february 24, 1948 THE DAILY NEWS 3 Monday _ — wyp PURCHASE NOTICES. m — LEASE NOTICES , COAL NOTICES. | PROVINCIAL 2255 amore WOLGAST SAYS RITCHIE Seem se ot Ga ooh _ DOUBLE-CROSSED HIM _ pistriet of Coast, ange 7 Notice is hereby given that I, BR. D, Rort-| ‘ , y Take wot raAcroRY TYPEWRITERS Nene IT, ‘Stanley Niven, *ot] 90M, OCCUpStOn —Anancial Speml 66 Gare W. L, Pet, | RemincTon $35 Empine$25 Unoerwooo $65 ane orgs W. Carpenter, | prince Kup. i jumbie, ondlas after date intends to apply to the Chief| x 3 ons And numerous other bargains. Send for complete list of sligh ak u oe cupation Farmer, | tion civil P : ‘pe | Commissionerof Lands for license to pros | Victoria weeeeees : ' Willie Admits He Did With Hard machines rebuilt in owt own factory and made as good as new. @ save 7 nupert * esion to pur . Hf ea awent for ' ro an a 2 Lee ; ; : eer ee ply | pel - i a ends 7. e ta ‘ npan Limited, | Peet for coal and petroleum over the fol- ; Vancouver ....-- 5 6 455 Rights and Lefts to you $15 to $76 on any ““achine. ‘ac guaranteed. wends | wing describes aa @ ietoria, | lo apply fur pe jowing described lands ; . : 7 at woe the COLNE post planted 2 ¥4, MGS | mission to" ten aibbly Fur per. | OC cmmenciig at a post planted On the| Westminster .... 3 7 300 Ad's Jaw Ganadian Typewriter Exchange, on Suite 305, 319 Pender W., Vancouver, 8.6. Quinista Hive aor, thence 40 ag °? ; east bank of Porcupine Creek about S| pncetihagaenatnentinenamnameasineniegesaty , ° i ‘ OS ie. south, thence JOMIMeNCINE al a4 post planted on the| Mile south from G, T. P. mile post ’ oi » D News . _ . re nains © thence ot rg ommencement, ead aie rly i Lot 604, Range §,| thence north 80 chains, east 80 chains, Subseribe for the Daily ! : New York, Feb. 22-—-Published : ast tof let or less poise Harbor, thence |S0Uth 80 chains, west 80 chains to place | r ; . peres, INGE OF RPENTER north Ww Low Water Mark, thence easterly |Of commencement, containing 640 seres err nn | ages by Ad. Wolgast conta GEORG } that he th, 1013 and worthertly ving Low Water Mark| More or less yath, . 4 ey me 9 ary 7 © & point due w the sor ost cor Rh. D. RORISON, COAL NOTICES, was “double-crossed” by Willie pa jan (o1a——Apr. 70h, 1913, am of Lot ithwest cor w. iM iy, Agent } jut . , nad +4 hang Coas s 1 V ecrady, Agen = ee , — | ence east to High Water ark, tomes Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913 Oa i wet iL & DB Ritchie, lightweight champion in : southerly | eu : ; F Notice is hereby #iven 1a ’ * ind District —Distriet OF CORI) Oe eet a Sah oh ae, Water Mars toi Rie laoein occupation financial agent, 60) their four-rodnd contest skeen V { in San nang s ot most northerly f | Rortson : end w apply to the , hat |, William Watson, os lle weer ae ere OF Mae Sees Pub. Veo. 81, 1010s. Pty Over | Shilee atver gate int ot i ‘ote’ tas heense| Francisco last May, may cost the Tak t ccupation contrac { point, thence follow al —_-»_—_—_ee | prospect for coal and petroleum over . > ahi : th f i 7 aps r permission bo su ieten tale i a s Woot | See. Se lthe following deseribed lands former champion the privilege o ; Peng described lands re op delend most southerly | Commencing at 4 post planted) meeting the champion on July 4. j ai a post planted at the t f Stapicton Island, thence east t Notice is hereby given that I, A. D. Rort- near Grand Truok mile post 128, : a ‘ ot 4196, Hange 5, vies ties Wa ark Lot 642, thence] son, vecupation financial agent, 60 on thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, Ritchie grinned when asked to- inence worth FU] eeUiIery ful © the High Water Mark| after date intends to apply to the Chie < #0 chains, west 8° chains to place ‘s anawer to 7 ; 2s } ‘ g ; Lot 6249, Mange 6,4) 8 point due ea the most suutherly | Commissionerof Lands tor license to pros | Spe memencemnent, containing 640 scres Gay, Tor aA answer t Wolgast s fe) \ A R is ww Lot 2656, Kange oo San ce south to Low] peet for coal and petroleum over the fol-| more or less s 9. Bonn charges. f Lakelse River, thence , ' wing Low Water! lowing described lands . J , a om ahe ‘ in ¥ oe ev akelse Miver wo] Mark WO @ point due south of the five Commencing at a post planted on the | : _ FF. W. Mccrady, Agent It’s too absurd to answer, & Cc oO oO - ea ns ment, containing 160 }Ssvutherly p ft ‘1, thence north|east bank of Porcupine Creek about one| Dated Feb, 5th, 191 replied Willie. The only time ; : © this point whee. turtherly and east-| miles south from G. T. P. mile post i232, N. , o” { ever ‘double-crossed ‘ he |e 7 & a WILLIAM WATSON erly following High Water Mark to she| thence north 80 chains, west 60 chains,| B.D Me oo 141, war ogin, sorg.j) CVOr Gouble-crossed was wien | = rd, 1042 poly’ of commencement south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place} Pub. Feb : ; oe I ripped a hard right and left to » 1919-—Feb. 24, 1093. PYRPOISE HAKBUK LAND COMPANY, |of commencementy containing 640 scres) —————— — \ ‘That + al k Ul S i a LIMITED more or less Notice is hereby given that I, K. D his jaw. dat sort of talk is a tanley Niven, Agent KR. D. RORISON. | Horion, ocoupation fuancial agent, 60] pogh,’ yjatriet—District of Cassiar, Dated December 10th, 10412 F. W. Mecrady, Agent Gays aiter date intend Ww apply Ww the . keene eee that Bernard O'Neill, 5 Pub, bec, 2 1912—Feb. 17, #013 Dated Jan. 22nd, 1013 cmet Commissioner of Lands for license Ritchie said he would like to ian ypecupatvion rospecto i K ospect for coal and petroleum over , ¢ . » ‘ . 2 y for cup iseten to pur- | Skeena Land District—Dstrict of Coast, . $ : ‘ the TulLDwing described jands give Wolgast a return match, but i jiowing described nee mid or a's > Pub. Feb. 21, 1913—Mar. 31, 1013. Commpen s. _ 4 ~ aS added it was extremely probable ‘ : 08 io one alle » notice vat ames DVD. ‘ . « run tile 08 3 1 ‘6 cine eerty direction | Vaticouver, b. ( engineer, ‘tesomas .y s a - ~ | Caenet pout 80 chains, west 80 chains,|, now that he would give either Joe ; creek Copper Company's} Ply for permission w lease the following | portn. 80 chains, east 50 chains to place) Rivers or Packey McFarland the : B. C., thence east fol described lands ‘ ~ re lor commencement, containing 640 acres ’ 7 ow! sities of the shore eae riveast neing st & post planted on the aan - - a SS Pe Se ee ays | more or ess, RK. I RORISON first chance, meeting either of 8 ms ( : enee | Hortheast vast f Porche son, occupatio ‘ . ) )RISON, : ; north 30 chains, shengs a quart f of ; Porcher Island, sbout after date intends to apply to the C hief | hence south 20 chains to f @ mile southeast of the mouth F. W. McCrady, Agent. the two on July 4. ~ ‘ in 160} of Humpback Creek, hail t Commissionero! Lands for license wo pros Dated Feb. 5th, 1913 pet Cee 0a : : . : : { pencenent, SOMaARET ” | bea hh, the nce 80 th 80 chains, thence onal pect for coal and petroleum over the fol HK. D. Be M ieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver BERN ARD O'NEILL 80 chains, thence north $0 chains, thence|'°WiNe described lands ath Oil N. BE. C. ; west { haius sHo “ commencing at @ post planted on the pub. Feb. 24th, 1913—-Mar. 24th, 1913 OT TAWA FACES. BIG is a Tonic and not onl sto a cough Fr. 5. W so Ageul oat od chain following shore line to east bank of Porcupine Creek about one] great y ps ary sth, commencement, containing 640 3. c eT - : ated res ore ess es south from ¢ tT. Pe mile St 132, j