——— sROULATION T 0 canoes Ty AND NORTHERN in THE OF RiTisH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS 8 * Lathe bean : Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ———E——— a a ee "vol Iv, NO. 9 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TURSDAY, MARCH 114, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS — E RESIDENCE TOTALLY DESTROYED BY FIRE err —_ MILLION DOLLAR CARGO OF SILK ON WRECKED BRITISH STEAMER—BIG FIRE AT EDSON TOWN OF EDSON HAS DISASTROUS FIRE ‘WHOLESALE MASSACRE AD WATLAND OBJECT a eypy___eARED aT sovtan AL NIGHT SITTINGS AGAIN THIS WEEK ‘House Went Into Committee Last TERRACE RESIDENCE BURNED LOSS IS OVER $1,600.00 Not Encouraging Business Section Is Nearly Wiped When City Falis to Beseig- Out—Loss Over $150,000— Night on Naval Bill and a Con- guT COUNCIL oscioen vo ones COR TENDERD—GOARD OF ing Forces. Three Men Injured. meete Again RESIDENCE OF JOHN KIRKCALDY WAS TOTALLY DESTROY- Special to The Daily News Special to The Daily News. ~ - ED BY FIRE LAST NIGHT—NOTHING WAS SAVED ening’s|of letting it { 1 an col I March 1414 ceording dmonton, Mareh 10 hree Special to The Daily News. . ‘ a Mae i, [tracts was worse his a stima eceived he bs * c sae wads serious! injure ; ti anm March 10 The House (Special to The Daily News.) This “is the second occasion nea tion than givine | big ~ feared ha t entire pop il day in an explosio whe dyna-|again went into committee on the Terrace, March id The resi-|that Mr. Kirkaldy has been the er racts, which, he iid. had been}! §& i W be massacred| mite was used to prevent the| Borden naval bill this evening idence of Mr. John Kirkaldy was} Victim of fire since coming to back filling on proved in the past { bey so dis vhen that city falls to the forces spreading of a fire which wiped It looks like another week of con.| totally destroyed by fire las | tanada and mue -* Sympathy 1s rhe re-/astrous to the citw's nteresta f the llies ut a large portion of the bus tinuous sitting for the House jnight, the loss being estimated| *° ~ for him. Mr. T. H. Scott has ks favor Alderman Ru ck.Webster was $$ —- --—_ ness section of the town of Ed- - - — j at £1,600, The fire orginated a hospitalit to the home- ght in| entirely in wccord = with the Dusty and Steve at the Audi-| son The loss by fire is esti- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|from a defective stovepipe and ee aay MeCafl ioved | #mendment tor night 59 | mated at $150,000 Phone 4. | was first noticed about 9 o’eclock ae George Little, who owned Alderman Leek said he agreed - | by Mrs. Kirkaldy, who was alone “¥y building, intends rebuilding with the stand taken by Alde jat the time. As the house is a “s ae \ is ved Dy considerable distance from town, Mr. Kirkaldy, who is well known in M i and seconded | 4" ao seven tg Ce ‘er TMPROVED SUMMER SERVICE BY Jeversthing was hopelessly aflame |!" Prince Rupert, having offiei- 4 ; Webster) vious meeting that the work] | be fore assistance arrived. Praec- ated with the bagpipes at a num- ) ‘ ‘ fix the) should be put uy competit | tie ally all the household effects,|ber of Scottish celebrations here. k and then|Upon a vote being taken the | Wearing apparel and a consider- _—_—_oe ee -———- In sup-lamendment was ost und =the able i. of money were de- The cuts in prices of pictures Alderman | original moti carried, the dis leaving the family with/in the J. D. Allen Photo Co.'s hat this was not! sentients being Aldermen Mait Sains but the clothes they wore|sale should certainly be taken he system | lane err ne llock ebster at the e. adve mM | nd Kerr and Bullock Webster, Prince Albert and Prince John ‘Will Alternate on Weekly Trips)* “" See ae | From South Via Skid Prince Rupert, Th NINCIL ACCEPTS OFFER | PROMPT ACTION IN | rom South Via Skidegate to Prince Rupert, Thence GOVERNMENT GRANT __| FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS “TR CITY DEBENTURES. CITY APPOINTMENT to Port Simpson and Masset | IS ACKNOWLEDGED| LOSS FROM FROZEN PIPES The new summer schedule of!p. 1 Thursday and Granby at 8]/day morning steamer south-| pa ey er of 97 Cents from Toledo E. D. Johnston Is Appointed nite. Grand Trunk Pacific coast|P-. m. Sunday