Mare h 1, 1913, saturday COAL NOTICES , ; istrict District of Lam Hazelton eby #iven that ; at ’ nancial jate intend tw apply ( sioner f Lands for * a) and petroleum ribed lands ‘ i, i agent ri the ove des @ui ng : ‘ at from the mile east y tol 13) righ , wn 8 hains hairs, 640 nifjncement ‘ containing RORISON, dD Agent mMecrady, K Ww 1913 I th eb. 24th District of . » agent t to the license over Land District azelton Ly given that slot financial niend to apply r of Lands for ai and petroleum ribed lands at a post yards from yf - way mile nains, West 80 chains east £0 chains to place ment, containing 640 scres b the 137% RORISE IN Agent D Mecrady, RK Ww th, 1913 i vith, 1019-—Mar, 24th, 1019 Land District District of Hazelton repy given that Hnancial intend to apply r of Lands for oa! and petroleum rived lands 4 post tile post west 80 chains, chains to plate 640 acres . = 2 agent, 61 wo the license over pation lave ne Peas Je ; ne at planted Trunk ize chains, east 50 containing \ ment, ROKISON Agent K Ww. 1ui3 D 1 McCrady, tt th 2éth, 1013 Feb, 24th, 1913—Mar s Land District——Distriet of Hazelton. erevy given that |, it pation Gnancia Sgent, OF meend tw apply to the ner of Lands for tcense r coal and petro‘eum over jescribed jands al a post pianted Truok mile post 12Zs, sin chains, east 80 chains, mins, West 80 chains to place mencement, containmg 640 acres bi le dave Kk. D. KRONISON W. Mccrady, Agent ivia f oii, Mar. 24th, 1913 24th, 1913 Land District—District of Haseiwh wy piven that i, uo Rance §6BBEHE, u neha Ww ephy w ha lies | Lends ivr notise 41 ana peiroieulm vve: scrived janas at a post Je tile post chains, Weal BY Chellis, baile, e631 50 Chalks Wo piace neement, conteimmg 640 secres Kk. DBD. RORISUN W. Mecredy, Agent ivis v » pianies is ize ' oth, Mar ivis ivis 24th, b. 24th, Land Disiwict-—District of hHadeilou, erewy give Uat i, ih palou beencliag fet, mend Ww apply w Ue mer of Lands for hcense 4) abd petroleum vvVe: Jescribed sands at s pust irufk mile poss chaims, east oo” chaise, West 50 chaites Ww pie ent, contaimmg 64¢ scres b ‘ ‘ planted jae K. D. RURIBUN W. McCrady, Agent ivas t ott, 1¥43—-Mar 24th, 24th, ivis Land District—District of Hazel lon. vereby given that 4paven RenCMm feet, ae tens ww apply Ow Ole Lluesiuber of Lands ivr ucelse ivf Coal aba pelroieum ever Gescriped lands ug a s puss rher uf a siall irunk mile post 40 80 Cham, West 8Y chains, Chains, east 580 chains wo piace Utbebcement, containing 640 ecres tess K, D. ROKISUN. W. MeCrady, Agent ivas. Xj a & wing platibed cabib a id, aL x ' 1 Feb. Sth, » & LD. A Feb. 24th, i9is—-Mar. 94th, 1919 4 Land District Hazelton. hereby given ‘Cupavon fnancial Gate intend District of tat i, agent, 66 w apply to Une Wiissioner of Lands for license ‘ tor coal abd petroleum over wihg described lands Malis eaciag = =8t 6&8 post ruer of s small Grand trunk mile post 130, orto 80 Chains, west SU chains, “heins, @43t 80 chains to piace “eehcemenl, containing 640 ecres less y a 2 RONSON, ne * . » Mecrady, Agent. MieGd Feb. bth, 19438, - & .. D ul b planted cabin K Feb. 24th, 1913—Mar, 24th, 10138 VUiheca Land District—District of Hazelton, * hereby given that “°Upalion Thaneiai agent, 60 “r Gate intend to apply w the Tor Leet Uubissioner of Lands for coal and petroleum over “ile deseribed jands planted MCU C Ing a o ’ ‘ corner of cabin rand Trunk mile post 130, uth 80 chains, east 80 chains, eins, west 80 chains to place ‘uvencement, containing 640 acres sess . w™ P RORISON. oul Nj Meereay, Agent. post 4 small led Feb WwW. ¢ D. Feb. 24th, 1013—Mar. 24th, 1913 heca Land District Hazelton hereby given that ““palion Dnancial agent, 6( tate intend to apply to th ‘1BMissioner of Lands for license beet f r coul and petroleum over — e® described lands hencing at 4 post t roer of a sinall irunk tile post ehatne east 80 chains West 80 chains to piace , Containing 640 a District of i, a. D plantes bud h 8 Ailis