Monday, February 40, 1942, LAND PURCHASE NOTICES keena Lana Distriet—Disiriet of Coast, Range V rake notice that 1, Madge Kohi, of Mon yecupation spinster, intend to apply rmission to purehase the followws rea r pe gescribed lands ta st planted at the Commens aes oh” Lat S144, thenes chains more of oad to the north ‘ ot 4190, thence west poundary of hb t boundary 15 chains nwre ty jess to the south boundary of Lol 994, ’ east 40 chains more or less to the outnwest jouth t al more or less to the e@ F Lot 4477, thence north f commencement, cc ntaining woitnt or MADGE KOHL more or less Donald McVicar, \eont. pated November 25th, 1012 pub, Dee, 23, 1012 Feb. 17, 1019 fhange V bed lands 40 chains more or less to the ndary of Lot 6148, thence west HILDA KING pated November 26th, 1912. Range V apply for pe rmission tw purchase jowing described lands: commencing @t @ post planted at theast corner of Lot 421, thence north vains more or less to the northeast De f Lot 421, thence east 25 chains less to the west boundary of Lot 42, thence south 10 chains more to the shore of Lakelse Lake, thence sterly and southerly slong the said to the point of commencement, con ning 35 acres more or iess ALFRED E. WRIGHT Donald McVicar, Agent. Dated November 25th, 1912 ib. Dee, 23, 1049—PFeb. 17, 1013. pena Land District—District of Coast, Range V ake notice that J, Duncan K. PFaiconer, Prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation mason, apply for permission to purchase lowing deseribed lands ymumencing at @ post planted a thwest corner of Lot 14, thence ‘aorth wing the westerly boundary of 20 chains, thence west 25 chains more less to the easterly boundary of Lot mee south followimg the easterly boun- y of Lot 15 25 chains more or less the rallway right-of-way, thence > owing the railway right-of-way ins more or less to point of eet cement, end containing fifty acres | less ocate 1 the 11th day of December, 1912 | merly DUNCAN K. FALCONER, Locator ated December 6th, 1912 ub. Dec. 23, 1019—Feb. 17, 1013 Prince Ruper kee Land District District of Coast, rake notice that I, Hilda King, of Mon upation spinster, intend Ww apply mmission to purchase the following nmencing at @&@ post planted about chains in a ooertherm direction from ihwest corner Of Lot 5149, thence | M°rtheast corner of ‘ Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence north 40 chains thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east sins, thence south 40 chains, thence 481) cnaing to place of comm chains more or less back to point of pumencement, containing 160 acres more Donald McViear, Agent pub. Dec, 29, 1012-—Feb. 17, 1913 oona Land Distrtet—District of Coast, rake notice that I, Alfred BE. Wright, Rupert, occupation engineer, intend LAND PURG HASE. NOTICES. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast, V Nange Take notice that J, William Watson, Bb occupation contrac Mitend to apply for permission purchase the following deseribed lands Commencing at a post pianted at smithwest corner of Lot 4135, Range the Lakelse River, thence north chains more or less to Lot 6243, Range 5; thonee west 21 chains to Lot 2656, Range 5;thence south to the Lakelse River, thence easterly following the Lakelse River point of commencement, conteiming 160 acres more r les WILLIAM WATSON Dated December srd, 1012 Pub. Dec. 30, 1919—Peb. 24, 1919 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ange V Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of Prinee Rupert, B. C., oecupation transfer man, intends w apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a — planted at the ot 6141 Range 5, encement. A. W. ROGERS. Dated Nov. ist, 1919 Pub. Nov. 18, 1919—Jan. 13, 1013. