“tiv bre '? a LARGEST OIROULATION in CITY AND NORTHERN GRITIGH COLUMBIA > = Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist HE DAILY NEWS FEBRUARY 7, PRINCE RUPERT, 32. B. ©., FRIDAY, 1913 —— ‘INANCIAL SITUATION EXPLAINED NEXT MAILS “tc ode Princes» B ce. Saturday, & p. m. Beuth obrincess May........Ménday, p.m. BULGARIA HAS REFUSED PERMISSION TO ALLOW F OREIGNERS TO LEAVE “AD BY THE MAYOR BUDGET SPEECH PRINCESS SOPHIA “ABOUT END OF MARCH Debate on Naval & Bill Was Con- Will tinued by Two Liberal Members LOCAL LEGISLATURE ON PANAMA CANAL |Policy of U.S. Government Re International Use of Canal Will be Discussed Next Week FOREIGNERS IN ADRIANOPLE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE EAGRE NEWS FROM, SEAT OF WAR—FIGHTING IN anus! POL! PENINSULA CONTINUES—-FORCES MOVE Make First Regular Trip with New Fuel System on Sunday. Feb WESTWARD. (Special to The Daily News. Vancouver, 5 Having Special to The Daily News. Ottawa, Feb 6 The budget jbeen subjected to a thorough in- ' speec I! not be delivered be-| spec ; vig > new o Special to The Daily News. |character of the operations. The Victoria, Feb. 6—The policy of speech will ne , om ; os o be postion and trial, the — il ' N . Bulgarian forces, fearing an out ; fore the end of March The na-|burners of the Princess Sophia, Nf = . we “. | bulge an torces, Be i ‘ - . : ates gove » : London, Feb. 6—News from flanking movement by the Turke the United Stat -~ depepeste |. debate was continued today by; which have just been installed at of war is very meagre a * their siti ae es t. with respect to the international | qon Chas. Mar¢il, Bonaventure,| Victoria, have been proved to be are moving the ositions west- ire grave feporte of the! oid along the Tchatiji lines use of the Panama Canal will) and E. M. MacDonald, Pictou most oe ay — , . o . De ; leoma or debate 3 ;ning smoothly and easily in the g the Gallipoli Penin Bulgaria has refused the re.|°2™e up for debate in the Leg pees Mloggrtepony ? sand in the lines around | quest that foreigners now in Ad.|islature next week. The theme STRUCK ‘RICH ‘VEIN AT Captain Neroutses, marine su iatlji but no details as to the/rianople be allowed to leave Will be introduced by the Prem- : ~—ROCHER DE BOULE MINE "ist 00 tie sous j er in the form of a resolution ; service, and Mr. J. H. Alexander, expressive of British Columbia | approval of the attitude adopted is Likely to Be One of the Big assistant Tyee sammy aaa i | by the Imperial Governemnt. Shippers in the Hazelton - ed a soy - os a isfar on o e ‘est o e District This Spring. trial CI] y’s FINANCIAL 1 VATION Mr. W. Hart begs to an- a The first run of the steamer as nounce ‘thes his store in the Hart rhe Omineea Herald publishes |, ,\) burner has been arranged | Block, 3rd Ave., will be closed/the following report of develop- to take place on Sunday next. OUNCIL HAS TO PROVIDE FOR A LARGE DEFICIT FROM LAST juntil his return from Victoria, in| ment work done at the Rocher de when the ship will go on the YEAR—ONLY SANE AND LEGAL METHODS OF EXPEND- 4 week or ten days’ time. The Boule mine, one of the most night run from Vietoria to Van- ING MONIES WILL BE ADOPTED. jkey of the store has been left) promising mines in the Hazelton couver and the afternoon run jue the Mack Realty Co. 28tf | district: from this port closing down of the local| been exhausted, hence we shut Recent reports from Rocher de om ' Joule mine go to prove that the ement work in Section rae regen adbepgan MANY PASSENERS deve lopme nt work already done WILL CARRY DEAN iturally caused consider- This year 6 Gounen is ll WENT SOUTH TODAY upon the property has been very CASE TO OTTAWA e discusion among the rate |'né from the bank to pay current profitable. énd that the owners expenses out of the revenue and . ' e eg . to the necessity of such! were perfectly justified in going j bi axation to be collected this year.|@ Full Compiement of Passen- ahead They are also justified in Attorney ns: oan of Montreal | ind, as might be expected, | pye Council has absolutely nO} gers Went Out on the Prince continuing the present work and Robbery Suspect Will Have those who are endeavor-| right whatever to use any of this | Rupert This Morning undertaking new work which thes Agents Argue Matter Be- political capital out|money for improvements in Sec- | we have mapped out On the two fore Supreme Court. tion by creating an|'o" One. In fact, if it did do so,} The Prince R ipert southbound dumps on the upper vein alone le whith fe nol in es and it was later in the year found | | eft this morning on time with a they have--new- atleast . thre: Special! The Daily News. Hs 1 the wétual facts.| Posse te replace this money/iarge crowd of passengers from hundred tons of high grade cop- New Westminster, Feb. 6.