bound from Prince Rupert, Con- | Council Extends Thi Thanks to Local |Ald. Bullock-Webster Wanted to Firm of Bankers Was Ac- Auditor—Highly Recommended (oo poe icy how sieaeonil The steamers Prince John and | tinuing their trips the Albert or Representative for His Zeal Probe the Matter to the cepted Last Night. for the Position. : ; : ee . ; s the John will leave here at 8 p. in Securing Grant. Bottom. jsome very important changes Prince Albert wHl alternat m Saturday southbound via | } ting of | \ steps ha : he having b ide, | Weekly trips from Victoria 8N@!porcher Island, Skidegate and| Contrary to expectation, last The city has suffered a loss of : luring th ast w ward the|T! ‘ sched . ff Val iver, calling Way portls,! points 1 ned in northbound|evening’s meeting of the city)g5,000 through the freezing and es app ene oe, . | Seatt March 30th Start. | Via Skidegat« id Porcher [stand | trip with Union. Bay added, ar.|council proved anything but bursting of certain water pipes oa ling that date the two bigito Prince Ruper arriving at|riving at Vancouver Wednesday jtame, despite the fact that Mayor sixth . ; ~ f Mesesrs.!/ aud ! Ai las gues 1 £ ; 7 Sten n Skidewa Sa aiiltiadr inaiee af ‘etanan and Vict Thurs.|Pattullo was absent from its de- on Sixth avenue during the win- Slater Of! of th , oe ahs George, W ‘ . h makejand P e Rupert Tuesday af- | day morning lliberations. Considerable busi-jter- The cause of this was , $s, to) fina ‘ mittee was read he weekly ps from Seattle | te : he various ports of| According to the schedule the {NESS was disposed of in the ex-|through the newly laid mains not es.jomi ling that Mr. BE. D. John-|via Victoria and Vancouver f ill will be A Bay, Hardy Bay j\John and the Albert take twe , | Peditious en that has|being covered up and the fault f these de-|ston, who for the last three years| Prince Rupert, arriving here Rivers Inlet, Namu, Ocean Falls,|weeks to make their round trip, a a at tee of = lay with last year’s council i? . pt 08 Phey/G. T. P Prince Rupert, be ¥ Stew os re nee will oath Sk iewaheian d DP reher Island pore Skidegate will i: he slity sins a | Spee ial meeting of the council,|Stance of a report brought in by I vernent de lg ven the appointment It had} h i eklw service Rial te ince After the arrival of the large|twice-: - .@)} “ ryvits 7 +} * . | be ld on Saturday afternoon, Al- the Board of Works at last ever- tnt | a ene ee a ' os a ae EDOURC) derman Naden filled the position|ine’s meeting of the city council. i period jbeen decided to vidve se ! he 1 Rupert The steamer Pr e Ru steamer from the south on Wed-j/either direct on the John or Al- I “ g¢ interest atjeastern papers for a man to fill| pert will leave here at 8 a. m. oalnesday, the John or the Albert|bert Sunday morning eavinet acting mayor during Mr. Pat- Alderman Bullock-Webster was The price; the position ind already adver Thursday for Stewart, and the |“ leave at 8 p.m for Port|there Tuesday mort g o con..| tulle s absence. exceedingly anxious to have the es was 97/lisements had been forwarded to] Prince George at 8 a. m. Sunday! Simpson, Masset and Naden Har-|nect with the southb 1 stea-|, A letter of thanks was received matter cleared up so as to know sht trons teaktais papers During the past| for Gratin tacit isalhor. rehubatae 4 1 these points|mer from here on Friday morn.| "°™ the Prince Rupert General} who was to blame and thought a ¥ nelipped| week Mr. Johnston, who, by the] steamers will leave Stewart at 8|in time to connect with the Fri-| ing. Hospital for the generous grant}small committee might be = ap- . Balinese way. brings with him the very| by the city council of $10,000 to-| pointed to investigate. Aldermen The ; 1s adopted with.