COAT a ES yrices ) NOTICI ; coal NOTI LAND | (CHASI NOTICES. FOR SHOWN . yiatrict of ‘ ent minece 14 a Omineca Land District—pistriet of me Distriet of gCoust, ‘ that 2, A. OD Nott Hazelton . \ agent, 60) otice is hereby given that I, A. D. Ror! ne |, Daniel Brenton Ken- 1 apply to Um oan , o_o : nancial agent, 60 daysl,,; pation rancher, i license ‘rT date intends to appl 0 . . sue : . ~ : 7 = um over | CUMMIssIONerol Lands for Heense i> crue. the gt, © purchase) Sydney, N.S.W., March 17--A | peet for coal and petroleum over the fol-| nortt post planted at the | story of great fortitude and ex. ; post planted | lowing deseribed jand ‘ : | 5190, thence north ; a the Grand Commencing at a post planted on the! s t ast chains, thence traordinary presence of mind is . mile 13) east bank of Porcupine Cree e if west 30 chains to _. » ao » ’ a rig! ‘ ut 80) CHAINS, | mile south from G , . P “mile con 132 1? A cement, containing | PCt orded at the country town of - ‘ hains to place | thence north 80 chains, cast 80 chains EL ‘BRENTON WeNiee Gunnedah, in this state, where a ull 80 cel ining = © oe hee west 80 chains to place per 1 Ma 1013 ae thirteen year old boy had his leg . pHeement, contair b Te ub ' i May « : ss . > i D. RORISON, it oe taining 640 acres \ 1913 ent off, put picked up the limb ins " ' & D. Ronson : Skeena Land District—Distri ne © coast and drove to the hospital with it ed ecrady, stric € ) a“ ‘ Dated Jan. 22nd, 19143 ee ee ans Range V : ‘Ito be attended to. D. Mar, 24th, 1049.) R. D. RK. of Prince Hucert i, Jeorse W. Carpenter,| Stanley Huxley, the lad’s name ub. Feb. 24 8. W. C intends u, wert B. C.; occupation farmer, ; : District of Pub, Feb. 21, 1913-—Mar. 31, 1019 chase the foil. (permission to pur- had his right lee cul off by a ‘ i - : od ‘ing described lands: ; diate . yminece it i, a! , | eam at a post planted 2% miles} WasOn. He immediately climbed 11 agent, © | River, thet > oe ~ _ ere into the wagon and calmly re- . | “ ‘ ins north, ne ) al ‘ 1s tos Sunes os ne" Lantien Oey oe st e4 chains south, thence quested a bystander to band up ~ on 0 chait ‘ int of ¢ ne petroleum Over) Notice is hereby given that I, KR. D, Rorl-| Containing 160 4 Boy . eS ee the leg to. him. He then drove to , "post. plNBtOd] rise Gate intends to copie ae ie Cat] Dated LOKGE W. CARPENTER, {the general hospital here and it } J j ends ply oO we » sate 1 Bt q mu _ the eae Commissionerof Lands for license to pros Pub. } 10th "1049 hae 7th, 1919 is believed that he will live, one 80 chaing, pect for coal and petroleum over the fol. | ~ s ’ a hiihidinintnsitaale chains to place | Wine described lands | ‘ a ining 640 gore Commencing at 4 post planted on hes ind Distriet—District of Coster, Pennants of all nations, fine east bank of Porcupine Creek about one ake that Bernard O'Neill, © ° “Or f ss 64.6 A. D. RORISON miles south from G. T. P. mile post ta2,| 200% Bay, B. C.; occupation prospector, for decoration, at Hyde 54-66 rady, Agent thence north 80 chains, west 80 chains, | ‘tends ‘pply for permission to pur- south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place w- 4 = ving dest ro ee inn - . of commencement, cc re — * at & post planted one mile : . TIOR oF Commencement, containing 640 SCres) distant and & southeasterly direction LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Mar. 24th, 1013. from the Hu Creek Copper Company's ° re ' K. D. RORISON wharf, Goose I B. C., thence east fol F. W. MeCrady, Agent. | jowing the ‘sities of the shore line 80 ct—District of Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913 chains, the : ae anne o| Skeena Land District—District of Coast pineca La _D. Rk. rain n north 20 chains, thence Range V. given that I, A. DE 8. B.C SOtnE Of Conte Kuh SS Sat See eee ee Preek Knott. a N wancial agent, 6 Pub. Feb. 21, 1013-—Mar. 31, 1013 acres more or le ‘ ee ae iiieen cy" “4 wuriaclon "ta, ar: i w apply to th q ’ - ~ oils intends to apply for permission to pur ays 4 i oar om Ee eee | BERNARD O'NEILL. chase the following described lands ‘| and petroleum over n> Fr. S, W. Jennings, Agent. Commencing at a post planted at the prosh i iands vated January 8th, 1913 N.W. corner of T.L. 30945, thence south s a 8 post planted Omineca Land District—pistrict of | PUY Feb. 10, 1913—-Apr, 7th, 1913, 80 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence ball k milk post 12> Hazelton peecncemnesenenmnasciaentstigg? — yf — are os le ma the eee 4 oe . west 80 chains, Notice is here i oO : _|bank of the Skeena HRiver; thence north pen ast chains to place son, ae cag char gg ~ bs ms 7 oe Omineca Land District—Distriet of Casstar.| easterly along the said bank of the Skeena 1 ng 640 scres after date nenaiiie ; ss ong on chins Take 7 1k. D x aaa River to the point of commencement, con fi . ’ ” , ye otbb@l i agen ancouver, , 60 days) wy 50 ‘res more or less KR. D. RORISON Commissionerof Lands for license to pros after date intend to apply to Chief Com aining 150 acre yore oc ieee enor, W. McCrady, Agent pect for coal and petroleum over the fol-| missioner of Lands to purchase Lot 915 A, H. D. LENHART, Agent , i : lowing described lands ; Cassiar district, Skeena River, containing Dated Feb. 24, 1913 ated Commencing at @ post planted on the/ 43.7 acres more or less Pub. March 17 t May 12—-13 5. & east bank of Porcupine Creek about one Dated Feby. Sth, 1913 BO Mar. 24th, 1049.| miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132,/ R. D, RORISON rue ee, Hence south 80 chains, east 80 chains,| PF. W. MeCrady, Agent |Skeena Land District—District of Coast : : north 80 chains, west 80 chains to place} ™4r Apr. 28 Range V Mm iet—-District ‘of of commencement, containing 640 acres} TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Renz, of Hazell a net & S more or less | Prince Rupert, B.C,, occupation cook, in ‘ thy . RR. &. RORISON TICES tends to apply for permission § to ur- rs a i! y ow the Fr. W. McCrady, Agent COAL NOTICES. | chase the Rlldeine’ described tend ys 4 ae eee. omen | Dated Jan. 22nd, 1013 | Commencing at @ post planted at the N el 100 en eS, o £. corner of TA. 90945, thence north 20 prospe 1 ot ae over Ww. C | Skeena Land pee ao of Queen! chains; thence east 13 chains, more or Mi menciug =at 6 Ost planted} Pub. Feb. 21, 1919—Mar. 31, 1913 Take notice that I, Filippo Panvini, of in TE i of John Me- ‘ ik mile post 338 Prince Kupert, B. C., intend to apply tO) chains, more or less to John Mckechney’s pence ais, east 80 chains, | the Chief Commissioner of Lands for 4) sw. corner; thence east 20 chains; thence 8 west 80 chains to place j license to prospeet for coal, oll and pe-| south 20 chains; thence west 33° chains ul niuinng 640 acres Omineca Land Distfict—District of troleum on the following described lands,|/ more or less, to the east boundary of T on the west coast of Graham Island L. 30045; thence north 20 chains, more RK. D. RORISON Hazelton. c ; ; é ; , ains, m * ee ee oue e I, BK. D. Kori ommencing @t @ post planted one mile|or less to the point of commencement W. MeCrady, A Notice is hereby given that |, RK. | . . 2 , Agent ‘ 2 ,| South from the southeast corner of Coal) containing 90 acres more or less Dated | 1913 son, occupation financial agent, . 