Sat el : THE DAILY NEWS urday, February 6, i943 re ee News |PARISMOTORBANDITS WERE ss Suess “"".5au ; H. M. Laidlaw f Borne Lake. THE DAILY NEWS | con nis vas co chat woot whl LOMA SS, PRINCE RUPERT reset THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA freight for the Burns Lake Trad- | nk + Published Daily and Weekly by IN THEIR OWN D ne & Lumber Co., in which he] ah) leaves for Vancouver, Victoria aL THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. is associated with Messrs. Sealey and Seattle cal -— and Gerow A mill with a capa FRIDAYS, 9 A.M. BON eit 2000 feet is to be ! SUBSCRIPTION AATES—To Canads, United States and Mexico: |“COV%e® COR ESRMATES OF BLOOOY ee city of f Pa ge “PRINCE JOHN” . SPE ES—COURT TOLERANTLY PERMITS stalled by the company, and is Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, HARANGUES | led to be in Operation by For Port Simpson, Grenhe, Bay, oveer, Naas, 11 & m., Jan « $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year ones year ‘st Masset and Naden puter, . p. ? noe “a vat ee ee er ee ee a COVERS Pari Feb. 7.—The s nd and at frequent interva ae ee Mares Tee, Stet 3 = t s e 7 > we ’ ‘ ’ 5 vt # edquen ite? é > - — — —_—— ! : or Ski , Aliford Bay and other Queen Charlotic tan — TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract} day's trial of the automobile ban- had heated altercations with the Subscribe for the Daily News ney ae tath, Foth, Feb. 9th, 23rd, Marc h on 3 i Dm rates on application. its produced brief passages be.|Judee. At times all three spc @ T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER setAvice ; id 4" aa a ce 7 ” t the same time. but Preside No. @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. m. Wednesday and satura, EAD OFFICE ween ee ee, © ae court! Gg i was toleration itself Th i“ B. ( Tel h land the counsel and prisoners } a wh r . a r orage Ren eT Daily News Building, ird Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.|,, an ae ao bs thi ‘ e we Track y t , ae coal re wa in al Dieudonne to waste ten n A f Nine month excursion rates in effect. Choice of routes to Chicag ries BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES e r ' aia Z r ; ae wet he court's time in a speech ' yal = “~ wages with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk Ra way pene . . tie > . =~ a pon the phiiosophy of anarch; deposited in a Savings Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. For ati infermation app) New York—Nationa! Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd SL, New eypied with the examination « Dieudonne, who is a carpenter by| Account is so much of your A. &. MOMABTER, Yeneral Agent, conte a York City. Dieudonne, Catlemin, Mor ide defended himesif with en-| labor in storage for emer t ' es Alies Simentoff Of the | : , Seattie—Puget Sound News Co A ergs ale i om . ‘ : six charges against Dieudonn: gencies OF old age. London, England—-The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, |, most.serious is his attempt Mor ier ‘is a rdébust and self ; THE IROQUOIS Trafalgar Square. Ite. miuiiet Mise teaait “snocsencer |‘ rn ae a most vol-| What seems an inexhaust- (| g¢ CcoAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE | uble te er olding i: I ! iby , = SES0oOowWSea=nss Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in |Caby in the Rue Ordener anoles ta tl right hand he de-| ; : a aie ae a7 ] POOL i 4 : ‘g n, a as Rav¥mond! tes s and he de-| not last as long as you case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers Callimen, known as Raymond an ae mee ‘ Lascience, because of mathe- a , ge rminable sj ae am expect. Begin storing some | FAMOUS ena SAFETY English and American Billiant —— ee le eesoal ugws, % accused of ten ' cs oe ve and jury — — , oink of it now, this week, in the i ESS aT | Twelve Tables SECOND Ave DAILY EDITION oad Saturday, Feb. 8, 1913.