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, _ Take notice that Bernard O'Neill, Goose Bay, B. occupation prospector, intends t appl for permission to pur chase the following deseribed lands Commencing at 4 post planted one mile distant and in a southeasterly direction from the Hidden Creek Copper Company's whar Goo a a thence east fol lowing the sinuosities of the shore line chain thene north 20 chains, thence SU chains, thence south 20 chains to of commencement, containing 160 mor vv less BERNARD O'NEILL r. 3S. W. Jennings, Agent Dated Januar Sth, 101413 t Feb. 1 1913——-Apr. 7th, 1913 me Lan District-—Distriet of Coast, Range V rh notice that George W. Carpenter, nee Rupert, B, ¢ occupation farmer, ds to apply for permission to pur- | the f wing described lands Commencing 41 4 post planted 2% miles | of Quiaista Kiver, on the Skeena/| iver, then 40 chains north, thenee »| chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 40 chains east to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less GEORGE W. CARPENTER Dated January 28th, 1913 Pub. Feb. 10th, 1013 Apr. 7th, 1913 LAND LEASE NOTICES. British Columbia, occupa acting as agont for intend to apply Commencing at most northerly point of Lot 601, on Porpoise Harbor, north to Low "Water and northerly following Low vate 4 post planted point of Stapleton Island, par: of Mark of Lot 64%, thetice » High Water Mark east of the most southerly thence south to Low following Low Water northerly and east- following High Water PuRP OISE HARBOR LAND COMPANY, Stanley Niven, Agent. Dated December + 2. ¥ , le of Coast nge Take notice that , i. re the following describe THE DAILY NEWS 'WOULD LET WHITE is understood that he will lay be of his last expedition with a view trip north ever, he states thal Arctic hard Commencing at a post plantea on the in Kumeolon Inlet, on Lot No. 20 chains, thence soutli | thence west 20 chains more or less to river benk, thence northerly fol- oe river bank and foreshore to point containing 60 acres WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE. Dated nn t 16, 1012 4 quarter of a4 mile southeast of the » south 80 chains, north 80 chains Dated 29th January, j}accounts due the RY A NEWS WANT AD NOTICE. Take notice that the partnership for- existing between Albert Matzen and | Ernest Biesold in the Eagle restaurant has | been dissolved by mutual agreement firm are now payable to 0, who will pay al! bills ow ™ W-jan. 26-feb. 3 ALBERT MATZER. ERNEST BIESOLD. Prince Rupert, B. C., January 15, 1913.) 80 chains following Ghose All Commencing &at of mouth of Hump back Creek and at the north end of Chis thence west 80 north 80 chains, line to point of “FROM HOME TO HOME.” Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hote! in Vancouver Moderate Prices - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. , containing 640 acres more Dated 29th January, Notice is hereby given that thirty da) » intend to apply to ernor-in-Counci! for a quit claim the following described foreshore Comme neing at the northwest corner of south seven degrees » minutes west (S. 7:45 W. hundred and forty thence northerly followine the point of com » Grand Trunk Pacific right INVESTEMENT COMPANY, , B. C., December 30th, 1918 The Daily News BC's eee petites Northern Leading Newspaper delivered oy carrier for er Month -- 50c —-© : aaa Tene ae Tam One nena Se er ere: = Pt et et ee et ee te He es # ee Fl THE DAILY N By Mail, Yearly $5.00 GGG CC SS EE ——— eee THE DAILY NEWS is the Leading Newspaper in Northern British Columbia and has a large and growing circulation in towns and villages tributary to Prince Rupert. The Weekly News covers thoroughly the towns and villages on the Western Division of the Grand Trunk Pacific to the end of steel, Skeena River points, Queen Charlotte Islands and coast towns both north and south of Prince Rupert for 200 miles. To All Parts of Canada POD errr siships are by no means so dis tasteful as one would gather, ,and that it is above all the life for him He desires to go back north and continue his explora- ‘tions, although th is his first trip to civilization after years spent beyond the outer fringe of it. He is in hopes the Canadian Government will take steps while there is yet time for the protec- tion in Central Arctic Canada and Victoria Land of the caribou and musk oxen, and the Eskimos as well, all, he thinks, being in danger of extinetion Mr. Stef- annson’s expressed wish, in fact, in regard to the new race of white Eskimos whom he discov- ered up north, was that no at- tempt would be made to civilize and Christianize them AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE 18 SERIOUSLY ILL Los Angeles, Feb, 7.