CLOSING OUT THE DAILY NEWS sneer ene =| WORKS OF ART “The News” Classified Ads. ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== (| i! Tuesday, Fe} . ' A | “ee KITSELAS LIBERALS IN COUNCIL CHAMBER — HOLD ANNUAL. teem Ex-Mayor Stork Presents City Policy of the Grand 0} with Portrait—Other Works Was Heartily Enu, © Chietiay of Art Will Decorate Officers for Sanat ang the Wallis. Year Were Elo: oy Upon the opening of the week The annua ly meeting of the city council) Kitselas Libera dom —§ , jast evening all the Aldermen | on Saturdas | ' es Be eee a rae | i: ae es ~ lIwere in their allotted seats and/largely attended : ‘aL FRIENDS OF INDIANS : | of Owing to ill health we are compelled to go out of busi- Hendricksen-Smith Wanted | inere was-a fair attendance of |Of that dist ness and may have to shu! our doors at any time. We are ‘ i JUSTIFY THEIR METHODS spectators Adorning the walis|®howed a ke offering ‘ F Co eines | re ot the council chamber for the/S¥es of the urniture |WANTED-A chambermaid at the Bay) (Continued from Page 1. lurst time was @ fine portrait of OBLimism that { CROCKERY GLASSWARE ENAMELWARE onc Rb Mees te ave View Hotel aver ne baudsdme 8d Gebodbit Uap.|tAe succes Lamps HOUSE FURNISHINGS SAFE |WANTED—At omen, weltress. Yien™§/ nosed your criticism of our Ur-\ ne ei clock, the firet mayor|im the 1 PHONE 465 Car 46 : ain Fred } ’ a STORE FIXTURES wer? pA Beneral servant. Apply ure re f Pringe Hupert Also a tine] . olumbia ., high speed, We have not sent letters to the ay se aa : W lelected for th first class shape. Apply P. 0. Box 1509,/,) ,.. ‘ Shortly, Gily Glers oods an Rtas . -_ Prince Rupert soir |lidians urging them to defend nounces he will have in place to| “0 Presider 7 an ae a their rights, but the Indians, not- .p these two fine pictures Wilfrid Lau / ot C a FOR SALE ibly those of your own Diocese ee 2 | Wells Vice 1 yy, b { \ as : company the splendid work of , Ad . e For Rent have frequently sent us letters A Erickson; I DAILY Two excarated lots, ¢ and 7, Bioek, 1 | [lexpressing appteciation of our|*t! Senerously domated by MF) lis. rs Sec. 1 Price, $20,000 Terms, $6,000) @—_.-—.-... —_ ~—— p | Capre aS SPPTocistion 0 — wD. M. Bain, the well Known pho — ’ cash, balance over five years with interest) efforts and asking us to con easel Fred Forest, | am 3 | 2 cad oO 7 A aed | @) WU Land at 7 per cent. twice per annum, allowing| FOR RENT--—Furnished house; five rooms, tographer, representing the 1912 I eormmmission to any agent for the sale AD bath, piano; $35.00 per month tinue them. : council together with portraits | Erickson, | l OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL GQOCLOCK 12 ieee Mm. 0. LEDUC ee ee - We have not circulated ‘peti fH. KR. H, the Duke of Connaught | 1682 Notre Dame West FURNISHED, unfurnished and furaiohed tons among the Indians for their vied ‘the late Mr. C. M. Hays, the}. W@nted—Ma Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in _ Montreal pouseheeping roame. Apply tider Blo | signatures and so far as our in-[ end ne tate ae ae who’ met| Photo Depa i “ -] Vv t . . vu it Less Than Twenty Months a g|iermation extends no one has uch @ jamentable fate in the/@erience n ee ee | ae >} done so. whats ; ees , . i Bros ate All Loans Made Bear 0 Interest at the E Lost and Found t\" We "h ave not summoned d frightful ‘Titanic disaster which |" 58 > ave oO sum Ore dele B { LOOK piace nearly @ year ago Rate of Per Annum MY WARDRO “s . —— ‘ gates to meet in conference We sani ia tie ortraii of az . on : oO 4. LEE, TAILOR we know that on several occasions in regare = a : sia nn . 3 First I de A 1.22, 19141 ok "hen Works Et . oie aa |such general meetings of Indians|‘ SGLOHE PECS UNCER OS tenner was || ! irst Loan made April 22, 1911........... s 500.00 2 ee oe we. } , ei 0 ‘ a en If Y W ce I % Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing puppy, black and white and brown./naye been held, but they have|'®®@ from that gentiema Ane |) ou ant | | ‘ 1s made during month of Dec., 1911..... 