Thursday. Foe} : THE DAILY NEWS = “t {psa ‘STANDARD FISHERIES BOAT | “The News” Classified Ads. BURNED TO WATER'S Ect Upholstering fH | sdisibiitaii nicianans -- “| ON OF 4 aia SPECTACULAR EXPLOSI GASOLINE OW BOARD _ ¢ pUpholstering | ==One Cent A Word For Each Inserton== ||) TOOK TO DORIES AND WERE PICKED Up py "EW THE FALCON. . —. a sinagiapettinetiing leyrrence of the engine backfiring, | which wa ‘ The Hendricksen-Smith Furuiture Co. | b 8 ret ene tela ac urniture Wanted (Farewell Last Night (07000). vicirin caurbt fire in there Phone 465 . Srd Ave. & 7th St. cor oe tudio / ante GAC fiisning poat Victoria caught fire|in these wat nook CO ei i OSS eee for S. A. Captain’ esterday morning about 40 /feet long witt hrough the too common oc- ever witne ¢ i 2 Cor, 3rd an and 6th St WANTED—Pyurnished house, tw w three clock and was burned to the/peam, of a. ipa 0 < i * an } St ; : oni at , . . | ; é bed mis lose if Apply Box 189 ater’s due only a few of the | marvellous value n ph Continued from Page 1 ’ ty r to ied personal effects of some of the graphs see WANTED—A general servant. Apt Mr | i r nfort power wa |. Palmer, 720 4th Ave East ‘ ‘ icrew being saves re uniortiu OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS winging delighted the arge ' rred just as the | horse power | WANTED—-Women for laundry work. Aj j hate acciae Cou some j Pioneer Laundr mited 1 Ave rudience proving how proficie: li ew were gt ne under way for |#'he, ana sir MeBride St if PAPERHANGING girls can become in these exer he day's work in Stanley Harbor, of the mo ‘ WANTED—-Girl to do housework Ap t i i yu | ply Mrs, O Reilly, “ond rt ett. cises Mr. Mark Harby, who has he north of Dundas Island pote Halibut fist AND mrs.{l popular at lI ' Realizing the imminent danger to waters \ tat rs " vopuls at k n-| WANTED—-A general servant Apply pert ie sf INTERIOR DECORATIONS L. W. Patmore goarr | in with h Rati liheir lives, owing to the presence |@ent she had ab : Se a al : . jtertainments i s clever vel ‘ ms 9 e af & Cc Oo | = D a of All Kinds 4 tos roms a ; wn deck of four big 90 gallon | pound I fist Ketimutes Free riloquial act, came next’ on the ldrums of gasoline the crew im possibility { R. ©. BALL For Sale j programme and was quite at his | me diately ok to the dories and Batt and his ‘ ; M thi > S |P. O. Box 274 Phone 174 Qomeemsesoensetsemsetrermnromertnsememme best fairly bringing down thelcleared away trot the scene of |@i! twelve ine y VI ! ly sratio The “re at| Prince Rupe a eu S up | SNAI rwo lots, Block Section & #500) house and causing shrieks j the contagration hey were at - ye each; % cash, balance 6 and 9 m mths : ‘ nee taken aboard the Domimiot Faicon in i e4 Tar amé Cod Liver On = ain oo| Apply P. O. Box 158 eee emanate from (the) neries protection cruiser Fal-{Copp of the Fal children in the apdiente eats P wet Pfe FOR SALE-—Pairbanks- Morse stationary v col ch. fortunately, happened|fe remarked not only stops « cough but cures » Meet Me at gasoline engine, twelve h.p., high speed Mayor Pattullo, in a short ad n, which Hall ' ") that it wa first class shape Apply P. 0. Box 1509 ‘ : be standing DS ait an nhoul =e 5 BS : g ° 9 satan . ey, iress, remarked that il was a real} ‘ it. Ita tome and restorative HYDE'S CIGAR STORE j= iu vit” | dross, remarked that i was « reall ier gout the drums aft where ta the Velor é it Si ‘Tr MmeAaABRU e* to litt te ” — i i wu ‘f trouble betore enable the s to | eer sail ‘ oa ; the fire was making most head u I Properties yom Magazines - Periodicals . j present that evening, not only lway, exploded with a terrific re-|came along a permanently throw off « cold. Seaiaene | For Rent show his esteem for Captain and] Way CP OWN Ni Se 'fame shot| ito Prince | : ope port we nass o ‘ e sho bh rit t Mrs. Tutte and regret at their|* ~ ro - : a . ; 35¢ for large bottle. City Messengers ST ssinigsiesiial ee ee eee Ssantsae ae s a : a. .}up into the air apparently two Horvik, the loca ] Parcel Delivery tec . oa mis Brea") vundred feet high and nearly |Standard Fisher Sold everywhere. 