Friday, Feb, ‘ rHE DAILY NEWS a as aie — se parca 4 a cae geese: oe oe BASEBALL Leng ~ - VEm = LAST NIGHT IN oye ui LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ; ,.,,.. “The News” Classified Ads. jc 77coru'". aaa he Standard Fisheries, left for|the following he south this morning on the|sented and mad Prince Rupert enter the league: 1} os ord For rtion== a ne | John Piercy, of Piercy, Morris rhe first of the sc} & Co. returned to his home in will be played a - —— — iVictoria this morning after aj}°" Sixth av *. —_ visit of a uple of weeks in this next, February i Cor. 3rd Ave. & 7th St. P ] Studi Wanted M P i ty ing teams being eer ess 10 / ayor attu 0 auemeuas and Pirates Af ms 19-20-21 Alder Block ~“_— udp E | . . . Mrs. Roberson, wife of a this business 1) Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St MALE stenographer requires work in the xpiains Situation ie rned at Styles at Red ne Box 21, Daily News eur tobers f the G.T.P was am ined and a«« > ee al > > cred Irie ee edt | ’ All Work G es , NG man Gesires work in evenings S Dente > wet the southbound passen liately fo | Work Guaranteed kkeeping or work of a clerical kind seg from Page ¢ tt the P ganizing an « 20, Daily News office ‘-tf gers s g on the Prines : Oe ee a tupert 1 visit to Vancouver) {"°¥™ 48 the Pr " ; 7 ive ‘O Retliy, we vg esit .S aya pe ee eee , ind Victoria teur Athletic Ass ; t : ~ had passed st da decided t« WANTED—Young man to s t life i ’ an — " , wg = ery ane mimiss ‘ aised the n ey the Hugh Tooker, of the staff o aanereivem ween AND- asis. C. EB. Bainter. Phone 387 271! : fa del Ritch £& A ‘ iv ~ tion, which w s¢ debenture iss toe chie < gnew, civil engin- } WANTED—A good genera: servant. Apply affiliation with pie aa 211 Second Ave. or phone 14! ea fore starting the work at a ers and surveyors eft’ on a amnateut Ath of Ait Kinds short vac ‘ it ~— “ : WANTED e nt. ADT rs When the 1910 ei) want) oor’ vaca the south this aed estimates Free LW Sota ral servan wee , 191 ' ' , ening Application has R. E. BALL we ciisliiiananinlinil ce it le a surplus illo he G. 7 } ‘ ' eve if nd suflici park site back ef _ a ‘i ‘eats me ! { capa: © : Lumber ¢ vas amongst the] to)iowing , ara | PICs LN One provements|passengers going south this|peads of th Meet M ‘RR SALE—Pairbanks- Mors sta ary s ther templated Since that £ the Prince Rupert.| Land . Meet Me at gas ¢ engine, twelve h.p., high spee - : . : “andes — For Ten Acre Blocks first a beste ¢ 7 "vee nts iets te duet © 1 business visit to the] vance. See. 9 of good level land on HYDE'S CIGAR STORE i if | One t originally cpntemplated pany's headquarters at Vic-|ipeasuret Porcher Island. Close : — 7 eased the capital expenditure , ld rettdeeentecteneeeennni ° Magazines - Periodicals For R: Ldditio t which tl Seetior | ; > 4 i als ent . hich ‘e ection G Baxté | to Bathing Beach and Newspapers { ) One fund was so ‘milked we Gesinn. 3; Teteeitt. te Gtebdeniees enets Public School. A fine i City Messengers i aE ae tea her purposes that the|" ig f 1 short vacation in| quarters in this place for a Summer ; Parcel! Delivery se in: 623.0 ‘on a pe d naturally went short = gay cities to the south of us.|toria this 1 o ' 408 att "his is the me ¢ 4 Frizzell was ¢ smiles at »| connect } Home. Phone 362 607 3rd Ave. my ee ee " Se FURNISHED rodms and housekeeping, W"\ h we are dete ne : I spect of his we earned littl . rooms Apply Alder Biock rer $rdi; at thi« ent 4 j nt . . | Ave. and 6th St . 22-35 , . - yea and , H. L. Bodwe G. 7 cs seeds wsititiinsinliinds st we pay a rrent expenses —_—— engineer, left this 1 $20.00 an Acre Bi PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO., for the yea! t of r curre W. J. Alder. a former resident| Prince Pupert for \ . usy Bee Cafe LTD. evenue, but we w have to pr f this city, who has been paying] business connect ONE-HALF CASH sendera witt be rected by tne unger.