Tuesday, February 4, 1913. THE DAILY NEWS FACTORY reBpuIict -YPEWRITER REMINGTON $35 Empire $25 Unoerwoon $65 And numerous other bargains. Send for complete list of slightly used machines rebuilt in our own factory and made as good as new. @ save you $15 to $76.0n any machine. Satisfaction guaranteed, dian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, Suite 305, 319 Pender W,, Vancower, B.C. ee ——EE____—_—_—— LAND: PURCHASE xorices. ' ANOTHER MINE | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ) ) ) =——= Established 1908 Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotgune Rope Valves \mmunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “We Sell Nothing But the Best” | “FROM HOME TO HOME,” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vaneouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500, THE AFTERMATH Usually the day following Christmas brings with it inpleasant recollections of friends who have been inad- vertently overlooked in the matter of Christmas gifts. Isn't it fortunate that New Year's Day follows so closely and gives us an opportunity to make amends for our versights during the Christmas rush While the past week's shopping made very heavy inroads into our stock, he assortments in each line are practically unbroken We have a large range of beautiful things for New Year's gifts. CONSULT OUR CATALOGUE Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS seo. E. Teorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C ESESGERSESEEDRESLESSED EMS RESRE BEE SEESEESEE RES SESSES BES EERE NE AK GES, bOl DUTY AND POS'|AGE RSAL HAIR CO TRANSFORMATIONS 427,507.95 OLR PRI oS ETT zi Extra Pull of st qua Hair, 913.00 ference of needed y s x ‘SH f ee 5.09 eee ¥ > sormation $ ° Por Liem, 0 or 813.00 oad Pale.Grev IST OF PURE LONG HAIR (as sketeb ) te ‘ae | : ireasing. Price according to length a oe sl : kness required, from $6.00 charted \ Irders delivered di eet to your home, s ¢ rely pac ked 4 tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 13%0: CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, 14) Seadina Ave., TORONTO. B84. FOXBERRY "ROAD, BROGCKLEY. Lopeaon.s.Ft SH POMPADOUR. 50 or $13.00. ao $3 50. Transformation Entire Transformatio Toupet only, $2 25 or DEAS ENGLAND. jageress 200,000 business men are now wearing “Rego clothes @ The fact is significant ; it means that 200,000 men recognize that “Rego” style is what they want, and that “Rego quality and value are the right standard. “Rego” Clothiers are London's leading Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire Metropolis), and they offer you high-class London tailoring at practically ready- made prices— or less. “REGO” NEW YORK American Model Lounge Suit. The .. and fashion of this superb model have been endorsed by experts as the best American style of the year.” It is the suit you should be wearing. The “New York” is one of the many smart styles iHustrated and fully described in our tailoring magazine “FASHIONS FOR MEN” FREE (just published) a ree Copy of which, with full and simple sell- range of 1912 patterns measurement form, we will send )ou on $ 1 0 application, The “Rego” Clothiers, Made to Ld. Measure Dept. O P.O. Box Montreal. = | Prince PAPAL IO LD LOL AL APOLLON rt ; south 15 chains more or less to the north | boundary of Lot 4130, thence west 40 |chains more or less to the east boundary of Lot 4477, thence north 15 chains mwre or less to the south boundary of Lot 994, thence east 40 chains more or less to the point of commencement, containing 60 acres more or less. Skeeta Land District-—District of Coast, ange Take notice that |, William Watson, of irince Rupert, B. C., occupation contrac: tor, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at 4 post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 4135, Range 5, by the Lakeise River, thence north 70 chains more or less to Lot 6243, Range 5; thence west 21 chains to Lot 2656, Range 5; thence south to the Lakeise River, thence easterly following the Lakelse River to pomt of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less ’ WILLIAM WATSON grad, 1912. ivi2—Freb. 24, Dated December Pub. Dec. 30, i913. Skeena Land District—District of HKange V. Take notice that |, Hilda King, of Mon treal, cocupation spinster, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following des: (bed lands Commencing 2v.00 chains in the Coast, at @ post planted sbout a vorthern direction