March 7, 1944. THE DAILY NEWS 5 iay ; - “s if) : ’ . +s. ° COAL NOTICES. \L NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. ‘AXE MAY FALL TOM JONES WANTS TO = tana kahit MANAGE BUD ANDERSON dd Districl-—-Distrier & Omineca | : , I era ba 7 : 1 District of Skee . ; Hazelton ‘ ila ; ’ eeha Land District—District of Coast, t here? t an sm at a Be Notice is heret eI t that l, AR. D. Ror Tak t aa oes ; i t wom prespent ao Cherohee vem t ton nanel , ) oer ‘ ' 0 ake notice por . & onter, - . . upa ae apply fo. tte oon mee \ ‘Avancial agent, 60 dayslot Prince Te..24 Cr eeunene pene . a) ' tof i, Look Upon Him as Coming ‘ ; ids fo i al ; we ( » seems ’ my : 1 4 a erroleut over | COMM ssion: : apt to the Chief} intends to apply for permission to pur- Newsy Latonae re a i Champion S coal une tae pect for coal and we: _ " pee omaee the following described lands; s bad down in Montreal. The fail- g described ™ ace , eum over the fo -olmmmencing at @ post pianted 2% miles J ny ost planted | lowing de bed J pi ~ . . ant acing Mt Sh the Grand) = Commencing at a post sania ane | eae in guimiate River, om. the | smeeme) Ur of the high-priced Canadian! ‘portiand, Ore March 6—A . le 137 on , ’ : , anted on e ver, thence 40 chains port thence 40 » deliver as got e a Any she Leif ; . rigae Mains cast 80 chains, mite room fr pine Creek about one] chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence team to deliver has got the fan tribute to the prowess of Bud An fisherman desiring to fish unattached from canner. cha “chains tO PIWCE| thence north, °y TP. mite post 192,140 chains east to point of commencement, and the club executive going, and Anderson, the Vancouver, Wash : j j Hains, West oe ing 640 acres| Mence Horih so chains, east 80 chains,| Containing 160 acres more or less of course Newsy has to bear thel, ; : (ow aoe ies must make application for license to the Fishery mmencemen ‘ Of cofanencetent 80, chains to place ay GEORGE W. CARPENTER, ; t of t The Mont iu lightweight, has been paid by I p. nontsor , wement nhlaining 640 acres yale anuary 26th, 1913. wunt oF it, 1 ontrea CT«i4 4 Pal Officer ¢ , 2 a 5 pr. W . Mecrady, Agent. more wr les Pub. Feb. 10th, 1913 Apr. 7th, 1013. id a widened thence he 1 to Tom Jones, manager of Ad Wol- iMicer at Prince Rupert before March 15th, 1943. , Feb. Sth, 10138 K. D. RORISON pore 12 8 se : Se com mast and Billy Papke, ex.ehame Pe Dated Jan ad )v M ae rady, Agent say: anadiens go to Quebee. pions, and of ring exponents ga ‘ vor 913 “ . & ’ int ¢ one a- 1D vep, g4th, 1019-—Mar, 94th, 1099, al Ww { Skeena Land District—pistrict of Cassiar,| If Canadiens don't make a better} in, who would like ti pilot the , ; Bus beh. e : Take notice that Bernard O'Neill, Of! ehowing in Quebec than they have Nortl . light . 1 Land District--District © » Feb. 21 /13—Mar. 31, 1048 Goose Bay, B. C.; occupation prospector, Northwestern lightweight to the Hazelton -" ; intends tw apply for permission to pur-| made alt home and away recently { of ihe 133.pound divist = - —— ~ - _ _ eby given that I, KR. D a —- chase the following described lands: watch the axe fall Didier ? sith Afrd ie, 1 pation fnanebd in zs Commencing 4t @ post planted one elt esl th . Jones approached Jack King of ' intend wo appl u . Omineca Land District—t distant and in 4 southeasterly direction! Pitre, deciares te management re . ‘ : Lands for license istrict of . ; em : ‘s| 7 Portland with an offer of 8500 ef OF eeroleum over! we - hanay Hazelton from the Hidden Creek Copper Company's! 6 in. Canadiens, \ be due tae t BERR RRR ul a ae Notice