THE DAILY NEWS ———————— ijien U oc ROLLER MAY | MEET PAT CONNOLLY | i) @ C Ad Real Estate Snaps “The N ews” lassified S. SECTION |. : } neon censeseensetegetsesetoni pesteanieilinetintenssneienmnnat Block 2, Lots 7 and &, Grandview Hotel property, $19,500 SECTION Hi. . Lots 2? and 3, double frontage, $4,200; $1,500 cash. SNAP. , Lot 34, $1,950; #650 cash oe Se , Lots 33-34-35, $1,900 each. Waterfront _— , Lot 6, 83,500; $1,150 cash ~_—— , Lots 22-23, 85,250 OHeod terms , Lots 5 and 6, 84,200. Good terms , Lots 9 and 10, 84,200. Good terms — , Lot 67, 81,575 Beautiful view . — —— ‘ ” Lots 57 and 58, $3,250, Look this up. You cannot beat it , Lot 6, €2,100. Equal to 3 lots , Lot 25, 9850. For Rent. | Wanted Block , Lots 12 and 13, $1,250; Two room cottage on 4th Ave. East of | 2 e. Ww t McBride St. List your property with me) WANTED—Good capable man and wife | I : wi ee estsce et 650 | for quick sale manage railroad lunch counter Apply Block 42. Lot 3, house 3 s2 000. Terms ' to W. J. MeLean Canada Ry. News ¢ 6 i ’ £3,000 " | 4. DOUGLAS | Ltd, 6. T. P. Whart ott Block 16, Lot 16, house and cabins | 00 cash Opposite P. 0., 3rd Ave GOOD seamstress wanted to learn ladies Well Known Grappler Sends a Challenge Along to British tride, Block 27, 1.750; #1 ike one Swede s., me Block's. Lot 4, ¢ room house Fented $25.00 mo. 4th Ave. 94,200 unnssenspsonsheiibitensiatasedial Oe Champion for Match. ter | om » — lo Sth Av WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs # Woe oo 8 Ave SECTION Vil. ae ae D | &. W. Patmore. soa Vancouver, Mare h 7 Dor Best pair on Ambrose Ave., $3,000 pers and First Class Dress-_ Roller, the well known Seattle Bi "6 800. | » neg SECTION Vill. i making F Sale |}wrestier, who has been touring Block 3, Lot 9, #800; $200 cash | Second Ave., over ©. D. Rand's or America for the past two years Block $b de, gee cas OMice. | with much success, may be seen Block 0 Lots ‘ ind ‘0 Wits 1-3 cash, 1 and 2 years Phone 416 Black | cheap: Mtiso, flat ir nate “ADD Bor |" the mat in Vancouver in the Bh 6, Lot 17, $525. | otf near future Roller is now in * Block $f Lots 7 to 13 ine,, $375 ach 7 ‘Los Angeles and yesterday he Block 24, Lots 21-22, $1,150 | GRAND piano by Collard & Collard, London, | © t , MeInt hal yuick Sales Me e Inut case; cas . o Chet MeIntyre a cha For Q ales List with FOR SALE | England wnttandsome walnut, case; st) wired to ret eIntyre ‘ , ° applying to Mr. J. 8. Gray, 6th St.| lenge to throw both Chet and Pat Two excavated lots, 6 and 7, Block 1 Owner will take any reasonable offef.|(onnolly twice in an hour As Sec. 1. Price, $20,000. Terms, $6,000} Apply Box 25 Daily News 51-59 . jcash, balance over five years with interest | | YR SALE—Fine upright piano, rearly Chet is through with the wrest | 7 twice r annum, allowing} F* 8 e on ms ' ; i ‘ . | Comanfeston 80 any agent for the sale. Ap-| =. _s — Worn ay rerme ling game as a principal he wired eS ‘ec ee rne . ’ ‘pas | Street, or Westholme Opera House, 49t¢| back offering to send Connolly 2| m. 0. LEDUC Iron SALE—Fairbanks-Morse stationary | Against Roller in a straight match ha 1682 oa West | gasoline engine, twelve b.p., = veae and the popular physical director | i iv P.O m= f | 39-tf | Seihos eset Apply | soir || is now waiting to receive a reply Articles were finally signed MY WARDROBE erie ae seers ; Ss For Rent |Polly Grimm, the Seattle giant Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large J. LEE, TAILOR Saini nimi’ and Gonnolly, but there was a range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS NCOMPORTARLE furnished front toom; aoe|Change in the date at the last TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing | view; modern Rouse; phone; close in;/minute. They will mix on Tues me we 1 —_ fifteen dollars hone 08 : 4 oe * ‘ : a vate customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send a tape Scott Building, Next to City Mall : win | 22%: March 25, in a finish match measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, Phone Green 390 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room With) best two in three falls, and they ALLFREE. You have only