from southwest corner of Lot 5149, thence norty 40 chains more or jess to the © uth hcundary of Lot 5148, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence easi 40 chains more or less back to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less HILDA KING, Donald McViear, Agent. Dated November 26th, 1912. Pub. Dec. 23, 1012-—reb. 17, 194% Skecna District—Distriet of Range V. notice that 1, Alfred E. Wright, of Khupert, occupation engineer, intend | to apply for permission to purchase the | following described lands Commencing at 4 post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 421, thence north Land Coast, Take 20 chains more or less to the northeast corber of Lot 421, thence east 25 chains | more or less to the west boundary of Lot 5142, thence south #0 chains more |} leas to the shore of Lakelse Lake, thence ; Westerly and southerly aiong the said | shore to the point of commencement, con- taining 35 acres more or less | ALFRED E. WRIGHT. | Donald McVicar, Agent Dated November 26th, 1912 Pub. Dec. 23, 1912—fFeb. or 17, 10913. ‘ Land District—District of Range V Take notice that 1, Duncan K. Faiconer, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation mason, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing @| @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 14, thence north following the westerly boundary of Lot 14 20 chains, thence west 25 chains more or less Ww the easterly boundary of Lot 15, ihence south following the easterly boun dary of Lot 15 25 chains more or less tw the railway right-of-way, thence east following the raliway right-of-way 26 chains more less to point of com mencement, containing fifty acres more or less Located the 11th day of December, 1912. DUNCAN k, FALCONER, Locater. Dated December 16th, 1912. Pub. Dec. 23, 10912——Feb. Skeena Coast, or and 17, 19143. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that 1, Madge Kobi, of Mon treal, occupation spinster, intend Ww apply for permission to purchase the following described lauds Commencing at southwest corner @& post planted at the of Lot 5444, thence ‘ Donald McVicar, \gent 1942. Feb Dated November 25th, MADGE KOHL | Pub. Dec, 23, 1912- 17, 19013. | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V ge V. Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation transfer man, intends to apply for permission to |purchase the following described lands: | ce ing at @ t planted at the |northeast corner of Lot 6141 Sonee 5, | Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence north 40 ce west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 4° chains to place of commencement. KR. W. ROGERS. Dated Nov, 1¢ 1912. Pub. Nov. 18, 1049-——Jan. 13, 1043. LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Range that |, Stanley Niven, of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, occupa- tion civil engineer, acting 43 agent for Porpoise Harbor Land Company, Limited, |of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- |} mission to lease the following described jands Commencing at @ post planted on the | most northerly point of Lot 501, Range 5, Coast District, on Porpoise Harbor, thence north to Low Water Mark, thence easterly and northerly following Low Water Mark / 40 @ point due west of the southwest cor- cer of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, thence east to High Water Mark, thence southerly following High Water Mark to a point due east of the most northerly point of Stapleton Island, part of Lot 642, thence west to this point, thence follow- ing High Water Mark on west side of Stapleton Island to the most southerly point of Stapleton Island, thence east to jthe High Water Mark of Lot 642, thence southerly following the High Water Mark to a point due east of the most southerly point of Lot 591, thence south to Low Water Mark, thence following Low Water Mark to @ point due south of the most southerly point of Lot 501, thence north to this polmt, thence portherly and east- erly following High Water Mark to the pole’ of commencement. PURPOISE HARBOR LAND COMPANY, Take wuotice LIMITED. Stanley Niven, Agent Dated December 10th, 1912. Pub. Dec. 23, 1012-——Feb, 17, 1913 Skeena Land Diirtee-—piceries of Coast Range IV. Take notice that William J. Mogridge, of Vancouver, B. C,, occupation broker, intends to apply for rmission to lease the following descr lands: Commencing @t & post planted on the foreshore in Kumeolon Inlet, on Lot No. 187, thence east 20 chains, thence south 30 chains, thence west 20 chains more or ess to river bank, thence northerly fol- ‘owing river bank and foreshore to potnt f commencement, containing 60 acres more or less, WILLIAM J, MOGRIDGE, Dated November 15, 1912. Pub. Nov. 25, 1012-—Jdan. 20. 