waren 11, 1999 THE DAILY NEWS ——— ‘ on wOTICES ae GOAL NOTICES . LAND PURGHASI Novices. | HANGED HIMSELF | WORK COMPLETED puesdas ; 1 agent, 60). ge hereby given that I, R. D, Rort-| yoy 1, Daniel Brenton Ken-| No tiet pa ipply to Une oriar dete ot sa nancial agent, 60 days), : ! upation rancher | ' ate w heenee) J e mien to appl 0 e : I iss 0 « days, Hy nds fOr oy over| Commissionerol Lands for Heeuse te prom | Te te Ree Strange Suicide of a Somnabulist| Bates and Rogers are Now Work- ane : , » " . _ By min , j ined Ia t planted . wtag dcscrine . tat i: oe OVS Vay eee pert . 1 1 inom om rth m England ing _ Contracts East } ving 4 yla cribec ands . } ence rth | eancin’ ' ” oeeutl the Grand Commencing at a t j . . . 7-7 east 3 chains, thence . of Hazelton | planted on the ’ i ‘ i © west 30 ef s ! way : ss con, Por pine x reek about one | the point men cmnent, COMMIRINE London, March 8—A fine mus- Any fisherman desiring to fish unattached from canner- 5 ‘ , , ’ mile post 132, ‘ i 1 80 chains thence north 80 chains, east 80 chat ANIEA cular young fellow, ‘fond of life, Messrs. Bates 1 Roge . ‘ 64l res 8, ef 18, IEL BRENTON ales and Rogers, con ies must ake ¢ : » license ¥ if taining 40 were south 80 chains, west 80 chains to place | Dated Ma 4 ro KENNY | de his grieving mother describes make application for license to the Fishery ¢ con RORTSON of commencement, containing 640 scres Pub ' to Ma 1913 ; i tractors for the concreting of all = pore Bo Oi agent Se him, committed suicide in 118 ake tonne! tt 1 of the G Officer at Prinee Rupert before March 15th, 1913. W ly, ™ A e meis on this end « » ; » om i w We Se ki Skeena Land Distriet—t sleep. The remarkable case has a nee | sted Dated Jan gnd, 1019 ay) Ao | Hang oo of es been reported from Doneaster T.P have eon pleted their work a Ww. ' 22nd, 19 Take? ime ; A of vy 1 ; gith, 1919.) R. DK ake’ hotice that George W. Carpenter, | ad’ ’ t Thr , . we I » RP rep. 24th y ——| 8, W. { of Prin ¢ Rupert, B. C.; occupation farmer, The lad’s name was Thrustle. Hejon the lower river and are now District of Pub, Feb. 21, 1913-—-Mar. 31, 1049 lehase the poly " permiasion a pur-|was 18 years old, more than S8iX}ijoying their plants and men to ‘ | : . Gesceripec ie e f .- e _—- — — - Hazel nat 1 A. D a - aos ot - oe. Os ‘J st planted 2% miles} feet tall, = vee been jolly and the Dunean Ross contract, just Not | agent, eer thee sta River, om the Skeens| vivacious. ul he was a somna- uwply wo the ‘ na Distrte iver, thence 4 hains north, thence 40 “f New Hazelt« ; » aix pories ‘nds for eens — eo tes. ny —— bor: ancl see S chains south, thence| Dulist, Alone in his bedroom, . “ of ; +h , or ' a the ix petroleum Over} Notice is hereby given that I, RK. D. Rort-| containing 160 acreg toe commencement, perhaps tortured by some terri-]™UC* © te sere §=6Gre w I t i yon, oCct tion fin ¢ ( « . sore OF ‘ee ‘js thre ne t : & tl é s post. pisnted! atter date intends to epply' to’ the use| Dated LUKGE W. CARPENTER. |fying dream, he arose in his} tre ah 4 ' ; unnel, fs the Gran pated Jan 28th 4 . » longes n the en ’ Ue drm [Commssionerof Lands for license to pros-| Pub. Feb. 10th 1013—-Apr. 7th, 1048 | sleep and hanged himself to the] Which is the lon 1 the entire ane ‘ ‘ ee 80 chains ao. a as Ps troleum over the fol vee L 7th, . bedrail, making @ noose of Bis line, and two others These are ; nains wo place|™ os ie ae , . gumbo, and w req ‘ 4 ain ‘ , o wes: oe at @ post planted on the| Skeena Land District—pistrict of casstar, | necktie through gumbo, a require nll u east bank of Porcupine Creek about one fake notice that Bernard O'Neill, of Perhaps he awoke too late to a bia force of men for PY, eral) = a ‘ : aS noe t qnene Poa. ° ot in len ae oa | intend neo ee prospector, | ; = iff : } : j months or even a yvear to com | “ . Se hy pups ty yes \ rady, Agen rence horth 80 chains, west 80 