enCement i es Ki. D, RORISON W. MeCrady, Agent 1v4ag rt th, *4th, 1019-—Mar, @4th, 1018 islands Land District of Skeeha ee © that I, A. C. Goodale, of ‘Shington, ove Upation attorney ‘ply for @ license to bresper id p troleum over 1 lands 2 “8 @t @ post planted ‘ Corner of Section 5, _ h 80 chains, thence west 80 hence horth 80 ehains, thence “ins to point of commencement AK. ¢ DOODALE, Locator A. EB. Jessup, Agent 1015 21, 24, Mar, 3, 10, 47, 24 Mriothe District at Township 7 Sted Jan. #8r Ub. Feb a, D. P h, 1919 1913 Mar, 240 planted Grand ou license post planted Grand | a0 chains, | mile south f west 80 chains to pl8ee! thence north acres THE BAILY NEWS COAT TICKS iAiineca | Notice i heret son, occupat after date int | GOMmIMITSSs lone peet for eval lowing deseril. Comme ty ; Distriet of hati i) age nt t D. Rori 60 days the Chief ense to pros. | a eum over the fol ‘ | ng at a planted ¢ »| ;@ast bank of } pir Creek aon h4 Pr. mile post 132,/ east 80 chains, | hains to place; taining 640 @eres| ’ te south 80 of |more cha ComMInen Cetnier or ile t Kh. D. RORTSON Vict | Dated Jan uly, Agent | KD. RK Feb | 5. | Pub Mar. 34, 1043 Camanecs Distriet of Z i Notice son, orcupa after dat Commissioner ‘ pect for mi a owing de Commencit east bank miles south ft: thence north south 80 chain of commencen more or 1s he that 1, Rh. D. Ror agent, 60 days) y to the Chief license to pros-/ eum over the fol 4 “yl 4 es ata t planted on the Creek about one) mile post 132,/) west 80 chains,| 80 chains to place} Htaining 640 scres| 4 pine i bains, RK. D. RORIBSON r. W. MeCrady, Agent ivis Dated Jar b - 21, 1913-—Mar, 31, 1013 Omineca La i t Hazelton y given that I, A son, vccupa i 4ncial agent, after date ittends Ww apply wo CUOMMiissiviiet Lands for ucense pect for ai and petroleum over sowing Gescribed lands Commencing a mM east bank of spine miles south fr i mile post 132, (hence sth chains, “ast 8U chair north chain west 80 chains to pis of cotmmencemen containing 640 acres more or District of Notice is D. Rori 60 days the Uhiel w pros the foi heret ‘ st planted on the Creek about one na ; &u AK. Dv W. Mevrady, ivts RORISUN ; Ageut Dated Jan. 22nd, b. A N. W Pub, Feb K 21, 1913-——-Mar. 31, 1013 a Land District—District of Hazelton, Notice is hereby given that il, A. D. Hori sun, voecupalion financial agent, ov days alter date intends w apply to the Chiel! Lofumissionerot Lands fur ucense to pros pect for coal and petroleum over the fol joWing Gescribed lends Commencing @1 & post planted on the) east Dank of lorcupime Creek about one mises svullh trom wu. 1 mile post 132, whence south 8U chains, west 8” chains, horty 80 chains, east 50 chains Ww piace qumencement, containing 640 scres jess OTe ' vi Mure of RK Db. KROKISUN W. Mevcrady, Agent ivis ' bated Jan. 2200, N. &. C KR. D. K rub. Feb. 21, 1913-—-Mar. 31, 1913 Land District—-District of Hazeibou berepy given tUnat Rorison, cupaton hbanciai days alter date intend Ww apply Ww Ue Let Commissioner of Lands ior icelse) tw prospect for coal and petroleum over ihe following described lands r Commencing 41 4 pust planted bear 6h) old construction camp, Mile post 1£35,! Wence norte 80 chams, east 50 chains, south chains, west 80 chains to piace of commencement, containing 640 acres) tore jess Lonnecs i, A agent is Notice b } 8 vw! RK. D. RORISON ry. W. Mecrady, Agent ed Feb. Sth, 1915 5. W. CC. Kb. RK Pub. Feb. 2418, bat 1913-—-Mar. 24th, 1915 cmineca Land Distriet—District of i Hazelton. is bereby given Uthat Hurisen, cccupation Hnanciai | days aiter date intend w apply Ww the} ime! Commissioner of Lands for license w prospect for coal and petroleum over the folowing described lands Commencing 41 & post planted bear an old construcion camp, mile post 136, wmence forth SU chails, West 50 chams, south 40 chains, east 50 chains to piace} of commencement, containing 640 scres ¢ less. — RK. D. RORISON W. Mecrady, Agent 1943 l, A agent, v) Notice b.