—Ritter oe J. @. MONAB, General Agent English and American Billiap MEMOIRS. | years. We read of the P@ss-| pogvere LER PROMISES |warfare in the house is expected waive Tables SECOND Avg i . ing of the stage coach and the! in ‘the consideration of th me We are giad that the public) coming of the railway. We| SIA CONTRIBUTION) migration bill whi was | S ' men of Canada are falling into| pead of the infancy of respons- ae brought up today by Congre ersi eS ro UNION $5 COMPANY OF B C Ltd the habit of publishing remin-| ible government, and the diffi- Chicago, Jan. 30 Ann .p,{man Burnett, of New York . Ve SSS Empress ovine Alleys | iscences. A man who has been culties of the old legislative|}|ment was made recent that J. D.| | etnies ik etieaded in 1 atl The up-to-date H @Sesere- ani AND POOL ROOM | ; o< | union, and the forces which|Rockefeller has pledged 350,000 nats ’ j ence rovides for a literary test led up to confederation Welto the Northern Baptist conven-| : ; hs tors of Prince Rupert The Twin Screw Steamer jand also that a mmigrants @ ALLEYS 12 TABLES behind the scenes, who has been in Parliament and who are told the story of the or-/tion provided the conventi . ; , sida Sune fumed — ¢ 7" 4 sate : i - must furnish a_ certificate of itted an I has had close personal rela-| ganization of the new system,|raise $125,000 more than last) outer from thei respective ign riting.. 66 9 = lions with political lteaders,| and of the gradual development|year when $1,568,000 was ob-| vernments before being gran P en e H. E. ROSS, Prop. +] ‘ -kefelle gi eover eT ' & eran- sometimes has access to infor-| of the Canada that we see to- | tained Mr Rockef Mn : aa ted admission to the United Sta-| aper-Hanging mation which is denied to the day. promised to give an addi < gree tes Our Speciaities Arrives from Vancouver Every ordinary iiistorian, and which As we read rese re ee alae oe a ie 7 ; we of | The bill has caused more let- MONDAY NIGHT : ) . » she sdness |2 Second $129,000 wir these 6 ote o eongressme 9¢ CARTA he can disclose at the proper eae - rit shortsightedness | . 649,000 would be for the use of st : — r > ee tg ut | "We always deliver the goods.” " AY sronaarl . ¢ ane of those who say that Canads »| an any measure 0 ecen cere Baile for Port Sim no, Naas River Points . cme without any Breach of eo . | six auxiliary societies of the | All Jewish organizations ape | 2nd Street Phone 156 Green apc en ie * confidence. He has a different has no history. It is true that|e¢onvention and be devoted prin- led 5 he tiahe 0: thet and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m G. T. P. Transfer Agents rledgwec 0 ian 0 e last gasp) point of view from that of the it is not a history written in|cipally to home and foreign mis- : rainst the enactment of the ue a Orders promptly filled P . outsider. He knows the real) pjood. Br 4 os baletne d publication work. The|*"°"" _ , | Guile tee Vancouver e 1 oF reasonabie ood. it it is all the more} sions and pu tificate clause. They warmly sub} M t OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Contre reesei causes and motives of actions unique end inctructive because amount must be raised by Apri atten bn is edews of Ghucisel Your Suceess- e er WEONEGDAYS, 2 P. ™ as well as those assigned. ‘ ist The Northern Baptist con- ; : inate ett Mthorte il na J 5 é > é . o ‘ at rollette ‘ ) eriv denot | ms 9 ae The Hon. James Young is an its battles have been fought on vention is a centr@l body of Bap- ’ tine featur f the | t f- | Regard your B.N.A. Savings . ‘ a ahaa . ced iat feature o e bill as e . excellent writer of memoirs.| the parliamentary stage, or|ijc¢ churches of the north Tt} Sattchiy chieinon .‘terevet the | Bank Book as a sort of meter Rogers Steamship Agency ~ He had an intimate acquaint- with the forces of nature. It/has a constituency of 1,200,000 ld f Ameri to political re-| which records plainly your doors 0 nerica t« ) ict ‘ icl -cords . ance with many of the public is history made by pioneers, -_-———,.- ——— fu | — I ve Phone 116 ugees : Ma é sides | ‘ Ps chanics srehants | | rogress toward prosperity. a a ees ion = 3 oat , ry es , mere ae - | BECKWITH TH DECLARED | “Pepticular obiection {is mede| progress to prosperity : ‘3 —— of politics, and he has the fac- uilders « railways, parlia- ; . ulty of describing them so as/ ienddnitens It is it sotetinn | GAVOR OF ‘VISTOMA |i the operation of the proposed There are hundreds of these woe : ; ’ : “a . eee | bil in the cause of Russian im-| Phone 116 Rogers & Bad to make them live again. But because it shows by the force Victoria Jan 29 Judge | migrants It is declared that to] ff Bri h he is not a mere gossip. He of example what may be done a ili 0 tis Lampman this morning declared | pass it would render absolutel August, 1912 | PUPIL OF We. FOXON, RBG, 4.8A.m. 10%. OM il has a full appreciation of the by the men and women of our : . ‘ : i ; J. L. Beckwith elected mayor of|abortive the efforts of Jewish N rth A ri oo us side Act - af ae a, Ne a an ae Victoria and will swear him it|}immigrants from the Czar's| 0 me ca ‘Valhalla’’ of S.H. & EF rm grasp of public questions. centive 0 1@ patriotism vat lthis afternoor Counsel for A j.