chains,| itends | ipply for permisst ) -| release nse om the twistec i t ) ome | south 80 chains, east 80 ‘chains to place | chase the | Ria oe tees, oan himee ee, ne plete. The work will be slow on| fam ' the Newest Styles in FAVOR with the Connoisseurs of ‘ of commencement, co 640 scres| Commencing at 08 : eloth that choked out his life. If . : ntalning 640 acre & post planted one mile pa { f he » 46 tal alll @ t y4th, 1043 more or less | os ons h @ southeasterly direction | he struggled, his mot her, sleep- aceoun 0 IaAVINE © take outa the Fashion Centres of Two Continents. : mer. * RK. D. RORISON rom the iden Creek Co r Company's ’ rsa ¢ » rate o 00 ; a F. W. Met joa Agent, | Wharf, Goose Bay, B. C., Peer ee eat fol.| ing nearby, was not awakened the timbers at the rate of two or As we are the largest importers of diamonds in Can- s be pistriet of ; Deved Jan, 22nd, 1913 aah me s sities of the on — 580) When she went to arouse him in three at a time Se ada, we can give you the most pleasing values and guar- ' n. D. A | Chains north 20 chains pence < : 5 hat 1, A. OD s. E. ¢ | west 80 chains, thence south 20 chains to! the morning she found him dead. | anteed qualities in all diamond jewellery. We import only t ‘ € or q ¢ | point f commen , c a 5 . . . ‘ , ae O08 , , pa " es . * on Pub, Feb. 21, 1913-——-Mar. 31, 1913 coves ei = eneemnent, containing om She told the authorities that one AUSTRALIANS DONT perfect gems, and sell at prices which assures the buyer ee Lends ter S ones on BERNARD OFORA. night, in his sleep, her son ecar- wy of dollar for dollar values. Our catalogue illustrates 4 mG pet i 5 ennings Bi . | ‘ 5 ‘ ; wy ’ : \ ; , Aas : , , , . many fines lines of diamond set jewellery, such as rings prospee ig snd | Dated January 8th, 1913. ried all the furniture from the LIKE COAST RUGBY ; ! y, , : 1 post planted Omineca Land District—District of | Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7th, 1013 bedroom into the garden. When brooches, necklets, pendants, bracelets, earrings, euff k mile post 13 Hazelton link f t Tr { f this j llery a ‘ ; ‘ west 80 echains,| Notice is hereb ven that I, A. D. Rori ee Ds |e ce hi » was amaze inks, searf pins, etc. 1¢ mounts o 1is jewelle re wpence : ‘ ins to place son, occupation “pnancial “agunt, 60 days) On 4 Land District——District of Cassiar.| . ace :~ Se 4 od snazed) ream Which Played in California! &% made in Plat inem or gold, according to pita Write y ning 640 GCOS) arter date intends w apply to the Chief] Take that I, A. BD. Rorison, finan-| tO find what he had done. Much Peeved Over Treat- $2 dan Hand f t : i § howelt : 2 : Cotmmmissionerof Lands yw license Ww pros i] age f Vane ver, B. ¢ 60 days! » “al e ance at » a for further information on diamond jewellery. - : \ RORISON pect for coal and pe troleum over the ol after dat le nd to apply to Chief Com-| Medica evidence : the oe: ment on Tour | i , rw ady, Agent lowing described lands " er of Lands to purchase Lot 915 A,| quest showed that a sleeper may : ‘ Commencing at & post planted on the| Cassiar district, Skesne Pree contain'n’) unknown to himself commit a San Francisco, March 8—Au enr ir Ss ons imi e 3. east bank of Porcupine Creek about one} * 4 more OF 1008 | or . SOU, : -- y Feb, 24th, 19 Mar, 24th, 1943.] miles south from 6. T. P. mile post 132,/ Dated Feby. oth, ‘— ‘es BORISON crime against another than him- tralians do not seem to care for| > aa oe homey ok tien oat = '* "place | F. W. MeCrady, Agent self. The case was cited of a the way rugby football is play ed| JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ! » Le t—District of of commencement, containing 640 ac res! Mar. 3-Apr. 38 lifelong somnambulist in Wash-|.,., the pacific coast. Extracts} Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C §& Hazelton more or less | » ‘ . y ar | ’ ~ ay, vy given that 1, A. Dp RK. D. RORISON j ington, D.C, One night in 1908}have been received here of a re-| pa au “oar ~ one f. W. MeCrady, Agent | COAL NOTICES. ihe dreamed a burglar was in his port made by Dr. Otte Bohrs-| ays 8 for license Dated Jan. 22nd, 191% . > . » s slee } Le eae a | }room. He arose in hi leep.