|vide for a large deficit from last|Prince Rupert a visit for the last] pany es 549 3rd Avenue Snes’ te ie ee = year This, as may be assured,|ten days, returned to Victoria this ere nad Balance 6 Months \ ghost Up-to-Date Place in Town proximately 1.1 v0 rock J" is < th wt “ do, but in addit I to this|morning to rejoin his family Sales girl wanted S Wal. Seceieas @ Gam Gents con cance), Seccncetens cforms of enter ca ee eee eh eopitel eg-|Mr. Alder, who has travelled ex-|!ace Co., Ltd | be obtained at the offi f aaeee Rit hie,| a I such ipital expend tensively in both Canada and the Open Day and Nigt Aguew & CO., McBride str 2-38 |, ee 7 p a gat W. CLARK DURANT, ture as will not only enable us jl ed States, says that for a —, a aoe . a General Superintendent siart work selves but will] place f residence. not to men- e * sta agi Seon MVOSIMES Bros, KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY |———— MY WARDROBE. och in ht onc Saag i ou 6 the cea oe fu her provision for capital ex.| best place he has struck yet Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 penditure . HAY, GRAIN FEED AND Scott Building, Next to City Mail eee Si W *a* Builders’ Supplies Shoot end Plate Gless —————__——— ——— Phone Green 390 ! Now, what I have said is Among the arrivals on last e ign riting.. \ quell amaen Plate Giass Mirrors SEEDS ——|said in a spirit of reflection up eht’s train was Mrs, D. J. Me P . Oils WARE sore. Ranges , FOR SALE anybody but” mere hat the} Phe f Telkwa, who was at once aper-Hanging Varnishes ieeaed public may th ghls der_|taken to the hospital suffering Our Specialties : Gasoline Fish Tender or Towboat | *'#d ‘he Nnancial situal a from a serious ess. Althoug MON The “S - Agents for the International Stock Food the abs te hile ty . wutting|the triy entre walkers to ee ARCH MALLEABLE ™ “*3s**° : Groen soca &, ont oj tone] Se wie Sonenty_ of printing ie Sea Sears Ne ear | ie. come Gator te eat e. 135 3-10 ft.; breadth 14 7-10, depth |. a mie a a a Sa, ee mate, Capans PRomrILY atrammas fo|3 2-10 ft.; 30.h.p. engine. Price, be Phee stood it remarkably well.| Sad Eareet ail a aE $< —____ . . $4,800.00. Address W. A. Walker |? © OEY Min oe . m Telkwa a clit oti st sen Ny .~ @ | | Hazelton with the therm ete Malliol alin] Nala eT = a a a S . teven Hotel cattle M. NEW CALENDAR MAY BE - sini i , 2} JZ BP BREE EBP ERP EBPEPREPPRRBePPEBREBRRBERM: lms Nek AUTHORIZED BY pore] ah eee an sre a e O 2 2 er et - an n uble = fa) maar | __ Seen Wem Page § I Kh, Jessop, e1 eer with th Fel) ) } o —_— 1G, T. P. construction, reached the = | Gg briele Nahapetian i earned ; 2 ” Better than Ringin B || Pine Rae Fre Nar Sten eat oe tS havi atte orner al f ni i dea is toO|year having elapsed since he was . | divided the vear into 360 days ast in Prince Rupert M Jes r Fe] CIRCUIT NO. 1. iper r. Jes- r g = Box 92-——5th St. and 3rd Ave lwhich then would be subdivided] 5°? who will leave on an extend- 7th A VENL E i Box 13-—6th St. and 3rd Ave { ed visit to the lower coast cities — EEE fe), Box 148th St. and 3rd Ave jae a usual twelve months of ! ‘ : ; , Door-bells Fe Iliescu Four ut vf couree ofa weno 208 SECTION SIX i Srd Aves e s j i ‘ eee a re vast 7 N : Box 16-—-isi Ave., between 8th and oe = — thus be left) progress the city has made since [el 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) } he ordinary solar year,|his last visit here. He will make | $2000 cash and the balance over ter A PIANO manufacturer recently made a house- re - a ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen Ine would dispose of by adding|® '™¥ ver to Masset to visit his years at 6 per cent — ra rtel ra) me of them to the last month of brothers, who are residents of the — to-house canvass. He’s one of