Tuesd , THE DAILY NEWS a 5, 1919 a —— : ‘ : a | ~—|/MEXICAN.DEPUTIES . _|BISHOP STRINGER GERMAN DEPUTATION — |j— Ee | THE DaiLy NEws ACCUSE ROOSEVEL TIES DOUBLE KNOT, 70 VISIT DOMINION | (OGQWWA S.S. PRINCE GEORGE cent i THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA , hee V Published Daily and Weekly by —_ oe Commitins Prem eri-| eaves for Vancouver, Victo,;, | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO.LTD..PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. |/Declare He Wad Plan to Divide|Performs Wedding Ceremonies | Machinery Committee From and Seattle r eae ieteaias Mexico into Independent While en Route to Dawson oan FRIDAYS, 9 A.M 4 2 _— : ‘States on ” | if SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico Wednesday of fast week while é' saisane de He a alk oilaitet diab aa . : , > ? . * ¥;) ae c a ep o r¢ ‘ 5 j , Bte GAS, ji « Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, Mexico City, March 17—De- Bishop I. O. Stringer was en abn vistt the Dominion ae Sth, 19th, March sin’; 7 $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year puty Eseudero confirmed todas route from this place to Dawso! this summer. In July about one| Por Masset and Naden Marten, 18 p = dan ; | Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. charges against Colonel Theo-|on the White Pass stage, he stOP|nundred German manufacturers | For Shidegate, Aliford Be ht other Q en Char . or ’ i ; . . ok’ siently |, er ts, led by Herr Web aa ’ » Pen. OM), 83rd, Mar dm TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract |4°e Roosevelt made in the Cham ped at Carmack s suflicien and merchants, lee ‘ is eel @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER seRy icy ii ton ber of Deputies yesterday by long to unite in the holy bonds|ca, will make an ee | te © lentes Prince Besert 06. m wee, 4 icat o . » Tr ocal) . j eared Deputy Moheno, to the = effect/of wedlock two couples who had saeaaen age hy Roar Gl es-| Grand Trunk Railway Systen ; eire ces wt > es Sy . HEAD OFFICE that Mr. Roosevelt had given ajbeen awaiting his arrival with no ee oP cadiietieetee | {ies Goudie Fast beer, 7 ; vr of Mex.|/ittle expectancy. The parties)‘ hk” lee! “Om * month excursion rates in effect. Choice of ; * Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. eae te os “ne for whom the bishop cemented|The party, —— h tn ee. \N with the emeunetene Que fest teins of th Grand nner 4 co. Seno scudero no 0 . 7 f Leipsig, wi rave meu | ‘ 4) ster ‘ the ties were Mr. Tom Bee and i i | Atlantic Steamenip Lines. Fo, lites . Subscribers wil! greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 IN| corroborated all that Senor Mo Miss Bach, Mr George Brown andjeastern provinces and ponenly | Oe a. & momaoven, ten en, ome ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. hena had said but added that he|Miss Hazel Mack That the|will go west as vo } * Sire secon ve ore wi as == |himself would make a sensation-|young people may never meet] A " oe cuter” of th | = —= > ” ee a ial 7 . sh of consist o n ) € ae al announcement shortly. The|With adverse winds is the wi ry Users’ Association of . : DAILY EDITION af Ox Tuesday, March 18, 1913. ’ ' , sh is shar-|Machinery Users’ Associati wo ‘ ee —= mustetii — siiliesiniiien == {statements by the-two members ee oe the con-|] Great Britain, the president of} a ae 10 RLD THE LROQI OlS —— = : » y @X~ ? ‘ te Pranc : “y and| . ' . nite the Of the chamber caused many ex ae : which is Sir Francis Cawley and| A CURE FOR were in their vicinity. aener sae yressions of indignation among|'’@cting parties. ably » vice-presidents Lord Roth ON NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC POOL ETTES disaster all the Atlantic lin- |! ; : Tom Bee is wel! and favorably|the vice-1 EMPRESSES SUFFRAG ers took a more southerls foreigners in the city. khown to many people of White- erdam and Sir William Houlds Empress of Asia sailing from Liverpool [| English a ail We are not totally opposed course and other suggestions Deputy Moheno, who is the horse. He is - charge of the|worth. The association has de-| Empress of hussle sailing’ trom. Liver- || Twelve Pabli ki 7 roman's suf- i: i leader of the government party ; Rattan igs ricided to send to Canada a small | , pool om April ist, 1913 OND AVE, to the idea of woma were made fo. securing great- . Taylor, Drury & Pedlar trading|cided | frage with limitations, but for] 0. safety at sea. One of the| im the chamber, charges that Col. post at Garmacks. His bride is}committee of inquiry, which will| from Vancouver to Montreal, snd things the . ; Roosevelt promised his support- ; s , : ean robably consist of three or four || Pore or” «prom Liverpool to Var a are a y moet practical Oy Pome = ers that he would divide the Mex-|® Coen eee ones at ~ fo i. “ve Davies, | cuver, Gubraitar, Villefranche port | a FSSS= movement stands for, Wel tne advice of the British Mer- : , having come in last