| r Dated Feb. 5th, 5. EB. C. kK. D. A, Pub, Feb. 24th, 1013-—Mar. 24th, 1915 Umineca Land District—District of Hazelton. hberepy given that |, K. D orison, cceupation financial ageni, 60 days alter date intend Ww apply Ww b& Chief Commissioner of Lands for license to prospect fur coal and petroleum over ihe following described lands Commencing at & post planted hear ab old construction camp, mile ost 135 thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less B. D. RORISON Mecrady, Agent. Notice is WwW Dated Feb. Sth, 1015 N. W. C. kK. D. KR. | Pub, Feb. 24th, 1913-——-Mar, 24th, 1019 Gmineca Land District—Disirict of Hazelton given that Doancial LL. &. & agent, 6% wo Un license ver is bereby occupation days after date intend Ww appl) Chief Commissioner of Lands [or lo prospect for coal and petroleum the following described lands i Commencing at & post planted bear an old construction cainp, mile post 138 thence south 80 chains, west 50 chains north 80 chains, east 80 chains Ww piace | of commencement, containing ss. a RK. D. RORISON F. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated Feb. Sth, 1913 N. &. C. RK. D, KR, Pub. Feb, 24th, 1913 Nolice Rorison, | Mar, 24th, 1943.) Omineca Land District-—-District of | Hazelton, } is hereby given that I, RK. D Rorison, occupation financial agent, 6 days. after date tmiend to apply to the Chiet Commissioner of Lands for licens to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands Commencing at a post about 500 wrens trom 7 right-of-way, mile } +d souite 80 chains, east 80 chains Notice planted the Grand : one more or less a j } } } | the the following | about the | thence south _|morth #80 north 80 chains, west 80 chains to piace of commencement, contamming 640 acres RORIBON Agent K Fr. W eb, Sth, 19145 ‘ dD McCrady, Dated F N hk. Db Pub ie MM. vath, i Feb, 24th, 1915 Land District-—-District of Hazelton is hereby given that Rortson occupation financial days after date intend to app) Chief Commissioner Of Lands for to prospect for coal and petroleum following deseribed lands Commencing at 4 ost 500 yards the right-of-way, 80 chains, chains, east 8&0 commencement, contaiing or tess AD RORISON F. W. MecCrady, Agent peted Feb. 6th, 10145 K Pub. Feb, 24th, Onmineca 8. &® agent to the lheemse over Notice planted Grand 187%) chains to place acres Pp from mile west chains 640 trunk a0 of more 1045-—Mar, t4th, 1988 .| OT | ure enjoyed. THE - INDIAN - CANOE Written specially for the “News” by Rev. J. B. McCullagh, Aiyan+h, Naas Valley, British Columbia ww Passing quietly out of use and consequently oul of existence, the Indian Canoe will soon be mumbered among the things of this world, which have been and never again shall be. Of all the small eraft designed by man, unaided by machinery, to breast ihe waves, the Haida canoe stands easily first in order of merit for beauty of line and sailing qualities, barring of course the power to beat up against the wind, to whieh she laid no claim, Taken holus-bolus from the bole of a giant red eedar, the material is the very best ob- tainable for the purpose. The timber is light, buoyant, strong, and resists the encroachment of decay longer than any other wood. In the days of the old stone axe, the making of the canoe was a work of great skill and patience; and yet not so difficult as would appear to us at first sight... Some of the old stone implements had very keen cutting edges, as the specimens preserved in our mu- seus show, and the Indians were expert in the-use of them. T once got an old Indian, who in his youth had seen the stone axe used by the aged and poor, to cut a log through for me with the ancient daweezh, and was fairly surprised at the dexterity displayed and the rapidity with whieh the operation was carried through amined with great interest trees, still standing, which have been partially felled by the the stone axe. From some of them