1913 ae EWS : AILY N ai voceoe FISHER . ELIGIOUS NOTIC onic RAL AND R INTEREST { LAND PURCHASE N me SOCIAL, OF GENER tlached from canner h ) re —-~ ish una ». Mare OOAL NOTICI District of Coast, TOPICS " : lesiring to fi the Fishery saturda y ke i ‘ ken co Association Any fisherman ¢ license to r . pierce wt i, Daniel Sn teen. the Ministerial all views that may AT . application for 15th, 1943. . istrict—Dte Tas patio . > a , ake . oth, AL, NOT ineca Land Dist tori- |». i ission to purchase | Contributed by sarily cearee, el jes must ma fore March ce jet of v= Hane that 1, R. D, Rori-| 5, lanes the | ( does not tae ContriD Rupert be strit Mu days ‘ bed lan ' . y se 7e se D |, WD) Notte is ~~ mt nancia , we ue cite | - Lot 2196, thenee Berth NOTE—The ks ana = he United Officer at Prince p Lame et nee het a son, occupa fends to apply to eto 5 ! . hains, thence 4 ‘alysis in the ¢ ie the date in ' en t n Wa ‘ cam hains tw paraly ts ate ‘ ‘ i oe | after onerof Lan over the f ; west 30 ch ing strial f{ ; with its —— pa w avert i ogee and pe — south 4 ; erent, contain Church Toe | dui s and Canada nd sufs Ee N ate eum © pect olen, 1 lan t planted on the the point KENRY de of the State ghiful lose an K after planted wwe @ neing at a post feeh theut - ae ' EL BRENTON The Attitu Armaments tendant fri - chit pect ; : the Grand ast bank of Po G. T. P. mute 5 coe, Dated . da, 1013 ward ne of the} fering: ‘ve that the " ihe folowing “mil ie mile south are chains, east 8 to place! Pub. Ma ha headlines of © arm. refore, we belie ‘y offe ine smmen ee ot 60 place thence nor a West 80 ss 40 acres| t of Coast, The he tates that the ar There me in the histor . . ' to 80 che . containing 6 tr Distrie ss States co n é i a es uth t, ita | ) t ; ess . wa’ as wher - nk ‘in we of commencemen ON Skeena Land | Mange ¥ yj. Carpenter, city's pres » affects trade, G time h civilization ade ence nortt \ " more OF less ht. D. RORUS coe ; that George rela armer, f Furope a ; re increase Christian vy should be me soul mmen ; iy, Agent ZW. MeCrady [ 1 re e | \ = reptaasen Le ah policy of a llowed by serious inquit f the world as to . le ‘ acy een 1013 0 ‘ ° iDD for pe c 8: ny ca en fo ego ne . more i Dated Jan, 22nd, eee lowing 4 planted te ene ie the army has we effect has by the a f war. In order id ‘ chase the post pl Skee in The . ‘ sessity of wi oul s.1f. DOR 31, 1919 Fea gatas on the | ) ations. ner. 1eces we WwW 4 Pet jth, 1019.) 8 s. W. ¢ 013—Mar. 31, | Comm ta iver, ence 41 rr nati if com the fr uiry Y : nate pith, 1013. ' 21, 1013 f Quit wth, thi once] other ; e s ing “@ e 3. Ww , —— ae Pub, Feb. 21, ma Ae snes 46 Gena ee b n the upse mae disturbing of seoure thi following pro¢ ve Connoisseurs of : th : ive e4 sees nce: ’ “e are " » . ‘ v Pub, Feb. 244 1—bistries of eT t of chains w met 8O point of 7” ian R ‘al conditions ci ents of the suggest a Ament of Canada no in FAVOR with the nents. ub D . stri 9 ha 7 es more o ENTER. cle arrangeme Parlie 1 n nti . i, kD nd Distriet—Di ’ CARPEN ‘ial arra the t Styles Co ; mineca Land et ca Land Dist — OO sre ee @ rancia to Newes Centres of Two ; in Can ve “inanel iy to a WR t ren ‘ n that 1, RK o ‘cms 1 January 28th Apt 7th, 1943. - rid tuation as fa- mm SeSe0n: th parties unite in i the Fashion yrters of an mal guar- v0} celts s hereby giv agent, ¢ f| Dated ' we vo world, » a situé both ps ake it t impe lues a Not i for i ver Notice i financial @ the Chief) b. Feb. 1 —_ t such ¢ * action That ill make larges ng val ly 4 eum © a ee, Bee apply to ros Pu Anen ‘ough the ¢ 1. which w ve are the t pleasi j port on } ; j petro son, Se intend for fieense © b ct of i) d ow thro is the -laration orld that As we the mos llery. We im r ways ull und anted) arier da oherof Lands f over the