4,000.00 jain one tant Finde J please return G. S. Turner pesca i tb ; Ind nouncing his donation of thel{ ! - Secone enu 7-50 ee = one e t if Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 "areas ae” eee So re ina nt ro oe y me nea) portrait as a gift to the city. Al} de nden } Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 [oom Hseociation, 6D Organiza-| otion expressing the thanks of|} pe ce | ce aka TENDERS WANTED. jtion of the Indians of the Prov 1) Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 iticiinn . aie lied er ; the council for the same Was!) lucrative « . at ince entirely 7 5 “Or an | . | Loars made.during monttr of Dec., 1912..... 35,100.00 For the construction of @ telegraph line |i) de eema’ Pye sony a . - moved by Alderman Naden and | and happ Loans pending and in process of being made PA ERHANGIN from the cold storage plant to the cannery I lt seconded by Alderman Kerr and|}) buy a ten : - ‘ in Tucks Inlet. Specifications can be ob We have not collected = from S rr. me. GOOD . vot ca kbweat eos at 68,000.00 AND tained at the oMce of the Atlin Construc-| in. mndian ser ean alates carried unanimously. on Porch I Loans made and pending December, 1912... .103,100.00 ake ton Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, B.C. 48-47 si eta te ape the bathir p ; F INTERIOR DECORATIONS or any sums of money, but on ’ pece or « 912—-Loans ade ¢ - = — a : ic, schoo aoe te i Loans made and in pro seo EAR 6f All Kinds the contrary we and those out- Demers | o “ BS TO GB. «thane os te wake co oe cps oh 263,100. itinatite tine SPECI A L side the Province who have aided Smart styles in tailored gg ibune . we See our Representative ; er oe us, have expended upward = of 401 = antl ey " * R. E. BALL 910.000, in seeking te secure fori months The Canadian H In estment Ltd. P. O. Box 274 ~ Phone 174 First arrival of new spring = ome Vv y, : a ; the Indians a just dealing with . be yours rac suits. We take great pleasure in|) oi. ojaim sah ite Delhe eboel io state to be your & prac-| Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert — - fans stow 4 » Dame cannne . ‘ o% 0 fs ADOUl) tical settlement in the best in-| e sole agenc } or terests 0 ‘ dis it i Busy Bee Cafe r: sirte "O ? Print ‘is rt sented, by present conditions cannot izree With your opinion ailoring Uo. for ince pert, If you will enquire from the]. idee : j ' it is well known that this firm indians in ies uieess thien oe ee reer ee ee oe ! 519 3rd Avenue jturns out only the most elegant we have found to be a at all ter, that such settlement mre jin ladies’ man tailored garments]... : be based upon considerations ofif ees = — -to- wn childrer as represented b a rial Most Up to Date Place in To and to see these suits is to be - ° 4 pt ; expe diency arising from what ) Fi OYSTERS & GAME BOXES FOR LADIES. : oF dan Sad aw, | nome, but quite able to speak for) you ca present conditions,” |}} ind It Through a News Want Ad. Open Day and Night ee —— are what you are themselves, we are very sure that} and those considerations make 1 i George Leek . - ooking or. they will fully confirm what we { om . “5 . . i Lecessé to exard as pre 4 . —_—_— — Exclusive Styles Lowest Prices)... aiove «tated. for they muatl 7 ars i 618 Third Ave , ey oe 2 ° US*) posterous” the simple, and wel{t * Dem rs know that there is not the slight oe nture to think reasonable clain = Se yaya) feiie) ee eae alae) elim ¢S est ground for the various state-| which the Indians are making ments which you have made that they should be dealt with as e . i You concede that there = are ' | the aboriginal inhabitants of this 3 grievances which should be in Province and as such having Te) LOCAL NEWS ITEMS vestigated and you rejoice in the ; le some rights W E aECOS SOpeNNINeN of 8 tem. Gur conviction is that such| The up-to-date House Decor c re) |” mission, which so clearly proves ' iL settletnent should be based upon Rupert ce hen the People Te} Messrs. L. Henry and C. Berb-|that all the Governments con- those eternal principlés of right tors of Prince Rup re) fe line ,two young Frenchmen, late- cerned are actively moving in eousness and justice which are . *.? Refuse to