is hereby given that I, R. D. Rori-| Wharf, Goose Bay, B. C., thence east fol and transportation to Los An- n a epost planted arte, Maation Hnancial agent, 60 days a a ae oe ae Shore line 80/4 suspension unless he can show eles if Jack would use his in 1 x af roan the Grana| Sfter date ¢ to apply to’ the Chief chains, . nee north 20 chains, thence something more than he has been ele Je ] ‘ > cnile 137 4 Commissione: Lands for license to pros west 80 chains, thence south 20 chains to) f fluence in securing tud’s signa- way, west 80 chains,|Pect for coal and petroleum over the fol point of commencement, containing 160) producing lately, and the same : - a inenhet ih 9 ‘ east 80 chains to place lowing described land acres more or less , 5 , A lie { N ts ture to a Jones managerial con- \ “evontaining 640 secre Commencing at 4 post planted on the BERNARD O'NEILL, rematr applies to ewsy A- tract : east Dank of | pine Creek about one F. 8. W. Jennings, Agent. i act. . hk. D. RORISON miles south from G. T. } ‘ ; Dated January 8th, 1913. King declined to interfere in mile post 132,/ pub, Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7th, 1913 r. W. MecCrady, Agent thence. north & hains, west 80 chal . , ith, , Anderson's affairs, as Dick Do- f th, 1913 south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place aati , r . : ald, Bud manager ever since j S po ae enoemet t, containing 640 scres nald, Buds mane : re or less . ! Mar. 24th, 1913 Omineca Land District—District of Cassiar. the Vancouver boy needed a re- 24th, 1013—Mar. 24% ms K. D. RORISON Take notice that I, RK. D. Rorison, finan : ar » al uaiaen F. W. MeCrady, Agent cial agent, of Vancouver, B. C., 60 days presentative, 1s a warm persona 1 , Land District-—-Disu . Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913 fter date intend to apply to Chief Com- friend of the Portland man Haselton. inet 1, RD Kk. D. KR sioner of Lands to purchase Lot 915 A, i ; { { { eby give , 8 Skee 2 “ d ever, « *s ac v, O- pation financial agent, ov Pub, Fe b. 21, 1919-—Mar. 3 7 oa Mott 7 ‘es ee re wien rr ont “ , aie imtend to apply to the ' Mar. 31, 1043. Dated Feby. 5th, 1913 gether with that of Ad Wolgast 6 ner Lands for license ve ; SON ‘adillac ae ‘al and petroleum over |———— annescmspenssitnsiansittigaiiin’ 5 e 8. con ieee while the Cadillac youth was in tr g described at ; planted Mar. 3-Apr. 28 qi Portland several weeks ago, in- I a 08 > Omir Land Distric : ind tf unk anile post 12s a Haselton, oer a dicates that both consider Andet halns, West 80 chains,| Notice is hereby given that I, R. D. Rort- ins, east 80 chains to placelson, occupation nancial agent 60 days ent, containing 640 @CPeSlarter date intends to apply to the Chief COAL NOTICES. Commissionerof Lands for license to pros son a prospective champion who is destined to earn money for himself and manager. Liqueur Scotch Whisky Kh. D. RORISON : ‘ pect for coal and petroleum over the fol-| a r ‘ if Ww, ,Mecrady, Agent lowing des on Bec eum 0 a a Fleas it Wolgast had not been in Port- a e h : - Skeena anc yistric pistric 0 Jueer t roe 8S © pet ee SS Charlotte Isiands. re land three days when he com- Ss east bank Porcupine Creek about one Take notice that 1, Fuippo Panvir of : red. 24th, 1949—Mar, 24th, 1043.