Levislative Library LARGEST CIRCULATION ww THE OfTY AND NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS ee The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1913, PRICE FIVE CENTS UNITED STAT IS DANGEROUS EE a _______, URKEY WILLING TO SUBMIT HER CAUSE TO POWERS WITHOUT STIPULATED CONDITIONS to The Daily News. | Feb, 28 ing observed concern Gireat reti- 1 be | ey's new move towards « peace with the Balkan It is believed that Turkey willing to entrust het the Powers without onditions, to start that ilest company the Fisheries, he city Ltd., ss in is whose Government wharf has been for into rn, whieh in volution be energies and en Sidney Smith Ss rhe been has come the Mr I ‘ ho d i the latter an wheat for has ex successful former place Summer and at derful B.C stry opportunities offered in the Mr. Smith af spent on the fish investigation character, and t careful form from his i enter the fleld of opera self Al the half dozen ex-Sealing Victoria fitted up halibut the first of which mpleted the Borealis ed to arrive the a companys men home present purchased = in ne as g boats, is on scene extreme easterly} some | } of| f years reached Prince} cone e| i ithe ND OF WAR IN BALKANS SEEMS CLOSE AT HAND rscsa: was osrouss vy nous URKEY WILLING TO SUBMIT HER CAUSE TO THE POWERS | WITHOUT ANY STIPULATED CONDITIONS. i Mrs. Calh wife of Calhoun, agent for the Granby townsite ned to the city last night the Princess Beatrice J. J. Sloar ocal branch man. ager of the Bankers’ Trust Co., jreturned to the city last night af jter a week's trip to Vancouver on ibusiness OTHER COMPANY FORMED FOR HALIBUT FISHING LIN FISHERIES, LTD., HEADED BY SIDNEY SMITH OF KANSAS) CITY, WILL HAVE SEVERAL BOATS ENGAGED THIS SEASON. These bos modern jat any m ibe the lk jup to date Smith | intends halibut ship oment and Mr his company cash = for dock and wel Interior book ast word in fishing vessels representing to right on T to and Cummings pay spot the the | city markets the iMr. W late |} keeper for the Standard Fisheries Co., Ltd accepted a |} position with Mr. Smith and will as manager during the later’s from the city Mr }Cummings has had a life long ex- the fish in Isles and to carry nature himesel c has similar pact absences perience in business the British ently fitted this it intended excel. is on a busi- and In connection with ness of make a success of early operations of this their base the wharf il mentioned that the latter stalling a first class hoist at the end of the the of the public, which will greatly facilitate the of fish from the boats to the wharf rhe and will be by the hour. at on be in company Government may are gasoline wharf for use removal engine is snugly housed, available for public payment of a set sum per use R TO WEALTH OF | ROTHSCHILDS WEDS iage Attracts Great Crowds to Central Synagogue in London 28—A wedding Ph united one “of the weal- ind « of the oldest Jew- fa ies in Kurope attracted | eat crowd to the Gentral Sy- yesterday, ” Hon the don, Feb. Rothsebild, Maurice de ‘child, and heir to large ! the family’s tremendous tnarried Miss Dorothy the only daughter of Hor Pinto, a e@ity financier of Wealth, whose ances back to the Israel, ! Spain and Portugal. When James Baron a lites far Hride, who is 48, arrived in Nobile at the synagogue, rowd broke the police cor. Women and men rd the automobile, upsetting ographers who knelt in it rank and falling over lhe smiling bride could light until the potiee Klitened out the tangled \inong the bride's price. kifts were two diamond ti. any long ropes of pearls, and diamond corsage and an emarald and dia hecklace fron™ Baron and ess Edmond de Kothsehild silk the rushed null and ‘Or a sone at ‘Pt sale today dresses Hughes’ D4 Birth, In Prinee Rupert, February 28, to Mr H Pillsbury, a Hisbur y riday Mra. J FOR WILSON’S CABINET Bryan Will be Secretary of State —WMcAdoo Head of the Treasury Washington, Feb 28-—It is stated positively in high con- gressional quarters that the fol- lowing cabinet appointments have been determined upon de- finitely by President-elect Wil- son: Secretary of State——Mr. Wil- liam J. Bryan of Nebraska Secretary of the Treasury—-M William G. MeAdoo of New York Postmaster General—Mt Al bert 8. Burleson of Texas Secretary of the Navy-——M: Josephus Daniels of North Caro lina, The foregoing names and pos itions are said to have advanced stage of con gossip, and the forthcoming Other places in the easonably entirely beyond the jecture oF become tinalilies cabinet list cabinet are settied, with the portfolios of wai ture, said to bet exception of the and agriculture ~~ MR. PELLETIER TO RESIGN Montreal Star Says Postmaster- General Will Shortly Quit hter Office Montreal, Feb, 