. ; "TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. -_ — anes a -_ . SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To”* Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, 50 cents per inch. rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd S8t., New York City. Seattlie—Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, | EEE ~—~]PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. Contract Telephone 98. THE DAILY NEWS ~~ POWERS OF COMPANIES LIMITED BY PROVINCES HEAPS ON TAXATION oopss, minister or susues oon ‘SALMON CANNERS WILL HAVE TO PAY TWICE AS MUCH AS Victoria, Feb. 22.-Salmon canners, packers of cured and jpiekled salmon, manufacturers jot whale oil and the by-products ’ jof whales, banks and = churches jare affected in the shape of in- j jereased taxation by the = provi- sions of the bill to amend the | Taxation Act which was intro- jduced in the Legislature last night. Under the present act the can- Trafalgar Square. ners of salmon pay tax of two ———— ————— oo cents per case of output in ad- DAILY EDITION nie. Wednesday, Feb, 26, 1913,.|dition to the taxes they pay on nineteen ae - ecttepateene> erecta 2 real property, personal property re ; , other than salmon and income. TWO GOVERNMENTS— they can make a beginning at The ehweliad dieasure raises A CONTRAST. apqusrne the thousands of id- the tax to four cents per case on On October 40th, 1941, Pre eograms which in their tongue n October ’ ; - stand for some sound, some mier Borden and his Ministry syllable, or some object, the were sworn in. They have al- Chinese language was a ver- ready faced one Parliamentary itable barrier, more potent and are now’ toward than the great wall, to inter- session course with the outside world. oe neeet Oe es me China has been drawn, by the a second. It would be hard to setolution, into the vertos of point to any useful legislation international polities. Ber they have accomplished in that chief problems at present are time. The outstanding facts those that affect her rela- of the Conservative regime so tions with other powers. Little far are the resignation of Hon. wonder, therefore, if the new Mr. Monk owing to the shuffling China demanded the modern- over the naval question; the ization of her alphabet. The refusal of the government to change will prove a relief to proceed with the project for those who patronize Chinese laundries and who are always lost in amazement at the hier- oglyphics by which John Ching building a Canadian navy: the proposition to send a gift of $35,000,000 to Great Britain, for which they have no man-| ‘Seeks to identify his custom- date, and upon which the ers. country is absolutely divided; Joy is reigning in the schools of the Eastern Republic, for a new alphabet of forty-two characters only is to supersede the proposition to grant #0,- 000,000 in aid to agriculture, a continuation of Libera! policy; the proposition to secure bet- ter trade relations with the] ‘he use of the thousands of West Indies, also part of the} ‘weer ideograms. The task Liberal policy; the dismissals] ©! drawing up the new alpha- of thousands ‘of government] et was entrusted to a commit- employees all over the coun- tee of learned men in China, try and the election scandals including Chow-Hi-Chu, the of Macdonald, Richelieu and} Secretary of the Chinese Le- Antigonish. The main accom.] %@'0n at Rome; the Assistant plishments are resignations, merge Wan end Chou, dismissals and scandals and Solonghello, professor of Sir Wilfrid Laurier pore his} Chinese and Japanese at the cabinet were sworn in on July, *°80o! of Oriental languages in Naples, and one of the 4ith. 1896. A brief session of Parliament was held from August 19th to October 5th. Then the cabinet settled down greatest polyglots im the world. This committee made a tematié study of all the alpha- sys- bets, and have drawn from to the promised revision of the tariff. They were ready again various languages in the for- . mation of the new alphabet, March 25th, 1897. A month later the famous Fielding Tar- iff with its benificent readjust- ment of duties and the inaug- uration of the Imperial Prefer- ence, which aroused the en- thusiasm of the Empire, was which consists of twenty-three vowels and nineteen conso- nants. Of the vowels, four are taken from the Greek, four from Russian, five from Latin, and one from Chinese. Of the nine remaining vowels, two are brought into effect, and on modified or elongated signs, June 3rd, Sir Wilfrid left for , : Panay , Sete gl h 7 and seven are reversed ideo- ungiand, where at the Queens grams. Of the consonants, Jubilee and the Imperial Con- fourteea are from Latia, three ference