—Mr. properly enlighten Ber a 4 Fae 5 ow 4 the — mr oo = a oe = “a d up the present the} Adam 8. Johnsto suunsel for ght be led astray, wour fin , ' BAS! ~" jare leaving the eity for good mwhers have not attempted anyv- Charles Dean Bank of Montreal Pattullo has furnished The|°Y®® Current expenditure, and} whiist a number of others are thing but development werk. All| ~~ . : ' . the following state. there would be no money for, for making short business and plea- the ore has been taken out of | Pobbery suspect, has issued in- instance, fire protection, police sure trips before the spring op- tunnels, shafts and what drifts| structions to his agents at Ot. J wa make perfectly clear|°" ®" other givic service ens up and the busy season! ,.,.,,, necessary to open up the/tawa to prepare a case and to position of the city It is the duty of each Council] starts in in full swing. Amongst property for development pur- present the argumer before the k that this is necessary in/'® provide revenue to meet the/the saloon passengers were the poses | Supreme Court of Canada in f the fact that an attempt |Current expenses for the year.| following: Capt. Rorvieck, F. D.) The work on the drift on the|sSupport of his contention that a e ide to create an im.|N® Council has a right to load| Eason, G. W . Arnott, Mr. Her- upper vein has carried them into| Writ of habeas corpus should be lirely contrary to the | the next Council with debt on|blene, T. MeNeil, W. Clark Dur- the big shoot of ore, which is five| ranted releasing Dean from cus- A the reasen of which a few|Current expense. A large amount/ant, M. Albert, Mr. and Mrs. F, 8. and a half feet wide, all solid ore. | tody. vho do not know might] spent last year’‘on capital ex-/Long, H. L. Bodwell, Rev. E, C./ and in places it widens out to six! Mr. Johnston stated that noth- eived penditure, such as electric light,| Burch, Peter Bohner, M. r. Jer- | feet, while in the big shaft sunk|ing whatever had transpired to the amount of $25,000 ar-|@S ‘tllegally expended, and the/ome, E. GC. Gillingham, Geo. J.|jast year it is seven feet wide,/ Cause him to recede from the po ed for by last year’s Gounci||Council had no authority to take] Prizzell, G. Hare, Mrs. Ferguson, | Superintendent 1. A, Gowan is | sition he took before the Supreme d the completion of work in|‘"e amount from the general]/Ww. R. Love, John Diliman and greatly pleased with the mine,| Court of British Columbia and he n One, some $14,000 had|"evenue, but before making the] wife, W. J. Alder, J. Piercy, I. N. | Reside s proceeding with the de. | expects to have the matter beord y been spent before the ar-|¢Xpenditure should have sub-|Linnell, BE. G. Baxter, Mr. Len- velopment he has also had men/ about February 17th in the higher nt was made, leaving a ahan, G. Bain, W. McLennan, .lat work sacking ore, and he has | court. $11,000, which has since Continued on Page 4.) C. Ward and wife, L. Kendall, H.| several hundred sacks ready for In connection with the oft re- . Ferhman, F. D, Eason, G. T. Car- shipment When he was visit-| peated statements that the sts- . ~ | penter, C, EB. Carpenter, W. O./ing his home in Salt Lake City he|Ppeets had an unlimited supply of Lawson, Mr. Tooker, F. C. Wil-| too, up the matters of a tram and|™money behind them with which W CALENDAR MAY BE son, Mr. MeIntosh, 8. Richet, J./ shipping with his father and/|to fight their cases, Mr. Johnsto M. Claney, R. D. Pontifex, Mrs. B.| other members of the company,|States that as far as Dean is Bates, JOseph Matthews, R. O./and they were agreed that the) Concerned the reports are abso-| AUTHORIZED B jennings, A. Grady, John Man-/ work must be proceeded with and/lutely false, as Dean had the | son, Mrs. Roberson. that the machinery and tram line} Small sum of $414 or $15 in his| be put in at a very early date, possession when he arrived here TER WOULD NO LONGER BE ‘MOVEABLE FEAST—CHRIST- MUST INCREASE STAFF Rocher de Boule mine is one of|from Los Angeles last August, MAS ALWAYS ON SUNDAY. the big propositions of high grade | and ‘still has that sum. a oe Canadian Home Investment Co./ ore, and it is one which has al- Mr. Johnston has received but Feb. 5.It pow seems|to bear upon Pope Pius to order Will Add to Local Staff. ready done much for the Hazel. /@ small initial contribution from ian probable that under|the change, " pyereemye ton district and whieh wiii give|@ man that could not even lay Pius X an entirely new eal-| While the movement, at least Among the numerous passen-|employment to a very large num- rg: J oon an acquaintance "Wil be given to the world.j/upon the surface, is entirely in rare who. ia e south this| ber of men. E ‘ a : Lethon the'emenienl onan pew SN a nse ste. wel om ae _ aes With Rocher de Boule joining This gl pr John. the proposed new divisions | Re id whee, aden morning — by - . the ranks of shippers this spring ston, ne small, om we = © year and will adjust ali of |"eUe ‘ en , {was Mr. A. P, Macnair, who has/ihe Hazelton mining district will exhausted in ac tus out-of- iplicated mechanism of}! !