|)crimes, including the murder of | ®°COMPanying - remarks with Savings Department of PRINC anes SPEED . — rg ———— Policeman Garnier. expressive gestures | ArT orks SERVICE | ayricareey — CLements’ aneat PULL inducing the Songhees to sell Monier is accused of playing During the hour he was on his EB OF LINE SSS: WITH THE GOVERNMENT the reserve. The amount paid/® Prominent part in the outrages | feet he was most anxious to per- TH ANh r 2 , “ ; to the Indians for the pur-|i” the Forest of Senart, where a suade the court he was a ma- British North America S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Empress Bowling Alleys wane 0 tam renee 5 'aew chase of the land, improve-|™otor car was stolen after the ligned citizen and that he was Southbound—Sat., Feb. 8th, 8 p.m. AND POOL ROOM in the estimates brought down ments, interment, removal of driver had been shot dead, and|honest and simplk ind kind 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS | 4 ALLEVS 12 TABLES in the House of Commons at dead, etc., was about $437,750) '" the robbery of the bank at hearted His fellow prisoners CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 “a aan. onuele Renin Best Fitted one Most Luxurious a Ottawa on Monday of this on which the commission ob-|Chantilly, where two cashiers were spelibound by his « eyes of che . o 6 ‘ esti week that Prince Rupert and| ‘4imed by these two gentlemen o ee dead. They never took their a rf eo | MESS, rep . a4 a dienes The three prisoners all made|him, but the judge an the district of Comox-Atlin Ey aires ones on) a. cial long speeches to the judge and looked very bored | Prince Rupert Branch, | 5 pane nn aN were not overlooked, a com- ' o ; h h aiaat i | F. S. LONG, Manager. ransaction, whic includes, | — - so 0 hi | — -_——— . _ gerioos of the vote luie_7e56) ‘wis the. above, iho vorohecd|BaeraR Mave Bere ucner an tu por con, a (WON $ COMPANY FC, UW LINDSAY'S i beral Government and with a] Price of the new reserve, and which the city ean b w now,} Riberal fepresentative, ios. payments to merchants and WITH CIVIC LOAN - the $14,000,000, $2,000,000 -Church Services - G. T. P. Transfer Agests Wm. Templeman, is interest- eee aee. - TE an thal be devoted to the migrove dy « =< The Twin Screw Steamer a i i Peweee oon © . — ent and enlargement of the} FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Gedere reamonabie ing. In the estimates this year the commission is about 14|/@entreal Advised By Bank to me n an s irgen a is ST PRE apt? RIAN CHUN oorn-2. 8. Gna tual Prince Rupert is down for be : Place It Now, Before | Waterworks, and special plans | Cherh Gall ot it = -_ 6 99 $75,000 for a public building per com. , deb War Is Over. jare now being prepared by Mr Sean te gh PS Bg a iy (a re-vote), $60,000 for an tb we ae — eae ciel jJanin, which will be submitted to|] REV. PF. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor || en e —— immigration building, $50,000 ee en ee ae tee . ithe aldermen. | “con puee BasteS Gauncn fi for quarantine station,’ $10 but was it necessary to pay The following despatch from | MetNTERA BALtn SRD AVE, HEAR CFR OF L om . Digby Island aati. to two people the immense} Montreal, appearing in a Toronto} SN Serviens, every Sender ot, 11 Arrives from Vancouver Every : oe $ « sum of $105,000, one alone re-|,. » ely . ld ve| . F. Hanning, formerly man- School 2.30 p.m. Baraca MONDAY MIGHT tine wharf and $13,750 for the ’ . paper just received, should serve} é P é | Bible Class 230 p.m w Coal Bes Queen Charlotte Island tele- ceiving $75,000? There is NOlas 9 valuable tip to Prince Ru-| ager of the Stewart branch of the REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor —— | Now a a t on the graph line. In 1944, under a doubt that the pee Na of Mr. pert’s City Council: | Canadian Bank of Commerce, is | "Sean ieee wemmenaheniens demanan aie peemeneneniee deammmene, Gaile for Port Simpson, Naas River Points 116 was R & tad Liberal Government with a Li- ee Saar ane Montreal, Jan. 23.