|mann, manager of the Austra-| = © ae - I stric strict o 1 ri s 8 E s E - ‘ we fouvwing ’ Pub. Feb 21, 1013—Mar, 31, 1913 et ee martonte Islands ae ot got his pistol and shot and in-ljian Waratah team, covering the . ‘ ' i os? ane, — ’ fake notice that I, Fillppo Panvini, of| Stantly killed his wife as she lay team’s tour of the coast. : \ aime, Case i ae a ane —"S ‘he Ch or mmissione a Leoda tee {| asleep in be d. o hen a. ne “Rules regarding the replacing} t 4 a cha s 0 ce : yr 1 » . ; 440 heres license to prospect for coal, oil and pe-| he knew absolutely nothing of], as tale ie “ ota’ aining 640 Bcr Omineca Land District—District of | iroleum on the following described lands, | bes ho had Gane f players are entirely ign red, P RK. D. ROKISON Hazelton jon the west coast of Graham Island j what he nat the report says. “The contest-| V . coed 4 t Notice is hereby given that i, KR. D. Kori-| Commencing at & post planted one mile | . | yr son, occupation financial agent, 60 days| south from the southeast corner of to ants are so imbued with the facet) : after date intends to apply to the Chief| Lease 7432; thence 80 chains north; thence INCREASES PAY OF that their side must win that} Commissionerof Lands for license Ww pres | > hains west, thence 80 chains co i . ‘ i Mar. 24th 3.| pect for coal and petroleum over the fol } thence 80 chains east, to the place of be jthey prepare most assiduously j , lowing described lands | sim nn 208 HIS WORK GIRLS Training with them is a relig- = Commencing at 64 ost planted on the) cated Sth January, 1913 . ‘ : 4 Land District—District of east bank of pereupint Creek about one] iene tee ia — 7. PANVINI | oes ion. It has been stated on reli- OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9OCLOCK Hag 4 miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132 eekly ar. 3, © Apr ‘ o » ‘ > ecor given that 1, RD eee vovuth 80 chains, west 80 chains,| —___—_—_________-_-________ | Chicago Merchant Acts Quickly able "am = ~ — the re - a Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in : pa inaucial gent, 6: ' 4 ins, € » chai © place “rr Ww . as represented | m ; 10 ADDIS to the [BOTH 80 chains, east 80 chains 1 Pires|Skeens Land District—District of Queen] Following Vice Commission number which h repre Less Than Twenty Months Lands for license | ¥ var teks. —_ cane | Charlotte Islands | Hearing one side in a match is ninety-| oO / bore oF ess i ‘ ie e pect | and petroleum over i Take e that I, Filippo Panvini, of me 4 _ : different | J ' / RK. D. RORISON ; ; / 4 one; that is, over six di ren pe following described lands pe Ry ROMS ONsent. | Prince Rupert, B. C., intend to apply ©) Chicago, March 10.—The work as . All Loans Made Bear 2 Interest at the ‘ é at : post planted ’ the hief Commissioner of Lands for a teams have partic ipated as one -. bea 4 I k mile post 128 ooee Jan. 22nd, 1913 j license to peoepees for « sl = = pe of the Illinois Senate vice com- combination Rate of 4 Oo Per Annum : mins, west 80 chains c truoleum on the following describe ands « . / ‘ ust 50 chains to place| A. D. A n the west coast of Graham Island mission bore fruit today when a “This irregular substitution t biainin v eres i 21, 1913-—-Mar. 31, 1913 Comme ng at & posi planted one mile > . — . “he ‘ . e< ’ aining 640 ocr ub. Feb ® - e y i aa oat . a of Coai| letter was receive d by Chait man} aeaused much embarrassment to First Loan made April 22, 1911......... — 500.00 ' wi D RORISON, oe ee ae 74 a; thence 80 chains north; thence Barratt O'Hara from E. F. Man- us. In one game we were beaten Loans made during month of Dec., 1911..... 