a ==] THE DAILY NEWS (|==: THREE POST OFFICE CLERKS KILLED BY BOMBS SENSATION IN HOUSE RE. HOCHELAGA ELECTION CHARGES—NEW TACTICS OF SUFF RAGETTES ST. 7, PATRICK’S CONCERT WAS SPLENDID SUCCESS a toy ind filled the part to perfect Mr. G, 8. Fitzmaur- ice’'s make-up as Eglantine Rose nasher was most am- po le Mr. Aleck Stowell d Miss Clifton, as Mr. and A tote aduke Moke did excelle ore rhe committees consi 7 ne of Me D. W. Morrissey, | PRINCE OF WALES SAILS FOR GERMANY | | Left London Last Night to Visit Germany for Purpose of ~ Learning the Language March lef t| : | 17—The for London, Prince of Wales tonight Ger- Ireland’s Patron Saint Was Duly Honored Last Night |". ' Gibbons, R. E. Moore, Ncv.|/many where he will spend some ---Irish Songsand Melodies Were Much Enjoyed Lhe t given by the Cath-Jent makers of history, who had S ist evening in the ;sprune from the > Little Green Westh rheatre, was @ pro- Isle Miss Laura Holtby's beau : tiful voice was heard to great i both from a0 | advantage in “An Jrish Letve ar t financial point of]Song,” and The Little Irish r heatre was eomfort-| Girl Mr Bullock aes ably f by a most enthusias-|was enthusiastically re ‘ sudiencs whieh included re-|“Off to Philadelphia nae cabty| pre i f a great many | bre aght down the house in “Phil ott i than the Irish, al-|the Fluter’s Ball Mr. J. Filion though vas the birthnight of | we as particularly funny in an eq- th pa aint luilibrist pantomime and several The programme opened with|of his stunts were = extremely] a he i selection “Irish| clever A duett “Mother Mach A wl mediately put thefree” by Mrs Mullin and Mr aud ‘ good humor Miss| Fletcher was well received and ed a cordial recep- | heartily applauded The first ( e Back to Erin,” and| part of the programme closed se to an eneore gave alwith the duet “Larboard Watch t ve song “T Love | by Messrs. G. and J Couture l Mr. Brady gave ajwhich was an extremely accept tation “Sweet Kit-|able number The second part O'N vhich was much ap-|of the programme consisted of} at Little Miss Florriejan amusing farce Turn Him 1 favorite with/Out Mrs. ( T Heward, as audiences, ac Susan, the Maid, made her ini j if iurels in “Henry,|tial bow to a Prince Rupert aud yh t ind Mr Brown'sjience, and made a mos t favor M j { Brady, wholable impreasiot He appear was tt { the evening lance and manne! e charming i 2 address which;und it is to be hoped that Prinee 1 patriotic senti | Rupert audiences will have the spoke of the Irish-|pleasure of seeing her again be f country and re-|fore long. Mr. Mark Harby was Z \ f the many promin-|very funny as Nicodemus Nobbs, ELECTION CHARGES CAUSE SENSATION IN HOUSE AFFIDAVITS READ CHARGING IMPERSONATION AND OTHER IRREGULARITIES—MINISTER OF JUSTICE CAUSES GensaTion ~ iihiesidliiehinieleiiieli Special to The Daily News. a monetary way and by patron- Ottawa, March 17-—L. J. Gau-lJage According to another afll- 1 S icinthe, today pro-|davit Merecil is alleged to have uced affidavits in econneetioa}observed certain irregularities at th chelaga bye-election|the time of the election and made duds ving Louis Coderre.|certain discoveries Coderre lidavit signed by Emil Bo-]made denial charges. Hon, Chas issa date of Feb, 15th,| Doherty, Minister of Justice, ad- * forth an allegation to the/dressed the house and created fect that Bourassa together| quite a sensation by reading th | rother and certainjanother aMdavit by Bourassa, phe were engaged by Co-|the principal witness in estab ‘tre, Secretary of State to work|lishing the charges, that he peraee 1 an impersonation] (Bourassa) had signed the for ‘heme, which was carried out|mer affidavit in Mereil’s office day It is alleged' without knowing the contents hat they were to be rewarded in’ of same. MILITANT SUFFRAGETTES ADOPT NEW TACTICS AKE WAR ON THEIR MORE PEACEFUL SISTERS WHO DE- SIRE TO SECURE VOTES BY EDUCATION to The Daily News.) Lond Mareh 47-—The P have Spec lal |aoros AND LURISH TO MEET APRIL 1 ragettes | now de- | ared w uy on their sisters who! Wrestling Championship Will 7% to obtain votes in a Take Place at Kansas