—Former United States Senator we, Ahi Clark, president of the Salt Lake Railroad, is ill today at the home of W. A. Clark Jr. He is said to be threatened with pneumonia. Mr. Clark arrived in Los Angeles to officiate at the dedicatio nof a boarding home for working girls he erected here as a memoria! to his mother The eeremonies were postponed NEW YORK’'S NEW SUBWAY ENJOINED New York Feb 8.—Thirty minutes before the Publie Serv- ice Commission was to have met Wednesday afierneoon to sign the operating contracts for New York's new $300,000,600 subway, an injunetion was served prohib- iting the commission from tak- ing action. The imjunetion was obtaimed by Clarence J. Shearn, counsel for William Randolph Hearst. Hearst has been fight- ing for a municipal operated plant SEAFARING MEN'S STRIKE CONTINUES Marseilles,. Feb 8. — The steamship Canada of the Fabre Line sailed for New York the other day with a staff of officers from the port of St. Malo. The strike still continues and efforts are being made by the officers who deserted their ships to in- duce their comrades arriving in port on other vesseis to rejoin in the movement The eause of the strike is stated to have been the failure of the eompany to grant improved conditions and pay for the officers. BUFFALO BILL’S WILD WEST SHOW IS SOLD Denvem Feb. 8— The Sells- Vleto cireus was merged today with Buffalo Bills Wild West Show, according to an announce in the deal. EIGHT HOUR DAY FOR Salem, Ore,, Feb. &—The Sen- ate today passed the bill provid- ing that employees on public by the people al the last eleetion but failed to become effeetive because the enaeting elause was overlooked. Forty years in use, twenty Female Pills, at your druggist. a eRe to be a good liar ~ethe Daily News ESQUIMAUX ALONE Sale j Fel “ In eX plaining | ence in the state Discoverer of New Race in the Sapitel, Judeo McCredie eater Arctic Hopes No Effort Will Mieilited thai | veitie ea ‘ ‘ ! Was 2ree sf ye Seon terested h sure intro jdueed in the | by Represen | tative Nolts ding or , Ottawa, eb. 7— Stefanson, the} étosin ‘ a ; rr vn osing « ' wee of'¢ ’ explorer, who has spent half We a5 ' aaah } on linda ill dezen years up in the Aretie re- : el ye ee 9 ass closing ‘Musements yr presenting Canadian interests in fs tat "7 a nen a eu 5 up * state « { , the joint expeditions under the] tng deatt : “ ad & B % 1 Kiet the oas A- and Ceé Liver on direction of himself and Lieut | wie team in P 7 : a | ot Tar Anderson, of the United States} > , na rn judge la i in favor and Dominion Geologieal Sur- veys, has arrived in Ottawa It fore the governmen! the results to seeuring support for another Steffannson, during the course of his explorations lived for periods on seal oil and tea leaves helped out with the usual ehew ed mocassins, Interviewed, how ment made here The cireus takes over the wild west outfit. Millions of dollars ave involved STATE EMPLOYEES works shall have an eight hour day. This measure was passed years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women's Aliments, Dr. Martel's Anyone can tell the truth, but it takes a person of imagination The paper that prints the facts OREGON THREATENS SUNDAY BASEBALL not only stope a cough but cures of such legisia is this; dol it. Its tone and restorative not think it w h f this dav} and age, and « hink it will properties enable the system to pass. [f it should, Coast league permanently throw off a cold. baseball is dead in Portland 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. J. L, MATHIRG CO. Pep. SHEREROOER GUNBOAT SMITH AND JACK LESTER MATCHED | ‘ San Francisco, Feb. 8—Gun- boat Smith, of San Francisco.