4,000.00 ; I Mecrady, en Mains e 80 chains south : ivi . Cmineca Land District—District of | thence 8 ns west, to the place of be-|del, president of Mandel Broth- by one point, the opposing half-| Loans made during month of June, 1912.... 17,000.00 , i Hazelton . ‘ taining 640 acres : itness sefer | « ‘ ‘ i Notice is hereby given thet I, A. D e sted Sth January, 1913 jers who was 7 ” me ' ye ae back and wing three quarters| Loans made during month of August, 1912... 22,000.00 24 194 Ma 24th, 1913.] Rorison, ccupation financial agent FILIPPO PANVINI istatine that le ac raise the —_— _ . > ; of » , r ; ’ 912 : 300 ‘ jays atter date intend tw apply the | Weekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7 | e, | wer replaced within twenty min-| Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 chief ¢ munis ner of Lands for li —) $e Re oC minimum wage of juveniles to #4 utes of ‘no side,’ after other sub-| Loans made during month of Dec., 1912..... 35,100.00 | s La t—District of to prospect f i at ove s : eniles are #iris Hazelion. the "follpwing | tiie: & Gale The juver are 5” ' stitutes had been furnished at Loans pending and in process of being made given that 1, BR. D Commencing b ar @ lalenaes ™ |between the ages of thirteen an ‘ rae latul the well- ‘ na de’ 4 949 1 uncial agent old construction camp, mile post 135,| Le secsee eclamisen’ enene ‘Gihe tne employed half 1 Naturally, the ell at December 31, 1912, 68,000.00 | i w apply ww the| thence orth & he re -'* ‘plac: ntend to apply wl teen yea : Wi trained, fresh players at such a Loans made and pending December, 1912... . 103,100.00 i south 80 chains, west 5 hains to plac er ’ = fet o smal errands rerevel © of commencement, containing 64 acres i ecat l - yt pe- n ma rrand . : critical period turned the scale in December 31, 1912—Loans made and in pro- nein eee R. D. RORISON be wing described lands |possible, by reason | : ‘ © @P"=ltavor of the home team cess to date..... ...-- 263,100.00 ‘ : r rener SS 0 > gir . k FP. W. MeCrady, Agent tap a band oe m ness or genera! Hine the girt, Coast referees come in for 3 R tativ . ' ianle t Lie Ss i Ss , t pay = se south from the southeast corner of Coal/the wage wil! be ove! four dol- strictures also. ee ee rare oo License 7432 thence 80 chains south;) jars In addition Mande! stated der eae . KR. D. RORISON Pub. Feb. S¢tm, 9019—Mar. 56m, 1° north; thence 80 chains east, to the place/that following a suggestion of v ’ FP. W. Mecrady, A + et, oe cae ’ n he will employ an VENEZUELO T00 BUSY pert rady, Agent I : 1913 |} the commiss 1 the | : Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Ru cated Sth January, ii AD Gmineca Land District—District of Weenty er. 30 Aged. NY |tavestigator to logs into _ FOR A REVOLUTION ‘ wD |}statements made by applicants to Hazelton Feb. 24th, 101 Mar. 24th, 19143 . , nk. D - Notice is hereby given that 1. A. 7 lascertain if they ean live on the ~ Rorisen ccupaticon financial agent, LA LEAS N 4 Land District—District of lays after date intend to apply to the ND 3E NOTICES lwages they are to receive. Country Booming and Castro Has Hazelton heft Commissioner o ands for license | F ; by gives thes 6 Bk 8 to proape ct for coal end petroleum over | Edward Hillman, of Hillman’s, No Followers, Returning mays a ‘1 1 a “au os the 7 eat ait eset pant 4 near an| Skeena Land — ~ cao of ao a big department store, was a Traveller Asserts. ¢ ro . co scHOL amp, mile post 135 : al withne the ------ - — LL TS a bros, 4 sad natouleen ten Soon 30 chains, west eo chains,| Take notice that James D. Peebles, of| 7 ial and frank noes: oF ' , » ea bed halide . south 80 chains, east $0 chains to place| Vancouver, B. C., engineer, intends to ap-| forenoon, who greeted the propo- New York, March 8.