|highest recommendations from ™ een " : =/ward the expenses of the current mane and ~— a of t dis ' otteds ‘anne’ Chien Sunerintende vy CC : year. ast year’s council, arose in their the ; he ail denned oy a oe —— cal ©-| PROMINENT ENGINEER TUBERCULOSIS TEST JOHNSON FLYNN | Mr. William Manson, M. P. P.,|/ might and declared that they were t the same as|upon the finance committee and| IN THE CITY TODAY LOOKS LIKE SUCCESS FIGHT PICTURES | “ete the council that the sum of|/prepared to stand for any blame g treasury certificates. be-|stated that he would be willing| ee $35,000 appeared amongst thejin the matter that was justifiable g insaction, ob-|to accept the position ae cOD- |. HM. Thompson of Seattle Is Here Doctors Report Signs of Improve-| Special Pietein 2 Film of This! |cottmates 00 ot sells a ‘- pra serge ae that any was gc tl essity . later o sidere ae aut lec o serve : OSt O . - . . gt . ae ae = oe ns ons pot oe in eye ge oy engage meen Now York Treated a a the }was qualified by the statement Alderman Sutherland, in a the auditor. Going carefully into the , ee eae . that the money was granted on] businesslike and sensible fash- sonemmemeansneninnti matter and considering the reé Me ROUT i" ma The Daily News Fiewt fi 3 jthe understanding that the cost/ion, remarked that he did not see MATION. HOSPITA eandinbions of Me, Machat si & omapeon, the welt wpecial to 1e Daily Ne ws. ight fans are to be given an-|of the bridge would not exceed| how any good could be effected L fmance committee decided that shown consulting civil engineer, New York, March t1 rhe first) other treat in the near future, A/}$100,000 and that the work would|by raking up the matter, which, IS RECOMMENDED stihanats possibly acting a little pret Beattie gg orn-Tpatient treated by Dr. Fried-| special feature film, said to be| be carried out under the super-|though obviously a mistake, was out of order they would be wise = on “ae —— ir. 7 se mann’s tuberculosis cure already] one of the clearest pictures eve | vision of the provincial govern-|past and done with, and moved accepting the services of Mr ten “Ning ee Oy shows signs of improvement, ac-| take eA t ae a ment engineer. The govern-|the adoption of the report, which imated Cost Is hia Than One| °°?" he salary he asked| mortly etter Me incorporation to : er | te Jobnson-Flynn| ents contribution is the 35 per|was that the loss of pipe amount- Thousand Dollars—Council annaeen a -_ a te be om seq | consult with Colonel Davis, the |cording to the testimony of doe-/fght, which took place last! cent. agreed upon as their share|ed to $3,370, expense of taking Adopts Recommendation. ee ae a tana he | frst city engineer, as to the lay-/tors who are wat hing the re-|}August at Las Vegas, New Mex-/of the cost of the proposed/it up and ne new pipe in its A had given eatiofas tion to the city.|'"8 out of several important sults, Dr. h riedmann left last ico, is to be shown at the Maje s-| bridge A vote of thanks was ac-|place, $2,700; rebate upon sale I r the city medical Mderman Bullock-Webster de- branches of the work to be undet night for Montreal and Ottawa, tic rheatre on Wednesday and] eorded Mr. Manson for dais energy |of broken pipe for serap iron, ver was read at last murved slightly at the hurried taken He ranks as one of the|where he will give further demon- Thursday evening of this week.|/and zeal in the city’s behalf in|8%790; making a total loss to the ss meeting of the city ty en oo” eonell leading men in his profession on|strations of his famous treat-)This fight, which was a tough|obtaining the grant. city of a little over $5,000. ec ending ‘thal & proe oie. arene, — a i ithe Pacifle Coast He has come /ment one as long as it lasted, Neing i . hospital Ti tote. aiatoatien is 1° Prince ane at mg * saggy ie Saw ninth round od = Morse Creek Bridge. Health Officer’s Report. ' | n o ‘ . . . ime in eonnection with 1m lay Mexican angers, was probably : s - . . s aid. gi rhe ‘oatte ge od : eee Kerr | ng out of the Post Ruwerd town- CITY MUST BEAR the hardest aut thet the entered w : Wiese rhs ae ee td asenaaaa an see ed cost a fe ords fro , i . oy ie a aaa : as he » ast eve g \ s s g : ne Seay) the | ondorsing the report of the m4 SEVENTY PER CENT. ¥ at ar baa mee the effect that it recommended|the month of February at last for th in eee four) Anance committee in the matter —— h en ' e; foul, b Bivem the immediate construction of alevening’s meeting of the city top mag care Of Pa-1_ motion was put by Alderman LOCAL JOTTINGS een tan P - — > me - mut not temporary bridge over Morse|council. There were ten births, & ‘rom measies, MeCaffery