fol-| 1 District—Distri ‘Neill, of) sous Nn ‘ ms what ota Dee all the w - ive you ewellery. he buye me roNpe a ine’ Grand pect for coal and petroleum ove tae ana ee cupation prospector, of European mn tian chureh? quite clear fete should ex- ade, we ait ties in all ences ain en ittusteates , vine ui 19 ot [pect fo eribed lands lanted on th waxe i B. ¢ oe eS riot & f the Christi: ary Great ae order teed qualities ll at prices talogue j ant 7 os mile chains, liowing des at a post p about one Goose Ba for permiss nds: titude o th of Januar while Gr ibility in ante and se Our ca h as rings, : est 50 lace mmencing ine Creek 132 ds apply lescribed lands mile} atti he montt fol. ery poss ‘ophe of ‘fect gems, values, suc ee w so PB co of Porcus ile post | item . wing de ted one “ing the the aust ever satastroph perfe jollar va jewellery, 7 cuff bn 2 hain acre t bank G. T. P. m chains, | se the f ; 0st plan ection Duri cht up hau awful eats Y for do 1 set je ings, unk r 640 6 eas from est 80 cha ng at ag asterly dir ’ “ough ani. id the aw 1 such lollar mone earr i » ‘ine s south ins, we ace | omme southeaste pany’s vas br *h unar avoid houls of d : of dia lets, are ence : : mile th 80 cha hains to 5 , ' 4 yer Comp l-lthere we which to av rar, yet s s lines s, brace : ewellery 8 N. mee nor east 80 ¢ O O68! a stent cn j reek Copper east fo anifesto ‘olufii« ‘uropean war, 3 + ready te ny fines endants, f this j it ae RORISO nt the 0 chains, ining 64 ié the Hidder C., thence 80 im mar ‘itish Col a Europes lanada is ree man) sklets, p nts o , Write ee * cCredy, Age south 8 ment, conta ifrom th Bay, B shore line 8 lowir ia Bri tof a & it, Cana : . hes, neckle The mou desire. or it McCrady ence f, G s of the thence assec i anifesto resuil, ire, brooe , te. ; to . Ww, M f comm : SON wharf, sinuosi tie 0 chains, ly pe The man a war : e Emr ) 8, e aa ding more of les > crear Agent. | jowing “thence north 8 uth 20 chsine § aaa devel court. Thi at and oF ielt with th it of Ca- links, scarf eam or gold, ac ani jewellery. ; ‘ MecCrady, ly ins thence s, thence s< ning ac » sté rliamer : Platir f diamo sod 10123 Fr. W j cha $0 chain t t, contal bis » itself: he Parlie ade in n on Da 24th, d, 1913 | west : vencement, . or i 2. That the ores. made : matio s af Mar ———_ Dated Jan. 22nd, | point L mmen ae seme ; speaks f Manifesto 2. Tha 1 approach the Pres for further infor imt e pub, Feb. 24 + District of a. DR. Mar. 34, 1013 - ww. temean — t Parliament o nada should ap s of the United * Sons, D 8. E 21, 1913-—Mar, § | F. 1913, 3. ‘hereas the : » its at- . Congress : ac. eee Haselton that leak 6 Pub. Feb simnteoreiieil | Dated January saat Apr. 7th, 191 Wherea soon to decide j ai ident — king towards joint sie enr ir Ss SILVERSMITHS z agent, . —_———- ) eb. 10, iia ‘ ada is " “nts a . _ ook 2s to , Hnsncial Sen has Pub. Fet siclaett anada armamen States, srture D N = aa” or eee ae t-—-District of District of qk aa to Naval ar a growing no in making ae all at once JEWELLERS AN lau Land m o stric . strict rn son, ‘ i -— 2 .. » “ 8, lo Cf iter a petroteu oil Ominecs | w Hazelton. $1, & D. Ror pr ea Lend Distrte RD a a days Whereas ther thinking men European ro ir representa. \ - lands lante en that I, days | ‘ rancouver, ef Co ‘ me 90-7 % f e spe ost planters eby giv nt, 60 lak Van to Chi 5 A ami ed pe : ‘il oo heir in- pros pag OP cota otice is hereby ancial age Chief *" f to apply to Lot 915 A, inion een civiliz a Counce » afresh the mmencing k mile 1 00 chains, 7. ’ oeeupati hae" i apply mo ree letter de ands to ES niver, aera het war betwee f barbarism, as tive s to consider afre This coun- wilte I wes fo piece | son, date inten Is for license he fol ner of Skeena li elie Oo ‘ he} tive ‘elations. c ira 4 ) chains eres | after f Lane over the " listrict, oa a reli “e in t al rela ex. 8 640 & ssioner oleum Cassiar d or le "s is ¢ lace ernationsg ith an ace 4 taining 6 Commi | and petr ass s more 013 SON ple of | “ ». | teri “oceed w . pe ae eencement ie ISON pect AC ribed lands t planted on a "Dated Feby. Sth, . D RORI Agent jabsurdly out ry as it is waste cil should oe igation of the munvent KR. D ree Agent gg mere at a pes Creek about aa F. W. McCrady, | ewe ntieth century ; haustive investigé nt situation [ ecrady, om. r reupine 08 oe , ad: ty a 1a . . ‘ese ’ y ois. east bank n trom G. T. I ast 40. chains Ma a. ware ful and wicked; 1c s of life and causes of the “ and earnest. ve & south ‘ ins, ¢as oO lace _ i € ‘ ‘ ~ os *% > veé aed Feb Oe cee on est 80 chains > lcs ae Wheréas the entailed by and should hones » method of 24th, 1 thence ains, we ining 64 ICES fering ane 1 some DS 1913-—Mar north 80 ene, contet COAL NOTICE: | physical suffe ly upon the pro- ly seek to fine tional differen- WwW p, Feb. 24th, 1 seamen — _Cummmones ORISON ee ea Pp ss reely sulting | ly i ernatio e | = trict—District of ae or les RK. D. B =, Agent et of Quee o war falls la nd the resu adjusting int armony with th 4 — DAI laa | istrict » oie PF. W. MeCrady menetie Distr ne classes, a truegle for more in hart nd recog. cad |e) t elton ‘ ‘ 1d Dis slands. in > s ‘es . . 2 ‘ Haz given thet i ot, 66 n, 29nd, 1913 Skeena Lat Charlotte i ippe poovias, of | due and bitter ives andi ce f civilization. ¢ ties that rs % re) ee y -\ ; cK : wl oto apply le aos ~ 13 tice that I, intend to nba e)sorrow ¢ pon their w epiri e fact that the ti rid rm 2 Ti gOCLO ; ie injend to is for licens A.D. KR 31, 19 Aaa By og er of Lands ie lexistence u 4 1g the fz one wor N Cc after da rot “petroleum over a Feb. 21, 1913—Mar “line chiel Ce yepect. for coal, ibe 2 lela, — less children: and liate duty} nizir . Il people into y and so EVENINGS ¥ of the C-H-I-C in anid pe a lhcb oe re oe: & wing nee ue| help . as the immer rr right| bind a re now so many s can OPEN derful Growth me a " post "$98 ——-—— ; roleum ‘coast of Graha ted ope m Whereas : is is to amily ar ) nation Won Months wing dese a» Sail a et sitet. sthteites it vo want cote, s post Preorner of | Goal ¢ civilised ——— numbers ee that no sag ar without Table Showing nod Than Twenty une in 4 7 pis tric ~~ en sou theas orth; io : ‘ . é Les: au et 80 chains 0 Cres Omineca acelin I, RB. D. Rori Me m all ‘80 chains ia south; the wrongs of t n borders who ven prepare for all others. Oo Interest at the st west & 640 en th : yp days Coan 4 “ . 8 ce of be aim yw . eve 4 cling ¢ ‘ ca, ComtalNug N Notice is he Aaa val -_ the Chiet |b “chains west; cost, to the place © within their « 1 by poverty = eriously affeet ny European na- Bear er Annum u Nou uo oO 5 su ch chaihs east, res “se *( ez Ss ‘ 4 g \ ’ ” Gs : B.D ae ai ithe “aeae” wade’ te pg *” jaune, contetaiar Bae i913. ‘NM fare handicappe nditions; an The refusal of a conference Loans Made P ecrady, date in ands for li the fol ning, con wuary, 194: PANVID al ; mie co s|Th “ro such a . All ry. W. M after jonerof Lan troleum over Located 5th Jal FILIPPO harsh econor mense sum tion to enter diy act. may be Rate of 5 ‘ 500.00 1913 CommMniss al and petro the on Apr. 7. )hars the im . is | tic friendly ’ . : ted ' for cos lands da on ar. 3, to J | reas armamen an unfr ee 2 eee see .00 AW. 24th, 1943 lowing ome wy peas Rok about my — a ueen| Wher ng spent on arn ployed, | being 4 by economic pe Se ree April 22, 1911.. 1911..... 4,000 s ’ i » Cre x , > x > J > . » °” Pub. Feb, 24th, 1943—Mae sank of | Porcupine P mile we District-—District of Q a on f otherwise em} f the | followec urtax on its ‘aia Can First Loan mee month of Dec., 1912 ' shaanae b. | , ss oe 1 ’ st 80 « i 1 Distri 7 | , > ee o . asas a ee 4 an . 