—Lemue ¢ " ‘ post planted | of commencement, containing 64¢ acres|ply for permission to lease the following) Ste “o. ; . ’ pscribed land sition of an investigator with en-]C. Butler, president of the Carrib- ” . a eer oe RORISON Commencing at @ post planted on tne! | , ‘ am hire} bean Coal Company, Wall street BEM a. BD thusiasm and promised to 4 ik mile post ise a e . ins es - F. W. MecCrady, Agent northeast coast of Porcher Island, about s . . ‘ 8 : east & ya Ba Dated Feb. Sth, 1913 & quarter of a mile southeast of the mouth) One or more al once, back from Venezuela, said that nl | Mbehoement, contaimng 640 , 5. BE. © of Humpback Creek, half chain from ere was » foundation for the . : ’ _— ’ a Bia K. DK beach, thence south 80 chains, thence east there , no fe , : - a x K. D. KORISON Pub. Feb. 24th, 1913-—Mar, 24th, 1915.) 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence MAY GET statements published in the New) gg 9 nm rt. W. MeCrady, Agent west 80 chains following shore line to Poni é - aa at Castro was 191 . point of commencement, containing 640 York newspapers oo a “in nH 5 r less. "oe 7 > a revolution to over- Omineca Land District—District of ecres more 0 TAMES D. PEEBLES. CABINET POSITION organizing & revolutiol f x = 19 Hazelton. { throw the Gomez government vis-——-Mar. 24th, 1043 Notice is hereby given that I, R. D Robert Reid, Agent. oe ’ n n $= | Rorison, occupation fMnancial agent, 6 posed some money toe: ‘eens nN er ee es Venezuela is developing an 1 Distriet—District of Gays after date intend 2 apply | : es rs Dr. Roche Not a era of prosperity,’ said Mr But-| a azello Chief Commissioner © ds fo cens - steiieiienia meneame a by ‘ van that I, KR. p.| @_ Prospect for coal and petroleum over . re turn to ctive ler, “and the people are all mak-j | ' | financial agent, 66 | She, following described lands ~ Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Politics. ing money Thoy are too bus) end Ww apply Ww the Commencing at & post planted near | Range V. es : a a f Lands for license | Old construction cmt —~ pg Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van Rochester, Minn., March 8. to waste time on a_ revolutio! nH n < > o ‘ yen south 0 chains, s » . @ . » “7 ; a 4! and petroleum over | >® _ os eae chainiry “dhains to piace | couver, B.C contractor, intends to ap wv. M. J. Roche, minister of the|which would disturb the pres bed lands nor ply for permission to lease the following I | al a post planted | Of commenceme nt, containing 640 acres) i ined lands: interior was operated on al} peace and prosperity of the land.} mn a f a small” cabin} ™ore or less . RORISON Commencing &t & post planted on the . . ss nm nm k mile post 430, § ey nmas Agent northeast coast of Porcher Island, about} Mayo's Hospital today for gall |Castro no longer figures in Ven-| ast 60 chains tc naee | peu Feb, Sin, 1913 a ey Se - fump-) stones. Miss Roche, his daus gh-Jezuelan polities and in the time| Jf EH DL 640 Sores N. W. 4 ‘ Teen ‘half * aot from beach,/ter, is with the patient While|I was in Caracas I never heard nu Hl —— PS RK. D. a more ry . Tr, s ‘ é . é ‘ aci i i 913—~-Mar. 24th, 1913.| thence south 80 Chains, thence west 80 ial tale’ as ‘ : ‘ 2 . a pete wi Dy RORIBON, Pub, Feb. 24th, 104 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east}"0 fears are expresst d for his|his name mention d. The rev a x 1913 iccrady, Agent, —_———$—$— | 80 chains following shore line to point of| uitimate recovery, it 1s said hellutions of the South American a = ee nm ' P one > res more $s Gmineca Land District—District of ¢ coat ee SeP Sere may never return to his post injrepublies are magnified in news x = 1913-—Mar, 24th, 1913.) Notice ts mecee eanee mat 1. B. D.