to read our book of testimonials and you rere ——| 4th Ave. Phone 171 sat | will wager $500 each on the sid will be convi need that no other firm in the world can approach us for value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Address for Patterns: - CURZON BROG., Clougher Syndicate, (Dept. iw ), 449 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Please mention this Advertisement. —— - Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept.14. Suite 305, 319 Pender W., Vancouver, B.C. Read The Daily News - Busy Bee Cafe 519 3rd Avenue | Most Up-to-Date Place in Town OYSTERS & GAME GOXES FOR LADIES ;,)| \))- Open Day and Night FACTORY REBUILT | YPEWRITERS | j Lost and Found LOST—Brown purse containing watch Fi ee please return to Daily News Small bunch of keys Owner | ean have same by paying for | Daily News Office | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. REMINGTON $35 EmpinES25 Unoerwoon $65 And numerous other bargains. Send for complete list of slightly used machines rebuilt in our own factory and made as a asnew. We save you $15 to $75 on any ~wachine. Satisfaction guaran Magazines Phone 326 oe Line of Post Cards in City HYDE'S CIGAR STORE Periodicals Newsp apers CITY MESSENGERS PARCEL DELIVERY Reading and Card Room Connection in 607 3rd Ave. Tenders will be Wednesday, March 12 a residence for D. ¢ ind specifications ma Mice of the architect J. W. POTTER f — received up to 6 p for the erection Stuart, Esq be secured Architect PRINCE RUPERT. | Warning. Better than Ringing Door-bells A to-house canvass. He’s one of those an absurd fear of the “waste-circulation’ PIANO manufacturer recently made a house- men with ” bugaboo —cannot get away from the haunting thought that only 10 out of every 100 readers of a newspaper may be possible buyers of his goods. So he refused to advertise, and went a-canvassing —inviting people to come to his piano recitals. Then he wondered why they didn’t come. This is why: He wasn’t reaching the people. His canvassers rang every door-bell in town. They talked to some one in every house. But one in every household isn’t enough particularly if it doesn’t happen to be the right person. And, as a rule, it wasn’t the right person— it was a servant, or a child. The woman of the house was seldom seen; the man of the house, never. Now, if the piano maker had placed an ad. in the newspaper, it would have reached thousands, where the canvassers could seach only hundreds. the head of the house— might be cited to show lati "is Aecciionn Take the motor truck. directors, their foremen, but also to his wife, his grown-up sons and daughters, his mother—even his mother- in-law. Their coaxing will help to convince and pretty soon there'll be a piano in that home. This and dozens of similar cases which that “waste cir- an empty bugaboo, and should Tt can be sold only to large firms Yet a motor truck manufacturer is successfully Advertising in daily papers. He realizes that he must reach, not alone the managers of the con- cerns that require trucks, but also their their head ma- chinists, etc. It is found in actual practice And even though only 10 per cent. of the readers are actual piano buyers, this does not mean that the advertising read by the other 90 per cent. is wasted. Advertising talks, not only to the prospective buyer, made up its mind that too costly and inefficient. that this Advertising radiates in a thousand directions, and again converges most as- tonishingly to influence the house that has horse-trucking is Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enquiry involves no on your part—so write if interested, 503 During the construction of lwater main across Shawatlans|- Passage at Fern Passage cables -Iwill be strung and six dolphins i driven. All boats are hereby warned Construction is now in joperation and will continue un- ea /til further notice. 