| * and Jack Lester, Tommy Burns’ MATH ; J white hope, who recently return ed from Australia, are matehed today to box 20 rounds here on OF TAR @& February 28 This 1 be es ser's ‘fh st start . es aeatal © Oo D Ss ' a4 E R O i L and if he seuttles the gunboat he will be in line for a mateh with} MeCarty, Palzer and other head-} liners, WESTERN AGENTS Ferguson Bros., 123 Bannotyne Ave. Winnipeg Lester established his training camp here today Smith will train in San Rafae! | ' SERRE FERGUSON’S ‘P. & OY’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky KILBANE LOOKS LIKE A REAL CHAMPION New York, Feb. 8—Fight fans here today are convineed that Johnny Kilbane, of Cleveland, is a real featherweight champion following his vietory here last night over Young Driscoll, of Brooklyn, in a ten round affair. Kilbane merely played with his opponent, having the better of every round The Clevelander it was believed, could have end- ed the fight any time after the} fifth round with a knockout had! he desired CALIFORNIA HAS NO MERCY ON MASHERS San Francisco, Feb. 8.—Not the character of the woman insulted but the nature of the insult is the measure of a “masher’s guilt,’ says the United States District Court here in pronouncing sen- TESTIMONIAL Dr. J. Nichol, Llandudno, reports :— ‘‘Your whisky is, in my opinion, an ex- cellent and well matured spirit ard as such I can conscientiously recommend to patients requiring such a beverage.’’ } tence of four months in jail and $100 tine on Dr Samuel Weiss, a young physician of good repute, who had pleaded guilty to sending an obscene note through the mails to Elizabeth Mayne, a vaudeville actress In present- ing the case a week ago, the United States Attorney had asked not consideration for the woman, who, he said, was glad to get the letter because it brought her no- toriety, and had _ deliberately sought to be the centre of a nasty sensation. Judge Deitrich considered only the nature of the offenee and not the person at whom it was directed —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. "108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. JAPAN WILL EXHIBIT AT PANAMA-PACIFIC — Eee nn SES” Bae mm? BERR RRR budget for this year shows a to tal ordinary revenue of %264,,- 875,000, and an = extraordinary revenue of $27,585,000. The o1 dinary expenditures amount to $211,000,000 and the extraordi nary expenditures to $81,500,000 There was a surplus of about} $2,700,000 from $1912. The al jotted expenditures include $250, 000 for the representation of Japan at the Panama-Pacific Ex position, | 200,000 business men are now wearing “Rego clothes The fact is significant ; it means that ,000 men recognize that “Rego” style is what they want, and that ‘* Rego” eerste Clothiers are London's leading ieee een hig ou -Cl a y' EXPECT DEWEY AS PORTOLA Quest Washington, ' Feb, 8—Plans | for the attendance of the entire | Pacific fleet and the reeeption | of Admiral Dewey as a guest of| honor at the Portola fete in San Franeiseo in October are being | made according to Paul T. Car- roll, a San Franciseo business man, who is here today. Mr. Carroll has secured the | personal promise of Admiral Dewey that he will attend the | festival and the navy department | has assurred him that only _ ; — pnices—or “REGO” NEw YORK @ American Model Lounge Suit. The cut and fashion of this superb model have been endorsed by experts as “the best American noe of the year.” It is the suit wearing. The teat ye oo is only one of the many smart styles illustrated and fully described in our tailoring magazine “FASHIONS FOR MEN’ FREE Cony wh i il range of 1912 patterns and e self. measurement form, we will sead you on application. The “Rego” Clothiers, Montreal. gent necessity will keep the fleet away Whipping Post for Slavers Springfield, IL. Feb. &—Lieut Governor O'Hara as his first of ficial act, today started a crus ade against white slavery ‘The state senate, over which he pre sided, quickly fe}! in line and | adopted a resolution appointing} a committee of five to investi | Dept. © P.O. Box gate white slavery in Illinois and report to the legislature, 0 Hare | tie” Read The Daily News And Get All the News Want Ad Find it through a Da ie