} Miles south from G. 1, P. mile post 132,| prince Kupert, B. C., inane. to apply to meneed to talk about Anderson —_— in os = a Sure yh the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a and the chances of landing him , ¥ Coens, est 80 chains to place) license to prospect for coal, oll and pe : . y s Las acoktean District of of commencement, containing 640 acres] trojeum on the’ following described lands, in econjunetion with Tom Jones, reuy given that J, A. Dp.) BOFE OF less on the west coast of Graham island and when Bud knocked out Sam- TESTIMONIAL pation financial agent 61 ' & b, RORISON Sg nage | at @ post planted one mile my Seott e ix founds Ad re ‘4 yi a . McCrady, Agent soul from he southeast corner of Coai n ro s . re. ‘i ‘ ‘ ‘ ul q a ‘ wiener of Lands tor license} Dated dan. 22nd, 1013 So chsins weet, thence 56 chalas’ south, quested King to telegraph Bud to | Dr. J. Nichol, Llandudno, reports :— cos » » » KR. OD. OR SU chains West; thence 80 chains south m se . ‘ . . e ¢ ing acme Mie LW, thence 80 chains east, to the place of be come to Portland to talk busi- Your whisky is, in’my opinion, an ex- on . Pub. Feb. 21, 101% ae 3 ginning, containing 640 acres e T sus ee b. Feb. 21, 1913—Mar, 31, 1913 Located 5th January, 1913 DIDIER PITRE. ness, cellent and well matured spirit ard as ath 66) , FILIPPO PANVINI fine pre ix i > g s s Ck ~ Weenty Mer. $, © an | Kine refused to mix in the af- such I can conscientiously recommend to el ‘ . | . Ne r laver he “e airs a vat time, and negotia- : $ af ” mnencement, containing 640 acres Dietekes Laed Bieeriet=-Bindinen et oo londe. Neither player has been|fairs at tha - : ; patients requiring such a beverage. K. D. RORISON Hazelton. up to form of late, and the ex-|tions were not opened, Ad pre- F. W. MeCrady, Agent Notice is hereby given that I, KR. D. Kori-| sxeena Land District-—District of Queen} ecutive of the Ganadiens are in-|ferring to wait until he or Jones Fet th, 1913 son, occupation financial agent, 60 days Charlotte Islands } ‘ alk ith e ‘ : after date intends to apply to the Chief Take notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of|Clined to attribute their decline could have a personal talk wit KR Commissionerof Lands for license to pros ‘rimce Rupert, B. C., intend to apply to} -eache »r 7 “f ars feb. 24th, 1943—Mar, 24%h, 1913.| pect for coal and petroleum over the fol-| the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a|'0 breaches of the rules of train- Anderson. iil Ss lowing described lands Soom to pepepeds for coal, oll and pe ing. Both wil have to show Commencing at a post planted on the| troleum on the following described lands, | . Tho nafs sTs 1 Land DistrietDistrict of east bank of Porcupine Creek about one] 0M the west coast of Graham Island | some thing to-night Phe pair CANADIAN POLO! —DISTILLERS— Hazelton. miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132 Commencing at @ post planted one mile} are believed to be the highest LOSE TO HAWAIIANS eby given that |, KR. D./ thence south 80 chains, west 80 chains,| *0Uth [rom the southeast corner of Coal pation financial agent, 60} north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place] L®4S€ 7432; thence 80 chains horth; thence salaried players in the National ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. a late intend Ww appiy Ww Un aaa 80 chaims east; thence 80 cuains south; nko aancis 9 . . . . — . n coumissioner Of Lands fer loons co alae nt, containing 640 SCFeS) thence 80 chains west, to the place of be Hockey Association, but playing San Diego, Cal., March 6.