@rgely for the purpose of mak-)) i) one past three months)joom up as the big new district pocket expenses, obtaining neces- resent day life to the new/inge the great religious festival been assisting Mr. Alex. Steven,}on the American continent, The sary transcript, ete. In faet, at “Visions is, of “course, aldates fall upon permanently es-| manager of the Canadian Home publie, or at least the people of|the present time Mr. Johnston is ‘it uncertain, The backers|tablished days, yet the proposed] [pyestment Co., to reorganize | this district, are greatly interest. | Considerably out of pooket him- * Present movement are en-|new calendar contains such ad-|{heir staff throughout Northern ed in Rocher de Boule A great | self naa yere to be orem ore ‘Nk very fond hopes that}vantages for society, commerce,| British Columbia, Mr. Macnair many of them are stockholders, oa a mae “ndar that served the world|/are openly working for it couver : the great majority of the origina} | the at . ‘it “haa 2 we it the time it was given, The modistes of Paris, for ex rhe company’s business hasjholders are still holding their oe 8, or _ wi " ™ 8 “g P oW badly it may serve ample, who for years have fav-|increased enormously during the! stock, having the utmost confi- ta . "e — “ as a as it is Pe present time—the worldlored the establishment of an un past six months and particularly|denee in the property This is) Within his rights to do, =? be willing to accept|changeable date for Easter, are|js this the case throughout their one of the strongest recommen. | van the same source a new eal. brining pressure to bear through|porthern territory, of which|dations the company can have,|TO STUDY THE LIFE ‘nd One that would beltheir clients who stand high in|ppince Rupert is the headquar-|as practically every one here is IN THE GREAT LAKES “tler titted to the needs of|the church. Other working and|iers, and which takes in the personally acquainted with the -— d today industrial bodies have also eX-|jslands, Stewart and as far east) mine and the ore Ottawa, Feb 5.—-One of the vile movements for the re. pressed themselves in favor Of}as Fort George. To keep pace inost distinguished sons of Can. f the calendar have been the proposed change, and in fact} with this growth it is the inten- THE WEATHER. ada will do the Dominion a serv. On almost from the day injit is largely upon these classes}(ion of the company to further —_— ice this summer, Sir John Mur- P Pope Gregory perfected] outside the church that the back ease their loeal staff, Mr rhe weather report at 5 o’clock|ray of England has offered to resent one, yet it has neverlers of the movement are depend-| steven is expecting three or four this morning read Barometer, | make a study of in the Great ‘i! now that such a de. ing to have the change adopted) practical men from the head of-| 30.004; maximum temperature, | Lakes, and of the bottom ehar-. has become so strong and|/by the various states and govern fice in the course of a few weeks | 43; minimum temperature 33 ree ter ~ these ent that he in : —~ ch event —_—_————— - grea odies Of water ® pro welt. ane, seuaite ee. t Appointed to Hague Court Mr. Jerry Bonneau, a_ well | Poses to bring out his deep sea) pe Sacred Congregation of It is known that the Sacred London Feb. 6—RAt. Hon Jas./ known old timer in Prince Rup jexploring ‘ossel and to co.oper- ' the Catholic Chureh at|Gongregation of Rites is #iving| Bryce British Ambassador to the! ert, left this morning on a twolate with the Dominion biological It is by this congrega-|serious attention to a plan that) United States, has been appoint-| months ‘rip, lo = Menireal, Now |hoard na th a reform would be|has been submitied b Father| ed a member of the Hague Court. | York and other eastern ovttes ee eee ‘ed and put inte force, and| . sie PEDO M He has been United States am-/He also expects to spend a short Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Pressure is being brought (Continued on Page 4 | baseader cinee 0007 time in California Phone 4 WILL BURN OIL lers Special to The Daily News. London, Feb, 6—-A suffragette demonstration in the House of |}Commons tonight occasioned |much excitement. While a divi- jsion was being taken H. D. Har- ben, a well-known Socialist Lib- eral, shouted from the strangers’ gallery denunciation of the gov- SUFFRAGETTE DEMONSTRATION IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS SOCIALIST LIBERAL Was E EJECTED | FROM STRANGERS’ GAL- LERY FOR CAUSING DISTURBANCE. ernment’s treatment of women. With another disturber he was ejected from the House. W. Clarke Durant left on a hurried business trip to Van. couver this morning and hopes to return again by the end of the week. “The Grand Trunk Pac ifie item is absurdly ridiculous for comment, it unfortunate that