boards 6 and 8 feet long and 20 im. wide had been evidently wedged off in perfeetly workmanlike fashion. I have been told that where in the the shores of Portland Cana! there lies, covered with moss and lichen, a large canoe partly dug out and then abandoned, in which two or three small trees are growing like masts. This was probably done in the days of the daweezh, and ought to be worth hunting up. Fire and water also played a part in the making The roughness of the exterior was smoothed off over the blaze, and the canoe was brought to its beam and-ecurved by be- half filled with water, which was then gradually brought up to boiling point stones, care being taken that the hot stones should net come into immediate contact with the bottom Then the whole was covered over with mats, blankets, fur robes or any old thing to keep the steam from eseaping, until the wood of the canoe became pliable enough to take the shape desired This operation required the greatest eare and skill, and only a few men could be really trusted to do the trick. Nothing can exceed the beauty of the canoe for gracefulness of curve and line, buoyaney and and when wel! ballasted and full sail before spanking breeze, the motion and behavior the craft weve all that the Haida sailor could desire. Those who I have ex- use of some. woods on of the canoe ing by dropping in hot sides poise; under of a | have travelled much by canoe along the coast, and up and down the rivers, are never likely to forget the fulness and variety of the pleas- In order, however, to appreciate the canoe properly, it is necessary that the world should be far away. There must be no gasoline boats or steam taunches butting into the perspective; no haste or hurry to be on time, no connections to make other than the ebbing and the flowing of the tide—nothing to show a quicker mode of progression than that of the white wings bearing you along, or the | flashing of the paddies as they “gluck” rythmically at the side. The world has come, and thé canoe must go. Its natural at- mosphere has been dissipated; its native environment has been dis- placed; it not of the fittest and therefore cannot survive. But those of us to whom it has been a thing of life and beauty for so many years cannot witness its departure without a pang of regret. Boats may come, and boats may go, but we shall not see the like of the grand old Haida canoe again for ever. —REV J. B. MeCULLAGH. is THE INDIAN’S FAREWELL TO HIS CANOE. Fare thee well, my shapely shallop, O’er the brine no more we'll gallop ro the swelling, and the falling, and the dancing of the tide! O no more the paddle wielding, With thy snowy sail out-yielding, Shall we race the wave together with the seagull by our side. I remember well the morning, Spring's bright glanees all adorning, With the favour of good hunting, the fair promise of the year, When the Haidas(41 brought thee over, Like a bride unto her lover, From thy home within the forest. Thus to me thou didst appear. (Yer thy lovely prow with pleasure Roved my e to con the measure Of thy graceful lines and motion, as thou floated by the shore; And my heart beat high within me With the hope that I might win thee: And to call thee mine I parted then with all my worldly store. eves Wist T well thou wert not knitted, Plank to ribs with nails, and fitted From a pile of lifeless lumber, as the Whiteman builds his boat; In the heart of mother Cedar Thou wast cradled—-grew as seed are Germed by Nature, fed and nurtured, then by man just set afloat. Long we've cruised the coast together, Both in fair and stormy weather, And have fronted death united half a dozen times or more; But thy perfect poise and buoyance Weathered wind and wave with joyance, \s with prow uplifted proudly thou didst ride the gale before. Now the times have changed around us, And new-ordered ways have found us, When to the swift the race is, and the spoils are for the strong. Though we sigh for days departed, We are none the less strong-hearted, And accept the proffered challenge which the world has brought along. Thus it is, beloved Mali, (2 That I sing thee, sigh the Vale!