—-The 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow b i for ai and petroleum over Pi ON ginning, containing 640 acres. to their recent form the Canadien eighth annual polo tournament lowing described jands; KR. D. ROKIS Located 5th January, 1913. . , tue Ts at 4 post plauted metas tes eset meee Agent ithe FILIPPO PANVINI executive claim that they havelof the Coronado Country Club is ——- ud Trunk wduile t izs sate 1 id, . eekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7 i ns y . ane ‘ ; ar re 80 chains, eens 7) chains. nN. &.C P 7 | me n itting on the bench who in full swine today, having start- , al sy chains, east 580 chains to place} AR. D *. stent oi, cess jean show just as much in theled yesterday afternoon with the Prince R Co Limited walls encement, containing 640 acres Pub. Feb. 21, 1913 ar. ° . . ; ‘ ie " Skeeba Land District—District of Queen| Way of hockey. all-Hawaii team defeating the ey K. D. RORISON i. Charlotte Islands i dibnibiiaialaasil alee Cans i a 3 3-4 ; ’ ic : tanadian four, 11 1-2 to 3 3-4. Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent TaBe notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of a Po oS oe Cmineca Land District—District of eripee Rupert, 8. ¢.. intend to seply to $16,000 FOR RITCHIE That match was the first one —AGENTS— » | Hazelton. the Chie Commissioner of Lands for . . ‘ . Notice is hereby given that I, R. D.| license to prospect for coal, oil and pe-| FOR WOLGAST BOUT drawn for play for the California Feb. 24th, 1913—Mar. 24th, 1943.] Rorison, occupation Mnancial agent, ©. | troleum on the following described iands, challenge trophy, the first of five PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. salad ‘ days after date intend to apply to the] om the west coast of Graham Island . : Chief Commissioner of Lands for license Commencing at 8 post planted one mile San Francisco Promoter Guar-/eyps to be played for during the 1 Land District—District of w prospect for mal and petroleum over} south from the southeast corner of Coai ae . ‘ ‘ » = Hazelton. the following described lands License 7432; thence 80 chains south: antees Willie that Sum tournament It also was the first by Given thet |, KR. D Commencing at @ post planted near an) thence 8” chains west; thence 80 chains for Appearance time the entire Hawaiian team BEER pation nancial agent id consiruction camp, Mile post 135,/horth; thence 80 chains east, to the place . se intend to apply to the] thence north 80 chains, east 80 a of beginning, containing 640 acres ——— had been seen in action. It was uel f Lands for leense| south 80 chains, west 80 chains Ww piace ocated 5th January, 1913 . . . . ay — vy fag re ae 3 cd a ai and petroleum over|of commencement, containing 640 acres ~ FILIPPO PANVINI San Franciseo, March 6—Six.|aa exciting, fast game, and — jowing screed Taree mena less A i neeeene eekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7. jteen thousand deliars for a fight;eral players were unhorsed. The : trunk mile post 12s . F. W. MeCrady, Agent - : / lwith either Joe Rivers or Ad,|next game wl be played to- ® chains, east 80 chains, Dated Fe Sth, 1913. | = : oy 3 sii nado ane asa- c west r chains te place . . A LAND LEASE NOTICES. | Wolgast July 4, is the offer made ne fg ae yronado and Pas = bent, containing 640 acres . ° ° } sre today to | : “he dena opposing. ‘ , : Pub, Feb. 24th, 1913—Mar. 24th, 1913 here today to lightweight cham- PI A. D. RORISON pion Willie Ritchie by Promoter ® : Skeena Land District—Dstrict of Coast, ss lt U. R d t irda ae ee win Range V. | Billy Kyne. Kyne and the cham-|JI®@ THORPE HAS Consu 5s in egar O : : motice that : Gm/neca Land District—District of Venoouver, 5. ae. hone et pion are old friends and the offer HIS BATTING EYE Feb. 24th, 1913-—Mar, 24th, 1913 Notice is neon giao that 1. A. D eS peaene to lease the following | is generally