City Mstitutional way, A meeting of} on April Fool's Day * lat Was broken up by the | — puaae Gateshead tonight. (Special to The Daily News. aE Humboldt, Towa March 17 \ll the lates¢ popular maga- Frank Gotch, wrestling ae. Me's at Hyde's 64.66 pion of the world, today signe jan agreement to meet Georet Sieenee a a Jy inh of Burope at Kansas Cit) on April ist. Goteh gets 815,000 0 to the bad wea ar an st Prides ther 3 VANCOUVER LOSES and Saturday, AT CALGARY ‘re continuing our | (Special to The Daily News Swell Sal Calgary, March 17-—In a hoe e coy game here tonight between New Westmingder and Vanes the former team won by a score of nine to seven ymuvel dur , * this week JABOUR BROS. } |} Pantorium } Phone 4. Pieneer Cleaners Father Bunoz, L. Bullock.Web- ster, G. Couture, J. C. Brady, P.| Golden and } F. Doyle, are to} Ibe congratulated on the suecess jor the | evening Everyone will be relieved to |know that the city is once more jon a s uund financial basis ‘and that local improvements and ot- her public works can now be proceeded with without delay and without any iisgiving whatever In other words, outside confid- I nee the city’s financial pros- pects have been fully restored The city has now the wherewith il and there will be plenty of work for everybody ro carry on this work three important money bylaws’ were passed at the council meeting last night, this following as a re- sult of a report by the mayor to| the council dated yesterday, stating how this happy condition of things had brought about and recommendations as to the pe be pursued by the city. This report, which was received and filed without a dissentient been miey to single remark, read as follows: Council of the City of Rupert: the Prince Gentlemen, As you are aware I last week Vancouver with the object of consulting the city’s bankers in connection with the financial affairs of the city. My desire was especially to fully acquaint the bank with the plans of the city for the coming year, and also to get from the bank all information possible might us in our deliberations in with the finances of visited as assist connection the city. Incidentally T requested an ad- from the bank of $115,000 grading in Section 1. vance to complete The bank has already advanced $25,000 to start the work, and the superintendent of branches has strongly recommended to the head office that the balance of the money be placed at the disposal of the city. As the members of the coun- cil are no doubt aware, previous to my visit to the south we had received two or three offers for the balance of our treasury cer tificates, but they were not such that the finance committee could recommend and were refused, [ think it much more important to maintain the credit of the city than to sacrifice treasury certi- fieates which must be taken care of almost immediately by a sale of debentures, with, the conse. quent loss through discount and exchange charges, | One offer which we received was through the Bank of Mon treal, and you will be pleased to know that the superintendent of branches, when the situation was expiained to him, highly reeom imended the course pursued by your finance committee T am glad advise you that we have the assurance of the superintendent of branches that also to lithe bank will render us every inossible assistance in success fully handling our flotations for ithe year | would require, I represented that we approximately, |time studying the German lang- uage. Our Easter millinery is now jready. Miss L. M. Kuster 66 | Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnston, Anglican lay missionaries, who arrived in the city with their three children last week, direct from Ontario, will leave next Thursday on the Princess May for Carcross, Y.T., where they will assume charge of the Indian Schools. Mi Ralph EF. Barrep, traveller for J. Pierey, Morris & Co., re- turned the latter part of last in the lower coast cities. OVER $100,000 IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS WERE PASSED Council Last Night Adopted Reports of Board of Works and City