that the report be eee Plank Walk : poe evare ” > aa od . " Creek, the estimated cost of|five boys and five girls: two a liphtheria The adopted and that the position be Everybody come to the ball on Young St. Between 4th an vere punis ume nt anc himself which would be 82,070. The re- | deaths and four cases of infecti- * . ud d The hospi- given to Mr. Johnston. The mo-|#ame tonight. Best game of = 5th Avenues. oo So . te ae Ses port was adopted and left with|ous diseases. The general health ' isked for vo season oY en 8 to Ss e onent, . . ae = emai tion was carried unanimously The amal) matter of the builde | This apeo iat aim of the fight is ne board of works with power to} f the city was excellent. nd if ted the work 4 rhe steamer Venture arrived|ing of a four foot plank walk on said to be the best so far made ' h ‘diately proeeeded THE WEATHER, from the south this morning all young street between Fourth a a = ae Other a Weigh Scales Bylaw. a oe Sere — The weather report at 5 o’elock about .: ; oo = — age Fifth avenues was finally settled oe we i. ee pote Mr Alderman MeCaffery introduced] picture producers, arrived from Tennis Enthusiaste this morning read Baromete! srolaht ee. ee last evening by the city couneil | pun ae Sanaa Woody Bros., | bylaw at last evening's meet- | the south yesterday on the Prin- "Neral meeting of . 380.445: maximum temperature EES after having been before two pre-|moying picture producers, who |!"@8 of the city council to amend | cess May and are going to put 7. ! Wedwnies 45; minimum temperature, 36 Phere never was a chance to]Y!Us councils as stated by Act-| have been touring for the last six the city weigh scales bylaw. Its}on a special bill at the Majestic - ! ces of so _lget a supply of stationery cheap|!"* Mayor Naden Under a new] months through all the principal — wee set for Mouday ees y , — oeneeene mn . o'clock, The|.. “°me and see our brass ware.|” town before, But every.|8¢t Just passed at Victoria @ Cily ities in the Dominion. A lecture |‘ © next. huPeGay evenings. in for the purpose of pecjour Sale prices will compel youl | cnould take advantage of Al-| ust itself bear 70 per cent, Of} will accompany the showing of — Se ; b and consid | to buy, J, D, Allen Phonto “0 len s sale 57.59 the expense of work af this char-|ipe pietures. & Wa nd meang of aan 6th street. 57-59 at facter, which up to the present sida m” WRECKED STE HAS \cropolis Hill ee ee ce OUT Mrs. ©. BE. Warner will be at 1 ry ane always ee woree, Tennis Club Meeting. ested in this OC Ihome at 724 Fraser street the) '®¢ Private property Owners e The annual meeting of the ind health a MANDOT KN KED eond Friday each month cost of the work will be about) pringe Rupert Lawn Tennis Club | N DOLLAR CARGO ae be in attend IN TENTH ROUND * | $100, repayable in one year iwill be held in the law offices of} oa | ion for am rhe halibut fishermen of the} ‘ . _|Messrs, Patmore and Fulton, in} | ; ealion is an | Fight at Mew Orleans Ran the/disiric! intend to organige, With ithe Exchange Building on BRITISH STEAMER WRECKED OFF FLORIDA COAST IS IN BAD ‘ ' the building} ull Ten Rounds—Cross Got (this end in view @ meeting has ; Vednesday afternoon next at 5) SHAPE..MANY VESSELS HAVE GONE TO HER Yhere life is worth Decision on Knockout. been ealled for Wednesday even BASEBALL je'eclock sharp rhe meeting is| ASSISTANCE. ing in the Longshoremen's Hall jalso for the purpose of reorganiz od 2 Special to The Daily News to which all fishermen are in jing the club and to arrange for| Special to The Daily News j has on board a millien dollar LP tt New Orleans, March 14,—-Leach | vited TONIGHT | the raising of funds for the econ | Key West, Florida, March 11 jcargo of silk. The vessel is re. Mareh >, Rupert, B. G..|Gross knocked out Joe Mandot . istruction of courts on Acropolis | | ported to be in bad shape and Mrs. ", 1913, to Mp, and| last night in the tenth round of rhe Cubs say there is nothing! Skating Rink, 8:30 Hill, |--The British steamer Lugale,| every available ship in the harbor ™ My 4 daughter.'a scheduled ten round fight | to it 5 59 W. 0, FULTON, See, | whieh went ashore on Ajax reef,|has gone to her assistance, i ce ed