declared to be bona _ ; ————| Horison, occupation nancial agent, 60) Commencing at a post planted on the) ‘ide. An answer is expected from Dallas, Texas, March 6—Two ‘ Lang District—Diswrict of cays. oer oe mee Lende ter enol northeast coast of Porcher Island, about! Ritchie today. singles and a double by Jim ; tazelton. Nae eer al and petroleum over |®,@uarter of & mile southeast of the mouth - Pom featured the game be 5 tol “Anan oe = the follwing de cribed lard of Humpback Creek, half chain from) The fight would be pulled off | Thorpe feature 1 86g - atiot bal i ent, t P FOO . . . . . - " . r y . « a : a laie intend to apply wo the Commencing at @ post planted near a Se aheien eee haltn ot ie ee | in San Francisco and would be|tween the New York Giants and To you who have need for a FIELD GLASS from which sect far cal “dnl bates a Fae eee tile post | 133:] west 80 chains following shore line to|over the 20-round route, If se-|the Dallas team of the Texas you may derive complete satisfaction, we send this mes- How ilg described lands south 2° chains, eget 2S" x — o— 5 See. containing 640) oured a special arena would pro-|League here yesterday. One of sage. We stock a line of Field Glasses and Prism Bino- Leacing 1 n v vo ence , , ° aes - ’ s — . eh : : : aa e *o eo a are oF [nae a JAMES D. PEEBLES. ibably be constructed. Thorpe’s hits was a bunt, which culars comprising the best grades suitable for Tourists, nd Trunk mile post 130, R. D. RORISO! Robert Reid, Agent. eee jhe beat out to first by his won- Ranchers, Hunters, Army men and Mariners. Our illus- 1 80 chains, west 86 chains’ Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent Dated 20th January, 1913. ~ , . ‘y chains, east 80 chains to place} Dated Feb. Sin, 1013 Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7, 1913. WATER NOTICE. derful speed . The Dallas men trated catalogue describes a few of these fine glasses, en ee SP eer FT Dk aa ial asia el - secured five hits, the Giants se-|g§ but we invite you to write us for fuller particulars. Our : wit ,B; ROBISON, : Pub. Feb. 24th, 1943-—Mar, 24th, 1015 Notice is hereby given that Jock Bonnar, ven. Score—Dallas 1; Giants 9%. prices are the most moderate in the Dominion. ; . Mecrady, Agen of Kitsumkalum Lake, B. C., will apply for re t rph. Sth, 1013 Skeena Land Rien Biswies of Coast, a license to take and use 150 Rinere’ Batteries—Mullin, oe oan e Omineca Land District—District of Range V. inches of water out of Hall Creek, which| Foster: Goulet, Smith ani art- 7 van. | flows in a@ Westerly direction through . Feb. 24th, 10498-—Mar, 840M, 1913.) Notice is nereby given that I, B.D cnuver, Bc. ‘Goutrector, p. — — Lots 1439 and 1521, Range V.. Coast Dis- ley, Umpire—Torrey. === | Rorisoll, occupation nancial agent, 601 ply for permission to lease the following ie Guan are a in ee Hen Bir S Go Sons } imited 4 Land District—District of days after date intend Ww apply to i | desert ands: water will be diverted at a point about ry Hazelton. yr » Clot Comemizaioner Of | Lande tor license no mmencing Gt 8 post waned eo, me mule up from the mouth and will be usel | MARRY SUTER on . ? hereby given that J,’ R. D, | 0 Droepeee oe ribe —* ‘ , for irrigation purp< on the land TH COLTS “ pation oS a agent, ae the following described lands : . 