Pa a lly arirved in the eity from Paris, ne Sabed ane you seem 0) fundamental to every truly Chris- ign Writing. — | ? orge 1a us very promisine) tian civilization, and havé been ‘ ‘ \ 2) jare opening up in business 1) state of affairs has been mainly the glory and strength of the Paper-Hanging ~ fe) | Prince Rupert as artistic paint-|the result of our own represen British Empire ® . i fe) jers and decorators. They have|tations upon many occasions Whe on Our Specialties V * Cannot close this letter - ER since King John signed the Magna fe) jrecently done some work at the/}during the past three years made idiot cae how deesly aos cS ° =| Knox Hotel in the line of indoor}to the Government of the Prov- Ww ' deliver the goods.” 2 - ra regret the necessity of entering e@ always f . Charta the co le have been discoverin fe jdecorating that proves them tofince, the Government of Canada = ; oe ied fe ° h d . h eS , d nse nik of a ; nada, upon a controversy with one oOf|@nd Street Phone 156 Gree - se m => be artisans an er su oO e}] ane le mperia croverniment the missionary leaders of this new rig ts an as rting t e ° fe) very highest order, You also fail to take into aecount eahiae whom we aa expected FEED fe) | j the fact that the proposed com- ; ; ’ s we think reasonably, to be one of Long ago the people learned how to get E General Agent J. G. MeNab of] mission will be appointed under the strongest friends Of OUT | queens . . the ©. P. R., accompanied by|4an agreement which deals ex- ment. and al + iin ; h r ir ’ , movement, and also the fact that w at they wanted by the simple expedient of Mrs. MeNab ‘and hild, returned|*lusively with the matter of re-|you have not seen fl to adopt the tl . serves Pp ° » er 7 suggestion made by ur Chair- . I refusing to pay. from a short trip to the lower It is a matter of great surprise ‘ ' ad a ‘ HAY, GRAIN FEED AND Te] coast cities yesterday on the ts 6 tha } man that you confer with us in . a) | Princess May. . pe ron Should, to some/ihe hope of arriving at a better SEEDS : fal rae at least, seek to convey understanding. t ; : : age the ressic f shane P = facie dagetaien kings played “war” Soon the world discovered that it a Mr. William Dick representing aerator na oe Sea Yours very truly, (el . 4 ae Ca a « . + ‘Spt : j : ' aries oO not approve o § ‘ PRN Cc with one another the people could al had an appetite for facts. And in the the Dunlop Rubber Tyre Co. of|our efforts. We believe the teuth JAS, MeQUEEN, Agents for the International Stock Food ce} ways put a sudden end to the fun by re-adjustment of things for the proper fe) . Acting Chairman. ed] “refusing to pay.” ssdeinesion of this appetite, we have 2) London, Eng., is a visitor to the) to be, in a marked degree, the op- a To-da ch : developed a new science—its name is al city for a few days. Mr. Dick, | posite. Indeed the only adverse . MAL. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TF = y, when men pla e grea ‘ ain ae . ed sritieis . : 0 an ie ral game iets they = on ‘tee — “ Advertising. a who is the Western Canada rep- _ ah on 7 y* - : "- | CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF t ) ° ; . ~ 18 as among . ans fel on the people, even as did those kings Now that we have learned there is al pesemeanive | of — ga oe of which et. pre at A go PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. OTS — r i t , = jmakes his home in North an- se e ave a] of long ago. When the people stop a way of CaS ° pe Paes wo boom. oe knowledge, consists of vour own oe j L a) payment, the game ends. y te exercise ft | ~_ a) ‘ remarks made in your charge] — . e ¢ Z on - 4 oi enders Wi me received yy the oa Of hich a h never failed—the refusal to pay un fe and lette? and those of two : Tend Nt 1 by th 22 23 a) igh importance is “the right less satisfied —the people have set up fel The paper that prints the facts ; ig o mem) city Clerk up to 4 p. m. Monday, 19 - - ” ” 7 to know” as applied to modern com- d f th Th bers of your Synod made at its ; , A meses, . The catia thaws Macc ah a new order of things. ¢ manu- fe) the Daily News. last meeting March 3rd, for the construction ral bs mi ; eae ” bole - b ey facturers and merchants are telling us fe) The aeons sain heen Mr of a CIVIC FREE READING Block 45, Section 8 y betore they buy. eeeee Margy ee eew — Corny ) ; Williass Dunceh. wh eae ROOM, plans may be seen and 7 ‘ es an, 0 0 dee . “ We awoke to this fact but a short vertising. al us the missionary work among the specifications obtained al the while ago, when a few manufacturers When we buy soap, we must know al - Church Services - Northern Indians now or office of City Engineer. 