2 ; District of ee ee ef chain, ee oe | eeeens Lan barlotte Fileee yo pd would, f en the poverty such : "| nited States anc Loans made oo anth al vere ie. arenes District os south 8 east 80 ch 640 scres tice that I, tend to eee ®\ vastly less and with the : de durin f August, Z 34.300. eca La elton i, BR. D.) then 0 chains, ontaining Take notl B. ¢ in Lands fo 7 ‘ orld; an ont of{t¥ . ns ma / onth of ! 2 _— ’ i Hazel that 1, 64 rth 8 ent, col Rupert, ner of nd pe lized w sopmen by the Loa ing m iov., 1912.. ¢ 00.00 given agent, ho snenceme IN Prince Wi tuinissione eal, oil @ is.) civi » develor ada. rranged by : de dur h of Nov., 35,1 ’ » 4 ial oO Utlor com : RORIS( ; Chief ch for coal, ibed lands, ‘eas the *“n made be arra as Loans ma ; month « EB vices 7 . auiul Oo appiy + ense y or less hk. D iy, Agent he ww prospe ing descr | Wheres ; has been 3. That it lanada that a: - during Dec., 1912. 4 - ie more MeCrady, cense he follow m Island le States has the 3. . 1 Canadsé 3 made th of ° de i 6 ah ta tea eee Fr. W eum on tb of Grahar ed one mile United Sts ipon ‘tates ane has Loans mon being ma 00 ‘ f ,e truleum 913 ca ths Gant coun st plante f Coal] the ‘awing up : United Sts standing de during ss of be 68,000. i uf ang pete ; b. 22nd, 1 nm the w ng at a po t corner of C e | le by dra s of Eu- an unders furo Loans ma in process aes : 0 ope bed lands plapted Dated Jar Commenct southeas orth; thenc ossible ? sections soon as a ween Euro- 06 ding and tte eeeee 3,100.0 b seril post planes from the chains n uth;| | f all of | soc at betv ; pending 2 see 103, wing oa st ia N. E. C 31, 1043 }south from hence 80 chains so | ilation o lopment ‘rived a ‘all a Loans jf 34, 1912. 8062... DINEDCILE ~ mile =e hains, 'D. A 913-—Mar ' | Lease 7432; t t; thence 80 » place of be-| populs » develo Yibeen arr ay will « , : 2cember lecember, ee os ! woes Se ee 8 id 21, 1 as chien cede Gane. to the pi lrope, and the upon her ability an powers, the » the wan at Dec » and pending De de and in pro- 63,100.00 "on one ea Mas a 1 of | thence § niaining 640 1913 NVING, |. nada depends pon the same ~ ‘il representing verman- Loans made {2—-Loans ma renee 263, ‘ lain ents 1 District— Distric i “— ated 5th eer IPPO PA! a ; aw largely up Counc establish a j nt of December 31, 1912 eee ee WU! ni . D . 7. o dre . rs, to -ttleme e teen eee 286 D. ROnIS nt sineca La si ton. ae I, BR to Apr. 7 ellis a ‘om- | power : >» sett : date.. tive I we Mecrady, Agen Un si a ‘give a a. en at, Weekly Mar. 3 t —— 2s sources; and ‘ause of the com mt eourt for the tes by reason cess to See our Representa Ld i. h, 19143 Notice A upation os s yistrict of Queen Whereas bece nee of the | « ‘national dispu not by ed Feb liners. © date intenc sand bs District-—Dt - i” 1r-dependen ; ier- | intern: sousness and o 3 24th, 1913 nee ie eS = i Skeens Lend a e Islends. Panvini, ylete inter al and comn and righteousn ute force. Home i h, 1913—Mas —| days ® maentestones and Bs “a. hk ene P apply to} pl i's finaneial European | anc sion and bru Rupert b. Feb. 24 eee ST ke not inten as for 8! worl a great ? blind pas eral Bidg., Prin District of of OK ihe "cs ib post B . i Kupe ~ missioner of i and st leial centres, a g practical in-|b . ae Local Office, Federal District Commenct . camp 4 A Chief , for coal : d lands, } ¢j; ; “oduce hen ltawetbon ga sid const th 80 Seat 86 ac license t ae > fo low! ng oe acland war would pro¢ AMENT te 4 ‘6 6agent the | thence > chains, we ro taining O60 ¢ troleum °. 