2% miles southeast of mouth of Hump-| scribed as southen y portion of Lot 1521, NOT BE JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS . late intend to apply to the Commencing at @ post planted near 4h) pack Creek and @t the north end of Chis-| Range V, Coast District 1 e old construction camp, mile post 135 more Passage, half chain from beach, This notice was posted on the ground March 6. ssioner of Lands for Jicense thence south 80 chains, east 80 chai one ce Ww i 5 ‘ , 4 ; -ortiand, Ore. ' r coal and petroleuin ove : . thence south 80 chains, thence west 80/on the 5th day of March, 1913. The ap Pe , ’ wing deseribed lands vere pers 82. spelen. cr chmtaining 640 | one cheine, Ceece Sere 80 chates, thease ates wae wre 20 Bind ie tee, canes. OF the Pitcher Harry Suter has today huencing at a post planted of commbencemen . 80 chains following shore line to point of ater Recorder at Prince Rupert ‘ “ J fr yraer of a sual ~ cabin more OF 166. R. D. RORISON commencement, containing 640 acres more wa biections may be fled with the said announced his retirement from ali trug 5 . . a 55. t ecorder or+ with ne Comptroller dort. ik Mile post =| 130, F. W. McCrady, Agent or le ROBERT REID. of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, | the national game, and the Port o 50 chains, west 80 chains ' : | Mains, east 80 chains to place Vietoria, B. C land Northwesterners will have b Dated ‘ oem, 1099 Dated 29th January, 1913 LMence . : N. W , 7 JOCK BONNAR, Applicant 1 Pe easel 4 heement, containing 640 aeres} i p.'R. = puanintinn ite aha Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7, 1913. Mar. 3 to 84. PE to do without the services of the R . th, Ms : wthiods es ; 3 : F we RQMeDN. Fan. Fe. 340 - ———————_— — ———— WATER NOTICE. southpaw who did time with the + mC , A pnt. . , : > ro. an oe. ne : Chicago White Sox, San Fran- K Cmineca Land, District District of mas 555 erate © tute one te ee cisco Seals and Portland Beavers. | Feb. 24th, 1943—Mar, g4t >y Bit 1 f Goose Suter, w sev months — ® 24th, 1913.) Notice is hereby given that 1 # P-) taxe motice shat Ailin construction| miney, of Goose Bay, will apply for s| Suter, who for several / BAILY can we Wee utter dake intend. to apply to th | Company, Limited, has deposited with the | or water out of Bonanza Creek, which| HS been travelling for a coffee |e |S 4 Land Distwriet—District of . one: s for license| Minister of Public forks at Otlawa and . > - P . aoe ; as | nena et ame galt peicum aver| with the Reglatrar of Beads for the Tri8ce| fw" Gots ‘Bayrsar ‘Gosen’s Hotel TNs | ser a eee ts think of alee. | MEMORANDUM Tpation aa tat LR D-| the following described lands Kupert Registration District description | water will be diverted at & point 4 miles | tO good for him to think of sign-| “pation fnaned 0 > » works ronstructed ol 56 an af M after dave intend 40 apply t6 the| gid MRmstruction. eainp. duile post. 13%. | the Following “deseribed lands; All and|UP nd Will be used for mining purposes! ing a contract to piteh ball this| OGCEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9OCLOCK oct for eae Lends bed licens thence south 80 chains, west 50 chains,| singular that certain parcel or portion of oe Nae qaereee as Big Copper end season Suter was turned over) ' for coal and petroleum over shains, ed C to place| Prince Rupert Harbor fore 1 : - «aka. WOPeead “ing described lastds: wKepehee, . © oe ake contains eae louie su “Lot Geven of a "aanenceens This notice was posted on the ground|/{g Nick Williams by the Portland Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C--H-I-C in : 1g op ot & Post planted! more or less Block “I” of the Townsite of Prince Ru-|°" the 4th day of February, 1913. The bia Less Than Twenty Months roer of @ small eabin | ™°" R. D, RORISON pert, British Columbia, containing eleven | ‘pplication will be Mled in ‘the omee of | Beavers. = ow mile post 130, F. W. MeCrady, Agent and eighty-one one hundredths (11.81) Oe wear necarene. 