7 rWO comfortable front rooms with board! sympat hy with the work of the ‘ : . Phone 362 607 3rd Ave. ? in private family, $40.00 per month;| anny and uppreciatior f th wice as broad The scene to the /south a the 4 close in; bath, electric light and tele : ait Spprowrisrlyv us e) - ‘ business of th: SHERBROOKE . > iy on t alco al g { usin f J. . MATHIRG CO. Prep. ; 3| phone. %91 Fifth Ave. West 4-87| powerful aid they were toward| n the Fa wa = with ae lus alec eves fe { mo i known exat re —_— -|PURNISHED, unfurnished and furnishea #000 this workaday world — . 7 ty Seaadenetene cee Saale Alder Block, | day He had always had a pe-| entarils expected event was | ture sours corner Third Ave. and Sixth St 36-5 the most spectacular they had/be in replacing usy ee al e culiarly soft spot in his heart for] rO RENT—Furnished three room flat; jhe Salvation Army evet since close in; $25.00 per month. P. 0. Box atrat ae 3 oO , Skeens Land District 5 519 3rd Avenue i 408 , gett his boyhood days, when he dis-] Magistrate Cal this morning Hang Z | tinet ementbered the late Ge rhe complainant and his two wil Yake notice that |, | OF bi y +N FR & |Most Up-to-Date Place in Town . ; : pee ro L.| nesses put up @ very unsatisfac-|of Prmee Rupert, b I eral to I siting his father’s} ™ ‘ : wg SO mtend to apply | permis iS Oo D & + a Ee R Oo £ = joy a a es i ane Ic cO., house I W oodstoc}h Ontario | Lor story Ly W B. Clayton, ! the roliowing describe a | Ope Yay nd Nig LTD. 7 ; : . ae om ie ame commencing at 4 \ | pen Day and ight _ and the impression the even the wh was an eye witne m be teeees ena J ee —- will be received by the under-| venerabie d gentieman had lef ng called for the defence, placed 4 oe ee ane eae . signed up to 5 o'clock on the 12th day of n hit On behalf of the « a different complexion altogether | 5; jess tw the east . Pion ry, 1013, for the excavation of ap po n : ‘ 0 , | saan Jn = sone ag ‘PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0.) a a 2,000 cubic yards of earth! zens if Prince Ruper he ex upol he cast Tom was dis — “el Lot my ae : 1] 600 yards of rock at .Port Edward j , ; ‘ , 5 8 a : a KAIEN HARDWARE COM AN Specifications and ‘forms St tenis eas pressed the sorrow and regre | inissed without a bie mish upon J the eesiway righ wa * A. ee psers : s I , ; following ne )6=raiiwa « way 3 I y acless ie be obtained at the oMce of Messrs. Ritchie hat was fell at the departure of his character, and Mr. Rex Nel- San dae oF jee a THIRD ANENUE P. Menon Oe CLARE DURANT, | Captain and Mrs. Tutte from the|®0m was fined §10 and costs for|mencemens, and continms ary om ’ ee ne HAY, GRAIN FEED AND General Superintendent city for a fresh field, and assured | ®55@U The charge against th aa ated the 11th day Decem a : eli loearts Miseeetiecianaaiaepenneintan ; hci as ' ; | jatte as laid then ¢ here DUNCAN k. FALCON! ‘ Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass SEEDS /- —_——________——-— |} them that the hest wishes of alij/#tter was laid then and the st! pated December 161 Plumbers’ supplies Plate Giass Mirrors would go with them for success|t#e police court by City Solicitor Pub. Dec. 23, 1912—Fel 19 one HARDWARE i=." | SPECIAL _[, their new sphere of activity.| Peters — ~ Oils Tinware . Mien #rond. wht. ances. -abhs ospinnaseiininitatesecttiatiaeniant Notice is hereby given that | says Varnishes Graniteware Heard After Church. after date we intend to apy Agents for the International Stock Food First arrival of new spring ae oe aco a ee o ernor-in-Councll for 4 q “Ss » Sati e evening nex rem red jane : slo an awtine MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “S39 ws suite We take gront pleasure S22 jared a Diano-f se «ig Tay leaving eure tanemme Range.”’ jfofle selector Phe Band f _ = = — — , Commencing at the p : . : Be a announcing that we have secured! aaet ih itn dedi an 6 Sunday evening was heard to|Lot 641, Range V. Coas Di Brita MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO (ihe sole agency of the New York! * 7 ss i me Cl sia} If everybody else would a: f aes "on ‘ ra , wed by a song by r. Clapper ' : 3 : 4 cet venice iu wes railoring Co. for Prince Rupert ihe Pi do as I do. and stay quictls om dorty-hve geinutes W is W ’ ths all ch was ioudly applauded 7 * | six hundred and forty ‘ Deo ° It is well known that this firm a ane ile eta their seats till everybody else | cast a canined Ma 7 ts turns out only the most elegant os ” pia . ‘ .