1013. Notice is hereby given that thirty days after date we intend to apply to the Gov- ernor-in-Couneil for @ quit claim deed for the following desertbea foreshore Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 641, Range V, Coast District, British umbia, thence west seven hundred 1 (700 feet, thence south seven degrees jand forty-five Minutes west (8. 7:46 W.), six hundred and forty (640) feet; thence east seven bundred (700) feet to high water mark; thence northerly following high water lark to the point of com- mencement, excepting that portion (in led «within the above boundaries) IN GLEN MOUNTAIN Surprise Mine Opening Up in Splendid Shape—Drift on First Small Vein Gives Good Ore. The last issue of the Omineca Herald has the following en- couraging report concerning the Surprise Mine, located on Glen near Hazelton: week the to town Mountain, good news was that Superin- tendent North had struck a rich of ore in the drift on the first small vein which was eut in the big tunnel. It will be re- membered that after this vein was cul a couple of men were put to work drifting on it, and while they did not get much encourage- ment at first, they finally struck ore and then raised on it. Some days ago this ore widened out to two and a half feet, and the last reports are that it is getting even better. In the meantime the tunnel is being continued toward the big vein and the men should cut through to it any day now. It this’ vein which will make the property, and if it is as good as it is on the Silver Standard the Surprise will be a second big paying mine on Glen Mountain, and it will not be long before still another large shipper will be added to the Hazelton district list. Last brought shoot is HAZELTON NEWS. Omineca Herald. Ben Bloomsten, formerly at Porphyry Creek, has purchased the blacksmith shop from Frank Carel, who recently bought it from Tom Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. D. MeLeod left this week on a trip to Decker and Burns lakes. They also visited many of the construction camps alone the route. Mr. Robbins of Victoria arrived on the Saturday train to take a position with James Richmond as bookkeeper and postmaster He assumed his duties immediately. D. Rankin arrived in town on Monday night from Prince Ru- pert, where he had been on busi- and he has now gone out to Burns Lake to look after his big construction camps there Rev. D. KR. MeLean left Thurs- day morning for Vancouver church business and will be gone of During his absence the pulpit in the Pres- byterian Church here will be oc- ness on a couple weeks. cupied by Rey. Mr. Lee. Joe Roerig of Prince Rupert was a visitor in town this week. He came up Saturday night and received a warm welcome from his many old friends in this dis- trict. NEW BANK ACT WILL BE AMENDED Public Demand Likely to Force Finance Minister to Provide for Real Audit of Banks. Ottawa, Jan. 31 It is probable that Minister of Finance White will yield to strong demands from both sides of the House and amend the Bank Act so as to pro- vide for real government audit of banks. Criticism of the meas- ure as brought down last week has been unexpectedly severe, and White finds that he cannot get the measure through without some concession to public de- mand. MINISTER OF MINES Delegation from the Yukon Ur- ges Appointment of Dr. Thompson Ottawo, Feb. 1—A_ delegation from the farthest north constit- ueney, members of the Yukon Council, Messrs. Tabor and Mar- tin, and three other citizens of Dawson city, Messrs. Munro, Pinkett and Watt, waited on Pre- mier Borden, recommending the appointment of Dr. Thompsen, member for the Yukon, as Minis- ter of Mines for the Dominion. The mining output of the Yu- kon was ‘impressed upon the pre- mier. It was contended that the gold output since 1881 was $169- 000,000. It was further con- | covered by the Grand Trunk Pacific right | of - way | KAIEN INVESTEMENT COMPANY, LTD. | | Prince Rupert, B. C., December 30th, 1918, | : Feb. 10 | closest i a NOTICE. | fake notice that the rinership for merly existing between Albert Matzen and | Ernest Biesold in the Eagle restaurant