0 Paves Rupert. Oo ; 10 chains, west #0 ‘chains to piacs| Rated fed Sh, 4048 acros, be the same more or less, and which] water'‘necunder ‘or ‘withthe. Compirclier BRITISH FOOTBALL. All Loans Made Bear / Interest at the oa F 1p ee oath, 1019—Mar. 24th, 1913.| 8% Follows, thet Is to say: twee ae Rate of / Per Annum *u e . S a . : ‘ » . “ /R. D. RORISON, a Referring to the centre of Seal Cove W. McINTOMINEY, Applicant English League. oO » un x; MeCrady, agent. —_-—— ~— ciree ~ oe om plas coy e- Pub. Feb, 17, 1013——Mar. 10, 1913 oo . fe 7" oo 3 red and twenty-three 3 rince, Ru ; , . : d : : . ® ¢ ir i) O8 - Omineca Land District—District of ow vane’ ae hs ‘Omics ae commencing Sunderland $8 s 3 ty First Loan made April 22, 19141......... ..8 500.00 Feb. 24th, 1919-—M nage. 1 n. pot, 2 Dome Giatens teretres sstroncmic NOTICE. Shemeld Wednesday ee. a Loans made during month of Dee., 1911..... 4,000.00 #4th, 3—Mar ’ tice is re , ; ast @ f> ' ’ 7m nH. naloties pp my Gren Oe SE P | tees —. canes 3 ph. ‘Take notice that Atlin Construction Oldham Athletic it : if 33 Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 ‘ Land Distriet—Distriet of oiler , ana oa Rae Ht ne i pe eee ee Se inet $e) Minister ‘of Pubite Wate ar Ousey oa pencnetter Unite 3 ; ; 33 Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 ie olumiissione . ‘ “ } Bix e D- : : Ste B : « ° ¥ . 7 oa a , 1 a 2 tet Ln. pe, broapect for coat gat Prone over! feet, said point being the southwesterly wes the Registrar of Deeds for the Prince —<. on" 18 °8 5 30 Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 anne e ry ' >.) the following describe ands | corner of said sub-Lot Seven (7); thence) Rupert Registration District a description; W. Bromwich Albion it 7 8 30 " . ae ‘ ‘ fale Intent ee agent, 60) Commencing at 8 post Planted) astronomle north thirty-six degrees thir-|and plans of works to be constructed on} Blackburn Rovers o 8 $2 Loans made during month of Dee,, 1912..... 35,100.00 tissioner of Landa ter Hoowe about 500 yards roe me. Tra “| ee n minutes and fifty-nine seconds west| the following deseribed lands: All and | Liverpool 12 tt 5 20 Loans pending and in process of being made | for coal and petre le tcen a. Trunk right-of-way, , . 80 chains,| (N. 36:13:58 W,), seven hundred and | singular that parcel or portion of Prince! Fverton . — 2. ‘ 9 r a . wing described anda, OP oes SOUR Soar te mains to place | Sixty (760) feet to proposed harbor line; Rupert Harbor end foreshore adjoining Newgate t ited s wy ee at December 34, 1042.........2+0+++5++ 68,000,00 heneing at , | aorta S * - est thence along said harbor line astronomic| Lot Five Hundred and Forty-one (541), | Sie tMelc nitec ; o i 5 ies . o1° ¢ J ner of roe ienred of Commencement, containing 640 Geres) in afty-three degrees forty-six min-| Range Pive (5), Coast District, British }Middiesboro " 12 5 83 Loans made and pending December, 1912... .103,100.00 nd Trunk =omile post 130,)°°° °F R. D. RORISON lutes and On second east (N, 53:46:01 E.)| Columbia, containing by admeasurement | Rradford City as uate December 31, 1912-——-Loans made and in pro- \h 80 chains, east 80 chains FP. W.'Mecrady, Agent, | seven hundred and sixty-five (765) feet;| twenty-one and seven one-hundredths | Th tieniam Wotapur . aoe oo a i eas ; hains, west 80 chains to. place| pated Feb, 5th, 1913. ; [thence astromomie south thirty-six degrees | (21.07) acres, be the same more or peleee. ; 8 3 & CORO WO, GOL, vecrnceciras Puan thos eee s} peeeee heement, containing 640 “acres N. WwW. Cc P lthirwen minutes and fifty-nine seconds| less, described as follows, that ts to S@Y' | \Wooiwich Arsenal 1 18 8 10 , Kk. D. KR, east (3, 36:19:59 E,) seven hundred and | Commencing at the intersection of the o See our Kepresentative K. D. RORIBON Pub. Feb, 24th, 1019-——Mar, 24th, 1015.