| water mark; thence port! war roo) (re) eo ee) rca ead Pea co fed a — F | ; y J vavev. also obliged} #@4 gone oul there wouldn be : ; - ie ! Wel fc Ue) ee (ce) Vic (oe pe) pe) fc fe fe fe) fr co) Tappa waa ale) in ladies’ man tailored garments > . . a: tt ; i such a crush on these stairs a emma. Sous t ut with a vocal duet to re delight ’ . — _— ' _ [2] el and to see these suits is to be a cluded within the al |}covered by the Grand convinced they are what you are j : fe t i Captain Tutte brought the pro Long Suspension Bridge. as = re] looking for. | Specifications for a suspensior KAIEN INVESTEMEN'T l Ruel lgramme to a close by thanking ' USO is] *| Prince Rupert, B. C., Decemi tb, 1048 ral] xclusive Styles Lowest Prices | ‘tee »..| bridge to be built over San Fran- W.-Feb. 10 | jot the large gathering e e D people of Prince Rupert m ltheir great kindness to himself] ©'%°? Bay, Detween San Francisco ‘ tter than Rin InNgINg re) 2 ons and Mrs Tutte during their|#"4 Gakland, were recently pre fl a nn | short sojourn in their midst He} * we lo the ‘ i ake ae - TRY A NEWS WANT AD fl could sincerely state that never} Pervisers by @ LOS Angeles en OOr- S fal MY WARDROBE in his life had he met a better or| 8'@0¢! His plans call for a z J. LEE, TAILOR a more broad minded body of|*'8e "ine ‘and a hall miles in (2 ? people than he had encountered] " neth, imeluding ils approachps D fe) Cleaning, Preasing and Repairing in Prince Rupert. Nothing but} !" the two cilies his bridge, WA PIANO manufacturer recently made a house- iT |. deem Gnas iene tite: peeeainne,. cagpedation ant tn,e* ° Ahn loteeh enh ie ont . p ra] Phone Green 390 terest in the work of the Army| ¥® the most massive in the to-house Canvass. He s one of those men with fal sie _|had been evinced on all sides. He world, would be supported by ten Young man of ab ; e . . ” : SURO 2 ONOTTORS vould always carry with him the|Me"s, Placed 2,230 feet apart, and 2 ii ie an absurd fear of the “waste-circulation” bugaboo B) | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. | TM" vigasant recollections of| !t Would cross the bay at an ele-|f0F crockery and ; oO 20 i » the] par ‘nit Slead Ghasms land Diswiesiewies of Gaee,tne gear apent in this embryo; ‘Sten of 190 feet above the} partment ee : i cannot get away trom the haunting thought that fe) Kauge \ | terminal city, and Prince Rupert's | ¥@ter. and business tra fe] Take potion tue a witiem Watson, of on “~" ‘ ; 4 Prince Rupert { occupation contrac ywraise and advantages Wwouls " ail only 10 out of every 100 readers of a newspaper Lore iateen t sppiy tor persuasion to] her, THE WEATHER y . y . al purchase the following described lands heralded by himself wherever his , wn t S may be possible buyers of his goods. S:thence south to the Lakelse River, thence} kind friends she was leaving in | easterly following the Lakelse Hiver & > 2 wrt ¢ aorre P iS; tiinimum temperature, 40 |polnt Of ‘commencement, containing 160 Prince Rupert and rrow that P i | | OTS acres more or le their duty and the work that|?'eepitation, .J4 meh, fl Range V. ee sens . . : ral Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of ANOTHER C E OF skeena Land Distict—District af Coast, Block 45, Section 8 Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation transfer AS Vake notice that |, Madge Kobi, of Mon Commencing at 4@ post planted at the) work happened to carry him _—_——— Two sales giris V southwest corner of Lot 4135, Range 5+) Mrs So he refused to advertise, and went a-canvassing 8 —inviting people to come to his piano recitals. (el tts WILLIAM WATSON called them necessitated contin This is why: but also to his ife, his grown-up sons and el man, iauence * apply for pormigees to real, occupation spinster, intend to apply iat at ele ee eee oe THE BITER BIT] iin" it i lhe weather report at 5 o clock | wajtiace Go. Limite: Mee (2) |by the Lakelse River, thence north 70 Tutte also addressed a few a Dated December 3rd, 1912. lchains more or less to Lot 5243, Range 5;| words of thanks to the many|‘!!5 Horning read: Barometer, | an Then he wondered why they didn’t come. aI Pub. Dec. 30, 1912—Feb. 24, 1013 ually changing their place of LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. 