summer.jincluding Sir Humphreys Da If courts e Colmmiee, Reaene, Sinespore, would suggest for a possible chant Shipping Advisory Com-|i¢an Republic into several! smal! George Brown is well known all/the association's consulting en-|T pong Kong, Shanghal, Nagasaki, Kobe Empress Bowlin Alle solution to the problem of the ; h ft republics, thus leaving the en-|"* » and he is|gineer i} and Yokohama on either Empress of g VS ' : mittee, has been the stationing] "' i: a tste , over Southern Yukon and he . Ruesia or Empress of Asta cs AND POO! British authorities that the} O¢ an ‘ice patrol vessel in the|tire country in its divided form very popular. He is a miner but THE FAMOUS “EMPRESS LINE . ROOM ricted militants be secretly , at the mercy of the United States.| °°" caathant ‘ or Fifty-eight head of horses ar- J. G, McNab, General Agent, 2 Stsve 12 TABLEy convicted m Me North Atlantic to observe and t is now employed in the mail ser- iity-eig . Prince Rupert, B. ¢ A. & ROSE, Prop ard Avg, exiled to some sort of special) joao upon the movements of} Senor Moheno added that the vice. His bride was practically/rived on the train Wednesday] agent tor all Atlantic Steamship Lines |} prince Rupert tor ciovmen en female convict farm located ice. seneoeon Movement i the — raised near Carmacks and is one/night. Of the bunch, thirty-six) mp? oe Teen sexe possibly in the Canadian north The Scotia is now on her. way of Sonoro, where the acting ag of Yukon's fairest flowers. were for the mail service branch | | ae Ben a west. Let them there be cut : h > jernor had issued a public de- Whitehorse Star of the White Pass Company and | —————-——-_____ z ae off from letter writing andj from Dundee to take up heritiance to General Huerta’s gov- ; the remaining twenty-two are} a ‘ ‘ . : . ; ras imi , tep ‘ . speech making, and kept hid- duties. This stout old whaler, | ernment, was a preliminary s , for private parties who are | ’ den from the press. Let it be built about forty years ago, towards attainment of the parti- RECORD SEIZURE freighting eggs and other sup- “UNION $5. COMPANY OF B. C., Ltd LINDSAY S CARTAGE < a penalty for any newspaper to and formerly employed by the tion ao oe oo “4 OF OPIUM MADE plies to Dawson.—-Whitehorse | a STORAGE ; s ol. Rooseve rled- : PENNEY SenENANS . - OF TEENS Scottish Antarctic expedition, |**S°"'° ‘ : ; Star. G. T. P. Transfer Agents ette depredations or move- has auxiliary steam power. ged himself. — The Twin Screw Steamer . ments on the ground that it is ~ am enpe vs fitted niin a power The government leader made | gepegt of Japanese Steward Me-| ai) the jatest popular maga. | | Orders prumptiy fi + reasonable, promoting @ nuisance. Finally, ‘ ¥ Saas Ciseiods taeueen. the specific charge that the state veals 248 Tins Valued at zine’s at Hyde's 64.66 ”9 OFFICE —H. B. Roch entre St Phat empty the contents of a good| {[U! Marcon iM keep her in{tevolt in Sonoro was being fin- $10,000 6 sized orphan's home into the] ‘on han ad = a4 Sie anced by a syndicate of “Yankee —e , : en re oe. a rm . econstan ou y ~ | bankers.” inn 7 * , So ee ine nine respons| foundland and. Labrador, and oie What wes deetared by custome Mdttle’s NEWS Agency HER COAL orga age A gal of the in-| 4lso with passing rs gue New York, March 17-——When wel os Ses eee oa | Arrives Vancouver Every Gunts upon these ladies of vio- Three eee en ot Col. Roosevelt read the despatch of opium on Puget Sound in a Magazines :: Periodicals :: — i MONDAY NIGHT , eat eenvarsins. . Weave ap ones em etth” - "eens setting forth the charge made by number of years, and the firet|}CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS | New Wellington Coa! Best on the ¢ y Oo - c ; . ! oas ides that sBe: fresh air. of tht tions “The dangerous period is Deputy Moheno that he promis-lever made on a Japanese steam- 2nd Ave. Below Kalen taland Club gig tor port simpson, Nase River Points — country, the lack of newspap- ae a lat : nit das. ed a division of the Mexiean Re- er, took place here when Depu‘y i end Granby Gay Tucedays, 8 0. m. Phone 116 Rogers & Bld er publicity, and the responsi- pagan are a weak the public ‘into several small Re- Customs Inspector N. C. Adams|~ i x a bility for the babies would ales Ot tices suasher publics, he had mo comment to arrested. K. Takaki, chief stew | 1836 THe Bann of 1913 work marvels. Meantime the : Salle for Vancouver make. At his quarters in the/arg of the Mexico Maru, now i: . : ice in the Polar regions begins : Ros. |e ; : SMITH & MALLETT real campaign for woman's} '€& ‘ Outlook office it was said that the |. on4, B N WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. ™. t suffrage could be carried on| {0 Dreak up into ice fields orlcoionel considered the material |?” ritishNor erica’ THIRD A ak y yas ‘ring an more dangerous bergs, which of the Takaki, who was entering unhampered by the loss of ‘ despatch too obviously jautomobile to go up town, was fo Plumbing, Hea am fitting