0 — Lease 7432; thence 80 chains north; thence | EUGENE RENZ . Wy after date intends to apply to the Chief| <4 chains west; thence 80 chains south; H. D. LENHART, Agent RD. A Commisaionerof Lands for license © pros-| thence $0 chains east, to the place of be bites feb. 04. fee” ‘ pub, Feb. 24 ivi3—Mar, 24th, 1043.) pect for coal and petroleum over the fol-| ginning, containing 640 acres Pub. March 17 to M g ay 12—13 lias iowing described lands: ocated 4th January, 1913. | ; : Commencing at @ post planted on the! FILIPPO PANVINI —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_——————————— neca District Jistrict © east bank of Porcupine Creek about one) Weekly Mar. 3, to Apr. 7 Hazelton net hk Bo miles south from G. T. P. mile post 132 | WATER NOTICE. Notice given te + Hw - thains, west 80 chains, *- oi pa ancial agent, 6+ ae a0 chaine, cast 80 chains to place y For @ License to Take and Use Water. ; : to appiy to tn | 20° ee . | Skeena Land District—District of Queen) Notice is hereby given that Jock Bonnar se 4 Lands for license of commencement, containing 640 &scres) Charlotte Islands | of Kitsumkalum tate, 5. C. al wel tat pros | and petroleum over | ore oF less RISON Take e that I, Filippo Vanvini, of), license to take and use’ 150 miners . wing described lands KR. D. RORISO! | Prince Rupert, B. C., intend to apply to! inches of water out of Hall Creek, which mike « at 4 post plantea Fr. W. MeCrady, Agent } the Chief Commissioner of Lands for 4/fows in a westerly direction through al uk mile post i2s Dated Jan. 22nd, 1913. j license to prospect for coal, oll and pe-| Lots 1432 and 1521, Range V., Coast Dis ence § bains, west 60 chains, N.S. C, } troleum on the following described lands,| trict, and empties into Kitgumkalum Lake ss 80 Chains to piace| RA. D. A. m the west coast of Graham Island near southwest corner of Lot 1432 The utaining 640 acres Pub, Feb. 21, 1913-——Mar. 31, 1013 Commencing at @ post planted one mile | water will be diverted at a point about 5 i south from the southeast corner of Coa!| mile up from the mouth and will be usec kK. D. RORISON, ———-— —__—_——————---—» | Lease 7432; thence 80 chains north; thence|for irrigation purposes on the land de r. W. MeCrady, Agent, | $0 chains east; thence 80 chains south; | scribed as southerly portion of Lot 1524, Dated F 1913 7 Gmineca Land District—District of thence 80 chains west, ta the place of be-| Range V, Coast District kK. Hazelton. | ginning, containing 640 acres. | This notice was posted on the ground ‘. - Notice is hereby given that 1, KR. D.| Located 5th January, 1913 : 1 on the 5th my of March, 1913. The ap Pub. t 1vi3-——-Mar. 24th, 1043.) Rorison, cecupation financial agent, | : 4 FILIPPO PANVINI ica. will be fled in the office of the fer ‘ ) © the Weekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7 ater Recorder at Prince Rupert. ane sem, | Says after date intend Ww apply | . p | Objections may be filed with the said Chief Commissioner of Lands for heense) eS N | Water Recorder or with the Comptroller i District—District of to prospect for coal and petrojeum over} of Water Rights, Parliament “Bulldings Haseltum, the following described lands Skeena Land District—District of Queen | Victoria, B. ¢ e rT ‘ wiven that |, A, Db Commencing 4t @ post planted near an| Charlotte lalands , : JOCK BONNAR, Applicant imanciad agent, ¢ old construction camp, mile post 136 Take notice that |, Filippo Panvini, of | Mar. 3 to @4-_ . » ABP ‘ niend to apply to the! thence north 80 chains, east 80 chains Princes Rupert B. , inten oo anae = § [ Lends for license/}south 80 chains, west 60 chains to piace) |) eae?” Geteantactdhes oo Lande tet 4 pros ‘| and petroleum overlof commencement}; containing 640 acres) ficense to prospect for ‘coal ‘oll and 1 bed lianas more or less. ; Oe’ fold Sebevtnad taeun-| WATER NOTICE. a a post planted RK. D. RORISON roleum on he ollowing described lands, | a ‘cs mile post 12. F. W. McCrady, Agent om the west coast of Graham Island — “ns, east 80 chaeimls, Dated Feb. Sth, 1913. aduth tr mere OYE ey eee rae j For a License to Take and Use Water. st 50 chains to piace Ss. W. C, License 7432; thence 80 chains south,|. Notice ts hereby given that W. Mcin- containing 640 scres | ig 94th, 1913—-Mar. 24th, 1913.