28——The Stat says this afternoon that advices received from an authoritative source in Ottawa state that the Hon, L P. Pelletier, the post master-general, is about to re sien, and will be succeeded by Mr. P. BE. Blondin, deputy speas er of the House of Commons The suecessor to Mr. Blondin will probably be Hon, Dr, Paquet M.P, for I'Islet, | oast US. SENATE VOTES TWO BATTLESHIPS Sitting as a Committee of the Whole Special to The Daily News. Washington, Feb 28 The naval appropriation bill, voting two battleships, was today pass- ed in the Senate On Wednesday the proposal was defeated by the House sitting as a committee of the whole. An amendment to ap- | propriate for one battleship only Went through, 144 to 133. A ma- jority of Democrats voted for the while the Republi- almost solidly against amendment, ); Calis were jit. ‘NEW VOTERS’ LIST FOR THE PROVINCE | Election Act Just Int Introduced Pro- vides for New List in March. Special to The Daily News. ats will) Victoria, Feb. 28 A new list of voters for the province will be |made up in March. The old list | will be cancelled according to the |provisions of the new election act, which has just been intro- duced into the legislature By the introduction of a new ist all the old list will be wiped out and everyone must register anew (6 form a foundation for new lists. : Scottish Cup, Fourth Round. Glasgow, Feb. 28.—The draw for the fourth round of the Seot- tish Football Cup, to be played March 8, was made yesterday, as follows Falkirk vs. Dumbarton, Celtic vs. Heart of Midlothian, Hibernians or Raith Rovers vs. St. Mirren, Dundee vs. Clyde. BAPTISTS DECIDE TO BUILD CHURCH Contract Has Been Given to Mitchell & Currie to Build Handsome Edifice. At evening Rev. the service tomor- H. MeLeod, Baptist Ww. pas- tor, wil lannounce to his congre- gation that a final decision has been reached b ythe Board of rrustees as to the building of a new church and that the contract awarded to Mitchell & Currie of this rhe for alone approximately The excavation, for has been Mess s eity saline contract price the building is $6500 heating plant and it is estimated, will $1500. plans a handsome and com- edifiee will be of Fifth about Judging from cost the modious at the corner Young St, erected Ave. and DUCHESS HAS RECOVERED Her Royal Highness Left Mon- treal for Ottawa Today. Montreal, Feb, 26.—-H, R. H. the Duchess of Connaught, now completely recovered from her it itiness, left Montreal at 1 o'cloek this affernoon for Ottawa, accompanied by the Duke = af Connaught and Princess Patricia, rhe looked better than she had done in publie for months she shook hands with Sir Shaughnessy and other friends on the station duchess when rPhomas Montreal platform, I. Meikle, private secretary Murland de G, Evans, of England, Président of Rupert Fish & Cold Lid., in the eity Mi to Sir London, the Prince Blorage o,, on business is Genuine Bargains vy the hun- ADDRESS ON LONDON Small Splendid Address at the Methodist Church Last Night. Within the last few weeks the people of Prince Rupert have been treated to several lectures on the faseinating subject of London.’ Not the least inter- esting and instructive was that delivered last evening at the Methodist Chureh by the Rev. W. S. Crux, B. A., of New Westmin- On account of the inclem- ency of the weather there was not a very large attendance which regretied. Those who braved the elements and ven- tured out, however, were aniply repaid in having the pleasure of listening to an hour's scholarly, and at the same time talk on the subject of a ten days visit to the world’s greatest me- tropolis. Mr. Crux is an Eng- lighman himself by birth, but has spent most of his life in the Dominion of Canada. ster. was to be humorous, Beginning with the trip across the Atlantic, touching lightly on the many humorous incidents of a long ocean voyage on one of the modern leviathans of the seas, the speaker dwelt upon the strange feeling of wonder, one might almost eall it awe, with which one was ‘iiled, upon first sighting the shores of historic England and settling foot on the land of our forefathers. Taking train at the port of landing in the South, Mr. Crux took his au- dience with him through the hills and dales of the counties of Kent and Surrey, called the garden of England. Finally London reached, though not before hay- ing gone through what seems to the traveller a veritable ocean of chimney pots extending for miles upon Having reached one’s goal, a wealth of his- is miles. what toric interest is unfolded. The great modern railroad stations, Fleet Street and the Strand, where the huge flewspaper offices and theatres are to be found, at first occupy the attention of the visitor, Later