pub. Feb. 10, 1019-—ADr. THR S098. a“ SAMES D, PEEBLES ieee mth $0 chains, east 80 chains,| Notice is hereby given that I, K. D DEFICIT IN HOCKEY but enables the system to throw it oft. i. Hobert Reid, Agent. north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place Rorisui, occupation financial agent, ; nd: w ap ‘ , Id be a bottle of it in ev e. coas Dated 29th Januar 1913 of commencement, contaihing 640 acres| days after date intend: t ay bly to the —_—_ There should n ery hom pistriet guages of Coast, y, : |cmef Commissioner of Lands for license skeena La ” heaee Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Aapr. 7, 1013 more or less = D, Ronson jto prospect for coal and petroleum over Losing Team Sours Fans on the P Sold ‘ . s , ‘ge | ibed lauds bot e here. on soe aia, Kon > cooly a ce 7 = F. W. Mecrady, Agent ee oe os ‘post planted Game—Ownership to be Large ose tle 35¢ ory » spinste “—— : ‘ ed chase » followmg | Skeena Land District—Distwict of Coast,). Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913 near Grand Trunk mile post iz» Cut Down pero a 0 Le ange V. A. b, B. thence north 80 chains, — ) chains, J. Lh MATHIRO CO., Prep... . SHERBROOKE pescrit ony lante N. W. ¢ outh 80 chains, West 80 chains to place —_—_— F t a post planted at the Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van ; . ¢ . s i . , P , foe : S an Las 6144, thence | couver, B. C., coutrector, intends to ap- Pub. Feb, 21, 1913—-Mar. 31, 1913 of COMERARSERER, containing 640 acre Ottawa, Feb. 22--Though it is poor ains more or less to the Borth | piy for permission to lease the following) awe 's , R. D. RORISON » ue 6 te @ , f Lot 4130, thence west 40] described lands *. W. MeCrady, Agent not given out officially, it 18 e- , > [AGE < - » or less to the east boundary Commencing at @ post planted on the " va that 1, R. D. Rort Dated Feb. ou. 4913 y ’ WESTERN AGENT* "Lat 4 ence north 15 chains wwre | northeast coast of Porcher Island, about} Notice is hereby given shal l : : finitely known the control of the n ne Ave. Winni ‘4 thet 4 i t, 60 days K. D. * £ erguson ros., y ; je south boundary Of Lot 944,/2% miles southeast of mouth of Hump son, vecupation financial age ne Go atl 3. W. Ottawa Hockey Club will pass in. ae jo chains more or fess to the | back Creek and at the north end of Chis-| after date intends to apply to the Chier) pub. ves. 24th, 1913—Mar. 24th, 1913 a ¢ nmencement, containing 60} more Passage, half chain from beach, Lomenenteneret Lande fur Resaee the or-| to the hands of two _ persons epee eel ¥ 5s thence south 80 chains, thence west 80) pect for coal am etraicum ove eat ee . MADGE KUHL. chains, Weace north 60 chains, thence east) iowing described lands Note is hereby given that 1, K. b.Jmnext year and the majority of BER Donald MeVicar, \eeut 80 chains following shore line Ww poms ol commencing at @ post planted on the! gorisun, occupation luanciai agent, + those now connected with the or- Hl nl I goth, 1012 commencement, coutaiming 640 acres more}east bank of Porcupiiie Creek about Oe) gays alter dave imtend Ww appiy tw Uk : ; ‘ : vena 012 "Feb. 17, 1013 or jess miles south from G. 1. P. mile post 132,) Chief Commissioner of Lands for license} ganization will dispose of their | p. Dec. 98, 5 ° : , ROBERT REID. thence south 80 chains, West 80 chains,/to prospect for coal and petroleum over)... if the inducements are ; ee Dated 20th January, 1913 porth 80 chains, east 80 chains to pla the folowing described lands ; : 7 Hl 9 q , Land Distriet—District of Coast, Pub. Feb. 10, 1013—apr. 7, 1013. of commencement, containing 640 acres oe totes Tie a ‘ Pe — deemed sufficient - - . 