he won still greater from Russian, and two from fame for Canada. This was ail the Greek. With these it is within the first year of Liberal now possible to write all the Administration. words used in the common The change to Borden rule} tongue in any part of China. does not seem to have bene-| phe new alphabet has been en- fited Canada. thusiastically received, par- ese are ticularly in the southern prov- NEW CHINESE inces, and it will be in general ALPHABET use in official circles by the Among the more important end of this year. reforms that have followed This reform is one of the the rise of Republican Govern- ment in China is the creation of a new alphabet. To the re- most remarkable in the history of letters. It brings China into closer touch with Western formers the Chinese language peoples. It will greatly sim- must have proved an almost plify the work of missionaries, insuperable obstacle to their to whem the language has plans for infusing into the hitherto proved a great initial feeming millions of the Em- difficulty. Awakened China is pre their own enthusiasm for the spirit of western progress. With an alphabet of 8,000 characters which the children are forced to memorize before setting an example in the re- moval of obstructions to pro- gress which Western nations might follow with profit. Toronto Globe. eanned salmon, and while the owners of canneries are also re- quired to pay an additional tax on their real property, they will not taxes on their personal hereafter be required to pay property used in connection with salmon canning, neither will the income derived from this business be taxable Milk cured salmon is to be taxed 75 cents per tierce of 750 pounds or under and the’ taxes for tierces exceeding that weight will be at the rate of 10 cents for each additional hundred pounds Every person engaged in the cur- ing or piekling of salmon is to be taxed at the rate of 15 cents per barrel of product up to or under 200 pounds weight and he will also pay a tax at the rate of 5 cents per 100 pounds on all dry salted salmon put up. Manufacturers of whale oil and the products and by-products of whales will be taxed at the rate of ten cents per barrel of forty- six gallons or under for whale oil and at the rate of 20 cents per ton or under of 2,000 pounds to the ton on fertilizer, whale bone and bone meal. All banks engaged in business in British Columbia, in addition to being taxed on their real and personal property—-in the latter ease property from which no revenue is derived—shall pay, in lieu of any tax on income from business transacted in the prov- inee, or arising therefrom, where BSEFORE—BANKS WILL PAY $250 FOR EACH BRANCH IN- STEAD OF $1256—CHURCH SITES WILL ALSO PAY. £1,000, and for each of the re- maining banking offices $250. In the past the tax for additional! branch offices has been #125 In accordance with the promise of the government, made some months ago, the poll tax of 83 per head on all male inhabitants of age in the province abol- ished The manufacturers of coke wil! be benefited by a third reduction in the tax on their dutput wher the bill passed Today makers pay a tax of 15 cents per ton of 2,240 pounds, and this is to be cut to 10 cents. The churches are affected in that under the exemption clauses of the old act “every place of public worship with the site thereof” is declared to be free of is coke strikes out the words “with the site thereof,” making the site of churches taxable. This applies, of course, only unorganized districts. in WOMEN MARCHERS NEARING WASHINGTON Md., a good nicht’s rest here Havre de Grace After the little marched with full ranks this morning for Md., tant, where it was planned to toinght. The hikers eager for the day's tramp and were cheered by the knowledge that they had a good road before them in contrast to the mud through which they ploughed Friday. A brief stop was to be made at Churehville, about mid- way between here and Belair, for luncheon, band of suffragettes out of Havre de Grace Belair, fourteen miles dis- stay seemed Indian and white trappers re- ; port moose in considerable num- bers throughout the country rheir presence in this part is avecounted for by the extensive operations on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Bella Coola Courier. It is hoped that the executive only one banking office is carried|of our local farmers’ institute in the province, the sum _ of|will take the opportunity afford- $1,500. Up, to the present thejed by the Agricultural and In- charge has been 81,000. In| dustrial exhibition to be held at cases of banks operating more| Prince Rupert next fall, and see than one office in the province/to it that a good exhibit of local there shall be paid: For one of|farm produce is displayed 3e1- such banking offices the sum of|la Coola Courier. LE —— ——— “FROM HOME TO HOME.” Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver Moderate Prices. Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500, | taxation, while the amending bill] tends That Provinces Have Right to Limit Powers of Companies Which They itncor- porate. Ottawa, Feb, 24 That the powers of companies incorporat ed by provincial statute can be! limited by the province = incor porating them was the conten tion of Newcombe, deputy minis ter of justice, in j resenting the Government's side of the case bearing on the argument of the Companies’ case by the Supreme Court. Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines ©: Periodicals ©: Newspaper CIGARS :; TOBACCOS FRUITS | 2rd Ave. Below Kaien isiand Club DEMAND Roya. Reserve WHISKY. AGES YEARS GUARANTEED BY THe GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. RecommMENDED FOR THe INVALID THe Home Tne Connoisseur Tne Pusiic who naturally want the best. Ace, Purity ano MELLOWNESS UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and al! modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. LANDS PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. 00 Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley NORTH COA —IN THE— Nechaco Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS — Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on FARM LANDS ST LAND COMPANY, Limited — Ss —_ Scoop Was Just Following Si leititens VANCOUVER, B.C. Cc ll Wea? Alli ie A RABBIT: Sawmill Co. Lid. *° | leaves for Vance abs FRIDAYS I port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naa jta Sth, 19th, March 5th 10% ror Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p. m, Jan. tory ‘ March 7th, 91st for Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Cha i Jan. 12th, 26th, Feb. Oth, @3rd, Mare? @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER seRvice Ne 2? leaves Prince Rupert 10 4 m Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Nine mooth excursion rates in effect with the excursions ws 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT and Seattle ,9 A.M “PRINCE JOHN” and fast trains of the Grand Ageney fer ell Atlantic Steamenhip Lines A. &. MCMASTER, beers Wedne PASAY BLL b he hide suver, Vie tor Wednesday « Track Route) o © of ' Fo att infermatior Ae Pply te AROUND THE WORLD FOR $639.10 ON NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Emy s of Asia sailing from Liverpool 1 June f4th, 1913 rn . f fussta sailing from Liver pool on April tet, 1013 Fr Var ver t Montreal and hoice f any Atlantic steamship I t Livert i m Liverpool t Van ‘ ve via praltar, Villefranche, Port Said,s mb Penang, Singapore Hong kong Shanghal, Nagasaki, Kole and Yokohama » elther Empress f h sia Empress f Asia THE FAMOUS “EMPRESS LINE” }. G, MeNab, General Agent Prince Rupert, B. ¢ } Agent for ATl Atlantic Steamship Lines UWION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6.. Lid The Twin Borew Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT Salle for Port Simpson, Naas River Pointe and Granby Gay Tuesdays, 8 «. m Salle for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 PF. ™. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 THE Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 Georgetown Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLOG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. — THE IROQUOJs POOL English a Tweive Tat LSS SS 3 | Empress Bowling Alleys | )} AND POOL ROOM’ } )) @ aleve 12 TABLE |) | 4 & OSB, Prop re Ave 9% CARTAGE LINDSAY'S “Soe G. Ti P. Transter Agents SFC Rechewer. Cone Pag COAL New Wellington Co« Phone 116 best on the Rogers & Bad SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating a gud Sheet Meta! Work Office: Srd Ave Woorkshep Phone iv4 ond tb Be “Valhalia’’ of S.H. & EF, BCan D1 ania Meets every tnd a : day att p.m. in the hai & A D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2na Ave Phone 20 Auditor for the City of Prince Rupa PRINCE RUPERT. B C Alex. M@. Manson, B A W. E. Williams, 8 A, ELE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Box 285 Heigerson Biock Prince Rupert, && BOX & NCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER ©! NGING cam. (on, Pur, OF WM. FOKON, HAYNER BROS. UNDBERTAKERS «4 MBALMER Funera + Srd Ave. never o'r " FISHER balmer Funeral Director and Er CHARGES vAB 2nd St, cor. 2nd Ave OPEN DAY A‘ N Phone 964 Hop" ee ——Orawn for The Daliy News ¥y “ (\F Nou AND THAT GUN GET ) KIMONA - © 43 TO GETHER AGAIN~ TL BE / WEARING A WOODEN - INTL