7 ast of hoa teen’ one = es TOURN ‘ ~ we apply to se} south 8 ement, con ON = te Wess at & post | orner of Coa ICE. : niend 1 ' for heen f commen » ROKIS ' Commencing southeast « ns south; ATER NOT . ‘ i —, eum ove: a or less ye J Crady, Agent th from the thence 80 el 80 chains w - Use Water. IN nd pe : Vv eee 7482; st; thenc 2 place Take and unar, : tbed lands punted an ivas secenee 748: "a5 ound ¢ ast, to the place} For @ License to iven that Jock Bon ar, wins post igs i Feb. 5th, then: ence 80 « 640 acres j s hereby ¢ c., will ap ers wson i 0 y a; al 4 No e, B. , * al post ® Dated F h, 1043.) Saence © containing 3. tice i n Lake, B 150 min h ding Da ‘‘* 6m) chain s. W r. 24th ve ginning ry, 191 »ANVINI tsumkalur nd use k, whic ns Lea - . east to place D. R. h. 1913-—Ma lor t ane Sth Janua FILIPPO PA loft Ki ge 10 take & of Halil Cree through skan Tow in the west 60 te acres z b. Feb. 24th, ——_—_——- Loe 3 to Apr. 7. la i water p ts direction tu Dis and Whitehorse Emm ‘ ‘ . taining 6 . aalia | Mar 0 inc a weste : nge ™ Lake ue oo ee _ ee ee ams, lee yaa into *AMisuniaaiuan’ ake Bowling Leag See KD. iM “Agent ict-—Dis YOTICES., "et, and emp borner Of Ea t about A nn ml MeCrady, and Distri . DIS . LASE NOTIC trict, southwest corn at a poin e user » final Hn tbi8 mineca | er, as gent, & LAND LEAS Water will be diverted a on the land de ht will witness th “| n ed Feb bereby neial & o th up from ses Oo Lot 1521, Tonig rname : ; ee ee” ply to tk ‘oast, | mile on pur ion of . al tour We ¢ Mar, 24th, 1913 risou, occupal intend to 3 for licen ' Prteiet of Cones, | aut oA be eouthects Tg und » internation ary 41th. 9 Ww 24th, 1943 — ee alter dak eee eee ad District—t | Sorted as sommneesy aed the fe ap-lof the February nH Feb i Se f days COnMMIssione ai and pet Skeena Lan Range V. Peebles, si Range V, fe was post 1913. The the started on se trict—-District 0} : a spect a scribed are as near ab) tice that James best to + This oo des of cate ft omen of which st teams being tho Hl ml a Land Distrt cc | the following ‘des ee EXe post 435 | Take no 4, engineer, following | on the 5 ll be fiec Rupert id testing te and . Hazelton. that I, K the f cing at a », mile fp chains, | uver, B. C., lease the ylication wi er at Prince with ‘the sa’ the contes Dawson anc | ml eby given agent, ¢ es Sniae, went: 06 » place | Vanco permission to the W ter Recorde y be filed com troller Skagway, Ds * Huancial to the 4 construc » chains, hains to place |ply for p ds: lanted on a ctions ma with the ulldings, Juneau. § | ipation ee ei ih § st 80 ch 40 act ribed lan post p about! Obje pcorder or ament of Ju a i se intend 4% for licen thence bb hains, eas taining ¢ | descr neing at a her Island, ‘water Reco: hts, Parli , , ead petecieum "onet oa neath. Gen RORISON peneass euant SS cease a - ¥ Water bis BONNAR, Applicant. igs ogal the Star have pro- nl | "ry - @ ijof co oss RK. D “Agent ao of a m half chat aS Victoria, B. JOCK ) es , apect bed lands planted re or les Crady, Ag 4 quarter of | Creek, thence ¢ fr ~=Readers o » White- H x liowing describ post bin | mo w. Me Humpback 80 chains, thence 3 to 24. hat the “ae pall = Cw I 3 of pe south 0 chains, Mar. sed ~=lttha WuUeLC Lg c 8 su t 130 Sth, 101 ch, thence so north 8 line to bly notic ‘inging up a | ; ue : pos : Feb. 5th, beach, s, thence ing shore 640 bably en bring bu rumk mile t 80 chain Dated 191 80 chains, ins follow niaining TER NOTICE. has beer suulh 80 cha ns, wes to piacel 6S * 3—MaF. 24th, west 80 cha encement, 0 WA — jeter. Jhorse team *y, but they EH a st 80 chains acres} & & th, 1913—) t of comm F S. - Use w 3 : tourney, a ca coameiaian bee Se sah oe ees. aie ae “Taiags . as... nis 0 tes on Sone Ww. MelD- the rear in : thes the team n En ae N f ol by y ou ‘riday i. D hasnt 1+—Dis i ’ otice Bay, sin wi ‘ # as ‘ K. D. RORIS trict oO K 913. 