(3 And my seul’s imbued with sorrow as the bushes elose thee round. Hark! I hear my motor throbbing, And it sets my heart a-sobbing That the stern necessity of life should leave thee here aground -REV. J. B. MeCULLAGH 1 The Haidas are the Indians of Q. C. L.; the greatest canoe makers the world has ever known. 2 Mali means my canoe in the Naas River dialect. } Vale—continental usage followed. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY rHIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No, 8 Tinware HARDWARE | isc." MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Subscribe ; Builders’ Suppliee Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges ‘Stay Satisfactory Range,."" For The Daily News Roughs Who are Taught Good Lesson Sydney, Feb. 28—The Rev. J. Hosking, Congregational minis- ter, who does a work in the slum Melbourne, has given ai lesson to a gang of roughs who visited his church by way of a Sunday evening pastime and interrupted the service by whistling and making offensive marks. EKar- lier they had broke: the win- dows. Mr. Hosking left his pulpit, took off his surplice, and walk- ing up to the ringleader, an ath- letic lad of 19, dealt him a heavy blow on the jaw. The interrup- ter went down and his followers were so astonished that they were easily ejected. “This may seem a_ strange way to conduct a ehurch,” said Mr. Hosking afterwards, ‘but what can a man do? Must the neighborhood be deprived of these services because some twenty hooligans choose to try to break them up? I have to be a detective and a pugilist as well as a preacher.” WEDDING BELLS FOR HUSKY JOE RIVERS Los Angeles, Feb. 28—The wedding beils will ring for Joe Rivers, conquerer of Knockout Brown, and Miss Pauline Slirt, of Santa Monica, Saturday accord- ing to announcement of the young lady's parents today. Manager Joe Levy, who will be the best man at the wedding, says the young lady is the one girl for his protege. It is the in- tention of Rivers to start east Tuesday on his honeymoon. McCREDIE WON'T LET WILLIAMS HAVE BERRY Portland, Ore., Feb. 28.—While Manager Nick Williams, of the Portland Northwestern. League team, was smiling in joyful an- ticipation over the prospect of of signing Claude Berry, former San Francisco catcher, Walter McCredie, manager of the Beav- ers, closed negotiations with the veteran Seal, and Berry will wear a Portland Coast uniform this season It understood Berry will receive the same salary paid him by the Seals last season. Is JACK KING THINKS WELL OF ANDERSON Portland, Ore., Feb. 28.—Jock King, the Portland trainer who assisted in conditioning Ad Wol- gast for his recent battle with Tommy Murphy at San Francis- co, has today declared that he believes that Bud Anderson can take either one of those young- sters into camp. “Bud Anderson could knock out either Wolgast or Murphy in 20 rounds,” said King, “and I think they have a hunch to this effect.” ANDERSON AND BROWN SIGN FOR MARCH 15 Los Angeles, Feb. 28. Bud An- derson and Knockout Brown wil! meet at Vernon in a scheduled 20 round bout March 15. Promoter McCarey’ announced the match late yesterday, simultaneously with the announcement that the proposed Russell-Anderson match for March 8 had been cancelled The lightweights will make 133 pounds at noon on the day of the battle, and will enter the ring at 3 o’cloek. The winner wil! be matched with Russell or another opponent to be seleeted by Me- Carey for a May date. THE TWO BIG JIMS CHUMMING TOGETHER Los Angeles, Feb. 26.