—Montreal|"°W @¢ting manager of the re- SS and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. Phone ogers i , respec »1ee stablishe rane i beral member, Prince Rupert a a oH toes eaiaaae has been advised to “do it now”| ently ‘ tablished br inch at Surviene ovay Gus oy ot tt Some 3 was voted $200,000 for marine} “°T® ah ¢: i. = - ©88-lin regard to the placing of the|!96® Pandora Street, Victoria S wetaarin Saleen et te Cee depot at Digby Island, $25,000] 3F¥, Owing to the esteem itl civic loan of $14,000,000. The! ~ a5 oe ; SMITH & MALLETT for quarantine hospital, 860,- whic e was he y ie Dan regular meeting of the City Coun- F i t t | ST ANDREW'S ANGLI( AN CHI Re H WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. . . but Mr. Heimcken received less | orty years n use, twenty. Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place THIRD AVE 000 for quarantine wharf, then half the amount peid { cil will be held tomorrow, wheo | years standard, prescribed and Moraing prayer, 11. Ever Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting wd ; i , 4 . . | } ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday ° » Stoamne 75,000 for publie building, his colleague. Was ft not pos- the question of the $14,000,000 recommended by physicians. For| # hoot 2:30 Pm Holy R St . A Sheet Meta! Work ‘ , . > « Communton . Sunday . $35,000 for Yukon telegraph sible for the premier or the loan, which the city intends| women’s Ailments, Dr. Martel’s aan «a x en ogers eamship gency | : rd Ave. Workabey line to Stewart, $15,000 for M ‘ tL ae te heed aie floating on the London market, Fernale Pills, at your druggist. | and third Sunday at 8 ne 174 nd Ave. bet. 7th and st Se extensions to wharf at Stew- : inseter te — De ro Car-) will come up for discussion. The | . SS. . eee Nee Phone 116 art; $15,000 for various other ried on these negotiations in city has been advised by the - | ice in the church every ——_—_—_—_—— — Wednesday ats p. m co-operation with Mr. Helmce-|,.7,. of Montreal to close the deal a e a wharves, and #10,000 for wire- “40% station at Lawn Hill. Un-| 8? as soon as possible, as it is very Little’ NEWS | SALVATION —_— “Valhalla” of S.H. & Ef, der a Liberal Government and It is questionable if this)jikely that after the war in the S Agency Sunday services at_ ‘1 (SCAMDINANIAN SociETY with a Liberal member, Prince} transaction has a parallel on| Balkans is over important opera- ahi ola diainaalh 00 Whiaeneiatetas Ot en oo —Te - Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday «tf Rupert and district in 19414 the continent with respect to|/tions on the money market will *e - = er | p+ oe ees —, ben W tholme Lumber Co p.m. in the hall at 319 rd Ave a — re was voted $453,000. This year the commission paid on the tend to increase the rate of in- CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUIT’ Gey ond Sesardey. eucre es ee eae an under a Conservative govern- auiiess of thabey tavolved terest, which will probably be | @nd Ave. Belew Kalen Iisiand Club Commanding OmMcers —LIMITED— ment and with a Conservative , } een ' a D. C. STUART member the district gets only| eal estate brokers are quite)” Bt Accountant . | 808 2nd Ave. ot Phone 2m Lumber and Mouldings |Auditor for the City of Prince Rut $208,750, less than half the| content with 5 per cent.; big — we ks &t- => amount voted in 1911. The underwriting firms handle 4 eS Ps ont i Py C difference is sufficiently strik-| unicipal and government a ° er oy. FR eae es . , : PRINCE RUPERT. 6. © ing without comment. It would| ponds an a eomenioniug veiled DAILW All Kinds of Buildmg Supplies ee a il appear that the distinguished) one per cent: but im this in- MEMORANDUM ‘PRINCE RUPERT INN aniactenlaini ee “a member for Comox-Atlin has . 