| ence 80 chains west; thence 80 chains | tominey, of Goose Bay, will apply for a K. D. RORISON _ P ; , forth; thence 80 chains east, to the place | license to take and use 150 miners’ inches wi seen a0! of beginning, containing 640 acres of water out of Bonanza Creek, which eds i Tis cGrady, Agent Located Sth January, 1913. flows in @ southerly direction and empties wet . : FILIPPO PANVINI into Goose Bay near Queen's Hotel. The s. W Cmineca Land Seeiet- District of Weekly Mar. 3 to Apr. 7. water will be diverted at a point 4 miles } Feb. 24th ‘ Hazelton. up and will be used for mining purposes , $869 Mar. Sith, 1043 Notice is hereby gee 2 2? BP — — —— ———— |on the land described as Big Copper and Rorison, occupation hacia ent, 7 > > Tile Aacaid mineral claims. : Distriet—District of days after date intend to apply to th LAND LEASE NOTICES. This notice was posted on the ground Hazelton. Chief Commissioner of Lands for license on the 4th day of February, 1913 The x > « ver . " e by given that I, A. D.} to prospect for coal and petroleum © application will be fled in the office of pauou financial agent, 6: | the following described lands: Skeena Land District—Dstrict of Coast,| the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert ‘ uiend Ww apply wo tn Commencing at @ post pigates neor Range V . Objections may be filed with the said er « . . =f ; ) 5. ; s brospe val wt Ecce ae , ey chaine, west fo chains |. Take notice that James D. Peebles, of| Water Recorder or with the Comptroller é scribed lands , south 80 chains, east 80 chains to place Vancouver, B. C., engineer, intends to ap-|of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, tut . : . ining 640 acres| ply for rmission to lease the following} Victoria, B. C. 8 at 4 post planted|of commencement, conta . ' ue , of «small cabin|more or less. described lands: W. McINTOMINEY, Applicant. ar (Gra Trunk mile post 130 R. D. RORISON. Commencing at & post planted on the; Pub, Feb. 17, 1913-—-Mar. 10, 1013. nce chains, west 80 chains. FP. W. MeCrady, Agent northeast coast of Porcher Isiand, about rm 6 east 80 chai lace Dated Feb, Sth, 1913. a quarter of 6 mile s0Uulh@QS( Of Oe 0) === SS - ui ay , Ss. BE. C. of Humpback Creek, half chain from y veut, Contains a0 . > & TICE ASSIGNMENT. . " - nis RK. D. RK, beach, thence south 80 chains, themce east NO or ? K. D. RORISON, Pub. Feb, 24th, 1013-——Mar. 24th, 191° | 80 ehains, thence north 80 chains, thence ome ' r. W. MeCrady, Agent. west 80 chains following shore line to NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant pee Fet 1913. point of commencement, containing 640/ to ime tomers Sruee poeta be 5 ‘_ . acres more or less. and amending Acts, Ernes yiiiam y il- RD. i Omineca Land District—District of JAMES D. PEEBLES. burn, carrying on business as a Contractor Pub, Feb. 24th, 1019-—-Mar, @4th, 1043 Hazelton. ~ 2 Robert Reid, Agent. at Telkwa, in the Province of British Co Notice is hereby given that I, Dated 20th January, 1913 lumbia, has by deed dated the 21st day of Rorison, occupation fAnancial agent, 6 Pub. Feb. 10 1913—Apr. 7, 1943 February, 1913, assigned all his real and Vtiheca Land Distriet—Dissrict of days after date intend to apply wo th . . ’ * > . personal property, credits and effects Hazelton, Chief Commissioner of Lands for license which may be seized or sold or attach s hereby given that JI, RK. D.