2: J si ” woe ate king, of Mou-| KPA NE coreg 8 HE a ee R. D. RORISON near Grand Trunk mile post 130, According to a statement made ih potice thet Sy .. ; : eure oe thence South 80 chains, west 80 chains, ieee ; a al, b sion spinster, Intend to apply —_— ey, Seureny, aoe horth 80 chains, east 80 chains to place} Dy Secretary Rosenthal, the pre- RK ssion to purchase the following Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913 of commencement, containing 640 acres| elling expenses and a falling off Lot $148, thence west 40] and plans of Works ww be consuucted ob - ‘ : . : ns, ibence south 40 ‘chains, thence eas) ihe following described lands All 404] Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Pub@Feb. 24th, 1913—Mar. 24th, 1913.Jin the gates has accounted for a 4 “chains more or less back to point of | singular that certain pares * a S bisirict of Skeena. ne ‘ shrinkage in the surplus the club 6 mmencement, co 60 ecres more} Prince Kupert Harbor and foreshore a Take notice that |, M. &, Goodale, © : ad a er ma eee joing sub-Lot Seven (7) of a a Seatue, Washington, occupation atiorney,) Notice is hereby given that 1, R. Db. enjoyed in past seasons. Failure * HILDA KING. Biock “I of the Townsite of Prince Kul) wing w appiy for @ liceuse Wo prosper Rorison, eecupation inancia agent, uv ae ‘ some up to the Deneld MeVieer, Ageut. | pert, British Columbia, contaiming eleven) iy cogs ‘ana petroleum over the foliowing|days after daie intend to apply to the of the team to cor I November 26th, 1912 P and eighty-one one-hundredths §(11.89)) 4 crimped janus Chief Commissioner of Lands for license] standard has almost eut the e e Dated | cated tt, 204s teres, be the sane more or less, and which Tmmenciag at @ post planted at the | to prospect for coal and petroleum over ates e in helf ¢ oo i oe ete parcel may be more particularily described] .-ineast corner of Section 8, fownsiip 7,| the following described lands: beseiil patronag . 1S TT a. Soe wes © OS oe r Seal Cove] mence south 80 chains, thence west 8¥ — a ae. 4 yaaa Up till last Saturday, Manager a uo P pS be ove O 3, ’ ‘ : ‘ kkecna Land District—Distriet of Coast, Referring ww the contr ore mine pun-|caains, tence morth 80 chaits thence} Mar “Grand Trunk mule post 13,1 Ted Day, of the Arena, claimed ‘ Circle a8 sHoWwn ob plan number bb - so of ns to poimmt of comme ncemeit . 7 : ‘ ‘ Range V ) e Ku-} &4 ss ' thence morth 8@ chains, West 80 chains, Pf Tak that L, Alfred EB. Wright, of | @red and twenty: thre 25) Prin KK. &. GUODALE, Locator \ € : . . t iry Ullice and commencing ies south 80 chains, east 80 chains to piace | that his share of the receipts al- j rie pert, occupation engineer, intend pert Land Kegistr) A. E. Jessup, Agena of ) / er, intend et a Duin distant therefrom astronomii pated Som. Bard, 1903 CF _GOREMEROTREN, containing 640 acres}4n. were $1,800 short of what | Musee decked mde: feast, eight hundred and Aly Sie, Sie] rub. Feb. 21, 94, Mar, 9, 10, 17, 84. RK. p. RORISON. {they figured at this period last mmencing St 6 Bose plented oe sare ‘So bunaped. toa, coventy seven and Dated Feb. sen’ SCO ast a season. | psn corte of Lk 48h thence morta) wih tn, HSS cdredte, 1077.8 Bates Feb, ou ‘ Lot 481, thence east 26 chains) feet. said point being the sousmwel kit) voce is hereby given that 1, HD.) B.D . R. = ‘ ds ) ‘ > , : Mar. th, 1913 wre of tess to the West boundary of Lot} corner i oe tists Sn degrees thir-|Aorison, vecupalion Lnancial agent, Pub, Feb. 24th, 1913——-Mar. 24th, 1 Scottish Cup Draw TESTIMONIAL thence south $0 chains more or} &5trohomic | Gays aiter date intend to appiy ww the a2 . ae {| teen Minutes and OUfty-nine Genounla west pion a ane of Lands for licens os Seer ead renthe Hy. slong, the said LBs 