has been dissolved by mutual agreement. All accounts due the firm are now payable to Albert Matzen, who will pay all bills ow ing by the firm Wejan, 20-feb. § AT MATZEN EST BIESOLD Prinee Rupert, B. C., January ib, 1018. tended that the mines of the Yu- kon were the only ones under the supervision of the federal auth. orities, Premier Borden stated that should a port folio for mines be created, the name of Dr. Thomp son, a8 minister, would receive consideration. The town of New Hazelton is | already putting on airs A brass iband is the latest suggestion as ja means of making life more en. |Jovable in the embryo city Subscribe for the Daily News BREEZY SPORT ITEMS Baid the governor of North Carolina the governor of Bouth Car ' low many ma- jor league ba feams are gome to train in your state, suh?” Philantrophists gave over £282,000,000 in 1012 Andrew irnegie wa the leader with $35,000,000, and the amounts taper down | £30,000, whieh Fred Snodgrass handed to the Boston Red Sox Mayor Gayt ‘ assign 400 policemen = to preserve order when John MeGraw and Rube Marquard meet ELIMINATING CANDIDATES Promoter Coffroth Lines Up Ser- ies of Lightweight Bouts San Francisco Feb 3— Joe Mandot vs. Harlem Tommy Mur- phy, Feb. 22. Winner of above scrap vs. Ad Wolgast, the latter part of May Winner of May scrap vs. Wil- lie Ritchie for the lightweight championship July 4 This the “elimination” eard that Promoter Coffroth has arranged. The only stumb- ling block to the working out of the programme Wolgast, who demands $10,000, win, lose or draw. Coffroth cannot figure where Wolgast is entitled to this sum, but has hopes that the for- is James is mer champion will accept a much smaller purse. Promoter James Griffin has sent word from Los Angeles that ‘Bud” Anderson, the Medford, Ore., lightweight, has refused an offer to box in San Francisco, preferring to remain in the south for a while. FIGHTER KILLED IN NEW YORK RING New York, Jan. 28—‘Chick” Rose, a prizefighter, knocked un- conscious in Brooklyn last night by_a blow on the chin in the sixth round of a ten round bout with “Sailor’’ Smith, died early today in a hospital. Smith and the referee were arrested. JIM DRISCOLL DRAWS WITH OWEN MORAN London, Jan. 31—Jem Driscoll the British featherweight cham- pion, and Owen Moran, of Eng- land, fought a 20-round draw be- fore the National Sporting Club. 4 great crowd witnessed the bat- tle, which was a fast one. “VOTES FOR WOMEN” STAMPED ON EGGS New York, Feb i Twelve thousand eggs marked “Votes for Women" were sold recently by the Interborough Suffrage Club in their club room. Many of the buyers admitted this was the most convineing argument for woman's management of their own affairs of which they have heard. Fresh consignments of eggs will be in today from a 6,000 acre farm, which supplied the first lot, by parcel post. These will all go at 35 cents per dozen CHAPLAIN PRAYS FOR BALKAN SUCCESS Sacramento, Jan. 314. tars, with their heads bowed reverence looked up in this morning when Chaplain B Dent Naylor earnestly prayed for the success of the Balkan states in their war with Turkey. He be- sought the “God of Battles’ give success to the Balkan arms nm to dom.” Heretofore Chaplain § Naylo: has confined his prayers to a pe- tition for divine guidance of the legislature in their day's work. Little’s NEWS Agency CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS Qnd Ave. Below Kaien Isiand Club One Double Cor ner Zth_AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and the balance over ter years at 6 per cent. Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. - Sena- | surprise | “so that they shall walk in free- | Prince idl of frost proof pipe covering in Northern B. C6. } Phone 340 if your pipes are freezing, we oarry the largest stock Western Plumbing & Supply Co. DON’T PAY RENT High Rates of Interest. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT. PER YEAR WE GUARANTEE the time when your indebtedness will be paid off. Office open evenings. Write, phone or call. INTERNATIONAL HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block... Phone 455 M. E. Ritchey, Supt. or — FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O! Liqueur Scotch Whisky TESTIMONIAL Dr. Ramsay, Fleetwood, reports : ‘‘Con- sider it of excellent quality, and very suitable for invalids requiring stimulants. ’’ i —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. } BERR VS F Subscribe