|% prospect for coal and petroleum ove: under execution, to Alexander Finnie of pation Amaneial agent, 66 | the following described lands: Skeena Land District——Dtstrict of Goast, | the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province intend to apply to the Commencing at @ post planted near By Range V. of British Columbia, Accountant, for the wer Of Lands tor Meense| 0d construction cainp, mile post 13° Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van-|2°eMt of his Creditors. coal and petroleum over | tence south 80 chains, east $0 chains) vot jpilr® vo actor, intends to ap-| AND NOTICE is hereby given that a scribed lands: north 80 chains, west 80 chains to piace | oi for permission to lease the following | celine of the Creditors of the said Ern- le ab ® post planted} Of Commencement, containing 640 acres) bry Tht pels est William Wilburn, will be held at the er of & small cabin| more or less. : omer ‘ 4 the | L8W OMices of Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Trunk mile post 130 BR. D. RORISON. Commencing at & port planted on Room 10, Exchange Building, Prince Ru- chains, west 80 chains. F. W. MeCrady, Agent. northeast coast of Porcher isiand, about) pert Bp. 'c., on Monday the t0th day of 08, east 80 chains to place Dated Feb. 5th, 1913. 2 miles southeast of mouth of Mump- | Varch, 1013, at the hour of 2:30 im the vcetent, containing 640 acres N. W. C. back Creek and at the north yaa of — afternoon. a RK. D. AR. ‘ o13.| more Passage, half chain from beach, AND NOTICE is hereby given that al! RK. D. RORISON Pub. Feb. 24th, t913-——-Mar, 24th, 1 thence south 80 chains, thence west 80) persons having claims against the said ry. W *MeCrad: Agent. chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east| Ernest William Wilburn, are required to Dated Feb. sin, 1948 7 AiR. ’ 80 chains following shore line to point of | forward particulars of the same, duly vert- sc. pisirics ot | Semmencement, comaining 648 scree Mare] Rid My Met siccated wo” bin "ae ki —District 0} less. , Ps . i Umineca Land District s or in i \ Pub. Feb. 24th, 1013—Mar, g4th, 1043. Hazelton. : ROBERT ARID. | [rine Rupert. Tk Lets apa ter a Dee - Notice is hereby given that I. Ko b Dated 20th January, 1013. sons indebted to the sald Ernest William Omine ' > ovew pation cpanel ie R Pub, Feb, 10, 1013-——Apr. 7, 1913. Wilburn are requested t0 pay the amount ‘heca Land Distriet—District of js after da . r hee ar : Not Hazelton, Chief Commissioner of Lands for wenn Sian, BG ATLIN CONSTRUCTION CO ATE GONGTPOCTION COMPANY, 1 94, Mar, 8, 40, 47, 24, ub. Feb, 24th, 1¥18—Mar, 241b, 1018, LIMTIED, 4 . Tuesday, March 15, 1913. THE DAILY NEWS eagle. There the way, for one of which film the such an assistance, ces all over Italy duction tion something uate their great “For the motion Paradise and at Sullivan Theatre at At midnight run its full remarked, ‘‘I tiful film I were several ture capitol general of Lady be built MAT »D DANTE’S PARADISE AND PURGATORY into the shape of hundreds students and who services to help make without pictures, really worthy of Dante and Dore, that names. the production of years of hard labor, succeeded in producing en films Dante's Par- adise and Purgatory. were many Dante's sists, of a series of visions every requires imagination ery, and such were to which his that nothing less the cian could set such trappings as would befit this story of wonder- ful travel through Purgatory and the Celestial realms. The Italian producers realizing proposition impossible it would be allegory procured the in and of who do a and pe wou Inagnanimous cost Press of Winnipeg, umes for the production: benefit « picture & AUSTRALIA cense Purgati ft Denman Forty years LS of he mi TAR Ae problems how without artists Seal of Approval of the Winnipeg Censor Board and Will be Lectured by a Dante Student Imagine if you can ai world peopled with spirits, flying hith. er and thither in apparent dis. order when suddenly the millions of fivyinge immorta form them. selves into a letter, break again and then form a new letter, and soon, each letter perfect in de. sign, and finally ending the my- stic word of warning by forming gigantic Imagine also, a motion picture econeern trying to put this phen- omenen into picture form, and you have one of the many pro- blems that confronted the Ital- ian company which after three in poem con- new scen- the heights