| sixty-one and thirty-three one-hundredths | soptherly boundary of said Loe rive Hun . . FP. W. MeGrady, Agent | (761 83 feet; thence astronomic south/ dred and Forty-one (541) with high water Scottish League. The e Ww Sth, 1048 iviihemneiiintinmey lirty-three degrees and fifty-two minutes| mark, thence astronomic east four hun- ae ee ome vestment vy, D | Otein Land Diatrict—-District of west (8S, 53:52 W.) t¥o hundred and five dred (400) feat, thones otpenceyes OPIN | Corie 7 18 5 4 40 Feb e mineca Lane stric strie gus) feet more or less to high water) forty-three degrees and y- six minutes) »,, aan a5 6 5 4 36 } Local Of ederal Bidg. i Rupert "4h, 1010-—Mar 84th, 1013 Notice | neodhl Gietn that I, A. OD mark; thence northerly, westerly and | east (N 43 56 E.), eighteen hundred and pangere 25 $8 7 5 3 om © ¢ Orines ; ————-——--——-} 4 Notice oe tion “Ananctal agent, }southerly following bigh water mark,| thirty-three (1833) feet more or 1088; | Palkirk 24 10 ‘ @ 8 ‘rlotte Islands Land District rane TPAD ont to apply. to the| seven hundred and thirty-fve (735) feet| thence astronomic west six hundred and | \herdeen a8 11 8 & 80 District of Skeena a ee east at Lands. tor license | more OF less to point of commencement. | twenty-three and three-tenths (623.3) | Airdreionians 6 8 7 10 28 ’ tice that I, BR. €. Goodale, of var rospect for coal and petroleum over And take notice that after the expiration, feet more or less to the intersection of | Motherwell es 5 7 10° 24) Washington, occupation attort ‘he tatiowing described lands of thirty days from the date hereof ap.|the northerly boundary of said Lot Five} Hamilton Academics 24 9 s 7 25) ‘PPLY for @ license to reapest Commencing = at a post planted! plieation for approval of such works will| Hundred and Forty-one with high water) Clyde 2 ae 7 25] ‘Nd petroleum over th p.. le oes about 500 yards from the Grand c made to the Governor in Council at| mark, thence southerly and westerly, fol. | tibernians 23 v s 6 24) nae me neno wing | Trunk right-of-way, mile 137% | Ottawa lowing high water mark, to the place of| St Mirren =: 2 Se ee i ie at @ post planted at the | thenee south 80 chains, west 80 chains Dated this 15th day of Pebruary, 1915. | commencement, vortan ‘ sf ° ‘3 (= ' rher of Section &, Township 7,|/Hgrth 80 ehains, east 80 chains to place ATLIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, | And take notice that after the expiration Thee hae . 7 hulk kk fe th $0 chains, thence west so}or commencement, containing 640 acres LIMTIED, 40-68 |of thirty days from the date hereof, ap-| / itd banar 27 196 8 OR thence north 80 chains, thence |More OF less | plication for approval of such works Will] Raith Rovers a. oe oe hains to pod . » _teence A. D RORISON be made to the Governor in Council at} po) T ‘ - 6 oo yt? POMt of commencement ¥. W. MoCrady, Agent | Ottawa Hartios Thistle + Sa a7 » " , . ne PI 26 2 2 5 c. ‘ ye Dated Feb. Sth, 1948 | Dated this 141 day of Pepruary, to1g,| NPP * Bark ’ : plat. 29rd, 1908 P f: & % TRY A NEWS WANT AD | ATLIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, F qe oy 9%, 24, Mar, 8, 00, 17, 94, Pub, Feb, 24th, 1949-—Mar, 24th, 1918.) | LIMITED, 38-63 Subseribe for the Daily News. <3