| pesca som danuers pgoset REID. /ithe cabinet. papers. I witnessed three of the | ’ Rorison, occupation fnancial ogent obi Pub. Feb, 10, 19138—Apr. 7, 1013. R. B. Bennett, of Calgary, and|so-called revolutions in Venezu-| li El District—Distriet of ys, ee ee ee ends. tor license = Arthur Meighen, of Portage Laljela sixteen and twenty years ¢ il nl Notice Hazelton » ver | i : to prospect for coal and petroleum over Prairie, are talked of as his pos-jand they did not make as much eiven that I, KR. D 5 | le “unancial agent, 60 we mais sha post 1 near an —e sible successor Each has at-J/trouble rolled into one as the a | a M3, tft nd to epphn ws the comme near ; * 7 ee TESTIMONIAL nm ' old construction camp, mile jf Take notice that Atlin construction cal . vits : ‘ | . > Le ance M: lid ane Foss { Lands for licens | thence south 80 chains, west 50 cbains,| company, Limited, has deposited with the | Ta ted attention in Ottawa and|/strike in Lawrence, Mass,, di = Whe | Wing ‘ od are Over! north 80 chains, east 80 chains to place Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and they are recognized as two of the “Caracas is quiet and business nH Dr. =. Nichol, Llandudno, reports — « 4 * ~ yf commencement, containing with the Registrar of Deeds for the Prince) ‘ “ wll : Tho ‘ = | | a ; . ae ge 7 a a “= mere oF R. D. RORISON Rupert Registration District a description | sharpest western Members, As/is booming, The people = . ‘*Your whisky is, infmy opinion, an ex- - \ cae kK mile post 430 ' Ane aud plans of works to be constructed ob|/ppr, Roche is from a Manitoba|got a good government and are } athe h 80 ch ove F. W. MeCrady, Agent ollowing described lan All and| cellent and well matured spirit ard as ~ : 7 W st 60 “aheinn ae naine Dated Feb, 5th, io49 se euler that Cortain ‘parcel = portion of constituency, the Portage man is|/satisfied. I speak Spanish fluent- nl | h I ; a ly P : d t EH ly amet ‘eat, containing 640 pmo . S % Prince Rupert Gasser and Coreahere, Cs thought to have a shade the best}ly and | made it my business to nl i suc can conscientiously recemmes 0 n > . . - olnin sub-Lot Seven (7?) of waterfron / : e 8 aie) . A. D. RORISON Pub, Feb, 24th, 1913-—-Mar, 24th, 1019 Gooey re the Townsite of Prince Ru-jof it, but Manitoba has Hon.}visit the hotels, cafes and clubs = patients requiring such a beverage. = : ' a he cgeneenene | onde : . aleve : ; ytd Pet a MoCrady, Agent, _ — be rt, rg My Robert Rogers in the cabinet, and|before departing to see if there { } ude ih 4 DF Omineca Land Digeriet District of ecres. be the same more or less, and which} Alberta demands recognition was any truth in the reports in a i EH » Pet ' Hazelton parcel may be more particularly described a Sie! : ; ; ——-- - ' 'Vid--Mar, 24th, 1013 Notice is hereby given that I, R. D jas follows, that is to say: a 7 the New York newspapers a a ——-~—«=- | Rorison, oecupation financial 7: | Referring to the centre of Seal Seve March Rod and Gun. “IT did not hear any allusion to Hn nl jays after date intend to apply tv *| cirele as shown on plan number nine hun : St ; : , , : Hazell “ District of Chief Commissioner of Lands far wt dred and twenty-three (923) Prince Ku Rod and Gun for March, pub-Jexpected trouble in any way. nl nl siven that L BR. D ? Opoapes t ae eogs -t bees wun ove’ | pert Land ee y vme e ne commana’ lished by W. J. Taylor, Limited,|}The Gomez government w ill be = —DISTILLERS— = : i . : the following describec ds lat a point istan xerefrom astronomic ’ ancial agent, 60 en at a post planted)... 