0e tee ie prenes 1 barbor Line: wo pe spect for ‘Coal and petroleum over! Notice i hereby given that 1, KR. D. Glasgow, Feb. 22—The follow- | Dr. J. Nichol, Llandudno, reports :— esterly and southe ' sixty (760) feet to proposed Rarix following described lands Rorison, occupation financial agent, 60 ’ ene “al | phore ‘ the poimt of ee con thence along said harbor line astronomic oe nu =e at @ post planted near 40) days after date intend to apply to the] ing has been made in the third Your whisky i is, in my opinion, an ex. a acre RED EL WRIt HT north fifty-three degrees forty-six MiD-} 10° Consiruction camp, mile post 135.) Chief Commissioner of Lands for license etlient and well mate spirit ard ss | . 4 y 7 : d 3 . . | red : seven bundred and sixty-five (70° feet; |] coin so chains, West 80 chains wo piace/gthe following described lands: ootball Cup: « a ied November 26th, 1912 seven hundred nd win imirty-six degrees] SvUlb 80 cpement comaining 640 ecres|” ‘Commencing. si &® Dost planted tion F th . 4 inne such I can conscientiously recommend to a een nn See hl one nates, lee tral ee eee patients requiring such a beverage.” As —— s , 9 KB.) seven hundrec « . 5 ne : « u ”s . ities . ; : cunt one ee arty three one- hundredths F. W. Mecrady, Agent thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, Airdronians. Skeena Land ea a of Coast, ~ $3) feet; thence astronomic south Dated Feb. 5th, 1913 north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place Clyde or East Stirlingshire vs. ry w. f itty three degrees and OMfty-two minutes s. W. C. of commencement, containmg 640 acres 7 Take notice Unat uben ogers, 0 > dre , less. Queen's Park. 53:52 W two bundred and five hk. D. RA, . more or 4 Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation transfer. | West (>. © , h water yub. Feb, 24th, 1913—Mar, 24th, 1913 R. D. RORISON. > a e f Mid . set more or less to high ; ane ilmarnock vs. Hearts of Mid- intends to apply for permission to Bove J = os oe ome sae Fr. W. McCrady, Agent. K ‘ purchase the following described lands: a a a a a nm a a m m a m a a a a ae a a a x a m a a ml x a nm a a m a a a a a a a x a x a a a a a x a a a Donald MeViear, Agent utes and on second east (N. 63:46:01 El itnce north sv chalms, east 50 chails,/to prospect for coal and petroleum over round for the Scottish Associa- 7 a a a a a a a a a E a a a a x a a a a : k Dated Feb. 5th, 1943. lothian . ly Tollowing high water mark, N. W. C . mmencing st @ t planted at the | Souther (735) feet i wo we . E a northeast corner of Lot $141 Range 6, | seveu eee ean ot ‘comme neement Notice is hereby given that |, KR. D R. D._R. 2 ; Glasgow Rangers or Hamilton —DISTILLERS— Coast Distrtet, near Lakelse Lake, nce | More OF are eee taat after the expiration] Rorisen, vecupalion Unancial agent, ¢ Pub, Feb, 24th, 1913-——-Mar. 24th, 1913.] 4 ..qamicals ws. Greenock Mor- i north 40 chains thence west 40 chains And take p m the date hereof ap-|uays aiter daw iniend Ww appiy tw Lye ; : SON & co mn | thence south 40 chains, thence east 40/0! tuirty days from of such works Will/Guef Commissioner vi Lands ior liccise ton or Falkirk. ALEX. FERGU a chains tw place of © ‘at. plication for approva: nor ip Council at} to prospect for coal and petroleum over Notice is hereby given that I, R. D. Dumbarton vs. St Johnstone. nm 1 RK. W. ROGERS be made to the Gover ine foliowing described lands: Rorisou, occupation financial agent, 60 aes ri , 108 West Regent Stre=t, Glasgow ‘ Dated Nov, 1s views . ; Commenciug @t @ post planted bear 40) Gays after date intend to apply to the stick istle vs. Dundee. ist, 1048. 