45tf W. McG. MASON, City Engineer. this ad 56r m of Plans at the No Difference. “Oh, thank you,” exclaimed an {elderly lady to a laborer who sur- rendered his seat in a crowded ear; “thank you very much “That's orl right, mum,” was the rejoinder As the lady sat down the chiv alrous laborer added “Wot I ses is, a man never ort to let a woman stand. Some men ;never gets up unless she's pretty ibut you see, mum, it don't make no difference to me! CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF | Pace AUPERT MN i AND ANNEX | Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on |] the American and European plan. \f Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. i eeaiiiesieemaietaal -Church Services - "FIRST P PRESB cuyRon Services ev 8u. in urch at 11 am. and | -~% at 780 p.m. Sunday at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. w. KERK, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVB., NEAR 6TH 8ST. Services every Sunday at li and 7.30 p.m. unday Behl 220 p.m. Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W.H. MeLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Savane : Sunday at i a.m. pm. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m, REV. C. R. SING, B.D. PasTon ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- ing prayer, 7:30. ountey school, 2:30 2 Holy Communion wt Sunday of month, at s mm, and third Sunday at 6 4 m. During the Lenten season there will be serv- ice im the church every weeneetig ats p. m, THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court services Sunday at LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Leave your order for Faster lilies at Wark’'s. 57 Mrs Brunswick Lamont, of Telkwa, is a guest of her sister Mrs. Cambie, for a few weeks Bishop Du Vernet left on a visit to Terrace and Kitsumkalum or this morning's train. M. Shady, left this morning Mr. tor, ton. ontrac Hazel. railroad ¢ for Mr. Wilfrid Doughty, ing director of the B. C eries, arrived from Victoria evening o nthe Princess Beatrice manag Fish- last The cuts in prices of pictures in the J. D. Allen Photo Co.'s sale should certainly be taken advantage of 57-59 Mr. E. M. Sandilands, provin- cial government agent, of Queen Charlotte City, is in town, a guest at the G .T. P. Inn. Come and see our brass ware. Our sale prices will compel you to buy. J.D. Allen Photo Co , 6th Street. 57-59 Mr. and Mrs. Vernor W, Smith of New Hazelton, who have been visitors to the city for the last few days, returned to their home this morning. There never a chance to get a supply of stationery cheap in this town before. But every- one should take advantage of Al- was len's sale. 57-59 Last night the weekly prize drawing at the Royal pool room took pldce, the lucky number be- ing 9841. If the holder of this coupon does not show up within four days the holder of the sec- ond number drawn, 991414, will be given the prize. Active operations have been commenced toward the early erection of the new city reading room and library The little frame shed which sheltered the big fire hose truck has been de- molished and within a very short while the building for the new reading room will be under way At the regular of the weekly meeting Sons of England Society, | held last evening at their hall on |Becond avenue, there was a par | tieularly large attendance of members. Three new candidates | for the order were put through ithe initiation ceremony - 2 probable that a banquet will be arranged for in connection with the lodge to take place on &t George's Day, April 47th. INTERESTING TALK ON A CHILLY TOPIC Mr. Bullock-Webster Entertained Audience Last Night with Talk nn Men! Grip Life Ate on teeland and the Canaries. t — “« Alderman Bullock-Webster, be wn fore a small but ypreciative audience, delivered an interest ing and instructive address last . evening at the Ctaholie Hall ; taking for his topic the recount ¥ ing of a visit paid by himself to as 1 the widely separated islands of trial va t y celand and the Canaries Hav s, ing been fortunate enough to se " eure several photographs 4d W 4 ing his visit to the islands, which had been converted into stereop Th M 2 tican slides, Mr. Bullock Webotes e etzger Vitalize with the aid of these thrown upon B ( the screen took his audience over attery 0. the ground he had travelled, re_ |! Stock, Corner of 71h ave 4 ry lating many amusing and inter Calgary . esting experiences that