19 - 20 -2] -22 -23 | thence west 21 chains to Lot 2656, Range 29.870; maximum Lemperature | abode. Skeena Land District—Disirict of Coast, 2 Uescribed lands: = . northeast corner of Lot 5141 “nc . a He wasn't reaching the people. in-law. Their coaxing will help to convince fel} | Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, Kange 8, a PI me age Md ._ pieniee oo sh =) |uorth 40 chains thence west 40 chains, | Gomplainant in Assault Case H 7a * a Se eee a fa : the head of the | —and pretty fel | thence south 40 chains thence east 4. | Compla sault Case Hime | svuth 15 Chains more or tess to the north 9 © His canvassers ev soon a 4 voundary Of Lot 4150, thenae® west iv rang every n F chains Ww place of commenceme self Fined for Assault—T . , there'll be @ pi in that home. ra}} o u om chains more or less w the east boundary town. They talked to some one in every pune Tt esse tow, 08, 1008 ROGERS. O’Brien Adds Laurels of Lot 4477, thence north 16 chains we FOR ALL Ted} yee or less to Uke south boundary of Lot ¥ house. : ie : Pub. Noy. 18, 1912—Jan, 13, 1013, to His Brow , _ adary 4, — This and dozens of similar cases . thence east 40 Chains more or less lo the e 3 : " which fe) — cS point of commencement, containing 00 But one in every household isn’t enough might be cited to show that “waste cir- fa) | Skeena Land pisirict—pistrict of Cassar) F) Vo most doeided acres more oF less arrison ble & Compal! : 2 ’ ae = Take notice that Bernard O'Neill, of ee ost decidedly a case MADGE KOHL — particularly if it doesn't happen to be culation is an empty bugaboo, and should re) Goose Bay, B. C,; occupation prospector,| yf the biler bil in a dog catching Retr italia Deals MeVicar, Seoul ? : : ° deter no one. 7 intends apply tor permission to pur a whee Novemser 55, 161s . zNTS night person. And, as a rule, it wasn’t no te) chase the following described lands case in the police court this we Oe. ES, SNE TEM, 82, 4048 FINANCIAL AGE { © rh aa ll i] Commencing at @ post planted one mile ’ c sight person—it wen 9 corvant, or 0 Take the motor truck. It can be sold 1 distant and ins southeasterly direction! morning, Rex Nelson, a cool Third Ave. Prince Rupet child. The woman of the house was seldom ° re} from the Hidden Creek Copper Company's * | Skeena Land District—District of Coasl, only to large firms ‘Yet a motor truck i | whart, Goose Bay, B. C., thence east fol-}and also the owner of a big dog Range V. ae s seen; the man of the house, never. ufact: is a f lly Adv. ss ra) lowing the sinuosities of the shore line 80 Take notice that |, Hilda King, of Mon 7 chaitis thence north 20 chains, thence} was strolling down Second ave real, Cocupalion spinster, intend to apply { J x ‘ west 80 chains, thence south 20 chains Ww ” pettiiission to purchase the follow Now, if the piano maker had placed an an Si - os oe — e ra) point of commencement, containing 160} nue yesterday morning with two] bed lands E F ™ o e the acres more or less uimencing at & post planted about ad in the newspaper, it would have reached yea not ai of the al BERNARD O'NEILL COMpPanlols whet his dog gol]#v.0o chains in a vorthert direction ‘rom : rucks also their z Fr. S&S. W. Jennings, Agent be soutl ne ‘ : whee thousands, where the canvassers could i et eee - : Bee head re) Dated January Sth, 1919 into a fight with on f a smatier no ‘ 40 "alee mer = = oy 7 ths reach only hundreds. 7 TesemReA, = Pub. Feb, 10, 1915—-Apr, 7th, 10148 | hiundary of Lot 6148, thence west 40 - o 8 ] 5a 7 size Instead of calling his dow naling " . 7 = —EEE chinists, etc. It is found in actual practice ; en eae | teetaee eteed ii, on to kama tt ee 2 eee © pee And even though only 10 per cent. of the that this Advertising radiates in a thousand Range V ee eee dae w ; eommencement, Containing 160 acres hore . . e Y . s inna maniar | Uespite le remonstrances of the | OF ss “ ' readers are actual piano buyers, this does directions, and again converges most as- ¢ eines tumor ee ee aka ae iia omesbhen