5 f February, 191% ar Pub. Nov. 48, Lenn Jan, 18, 1043. Dated this 15th day 0 ie OMPANY old construction camp, mile post 135,) Chief Commissioner of Lands for license r S he il “ ATLIN CONSTRUCTION COMP AN! | inence Orth SY Cudilis, West d0 chauls,! to prospect for coal and petroleum over Raith Rovers vs. Motherwell or nm —_—_—_-— LIMTIED 40-69 south 80 chains, east 50 chains to place! the following described lands: Hibernians Skee i 1 Distric District of Coast ee ——lof commencement, comtaining 640 acres Commencing at a post planted . ‘ a - e e | . iam —. v \str » =" wa noTice. more or less R. D. RORISON at the one sf a. melt a Peebles Rovers vs. Celtic. Limited n TER » D. ROMS. hear Gran run mile pos ’ ike notice that I, Duncan Kk. Palconer, ‘ - Fr. W. Mecrady, Agent. thence morth 80 chains, east 80 chains, nee Rupert, B, C., occupation masap, F to Take and Use Water. Dated Feb. Sth, 1913. south 80 chains, west 80 chains to place tend ; ; ‘or a License ; ° : Forty years in use, twenty tead to apply for permission to purchase s .. . of commencement, containing 640 acres y ’ : following deseribed lands; Notice is hereby given that ¥. _. Kk. D. more or less. years standard, prescribed and —_ GENTS— mn mmencing at & post planted at the} tominey, of Soon Bey. tp manors inches rub, FOR. G6, 6019-—Mar. 26mm, 2089 Bee Lae ar os recommended by physicians. For ml iwest corner of Lot 14, thence borth] jicense to take alfa use F. W. MecCrady, Agent. . wing the westerly boundary of Lot} or water out of Bonanza Creek, which Dated Feb. 5th, 1913. Women’ ail Or. Martel’s PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 4 20 chains, thence west 25 chains more | Mows in a southerly direction Pwd eer Notice is hereby given that I, KR. D. Ss. W. C. 8 ments, . a ss to the easterly boundary of Lot 15,| into Goose Bay near Queen's Hote jles| Rorison, Occnpativn financial agent, 60 RK. D._R. 2 4 Female Pills, at your druggist. south following the easterly boun- | water will be diverted “ Re cepenes jays alter date imtend to apply Wo tn Pub, Feb. 24th, 1913——-Mar. 24th, 1913. nm lary of Lot 15 25 chains more or less|/up and will be used fo ~ mef Commussioner of Lands for license — — railway right-of-way, thence east] on the land described as Big Copper and lo prospect for coal and petroleum over << BE aig ine raliway Kignt-of-way 38) Asceid minors! Cosine pe _greuns | Sehowme, Ce eee a ae 5s more or less to point of com This notic . wee ae = oe ee Comune = _ at @ post = ene *- City of Prinse upert hencement, and eof itty acres|<« p 4th day o 6 , al old construciten Caimp, Hille US do, more or eas, 7 application will be fled in oo Se of | thence soul 80 chails. cast So eel i ted the t1ith @ f December, 1912. » ter Recorder 4 rine north 80 chains, West 80 chailis Ww c “Dt NCAN kK. FiLconen Eaatene, ° ipjecuans may be fied) with =e oe of commencement, containing 640 acres Dated December 16th, 101 Water Recorder OF Ft ne Dulidings, more or less, RB. D. RORISON. TAKE NOTICE that the following is the schedule covering as- _ Pubs Dec, 23, 1019—Feb, 47, 1943. he _ , _F, W. Mecrady, Agoot. | sessment to be made against the property benefitted by the local ; tee sn a a . Ww. McINTOMINEY, OPPO. betes - Ca 4928. improvement as set out at the head of the schedule. Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE aaa , Mce ts Bereby given that thirty days Pub, Feb. 17. : " he Pp : ‘ afier date we intend to apply to the Gov- Bp a. gcth, 1019—Mar. 241n, 1013. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a sitting of the Court of | range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or the folk i bat 0 gee Sue Sess for | ome ree Revision for the purpose of hearing complaints against said as- TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued at our xf mumencing at the northwest corner of COAL NOTICES. Sail desk B,D sessments will be held in the Council thamber of the City Hal! customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send a tape I 641, Range V. Coast et, Brit cs ue otice . : . o« ; . ‘ bis, Gunes .Aenae — ee ———— at 1, B. B.p BORAGE O« upation tne agen, ov on Saturday, 22nd day of March, 1913, at 11.00 a.m, measure, be ng and sa instructions ae to peer van 1 feet, thence south seven degrees] | Notice if hereby Hie agent, 60] Chet Commissioner of Lands tor license Any person desiring to appeal against said assessment must | ALL FREE. You have only to read our book of testimonials and you ty-t y : orise occupa lol cl “ : : : i ip Weeen bets tees Gays after Gate intend to penis hike to prepa ro eed t _—— “vel! do so in writing, and all notices of appeal shall be served upon the will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for : é 3 ys 7 * yf Lands ut ens the followiaug dese ee nds i i v “mort: eae ‘eehe oS ome taiirospee! tor coal and petroleum overt Commencing &b & post planted meer an City Clerk at least eight days prior to the sitting of the said Court value. Money returned pteialap mya nom satisfied. . vark ; nee northerly follo . lands jd construction camp, mile pos s, aan ' kh water ‘mark to the point of com- | Me, following described lanon. — Lianted! thence south 80 chains, west 80 chains,|Of Revision. . mencer Commencing at rand ; . 2 , GURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, , a ee that portion (18 lanour 500 yards fromm the Grand | north | 80 cote, on so chains to place DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24th day of February, , } v un the above boundaries) te t-way, mile 1 commencemen containing « * Spadina TORONTO, i vered by the Grand Trank Pacifie right Trook aoe ere. east 80 chains. more oF less, 1943. (Dept. w ), 449 Avenue, ONTARIO. " KAIEN INV TEMENT south 80 chains, west 80 chains i deres ». wr one... ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. Please mention this Advertisement, Bt 8 COMPANY, LTD f commencement, ¢o , . ° ._ 7s ’ . . , , ‘ 7 } KR “ = : Dated Feb, 5th,, 1913. S. M. CARMICHAEL, Assessor & Collector. ; w Feb vo K. C., December 30th, 1912.) more or less, R. D. RORISON nC JAS. M ARM y ese an i; ne Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent RK. D. a ee hate 4088 p . . . , rey rere Dated Feb. Sth, 1013 Pub, Feb, 24th, —Mar. th, P NOTICE. 5. W. cage - , RDB : Y-LAW NO...... Take notice that Atiin Construction| Pubs Feb. 24tm, 1013 Mar, 24th, 1919] votice is hereby given that I, BR. D. 5 . lank road the th side ( . : mpany, Limited, has deposited with the | —— . — Rorison, occupation Onancial agent, 60/Assessment of Local Improvement plan roag on tae nor side onsu t Ss in e ar to h ie Public Works at Ottawa, and Notice is hereby given that I a D. 1 aay ot (nt Sees a Lands’ tor Bon of Hays Gove Cirele from the junction of Fourth and Fifth N the hi ri De : al agen ¢ che ) . ‘ 3 , ‘upert Re istration District @ deeertption eve ater. CoN lo apply teks th Ofoliowis raat Side i Avenues to Sixth Avenue. Total estimated cost, $4,000.00. ‘ud plans of works to be constructed on|¢mer Commissioner of Lands for licens’) jhe Touuwihg dem t plarted Total assessable frontage, 954.9 lineal feet, Rate per foot e + that’ one scribed lands All and] to eapect for coe) i Dercuta over one ashe * the? Grand frontage, 04.46888 ee , sareel or portion of Prince] the following deseribec ds ; d a Rs : Tile 1371 : fi Harbor and foreshore adjoining} Gummenciug at & post planted — cot ka ckeiteenat 60 chalet, ee a Co 1 wee = "oie ee deities pee) a ve, PnP a 1371 