h a | ti to him during his sumn ‘Pp I day trip Not the least eer ess Studi ne part of the evening's enter tainment was the showing to the] va as audience of a fine eollection of : & rare and beautiful birds eggs For ma which the speaker had collected - during his visit to Ieeland Many OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALS valuable specimens ind were “pie sj only secured after an nfinite |} seed amount of patient and persever-| ees i ing search a ay Several other unique articles , ' gathered together during the Lot 22, B turer's visit to the Canary Islands} ert . . were also shown to the audience nine aT hs Upon ciosing his address the} “Orner 4 m speaker was accorded a hearty| Hays Cove | Bx 100 fog vote of thanks on behalf of the| Lots 21 a . gathering by Principal Brady of £2000, half " the high school } and Sr Avenue Lot 4, B ‘ ~ i half cast we AT THE CHURCHES. months. § es 25 f . t Double 2 Baptist Services Price $1 rT Shall the church help " balar a crush the sinner “ be th nth subject of Rev. Warren H. Me ILote 17-48. I @ i Leod’s sermon tomorrow evet rice &f ’ ing at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. McLeod a Poi a will also give a ten minute . | I yenth A dress on the subject Has daily newspaper a wht “Th C | T (i i: Ges neki of te é Continental Inst Morning worship at 14 av B ble | Limited school at 1; pa The Lord s| Se Supper at th se of the « | Real Estate Department me services Every c : | Insurance nvited to attend these services| Safe Deposit Boxes for Ret held in the MeIntyre Ha This Avenue, near 6th Street Methodist eon Silversides Bra Evangelistic services h ne Se ween the Meth “The up-to-date House church, the preacher being Re Mr. W. 8 he Crux, B.A a tors of Prince Rupert Westminster He has presented Si W *.* several studies on the awfulness | ee ign riting.. of sin in drawing men from God H : Last night the message was a Paper- anging the Isolation of Sin Our Specialties On Sunday at 11 and 7.30 Mr | Crux will preach again rhe Power of ‘the Reserruction | “We always deliver the goes the morhing, and in the evenir 1 one Street Phone 156 6 “First Things First The gen-| rs eral publie are invited to the | services which will be continued] all next week at 8 o'clock each LOTS evening. This is an opportunity to get and give a spiritual im 2 I} pulse to the forces of righteous- ‘19 - 20 -2] ail § ness in our city Block 45, Section § $2,100.00 Cas REPRESENTS BRITISH W. H. Greenwood, Representing Syndicate of English Cap- FOR ALL italists, in the City | W. H. Greenwood, of Vancou ver, representing a syndicate Harrison, Gamble & English capitalists having large FINANCIAL AGENTS investments in British Columbia arrived in the city last night on | Prince} ve. the Princess Beatrice and left Third A this morning for Haysport on busines, Mr. Greenwood was un- | | til recently business manager of PRINCE RUPERT FEED the Toronto World, He expressed considerable surprise at the de-| Dealers 10 velopment that has taken place HAY, GRAIN FEED 4 since his last visit here in August His visit at the present time is| SEEDS for the purpose of considering} further investments in this see tion, Agents for the International Such | * Jolly Dinner Party. A jolly dinner party at the G, 'T. P. Inn last Mr. M. Shady to a number y gnve | MAIL ORDERS PK yMPTLY ATT WHY PAY REN? night by | of his | friends in the city Among those | present were. Mr, and Mrs. V. W Smith, Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Morris, * ™ , Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Smith, Mrs Sail ' Clark Durant, Mrs. Angus Stew-| 7 Feom art, Mrs, Dan Stewart, Miss Mil 50 ligan, Miss MeKenzie and Mr. W Pri .$ H. Toby The evening was spe nt| rice very pleasantly at bridge, the! C h prizes being won by Mrs. Durant $550 as and Miss Milligan i a ig & 2 LD Balance: John Cameron, father of the 8 late William Cameron, who was found drowned a few days ago near the Rupert Marine Tron lp Works, arrived in the city on the} R. Naden (0,, Princess Beatrice last night He| will leave with his son's body this| Agents evening for his home at South} end Avenue Wellington,