and : ; re carried southward by cur- ore r count ; TP Veane in Guemess. ¢ Motel Wor public sympathy which the ks and winds, often drifting|OTCPOSteroUs to deserve any/found to have eighteen tins «f Gertie 00k Chto eticeeeielin | St ‘ Sheet ¥ Work ee aeeeee . aeneee into tropieal regions before] °°™™e"*- jopium under his raineoat, and Rogers ency TEE Ae ons Ave. tot. ROOT nadian Collier's. they melt away ee |later, when his room on the Mex-| meee | a oon Se M Easter Post Cards lican Maru was searched, 230 one an : ge Mag / ice Business AN ICE PATROL ae ee ae a put. A fine assortment of Easter|more tins were found, making A Service Men SHIP The scientific observers on} cards at Hyde's. 64-66 |248 in all, valued at $10,000. Appreciate ee iil ldlleond 7 MY W ARDROBE Man's struggles with the} board will doubtless devote —_—<$<— $$$ J. LEE, TAILOR forces of nature never cease. some portion of their time to The complete and valuable | THE - : His latest effort is in the dir- oceanography and meteoro- PAPAL 6 csodiat shat ee the Genk Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing ection of overcoming one of} logy. The North Atlantic cur- STF el Westholme Lumber Co Saets Buliding, Wert to Ony the greatest perils that beset] rents, an important factor in - 3 of British North oe a e Phone Green 890 the ocean traveller. Until the} the southward movement of FROM HOME TO HOME. secured and retained the ctaiaiaiatiia 4 — terrible fate of the Titanic was Polar ice, are as yet very lit- accounts as well as the con- r D. C. STUART made known, with all its grim tle known and charted. The fidence of a goodly proportion —- realities, there was a general science of meteorology would HOTEL E] YSIUM of Canada’s prominent busi- : Accountant Sgnorence regarding the dan-j derive much benefit from reg? nessmen. The same service Lumber and Mouldings ae ve — gers that beset ships at sea.| ular reports on weather condi- Sid. Sykes, Manager ’ . ; ; Auditor for the City of Prince Rew , : : : awaits you, whether your | A . PRINCE RUPERT. 8 © Although no _enemy of the tions in the Atlantic. But the The Ne and Most U te Hotel in V a All Kinds of Building Supplies mariner is more dreaded than| main duty of the Scotia will be _s. ae a ann pean account be large or small. * - the iceberg, it does not appear in connection with the safety . ae a from the evidence of those on}. of shipping at sea, by report- 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. PRINCE BRANCH | Fitet Avense CEE ee ie. C. Wiles, 6 Ol board the ill-fated White Star ing the presence of ice. The liner as if those responsible cost of the enterprise will be for the safety of the ship were| shared between the British seriously perturbed by wireless} Government and the principal messages that large iochergs | Atlantic steamship lines. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et Box 286 DEMAND To oS Rovat RESERVE Georgetown Ps “"_ Wisxy. | Sawmill Co.Ltd [se JOHN E. DAVEY AGE & Years Lum! TRACHER OF SINGING a eae, GUARANTEED BY See ae oe reson. = a FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Provincial Elections Act | NOTICE is hereby given that the List of Voters for the and iets Skeena Electoral District has been cancelled, and that ap- ‘a> ret og ° ; plications to be placed on the Voters’ List will be received Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery : Mouldings rR BROS. - at my office at the Government Buildings, Prince Rupert, B. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle RECOMMENDED FOR HAYNER B a i C., where printed forms of affidavit to be used in support of “ THe InvaAuD UNDERTAK! sie an application to vote will be supplied. fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns Tne Home A large stock of dry finish- = — The list of persons claiming to vote will be suspended Rope Valves Ammunition Tne Pea in eee oe ee , } from and after the 7th day of April, 1943, and a Court of Pp : Tne BLIC poe wage ys ae li = Revision will be held on the 19th day of May 4943, and no- wmpe Hose Paint who naturally tice of objections to the insertion of any name on-the regis- Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron want the besf. Our prices are as low as aay. ter of voters must be given to me thirty clear days before 1 bef rdering. : the holding of the Court of Revision. re Rog. Punrry tees = E. L FISHER Dated this 3rd day of March, 1913. my 4 Embelnw , 6 2 99 UNSURPASSED. Funeral Director #” J. H. MOMULLIN. “We Sell Nothing But the Best’ aiiettiennies ovvica: "CHARGES NEASONANA gg istrar of Vot istrict. : nd Gi oer. ene ND IB Registrar of Voters for the Skeena Electoral District Pri Rupert | rting Co., Lid) EMPRESS THEATRE BLOG. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. " = Scoop Thought He Had an Awful Dr a ag Drawn for The Db N ” LET ME HAVE A HERE You TOO-ENTY FOUR DoLLaRs? es FoR \ COUPLE Boxes FoR ARE MISTER TUT "TUT MY G00 FELLAH Two BOXES? | YONIGHT MY Goon