13 N is hereby will A inches ll also n last Frid rady, Ag District January, 7, 19 f Goose 150 mine hich Dawson : vise Omineca Land, Distrie that 1, RD sepa pom te 1913—aApr. pane, & S and yan 108 Creek, | weseh outplayed i iitah ged Sun 1 n 7: b. Sth, 19 ; iven ent, of Pub licens: of an bo te * pre. Ned wm 1949,) Notice is, hereby Niatital 94 oe Net of Goast,| of water sousneriy direction Hotel. The ere ae at We | a l x ADK ~Mar. 24th, rison, occ - intend is for lice v t—Distr flows | Bay nea @ poin Sieau Tues ° th, 1013 Rorison, date Lan sum over Distric Goose rted at Urposes | oa e Pub, Feb. 24th after ner of ye troleuls ak Land v. Vv. into "ill be dive mining p d reek jloubt nm = ai days issiol d pe | Skeena Range of Van will d for : r an “nt week. no <¢ r _ Comm a) and D n} bert Reid, - | water be use ig Coppe sen ere is nm sud District—District of to" prospect for veri = ees st 43! Take notice WU ee wine fellewine + = tend eee ve he ground Now, villi neondan could a vaineca Land - % Db follo ta pe ile oe s C., coi on 1 cla “ m t 7 ‘a to- Hazelton i the cme & m ) chains, | r, B. . to lease minera: posted of The the loc sam a that |, 60 Comment m calbp east & lace | couver, rmission the | Aacaid e was i ry, 1913. fi that “7 ay tea nH Y cccupatign “kennel agent, ern es Solas, ee tae ie i ted on This notic S ne ee hes a y the Skagw ont u : Nnanc to the! oid x 80 «¢ 0 chains acres | ply lands: t plan about h day o im the lay th namen pation 10 apply 1) Se ee west 8 g 640 a he co Ey the 4t be fled Rupert. outplay the tour Hn late intend ds for license | tone 0 chains, containin oe mmencing f Porcher f Hump-|on tion will at Prince he said nd win ‘e games ssioner of Lam leum Over) orth 8 cement, ON ; Ge coast 0 f mouth o applica Recorder d with t ler; night a few more ge . Mission role Sommen: ORIS | northeast ast o d of C Water y be fle Fomptroll a fe ave| ai and per of com lees R. D. BR Agent. | por ilies southe north en beack, | the ns may vith the Comp es here were » we have y described lands t Dianied | ore or “McCrady, 4 }2% m kK and at the from 80) — Objectio' der or wi & Bulldings,| it the sad of one, le , w cree if chain west : Recor Parliamen y insteac but to nl acing = at OO cabin ! j back Cre ha thence eest! Water ts, slay i » it, bu he corner © o¢ nile post ted Feb, Sth, 1913 | onee ‘seme be theo chains, 0 peins of | wah ee REY, spateemt. to ge, | them noi to m to win, | | L ml leat yrunk mile 40, chains ba Wie 5—-Mar. 94th, 194: thence SS telowien shore rd one anes Victoria, ts McINTOMINEY 10, 1913. — the Skagway tea oak ecin x TESTI rts :— nm bh 80 ¢ , Nn. ! , MON : nee orth 0 chains res D. A h, 194% ains fo talning eb. 17, erm ¢ oes ‘ repo a. cement, CoMteiing 640. her Pub. Feb, 24t : commencement, cos ROBERT REID. ou. # 7. seevilins paar.) ‘ote the 42 nl Nichol saagdndne, an eS- x “O HIME RCeent, s. SSIGNMEN agr 10 . ° i n at w Mecrady. Agent, ene ee goth aie 7, 1943, NOTICE OF Ass pursuant} on that sereents separate » - x Dr. ae is, in “my ae end Ga x FP. W. Mec Land Dis RK. D Dated 0, 194 hor. == iven that, 90 s Which yay and Jun- “Your w , ed spir : eca Hazelton. hat I, Gt ub. Feb. 10, == é hereby given ds Act, 1 j- | pins vent Skagway o ll matur d to mn Dated Feb. sun, 1948 Cm iyven that ent Pub. OTICE is he Trust Dee liam Wi sh event § “@ Ry d we mmen reby € ial a8 the NOTICE editors’ st Willi ptor which irst place. t an : ly reco 2 3 ce is here ; Nnanc ly to z he “Crec , Erne Contract in » for firs ellen : 1ously , | y Feb. 844m 1018—-Mar, O4th, 109 Rorisun,_ o¢ date. intend Lands. for Doves neues tion| and ne Hivovinge ot Brttag co, eau will - ; e team gy? my - : ch I can conscient h a beverage. mm Pub. Feb, 24tn, aon” abter of roleum —— construe ra, carry the Pro he 21st ‘hitehors fourth su Sok suc ai days 4 tor coe) and pet that Atlin co sae Bore. conryens ved dated & eel the Whi ake fe a ; ring ; 4 Duntehneinent a a for — gn Oe near an Tene motes, 4 : ‘epost with and Rimbia, as 07s, ‘assigned al we veffects ere ing itself ° - it will n patients requi a vmineca Lan to P wing des ost p ost 13% y, Limited, Vorks @ Prince puary, rt a ten attac pe standing, t | Hazelton, I kD follo ab a f em . pose, Nee Lome: Fpubiie. "We for the Februar) een a al tee vinnie of the s ssue a | that 1, OO ee ity camp, 1 80 . ter of F f Deeds scrip lO | oad’ > seized « ddr Finnie 0 jlace in m to iss nl i Notice is ny reby given i agent, com uction | 5. wes to place | viniste gistrar 0 ict a de n | De may be o Alexar ® Province | posit of eaciermiies th nea! the onstr chains, shains the Keg » Distric ucted On | eich cution, t rt, in the the tina r series ¢ — Siaae pation final apply to old ci uth 80 t 80 ch with ogistration be constr nd r execu se Rupert, nt, for leave ji ther se — mH P te tend to y licens ence 80 , eas I rt Keg s w : All a under ¢ Prince ecountant, . y ano le o tt mt mer “ot re ee eee See uunencement, coutainit: RISON ond plans ee “anand oal an f comes D. RORIE rent follow -ertain par spore +10 w his © hereby aid Ern ts withe whie brospect ds ; me lease oF leas, KR. ly, Age the p that cer and fore front! Henent 1CE is "s Of the § the} contests docio y te scribed jan st plan more o Mccrac gular Harbor f water ND NOT reditors held at e bragga foi po abin PW are aunaee (3) of wate Rue} "Al f the Ore iM be held a Iton, : of winning EH DISTILLERS— tatwenciy s .hl6°8 small cal 13. Prince t Seven f Prince -eting 0 filburn, W re & Fulton, spirit yut in th ver of 4 t 130, eb. Sth, 19 sub-Lo whsite 0} eleven | mec liam Wi AS gy EE. Ru- | 8} crop ¢ ar- co. the 0 le pos - ~d Feb joining si f the To containing t)lest Wi of Mesar lding, Pr , or]. ‘times f the v nl SON , nds Trunk yw 80 chains,| nore é Bd, 1003. | eae Jolumbia, ¢ (11.8 omces Pues day some sores O FERGU : 2c . , Co. redths oh! Law chan, he 1 he The score Buce south 8 vert" chains to eed K. 5 i 24th, 1013—~Mar — | pert, eal a less, yh Root as < eye, Oe a teams. as 17.980 EH ALEX. t Street, Glasgow mn th 8 a ing Pub. Feb. ’ and e same mc cularly vert, 013, a hat al} sams are; 7, Regen commenceme ot Contain Pu t res, be the partic i ch, 1 y given tha rus tes éeuew ~ West nl . ¢ : more 7 sove | Mar 1. reby ¢ he said} j¢ ea 7.34 108 re or less ORISON, District o aoe may be to say: Seal Co flernoor CE is he inst ola, BY sees 17,347 4 — KD. hi Dt. district parce that Is to. tre of hun- | 4 ND NOTI rlaims aga quired t& Skagwa) sae ‘ —— — Crady, Age ca Land I D follows, the cen mber nine A! ving cla are re veri De ate ed ia's a etd abe 1553 ae ‘ Dated rep, suf tis we Omineca | ——— et LR. ie neterring SS plan neat Prine Ue. pernons william Wilburn, peme, duly sald) Juneau .. ae ere oon : oi = sate ; ° by g&i cial agent, the cle as 8 three d comme The s varticu »claration him 4a a 16,43 \“ . e is here Nnanc ly to Cir 1 twenty Mee an ‘ONOMIC | Forward Ff tory dec dw h See «1+ * 29H sa 913 Notice pation oe i red and egistry | om ast 1 by statu ddresse before t | rr le D. | Mar, 24th, 4 Dm, occuy intend is for li ap | ae Land Reg therefr Bine andl ned by er Finnie, a on or b i per- hitehorse ul ? D. Feb. 24th, 1943-—) Rorisy fier date of Lands leum ove pert t distant nd ffty- ONC | Alexander rt, ¢ ad that a 1) Wh . after mer < etrole pin ad a stron » iuper ar Wilhan ae ret of Chler coael for eoa) a Vand nlanted | ote ens ees) feet 2 a and priate Ri Maren, 1919 a Brnees amount a a mineca Land District—-Distré p.