| ou ~y to obtai asvilum in Am.| ‘ es. Hence he has given in the iwo consists. not in fear or hatred ' 7 3 , : ts ae . ate) 7 om sy : mh success-meters in the homes AND Seaman Sous Morley announced that he would/erica, and that the measure | : Meets every Bnd and 4th Tuesday a — now baron " Ww il- | of other nations, but in build- | a ope al for a new electior |would effectively destroy the tra-| around you. Isthere one in p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave liam Briggs a valuable om ing up our own.—Toronto Star. ditional “open door” of the Un-| your home? If not we will ANNEX - SS : ” — nsumers. » - es to » oppressec : | eae | will Protect Co oe ie ited Stat to the ppressed in | gladly provide ons. | Washington, Jan. 30. In Europe. ? | D. C. STUART ider to protect consumers nal: te to | 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS ‘ lprevent the flooding of the mar-| THE WEATHER. Accountan p |kets with oranges and lemons de- | omen Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 Owned and operated by the aetna eee Ses oun a lelared to be unfit for food, the| The weather report at 5 o'clock | Grand Trunk Pacific Railway or PRINCE ameny 8. © oe E oO =] y -\ oo D wo) Me yi Federal Board of Food and Drug|/this morning read Barometer, | the American and European pla: ~~ Inspection has issued an order |30.521: maximum temperature, | Excellently furnished, with e rT! ; forbidding the sale in insterstate{/53; minimum temperature, 32;) Prince Rupert Branch, steam heat, electric light, and all Alex. ™. Manson, B > ata OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL GQOCLOCK commerce of fruits which have| precipitation, .40 ineh F. S. LONG, Manager. || modern conveniences, being abso W. E. Willems ’ Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in been damaged in the recent Mean temperature for the; || lutely first-class in every respect. J) WILLIAMS & MANSON Less Than 7 Months freeze in California. month of January, 29.2; precipi- | The appointments and service Barristers, Solicitors, Et j tation for the month of January, are equal to any hotel on the Box 285 / | ( : ? All Loans Made Bear ms Interest at the Forty years in use, twenty {1.31 inches; maximum temper-| eor getown coast | Meigerson Block Prince Rupert, && Rate of Per Annum years standard, prescribed and/ature, 53 on the 31st; minimum | a | a recommended by physicians. For) temperature, 4 on the fst. Sawmill Co Lid. i 4 a, 1941 ‘ — +RINCE RUPE ins “made Gung ‘mont of $500.09 Hi women’s Ailments, Dr. Martel’s . Rates: $1 to $3.50 per da | P.O. BOX a PRINCE December, ; $4,000.00 Female Pills, at your druggist. Subscribe for the Daily News. $1 to $3.50 per day. OHN E DAVEY month of $17,000.00 ie | J ° ; y —_—_e—n—mK—s_o__ — : ———— ——e Lumber TEACHER OF SINGIN month we $22,000.00 Loans made a ‘ month of as November, i912 ’ . $34,300.00 G. A S ‘ M alee 8 aor " . Sweet, Manager. | — End of November, 1912, Loans 000 00 : M ul pending (being put through ’ e oO Ss ’ 8 GT d her Loans | | "Bae a ertetie™ $99,300.00 s | HAYNER BROS month of November, 1912 UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMER a . en ‘Thousands of readers are missing our offer tosend FREE our large _ A large stock of dry finish- eer ere Guna) Dive Omate end’ process’ to" ante $225,000.00 §) range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS | = ing lumber on hand, Boat | cme rmurd See our Representative TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our made at short salle. bie SMITH & MALLETT o THIRD AVE. ur prices are as low as any. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Call on us before ordering. Sheet Metal Work * ' customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send a tape Canadian Investment Company, Ltd. measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, Head Office, 2nd Floor, Paciic Building, Vancouver, B. C. ALL FREE. You hive only to read our book of testimonials and you Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert Sy will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for KamidBps Other B. CG, Offices, Victoria, New Wesuninster, Nelson, value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. E. L. FISHER Pines “”* Workshon nahin elt4 and Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts 2 Funeral Director and Embal™ Address for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Glougher Syndlonts, ovr: —— ee a Stee | sae! . The City Editor Was Feeling Rather Gri Grippy Himself | —Drawn for The Daliy News by “Hop T Sucve wieee Ave >\| (Wim NIMBLE FEET I USED To sie ITO MY Hani MY Nose = DIP, Boss -Tui Ley You EMoUGH WoRDds RHYMinG ||) THE BUNNY HUG AN FRISCO GYP — THE DEW DROPS DROP in ENDLESS Drip) HAVE THis TO PRT, WINK LA GRIPPE FoR. BuT Now BN GOH I srume@.e, sie 7 L DARE NOT EVEN Tae 4 NIP WHOUGH 11s So Goo ME YO GET € WHOLE MY BACK WHEELS SKID an! UP Ir TRIP! (\T BURNS THE COLD SORE ON MY LIPD T REALLY OUGHT To a OUT OF IT A D224 aa AND ACHING HIP T CALLED UP DOC To GET His TIP, SH. IT To some CHEER UP SBZ HE- ITs Just We GR Bie MAGAZINE |