Engineer Covering Local Improvements on Fulton, McBride and Sixth Avenue $700,000 for new work, that is,|holders and the remainder by for work entirely apart from the|the city, such payments to be hydro-electrie scheme, and sec-|made annually in instalments tion one improvements. covering forty years. I urge upon you, theretore,| For instance, for the improve- the necessity of your immediat-| ment of Fulton Street from the lely passing the necessary bylaws! poundary of Section One to 8th for the various works proposed, | Avenue the estimated cost is and the submission of them to/ 95.000. of which the amount as- the ratepayere of the city where) sessed against the city will be required, so that we may go to} $14,190, the balance to be as- the money markets as early as | sessed on the property owners possible, not only for the pur-|direetly benefitted. pose of selling the debentures in In the brief discussion follow- j connection with new work, but! ing the reading of the report on | also for the purpose of taking | this improvement, Ald. Bullock- jcare of outstanding treasury Cet / Webster asked if there would be tificates. : a bridge or viaduct where Fulton Personally, I think that treas-|gireet crosses Fifth Ave. or jury certificates are an iniquit-| ould Fifth Avenue come out juous form of financing, and, if} tush with it. possiile, I would like to see the) phe mayor remarked that the eee a dant plans were on the table and that Sentianad Gakuen deen the ais they were drawn in accordance ts ae e with those of the originab town- of the balance of the treasury] ita certificates, which we are auth- Ald. McCaffery, chairman of orized to issue. the Board of Works, said the peo All of which is respectfully ple of Fifth Ave. could apply to submitted, et have their grade changed to that Pr. D. PATTULLO, of the Fulton § Street crossing, Mayor The report of the Board of Works, together with the report of the City Engineer, was read relative to the proposed works of local improvement planned for Fultow Street, McBride Street and Sixth Avenue. The plans for the payment of these works had to be based on the regula- tions of the amendments recent- ly made to the Municipal Claus- es Act, under which only a cer- tain proportion of the cost paid by the adjacent property 1s TOMORROW ONLY BY Homer’s Odyssey in addition to the Humpty - Dumpty original Drury Lane PANTOMIME in three side REMEMBER Wednesday will absolutely be your last chance to see the wonder- ful Odyssey HEY YOU KIDS $5.00 Siveewine” $5.00 For the Children MAJESTIC A Dollar show for 256 cents REQUEST famous els splitting re otherwise there would have to be an overhead crossing. Ald. Kerr expressed surprise that such questions should be put at this time as the matter had been long under discussion There would shortly be prepared a petition from the people of 5th Avenue and Fulton &t., to obtain the lowering of the grade to a level with the Fulton St. cross- ing. If nothing was done on that petition the bridge was going to stand. Whether it would be a benefit not he was not pre- pared to state. That was for the property owners to find out. Ald. Bullock-Webster asked whether the work was to be done by day labor or contract. The Mayor replied that that point had not yet been consider- ed, City Solicitor out that under Peters pointed the new amend- ments all money bylaws might be passed by a_ three-fourths vote, and when this was done no petition could be received. The Mayor thought that under these circumstances the bylaw should pass without a_ record vote, so that as to leave an op- portunity for property owners to petition for an” alteration of grade if they so desired. This was carried and it was al. so deemed best to follow’ the same course in regard to the grading of McBride Street to 9th Avenue, which is to be done at a cost of 869,042, of which the city week from a short vacation spent | NEW LOCATION SELECTED — FOR ISOLATION HOSPITAL City Engineer’s Report Sevdnenataliing Site Opposite Green St Referred to Board of Works With Instructions to Proceed The city