E OIROUIT NO. 2 Of Geshe § irahe sland capital vefore d “es those — with pe Gon 88—3rd Ave and 3rd St |. on Guare ae March eaving for the aaah ae Sa 1 an absurd fear of the “waste-circulation” bugaboo BD |i ores ome, JJune, September and December re sout muel Harrison & Compan re Ox Sra Ave. and McBride 5t Then. fir the fth extra ey . —Ca ° te | \\) Box 24—ist Ave. and McBride St sally, the fifth extra day The Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Buret Brokers and Financial Agents nnot get away trom the haunting thought that fe) | Box 26--2nd Ave. and 2nd St [hs e would dispose of by not tack-|who are on their way to Los ye Second Ave. Prince Rupet! only 10 out of every 100 readers of a newspaper e si = coe wee ling it on to any week or month,|#eles, California, for a two mon- 2 » be |but by merely making it an extra|!hs’ visit, left this morning o Yy a : ° CIRCUIT NO. 3. : ~ én oo! Your Success-me er a may be possible buyers of his goods. BO is dk cee i i ee ee nee ae. Be eee at cote at ae de E fe) Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts the last day of the old year and|Bureh, who is rector of St. An- Regard your B.N.A. Savings (3 . . the first of the new drew's Episcopal Church ‘ “ le al Box 347th Ave. and Fulton 8t pi pa sureh has . sof metal (2) . ° Box 36-—-9th Ave. and Comox Ave Under this calendar Father|»een forced to take a vacation on Bank Book as a sort of mets ral So he — to advertise, and went a-Canvassing e Box 37-8th Ave. and Dodge P! Nahapetian points out that New] @ccount of ill health It is sin which records plain your = *.° e e Box 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St sai ; : : ; ; (2 —Invitin oO : | Year's Day. which in the church|Ccerely hoped by the numerous ; d S g people to come to his piano recitals. el CIROUIT NO. 4. tr i oo alba thee eat fo cal Then he wondered why they didn’t come. | —e 4th Ave. and Emmerson | Cireumeision, would always come|Short sojourn in this city that There are hundreds of these a 2 nee 200th tn. ns ee jon Sunday, as would of. ecourse|the change will completely re- g fal Sox 48—5th Ave. and Green St Christmas The first day of each|Store him, During his absence Bank of British c al Box 446th Ave and Basil St |quarter would also be always a|'he duties of the parish will be fe This is why: but al eis z : Box 45—11th Ave. and Eberts. |Sunday, and April ist would be/Ccarried on by Bishop Du Vernet rth m e eae i mo pa 5 ee ee |permanently fixed as Palm Sun.| assisted by the Rev. W. E Colli- No A erica el He wasn't reaching the people. a , " eek - her- fo | day Easter would also be al-|50n. success-meters in the homes ft J coaxing help to convince | | S555 |ways a Sunday exce a oe ’ aie a Their inday except in leap fe His canvassers rang every door-bell in the head of the house—and pretty soon = |~ _— , > | year, when he proposes to dis-| Mr, F. 8. Long, formerly man- around you. Is there ont” 5 town. Thev talked to some one in every there'll be a piano in that home. (2) | poss of the extra day of the yearjager of the local branch of the your home? Ii not we will ; = by inserting it between April 7th} Bank of British N i Sy house. Thi imil . —_ os 7 ~ April 4 ank oO sh North America, y me val Bu : ae . and of enees which rel} jand April 8th and making it/left this morning for Gitenen Wb Pay ae ie t one in every household isn't enough might be cited to show that “waste cir- fe] PRINCE RUPERT NN | J Easter imstead of the usual Sun-|assume the management of the 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS fel —particularly if it doesn't happen to be culation” is an empty bugaboo, and should el pear Of April Sth. branch of that institution there 0" ( the right person. And, as a rule, it wasn't deter no one. ay ' |} Some other advantages which|A large number