such an item should be cir- culated broadcast over the Do- minion. To those who have only a superficial knowledge of Prince Rupert, obtained from what they have read have been told, it would appear that this- port has been nothing more or less than a port of call for G. T. P. steam- between Vancouver and the too Is or | Queen Charlotte Islands and that in the immediate future it is to be left out of the service alto- gether. In all probability there was no intention on the part of the = | ———— PROMINENT NEWSPAPER LIBELS PRINCE RUPERT MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED (NEWSPAPER IN CANADA GIVES PUBLIC MISLEADING INFORMATION CONCERNING PRINCE RUPERT AND THE G. T. P. STEAMSHIP SERVICE. Family Herald to do Prince Ru- is to run a direct service be. pert an injustice, as the item has tween Vancouver and the evidently been furnished by some Queen Charlotte Islands. one who is jealous of the import- This is due to the inereased ance of this city; nevertheless, trafie of the islands, and the item will do the city much consequently Prince Rupert harm. The Family Herald should will be eut out of the serv- | lose not time in correcting the ice.” | erroneous impression it has given The foregoing appeared in a| the public and the correction recent issue of the Weekly Star|Should be given considerable and Family Herald, the most "che caida to a direct service largely circulated newspaper ir ; between Vancouver and the Queen Canada, among news items ot| Ghartethe Islands, the local of- the western provjnces. While the} flees of the G. T. P. Steamship have had no advice to date. Of course, it is quite pos- sible that in due time such a service may be inaugurated, but, as previously intimated, the idea of Prince Rupert being cut out by the G. T. P. service is too ab- surd for comment. Prince Ru- pert, the western terminus of the G. T. P. Ry., is destined to be- come one of the most important ports on the British Columbia coast and the public can rest as- sured the Grand Trunk Pacific Company will continue to give its terminus everything in the way of steamship service that its fu- ture development demands. Company LIBRARY COMMITTEE | HAS BEEN APPOINTED | Mayor Pattullo and Aldermen Naden and Dybhayvn, the jmittee who were given charge of ithe initial arrangements for the }opening of a publie reading room in the city at the earliest oppor- tunity, yesterday appointed the following as a working executive (o take this pressing matter up and bring the projeet into effect: com. Key. F. W. Kerr, Principal Brady, M. A., of the high sehool; Mr. Basso-Bert, J. Charles Halsey and Olaf Hansen. Mr. Godson has very kindly undertaken the duties of seeretary pro tem. A meeting of the whole committee will be held on Saturday to fully consider the question and come to a decision as to loeation, ete. James Dick Won Trophy. In their pleasant rooms on Second avenue last evening a very delightful whist drive was given by the St. Andrew's Socety to a large number of members and friends, The series of games proved most interesting and ex. citing, the trophy being finally won by Mr, James Dick with a margin of 39 points. Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent, the many present voting the St. Andrew's Society the very best of hosts. Further enter. tainments of a similar nature will be looked forward to with the greatest pleasure, : and Mrs, John Dillman left Prince Aupert this morn. jing. They are going south for jthe benefit of Mr. Dillman's health, } Mr fon the EASTERN CAPITAL FOR HAZELTON MINE G. W. Arnatt, Well Known Here, Left This Morning on Business Trip Connected with the American Boy Mine. Mr. G. W. Arnott, known to all old timers of Prince Rupert as being one of the prominent mem- bers of the real estate fraternity in the early days, but who for the last two years has centred his energies in the Hazelton district, reached the city on last evening's train. Mr, Arnott of late has de- voted himself extensively to min- ing, and it is in this eonneetion that he is down from the interior at the present time. He is most enthusiastic as to the future of the mining business around Hazelton, The American Boy, the property in which he is at present most heavily interested, has been bonded for $50,000, and from the showings that have been Onecovered the owners feel fully justified in placing the property before the big moneyed interests in the east, Mr. Arnott, as the represesidiy. tives of the bondholders, is tak. ing a hundred pounds of sample ove from the property and with it will visit Winnipeg, Toronto and New York during an extensive tour of Eastern Canada and the United States. He has no doubt whatever that he will be success. ful in placing the property satis. factorily. Mr. Arnott left for the south this morning on the Prince Ru. pert and expects to be away for the next two months, ADRIANOPLE *