the wonders of the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral are investigated, gether with that aneient and marvellous pile Westminster Ab- bey. Here one the resting place of England’s§ sovereigns who have passed away down the ages that have gone by. One is transported so \o speak into an atmosphere of aweinspired rev- erence for those men who have during the thousand years made the history of Eng- land and built up what today an Empire, peopled by the Angle- Saxon race, the greatest that the world has ever seen, Mr. E. L. Fisher the Rev. Charles R. Sing, minis- ter of the Chureh, addressed a few opening remarks touching on his long and intimate acquaint. ance with their distinguished friend and visitor, the Rev. Mr. Crux. A male quartette was ren- dered by members of the choir and was greatly enjoyed. to- sees greal last is presided and dred at Beott, Froud & Go.'s Overstock Bhoe Bale. Everything reduced 20% to 50%, 1 WAS INTERESTING Audience Listened to U.S. MONEY TRUST Investigation Committee Brings in Report on Money Trust —Too Much Concen- tration in New York Special to The Daily News. Feb. 28—The in- committee of the its report, Washington, vestigating House the which is the trust in the United States is really dangerous owing to the concentration of money in New York. Pantorium Phone 4. has brought in of substance that money Pioneer Cleaners. | LISTENED TO HIS OWN FINAL HEART-BEATS Maker of Surgical Instruments. Fastened Stethoscope to His Ears Before Suiciding. Philadelphia, Feb. 28.—With a} stethoscope fastened to his ears | and a tiny steel lance made by himself imbedded in his heart, Karl Schneyder, an instrument} maker, was found dead by his wife vesterday, a suicide. Schneyder had calmly resolved to| die, and, being familiar with the ise Of surgical instruments, de- termined to use his last moments to feel the oncoming of death. Discovery f the nstrument maker's body pointed to the de- in which he had He lay down on a the stethoscope liberate manner sought death. couch, fastened on his ears and then took the jance and slowly started it work- ing toward the heart As the lance penetrated the muscles the man could hear the heart beats as | they throbbed their way through the instrument. As calmly as though death were the least thing terrible, he proceeded. NO CANTEENS IN- TRAINING CAMPS Minister of Militia a will Not Tol- erate Them While He Holds Office. Ottawa, Feb. 28.—At a mili- tary conference the minister of militia declared that so long as he holds the portfolio canteen in militia training camps will not be tolerated, WILL GO TO SWEDEN Duchess of Connaught to be Ab- sent from Canada for Some Months London, Feb, 26-——H, RK, H. the Duke of Connaught will stay at Clarence House, which for a long time has been his London resid- ence, When he = arrives directly after Easter. When he returns to Canada a few weeks later, the Duchess will probably go to Germany and Sweden for a few months. THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock pa this morning read: Barometer, Fresh flowers at Warks today.|99.914; maximum temperature, 54 39; minimum temperature, 36; a " perenne precipitation, 1.58 inches. Social Dance Mean temperature for Febru- In the K. of P. Hall, Saturday|ary, 37.5. Highest temperature, night. Musie by the Westholme/52, on the tith, Lowest temper- orchestra, All are welcome, Gen-|ature, 22 on the 4th, Precipita- tlemen $1.00, Ladies Free. 51/Lion, rain, 5.41 inehes; snow, 32 - linch, ‘Total, 5.73 inches, — BY liad Presbyterian Services. The Searlet Letter’ will be PUSNS 96 Rev. F. W. Kerr's topie in the and iKmpress ‘Theatre on Sunday evening Almost everyone has The Northern Laundry read Hawthorne's ereal treat ment of the double standard of uareD * morals, and has felt the power will call for your laundry of his appeal for woman's rights | Everyone is cordially invited t : this Sunday evening = service The result will please Morning service is held in the you | Presbyterian Hall on ith = Ave, ‘near MeBride St, REALLY DANGEROUS (weeks in the old country, |}naval debate at |the police court this morning be- Sa HAZELTON ORES WILL BE WELL ADVERTISED ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR AN EXHIBIT IN THE GALLERIES OF THE IMPERIAL INSTITUTE R. DeB. Hovell, presidert of the Hazelton Board of Trade has returned from a vacation trip to England. After spending Hovell succeeded jin arranging for the exhibition of a display of Hazelton ores in the galleries of the Imperial Institute, pending the erection of the new British Columbia building. The Board of Trade will be asked to under- take the assembling of the ex- hibit.