of Mr. Long's Capital and Reserve Over $7,500 fed the right person— it was a servant, = AND }it is declared this calendar would| friends were arf = ora 5 i e on the wharf this ne fe child. The woman of the house was seldom Take the motor truck. It can be sold 2) i |bring would be the permanency|morning to wish neds oats a Pris? As es only to la fon Yet a tor trucd ra) ef the days of the different|and good luck During a resi Prin Rupert Branch, a : manufacturer is successfully Advertising zy months, For instance, the first}dence of a little over two years wr LONG, Manage! (2) Now, if the piano maker had placed an in daily papers. He realizes that he must d ! day of the first month of every|in Prince Rupert, as manager of > e ° nt) m . Os at ee ae arter would always be Sunday:;/the Bs . FS oA an int tie al quar inday;) th ank of B. N, A., Mr. Long a i the newspaper, ft would have reached reach, eg wigan jl the second day of the second|has made a large number of « ong a) thousands, where the canvassers could corns that vequire trucks, ut also their 5 month of each quarter would al-|personal friends Previot ry ns fe reach only hundreds. directors, - foremen, their head ma- 5; re me wee Sy the ways be Monday, while the third|coming here he was for a a ay hinists, etc. t is fi , in | : re ran run acihe hallway on lay of the tl . ma poe oN i wt im. : And even though only 10 per cent. of the that this Advertising radiates i pacino | the American and European plan. aauia aes “ye | ee : rn __ of years on the staff of the r in a thousand Excellentl t ished : t ild always be Tues-| bank in Dawson City, going there readers are actual plano buyers, this does directio: : }} ently UrHe , with day Thus hile ’ eC Set meen ‘that the adivestias M one, and again converges most as- steam heat, electric light, and all a tus, While it would re-|first in the palmy days of 1900, oo e" vertising read by the tonishingly to influence the house that has re) modern conveniences, being abso- quire ose neraes ian to ftigure| when the golden city was at the val talks, eee ne ene made up its mind that horse-trucking is lutely first-class in every respect. mi nat 6 +. SS ae calendar|zenith of its wild and exciting |®-"0O™m house across ' 7 erie : on what day would fall January |career In eo or j Ron prospec yer, too costly and inefhicient. The appointments and service 4, 1945, a child would know,}/ were th “ > tho. Pre a ae — : K }were ere 108e haleyo sae are equal to any hotel on the | under the proposed calendar, that| Mr. Long enjoved we Gap ; - } coast. ) the bizarre and]. ak sail la j it would be a Tuesday unconventional life, and looks 5-room house, #eros® wong» vailable Buch a calends believed, |b é 00 we vor tet See ee seen problems is @ j ae ? al ndar it is believed,|back upon them as amongst the $15.00 Secretary of the ( lin ~ nine agency, or the woule ave great advantage in| happiest and most interesting of a oer anadian Press ssoctal } " the eomuercial \dustris iad Oe. esting o Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enquary notions > on — §03 Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. labor 7 ' nee _ fal andjhie career For some time he/2 cabins, close in, 68.00 “8 gation fal iboring world in doing away with|was acting manag on your part—so write if interested. | all mistakes arising from tt ee a Se oe uh arising om the i portant branch, and not th leas — re) . et , oo — and ofjof the regrets at his deoliatane ; ieap eur and ih reducing All ca from Prinee Rupert ' ; ce le ¢ R N ¢ | G. A. Sweet, Manager’. Bjeuiations of weeks, months and| pressed by his we on a0 ox . ° aden 0., ol fol fol fral frol teal tral tral Ite i} ee ihn tee ee OR 1 : Ww Oo on fad ea) Pea) fea Teal aT 3 orem ve implest 4 ibleid a friends now resident in this Agents a ei . 2nd Avenue