| te wing ae pest the! aren? | inree-t > hundred a Haste. J sons ae kee taped ola “Ghignne “torte Alive a AGENTS x ; Hazelton th, BR. D. | he to neachhg—& from 397% | ee ton one - hun southwe ce} Wilburn a to the s fter Not Yet . ani Notice is hereby #iven tha ent, 60 Commenct yards mile » chains pee eight at being the (7); thence jue by them y wiven that a of he bargains nH Cc nm ich “Ananecial ag to the | pout oor ht-of- way, east & place | sixty said poin b-Lot Seven grees thir. | « th ICE is hereby 3, the assigne : live to the . & B. ° pa pply » | ab rig chains, ins to 1s | feet, aid su riy-six deg west! wi NOTICE eh, 1013, ots of the you ali Froud é UPERT, ier Vet date intend to @ for license | Prank uth 80 t 80 cha 40 acre ner of 8 th thirty seconds AND of Mareh, » the’ asset itled Are ) Scott, EH NCE nu e ner of Lands leum over thence so chains, wes taining ¢ cor nomic nor nfty-nine dred and the Sist Gay two distribute who are ent - get at §& rake up. PRI in coal and petrole north 80 ¢ cement, coo ne enone S and ), seven huni bor Une; | te, proceed to d pescone Save ce claims, you can ? If not, wa ! mn nn "boil leseribed lands lanted | or commen ). RORISON, t |teen m 13:59 W. oposed har’ OME | catate amone regard only lL then ha orn hoe sale? 62.63 EEn Ving st b o r less. RK. - ly, Agen N. 36 et to pr line astron | est having ich he sha respon” | Co.'s shc Be oe en Cabin | more ot ’. W. Mecrady, | (760) fe a harbor lin six min | thereto, fed, of wh i mot be so} a BEE ther of 3 0st 130, any (F bee A eee Pe a FR HY part thereof so mmm “ud Trunk = mile ne chains Feb. Sth, 194% thence fifty - three east (N, wares: feet; |) ne tee assets or @ “oe perecee of oe SF nl Beene 50 Chains, east to place pated 1943.) north on second Awe (76 e sible for th any pers Ui not then eS Be > 24th, nd on id sixty ix degre ited, to bt he sha - Bu 08, West £0 a acres x S--Mar, 24 utes @ xdred al th thirty-s onds | distrib. nm or debt said this twenty EE ; containing = 6 . Dd th, 1043 even hund mic sou hine see i pose ClalL > as afore es use, re — )RISON, Pub. reb ” —— | thence minutes ee coves bundred duns | reelved nauee, 'rinee ners rr} nee Forty years in ribed and ” wi sei Rate ee ee t—District of | rteee se:ts birty:-thaee setae "seats | sth day oF NANDER FINNIF, Assig ears standard, preso jans. For e Ts * : — rie | at ( Q \. ate th 1948 Omineca ant alta that I, A. D sinty aoe . thence itty-two ea ive ’ 5 rar) pwnd mended by physic ‘mertel’s a ent 41.33 grees an an Mar. 5 r. W ; Mar. 24th, 1018 Notice is hereby on - olf = th | bray. three ae | two ee wer —_. n’'s Ailments, your druggist. e » Feb. gaan 1013—Ma 2 vO occupa tend Wo | "Pos licens | at (5. 5 re or les yesterly . Ss Wo t you vay Rorison dale in f Lands m over we » feet mo rtherly, we r mark, in le Pills, a tee , ve after issioner 0 f petroleu 205 thence Bo high wate feet ertise Female * 1 District da) f Comm coal anc 1s ted | | mark; lowing Nive (735 t./ Vi — ‘arlotte Islands Land Chie spect for ribed lan¢ + planted | therly f nd thirty: encemed —_—_— he facts istrict Of Skeena. ‘ , ofl to pre wing desc . pos he Grand) soy hundred @ int of coms iration ints the - ninginy, eine tb hw the ome Tee” vente ee Sains more or leas thee "that eevee ie caper mH The paper that pr *, Washington oceupa va rospect 4 500 ‘of way, ost 80 ones ee And take no from the works w S News, \ ‘DpIY for’ @ ‘une following | gout wi he” na, “chains ge of thirty on proval o = Council at ~the Daily 4! and pet leum o ence 8 eas tion Gove ' then hains rontaining rica o the 5 , the a 80 ch t, con ade 104 i 4 post planted ship? | Sra ce cmies BORIGON. =i be a peesuz, MANY ue Section ®. Towns ie ad) of re oF leas RD. spady, Agen Oa this 15th a etek com wt. SO chains, thence hence | io FP. W. Moc *SRTLIN ae" so (henee north ys saanapencoment ted Feb, 8th, 1018 ; M80 chains 10 point of ec Locator 4 ’ 4th, 101 KR. ( At heseag. Agent “Feb. @4th, ivi3-——Mar. 2 ( , 1048. , " Pateq Jan nt Mar, 3, 10, 17, 94 | ote a a | |