—Omineca Miner. seven he re- turned via Ottawa and Victoria, hearing part of the’ interesting the Dominion While London, Mr. capital. in SIX MONTHS’ HARD LABOR FOR THEFT OF JEWELLRY FIREMAN ON THE PRINCE | JOHN PLE: PLEADS GUILTY TO CHARGE OF THEFT AND IS SENT DOWN TO NEW WESTMINSTER. l'amblin and Warder Bailey ar- jested Gourlay at,the Premier t.otel where he was found con- sicerably the worse for liquor. ‘This morning in the police court Magistrate Carss committed the accused for trial. He elected to go before Judge Young for speedy trial and was immediately taken over to the latter's court and the case proceeded with. Pleading guilty, and admitting that he had the stolen goods be- hind a stump, showing intention of going through with the job, Thomas Gourley, a fireman on the Prinee John, was charged in fore Magistrate Carss with steal- ing a watch and chain together with a clock, valued at $50.00 the property of Mr. P. Mullin, pro- prietor of the Majestic Rooms. It appears that the accused, who had a friend living at the Majes- tie rooms, went up with the lat- ter there together with a number of others the night before last. Whilst the party were enjoying themselves playing cards in the His Honor passed sentence of friend's room Gourlay made aj;Six months’ hard labor in New tour of the premises and got|Westminster, to which city the away with the loot in question,|prisoner will be immediately caching it behind a stump near|taken. the Premier Hotel. Later on the accused's friends, Mr. GC. G. Van Arsdol, G. T. P. «:tting wind that the authorities|chief constructional engineer for were working on the case, ad-|the Pacific division who has been vised the former to make resti-|in the city for the last few days, tution. He did not do this how-|returned to the interior on this morning's train. He was accom- panied by his daughter, Miss M. Van Arsdol. ever himself, delegating the task to another friend: Mr. Mullin, upon discovering the loss*of his property and upon making in- —_——o vestigation notified the police.| St. Peter’s Church, Seal Cove. Vhi- was done at 11.30 a. m. Evening service every Sunday yesterday. At 4 p. m, Constablejat 7:30 o'clock. MERITED PROMOTION FAMOUS oe R IS DEAD Sir William White, Head of the Constructive Department of the British Admiralty for Seven- teen Years, Is Dead. F. C. Garde Will Act as Private Secretary to C.P.R. Supt. at Nelson Mr. F. C. Garde, of the local staff of the C.P.R., leaves tonight on the Princess May for Nelson where he will fill the position of private secretary to Superintend- ent Miller at the company’s of- fice in that city. Mr. Garde, who is the son of Mr. A, C, Garde, of the civil and mining engineering firm of Garde & Kennaugh, of this city, is one of the well known London, Feb. 28.—Sir William H. White, K. C. B., the great na- val engineer and architeet, con- nected for a long period with the constructive department of the Admiralty and for seveneen years at its head, retiring in young men of Rupert, having al-|1902 with a parliamentary grant, ways been prominently connect-|died suddenly today, aged 68 ed with the leading branches of|years. Altogether he designed ithletics. He was a member of|250 ships for the navy and it was the Tigers Basketball team and]/under his jurisdiction “that the is one of the star players of the|modern type of warship was Men's Own Indoor baseball team.|evolved, He will be greatly missed by his numerous friends in Prince Rup- ert who are delighted to know nevertheless that he has received such well merited promotion in the company’s service, STEAM HEAT FOR WILSON Corfortable Little Room Fitted Up on Reviewing Stand at Wash- ington. Washington, Feb, 28.—-Plans for the inauguration are being completed rapidly by the two gen- eral committees in charge. The President's reviewing stand con- tains 1400 seats. President Wil- son and Vice-President Marshall and their immediate families will oceupy a smal! platform in the centre. They will be provided with glass windows and steam heat, for use in case of cold weather. Inimediately behind them will be the cabinet, Baptist Services. \ lecture-sermon entitled “Da- vid Livingstone—His Contribu- tion to Civilization and = Chris- tianity’’ will be delivered by Rev, Warren H, MeLeod in MelIntyre Hall tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Livingstone Cen. tennial will be celebrated during this month in all parts of the Christian world, You are cordi-. ally invited to attend the Baptist service tomorrow evening and hear this interesting address. Remember the place--MelIntyre Third avenue, near Sixth | Street, Dance Tonight, Don't miss the dance in Meln. tyre Hall tonight. Gentlemen's tickets $4.00, ladies free, Dane-~ ing at 9:30, 305 Fresh flowers at Warks today, 51