engineer reported t. ‘the council last night that a new By - j i ace . ° | site nad bee feted Bae the eo. jn account of the inclement weather Saturday evening a jlation hospital, which was on the eat vere jcity reserve, near Green Street. a a ae pe 8 ro to see » famous “Ho rs y “J | He had prepared the plans and eee mere Onyeney: As a result the management of the committee recommended that ; the work a ie caouiel the Majestic has been flooded , re ee a, eno Per with requests to reproduce the with. production. On account of the Ald. Kerr said the city badly|attraction now holding the needed an isolation hospital and boards at the Majestic, “Para- dise”’ and the great Drury Lane the sooner we had one the better, pantomime to hold the boards whether calls for tenders were/there tomorrow evening, and on made or not. He moved the city|account of advanced bookings engineer be instructed to go|the management are unable to again exhibit The Odyssey as a separate attraction, but will on Wednesday evening as an added attraction to “Humpty Dumpty” exhibit “Homer's Odyssey” for the benefit of those who were ahead with the Ald. had been work. McCaffery said the matter left to the Board of Works and he did not see why it should be taken out of their 7 unable to attend last Friday and hands as . Saturday. Ald. Kerr had no thought of reflecting on the Board of Works | A Correction but did wish to see the work pro-| Henry ‘Smith, the man who de- ceeded with forthwith. He would| rived a goud deal of pleasure move that the engineer’s report|from punching another man who bo to of| he said, worked him out of his |job, desires to inform the pub- Works with instructions to start |lie that he had been employed on the work at |the coal pile at the wharf, not at This was carried unanimously.| he Central Hotel as reported. | TENDERS WERE RECEIVED FOR LABOR HALL SITE McKeen & Hunter Tender $240 Per Annum and Trades and Labor Council $25 Per Annum: - that when it did must be the best. The tenders were referred to the finance committee to report upon the matter at next meet- ing. referred the Board once. Two tenders were opened at one it the Council last night for the lease for five years of the Labor Hall site from the city. The Tra- Labor Council offered $25 per annum and McKeen & Hunter $1,200 for the term. Ald. Kerr moved that the former be accepted, and Ald. Bullock-Web- ster said he would second that but that he understood the new amendments made it compulsory to accept the highest tender. The city solicitor said the city need not accept either tender but accept des and The Daughters of, the Empire will give a daffodil dance on Monday next at the Kaien Island lub rooms. Werner's or- chestra will be in attendance. Dancing will commence at 9.30. Supper will be served during the evening. Tickets on sale at Orme’s drug store. 3t-24 BOMBS ADDRESSED TO EDITORS KILL POST OFFICE CLERKS FOUR BOMBS ADDRESSED ‘To ROMINENT EDITORS EXPLOD- ED IN CALCUTTA pest OFFICE Caleutta, March 17th Four ; clerks were fatally injured. The bombs intended to kill editors of} bombs were addressed to the ed- papers here exploded in the posi|itors of The Englishman, Capi- office this morning and three | tal and Empire. | POWERS WLLL IGNORE EXTRAVAGANT DEMANDS CONSIDER REPLY OF ALLIES TANTAMOUNT TO AN AGREE- bears $40,196 of the cost; on 6th MENT TO ACCEPT MEDIATION Ave. between Taylor and Fulton — Streets the estimated cost is Special to The Daily News,) > Se $35,810, of which the city bears a ae “ | $1,692 and the property owners London, Mareh 17--The Pow- / 834,140 ers have decided largely to ig- BASEBALL —————————————— nore any extravagant demands Ladies Suits of the Balkan allies and to con- 12 Models Northway's cele-j|_ : TONIGHT ibrated suita just received from sider their reply as tantamount the east.. Prices 822.50 to 838,|/4 4m agreement to accept prof- Skating Rink, 8:30 H. 8. Wallace & Co., Lid, 65| ferred mediation. ea Hs 3 t et if ®, we Ya r A A . e 4 J 5 + ? Pan _ i} 4, b ' a eee Xk be 7 By, , s re. = is L . a 4s a ae | a | a A , | i # my a¢ es <= ¥ ‘ ’