rose, magi- an a of the mensity of utterly to film some servi- from Dante their the »pro- er in mo- something’ the were nated ld perpet- Even with this assistance upward of $150,000. The production was shown in Prince Rupert for the first time last night at the Ma- jestic Theatre. Those who saw it declared that it was one of the most marvellous productions they had ever witnessed. It will be repeated at the Majestic to- night for the last time. The following from the Free speaks vol- ‘f the civie r, Dante's ry was run Considine’s Bijou 44 o'clock last night. when the film had course, the censor t is the most beau- ever saw.’ There local ministers in attendance and they were delight ed with the-scenes portrayed. CAPITAL IS NAMED CANBERRA Foundation Stone of Government Buildings Laid by Lady Sydney, Australia, Mareh 17 The foundation stone of the fu- Australia laid by Baron Denman, governo! Commonwealth christened new city Canberra, in the pres- euce of great crowds from Mel- bourne and Sydney. The Australian attended the ceremony of inaug- uration of what is intended to be a model capital. on a site on which only buildings now scattered dwellings of farmers. was the nisters also The city is to the existing are A fine assortment of picture post ecards at Hyde's news-stand. 64-66 use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s Female Pills, at your druggist. A tonic as well as a cough cure. Large bettie 360, fold e awhere, HIEUS SYRUP ra OL | Rebullt typewriters took fike brand’ new machines, equal work, half or fess. ard makes. Canadian Typewriter do “2 same guarantee of ona year and cost rite for complete price list of all stand~ Exchange, Dept. 12, 319 Pender W., Var-cwver, B.C. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN Any desiring to fish unattached from canner- to the Fishery Prince Rupert before March 415th, 1913. fisherman jes must make application for license Officer at Diamond Set Jewellery In the Newest Styles in FAVOR with the Connoisseurs of the Fashion Centres of Two Continents. As we are the largest importers of diamonds in Can- ada, we can give you the most pleasing values and guar- anteed qualities in all diamond jewellery. We import only perfect gems, and sell at prices which assures the buyer of dollar for dollar values. Our catalogue illustrates many fines lines of diamond set jewellery, such as rings, brooches, necklets, pendants, bracelets, earrings, cuff links, scarf pins, etc. The mounts of this jewellery are made in Platinum or gold, according to desire. Write for further information on diamond jewellery. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C DAILY MEMORANDUM™ OGCEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK Table Showing the Wonderful Growth of the C-H-I-C in Less Than Twenty Months All Loans Made Bear 0 F Rate of Ps f oO First Loan made April 22, 1914........ noo 500.00 Loans made during month of Dec., 1911..... 4,000.00 Loans made during month of June, 1912.... °17,000.00 Loans made durtng month of August, 19412... 22,000.00 Loans made during month of Nov., 1912..... 34,300.00 Loans made during month of Dec., 1912..... 35,100.00 Loans pending and in process of being made at December 31, 1912......... ..... 68,000.00 Loans made and pending December, 1912... .103,100.00 December 31, 1912—Loans made and in pro- Ce BT ev oe vo es Ce ee bis ad bos 263,100.00 See our Representative The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Local Office, Federal Bidg., Prince Rupert Interest at the Per Annum q 2 FERGUSON’S ‘P. & OQ” iqueur Scotch Whisky TESTIMONIAL Dr. James O’Connor, Listowel, reports : IT feel it my duty to say that your whisky is one of the best whiskies I have ever tasted, and I may also say that | will recommend it as a stimulant in suitable cases.’’ —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BERR RRR : 7 A