6 : stance the government paid 24 ; First Avenue Phone 186 W. E. Williams, 8A, LEE net such @ strong pull with) per cent. on the actual cost of OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9O CLOCK AND . WILLIAMS & MANSON the Conservative Government) the old reserve and improve- Table Showing the the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in | # —_$—$—$—$— Bere! Solicitors, ti after all. ments, or 14 per cent. on the s Than Twenty Months | | | _ a re, igen penianeens x value of the old and new re- @) i ANNEX G ot Hel ck Prince Rupert, THE NECESSITY FOR AN serves, improvements and ac- All Loans Made Bear 5 Interest at the eorgetown eereon Bloc rin be INDEPENDENT AUDIT counts paid to private and Rate of Oo Per Annum Co | — - ' i © uPest ibdistad hy Wes quocmemmens in|. tovcnte-ttve. tnoneeah aot. AN VELMRE“S 20S? OS." $800.00 Sawmill Co. Lid. |"°""" -— B i- je A - n mon 0 incurred by the government in eventy-Tive ousan wor — Fv ms 0 $4,000.00 Owned and operated by the JOHN E. DAVEY connection with the purchase lars to one man! In itself it is Loans made during month of $17,000.00 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on } TEACHER OF SINGING of the Songhees reserve and| a fortune sufficient to bring in during month of $22,000.00 |] the American and European plan. Lumber an : a revenue upon which three August, 1912 cone : Excellently furnished, with §| OPE. OF WE. FORM, mee, 4.245. Ti the removal of the band to its revenue upo Loans made during month of 00.00 i ; | ond an yresent home is included in| ‘™ilies could live comfortab- Hovesnber, 1018... $34,300. steam heat, electric light, and all §| —_—_— - ; ly. The public accounts vol- End of November, 1912, Loans 65 000 00 modern conveniences, being abso- ° the public accounts for the sontal ber of ot pending (being put through) ’ lutely first-class in every respect. oO . ume contains a number o - Loans made end other Loans in HAYNER BROS year ended March 31, 1912.) her interesting items, but no- process thereof | during | the $99,300.00 The appointments and service euutiinnee EM BALMER es ‘ . “ . - on 0 ovember, and © 4 recently pre sented to the house.| thing in the class of this one. Se ma Riggio ape Aga ie |f are — to any hotel on the §) hts enka te Git . then It appears on page €270, un-| Incidentally it suggests the made and in ‘process’ to date ’ .00 im eeee | ing lumber on hand. Boat 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No # der vote 138c¢, and in the list identity of the writer of that See cut Maprencnsaties lumber a specialty. Delivery of items are the following: mysterious letter to the prem- ‘i a made at short notice. “J. 8S. H. Matson, services| ier published in'the Times on The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. $1 to 0 $3.50 da Our prices are as low as any Airmen re Songhees Indian reserve,| September 23 last. In that teed OMhee, and Fleer, Pesihe Gullding, Vancouver, 8. © Ras per day. ator acne 2ageniean gg $75,000, letter the writer stated that he Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert painter * ISHER “H. D. Helmeken, services| considered he had “earned one o 1 , New Westminster, Nelson, Kamloops pe ve E. L. F re Songhees Indian reserve,| hundred thousand dollars,” Funeral Director os ean $30,000." and would “accept that am- G. A. Sweet, Manager. OFFICE: 2na is aes Prone oo Thus the sum of $105,000] ount to complete the work,” —- EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. oo DAY AND NIGHT was paid to two persons for’ Victoria Times. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. — ee EE ee Saturday i is an Awful Slow Day for Good Stories “FOR INSTANCE YOU AND THE Go Jo wo Wee —— WAIT A MINUTE , SHOOT ME 60% a RWING —~TAKE 4 DRINK oR Muct- e % | RUM INTO 4 DITCH - SHE GETS THROWN ouT oe een UP So ied SAVES BOTH THE SHOW-FER His Money - WHEEL AND wuLeED — BEFORE ‘You DIE THouGH, “Nou DRAG YOURSELF TO THE PHONE AND WE ‘SCOOP THE To WITH @& Tuicy FIRST PAGE SToRY ON HER NOODLE AND You Age JAMMED IN AT THE NN LADY 5 MOODLE AND A (ooP ©) 1419 - wrk ~svep