2 100 00 Cash began to tell us some of the things “Whose soap?” “How is it made?” e == Hyour charge, took exactly the W. MeG, MASON, ’ . they thought we should know about “What are its properties?’ “What 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ny ee . m City Engineer FOR ALI J " : : 2 Pp P : : de Sunday tn the same view regarding the neces : 6 el on goods. They were the pioneer are its uses?’ “Wherein does it ex- fe) ae Sn. tl aie. end sity Of dealing with the clei: ; ¥v ” *-* = ress | at 790 p.m. . * claims o —— ertsers. cel?” The Advertising tells us. a nat een the Indians which has been acted ; au f) || ev.?.w.keRR MA. _Paevoa Hlupon by us. This view was Meet Me at Harrison, Gamble & Compal! re] THE FIRST BAPTIST CHUKCH strongly stated in a letter ad. ? (2) aes Tanne " dressed by him in Ottawa to the HYDE’S CIGAR STORE FINANCIAL AGENTS l jees every : awt o . It’s the same with well-nigh everything we buy—food, clothes, furniture, pianos, automo- biles. We will have the facts about these things—or we will refuse to pay. We, the public, have created a new world force. We call it “Advertising.” Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or through t Secreta Bidg., ‘oronto. ON ON Sa of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Enquiry involoes no obligation on your part——so write, if interested. ie. ee eye} fl Services every Sunday at li = am, and 7.30 pm. Sunday 1} Sehool at 2.40 p.m. 7 REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastos [es] — wean te — fe) j 8ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH , | Cor, Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place fe) Morning prayer, 11, ,Even- =) ing prayer, 7:30, Sunday (ta school, 2:30 fe: m, Holy ra} Communion ret Sunday i of month at if & Mm. fe) and third Sunday at & a 4. m During the Lenten fe) season there will be serv , | ice ip the church every nm Wednesday at 8 p. m@. 2} fi a.m, and 7.80 pm. Sunday Schoo 2.80 p. m. Baraca ible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. H. MeLBOD KA B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Granville Court Sunday services at ti am, 3 and 8 Sun day Sehool, 1:30 Dp. m Week night, bervices Mon day, Wedne , Thurs ; day and Satu ‘ ; vane THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL | | late Sir John Ma June 1885 and a which he statesman 20th May from 1886, “IT do sincerely ernment will adopt in settling the n ifdian on the land some fatal blow We also have ) sion ample and jproof of the int re > ores | proval of the great body of the| will be strung and six dolphins jmissionaries of working among the Indians. in | warned, Construction is ‘eluding several letters from lead } me missionaries Diocese. Our object is addressed peace of the country. ivih letter saine edonald on gain in a to the Metlakahila from which on we take the following extract: hope the Goy without delay a course which will result iinds of the In question before is given to the in our posses most convineing erest and ap. | this Provinee your owt precisely what! Prince Rupett Third Aye. eee TO REN! ars Oe house a Magazines ° Periodicals Newspapers City Messengers 5 Parcel Delivery Phone 362 607 3rd Ave. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. $25.00 Warning. hods: ut $15.00 During the . construetion§ of water main across Shawatians Passage at Fern Passage cables |2 cabins, close All hereby now it driven. boats are G. R. Naden Co., lid operation and will continue un. til further notice, ist W. MeG, MASON, Age! 2nd Ay: City Engineer.