north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place 4 » (5), Coast istrict, ritish| Tron r oO . . ao « slo oO ment, © b40 acres wel oe oy sameasurement a A a hy Cost 80 be to ‘place oes a py 2 o # To you who have need for a FIRLD GLASS from which . . ee ane ve et re south 80 ¢ ®, Sor oe 640 ‘ . D. RORISON, ; ; acres, be the euine nn of commencement, Containing i ver . a rt Agent 5 ‘ ¢ Set $ 3 = $3 you may derive complete satisfaction, we send this mes- hose @ a8 follows, that 18 00 sey: more or less B.D. RORIBON. Dated Uye..0a S0R8 5 2 g: 35: -ae “ai sage, We stock a line of Fleld Glasses and Prism Bino- J ersectio oO P . “ gen e = 3 > = = g vw - boundary of said Lot Pive Hun meted Feb. bth Mi; Perens Kh. DK ; 5 - < 3 ~ Be $32 3 Bee S365 culars comprising the best grades suitable for Tourists, 1 one (5 - ee om, ' ¥ , 2 i 4 = “i= = oes ~ . hence aaa wen Soe ert 8. Pup. Feb, 940M, 1948-—-Mar, 84th, 104 z 3 oo: ee “a4 a<— Foe Ranchers, Hunters, Army men and Mariners, Our illus- ‘00) feet, thenee astronomie north Bae sob 24th, 1013-——Mar, 24th, 191 ees Durant, Mrs. Heloise T. 6 5 1 39.0 39 $09.09 49.3¢ te3 20 trated catalogue describes a few of these fine glasses, ree degrees and fifty-six minutes ™ 2 sreby , K. D.| Durant, Mrs, Heloise T. 6 s ® 25 25 104.73 30.89 3.58 , . > partie 3 Our tht 88 B), elehteen hundred and | —-—— D natin vie ee oh? ‘ Ambrose, G. & Bar! Sam. 6 8 _ oe 25 104,73 30.80 123.58 but we invite you to write us for fuller partic ulars, ur ve (1833) feet more OF less; Notice is hereby given that | e coldave after date intend to apply to the) Ambrose, G. & Earl Sam. 6 . 4 25 25 104.75 30,89 123.58 prices are the most moderate in the Dominion. ‘stronomic West six hundred and} porison, veeupation financial agen’. | Ciicr Commissioner of Lands for license | Ferguson, W. A. 6 8 5 25 25 104.73 80.89 . 133.58 wid three. tenths (623.3) | dave after date intend to ap ly to prospeet for coal and petroleum over Noel, Walter 6 x 6 v5 25 104.73 30.89 123.58 r less to she intersection of} chief Commissioner of Lands for licens following deseribed lands Noel, Walter 6 8 > 25 104.73 30.80 123.58 = 2 a rly boundary of said Lot Pive = prospect fog ena) gud ib iroleum ove ex ommeneing a post planted McDougall Mrs, Kath ‘ : 6 os er 104.78 ao 00 199.58 ai Forty-one or . a scribed lands ; aa : " » Oo eon A ¢ 25 7 3.9 ™ hence s utherly and westirty. tal. = anes al . °. us “ a" MY yrunk right Tee, gs ” ta? Wicks, e. : ; 10 2 Bs 104 73 30 x0 133 ‘8 H. Bi i ite eh wate , . e . Grand Tron wile 2 mee south 80 chains, West » ebalt Johnson, Arthur E go ° ‘ 89.9 GS ‘ 50 ] ‘ m d the at. re, Oe. ee oF thenee north 80 chains, weet rie i oie eo hains east 80 chains to place Hamlin, d.4 6 8 it 25 . 104.73 + 90 ree be enry ir Ss ns, ‘ke notice that after the expiration} south 80 chains, east BO chal oo Co) or commencement, containing 640 acres) Walters, A 6 s 12 8686 26 104.73 9.90 70.56 ye ff > date basen lof commencement, containing ore or leas Meihus, Joon A 6 5 13 25 25 104.73 30.90 123.58 RS RSM. t approval et Seek poste wii more oF less a. Dp. RORISON ee ee A. D. RORISON Motes, John A ‘ : 18 * 25 yy a4 oo oo 7. JEWELLE AND SILVE iTHS made to . T . ae Amen P. falters, M. J 5 0.90 23.58 ANCOUVER, ee ‘ si ms — Dated Feb, 6th, Mis ee Sven Faylor, Ss. 8 6 s 16 25 25 104.78 30.90 138 58 Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director v B.C ited this ' Dated Feb, Sth, p . € Taylor, 5. 8 6 5 17 25 25 104.73 30.00 § Be saa a +e day of Pebruary, 1018 8. BE. ¢ a DOR Tavira. 8 é ; ia Ht 6 10478 50.00 193.5 LIMITED STRESS conrem p » Feb 24th, 1019-——Mar, 24th, 1019 Pub, Feb. 24th, 1013——-Mar, 24th, 1013.) Government of B, © os avo ago 2052.47 606.49 2421 ts : ub, Fe! . .