1 fifty-nine and| Woodstock, Ont., is out with afehanged in another year, and 1 I EX so hn nd ‘2 apply bo the enout tee yards from ' the a und | east —. mers fae sal” asieomomid varie . ha entertaining list of be lieve it w ill be succeeded by an , A FERGU N & co. H | nds for license . ight-of-wa mile Th] : te ante os g » arte : lieve { , it t tetroloum over os soush 80 chats, . eget 80 ‘ vy ae las wneet oe (i077 $e) contents which inelude the fol-|administration phat will carry En 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow nl ‘ ‘ —— north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place ’ 7 sahaat re , tea ee he of ‘commencement, containing 649 scree) (Orr a a tub Lok Seven (7) ) abeuce | LOWiNg: After Caribou with the}out the plans for developing the] Jif : x 4 a sin . oa . corm uw 8 »Lot & ; ... : . = = \ : om ve Cabin more or less. R. D. RORISON | astronomic north thirty-six Gegress thir jt tehekats, by _s 2 Fraser;}/commerce and prosperity of the nl n un eas “he On | , nda of ine seconds west . ; Menee t 80 chaing to place N 1 ri t th yo: — n 30.13.80 W y Sy hundred and | “Old Canada—A Visit to the/lcountry inaugurated by the pres- uu . . * a l . 1 . . , dale eb Sth, d ps eass ’ i OXlaining 640 acres \ , sixty (760) feet to proposed harbor line; | Gaspe Peninsula,’ by Madge Mac-lent regime. | Prince R rt Co Limited a R b thence along said harbor line astronomic | ' ‘eteleanen * i 1 nu ey p, wl 2. RORISON Pub oh 24th, 1013—Mar, 24th, 1913./porth fifty-three degrees forty-six min beth; “Up the averiey Hoad, - ————_—_—__———— u = Ww. ign ecrady, Agent pee ey ‘i | utes and on soceed a. Se thes 1 by Paul A. W. Wallace; “A Pis- P. Burns and Co, have onion a NTS. "h Land District—District of lthence astronomic south thirty-six degrees| catorial Pilgrimage of Port Ar-|/in the last earload of beef which nm GE nn i Omineca Lanc aoc _ thirteen minutes and fAfty-nine seconds 7 anal ‘ P 7 oe i Mar, 24th, 1013 ao an anettan. that 1 B. D. least (8. 96:19:00 B.) seven hundred and thur Sportsmen, b L W will come to Mission Point, un-| PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. nu : c aK ions jcoupatl n inancial agent, 6: | sixty-one and arty three one-hundredths| Bingay, An Fastern Black Fox} less the poliey of the company is uu a 's . - ; ie nal ; e | 81.33) et; thence : vutt os Z k to sk se District} days after date tatend - wns & | Ae: re e po! er tee minates Ranch,” another of the series|changed, In future, all the beef a n . ae hief Commissioner of Lands for Heens : ¥ ' ; ; ‘ \ i ‘ ; ‘eum over} west (8, 53:52 W.) two hundred and five|*Small Fur Bearers and How to Il be ! at Porphery Wa ©, Goodale, of r ct for coal and petroleur we + sina if are are wi " shippe o rphet! “ Of} to prospec . - lands 205) feet more or less to high water 1 ” . , : : . BERR BRR RRR : ‘upation attorney, | the following deseribed lanted| mark; thenee northerly, westerly and rake Them,” by George J. Thies-| Creek alive and driven from there ‘ ' license to prospect Commencing at 4 post ' i over the following} about 500 yards. from the Grand) southerly following high water mark,/con; an installment of “A Canoelon to the different camps his} Trunk right-of-way, mile 137 | seven hundred and thirty-fwe (735) feet)... a ae ' \ ‘4 post planted at the{ thence south 80 chains, west 80 chains | more or less to point of commencement rrip in 1854," and other artieles| will eontinne until summer when) . ; , , chains to plac And take potice that after the expiration tion 8, Town > }north 80 chains, east 50 chains . ni exe . . ¥ ‘ ¥ ays ' oT S, the ins, the ni eee? of commencement, containing 64° 4°°°*) 4 thirty days from the date hereof ap of outdoor life both east and|the eattle can be driven overland | | | wn - 4 ; th 80 more or less |plication for approval of such works will| west The issue is attractively|from the south rhe local sup a ' chains, thence . 80ON } ' . RK. D. RON e ! the Gov B a ca i aiomumnencoment ¥. W. McCrady, Agent Se, aes e overnor im Council 4t| illustrated and should be read by| ply will have to come from Prince be ° Dat ‘ » Locator Dated Feb. 6th, 1048 Dated this (5th day of Pebruary, 1913 ls 0 Ve ‘i .P uve 0 : Put tan. 3 ‘J Jessup, Agent NE CG } ee et ONSTRUCTION GO RDANY. ill sportsmen and levers of out-| Rupert or Vaneouve: mineca | 40-6 | *4, Mar, 8, 10, 47, 94 BP se esem song—mar. oath, 1019 LIMTIED, door life. Herald.