—Jim Jeffries will oceupy a box to- night at Jim Corbett’s show at a Los Angeles theatre and tomor- row the former heavyweight headliners will play handball at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Yesterday Corbett was Jeffries’ guest at dinner. Both their battles in the old days were the principal topics of conversation. Corbett udmitted that he was fairly beaten, and Jeff maintained that he was given the hardest fights of his life, Crowds fol- lowed the pair whenever they ap- peared on the streets, Mr. J. H. Hilditech, ex-Alder- man and well known business man of this city left Friday morning on the Prince Rupert en route to California for a few weeks’ vacation. Mr Hilditeh hopes that the change may ben. efit his health which has not been very good of late. Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians, For Women's Ailments, Or. Martel's Female Pilis, at your druggist. PASTOR'S BLOW IN onvean “Knockout” for a Ringleader of sessment improvement as set out at the head of the schedule. great dea! of} Revision for the purpose of hearing complaints against said as- quarters of | Sessments will be held in the Council chamber of the City Hall on do City Clerk at least eight days prior to the sitting of the said Gourt of City of Prince Rupert NOTICE that the following is the sehedule covering as. to be made against the property benefitted by the local TAKI AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a sitting of the Court of Saturday, 22nd day of March, 1913, at 11.00 a.m, Any person desiring to appeal against said assessment must so in writing, and all notices of appeal shall be served upon the 24 Revision. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24th day of February, 1943. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. JAS. M, CARMICHAEL, Assessor & Collector. >a BY-LAW NO...... Assessment of Local Improvement plank road on the north side of Hays Cove Circle from the junction of Fourth and Fifth Avenues to Sixth Avenue. Total estimated cost, $4,000.00. Total assessable frontage, 954.9 lineal feet. Rate per foot frontage, 4.18881. it Pp ‘ | fi Ter ; sco # 4 r S 3 3 & i e 3 e E i ' z: a & 5 ES =< § & 2 . Durant, Mrs. Heloise T. 6 8 i 39.9 30.9 167.12 197.20 Durant, Mrs. Heloise T. 6 8 2 25 25 104.73 123.58 Ambrose, G. & Earl Sam. 6 8 3 625 25 104.73 123.58 Ambrose, G. & Earl Sam. 6 x 4 2 25 104.73 123.58 Ferguson, W. A. ...,.. 6 8 a 25 26 104.73 123.58 Noel, Walter .. 6 8 6 25 25 104.73 123.58 Noel, Walter someces © 8 7 25 25 104.73 123.58 McDougall, Mrs. Kath- a Uh ane Phos 6 . 8 25 25 104.73 123.58 BiG, B. b.. o> ven 6 8 6 25 25 104.73 1293.58 Johnson, Arthur E. .... 6 8 10 25 25 104.73 123.58 Hamilton, J. J. ..... 6 s 11 25 25 104.73 123.58 Walters, A. .. » = x 12 25 25 104.73 123.58 Melhus, Jobn A. 6 x 13 25 25 104.73 123.58 Melhus, d A. it ouse 6 8 HY 25 25 104.73 123.58 alters, M. J. .. 6 a 1 25 25 104.73 123.58 Taylor, 8. 8. 6 2 16 25 26 104.73 123.58 Pager, Be Be ese seas 6 8 17 25 25 104.73 193.58 Taylor, 8. 8. eves cose, oe « 18 25 25 104.73 123.58 Government of B. C..... G5 490 4090 52.47 2421.94 NOTICE TO FISHERMEN Any fisherman desiring to fish unattached from canner- to the Fishery Officer at Prince Rupert before March 15th, 1913. ies must make applieation for license | | Consult Us in Regard to FIELD GLASSES To you who have need for a FIELD GLASS from which you may derive complete satisfaction, we send this mes- sage. We stock a line of Field Glasses and Prism Bino- culars comprising the best grades suitable for Tourists, Our illus- glasses, Our Ranchers, Hunters, Army men and Mariners. trated catalogue describes a few of these fine but we invite you to write us for fuller particulars. prices are the most moderate in the Dominion. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O”’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky | TESTIMONIAL Dr. J. Nichol, Llandudno, reports :— “Your whisky is, in my opinion, an ex- cellent and well matured spirit ard as such I can conscientiously recommend to patients requiring such a beverage.”’ —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BERR